Lesson on healthy eating. Synopsis of GCD “Tasty healthy food

Open class Ivanova N.S.

Topic: " Proper nutrition- guarantee of health

Target: Systematization and generalization of knowledge about safe and healthy nutrition.


1. To consolidate children's knowledge about the laws of healthy eating; to convince them of the necessity and importance of observing a diet; teach children to choose the most useful products for a healthy, rational diet.

2. Develop the children have a cognitive interest, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions.

3. Cultivate a negative attitude towards foods that are harmful to the body.


Multimedia projector, PC, cartoon "Unhealthy Record" (m / f. "Smeshariki"), "Health" scheme, plates with the names of harmful and useful products, handouts (food), memo "Golden Rules of Nutrition", puzzles, puzzles .

Lesson progress:

Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests. I am glad to see you at our holiday of health. Each of us is given only one amazing opportunity to live our lives on planet Earth. And how to live your life, each person decides in his own way.

Guys, what do you think we need to live happily: run, jump, play, do what we love? (We need health.)

In Russian folk proverb The saying goes “Money can’t buy health”. How do you understand these words? (1 slide)

Work with the scheme "Health".

Look, guys, how fragile our health is. Like a seed in a nut. And what needs to be done to maintain and strengthen our health? (Eat right; play sports; observe personal hygiene; hardening; rejection bad habits; follow the daily routine good mood.). (Attachment 1)

That's right, guys, if we protect and strengthen it, then it will be strong and then our life will be bright and rosy like our scheme.

Listen to the poem, and tell me, what is important we will talk about today? (2 slide).

Man needs to eat
To stand up and to sit down
To jump, somersault,
Sing songs, make friends, laugh,
To grow and develop
And don't get sick
You gotta eat right
Know from a very young age.

The topic of our lesson « Proper nutrition is the key to health!”

(3 slide)

Today I want to talk with you about healthy eating and invite you to visit Smeshariki, who know a lot about food, about proper nutrition, but they sometimes make mistakes, let's try to help them today and show our knowledge. (4 slide)

So let's go and see who's doing what.

Visiting Sovunya. (5 slide)

Look how delicious and wholesome food in Sovunya's pantry, she decided to put things in order, to make products as needed for our body. Let's help her and put the foods that the body needs most on the bottom shelf, and those that a person should consume in smaller quantities on the top. (6 slide)

food pyramid, compiled by nutritionists, here they brought all the necessary products that the body needs for proper growth and development. Shall we try to help her?


"Guess easily and quickly:
soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
but sometimes it is burnt. "(Bread)

Bows, horns, shells.

We are sometimes like ears,

Loved by adults and children

And rings, and spaghetti.

And add grated cheese to us -

There will be a real feast. (Pasta)

She improves health

Our hemoglobin increases

loves cooking loves stove

And she is called ... (buckwheat.)

1 .At its base - bread, cereals and pasta

Bread, pasta, cereals contain up to 70% carbohydrates, the value of which lies in the fact that, when broken down, they give the body the energy necessary for proper development organism. Carbohydrates help maintain normal weight and physique.

To find out what products we have on tier 2, you need to read the words according to the arrows: vegetables, fruits, berries. (Appendix 2)

2. The second step of the pyramid is fruits and vegetables, berries.

Vegetables fruits and berries are the main suppliers of fiber, which plays important role in the work of our stomach, they also contain a large amount of vitamins. Eating fruits and vegetables increases immune properties organism and helps to resist diseases. Many vegetables and fruits are therapeutic effect and have been successfully used in therapeutic diets. Vegetables and fruits are best consumed fresh.

3 .Which products are on the next step of the pyramid -You will learn by composing a word by the first letters of the drawn objects. (milk, meat, fish, poultry.) (Appendix 3)

Meat and fish are animal proteins. animal squirrels - is the base normal operation organism. Vegetable and animal proteins are especially necessary for children - their body grows, new cells are created, which means they need building material. animal squirrels necessary for the body not only for the construction of cells, but also for the production of a number of hormones and many other important processes.

Milk is a balanced product, providing the child's body with almost everything necessary. Milk and dairy products are high in calcium, which is beneficial for strong bones.

4 . What is at the top of the healthy eating pyramid you will learn by solving puzzles:





(Annex 4)

How little space they have! Just as few, they should be in our diet. Indeed, excessive salt intake sometimes leads to a number of diseases. Metabolic disorders, kidney disease.

Sugar lovers get metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, migraine and tooth decay - fat and oils provide tremendous energy needed by the body, but fatty foods should be consumed in small quantities otherwise it can lead to obesity. So, guys, look at the pyramid, what a variety of products. What conclusion can we draw?

Conclusion : Meals should be varied (work with the “Proper Nutrition” scheme)

You have worked hard and Sovunya offers to see one very interesting story, which happened to Smeshariki.

("Unhealthy record") (slide 7).

  1. Guys, tell me, what rule did the heroes not follow? (they ate a lot of sweets)
  2. And what happened to them? (they got sick)
  3. And what should be done in order not to get sick with such terrible diseases?

(you need to eat less, do not overeat).

Conclusion : Meals should be moderate.

Visiting Kopatych.(8 slide).

Why are berries, fruits, vegetables called healthy foods? (major sources of vitamins).

Vitamins are substances needed by the human body. The word "vitamin" was coined by the American scientist - biochemist Casimir Funk. He discovered that the substance ("amine") contained in the shell of rice grains is vital for people. By connecting latin word"vita" ("life") with "amine", the word "vitamin" turned out.

