When should a baby be given antibiotics? Cephalosporins for children. The safest antibiotic

With some sickness children's body can't cope without help strong drugs. At the same time, many parents are wary of giving antibiotics prescribed by a doctor to a child. In fact, at correct application they will bring more benefit than harm, and will contribute to the speedy recovery of the baby.

Antibiotics: Definition

Antibiotics are organic substances of semi-synthetic or natural origin that have the ability to destroy microbes or prevent their growth. They cause the death of some bacteria, while others remain completely harmless. The spectrum of action depends on the sensitivity of organisms.

Purpose of admission

The action of antibiotics is aimed at combating infectious and bacterial pathologies. In each individual case medicine should be selected by the doctor depending on the age and condition of the patient. Such drugs can cause serious side effects in the form of dysbacteriosis, neuralgic disorders. Most often this happens when the dosage regimen is not followed and long-term use medicines.

Many parents think about which antibiotic to give a child with an infectious disease. Self-medication in this case is prohibited. After all, drugs based on tetracyclines and sulfonamides are not used in pediatric practice, while others are prescribed according to strict indications.

When do children need antibiotics?

Antibiotics are prescribed to the child if the disease bacterial etiology, and the body is not able to cope with the pathogen on its own. Treatment of some serious illnesses carried out in a stationary mode, constantly monitoring the reaction of the child's body is not a drug. In outpatient (home) conditions, antibiotics treat "light" ailments.

In the first days of the disease, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby and allow the body to overcome the disease. on their own. At this time, antibiotic therapy is not prescribed. It should be remembered that high fever, cough and runny nose are not yet a reason for the use of such drugs. Having established nature pathogenic microbes you can start treatment.

Antibiotics are mandatory for a child the following diseases:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Acute otitis (including in children under 6 months).
  • Purulent angina.
  • Acute (purulent) and chronic sinusitis.
  • Paratonsillitis.
  • Infectious disease of the urinary system.
  • Pneumonia.

Treatment of SARS in children with antibiotics

Acute respiratory infection caused by viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics. Such therapy will only harm small organism. This conclusion was reached professional doctors. Unfortunately, many parents do not listen to the opinion of qualified specialists and find out from their friends what antibiotics children can take with a common cold.

Powerless until bacteria join them. It is quite difficult to determine this, therefore, control over the course of the disease by the pediatrician is necessary. If a high temperature returns to the baby, the cough intensifies, there is a focus of a chronic illness (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis), development against the background of acute respiratory infections is possible.

Parents who are in doubt about whether to give antibiotics to a child even after a doctor's prescription should realize that in some cases these drugs are simply necessary to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and get well soon baby. After all advanced disease fraught with serious complications.

The effectiveness of antibiotics in diseases of the upper respiratory tract

AT childhood bacterial ENT infections are common and often spread from one site to nearby organs. This is facilitated by their anatomical location. Most often, children show symptoms of tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis or otitis media. Having made a diagnosis, the doctor should prescribe antibiotics to the child, depending on the individual tolerance and age of the patient. Medicines from the group of cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Suprax), penicillins (Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin), macrolides (Sumamed, Vilprafen) are usually used.

Long-term use of drugs will cause addiction (resistance), and the sensitivity of microbes to them will disappear. Therefore, antibiotic therapy is not carried out for longer than 14 days. If a healing effect does not appear after 48 hours, such a medicine is replaced by another, taking into account compatibility with the previous one.

Treatment of intestinal infections with antibiotics in children

Children quickly pick up various that can cause not only bacteria, but also viruses. When it is necessary to treat a bacterial infection, antibiotics are used: Amoxicillin, Cephalexin. They are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. Antibacterial drugs and enteroseptics are also used: Enterofuril, Nifuratel.

Antibiotics for babies

The immune system in newborns is not yet able to repel the "attack" of pathogenic microorganisms. Provides special protection breast-feeding, but if the baby is still picked up, then the pediatrician is obliged to prescribe antibiotics. For children under one year old, such drugs are usually prescribed if treatment does not work. positive results for 3-5 days, but with serious diseases ( meningococcal infection, purulent angina, chronic pathologies) should be applied immediately).

Harm or benefit?

Modern drugs allow you to deal with bacterial disease with minimal harm to a small organism. This does not mean that you can “just in case” give antibiotics to children. Is it possible to do without these drugs? The answer is ambiguous, because some experts are of the opinion that the treatment of infants should be carried out without taking antibiotics. Parents should understand that in this case, they can develop serious consequences, which will further harm the health of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to adequately assess the situation and not endanger the child.

Forms of release of antibiotics

Depending on age little patient Antibiotics may be given as a suspension (syrup), tablets, or injections. The last option is used for serious illnesses in a hospital setting. The most common form is syrup. Included with the bottle is always a measuring spoon, which is convenient to calculate the dose of the drug and give to the child. To prepare the suspension, a powder is used, which is diluted with water before use.

Whatever form of release the drug is prescribed, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations pediatrician and observe the dosage and duration of antibiotic treatment. It is forbidden to interrupt the medication. Gotta get through full course antibiotic therapy for complete cure from infection.

with antibiotic

Isofra and Polydex drops are popular in this group of antibiotics. Their use in simple rhinitis is absolutely not justified, as some parents do. viral runny nose not amenable to such treatment. The ENT should explain exactly when it is necessary to use antibiotics for children.

