Children's dental dentistry. The latest technologies and materials. Why are psychologists needed in pediatric dentistry?

Temptations are everywhere, but hold on!)

Pediatric dentistry, like any other area of ​​pediatrics, requires a special approach. Children are our future, and that is why children demand heightened attention and care.

Allegations that dental diseases in children are much easier are a big misconception. After all, it is not without reason that from childhood they talk about hygiene. oral cavity, are taught to brush their teeth every day, etc. Only careful prevention can keep children's milk teeth healthy and strong.

Independent section of dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is an independent branch of dentistry dealing with the treatment and prevention of oral diseases in children and adolescents. Because mental and physical development children is very different from the development of adults, then the methods of treating diseases of the teeth and gums used in pediatric dentistry differ from those in adult dentistry. Pediatric dentistry pays great attention to the mental comfort of a small patient in the process of dental treatment.

AT modern world exists great amount oral care products: children's toothbrushes, children's Toothbrush, children's electric toothbrush, children's tooth gels, children's tooth powders, children's toothpastes from a year. It is also worth noting that the level of dental services is now at the highest level using innovative methods dental treatment for children, so fears about visiting a pediatric dentist - orthodontist are completely in vain. Dental treatment for children is often carried out under local anesthesia.

Children's fear

We secure a strong future

Fear of the dentist is not some kind of innate natural human fear, and therefore, theoretically, young children should not be afraid to treat their teeth. Unfortunately, the fear of the dental chair today exists even among very young children. And the reason for this is the wrong behavior of parents who literally intimidate their children. Since children endure stressful situations much harder than adults, pediatric dentists do their best to guarantee complete mental comfort for their little patients, even in cases where children are very afraid of dental treatment. In order for the child to be calm and not afraid of anything, in pediatric dentistry, the method of oxygen sedation is used, which helps to eliminate anxiety in a child with the help of nitric oxide. Another method that soothes babies and is widely used in pediatric dentistry is the method of treating teeth during distraction play.

Thus, pediatric dentistry is a set of absolutely painless operations. Among children's dental pathologies, the most common are - the treatment of which should be carried out in a timely manner. Cause early caries in children it is not proper nutrition and insufficient hygiene oral cavity. Untreated children's milk teeth often become the cause of infection and the cause of early loss of teeth, which in turn adversely affects the children's bite and the general condition of the entire child's body.

How not to scare children and get help

In order to receive highly qualified dental care for children, you need to contact the children's dental clinic, where the pediatric dentist will examine and give his recommendations.

In any locality there are dental offices, polyclinics where a pediatric dentist is receiving and provides a huge range of services in pediatric dentistry. If your child complains about toothache or even if children's dental pathology is not accompanied by pain, you should not delay visiting a pediatric dentist and self-medicate.

Help from parents

Dental care from an early age

Many parents ask doctors about the right way to take a child to the dentist if the baby is afraid. After all, milk teeth will soon fall out on their own. There can be only one answer here: milk teeth require mandatory treatment, and children should visit the dentist at least, and even more often than adults, since their teeth are destroyed much faster.

Pediatric dentistry can prevent many problems. Parents who are trying to "shield" their children from dentists need to be reminded of the following. develops much faster in milk teeth than in permanent teeth. At the same time, deep is dangerous not only for general negative influence on the body, but also by the defeat of the germ permanent tooth. In addition, neglected milk teeth often lead to the development severe pathologies gums