(work in groups “where do vitamins live?”).

Vitamin A (10 slide)

If you want to grow well, see well and have strong teeth,

you need me - vitamin A

I'm a fun vitamin
I can't be alone
I have a lot of friends
Children are healthier with us.
I'll tell you, not melting,
How useful I am, my friends.
I'm in carrots, in garlic,
I am in fish and milk,
Eat me -
And you will grow up
I'm good for my eyes!

Vitamin B (11 slide)

If you want to be strong, have a good appetite and do not want to be upset and cry over trifles, you need me - vitamin B.

Fish, bread, egg and cheese,
Meat, poultry and kefir,
Yeast, dried apricots, nuts -
Here is the secret to your success!
And I'm in the pea too.
Many benefits from me!
Very important early
Eat oatmeal for breakfast.
Black bread is good for us -
And not just in the morning!

Vitamin C (12 slide)

If you want to catch colds less often, be alert, recover faster, you need me - Vitamin C!
You pick strawberries -
You will find me in the berry.
I'm in currants, in cabbage,
I live in an apple and in an onion,
I'm in beans and potatoes,
In tomato and peas!
From colds and sore throats,
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D (13 slide)
I am a useful vitamin.
You, friends, need!
Who sea ​​fish eating,
He is as strong as Hercules!
If a fish fat fall in love
Then you will be strong!
There is me in the caviar and in the egg,
In butter, cheese, milk.

Fizminutka. The game "Tops and Roots".(14 slide)

If we eat underground parts of the products, then we need to sit down, if we eat ground parts, stand up to our full height and stretch our arms up.

(Potato, pepper, bean, carrot, tomato, beetroot, cucumber, turnip, pumpkin, radish, dill, cabbage)

Visiting Nyusha. (15 slide)

We rested, and now let's look at Nyusha, and see what she is thinking about now?

The game "Useful-harmful" work at the blackboard.

Choose foods that are good for you and divide them into two groups: Fish, Pepsi, kefir, fanta, chips, rolled oats, fatty meats, sunflower oil, cakes, Snickers, carrots, cabbage, chocolates, apples, pears, bread.

Talk about harmful products:

  1. Guys, do you like to eat these foods?
  2. What do you think, are they useful?
  3. Why are they called harmful?

Yes, children, these products are harmful to your health, because artificial substances are added to them: sweeteners, flavors, various dyes and there are no vitamins, microelements that are so necessary for your growing body.

Conclusion : Food should be healthy

Reflection. Circle play: passing the ball standing next to comrade, give him advice on how to eat right.

Summary of the lesson : test "What do you know about proper nutrition?" (slide 16-24 slide)

Summing up, the teacher reads a poem:

The main thing in life is health.

Try to understand this from childhood.

The main value is health!

You can't buy it, but it's easy to lose it.

Our illnesses will tell later

How we live and what we eat.

Strengthen your body with sports!

Use healthy food!

Today we talked about only one part of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. And I want to say that each of you can be healthy. You just need to really want to. You should always take care of your health. After all, when a person is healthy, he is cheerful and cheerful, his eyes glow, and his face radiates a smile.

Spmsok Literature:



Slides captions:

“MONEY CANNOT BUY HEALTH.” Russian folk proverb

A person needs to eat, To get up and to sit down, To jump, somersault, Sing songs, make friends, laugh, To grow and develop And at the same time not get sick, You need to be able to eat right From a very young age.



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Slides captions:

"Visiting Smeshariki!!!"

Guys, help me clean up the pantry.

Food pyramid. Food should be varied.

Thank you very much. Now take a break and watch one very interesting story that happened to Smeshariki.

Do you know what vitamins live in healthy foods? To be healthy and strong you need to eat right


I'm a cheerful vitamin, I can't be alone, I have a lot of friends, Children are healthier with us. I'll tell you, without melting, How useful I am, friends. I'm in carrots, in garlic, I'm in fish and milk, Eat me - And you'll grow up, I'm good for vision.

Fish, bread, egg and cheese, Meat, poultry and yogurt, Yeast, dried apricots, nuts - Here is the secret of success for you! And I'm in the pea too. Many benefits from me! It is very important to eat oatmeal for breakfast early in the morning. Black bread is good for us - And not only in the morning!

You pick a strawberry - You will find me in a berry. I live in currants, in cabbage, I live in apples and onions, I live in beans and potatoes, In tomatoes and peas! From colds and sore throats Oranges help. Well, it's better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour.

I am a useful vitamin. You, friends, need! Whoever eats sea fish is as strong as Hercules! If you love fish oil, then you will be a Strongman! There is me in the caviar and in the egg, In butter, in cheese, in milk.

Wellness minute Game tops-roots.

What a yummy!!! Help Nyusha do right choice.

Nutrition test.

How many times a day should you eat? A) 2-3 times B) 4-5 times. B) 1 time.

What foods are on the first step of the Food Pyramid. A) Salt, sugar, butter. b) Meat, milk, fish. B) Bread, pasta, cereals

What products are the largest number vitamins? A) Candy, sugar. B) Meat, sour cream cottage cheese. C) Fruits, vegetables, berries.

Why are some foods called harmful? Because... A) They are delicious. B) they contain dyes, chemical additives, great content Sahara. C) They have useful properties.

What foods should be eaten most often? A) sweets. b) fruits and vegetables. B) sandwiches.

Why is it best to eat raw vegetables and fruit? a) They smell good. b) They contain the most vitamins. c) They don't need to be cooked.

