Products are not visible in the mobile version of VKontakte. How to add products to the VK group: detailed instructions and photos

"Products" is a VKontakte service that has become available in communities since September 2015. Today this is a very popular section, but still not all community owners make it interesting and tasty for their customers. Therefore, we decided to conduct a small educational program and tell you what, how, to whom and why you need to do in the "Products" in order to get the result.

By the way, we note that since mid-December 2016, the service has become available to all users, however, so far in beta version. If earlier only communities could show the product to the client, now anyone can sell it through a social network. In fact, this innovation gave another very important advantage to personal pages for business purposes, compared to public ones.

Now about everything in detail and in order. In the first part of the article, we will consider opportunities for communities (after all, this is more business-oriented), and in the second, we will talk about the new product - products in personal profiles.

Products in VKontakte communities

Just in case, I’ll show you how goods are processed in communities (screenshot below).

If you click on the "Show all products" button, a complete list of products that have been uploaded by the company to the community will open. As an aside, I note that you should not upload all 500+ titles to VK. Choose, for example, the most basic, popular, top, budget options that can be monetized through the social network. Of course, it makes sense to sell expensive goods, but everything here depends on the offer, the seller and the buyer.

For example: if you have a real estate agency community, then it is very strange to believe that people will buy an apartment for 3,000,000 rubles. in a group. It is better to use this section more rationally and try to get the most out of it. For example, place consulting services there that you can definitely sell within the framework of this format of communication with a client or an offer to rent apartments.

Another important nuance: if you are unloading several categories of goods, then it is optimal to group them according to a generalizing feature, so that the full list of goods does not turn out to be a combined hodgepodge in which the client will get confused. Okay, if you have 2 directions, what if you have 10?

I’ll tell you about it a little lower, but for now, look at the screen and move on to the settings.

How to create products for your VKontakte community?

"Products" is not a standard section that is included in the community by default. If you decide that you will build a storefront with products in your community, this section will be necessary. Regardless of the format (group or page), it is enabled in the settings, through "Community Management" (under the avatar).

For a group

For page

Apart from some differences in design, the functionality of the settings is the same. Let's go all the way to posting items in the community so you can easily make a great selection in your public.

Now on the main page of the community, right under the description of the menu and the pinned post, you have a section "Products". Feel free to click on the button and add your first product.

A special form will open for you, it is on the screen below, now let's go through the fields and consider how to fill them out.

  1. The name of the product or service. It should be short and concise (you can also make a card for the service), so that the client, looking at it, immediately understands what it is about. For example, “Aqua studio rental”. This is from the photo studio community.
  2. Description. Here, tell us as much as possible about your product or service in the most attractive way. So that a potential client wants to part with their money in your favor. In the description, you can also give a link to the product page on the site, just do not forget to put tags in it and shorten it using a link shortener. Tip: develop a universal description format for product cards in VK so that information on different products / services does not “jump”. Decide what to include and in what order. In our case, this is a description of the interior, equipment that can be used for shooting in this studio, the size of the room, the presence of a dressing room, etc. We recommend that you specify the most detailed and complete information that answers all the questions of the client.
  3. Photo. Upload a photo for the product: main and additional (up to 4 photos). Here we recommend, as in the case of the description, to take unified photos.
  4. Category. Everything is simple here: indicate the category to which your product belongs. To do this, select the one you need from the drop-down list.
  5. Price. Specify the price of the item. If you do not have a specific price (we often hear this from our customers) or it depends on various order parameters, configuration, specify the minimum cost, and add pricing conditions to the description. This can also be done in terms of payment and delivery.
  6. Product not available. We put this checkbox on goods that cannot be temporarily bought in your store.

When the product is created, the settings can always be corrected. To do this, simply under the main photo, select "Edit" and, after completing all the required edits, save the changes.

Or, in the general list of products, click on the pencil in the upper right corner of the corresponding product whose settings need to be corrected.

After completing all the above settings, the product is added. You can post other goods/services to the community on the same principle.

Now let's see what collections are, how and why to combine products in them.

For example, we have a community selling bedding in St. Petersburg. The community presents various products: pillows, blankets, blankets, etc. There are 16 products in total.

It seems not so much, but getting on the page, the eyes run wide. What is it and why is everything lumped together? It's like going into a store, and there all the goods are mixed on the shelves. It will be much more convenient for the client to navigate in your assortment if you take care of him and make a kind of catalog.

To do this, simply click on the appropriate "Create Collection" button in the upper right corner on the product page.

A pop-up window will open a special form with several fields to fill out.

In the first field "Name" we prescribe the general name for the category, in our example it is "Pillows". You can also upload a general picture for this category to orient the client. Well, if this is your main activity, check the box "This is the main selection of the community." Next, click "Create". And so for each category of goods. After doing this and grouping all the products into collections, you will receive a catalog. Just remember to name and upload covers in the same style.