Treatment of children with drops with antibacterial components is justified only with purulent rhinitis, which occurs quite rarely in children. Sometimes they can be prescribed in the complex therapy of otitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. "Polydex" has a hormonal component, so only a doctor can prescribe this medicine. "Isofra" is more safe drug on a polymer basis, which allows it to be used to treat even newborn babies.

What is the correct way to give antibiotics to children?

First of all, it is necessary to treat the baby according to the doctor's prescription. Taking antibiotics by children is carried out under the strict supervision of adults. You can not use drugs for treatment that have successfully treated children of friends and relatives. All children are individual, and the disease can have a different etiology. Only when a bacterial or fungal pathogen is confirmed, these agents are prescribed.

When treating children with antibiotics, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Take only medicines recommended by your pediatrician.
  • Follow the prescribed dosage.
  • Observe the frequency of taking antibiotics.
  • Take medicines according to the instructions - before or after meals.
  • Provide bed rest baby.
  • Breastfeed your newborn baby more often.
  • Older children should be given plenty of fluids.
  • If there is no improvement or adverse reaction you need to tell your doctor about it.
  • Complete the entire course of treatment, do not interrupt in advance.

Consequences of taking antibiotics

Preparations with antibacterial action can bring not only a cure for infection, but also harm a small organism. First of all, parents are afraid of the subsequent treatment of dysbacteriosis. Indeed, a child after antibiotics may encounter this unpleasant disease, which causes a disturbance in the intestinal microflora, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and a feeling of bloating. Experts say that if the recommendations are followed, the risk of an illness is significantly reduced.

Antibiotic preparations can cause an allergic reaction in children in the form of skin rashes (dermatitis), nausea, dizziness, burning in the nose (when using drops), heart palpitations, candidiasis on the mucosa oral cavity, anaphylactic shock. In order to prevent the development of side effects, it is necessary to follow the instructions for using the medicine and follow the prescription of the attending physician, using prescribed antibiotics for the child. If any of these symptoms occur, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Recovery of the child's body after antibiotic treatment

Parents should not be afraid of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor to treat an illness in children, but should do everything possible to support the body during and after therapy. Children who are on breastfeeding, it is necessary to apply more often to the chest. This will help repopulate the intestines beneficial bacteria that are found in milk. If the baby is an artificial one, you will have to populate the intestines with the help of medicines containing bifidobacteria. These are Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin. The child after taking antibiotics should receive a large amount fermented milk products and eat right.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to cancel the drug and give the baby an antihistamine: Loratadin, Diazolin, Claritin. To avoid undesirable consequences antibiotic therapy is possible only if you give the child the drugs prescribed by the doctor and monitor the body's reaction to their action.

Children's antibacterial drugs have become "companions" of our lives. Monotonous "synthetic" nutrition, poor environmental conditions, passive and "harmful" lifestyle of expectant mothers leaves an imprint on the future generation. The children are already infancy begin to get seriously ill, and, as a "salvation", pediatricians prescribe antibiotics. What is it: reinsurance or emergency? The answer was searched for by ProstoBaby.

Regarding the advisability of using modern children's antibiotics, there are different opinions. Opponents believe that the use antibacterial agents unacceptable, since they depress the immune system, lead to intestinal dysbacteriosis, and in general, the body must fight the disease on its own. Adherents always have an antibiotic on hand, using it "just in case" at the first sneeze in a baby. Well, if the pediatrician with a long high temperature did not prescribe an antibiotic to the child, then parents may doubt the competence of the doctor. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the "golden mean".

Antibiotics. What's this?

Antibiotics are chemical substances secreted by organisms that have the ability to destroy (bactericidal effect) or inhibit the growth (bacteriostatic effect) of bacteria, fungi and tumors. From the Greek anti and bios - a medicine that destroys all living things. According to the chemical structure and mechanism of action, antibiotics of various groups differ, therefore, for a particular disease, they are used different types antibacterial agents.

Based on the definition, antibiotics are active against cellular organisms. And vice versa, they are ineffective in the fight against acellular, that is, viruses. Therefore, it is extremely important when prescribing antibiotic therapy make sure that the infection is caused by a bacterium. Otherwise, using antibiotics in the case of a viral infection, it will not be easy to achieve the desired recovery, side effects are likely, the picture of the disease will be blurred, time is lost, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are formed.

Viral or bacterial infection

There are several most characteristic signs, in the presence of which it is possible to judge the nature of the disease with a certain degree of probability.


Viral infection

bacterial infection


Serous (watery) or mucous (no bacterial flora attached)

Purulent yellow or yellow-green (exception - atypical bacterial)

General blood analysis

Moderate leukocytosis due to monocytes (normal 3-12%) and lymphocytes (normal 18-40%)

Elevated ESR, pronounced leukocytosis (≥ 25-30 × 109/l) at a rate of 4-9 × 109/l, due to neutrophils

Frequency of occurrence

Incubation period

The first signs of the disease

not visible

The onset of the disease

High or rapidly rising temperature, clear snot

Sluggish, the temperature is not higher than 38. Most often it follows the “tail” of a viral infection


Almost always

Not typical

Antibiotic treatment

Not required


When to Use Antibiotics

At infections respiratory tract it is important to know that acute or acute rhinitis is most often caused by viruses, and tonsillitis, acute otitis and - by bacteria. It turns out that bronchitis does not require antibiotics. In practice, otherwise. After a two-day fever and a strong cough, parents are worried about the question: “Will bronchitis be complicated by pneumonia?” If the temperature does not drop, shortness of breath appears, the cough intensifies, then you need to urgently call a doctor and adjust the treatment, since there is a high risk of a bacterial infection.