What are the rules for eating? A) When I eat, I laugh and wave my arms. B) When I eat, I talk to a friend. C) When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

What are useful products? A) Coffee, chips, Mars. B) Cheese, fish, pear. C) Cake, sweets, sausages.

The main thing in life is health. Try to understand this from childhood. The main value is health! You can't buy it, but it's easy to lose it. Our illnesses will tell later How we live and what we chew. Strengthen your body with sports! Use healthy food!

Goodbye, see you soon!





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  1. Milk.
  1. Meat

Synopsis of a game lesson for children of the 3rd year of life, topic: "Food"


Expand children's knowledge about food.
To enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children on this topic.
Learn to listen carefully and understand the text.
Form ideas about color, position in space (on, behind, in front of, next to, top-bottom, right-left), geometric shapes (rectangle, square, triangle, circle, oval), size (large-small).
Teach children to find exactly the same object, as well as an object that is different from the rest.
Improve the skills of gluing, sculpting, drawing straight vertical lines with a pencil.
Teach children to find the middle of an object.
Teach kids how to cut paper with scissors.
develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Exercise in the ability to coordinate their actions with the words of the song.
Cultivate the desire to be careful when eating, use a napkin.


Packaging from under various food products(two copies).
Plates cut out of cardboard, PVA glue, buckwheat.
Salt dough, toy knives, candy wrappers.
Pictures depicting ears, grains, flour, dough, bakery products.
Sheet-background with the image of the road. Little cars.
Sheet-background with the image of plates different shapes; carved color images of bread, cookies, pie, long loaf, donut; glue.
Large white beans and small brown beans. Large and small bowls.
Scissors. Paper cut images of bread and sausage.
Clothespins. Multi-colored silhouette images of "chupa-chups".
Handout "tomatoes", "cucumbers", "pears", "plums"; circles-plates of red, blue, yellow and green colors.
Clothesline. Silhouette images of mushrooms.
Drying. Ropes.
A picture of a neat and messy baby eating. Paper napkins.
Pencils. Sheets with foodstuffs drawn at the top and plates at the bottom, which need to be connected with a vertical line.
Audio recordings: “Dance with Mom” by E. Zheleznova, “I bake, bake, bake a pie for all the kids.”

Lesson progress:

Greeting "How are you?"

How is it going? - Like this!
(Thumbs of both hands - up, the rest are gathered into a fist)

Do you swim? - Like this!
(Hands represent the movement of the swimmer)

How are you going? - Like this!
(Walking in place)

How do you run? - Like this!
(Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body)

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this!
(Alternately apply palms to the flask)

Are you following? - Like this!
(Energetic hand movements)

How do you take? - Like this!
(grasping hand movements)

How do you give? - Like this!
(Extend open palm forward)

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!
(Palms under head)

How do you threaten? -Like this!
(Shake the index finger, the rest of the fingers are gathered into a fist)

Are you kidding? - Like this!
(Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks)

When we are told "Bon appetit?" So they say before eating. Today we will play and talk about what we eat.

When you are offered a treat -
Fruit cake, sweets and cookies, -
Eat calmly, carefully.
Everyone around will be happy.

What should be said before eating? What should be said after eating?

Didactic game "Buy exactly the same product in the store"

Children are given empty packages of various food products. Children must go to the "shop" (where the same packages are placed) and choose-"buy" exactly the same product.

Drawing "Draw a line from the product to the plate"

Children draw vertical straight lines with pencils from the product to the plate.

looking at pictures

You like to eat cookies, buns, bread. Look and hear how and from what they turned out. (Showing pictures is accompanied by a story of an adult).

Picture "Spikes"
Picture "Grain"
Picture "Flour"
Picture "Dough"
Picture "Bakery products"

Didactic game "Bread truck"

Put sheets of paper with a drawn city in front of you and pick up a bread truck. You will be the drivers and drive the car in the right direction.
Put the car in the upper left corner. There is a bakery here and they will load into the car fresh bread, rolls and other tasty products.
Drive the car to the center, to the very middle.
The car is now moving to the right.
Now down the street.
The car stopped in front of a tall building.
Then the car moved to the left.
Stopped behind a low house.
The car drove up the street.
The car returned to the bakery.

Application "Choose a dish of the desired shape"

We bought different products in a bakery. Now we need to split them into festive table. You do not have a tablecloth with dishes placed on it. Consider carefully bakery products and dishes for them.
You need to choose a dish of a suitable shape for each product.
On what geometric figure looks like a bagel? To the circle. On a dish of what shape should a round bagel be placed? For a round dish.
What geometric shape does bread look like? To a rectangle. What shape dish should the rectangular bread be placed on? On a rectangular dish.
What geometric shape does a loaf look like? On the oval On a dish of what shape should an oval loaf be placed? On an oval platter.
What geometric shape does the pie look like? To a triangle. On a dish of what shape should a triangular pie be placed? On a triangular dish.
What geometric shape does a cookie look like? To the square. On a dish of what shape should a square cookie be placed? For a square dish.

Reading the poem "Bread"

Flour was kneaded into the dough.
And from the test we blinded:
pies and buns,
sweet cheesecakes,
Buns and rolls -
We bake everything in the oven.
Very tasty!

Modeling "Gingerbread Man, Baton, Bagel"

Pick up pieces of salt dough and roll up a bun (circular rolling), a loaf (direct rolling, pressing down, notching), a bagel (direct rolling, bending, joining).