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Children's dentistry
Basic manipulation
Registration, initial examination, consultation, preparation of a treatment plan, filling out a medical history 500
Candidate consultation medical sciences 1000
Determination of electrical excitability of the pulp 300
Application anesthesia 150
Removing a filling 300
Temporary filling 250
Temporary light curing filling 300
Psychological adaptation of the child to treatment 500
Overlay OptraGate, Cofferdam, Rubber Dam 500
Anesthesia injection 490
Removal milk tooth 1000
Canal treatment
Opening the cavity of the tooth 400
Mechanical and drug treatment one root canal 700
Obturation of one root canal with gutta-percha using the lateral condensation method 1100
Temporary filling of one root canal "Calacept" 500
Sealing of one root canal in a single-root tooth with an obturator "Thermofil" 2000
Sealing of one root canal in a two-rooted tooth with an obturator "Thermofil" 2000
Sealing of one root canal in a three-rooted tooth with an obturator "Thermofil" 2000
Unsealing of one root canal is simple (hardening pastes) 500
Unsealing of one root canal is difficult (cements) 1200
Formation carious cavity 400
Medical treatment of the carious cavity 500
Treatment of complicated caries in one visit 3500
Maintaining tooth vitality with Biodentin 10000
Caries infiltration with the "ICON" method 4000
Restoration of teeth
Therapeutic laying light-cured "Fuji" 400
Medical pad 300
Medical bandage 300
Cement lining "Fuji", "Cinoment" 400
Restoration of one tooth 3000
Restoration of a tooth crown from a light-curing material 2500
Light-curing filling 1100
Cement filling "Fuji" 800
Filling of light-cured material (baby tooth) 1500
Restoration of milk teeth with Twinky Star material 2700
Tooth restoration JIC 2600
Medical pad MTA, Proroot 1500
Prevention dental diseases and additional manipulations
Removal of plaque from one tooth 80
Covering with a protective varnish of one tooth 80
Remineralizing therapy 3000
Selective grinding in the area of ​​one tooth 300
Electrocoagulation of gums 300
Preventive sealing of fissures of one tooth (not invasive method) 1600
Preventive filling of one tooth (invasive method) 1900
Deep fluoridation of enamel with sealing liquid of one tooth 250
X-ray department
x-ray (radiovisiograph) 350
Orthopantomogram 1000
HF sinus ( maxillary sinus) 1 shot 1000
Computed tomography of the jaw segment 1900
Computed tomography of the jaw 3500
Computed tomography of 2 jaws 6000
CT scan paranasal sinuses nose and nasal bones 3500
Computed tomography of the TMJ 3500
Lateral / Frontal / Axial projection of the skull 1000
Decoding / marking for implantation of 1 segment / consultation 700
Writing to disk 300
CT scan of the paranasal sinuses and nasal bones (for example, "Family") 1500
Computed tomography in the direction of the radiologist Karyakina 2500
OPTG on the carrier in the bite 1300
OPTG on a carrier outside the bite 1300
TRG on the carrier in the lateral projection, with a ruler, in the natural position of the head 1300

Parents are obliged to take care of the health of the child's teeth - moreover, even at the stage of conception planning. Future mother you need to visit the dentist in advance and solve all the problems, since almost any of them can negatively affect the process of formation of milk teeth. When the first teeth appear in a child, the task of parents is to ensure proper nutrition and good hygiene. If something went wrong - always help pediatrician dentist: contact dental clinic"May" for a full range of services for young patients. Our pediatric dentists are waiting for your children, including for preventive examinations: only a specialist can recognize the first signs of caries and other problems and begin timely treatment.

Stress-free child dental care

Children are afraid of doctors - this is a fact. Fear can be different: from a slight excitement of the unknown to panic attacks. Therefore, our task is to do everything so that the little patient perceives the process of dental care without worries and negative emotions: as mandatory, but at the same easy time and painless procedure. A lot has been done for this.

Our children's clinic is a comfortable and pleasant environment, modern equipment, various options anesthesia for treatment without discomfort. And, most importantly, experienced specialists who are well versed in the psychology of young patients work with children.

Where does the fear of the dentist come from in most people? The reason, in most cases, is the negative first experience of visiting the doctor's office. Pain, a strict attitude of a specialist, misunderstood manipulations, frightened parents - this is remembered for a lifetime, and only extreme necessity can “drive” a person further to the doctor: running case, acute pain.