When you make a selection, of course, there will be no products in it. We add them manually. In the future, for new products, you will simply select the appropriate collection in the settings when creating. For already created products, uploaded before the creation of the collection, you need to add the corresponding collection. To do this, a special field will appear in the editing settings.

If you mark the main selection of the community, then the products from it will be displayed on the main page in the order they were added. The last one added to the selection will be the first in a row of products on the main page.

Well, that's all about setting up the goods. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Now about how to track performance.

Well, I will complete this part of the article with a very appetizing and pleasantly designed product card from the Food Party.

Here is a wonderful understandable name of the product, three high-quality pictures with additional information on each dish, a description. As well as a link to the detailed terms of delivery and payment.

Products on the personal pages of users VKontakte

Literally on December 16, there were reports that the VKontakte Goods service became available for personal profiles of social network users. The service left the beta version on January 25. As the developers promise, in the coming months it will be available in the mobile version and in mobile applications.

So, today each VKontakte user has the opportunity to create his own product, as well as view the products of friends in a single catalog, which can be accessed through the item in the left menu "Products" or via a direct link

To start an active commercial activity, that is, to add the first product, just go to a single catalog. Now a few words about the catalog, and then I will move on to creating a product.

So, first of all, you will see exactly the goods of your friends and friends of friends.

In the version of the author of the article, friends from fresh are selling very funny things. Anyway. We are more interested in functionality and what to do with it. So, we see the goods of friends, and above them there is a search bar, you can search for exactly what you need.

By the way, since we are talking in such detail, please note that the search results (or products on the page) can be displayed in two versions: a tile or a list. Choose the way of presenting information that is convenient for you. We also note that according to the search results, you will see 2 sections: user products and community products. Switch between tabs and view info.

Well, this is so, a digression in terms of functionality. Now let's move on to creating our own product.

How to create your product VKontakte?

To add your product ad, you need to click on the "Post ad" button in the upper left part of the screen. A settings window will open, similar to the Community Products settings.

While I was talking, I simultaneously issued the goods with our book on setting up Yandex.Metrica. This is how the product announcement on the wall looks like after creation and sharing.

When all fields are filled, click "Create product". The finished product, just like in the community, can be edited after publication. And also mark "Product not available" (the checkbox appears after the creation of the product), if it is out of stock.

You can also create a product and immediately add it to your wall right when writing a post. To do this, in the "More" section, select "Product", fill in the appropriate fields and save the information.

Please note that the added product will be in the unified catalog 30 days after the ad was placed or since the last edit. They did not meet the implementation in 30 days, but the sale is still relevant, the goods can always be returned back to the catalog. It will be in the "Discontinued" tab. By the way, the system will warn you when 30 days are running out.

Well, everything is ready. Product added. Now anyone can write to you as a seller of goods and get advice, and, of course, buy your product, otherwise why did you add it here.

In such correspondence, it will be possible to immediately pay for the selected product through VKontakte transfers, if your buyer is satisfied with the conditions that you offer.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and clear. Create your ads and promote your VKontakte business even from your personal page.

It is important to note that the publication of ads in the "Products" service of VKontakte is free for users. What other updates to this section are waiting for us is not yet known, but today the developers are talking about plans:

  1. Provide sellers with additional paid tools to promote ads in the catalog.
  2. Integrate the Goods service with the Yula website so that ads created on one network are published on the other.

Do not forget that the conversion is affected not only by the quality of filling the "Products" service, but also by the design of the community as a whole. If you already have a community, our experts will audit it and make recommendations for improvement. And if there is no community, then we will help to create it according to all the rules so that it works for the benefit of business development.

Hello dear readers. Remember I wrote an article about ? So this article will be an addition to the previous one. Now I will talk about the innovations of the Vkontakte social network, which will allow you to sell goods even easier, more conveniently and more efficiently. So, let's begin.

Section "Products" Vkontakte

It's no secret that the social network Vkontakte has a new section in groups and publics, which is called "Products". Now each person in his Vkontakte group can make a full-fledged catalog of goods by category, with prices and descriptions. Let me remind you that earlier goods could only be uploaded to a photo album and this is not convenient. Now the section looks like this:

How to add products and make a catalog

In order to take advantage of the innovation, you just need to start a group or public Vkontakte, if you don't have one yet. Next, go to the "Page Management" section and at the very bottom check the box "Products". Then you need to specify the region of work, etc.

Here we enter the name, description, insert the main and additional photos, set the category and price. Then click "Create product" and it is added to the catalog.