Dynamic pause "I'm baking, I'm baking, I'm baking"

Children perform movements to show an adult to the song "I bake, bake, bake"

Didactic game "Put food on plates"

Here are the vegetables and fruits. Name them: cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, pears. Can you tell me what color they are? Green cucumbers, red tomatoes, yellow pears, blue plums. Arrange them on plates of a suitable color.

Didactic exercise "We sort the beans"

Here on a plate mixed beans. There are white beans, large, and there are brown beans, small. Divide the beans: large beans on large plates and small beans on a small plate.

Game with clothespins "Candy on sticks"

Here are some sweets for you. Show candy red, yellow, blue, green. Now pick up a stick of the same color for each candy.

Manual labor "Candy"

Pinch off large pieces from salt dough, roll into a thick sausage and wrap in candy wrappers.

Reading a poem delicious porridge» Z. Alexandrova

buckwheat porridge,
Where did you cook? In the oven.
Copied, pissed off.
For Olenka to eat.
The porridge was cooked
All shared...
Got a spoonful
Geese on the path
Chickens in a basket
Tits in the window.
Enough for a spoon
Dog and cat.
And Olya finished
Last crumbs!

Manual labor "Porridge on a plate"

Spread the middle of the plate with glue (copiously), sprinkle with cereals on top. Shake off or blow off the rest of the cereal.

Didactic exercise "Cut in half"

Take scissors and cut the sausage and bread in half.

Show a mushroom that is not like all the other mushrooms.

Didactic exercise "Dry mushrooms"

Squirrels dry mushrooms on the knots of trees. And people hang mushrooms to dry on a string. So we are now hanging the mushrooms to dry on a string using clothespins.

Dance exercise "Dance with Mom"

Children perform movements to the music according to the text.

Didactic exercise "Good and bad"

Children look at the picture and explain which child is good at the table and which is bad.

How do you behave at the table? Try to eat carefully. To not get dirty. Use a napkin. To wipe your mouth after eating. Show how you wipe your mouth with a tissue.

Manual labor "Bunch of dryers"

Children string dryers on a string, adults help to tie a knot on a string. Children take a bunch of dryers with them.

Every day more and more people are interested in proper nutrition as one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle. Our website even has . Food is something without which the life of any person is impossible, and health directly depends on the diet. Poor quality or junk food can cause damage to the body, so it is very important to be able to the right program food for every day. Healthy food is not always the standard of taste, but from the point of view of its benefits, it has no analogues.

Correct and healthy eating today it is no longer an indicator of aristocracy, but a response to the pace and conditions of life. More and more people today are involved in sports, which is inseparable from a healthy diet. Choosing a diet and compiling a menu for a day, a week, a month becomes an urgent task for everyone who asks questions about losing weight, losing weight or building muscles, and improving well-being in general. In this lesson, we will talk about the basic principles of proper nutrition.

Please take these tips critically, as there are no strict laws in proper nutrition, but there are recommendations that can be supported by some experts and criticized by others.

What is proper nutrition?

In the sources, one can rarely find a clear and specific definition of the concept of healthy and proper nutrition. The most complete wording of this term is as follows:

Proper nutrition(or healthy food) - this is balanced diet from natural and quality products, which satisfy all the needs of the body, in addition, benefit it.

One of the famous authors of books on proper nutrition is an American naturopath, an adherent of alternative medicine, vegetarian Herbert Shelton ( 1895-1985 ). His idea of ​​​​the benefits of natural food became progressive: Shelton believed that nature took care of human needs for food to the full, which means that our body needs only natural products.

Shelton also developed the nutritional concept of separate meals in the book " The right combination food products". The idea of ​​​​this diet is the incompatibility of certain foods when they are consumed at the same time. For example, the author argued that one should not combine food, rich in proteins, with carbohydrate-containing foods, combine milk with other foods, and fats with proteins. Separate nutrition interested not only those wishing to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also specialists in the field of dietetics and physiology. Were held clinical researches, as a result of which it was possible to establish that it is useful not only separate meals how much eating healthy food, since weight loss and a good state of the body are not affected by the principle of food separation, but by a general decrease in its calorie content.

Also relevant for proper nutrition are the postulates set forth in one of the most popular modern books on healthy food, The China Study. This work was written by a famous specialist Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Food Biochemistry at Cornell University, winner of the US National Institutes of Health award. Here are some takeaways from this book:

  • food vitamin supplements will never replace natural products containing the same set of vitamins;
  • almost all nutrients are better absorbed from plant foods than from animal foods;
  • proper nutrition helps to control the effects of negative external factors on the body;
  • a properly composed diet will never harm the body.

Summarizing the information from these works, we can highlight several recommendations on what you need to know about proper nutrition and healthy food:

Rule 1. Food is primarily the basis for life, "fuel" for the body, from which energy is produced, and only then - ritual and pleasure.

Rule 2. Healthy eating will protect your body from premature aging helps to avoid many diseases of cardio-vascular system, some types of cancer, diseases digestive tract, diabetes, hypertension. In addition, there is a certain list of products that help improve mental activity, read about them in this article.

Rule 3. There is no room for compromise in a healthy diet. From soda, chips, mayonnaise and others harmful products must be abandoned. You can and even need to eat sweets, but not all the time and not all in a row.

Rule 4. Baked, stewed and boiled food is healthier than fried and smoked.

Rule 5. Trust, but verify. With the development of the Internet, a huge number of different blogs and websites have appeared on the network containing information about healthy eating and giving recommendations for improving the figure. However, do not forget that the authors of blogs are not always professionals who really know their stuff. That is why, before you start applying this or that technique on yourself, you should read the reviews of other users in as much detail as possible, read Additional information about the author of the theory and analyze the results he achieved. This simple tip will help you weed out untested theories and thereby avoid the risk of irreparable harm to your health by trusting non-professionals.