Our dentistry for kids does everything so that the child dispels all his fears and doubts, enjoys visiting the doctor, learns to take a responsible attitude to the health of his teeth. There are no secrets, just good relationship, pleasant conditions and complete painlessness of procedures. The child feels safe. A well-equipped playroom allows him to relax and unwind. And already directly in the dentist's chair, a small patient can watch cartoons - the TV is located at the level of his eyes. Doctors will find an approach to any child and will never allow strictness, raising the voice and other prohibited methods.

High-quality sedation is the basis of pain-free treatment

Our children's clinic in Moscow uses modern and safe techniques anesthesia of small patients. It:

  1. Superficial nitrogen-oxygen (gas) sedation using nitrous oxide (the second name is “laughing gas”). It is used for patients older than 4 years. With this type of anesthesia, the child remains conscious, his anxiety is minimized, he calmly responds to all manipulations. The action of the mixture stops 10 minutes after application. After half an hour, the child can leave the clinic on his own.
  2. Deep. Immersion of the child in a state of sleep by increasing the dosage of the anesthetic. It is recommended for stomatophobia in a child, as well as when a gag reflex is detected to any manipulations in the mouth. Full recovery after sedation it takes 15 minutes, and after 40 minutes you can already go home.
  3. General anesthesia with Sevoran. We recommend this option for the smallest patients, for children with allergies or babies with special needs. Pain relief consists in falling asleep, turning off muscle activity. An exclusively safe inhalation anesthetic Sevoran is used - without intravenous injections. After treatment, the child will wake up within 20 minutes, and after an hour you can already go home.

If you need modern pediatric dentistry with nitrous oxide in Moscow or a safe treatment method under general anesthesia- contact the dental clinic "May".

Directions of treatment

Our dentistry for children in Moscow covers all relevant areas. Specialists are ready to solve a full range of problems: from the treatment of caries to surgical correction maxillofacial pathologies. Full list directions:

  • children's therapeutic dentistry– prevention, treatment of caries and its consequences;
  • children's periodontics - treatment of diseases of the gums and tissues of the oral cavity, gum correction;
  • orthodontics - correction of uneven teeth and dentition, correction of bite;
  • children's surgical dentistry– from tooth extraction to correction of pathologies;
  • pediatric prosthetics using modern materials and methodologies.

Why is it important to take care of milk teeth?

The practice in which parents bring their child to the dentist with an already obvious toothache is fundamentally wrong. It's time to forget about the fatal delusion, which for some reason is still being exaggerated among parents: there is no need to take care of milk teeth, because "they will fall out anyway." The child also needs to visit the dentist for preventive examinations and treatment of problems found. Why is that? Here are some arguments:

  • the inflammatory process that occurs in a neglected milk tooth will cover neighboring units;
  • too early loss of milk teeth (due to unbaked pathologies) will lead to a violation of diction and the formation of a malocclusion;
  • any dental problems in children directly affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • noticeable problems with teeth (for example, an uneven row) - the cause of the child's psychological discomfort and problems in communicating with peers.

Healthy and properly positioned milk teeth are the basis for proper growth and health permanent teeth. The rule is simple, and it is important for parents to follow it. Especially since modern techniques Prevention and treatment allow you to correct many problems at a very early age - quickly and painlessly.

5 reasons to contact our pediatric dentistry department:

  1. Fully equipped children's department: special comfortable chairs for children, a playroom, TVs above the chairs, themed toys, and even a special uniform for the medical staff.
  2. Transparent prices for "Turnkey" services - without additional payments and payment for "extra" services. The possibility of treatment in installments without interest and the involvement of the bank.
  3. Work experience - since 2004. The staff of doctors includes doctors and candidates of medical sciences, people with extensive practice and deep current knowledge.
  4. The Anistress program is a modern and safe pain relief technique suitable for patients of different age groups.
  5. democratic prices for orthodontic treatment. You can pay for orthodontic equipment at cost, and pay for the services of a doctor after the fact.

