How are allergy tests done? Allergological tests. Analyzes on ImmunoCap

You suspect that you have an allergy because eyes are endlessly watery, skin is flaky, there are rashes, unpleasant itching, nasal congestion, sneezing, but you don’t know what is an allergen, but it’s impossible to determine at home? Then you should do an allergy test. Allergy testing is a test performed on any allergic reaction. The goal is to identify the individual intolerance of the body to certain substances. As a rule, this is a 100% way to determine the allergen. You should not be afraid of this procedure, because. in the process of its implementation, you can feel only a slight tingling or scratching without pain and without blood.

When is it necessary to do allergy tests?

  1. In the presence of bronchial asthma, accompanied by heavy breathing, oxygen starvation, shortness of breath.
  2. In the presence of chronic pollinosis, as well as seasonal, which manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, continuous sneezing, constant nasal congestion.
  3. With allergies to food and drugs.
  4. In the presence of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis.
  5. With allergic dermatitis.

What types of allergy tests are there?

There are 3 main ways to conduct allergy tests:

  • Skin test or application.
  • Scarifying test.
  • Prick test.

Solutions of various herbs, food, medicines, particles of animal skin, insect venom, wool particles, chemical and household preparations are used as allergens.

How are allergy tests done?

So how are allergy tests done? Carrying out application tests consists in the fact that a gauze swab dipped in an allergen solution is applied to the area of ​​the skin affected by allergies.

In a scarification test, a few drops of the allergen are applied to the area of ​​​​skin treated with alcohol from the hand to the shoulder. Then small scratches are made in this place with a one-time scarifier.

When conducting a prick test, a few drops of the allergen are also applied to the treated skin of the forearm, and in this place small piercings are made with sterile needles 1 mm deep.

Another version of the samples is provocative, which are divided into conjunctival, nasal and inhalation. With a conjunctival test, the allergen is injected into the eye. If tears and eyelids appear, the result for the allergen under study is positive. In a nasal test, the allergen is injected into the nose. An indicator of a reaction to an allergen is congestion or swelling of the nasal mucosa, continuous sneezing and itching. With the help of an inhalation test, the occurrence of bronchial asthma can be determined.

No more than 15 samples are taken during one visit.

What can be the results after an allergological study?

The results of the research will not tell you right away. They can be ready both in 20 minutes (if it is, for example), or in 1-2 days (it all depends on the type of allergen) and contain the following answers: negative, weakly positive, positive and doubtful.

Redness, swelling of more than 2 millimeters in the place where the allergen solution was applied, is the result of the fact that you are allergic to this substance.

How should I prepare for allergy testing?

To obtain more accurate results, before the study, it is necessary to stop taking anti-allergic drugs a day before. It is also advisable to conduct a general clinical examination: take blood and urine tests. It is best to do allergy tests in winter or autumn, because. in spring and summer, the number of allergens increases.

Where are allergy tests done, and who controls this procedure?

Many do not know where they do allergy tests. However, you should be aware that allergological tests should be carried out and monitored by an allergist in a treatment room located in the allergological department.

How to diagnose and identify allergies, if there are contraindications for testing?

If for some reason all types of tests are contraindicated for you, you can diagnose an allergy by taking a blood test from a vein.

Are there any contraindications for allergy testing?

The following contraindications may interfere with an allergy test:

  • existing at the time of the study allergy in the acute stage.
  • acute respiratory infections.
  • any other existing chronic disease that is currently in the acute stage.
  • taking hormonal drugs for a long period.
  • pregnancy.
  • currently taking antihistamines.
  • age after 60 years.

Can children be allergic tested?

Allergy testing in children is usually carried out in the same way as in adults, but with an age limit of up to 3 years. If a child's allergy is passive, without exacerbations, then tests are not recommended for up to 5 years, because. a growing child's body can cope with an allergic reaction on its own.

What are the implications of an allergy test?

The consequences of an allergic test are very rare and are manifested by a pronounced allergic reaction, sometimes leading to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, all allergy tests should be carried out in specialized medical institutions and only under the supervision of an allergist, who, if necessary, can provide professional assistance.

Indications and contraindications for allergy testing. Where to conduct research and what results will it give? Types of allergy testing. How to prepare for the process so that the data is as reliable as possible?

Allergy tests for children and adults (allergy tests) are carried out in order to determine the components that cause an allergic reaction in the body. The reason for such a reaction is far from always obvious, which is why this procedure is carried out.