So, the basis of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition, which depends on the food we eat. According to the content of various nutrients and vitamins, all products can be divided into groups that will allow you to make optimal diet during the day.

Based on the principles of proper nutrition, experts at the Harvard School of Public Health, led by American nutritionist Walter Willett, have developed universal scheme human nutrition during the day food pyramid. Foods located at the bottom of the pyramid are recommended to be eaten as often as possible, and foods from the top should be eaten in limited quantities or eliminate it from your diet altogether. In addition, it is worth noting that physical activity and adequate fluid intake, preferably mineral water, also lie at the base of this pyramid.

Here is the structure of the pyramid with a list necessary products and their properties from bottom to top:

Whole grain bread, oatmeal, rice and pasta

This is the basis of a healthy diet. These foods provide the body with complex carbohydrates, an important source of energy. Whole-grain foods are rich in B vitamins, minerals and fiber that everyone needs. Contrary to popular belief, these foods do not lead to weight gain unless supplemented with butter, cheese or sauces.


Vegetables provide us with vitamins, are an excellent source of protein, in addition, they are not rich in fats. Maximum amount nutrients found in rich green, yellow and orange vegetables, as well as in starchy vegetables- potatoes and yams. vegetable juices are also very beneficial for the body.


Fruits are a rich source of vitamins, primarily vitamin C. These are low-calorie foods that contain virtually no fat. Fruits are useful in any form: fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and also in the form of juice, with the exception of heavily sweetened nectars and fruit-based syrups.

Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts

Animal foods are an excellent source of protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins, as are beans, nuts, and seeds. Tofu (bean curd) and white beans rich necessary for the body calcium. Almond is good source vitamin E.

Milk, kefir, cheese, yogurt

Dairy irreplaceable sources calcium. They also provide the body with proteins and vitamin B12. For eating, choose lean varieties dairy products, as they contain a minimum of cholesterol, saturated fat and, of course, calories.

Fats, oils and sweets

These foods are high in calories and very nutritious. They should not be abused, but they should not be completely abandoned either. Vegetable oils, which are a rich source of vitamin E, must be present in the diet (1 tablespoon per day is enough for the body). Products containing molasses can be useful as a source of iron.

Diet options according to the food pyramid

From these food groups, you can cook many different dishes. Approximate daily menu The average person might look like this:

Option 1

  • Breakfast: a small piece of meat, a portion of rice and 200 g of salad, a cup of tea with lemon, a small piece of fruit.
  • Snack: unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner: two bread toasts lean fish, green salad without dressing, mineral water with lemon.
  • Snack: kefir or yogurt.
  • Dinner: stewed vegetables with toast, a glass of water with lemon.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: chicken breast sprinkled with parmesan, boiled potatoes with green beans, a cup of tea with lemon, a small piece of fruit.
  • Snack: a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: a serving of brown rice with stewed vegetables, a glass mint tea, small fruit.
  • Snack: kefir or yogurt.
  • Dinner: 150 g fat-free cottage cheese, small fruit, glass of water.

It is worth noting that such a diet provides the nutritional needs of the average person. For those who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, the menu should be adjusted according to individual characteristics organism and the goal.

The desire to lose weight makes many people turn to proper nutrition, since the main cause of obesity is the use of junk food, fast food and a large number sweet. The path to beauty healthy body lies through the construction proper diet and dietary patterns.

In search of the optimal weight loss program for yourself, you should not immediately go to the Internet and study “revolutionary methods” that allow you to lose weight without the slightest effort and food restrictions. You should be wary of all the methods offered on the network, since quite often they are compiled by people who do not have a professional education in the field of nutrition and cannot guarantee positive result. If you have the opportunity, be sure to make an appointment with a nutritionist who will conduct an individual study of the characteristics of your body, and based on its results, will offer a nutrition program that is right for you in accordance with your goals. If the consultation of a professional nutritionist is not available to you for any reason, you can take the advice of experts who lead websites, forums and blogs on weight loss, read books on this subject, while not forgetting to check the information offered to you, get acquainted with the reviews and recommendations of people in detail, experienced this technique from my own experience.

Any nutritionist will tell you with confidence that you can lose weight by reducing the number of calories a person consumes per day. Minimum Quantity units of energy required by the body of an adult daily, is considered to be 1200 kcal. Calculate the number of calories needed to maintain weight at current level you can by determining your total daily energy consumption or, as it is called, TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). It is calculated from the level basal metabolism the number of calories needed to sustain life calm state(BMR) multiplied by the activity factor.

The formula for calculating basal metabolic rate based on a person's weight, height, and age is derived as follows:

Men: 66 + (13.7 X body weight) + (5 X height in cm) (6.8 X age in years) basal metabolic rate.

Women: 655 + (9.6 X body weight) + (1.8 X height in cm) (4.7 X age in years) basal metabolic rate.

The result obtained must be multiplied by the activity factor, which is equal to:

  • 1,2 sedentary image life;
  • 1,375 average activity (light exercise 1-3 per week);
  • 1.55 high activity (intensive classes 3-5 times a week);
  • 1,725 ​​very active (heavy physical activity 6-7 times a week);
  • 1.9 extreme activity (very severe physical labor, or intensive training 2 times a day).