There are frequent cases of prescription by a doctor or the use of antibiotics by parents for reinsurance with prolonged (up to 3 days) fever. It must also be remembered here that viral infection respiratory tract preservation of a feverish state for 3-7 days naturally. An attempt to bring down the temperature with the use of different antibiotics can not only not help, but also complicate the clarification real reason its occurrence.

It should be remembered that antibiotics are neither antitussives nor antipyretics, do not prevent the development bacterial complications. Together with their use, expectorants should be given.

In case of acute otitis media immediate use of antibacterial agents is justified only in children under 6 months (even in the case of an unconfirmed diagnosis). For children 6-24 months of age, antibiotic therapy is postponed and the condition of a small patient is monitored, after consulting with a doctor about visible and characteristics the development of the disease. If the condition does not improve within 2 days, an antibiotic is prescribed. In children older than 2 years, the appointment of an antibiotic is necessary only at high temperature and intense pain.

Absolute indications for the appointment of antibiotics are: acute purulent sinusitis, acute streptococcal tonsillitis, spicy otitis media in children under 6 months, paratonsillitis, pneumonia.

Depending on the localization of the disease, they are used to combat it. various groups antibiotics.





Respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia)

ENT - organs (sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis, tonsillitis)

Penicillins (amoxicillin)

Augmentin, Ospamox,

Effective in respiratory diseases. If there is no result or there are side effects, they switch to other groups.

Ceftriaxone, Cefodox, Cefix, Zinacef

Prescribed when other antibiotics are ineffective, or if the child has taken antibiotics within the past 3 months

Macrolides (azithromycin)

Prescribed for children with bronchitis and pneumonia


Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin

Used as a last resort (when other antibiotics are ineffective and for a short time)

infections urinary tract ( , )


Flemoklav Solutab, Augmentin,

Effective in infectious diseases of the urinary tract

Cephalosporins (cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, cefpodoxime, cefixime)

Effective for infections urinary tract(complicated - pyelonephritis and uncomplicated forms)


Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin

Highly effective for urinary tract infections, used in children if absolutely all antibiotics are ineffective

Effective for bacterial acute cystitis, bacterial urethritis

Intestinal infections*



Effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

* - intestinal infections in childhood are often caused by viruses (rotavirus, adenovirus), so the question of the advisability of using antibiotics should be decided by the doctor.

Principles for the use of antibiotics in children

  1. Indicated for highly probable or proven bacterial infection.
  2. AT outpatient settings the oral (mouth) route of administration is used. Parenteral (injection) use only in case of refusal of hospitalization.
  3. If possible, do not use with antipyretics, as this can hide the lack of effect.
  4. Do not use with antihistamines antifungal drugs and immunomodulators, since the benefits of their combined use have not been proven.
  5. Withdraw antibiotic therapy if confirmed viral nature diseases.
  6. Apply in case of acute respiratory infections with prolonged (more than 14 days) cough to exclude whooping cough and pneumonia.
  7. Apply antibiotics for a couple of days after improvement.
  8. Antibiotics should be used in the strict dosage indicated by the doctor, preferably at the same time of day.
  9. The course of antibiotics depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 3 to 14 days, most often 5 days.

Side effects

The main side effects of the use of antibacterial agents include, first of all, diarrhea, which disappears after the completion of the course of treatment. Do not rush to cancel the drug yourself, this can lead to the formation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The next side effect is allergies. Itching, urticaria, rash different kind also take place after the completion of the course. Patients with liver and kidney disease antibiotics are prescribed with extreme caution.

Particularly dangerous antibiotics for children

Antibiotics, the use of which is possible only as a last resort:

  • chloramphenicol(inhibition of the process of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow);
  • tetracyclines(allowed from 8 years old, slowing down the growth of bones and thinning of tooth enamel);
  • fluoroquinolones(from the age of 18, the risk of developing pathological changes in cartilage);
  • sulfonamides and biseptol(inhibits the development of bacteria without destroying them);
  • aminoglycosides(ototoxic and nephrotoxic effect).

Features of the use of antibiotics in infants under one year

Absolutely harmless drugs does not exist. When treating children, the risk is always placed on one side of the scale, and the benefit on the other. From this ratio, the doctor chooses required drug based on your experience. To prescribe antibiotics, babies should take a blood test that will show the probable nature of the disease (virus or bacterium) or bakposev (antibiogram) from the focus of the disease with the determination of sensitivity to the antibiotic (takes several days).

In the absence of a blood test and culture, the doctor, based on the examination data and the presence of visible signs, decides on the use of antibacterial drugs. Children under one year of age on treatment bacterial infections most often prescribed penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins, depending on the severity of the disease.

To prevent the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, along with antibiotics, children are prescribed probiotics (Linex, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Biogaya, Laktovit), which are used a few more days after the completion of the course of antibiotics. Also for better assimilation The doctor may prescribe antibiotics and enzymes (Creon, Pangrol). The baby's menu includes fermented milk products for better recovery intestinal microflora.