Allergy tests for children and adults are carried out in the presence of an allergic history. This history includes:

  1. Periodic attacks of bronchial asthma, recurring under certain conditions;
  2. Dermatitis, rashes, urticaria and other periodic skin reactions;
  3. Suspicion of allergy in a child or adult, in the presence of persistent rhinitis, lacrimation, etc.;
  4. Suspicion of food or contact intolerance.

Despite the obvious and regularly occurring allergic symptoms, it is not always possible to accurately identify allergens (such as an allergy to vitamin D, potatoes, dye in clothes, etc.). In such a situation, you need to start thinking about where you can take samples for allergens.


Before you get interested in how allergy tests are done, you should familiarize yourself with their contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to do the procedure for those over 60 years old, because the effect of the allergen on a weakened elderly organism can be unpredictable.

For the same reason, do not test for allergies to children if they have an inflammatory process (general or local), fever, development of respiratory diseases (ARI, SARS).

Although there is nothing dangerous for a young and strong body in how allergy samples are taken, it is impossible to carry out the procedure during pregnancy. The immune system of a pregnant woman works in a "reinforced" mode, which increases the likelihood of an overreaction. When conducting hormone therapy, it is also recommended to consult a doctor.

Where are they held?

The answer to the question of where allergy tests can be done depends on several factors. In the capital and large settlements, in city or regional dermatovenerological dispensaries, there is the necessary equipment and materials in order to perform an allergy skin test. Sometimes the procedure is performed on the basis of a city or district clinic. There it is performed by an allergist. An allergen test is always paid, even when treated under a medical policy.

Not all municipal hospitals have the necessary equipment to carry out skin tests for allergens. But even in this case, the question of where to do allergy tests is easily solved. Almost all private medical clinics provide this service. The price is sometimes slightly higher than in state institutions.

Sample types

Allergy tests for children and adults are carried out according to five standard methods. The main goal of each method is to place a purified allergen in the body in a minimum amount in order to study the body's reaction to it.

  • An injection allergy test involves the introduction of a purified allergen under the skin with an injection;
  • An interesting process is how they make tests for intolerance using the “prick test” method. It is similar to the previous one, but instead of scratches, injections are made with a sterile needle;
  • Scarification is an allergy test in which special markings are made on the forearm. Allergen solutions are applied to the markings. Then a scratch is made through a drop of the solution. Thus, a presumably intolerable protein enters the body;
  • Subcutaneous injection involves making a notch on the forearm. A component is inserted into the section. Such skin allergy tests are not very pleasant, especially for children;
  • Another way to do allergy tests in a clinic or dispensary is an allergy finger test. Solutions of the main allergens are applied to the fabric base. The application is attached to the patient.

But neither the prick test, nor any other skin allergic tests give an unambiguous result. Therefore, many doctors recommend additional blood tests. Such an allergen test will help detect histamines in the blood - allergic antibodies that are produced only in the presence of a developing reaction.

When the symptoms do not match what allergy tests show, additional allergy tests can be done on a child or an adult - provocative. In this case, tests in children and adults are carried out on the mucous membrane. The component is applied to the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa. If the reaction to allergens in the patient appears quickly (for example, sneezing, nasal mucus, watery eyes), then we can talk about intolerance to the component, even if the skin test for allergies showed the opposite.


An important nuance is present in the age at which it is worth taking allergy tests in young children. Provocative skin tests for young children are not performed, because the reaction can be unpredictable, including very serious. Only a doctor can say at what age skin allergy tests of this type are acceptable in each case.

Children under three years of age can be tested at home regularly, but it makes no sense to conduct skin allergy tests for a fee. The fact is that up to three years the child's digestive system has not yet fully formed, and therefore the body's reaction to the allergen may disappear or change.


Although there are no subtleties in how allergy tests are done, preparation is required for this procedure. In order for skin tests for intolerance to give the most reliable result, it is important to know how to take them correctly:

  1. Before taking allergy tests, you need to wait at least a month from the last manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  2. 2-3 days before allergy tests are done, patients are forced to stop taking antihistamines and other drugs (if there are no vital indications);
  3. About a week before skin testing for intolerance, follow an anti-allergic diet (eliminate chocolate, fish, eggs, foods with dyes and preservatives).

During and after the procedure (several minutes or hours after the introduction of the allergen), the patient should be under medical supervision, due to the fact that a sharp deterioration in the condition may occur, up to anaphylactic shock.