You can find out how many kilocalories per day you need in the form below:

Calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)



After you determine how many calories per day you need to maintain existing weight, you can easily calculate how many calories you need for weight loss. Without harm to the body, you can reduce your daily calorie intake by 10-15% of what is required to compensate for energy consumption.

What you need to know when planning to lose weight?

1. It is important to understand that a weight loss diet without sports will not bring a quick result. Speed ​​up the process by first deducing the formula for the number of calories, taking into account physical activity, of course, and, having calculated the daily ration from it, you can only do special exercises. You will learn about them in next lesson.

2. When choosing a diet, it is best to consult a specialist doctor or, according to at least, opt for a well-known program, the effectiveness of which has already been tested by other people.

3. If you have trouble sleeping or feel constant fatigue and irritability, feeling worse in general - these are sure signs that the diet is bad or the amount of food consumed is not enough, which can be detrimental to health and, therefore, the program needs to be reviewed or changed.

4. Most low-carb diets need to be approached carefully. Carbohydrates are the basis that feeds our body with energy. Distinguish between fast and slow carbohydrates However, it is impossible to completely abandon some and replace them with others. Read more. Consideration should also be given to express diets that allow you to lose weight in a short period of time. It should be remembered that having lost weight with the help of a cucumber or buckwheat diet, you will soon gain weight again when you return to your usual diet.

5. The number of meals - 4-5 per day. Portions are best kept small. It is advisable not to skip breakfast.

6. Useful products for losing weight, allowing you to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body: apples, broccoli, wild berries, pomegranate juice, beans, garlic, nuts.

7. The main thing is positive attitude, willpower and determination. The rest is sure to work.

Finally, an example of a menu for the day for women:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, 1 apple, coffee with milk.
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir, 2 peaches.
  • Dinner: 1 baked potato, a piece of fish, vegetable salad with a tablespoon of oil.
  • Snack: grated carrots with olives.
  • Dinner: boiled broccoli, stewed chicken breast.

Healthy eating is just as important for a set muscle mass, like physical training. Food acts as a building material from which the body takes everything it needs for muscles.

In the case of a set of muscle mass, the same principle works as with weight loss, only in reverse order. If you want to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body uses per day. At the same time, a large number of fast carbohydrates and fats, which, unlike protein, are not directly involved in the process of creating muscle tissue and can accumulate in the body, creating excess fat. However, it is fats and carbohydrates that are the main source of energy for training and therefore it is impossible to completely abandon them: they must be consumed in right time and in the right amount (according to TDEE).

If you are actively involved in sports, then it is important to get enough carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch, because they provide us with the energy we need for intense workouts. But the main role in muscle growth is given to proteins. Known common truth- To grow muscles, you need to consume 2 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight. In general, the nutrition process should be organized as follows: meals - 5-6 times a day every 3 hours, portions are average.

What you need to know about proper nutrition for muscle growth?

1. Muscles grow when the amount of incoming energy in the form of food exceeds the amount of energy expended per day. Calculate using the formula described in the weight loss section daily requirement in calories and increase it by 15-20% (on average + 300-500 kcal daily).

2. If you follow the rules and do everything right, but the muscles do not grow, increase your carbohydrate intake at breakfast and after training by 40-50 g.

3. Do not panic during the period of muscle growth arrest. Muscles grow in leaps and bounds. After a few weeks of progress, stagnation may occur, and after a week or two, growth will begin again.

4. Smoking and alcohol abuse are unacceptable, not only if you play sports, but also do not correlate with a healthy lifestyle in general.

5. To achieve muscle growth, you need to follow the following daily ratio of macronutrients consumed: protein (proteins) 25-30%, carbohydrates 55-65%, fats -10-15%.

  • Squirrels. One gram of protein contains 4 kcal. Main sources of protein: chicken, turkey, meat (beef), fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, protein powder, nuts, beans, peas and soy. Animal proteins (meat, poultry, milk, fish) are more nutritious than plant proteins (nuts, beans, peas, soybeans).
  • Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain 4 kcal per gram. The main sources of carbohydrates: oats, potatoes, yams, rice, pasta, sugar, fruits, vegetables, bread, fruit juices, milk, cookies, chocolate, corn, cereals.
  • Fats. Fats contain 9 kcal per gram. Main sources of fats: oil, fatty meat, oily fish, egg yolks, sauces, milk fat, cheese, cookies, potatoes, nuts, olives, chocolate. Animal fats are more harmful to the body, primarily for the cardiovascular system, than vegetable fats.

7. You should drink enough water. .

An approximate daily diet for muscle growth for a man weighing 75-80 kg is as follows:

  • First breakfast: 2 whole eggs, 7 egg whites, 1 bun, 3 teaspoons of jam, a large banana.
  • Lunch: 150 g chopped boiled breasts without skin, 1 piece of fat-free cheese, 4 tbsp. tablespoons fat-free mayonnaise, 1/2 onion, 3-4 tomatoes, 2 unleavened cakes.
  • First lunch: 250g grilled beef, 100g pasta, 3/4 cup tomato sauce.
  • Second lunch: 150 g chicken breasts grilled, 240 g boiled potatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of fat-free mayonnaise, 1 cup of vegetable salad.
  • First dinner: 500 g skimmed milk, 2 scoops of whey protein, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • Second dinner: 240 g boiled fish, 240 g boiled beans, 1 cup boiled carrots.

Drinking regime

The drinking regime is important element healthy lifestyle. Water is the basis of any living organism, including the human one. Water regulates water-salt balance in the body, body temperature, serves as the basis for the structure of new blood cells, the normal functioning of ligaments and joints, kidneys. Drinking enough water helps control your appetite.