Antibacterial therapy, along with obtaining the desired result, creates a risk of side effects, often having a negative effect on the natural intestinal microflora. It must be remembered that improper use of antibiotics will lead to the formation of bacterial resistance to drugs, and this entails the further use of newer and stronger types of antibiotics. Therefore, extremely good reasons are needed for prescribing antibiotic therapy.

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Oh those antibiotics! Under what beautiful names they are produced, what mountains of gold they promise! I took a magic pill - and everything went away. From what you really need to drink antibiotics and whether to give them to your baby - we decide together in this article.

Do not resort to antibiotics every time, otherwise the child's immunity will forget how to fight infections on its own.

Antibiotic, what are you?

Antibiotics are substances of natural or synthetic origin that inhibit the vital activity of bacteria and some microscopic fungi. Unlike antiseptics, antibiotics can act not only externally, but also be active inside the body.

The discovery of antibiotics made effective treatment some serious illnesses, such as anthrax. They have also become widely used in severe injuries, wounds and after operations to suppress purulent processes.

On the this moment there are many types of these drugs, including the so-called "antibiotics a wide range actions”, which are often prescribed even with an unspecified diagnosis.

Types of antibiotics

There are a great many antibiotics, and they are classified according to several criteria - according to the mechanism of action on the bacterium, according to the structure and type of effect on the cell (bactericidal and bacteriostatic). It is also important to separate antibiotics according to their effects on different types of bacteria:

  • acting on cocci(, meningococci, streptococci and others), as well as corynobacteria and clostridia - 1st generation cephalosporins, benzylpenicillin, macrolides, bicillins, lincomycin;
  • wide action spectrum, especially pathogenic for gram-positive rods - cephalosporins of the 2nd generation, tetracyclines (not recommended up to 8 years), chloramphenicol (undesirable for newborns), semi-synthetic penicillins, aminoglycosides;
  • "specializing" in gram-negative rods- 3rd generation cephalosporins, polymyxins;
  • anti-tuberculosis- streptomycin, florimycin, rifampicin;
  • acting on fungi- nystatin, diflucan, levorin, ketoconazole.

When a child is prone to frequent and prolonged respiratory diseases, he needs to do inhalations. In this case, parents will come to the rescue. This device is easy to use and greatly speeds up the healing process. The nebulizer can be used by all family members.

In order for the baby to be healthy, vitamin D must be present in his body. It also prevents other serious diseases. How much to give the baby this vitamin read

When antibiotics are needed

Antibiotic treatment in children is clearly necessary for the following diseases:

  • or exacerbation of its chronic form;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • caused by streptococcus;
  • otitis in infants up to six months;
  • epiglotitis;
  • paratonsillitis;
  • pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs without antibiotics can not be defeated!

It is also possible to prescribe antibiotic therapy in children with otitis media older than six months and in children with exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

After taking antibiotics, the child must eat properly so that the restoration of the intestinal microflora takes place faster. Moms have a question about what kind of complementary foods to choose for such babies.

Restoration of the intestinal microflora is impossible without fermented milk products. In we will talk about the introduction of kefir into the diet of a child, and we will also tell you how to prepare this drink at home.

Children grow quickly and over time, the grown body must receive vitamins and minerals from the outside. useful material which are missing in breast milk. For full development, babies need vitamin C, which in in large numbers found in apples. This page contains detailed information about the basic rules for the first feeding with applesauce.

List of antibiotics for children

The most popular antibiotics for children should be known to any competent mother:

  • - a group of penicillins, the spectrum of action is quite wide. They are used for pneumonia, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis, as well as cystitis or urethritis. Convenient granules for the preparation of suspension / syrup, they are diluted boiled water. Babies under 2 years old - a quarter of a teaspoon, up to 5 years - half. The average price is 150 rubles.

This drug is suitable for the smallest children.

  • , thanks to the acid, the spectrum of action is wider. Indications are the same as those of amoxicillin. Prohibited for babies under 3 months. May give an allergic reaction. The price is from 150 to 250 rubles, depending on the dosage. Analogue of Augmentin -.

Feedback from mother Eva, 1 year old:

“Augmentin was prescribed to us for bronchitis, a teaspoonful 2 times a day. I read the instructions and turned gray: for Eve's weight, you need TWO TIMES LESS. In general, they drank according to the instructions for a week. The temperature returned to normal, as they began to drink it.

  • Zinacef- cephalosporin of the 2nd generation, a wide range of effects, indications: otitis media, pneumonia, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, cystitis. For injection only. Children are prescribed 30-100 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. Diluted with water for injection. It costs from 130 rubles.
  • - cephalosporin of the 2nd generation, granules are convenient for suspension preparation. Indications: diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, ENT organs, infections of the urogenital area. Not recommended for children under 3 months. Dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of baby's weight, given twice a day. The cost is from 200 rubles.

Zinnat should not be given to babies under 3 years old!

  • - the active substance azithromycin, refers to azalides, a wide spectrum of action on bacteria. Indications: sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia. Contraindicated for children under 6 months of age. Shake the bottle before use, after swallowing, give it a drink with water to swallow all the granules. The dosage is 10 mg per kg of the child's weight, given once a day, the course of treatment is 3 days. The price of the drug is an average of 230 rubles.

Rita, Gelendzhik says:

“The whole family fell ill with SARS, the child was 7 months old. The doctor prescribed Sumamed. I thought and thought, dug up the entire Internet, tormented my girlfriends - I didn’t give it to my son. The nose was washed, breast-fed, slept all day. I believe that the doctor ordered us to get rid of.