Allergies to various substances most often manifest the same symptoms. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the cause of an allergy without resorting to special skin tests, more commonly called allergy skin tests. This method is the most common in allergology, and is used by doctors to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Indications for skin tests

Allergy tests are carried out for diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma, manifested by recurring signs of suffocation as a result of bronchial spasm when exposed to allergens;
  • allergic dermatitis, characterized by rashes, redness and itching;
  • hay fever or pollen allergy, which is manifested by rhinitis, conjunctivitis, sneezing and runny nose;
  • drug allergy, frequent symptoms of which are itching of the skin and mucous membranes, rashes, Quincke's edema and other manifestations;
  • food allergy, which is characterized by skin rashes, redness and itching.

This is not a complete list, but even from it it is clear that the symptoms of various diseases are very similar to each other. Sometimes an allergy can manifest itself not on one factor, but on several. Then the disease will proceed in a more complex form with a combination of various symptoms.

Types of skin tests

Various types of skin-allergic tests are used to introduce allergens into the body. These include skin and provocative tests, as well as blood tests for the presence of antibodies to various allergens. Skin methods are divided into types depending on how the allergy test is done.

  • Scarifying. With this method, a special marking is made on the cleansed skin of the forearm, on which various allergens are dripped. Small scratches are made through them with the help of a scarifier.
  • Application skin tests. With this method, the skin is not injured, cotton swabs moistened with an allergen solution are applied to it;
  • Prick tests. This method is very similar to the scarification method, but differs in that the skin is injured by injections using disposable needles.
  • P percutaneous injections allergen solutions.

No more than 15 allergens can be used at one time.

  1. But skin tests do not give 100% confidence in the result, so a blood test is necessary to accurately determine the allergen. This method is based on the detection of antibodies to various allergens. Basically, this method is used if allergic reactions develop very quickly, for example, within one hour. In such cases, it is urgent to take allergy tests, because the symptoms may increase with each new contact with an irritating factor.
  2. When the descriptions of the symptoms do not match the results of the skin tests, the doctor may suggest that you undergo challenge tests. In this case, the allergen is applied directly to the conjunctiva, to the nasal mucosa and by inhalation. With a positive result of the conjunctival test, redness and appear. If rhinitis and sneezing appear during the nasal test, the test is considered positive. The inhalation method is used to determine the body's predisposition to bronchial asthma.

The composition of the injected solutions includes flower, and particles of animal skin, insect and arthropod poisons, various chemicals, and much more.

Evaluation of the reaction with skin tests is carried out 24-48 hours after the application of allergens. But sometimes the result appears after 20 minutes after allergy tests are taken. A positive result is one in which redness, itching, or peeling appears. Patients are given test results in the form of a list, which indicates the name of the allergen and the degree of reaction of the body: positive, negative, questionable or weakly positive.

Features of testing for allergies in children

Skin is carried out in the same way as for adults. An exception is provocative tests, which are unacceptable for children. There is also an age limit; for babies under three years old, it does not make sense to do skin tests for allergies, because the child's body can change its reaction to allergens. For example, if a child had an allergy to honey before the age of one, then over time it may disappear and no longer appear.

Allergy testing facilities

For an accurate diagnosis and identification of allergic factors that have a detrimental effect on the body, your healthcare provider can advise you on where to get allergy tests done. This may be a center for immunological research, a private clinic that has its own laboratory or a skin dispensary. Provocative tests are placed only in hospitals under the strict supervision of the attending physician, since complications are possible, and medical assistance may be needed.

The cost of allergy testing

In different clinics that test for allergies, the cost for these services may vary. Also, the price depends on the allergen itself and on the way it is introduced into the body. So for skin tests for allergies, the price is from eighty to eight hundred rubles per unit of the allergen. The cost of one blood test for the presence of antibodies to allergens can range from three hundred rubles to four thousand.

Necessary preparation for allergy testing

Before the examination, the doctor will tell you how allergy samples are taken, what should not be done before these manipulations, and what complications can be. During the sampling, the patient must be in the clinic, so that in case of deterioration in health, doctors can provide timely assistance.

Research can be carried out at least one month after the last manifestation of allergy. The day before the tests, you must stop taking antiallergic and antihistamine drugs.

It has a number of contraindications for allergy testing. This is age over sixty years, fever or the presence of a local inflammatory process, pregnancy, hormone therapy, exacerbation of allergy manifestations.

Allergen skin testing is a diagnostic method for detecting the presence of increased susceptibility to possible allergens by assessing the strength and nature of the skin response.