Which drinking regimen right? There are recommendations for diets, according to which you need to drink no more than 1 liter of water per day. In no case should you follow such diets. You will get the desired -5 kg ​​in a week, but the body will be dehydrated, which will affect well-being and functionality. It is worth starting to drink again when you want, and the weight will return. Remember, the norm of water for an adult per day is 2-2.5 liters, divided into equal doses after the same amount of time. Scientists derive this figure from the calculation of 30 ml of water per day per 1 kg of weight.

It is important to drink right amount water for those who play sports. If the body is dehydrated, energy is absorbed 10-30% worse, which directly affects the intensity of training and fatigue. It is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemon immediately after waking up - this speeds up the metabolism and has a beneficial effect on digestive system.

Useful information

  • Detailed and convenient calorie table individual products and ready meals indicating the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and a recipe analyzer for the content of biologically significant nutrients.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on a topic this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

yulia korokina
Open lesson on the topic "Proper nutrition"

Target: Expand children's ideas about products food and their meaning for a person to highlight healthy eating rules.


educational: Consolidate children's knowledge about products food and their meaning for a person, about the concepts « correct» , or "healthy food» .

Educational: To develop curiosity, the ability to cook soup, juice, pies.

Educational: To educate children about their own health and the health of others. Raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests. I'm glad to see you all! And before we start our occupation- Listen to the poem, and tell me, what is important we will talk about today?

Man needs to eat

To stand up and to sit down

To jump, somersault,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop

And don't get sick

Need eat properly,

Know from a very young age.

caregiver: Tell me my good, what is our today occupation?

Children: children's answers!

caregiver: Correctly, my you are golden!

caregiver: Today I want to talk to you about healthy nutrition!

caregiver. Everyone knows that it is good to eat porridge in the morning. Why are they useful? (Children's answers.)

caregiver: Clever! Lots of work in the morning classes, for all this you need to spend a lot of effort; and energy, but there is a lot in porridge beneficial vitamins and substances.

Why do you think about some people they say: "Did he eat a little porridge?" (children's answers)

caregiver: Yes you right, they speak of weak and frail people who do not eat porridge.

caregiver: Do you know what porridge is made from? (children's answers)

caregiver: Excellent! How much do you know! Porridges are cooked from rice, buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal, corn!

surprise moment: Knock on the door! A stranger appears! Hello guys! I came to you with gifts! Do you want to know which ones? (children yes! Then guess the riddles!

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids.


orange fruit -

Like the sun in a hot summer!

Go shopping with mom

Buy juicy. (orange)

Crown on top

Thick skin,

Similar to a ball

Who does he look like!

Answer: Pomegranate

Green tail above the ground

Underground red nose.

The bunny eats deftly.

What is her name?.


caregiver: Well done! Now answer, what can be done from these fruits? (salad, juice)

caregiver: Guys, let's be a little chef and cook delicious and healthy juice? (Go to the table)

What color is an orange? (children's answers) and what does it taste like? (children's answers), And what shape is it (children's answers, good! What color is the carrot? What shape? (cut it, taste it, what taste, what color is the apple? What does it taste like? What a pomegranate!

Let's cut the juice!

caregiver: my suns! We have prepared healthy juice for you! What is the use of it? (children's answers)

Fruits are very useful nutritious they have a lot of vitamins! We have prepared delicious and healthy juice for you!

caregiver: Now let's rest a bit. The game "Yes and no"

If a "YES" stand up and raise your hands if "NO"- we sit down.

Kasha - delicious food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

green onion sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (Not)

Shchi is great food

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Amanita soup is always -

Is it good for us? (Not)

Fruits are just beautiful!

Is it good for us? (Yes)

Dirty berries sometimes

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (Not)

Vegetables growing ridge.

Are vegetables useful? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are we useful, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candy

Is it bad kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on the table!

And since healthy food -

Will we be healthy? (Yes)

caregiver: Let's continue our occupation! We have learned that it is useful to eat fruits, that you can make healthy juice out of them! What else is good to eat? (children's answers)

caregiver: Correctly! It's good to eat soup! Do you know what borscht is made from? (children's answers) There is a saucepan on the board and, fruits and vegetables, put in my saucepan what borscht is made from!

(Illustration of a saucepan, illustrations of cabbage, beets, onions, meat, carrots, potatoes, orange, apple, cucumber, tangerine)

caregiver: mine you are independent! We cooked borscht! And what should you eat borscht with?

Children with bread!

caregiver: Do you know how bread gets on our table? (children's answers)

caregiver: Right! I will tell you about the adventures of the grain. “We planted a small seed in the ground in the spring. First, a sprout appeared, then it turned into a spikelet. All summer the spikelet grew, gained strength. There were many grains in the spikelet. Earth, sun, water, heat helped a small grain to turn into a strong ear full of new grains. And they have a lot of useful nutrients. In autumn, spikelets were collected, threshed and grains were taken out.

Then flour is milled from our grain, sugar, salt are added to the flour, vegetable oil, mixed, put in a special form and placed in the oven!

Story educator accompanied by illustrations on the computer.

caregiver: Today we were chefs, I propose to be them again, bake pies, which we will then eat at dinner!

We make pies, take them to the kitchen!

Related publications:

Group project "Proper nutrition" Project type: cognitive Duration: 1 month Age of children: 6-7 years old Project participants: children, educators, specialists, parents.

Purpose: To enrich the pedagogical skills of parents; to coordinate the points of view of teachers and parents on issues of rational and correct.