Dentistry for children and other services

In the dental clinic "May" only experienced doctors work with young patients. We guarantee a safe solution to many problems and provide the following services:

  • complete professional prevention to prevent dental diseases;
  • modern detailed diagnostics and detection of diseases or pathologies on early stage their development;
  • treatment of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis and other common dental diseases;
  • tongue frenulum correction, safe removal milk and permanent teeth, rescue of teeth affected by inflammatory processes;
  • correction of bite defects of any complexity with the help of modern techniques and devices. Application invisible braces and other options that ensure the absence of psychological discomfort.

We provide dental treatment for children using safe technologies, high quality filling materials, using high-precision noiseless equipment. No "terrible" drills and outdated techniques - only proven technologies tested in the best clinics in the world.

Innovative methods of treatment of children's teeth

Approach to dental treatment little patients has changed dramatically. One of the brightest examples: instead of ineffective and uncomfortable silvering of milk teeth to protect against caries, we use the method of fluoridation, which is really safe and effective. Our children's dental clinic on Chertanovskoy practices the following modern approaches:

  1. If it was not possible to avoid the loss of a milk tooth for early term, we will install in its place special device, which will preserve the harmony of the dentition and the natural space for the growth of the future permanent tooth.
  2. If the tooth is severely damaged due to caries, we use modern restoration techniques, achieving an ideal aesthetic effect.
  3. At severe injury milk tooth or pulpitis, we use tooth-preserving techniques - in particular, biocompatible filling;
  4. To correct the dentition and bite, we use modern devices, which do not cause discomfort and are hardly noticeable to others.

Safe, painless and quality treatment milk teeth in children effective prevention and complete absence stress - our guarantees and main advantages. Contact us - your child will like to take care of his teeth without fear and discomfort.


In the case of treatment on the day of treatment, consultation and sighting images are not paid.

The quoted price includes all necessary materials and manipulations that may be needed in the treatment this disease. We offer to use the service "Sedation using nitrous oxide"


Nitrous oxide (30 minutes) 1 500 rub.
Intravenous sedation (30 minutes) 3 500 rub.
Anesthesia (30 minutes) 7 500 rub.

The indicated cost includes all the necessary materials and manipulations that may be needed in the treatment of this disease. We offer to use the service "Sedation using nitrous oxide"


Caries treatment:

caries treatment temporary tooth(1 surface) (JRC) 3 500 rub
Treatment of caries of a temporary tooth (1 surface) (Compomer) 3 500 rub.
Treatment of caries of a temporary tooth (2 or more surfaces) (JIC) 4 000 rub.
Treatment of caries of a temporary tooth (2 or more surfaces) (Compomer) 4 000 rub.
Treatment superficial caries permanent tooth 4 000 rub
Treatment of caries in a permanent tooth with a restoration of a light-cured composite (one surface) 6 000 rub.
Treatment of caries in a permanent tooth with restoration from a light-cured composite (two to three surfaces) 7 500 rub.
Treatment of caries in a permanent tooth with restoration from a light-cured composite (three or more surfaces, more than 50% of the tooth crown) 9 000 rub.

The indicated cost includes all the necessary materials and manipulations that may be needed in the treatment of this disease. We offer to use the service "Sedation using nitrous oxide"

Treatment of complicated caries:

The indicated cost includes all the necessary materials and manipulations that may be needed in the treatment of this disease.

What to do and where to go in Moscow if a child has a toothache, an injury has occurred, or a competent consultation of a dentist is simply necessary? What to do if the child is afraid of doctors, and parents are worried about the physical and mental health your child?

Come to us! In pediatric dentistry in Moscow "32 Dent" your child will be provided with comprehensive professional assistance, including psychological adaptation. And caring parents will be given detailed answers to all their questions.

We work every day without days off from 9 to 21.