  • - active antibiotic cefixime, a 3rd generation cephalosporin. Treatment of ENT infections, bronchitis, otitis media, infections genitourinary system. Not allowed for children under six months of age. From 6 months to a year - from 2 to 4 ml per 1 kg of body weight, over 2 years - 5 ml. Divide the dosage into 2-3 doses. Dilute the granules with boiled water at room temperature. The medicine costs about 500 rubles.
  • - the active ingredient is amoxicillin, intestinal antibiotic. Indicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular bacterial intestinal infections. Children 1-3 years old: 250 mg twice a day or 125 mg three times. For children under one year old, 30 mg per 1 kg per day is calculated, taking this dose divided by 2-3 times. The price is about 250 rubles.
  • - 3rd generation cephalosporin, available in injections for intramuscular and intravenous administration, is contraindicated in premature and newborns with. Newborns up to 2 weeks - 20-50 mg per 1 kg of baby's weight per day, older - from 20 to 75 per kilogram. The course is at least 4 days, depending on the pathogen. The injections are very painful. The cost is around 19 rubles per ampoule.

Remember that antibiotic injections are extreme case therapy, and in situations where there is no threat to the life of the child or atypical strange symptoms, you need to choose suspensions or tablets (for children who can chew). Also, antibiotics are not produced in the form rectal suppositories. If the baby refuses to drink the suspension, try mixing it with jam or other food that he likes.

Antibacterial drugs should only be used for infections caused by bacteria. In the hospital for severe and life threatening infectious diseases (for example, meningitis - inflammation of the meninges, pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs, etc.), the responsibility for the correct choice of medicine lies entirely with the doctor, who is based on patient observation data ( clinical picture) and on the results of special studies.

With mild infections occurring in "home" (outpatient) conditions, the situation is fundamentally different. The doctor examines the child and prescribes medication, and sometimes this is accompanied by explanations and answers to questions, sometimes not. Often, parents themselves ask the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. In such situations, it is sometimes psychologically easier for a pediatrician to write a prescription than to risk his reputation and waste time explaining the inappropriateness of such a prescription.

In any case, the doctor must follow two basic principles of antibiotic therapy:

  • Rapid appointment of the most effective drugs in cases where their effect is proven.
  • The maximum reduction in the use of antibacterial drugs in all other cases.

Reliable external signs or simple and cheap laboratory methods, unfortunately, there is no way to distinguish between the viral and bacterial nature of respiratory tract infections. At the same time, it is known that acute rhinitis (runny nose) and acute bronchitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi) is almost always caused by viruses, and tonsillitis (inflammation of the palatine tonsils and pharynx), acute otitis media (inflammation of the ear) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses) in a significant proportion of cases - bacteria.

It is natural to assume that approaches to antibiotic therapy for individual acute infections of the upper respiratory tract should differ somewhat.

Runny nose and bronchitis

At acute rhinitis(cold) and bronchitis, antibacterial drugs are not indicated. In practice, everything happens differently: one or two days elevated temperature and a cough in a child, parents, as a rule, do not give the baby antibacterial drugs. But then they begin to fear that bronchitis will be complicated by pneumonia, and decide to use antibiotics. It is worth noting here that such a complication is possible, but it practically does not depend on the previous intake of antibacterial drugs. The main signs of the development of pneumonia is the deterioration (further increase in body temperature, increased cough, shortness of breath). In such a situation, you should immediately call a doctor who will decide whether to adjust the treatment.

If the condition does not worsen, but does not improve significantly, then obvious reason no antibiotics for prescribing. However, it is during this period that some parents cannot stand it and begin to give drugs to their children “just in case”.

It should be especially noted that a very popular criterion for prescribing antibacterial drugs for viral infections - maintaining an elevated temperature for 3 days - is absolutely not justified. The natural duration of the febrile period in viral respiratory tract infections in children varies greatly, fluctuations are possible from 3 to 7 days, and sometimes more. Longer preservation of the so-called subfebrile temperature(37.0-37.5 0 C) is not necessarily associated with the development of bacterial complications, but may be the result of completely different reasons. In such situations, the use of antibiotics is doomed to failure.

A typical sign of a viral infection is a persistent cough that improves general condition and normalization of body temperature. It must be remembered that antibacterial drugs are not antitussives. Parents in this situation have ample opportunities for the use of folk antitussives. Cough is natural defense mechanism, and disappears last of all the symptoms of the disease. However, if a child has an intense cough for 3-4 or more weeks, it is necessary to look for its cause.


In acute otitis media, the tactics of antibiotic therapy is different, since the likelihood bacterial nature this disease reaches 40-60%. Given this, until recently, antibacterial drugs were prescribed to all patients.

As practice shows, for acute otitis media characterized by intense pain in the first 24-48 hours, then in most children the condition improves significantly and the disease goes away on its own. After 48 hours, symptoms persist in only a third of small patients. There are interesting calculations showing that if antibacterial drugs are prescribed to all children with acute otitis media, then they can provide some help (reduction of the febrile period and duration of pain) only to those patients who should not have had an independent Get well soon. Only 1 out of 20 can be like this.