The directory looks like this:

And the open product (product card) is like this:

As you can see, you can add several to show your product from all sides and a voluminous description. There is no basket and "Buy" button, but there is "Contact seller". After communication, it is already possible to discuss the terms of payment and delivery.

How to sell goods through Vkontakte

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, because I and many others wrote articles about this.

  1. Make a description of your group / public;
  2. Make a beautiful avatar;
  3. Fill the catalog with goods;
  4. Advertise your group in other groups and in (before you advertise, you need to have at least 100 people in your group for appearance. To do this, you can invite your friends);
  5. Communicate with people and collect orders.

Here is such a simple scheme.

Since last year, the social network VK has provided its users with the opportunity to trade on their pages. There are two ways to start trading. The first involves trading through your personal page, and the second - trading on the pages of a group or community. The second way can be called almost. Let's consider both options.

How to start selling VKontakte through your page

This feature was introduced in September 2016. It is ideal, for example, for selling clothes, for those who are engaged in the manufacture of any home products, for example, as well as for people providing any services, etc. The advantage here is that you do not need to open any groups and online stores on VKontakte, and spend extra time on them.

  1. In the left menu of your page in VK, go to the item "Products".

  1. In the page that opens, click on the button "Add your item" or similar text below. There is no difference, it's the same.

  1. And we fill in the so-called product card. We select a category, upload a photo, set a price and set up a city for sale. If there is a metro in your city, then the setting for the stations will additionally open for you and click "Create Product".

That's it, the card has been created, after which it appeared on your VKontakte page and was sent as a notification to your friends. It will also become available to other VK users and they will be able to find your things through the search.

How to create a VKontakte store in groups

It is difficult to call it a full-fledged online store; rather, it is a showcase for sales. Its advantage lies in the fact that it is created on the basis of a community / group. There is one drawback in the previous method - a personal page can have no more than 10,000 friends. VKontakte communities have an unlimited number of participants.

Consider now the instructions on how to open an online store in VK:

  1. Creating a community (if you already have one, then start from point 4). On your personal page in the menu, select the item “Groups”.

  1. Click the button “Create a Community” or a similar inscription on VKontakte below.

  1. In the window that appears, specify the basic information about the future group and click the button. All data can be corrected later.

  1. Go to the community page and on the right under the photo, click on the link in the form of three dots and select the item.

  1. Select from the menu on the right “Sections” and then include the section "Products".

  1. Perform basic section setup. In the contact section, specify the person to whom notifications about the desire to purchase products by the buyer of your online store will be sent.

  1. Go to the community page and in the new section click on the link “Add item”.

  1. Fill out the card. Look at an example of descriptions from competitors and large online stores of your subject. “Blah blah blah” text is not necessary. It must be clear information about the product.

After that, the position of the online store will appear on the VKontakte community page.

If you click on it, a window will open with the information that you filled out.

To order, the buyer contacts you by clicking on the button "Write to seller", after which a notification comes to the person whom you indicated in the contacts of your online store for communication in the 6th paragraph.

How to pay for the goods to the buyer

Unfortunately, the product card does not have a button to buy and then pay online, which is why we called the online store a showcase above. VKontakte payment can be accepted in three roundabout ways:

  1. Internal transfer to VK. To do this, in the dialogue about the purchase of goods, select the item in the attachment menu "Money" and enter the amount, after which payment is made through the card and the money is sent to the seller. If this is a community-based online store, then the money is sent to the manager.
  2. Accepting payment on the spot. That is after delivery.
  3. Invoicing through payment services. You create an invoice, after which you receive a payment link that you need to send to your buyer, and he pays for it in any way that is convenient for him from the ones offered by the payment system. Method for individuals: go to the page and just fill out the form. Method for legal: this is done either through Yandex.Checkout, or, for example, through Robokassa.

An example of how to issue an invoice through Robokassa:

In our opinion, the first method is absolutely stupid, since you will have to explain to the buyer of the online store how to do it.

For many stores, it has become profitable to place products in catalogs on their own websites. But we know that everything is changing at a tremendous speed! And now social networks are the platform and the target audience that store owners need. I want to introduce you to a chip on how to create a catalog of goods in the VKontakte group. This feature is equivalent in importance to creating a VKontakte menu. Before proceeding with its implementation, it is important to read how to create a group on VKontakte.

First, make sure that the "Materials" are connected in the group: Community Management - Materials - Connected. This function is responsible for the presence of the "breaking news" link. Click on this link and select "Edit".

In the window that appears, I suggest entering the following code: [[Directory|Go to the shared directory]]

Where to sign | is the name of the new page where your catalog will be placed; after sign | - the inscription that subscribers will see in "Latest News". When entered, you can see how the link will look like. To do this, select "Preview" - "Save Page".