Individual approach

We have a special approach to each patient of the 32 Dent clinic, because we work with the most precious people in our life. When drawing up and implementing a treatment plan, the specialists of the clinic take into account many factors: the psycho-emotional characteristics of a particular child, general state his health, scheduling visits taking into account the wishes of the parents, individual recommendations for care and development. In addition, the characteristics of the age period are also taken into account.

To each age period both certain features of the development of teeth and diseases that mainly manifest themselves at this time are characteristic. Therefore, each period has its own specifics in providing dental care to children. The ability to find an approach to the child in psychological terms and the ability to accept the right decision under certain circumstances belong to the features age treatment first of all.

Friendly atmosphere and environment

The psychological comfort of our little patients is a guarantee successful treatment. One of the important factors for creating a feeling of comfort, getting rid of fear is the environment and atmosphere in the children's dental clinic. Our staff is always friendly and welcoming. We have a monitor with cartoons right in the office. We do not have queues, but there is comprehensive support.

Highly qualified specialists

Doctors of private pediatric dentistry "32 Dent" are not only specialists high level, but also psychologists, which makes the treatment even more effective.

Latest technologies and materials

In our practice, we use only the latest technology, which allows us to perform the work flawlessly, quickly and painlessly!

If you want your child to receive quality dental care, contact us! We are always happy to help.

Why choose our children's dental clinic in Moscow?

Dentistry in Moscow is actively developing. New materials appear, technology improves, specialists improve their skills. Prevention of dental diseases, treatment, correction of deficiencies and elimination of physical defects - something that our doctors cope with easily, leaving children Nice memories about a visit to the dentist.

With modern equipment and experienced doctors, pediatric dentistry in Moscow offers quite reasonable prices for services, you can be sure: our private pediatric dentistry is a contribution to the health of a son or daughter without compromising the wallet.

Why is it worth signing up for 32 Dent pediatric dentistry?

  • If a visit to the doctor left an unpleasant trace in your childhood memories: a queue with crying children, the terrible sound of a drill that seemed very scary, the pain - forget it! This will not happen to your child.
  • Are caries-prone baby teeth suffering from insufficient mineralization, uncontrolled drinking of sugary drinks? Call! Prevention of the oral cavity at least twice a year is a must if you want a child of a radiant smile.
  • The baby’s milk teeth have just erupted, and bright white spots have already appeared on the upper incisors, hiding under plaque? Come, we are waiting - otherwise, in a month or two, carious defects will develop.
  • The process of occurrence and development of carious defects is transient, infection of the pulp is fraught with the most backfire. Caries prevention is the best guarantee of your child's health. Call - "32 Dent" will do everything necessary for this! Read more about the treatment of dental caries.
  • The clinic will remove plaque, treat your child’s teeth with calcium and fluoride preparations, and teach your child proper cleaning teeth and prescribe, if necessary, oral vitamin and mineral supplements. And also, together with the parents, they will adjust the composition of the diet and the regimen, saving the child from bad habits. Yes, with parents, because pediatric dentistry today begins with communication with adults - only the joint efforts of the doctor and parents can produce the greatest effect.
  • It is necessary to correct the position of the teeth or the shape of the facial skeleton, to normalize the functions dental system or restore the aesthetic harmony of facial features? Believe me - pediatric dentistry in Moscow today is capable of the most fantastic things! Specialists-orthodontists are waiting for you, who will return the child a harmonious profile and an open beautiful smile. At the 32 Dent clinic, a visit to the dentist becomes a pleasant, positive experience for the younger and older generations. The embodiment of the dream of parents is children's paid dentistry in Moscow "32 Dent"!
  • Paid dental services for children are the most modern medical research, equipment, materials and the best specialists. At the same time, children's paid clinic in Moscow, prices are affordable - they are quite acceptable for the average resident of Moscow. A full price list for services can be viewed on the page - prices in dentistry 32Dent.
  • They do not save on health, which becomes the basis for a prosperous future. Use your chance to raise a healthy happy child!
  • Equipment from the last century, outdated materials, discomfort, pain during sanitation, fear - all this is not about us!
  • You do not have to wait under the office and thus additionally worry the child: an appointment in our pediatric dentistry is by appointment, which means that you can choose the time of treatment yourself and not sit in queues.