What will happen to the other 19 children? When taking modern drugs of the penicillin group, such as amoxicillin or augmentin, nothing particularly terrible will happen. 2-3 children may develop diarrhea or develop skin rashes which will quickly disappear after discontinuation of drugs, but recovery will not accelerate. As in the case of bronchitis, the appointment of antibacterial drugs for otitis media does not prevent the development purulent complications. Complicated forms of otitis with the same frequency develop both in children who received and in those who did not receive antibacterial drugs.


By now it has been developed A new tactic for prescribing antibacterial drugs in acute otitis. It is advisable to prescribe antibacterial drugs to all children under the age of 6 months, even with a dubious diagnosis of acute otitis media (find out what small child it hurts the ear, not so easy).

At the age of 6 months to 2 years with a doubtful diagnosis (or easy course) acute otitis media, the appointment of antibiotics can be postponed, limited to monitoring the child - the so-called expectant tactics. Naturally, during observation, children should be given painkillers and, if necessary, antipyretics. If within 24-48 hours his condition does not improve, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy.

Of course, in this case, increased demands are placed on parents. First of all, you need to discuss with your doctor when to give antibiotics, and clarify what signs of the disease you should look out for. The main thing is to be able to objectively assess the dynamics of pain, its increase or decrease, and notice the appearance of new signs of the disease in time - cough, rash, etc. Parents should be able to contact the doctor by phone, and also have a written prescription for an antibiotic.

In children over 2 years of age, waiting and observing for 48 hours is the most preferred tactic, except in cases of severe course (temperature above 39 0 C, intense pain) of the disease.


When pneumonia is diagnosed or this pathology is seriously suspected, the tactics of antibiotic therapy differ from the two previous cases.

Certain age groups of children are characterized by some features of the prevailing pathogens. So, at the age of 5-6 years, according to some researchers, up to 50% of cases of pneumonia can be caused by viruses. At an older age, the likelihood of a viral nature of pneumonia is significantly reduced and the role of bacteria (pneumococci) in the development of pneumonia increases. However, in all age groups common pathogen this disease is pneumococcus, which causes severe course diseases. That's why pneumonia is an unconditional indication for antibiotic therapy.

There is an opinion that if a doctor prescribes, then he no longer sees another way to recovery. After all, these, as most consumers absolutely rightly believe, have many contraindications and side effects. And it's no secret that antibiotic therapy is impossible without simultaneous compensation of favorable intestinal microflora.

Let's see what types of antibiotics are, their names and the appropriateness of their use.

In medical reference books antibiotics called a group of very strong substances that inhibit the development of certain microorganisms or provoke their death. They can be of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin. A characteristic feature of these drugs is the effect on both pathogenic and beneficial microflora, but at the same time, the vital abilities of bacteria are suppressed gradually and in small concentrations.

Did you know? pear is natural antibiotic. Phytotherapeutists recommend these fruits to people with chronic inflammatory processes, as well as for oncological diseases.

Antibiotics only affect certain kind pathogens, which is determined by the results of the analysis of blood cultures or the patient. But, despite the effectiveness of these pills, they should not be considered omnipotent. Incorrectly selected medicine will only harm the body, and even more so - the child. Therefore, under no circumstances do not self-medicate and do not test all the contents of the home on your child.

In modern pediatrics, they practice the appointment of antibiotics for children with, which lasts more than 3 days, as well as in cases of exacerbated forms of severe type, viral,. Doctors draw the attention of parents to the aggressive effects of such drugs on the digestive tract. Destroying the "bad" cells, they have the same effect on the "good" bacteria. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to give the baby antibiotics when he has started or has a sore throat. In the case of taking such drugs in parallel, you need to drink funds for recovery intestinal microflora. It could be "Yogurt". If your doctor "forgot" to prescribe you such therapy, then there is reason to doubt his qualifications.

Important! The average course of antibiotic therapy cannot last less than 5 days. Usually medicines are recommended to be taken from 7 to 10 days. In special cases, when the patient has serious complications disease, he is prescribed treatment for up to 3 weeks or longer.

Moreover, with frequent use of antibiotics, especially when the medicine was incorrectly selected and randomly used on initial stages ailment, the body begins to show resistance to it. It means that the immune system ceases to resist pathogens and eventually becomes practically insensitive to a number of drugs. That is why penicillin, cephalosporin, fluoroquinol types of antibiotics are justified for children with only cases of bacterial flora attached to the infection. Usually these processes begin no earlier than 4 days from the moment of illness.

What antibiotics do NOT do

It should be noted that these medicines are not able to cure all ailments, especially in cases where their causative agent is toxic substances. In particular, we are talking about botulism, tetanus, various kinds of fungi and. A similar situation develops with regard to the flu, and which are provoked by viruses. This is due to the fact that most antibiotics act only on the simplest microorganisms.

Every parent must know that antibiotics are not at all involved in the treatment and. They do not bring down the heat and do not contribute to expectoration, and are also powerless against diseases of fungal origin and, which often cause infectious infections and inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

Important! Antibiotics in large dosages are dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. At the same time, if you arbitrarily stop taking medications, or reduce the number of times recommended by the doctor, then pathogenic microorganisms survive and, having lost sensitivity to the drug, quickly adapt to it.

Can antibiotics be substituted?

Trying to protect their child from the bad effects of these substances aggressive to all living things, many mothers are thinking about alternative treatment options. AT similar situations phytotherapy comes to the rescue, which suggests replacing synthetic drugs with natural ones. Folk healers advise with a runny nose and instead of antibiotics for children from using propolis, essential oils and a number of medicinal herbs.