Allergies are caused by many substances and related factors:

  • mold,
  • Food,
  • pollen,
  • Poplar fluff,
  • cosmetics,

At the same time, the symptoms for various are almost the same, which does not allow identifying a specific irritant according to the examination and questioning of the patient.

Sometimes the immune system of the same person reacts to several pathogens at once, which further complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, skin tests for allergens are prescribed everywhere for such symptoms:

  • dermatitis, rashes, urticaria, redness, eczema;
  • itching of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • "", rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • conjunctivitis of allergic origin;
  • angioedema;
  • headache, dizziness, disorders of the nervous system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems against the background of other signs of allergy.

Many people do not know how to take skin tests for allergens, whether this diagnostic method can be applied to children, how much it will cost, so they are afraid to do it.

Allergy sufferers also doubt how reliable skin tests are and whether they will bring pain and deterioration. The following information is intended to clarify these controversial points.

Why donate

A test for possible irritants is necessary in order to confirm or, conversely, refute the preliminary diagnosis, as well as to clarify the alleged allergen, identify allergy pathogens that the patient did not know about, exclude pseudo-allergy, identify other disorders associated with allergies (lack of enzymes), determine the most optimal method of treatment, prescribe effective and safe drugs.

Of course, the tests do not give an absolutely accurate result, so it is also advisable to donate blood for testing.

Skin is contraindicated in the following factors:

  • weakening of the immune system
  • exacerbation of allergies,
  • chronic diseases,
  • acute infections,
  • inflammation (for example, SARS),
  • long-term use of corticosteroids,
  • pregnancy, feeding, the first days of menstruation,
  • age over 60 and under 3 years old.

The analysis is carried out exclusively during the period of remission. Usually not earlier than a month after the acute stage of the allergy.

Types of tests

There are such skin tests.

  1. Scarification: a drop of allergens is applied to the marked (numbered) skin of the forearm. With a special tool, a scarifier, scratches are made directly through droplets with liquid.
  2. Prick tests, which involve piercing the skin with needles.
  3. Applications from cotton swabs soaked in a solution with an allergen.
  4. Subcutaneous injections.
  5. Provocative tests - are prescribed when the symptoms and results of skin tests vary. They are carried out by direct application of the allergen to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and also through.

For one test, you can check no more than 15-20 allergens.

Provocative tests are not included. Children under 3 years of age do not do any skin tests, since the reaction to an irritant in a child changes with age, and sometimes disappears altogether.

Older children can take the same tests as adults.

How to take

The procedure for conducting allergen tests varies depending on the type of skin test chosen. For example, scarification, prick test performed on pre-cleaned forearms. Punctures and scratches are needed to ensure the penetration of the allergen into the inner layers of the epidermis (reliability - up to 85%).

Subcutaneous involves the introduction of a solution with an allergen directly under the epidermis. Applications are made not on the forearm, but on the back. This method does not require trauma to the skin. For applications, the most concentrated solution of the allergen is used.

A provocative test involves contact of the conjunctiva, nasopharyngeal mucosa with an allergen.

How to prepare

Inform your doctor about any worrisome symptoms, pregnancy, medications before the test. 2 weeks before the procedure, stop taking antihistamines and other anti-allergy drugs (stop using ointments a week in advance).

The skin of the forearms before the tests must be disinfected with alcohol.

Evaluation of results

If pronounced redness, swelling, itching appear at the site of skin contact with the alleged allergen, the reaction can be considered positive. The reaction can appear almost immediately (in half an hour), in a day or two. It comes in varying degrees of intensity.

In the absence of any symptoms, the reaction is considered negative. With a mild result of skin tests, they speak of a weakly positive reaction, and if they do not match the symptoms, the result is considered doubtful.

You can confirm the result with the help of provocative tests, testing of blood serum. The presence of antibodies in the blood serum, redness, itching of the conjunctiva, rhinitis, and sneezing after a nasal challenge are indicators that the test has given a positive result.

Errors are possible if the rules for preparing for the test are violated. To eliminate possible errors, the doctor may apply a couple of drops of dissolved histamine to the skin and a drop of the allergen to control before the test. If the skin responds to histamine with redness, itching, but not to the control solution, then the error is excluded.

However, one in 10 allergic skin test results are inaccurate.


The prices of skin tests for allergens vary depending on how many suspected pathogens will be tested, how the allergen will come into contact with the body, and how much the test material itself costs. The prestige of the clinic also matters. So, the cost of a skin test in a public and private clinic can be very different.

For the minimum price (from 80 rubles), you can get tested for 1 allergen, a test for a group of similar allergens that have the same effect on the human body will be a little more expensive. The highest cost for one component can be 600-800 rubles.