Abstract class hour for grade 2 "Proper nutrition" Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of knowledge right attitude to your health.

Summary of the lesson "Proper nutrition is the key to health" Prepared by: teacher of the 2nd group Garmash E. A. Topic: Proper nutrition is the key to health. Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge about useful and harmful.

Project "Danon - Proper nutrition" in the senior group Group short-term project Relevance Proper nutrition is the key to health, but not everyone takes it seriously. About "daily bread".

Lesson on healthy eating in the middle group "Whoever is friends with porridge - he lives, does not grieve."

Klyuka Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 46 "Sun", Korolev, Moscow Region.

I offer a summary of healthy eating classes for children middle group. The material can be useful to kindergarten teachers, parents.

The nature of nutrition in early childhood leaves an imprint on further development child and his state of health, not only in childhood and adolescence, but also in adulthood. AT last years there was a shift in nutritional priorities towards fast foods, high-fat, refined foods and dishes - chips, hamburgers, hot dogs, soups, noodles, mashed potatoes fast food. And as a result, indigestion, a decrease in the body's defenses. The deterioration of children's health is the reality of today. It is very important that good eating habits begin to form early. childhood in the family, in children's institutions.

Target: Formation of healthy eating habits and respect for their health in children.

- to expand children's ideas about porridge as a traditional Russian dish that is good for human health;
- reinforce children's knowledge of various types cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina) and cereals from them;
- exercise in the ability to distinguish between cereals visually and by touch;
- bring up careful attitude to your health.

Preparatory work: introducing children to cereals, examining samples of cereals, playing with cereals “Lay out a letter or number from cereals”, “Pot with porridge”, determining the name of porridge during breakfast in a visual and organoleptic way, memorizing sayings and rhymes about porridge.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:

Educator: Guys, try to guess the riddle!
Pour into a saucepan
Water is poured
Milk will be added
Then they cook a little,
Filled with sugar
Who will eat - praise. (Porridge)

Educator: Well done boys! Yes, it's porridge. Today the Fairy of Health came to visit us, and her name is Zdravushka. Porridge is her favorite dish and she wants to tell you about it. (includes Health Fairy)

hello: Hello children! Tell me what you usually eat for breakfast at kindergarten? (children's answers - porridge) Why do you think porridge is cooked for you by cooks for breakfast? (children's answers). Of course, so that you grow up healthy, strong and not get sick!
Porridge - a dish of cereals in milk or water was a favorite dish of the Slavs. In the old days they said: “Where there is porridge, there are ours”, “Porridge is our mother”. Russian porridge is the most important dish of national Russian cuisine. In Russia, cereals have always been treated with reverence. They ate porridge for breakfast, and for lunch, and for dinner, they said, “Schi and porridge are our food.” In the villages, porridge was cooked in large irons in an oven for the whole big family. Everyone from young to old ate porridge with pleasure, adding an additive. Village children who grew up on porridge were distinguished by excellent health, strength, and sharpness.
- Guys, what kind of cereal do you know? (children's answers) Today I brought with me bundles of different cereals. Let's play the game "Name the cereal and porridge from it."

The game "Name the cereal and porridge from it"

Educator: Hello, our guys know poems and sayings about porridge. Now they will tell you. (children talk)
hello: Porridge for a Russian person has always been not just food, but a ritual dish. It was impossible to imagine any celebration or holiday without traditional Russian porridge on the table. Moreover, their own ritual porridge was necessarily prepared for various significant events. Porridge was cooked for a wedding, at the birth of a child, for christenings and name days. From a young age, parents learned with the child a finger game about porridge "Magpie-white-sided". Do you guys remember this game? Let's play!

Physical education "Forty-white-sided"

Magpie-white-sided, (with index finger they drive in a circle around the palm)
-Where was it?
-Long away,
cooked porridge,
fed the kids.
I gave this (bend fingers alternately, starting with the little finger)
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
And she didn't give it
He did not chop wood
He didn't turn on the stove.
Didn't go for water
He has nothing.
Shoo-shoo flew,
sat on the head. (put hands on head)
Spend 2 times with the left and right hand .

hello: All cereals are good for children. Each of the cereals contains a unique complex essential substances. The benefits of cereals are undeniable. Our ancestors knew about it too. No wonder there are so many proverbs and sayings about porridge. They said: “The cook lives more satisfyingly than the prince”, “Kashka is good, but the cup is small”.

Porridge was necessarily prepared on the occasion of the beginning of a big business. This is where the expression "make porridge" come from. Porridge in Russia determined even the relationship between people. They said about an unreliable and intractable person: “You can’t cook porridge with him.” And about the weak sick person they said: “I ate little porridge!”

Educator: But you can’t say the same about our children, we all eat porridge well!

hello: That's right. Whoever is friends with porridge, he lives, does not grieve.
Guys, remember, in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" the princess was able to feel the pea through a hundred mattresses. But I want to know, could you identify the groats by touch?

Magic bag game

Educator: Porridge enriches the body with useful and nutrients and energizes for the whole day. That is why our guys are so cheerful and cheerful, they love to play and study, sing and dance.
And now I invite everyone in the circle to the dance "Cook, cook, porridge."

Dance-improvisation "Cook, cook, porridge"
(audio or video recording of the song "Cook, cook porridge" performed by
children's dance group "Talisman" is on Youtube)

hello: I really liked you guys. But now it's time for me to go. I promise that I will come to you more than once. And you do not forget that porridge is our strength! Eat porridge and be healthy. See you soon!
(Children say goodbye to Zdravushka)

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