  • burdock root, which is very effective in the treatment of diseases caused by streptococci and pneumococci;
  • bearberry, which is indicated for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis;
  • garlic is excellent tool in the fight against fungi and bacteria, especially with enteritis, amoebic dysentery, candidiasis and colpitis;
  • barberry root, which is used mainly for viral and fungal infections, as well as for the treatment of diarrhea, hepatitis and cholera;
  • eucalyptus is very effective for jade and;
  • Echinacea officinalis flowers have proven themselves well for herpes, bronchitis and flu;
  • various drugs from propolis kill pathogenic microflora with otitis media, herpes and influenza;
  • essential oils (especially tea tree) help to cure sore throats, colds, laryngitis, and itchy skin.

Important! In cases where the causative agents of the disease are unknown, it is best to use broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Along with a large selection of alternatives to antibiotics, some luminaries modern medicine talk about the harmful effects of herbal remedies and the need for complex therapy. In addition, there is an opinion that the above methods of treatment are relevant only in the initial stages of the disease, and when a person has a fever and the disease progresses, he needs to resort to radical methods.

According to experts, some essential oils, under the influence of a number of physicochemical reactions in the patient's body, become carriers of other medicines. Therefore, many doctors enhance antibiotic therapy in this way.

To achieve positive results from antibiotic treatment, every father and mother should know the basic rules for taking these drugs to children.

  • Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to give such medicines to a patient of any age without recommendations. qualified specialist. As already mentioned, spontaneous chaotic therapy will only worsen the resistance of the child's body to other pathogenic microbes.

Did you know? People first learned about the antimicrobial effects of penicillin mold in 1928. This discovery happened by chance during ordinary experiments of the British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming.

  • Second, the use of antibiotics should be age restrictions. For example, famous drug"Tetracycline" is recommended only from the age of eight. There are also a number of drugs allowed for children after they reach the full age of 12.
  • Thirdly, doctors advise not to abuse the same name "for all occasions" and with repeated imminent illness change the drug. This recommendation is based on the fact that human body quickly gets used to the active substance, and pathogenic bacteria become less sensitive to it.
  • Fourth, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage and method of application of the drug. Before taking it, be sure to read the instructions for use, as well as take into account contraindications and possible side effects.
  • Fifth, do not interrupt antibiotic therapy even if the baby's condition has improved a lot - this is not yet an indicator of a complete recovery. Such a trick can cost your child a serious lesion of the kidneys and heart.

Did you know? First Soviet antimicrobial drug called "Krustozin". In 1942, it was developed by the domestic microbiologist Zinaida Yermolyeva. By the way, after a thorough study, foreign scientists admitted that their antibiotics are almost one and a half times weaker than this. It was then that the author of the invention was given the title "Madame Penicillin".

  • Sixth, the simplest and in a safe way taking antibiotics for children and older is considered oral. In special cases, the medical staff resorts to intravenous administration medicines. In this case, they act faster.
  • Seventh, there are a number of drugs that are intended only for injections. This is due to the fact that they are destroyed only in the organs of the digestive tract.

List of drugs

Medicines of this group differ among themselves by the mechanisms of action and the types of bacteria sensitive to them. Therefore, the accuracy of determination effective drug in each case depends on the indicators of smears handed over to the patient. However, doctors very often prescribe broad-spectrum drugs without resorting to laboratory research analyses. This is due to the fact that it will take about a week to receive their results, and when the patient's disease progresses, there is no time to waste.

At inflammatory processes respiratory tract for children, the following names of antibiotics are most often used:

  • - allowed for children from 2 years old, effective for tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as skin infections;
  • "Augmentin" - recommended for newborns in liquid form for diseases provoked by aerobic, anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative strains, is contraindicated in people with kidney and liver dysfunction;

  • "Amoxiclav" is a combination drug used for acute abscesses, bronchitis, sinusitis, as well as for infectious lesions of the skin, joints and bones;

  • "Flemoxin Solutab" - even babies can take it, is an improved analogue of "Amoxicillin", suppresses pathogens of staphylococci, streptococci and pneumonia.

AT important! If you have never treated a child with antibiotics before, then for the first time they give the weakest drugs.

In cases of complicated forms of respiratory infectious diseases with bacteriological flora, drugs with a stronger effect will be needed. Most often, with complicated forms of infectious diseases, bacterial flora of cough and runny nose for children, doctors prescribe semi-synthetic antibiotics from the list of cephalonosporins:

  • "Supraks" - recommended for children aged six months, treats infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory organs but requires constant control over the functioning of the liver;

  • "Cefuroxime" - it can be taken from the first days of life, it is effective for stomatitis, otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis and inflammation in the urinary tract;
  • "Zinacef" - is prescribed from infancy for pleurisy, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other ENT diseases;

Important! You need to drink antibiotics strictly at the same time. If the doctor has prescribed a two-time intake, then make sure that there is a 12-hour gap between each of them.

  • "Ikzim" is an effective antimicrobial drug recommended for children from 6 months of age with chronic painful processes in the organs respiratory system.

Prohibited antibiotics in pediatrics

Using modern gadgets and popular applications for them, many parents in the treatment of their child are guided by mobile versions medical guides. At the same time, the decision to take antibiotics is made independently, giving preference to a list of non-prescription pills, which offers far from “childish” names in alphabetical order and tips on how to use them.