Already by this link we go to a new page called "Catalogue". Many firms have several types of goods in stock at once, so it is better to present each type separately. Select "Edit" at the top right. I will show the option of creating a product catalog using the example of a store selling unusual gifts. To do this, enter the following wiki code (Figure 2):

Figure 2

Bouquet of soft toys==


Stuffed toys bouquet- A great option for a gift.

[[Bouquet of soft toys|view assortment]]

Keychain with live plants ==


Keychain with living plants- a stylish accessory for a backpack, keys, phone, car interior!

[[Keychain with live plants|view assortment]]

sky balls==


heavenly balls- is an original and unforgettable gift for any occasion! FROM

[[Heavenly balls|view assortment]]

Signs ==text== mean subsections; text- highlight in bold; text- emphasizes

a photo
– center photo or text.

[[Keychain with live plants|view assortment]] , where “view assortment” is a link to the section where there will be “Heavenly balls”. All your developments can be viewed in the "Preview" (Figure 3).

Figure 3

After saving the parcel, go to the page "Keychain with live plants" and edit it.

It is better to create a catalog in a table that is formed:

  • (| is a required element, means creating a table.
  • |- – new line,
  • | - cell,
  • |) - close the table.

Keychain with live plant Opuntia Dillena

Price — 59 000 rubles

[[Order|ORDER NOW]]

Keychain with live plant Mammillaria

Price — 59 000 rubles

[[Order|ORDER NOW]]

Keychain with a live plant Needleless Opuntia

Price — 59 000 rubles

[[Order|ORDER NOW]]

Note, if you want the following text to start on a new line, use

Type of work done (Figure 4):

In this lesson, I will talk about such a chip as goods VKontakte, with which you can open an online store in the community. This opportunity is provided for all groups and public pages that are engaged in trading using a social network. You can connect the service regardless of the number of participants, and only managers can place products in the new section.

Thus, based on this option, you can safely open online store VKontakte. The main page always displays the last 3 added products.

In order to connect the product service, go to the "Community Management" section.

On the "Information" tab, scroll down the page a little and select "Included" next to "Products".

Here you can immediately add important information:

  • Specify delivery region- you can add several countries or cities;
  • Enable or disable the ability to leave comments to goods;
  • Select store currency- Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakhstani tenge, euro or US dollar;
  • Contact for communication- this is the user's personal page through which you will accept orders. The page must be among the leaders of the community in order to be selected from the drop-down list;
  • Store Description- a wiki page with a detailed description of your store, terms of payment and delivery, and other important information. This link will be automatically attached to each of the products.

After you have saved all the changes made, a special block with products appears on the main page of the community.

By clicking on the heading "Products" or on the link "Show all products", you can open a complete list of products. Here in the upper right corner there is a special link "Add product", through which you can add a new offer to your store.

  • Title and Description. The search will take into account both of these fields;
  • Main photo and up to 4 additional. When uploading the main photo, you will need to specify a square-shaped thumbnail. Uploaded photos must have no less than 400 and no more than 7000 points on each side, and you can not use photos in which one of the sides is several times larger than the other;
  • Category- you must specify one of the categories of goods from the list. This is necessary to place your offers in a single VKontakte catalog;
  • Compilation- with this option you can sort all the goods more accurately. This field only appears when creating the collection itself, which we will discuss below;
  • Price- specify the price;
  • Product not available- with this checkbox you can show that it is currently out of stock. In this case, it is placed in a special tab "Inaccessible products".

At the end, click the "Create Product" button.

This is what the final card looks like.

Now let's look at the "Product Selections" section. Using this option, you can independently specify the category of goods within the community and group similar ones accordingly. To create a collection, go to the Collections tab and click the Create Collection link in the upper right corner.

In a new window, you will need to specify the name of the collection and upload its cover. Also, here it can be made the main selection of the community and it will always be displayed first in the list.

There are 3 ways to add a new product to the collection. You can specify it when creating, when editing it, as well as from the selection page. It can be specified in the new "Selection" list that appears, which I wrote about earlier. Thus, when editing, you can move products from one category to another, unfortunately, it can only be in one collection at a time.

After creating a collection, of course, you can edit or delete it. You can do this inside the collection.

You also have the ability to edit individual products. To do this, hover over the offer image and click on the pencil icon that appears. You can change any data.

You can also search in the "Products" section. When you click on the "Options" link, you will be able to specify a price range, as well as sorting by date added or price.

For the convenience of the owner, a link to the product about which they write to you will be automatically attached to such a message.

Also, you can temporarily disable the "Products" service in the community settings. All settings and product cards will not be deleted, but simply cease to be displayed.

If the user opens any of the offers through a direct link, it will be indicated that it is temporarily unavailable. You will also be unable to contact the seller. You can return everything back at any time by enabling them in the community settings.

That's all, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments below. The material used the proposals of the group

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