Services of pediatric dentistry "32 Dent" for those who:

"32 Dent" keeps up with the times, so our pediatric dentistry has been raised to such a level that the doctor can guarantee the health of everyone's teeth little patient, which means that parents can be calm about the health of the baby. You can verify this by reading reviews of our pediatric dentistry in Moscow from our patients.

Come - after all, is there anything more dear to you than his well-being?

Are you still thinking? Call! "32 Dent" is your opportunity to program a healthy, happy, prosperous future for your child!

Preparing for a visit to the children's dental clinic

Many children have a fear of dentists. To prevent this from happening, it is important to properly organize the first visit to the dentist: choose good clinic specializing in dentistry childhood and prepare the child for the upcoming appointment.

Features of pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account by doctors of a children's dental clinic.

  • The reception time, if possible, should not exceed 30 minutes - it is difficult for a child to sit in one place for a long time.
  • The doctor should be able not only to treat teeth, but also to find an approach to each child.
  • The procedure for dental treatment should be non-traumatic. If it is necessary to use a drill, this should be done at low speed to reduce discomfort;
  • Dental treatment for children should take place without pain - for this, the method of double anesthesia is used - when the injection site is previously anesthetized with lidocaine gel.
Have you chosen the right children's dental clinic? It's time to prepare your child!

How to prepare a child?

  1. Whenever possible, the first examination should be preventive rather than associated with acute pain.
  2. Tell us about the upcoming trip to the doctor as an interesting adventure.
  3. It is not necessary to talk in detail about what the doctor will do - it can scare. In addition, the treatment regimen is determined individually after admission.
  4. You should not warn about this earlier than a day before the event, so that the child does not have time to wind himself up and hear enough scary stories from his peers.
  5. No need to offer a gift for a visit to the doctor or persuade not to be afraid - this will only convince the child that something terrible is ahead of him. Do not under any circumstances say the phrase "It will not hurt"!
  6. Remain calm when accompanying your child to the clinic. If you are worried, he will definitely feel your condition and will also be worried.

The first impression is usually the strongest. Therefore, it is so important that the first acquaintance of a child with a dentist is calm and positive. Children's dental clinic near metro station Shabolovskaya is equipped with everything necessary for children's reception. Our doctors will establish contact with a child of any age and make dental treatment a fun and educational game for the baby!

Children's dentistry offers the smallest patients Better conditions for the treatment and extraction of teeth, as well as for solving other problems of the oral cavity. We are for children:

  • The doctors

    With the skills to communicate with the most demanding patients

  • Is free!

    Admission of children according to the program preventive examination Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • Even an injection without pain!

    Application application anesthesia(spray). Your child will not feel the prick

Not every dentist can work with a child. A doctor who knows how to help him not be afraid to treat or remove teeth is only available in a good clinic. Next to such a doctor, the baby will be very calm.

Pediatric dentistry in Moscow are highly qualified specialists who apply a special approach to children. They know all the features of the child's body. In their work, the specialists of the clinic do not use a drill, it is a thing of the past. Now a laser that does not emit noise is used. And as an anesthetic, for example, lidocaine spray can be used.

The dentist will help to solve any problem: from the removal of a milk tooth to the establishment of a filling. Offered very wide range services for the youngest patients.

Before the child gets into the chair, he is invited to play with toys, chat with the doctor in an informal setting. This is conducive to high-quality and calm treatment.

Our dentistry offers dental treatment for the whole family at once. Each family member can be treated by the same dentist. This is very convenient, because both children and parents are much calmer!

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