But first of all, every parent should remember that not all antibiotics can be given to children. Among the prohibited ones: Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Minocycline, Ofloxacin, Levomycetin, Pefloxacin, Kanamycin, Gentamicin. These drugs are fraught with disorders in the cartilaginous joints of a growing organism, thinning of tooth enamel, and a halt in the development of the skeleton and tissue fibers.

Groups of medicines by mode of action

All antibiotics are divided into several classes: beta-lactam, macrolides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol, glycopeptide substances, lincosamides, which, in turn, also have certain groups. We will not delve into the features of the classification, but we will understand in more detail the mechanisms of action of some of them.

Treatment of SARS with antibiotics in children

In acute respiratory diseases, the most strong impact drugs from the category of penicillins have a pathogenic microflora. They block the synthesis of the main substances included in the number cell membranes"bad" bacteria. As a result of the physico-chemical chain, they die. Flemoxin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Levofloxacin, Mezlocillin, Mecillinam are popular.

Efficacy in diseases of the ENT organs

Experts call the group of macrolides the strongest in terms of the degree of impact on the human growing body. They are the most active active ingredient regarding the majority of pathogenic microbes that cause diseases of the respiratory system. Their main characteristics are bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and mucoregulatory qualities. This series in pharmacology is represented by the following names: "Sumamed", "Azithromycin", "Hemomycin", "Klacid".

Did you know? All fruits and vegetables fortified with vitamin C can be considered natural antibiotics. Vitamin C stimulates the natural protective functions of the body, destroys pathogenic bacteria and helps to remove them from the body.

According to medical statistics, about 2 million children die every year due to water loss caused by diarrhea. Therefore, doctors in cases of intestinal infection even newborns prescribe antibiotics. Among this group, drugs are in demand: Lecor, Cefix, Cefodox, Azithromycin, Zinacef. The medicine can be administered intravenously or orally.

In addition, the baby should take probiotics. In cases of hospitalization, he will be offered enzymes and a specific diet. It is allowed to take before the arrival of the ambulance.

Important! With intestinal infections, it is strictly forbidden to drink Activated carbon- the drug stains the feces black, which can make you miss the first signs of bleeding in the intestines.

Antibiotics for children up to a year

Every sane person, before taking any medicine, will read the instructions for use. Feel free to check with your child's doctor about the compatibility of several drugs and the nuances regarding the way they are used.

In cases with babies getting clear instructions from a doctor is a must. After all, not all medicines can be taken in infancy.

The pediatrician may not tell you this, but it is always better to play it safe and protect your child from severe consequences antibiotic therapy. Experienced Moms and experts advise:

  • Maintain a personal record of medications taken. The records should contain the names of the drugs, the time when you gave them to the child, his illness, the duration of the course of treatment, the presence or absence of side effects (if any, you need to specify).
  • You need to drink antibiotics during a meal or immediately after. In this case, the tablets should be taken with a large amount drinking water(tea, juice, milk and compote are not intended for this purpose).
  • If your baby is so small that the doctor has prescribed drops or suspension for him, be sure to shake the bottle before each use. This is done so that the sediment that has settled to the bottom dissolves in the liquid.
  • During the treatment period, it is important to exclude fried, fatty, smoked foods and sour fruits from the children's diet. This requirement is explained by the fact that drugs have a strong effect on the liver, and when malnutrition the load on this organ is greatly increased.
  • If you gave the baby a medicine prescribed by a doctor, and the improvement did not come even after 2-3 days, immediately go to the doctor to adjust the treatment or call an ambulance.

In parallel with antibiotics, always take drugs with bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.

Important! Expensive drugs do not guarantee their quality and effectiveness. Price policy for drugs is determined based on the country of origin and when they were invented or appeared on the market. Remember that almost every expensive medicine has its cheap counterpart.

Consequences of the use of antibiotic drugs

All funds in this group are prescribed only in cases of urgent need. This is due to the fact that any antibiotic has a devastating effect on the liver, can provoke allergic reactions, disorder of the digestive tract. That is why very often in patients after taking the medicine there are signs of intoxication in the form of nausea and dizziness.

For children, these drugs should be selected only by a doctor. After all, inadequate treatment can result in hearing loss in a child or complications in the form of kidney disease. Also very likely.
But even if the drug was chosen correctly, then you should not forget that long-term treatment they will not give the expected result. And all because, over time, microbes adapt to active substance and become resistant to it. In such situations, the solution is as follows: either increase the dosage or change the medicine. Even the most experienced specialist unable to foresee the reaction of your son's or daughter's body to the proposed antibiotic.

Did you know? Penicillin in pure form appeared only in 1938. It was brought out by Oxford University scientists Howard Florey and Ernst Cheyne.

How to restore a child's body after antibiotics

Antibiotic treatment is required special attention not only during illness, but also after recovery. First of all, you should take care of restoring immunity. And you need to start doing this with the intestinal microflora.

It is recommended to take probiotics along with antibiotics. Of these, pediatricians are popular: Linex, Bifiform, Laktiv-ratiopharm,.
In addition, children with weak protective functions the body is shown to take immunomodulators: Anaferon, Aflubin, Immunoglobulin.

Remember that antibiotics are serious drugs that are prescribed only when their benefits are many times greater than possible risks illness.

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