If differential diagnosis fails, additional skin tests may be required. The most detailed picture of the tests sometimes costs several thousand (up to 20 thousand rubles and even more).

Expect that you will have to spend money on antibodies (another 300 rubles minimum). The maximum price of a blood test is 4 thousand rubles. and more.

Before taking allergy tests, find out how much they cost in various immunological centers, laboratories, skin dispensaries at public and private clinics. Remember that provocative tests can only be done in laboratories at hospitals, as emergency care may be required.

Skin tests- This is a diagnostic method that allows you to identify which allergen the patient's body gives an allergic reaction to. Tests carried out for this purpose are called qualitative. Quantitative skin tests are also carried out, which allow you to get an idea of ​​​​the degree of sensitivity of the body to this allergen.

Many types of allergies can be diagnosed with skin tests. The most reliable results are obtained for allergens that enter the body through the organs of the respiratory system or the skin (for example, with hay fever - pollen allergy). In the case of a food allergy or an allergy to drugs, the reliability of this method is lower.

The essence of the method. How are skin tests performed?

Direct skin tests are specially organized, limited in area and strictly dosed quantitatively the penetration of the allergen into the patient's body.

The allergen can be administered:

  • cutaneous - on intact skin in the form of a drop or application. This method is usually used to detect allergies to various chemicals, including drugs. The application is a circle impregnated with a substance containing an allergen, attached to the skin with an adhesive plaster. Skin contact must be maintained for 48 hours;
  • by scarification (cut or scratch). In this case, a drop containing the allergen is applied to the skin, after which a scratch or incision is made in this place with a scalpel, through which the allergen enters the skin tissues, bypassing the upper protective layer. With scarification tests, the reaction to the allergen is possible after 15-20 minutes. This method allows you to explore the body's immune response to pollen, soil, mold, pet dander, dust mites, food;
  • intradermally. In this case, an injection is made with a thin needle. Intradermal allergen injection is usually used to detect sensitivity to bacterial and fungal allergens.

After the introduction of the allergen, it is observed whether the body will react to it. A skin response is considered positive if redness, inflammation, or a blister appears at the site of the test. Since the allergen is introduced in small amounts, the inflammation usually resolves quickly (the blister disappears within half an hour).

A skin reaction may occur:

    after 20 minutes (immediate reaction);

    after 6-12 hours (transitional type reaction);

    after 24-48 hours (delayed reaction).

By the type of reaction, one can judge which immunological mechanism causes it. This is important for developing an effective course of treatment.

As a rule, skin tests are carried out immediately for several allergens. The scarification method will allow you to study the reaction to 40 allergens at the same time.

A positive response to a particular allergen does not mean that it is the factor that causes those manifestations of allergies that caused the visit to the doctor. Perhaps the test showed the body's sensitivity to one of the many allergens, but etiologically significant is completely different. The data of skin tests must be compared with the data of the anamnesis. If they correspond to each other - that is, an allergic reaction in everyday life manifests itself precisely when exposure to the identified allergen is possible - then the cause has been established. If there is no such match, additional studies are required (for example, provocative tests).

Limitations for Skin Testing

Skin tests can be performed from 2 years of age. However, the study is possible only during the period of remission of the disease (improvement). At the same time, after suffering an acute allergic reaction, at least 2-3 weeks must pass for the body to restore its sensitivity to the allergen.

Diagnosis using sample methods is also not carried out during the period of a possible exacerbation of the disease. For example, in the period from April-May to September, diagnostic tests for plant pollen are not carried out.

There are limitations and contraindications associated with the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Indirect skin tests

When an allergen needs to be identified, but direct skin testing is not possible due to the above limitations, indirect skin testing may be performed.

The method of indirect skin tests involves the introduction of a healthy person intradermally with the patient's blood serum. After that, after 24 hours, the allergen is introduced into the same place. The development of an allergic reaction at the site of the test indicates that the appropriate antibodies are present in the used serum.

This method is used to a limited extent, as it provokes the development of an allergic reaction in a healthy person. In addition, there is a risk of transferring latent infection with the blood. In most cases, it is recommended to use laboratory diagnostic methods to detect antibodies in the blood.

Make skin tests for allergens in Moscow

You can do skin tests for allergens in Moscow at the clinics of JSC "Family Doctor". Samples are taken at the appointment of an allergist-immunologist. Below you can make an appointment with a doctor, as well as check the prices of skin tests in our network.

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