Cool hour-game "We are all different, but equal!". Educational and methodological material on the topic: Different, but equal (Inclusion in education)

"Different but equal", Olesya Sivtseva's story

Today, the hero of the “Different but Equal” column will be Olesya Sivtseva, who, despite her peculiarity of development, easily graduated from high school general education school and gets higher education at the Moscow State Humanitarian Economic University with a degree in jurisprudence, but first things first.

Olesya Sivtseva

My childhood, like the childhood of other children with disabilities, was spent in the hospital. I remember that my birthdays were always celebrated in the hospital. It wasn't until I started first grade that I was able to celebrate my birthday at home. As a child, you do not think about your developmental features. For the first time, I asked myself the question “Why am I not like everyone else?”, Only at the age of 11.

Marianna Sivtseva, mother

- Of course, it was hard when I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the birth of my daughter, and we, as young parents, were very excited, we didn’t know how to deal with it. Having a child with handicapped health, especially in the village where you live, it is very difficult for parents. At that time, I did not work, I devoted all my time to raising a child, only our father Evgeny Sidorovich Sivtsev supported us. Thanks to his perseverance, we were able to put our daughter on her feet. We somehow accidentally got into social center where operations are performed - chirorplasty. They did a lot for us there. good operation, and now our daughter stood not on tiptoe, but on her foot.

Until the seventh grade, Olesya studied at home, but as soon as the girl gained confidence in her abilities, she began to study with her classmates.

Olesya Sivtseva

- Our class was not the most exemplary, not the best in school. It was a lot of fun with them. No one told me "go away", "go away", "you are not like us." There was no such dissonancealways had a good and friendly attitude. Even when we went camping, the boys would come on motorbikes and pick me up (laughs).

Like any schoolchild, Olesya was faced with a choice future profession. All doubts flew away when our heroine saw in the news a story about the Moscow State Humanitarian Economic University. Most importantly, in this higher educational institution– an inclusive environment has been created, in the ratio of 70% to 30% of which, most of is students with special needs of health development. At the university you can get humanitarian, economic and legal higher education in a wide range specialties and directions. Students of the budgetary form are provided free education, three meals a day, high quality medical service, a hostel is provided for non-resident students, an increased scholarship is paid with a 25% supplement. Serious emphasis is placed on physical activity, students are participants of all-Russian and international sports competitions.

Olesya Sivtseva

- Parents, of course, understood that it was very far away, another city. Only when they left, I began to realize that I was left alone, but mentally reassured myself: “you chose it yourself, you yourself wanted it ... right (!) - so don’t whine!”. At the university, I met senior girls from Yakutia, and they helped me adapt at the university, even elementary - they spoke Yakut with me, it helped me a lot.

After graduation, I want to return to Yakutia to help other children with disabilities. I want a child with a disability not to remain a stigma, an eternal guardianship “don't go there, you'll fall” or “don't do that, it's dangerous”. For example, my parents never said such things and did not restrict anything, and from the very childhood I went to summer camps and has always been on par with her peers.

A parent and a child with a disability themselves must reach out to society so that those around them accept them. Many parents are afraid of the opinions of others, and literally hide their child from prying eyes, because of which they only harm him.

- It is very difficult for a person with a disability - every day you have to prove that you are no worse than others, that you can do it. Because society still looks at us with a discount “well, a disabled person is a disabled person ... I couldn’t, I couldn’t,” and every day we have to say to ourselves “so what if I have a disability, I can be better than others.” If you can't do something, replace it with another, or make it available to you! So, nothing is impossible - this, of course, sounds trite, but it really is!

We are all different, but we have the same rights and obligations. Feel free to go forward, achieve your goals and never look back, then you will definitely succeed, like Olesya Sivtseva!

Communicated by: Ekaterina Abdulaeva

Photo from the personal archive of the hero

Official withait Charitable Foundation"Haryskhal":

Larisa Krieger
Pedagogical project "We are all different, but we are all equal"


AT last years In connection with the social changes taking place around the world, the processes of migration of the population are significantly intensifying. People are less and less held back by the traditional way of life, social ties, natural and environmental conditions of life and activity. A sharp change in the usual living conditions caused by the family moving to another country or region where others cultural traditions, another language, leads to disorientation of a preschool child from a migrant family.

From early childhood, the child lives in his native national environment, absorbing the cultural values ​​and moral guidelines laid down in the culture of the people.

To educate children in a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities is one of the important tasks of the work. teacher.

Kindergarten is a multicultural world where every child, no matter what nationality he is, is a representative of his world, traditions, culture. And a small Ukrainian, Armenian, Tajik, Russian and others should have an idea about the culture, way of life, life of another people. And the task teachers- to teach them tolerant attitude towards each other, to respect the traditions of other peoples.

Traditions are part historical heritage, they must be treated with great care and observed, since, in my opinion, they greatly enrich the sphere of feelings of a person, especially a child.

Unfortunately, in modern world there is a risk of losing "traditions of peoples".

I developed project on the adaptation of migrant children. To the implementation system project included both traditional and new DOW forms and methods work: game simulation, computer presentation, pictograms that taught children to see and respond to what is happening around. In parallel, work was carried out with children in various areas of activity.

Implementation forms project:

1. Cycles of classes, including different kinds activities: cognitive, artistic and visual, musical, game and others based on a single content.

2. Conversations, both individual and group.

3. Video previews (presentations, films, etc.).

4. Holding events with ethno-cultural themes.

5. Targeted excursions to museums.

Implementation timeline project consist of 3 stages:

1. Preparatory

2. Main

3. Final

Preparatory stage

includes joint planning of activities, drawing up an implementation scheme project, selection of methodological literature, drawing up work plans.


Reveal national fortune families of pupils in the group;

Individual and group conversations, viewing home holidays through photos, videos;

Develop consultations for parents "Education in children of a positive attitude towards representatives of their own and other peoples";

Make slide folders "The world of family hobbies";

Organize joint exhibitions contests: "National costumes", "Family Traditions", "National dishes".

main stage:

Target: creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of pupils.

Tasks: to cultivate love and respect for their homeland, nation, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, parents.

Final stage:

Presentation project"We various but we are together";

Holiday "Friendship of Peoples"

Integrated educational activities "We are together"

Competition for the best postcard "Together friendly family"

Photo exhibition "We various but we are together";

Expected Result:

Children's knowledge about the national cultures of peoples different countries;

Increasing the active active and passive vocabulary of migrant children;

Ability to distinguish one language from another;

Expansion of children's ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Expected Result: the project helps educators to reveal to the child the world of national cultures, to expand the understanding of the way of life of people, their customs and traditions on the basis of knowledge. To promote speech, artistic, aesthetic, moral and social development children through introducing children to the culture of their people and nationalities living nearby; form in them an idea of ​​themselves and others as a person.

I started my work by talking to my parents. In conversations with parents, I explained, consulted and gave advice so that their child could quickly adapt to kindergarten.

Through historical conversations, legends and fairy tales, children learned about fascinating and entertaining facts from the past of other nationalities. The appropriate material was selected age: illustrations for fairy tales, costumes, photographic material of their region, fairy tales, games different peoples.

The child should be given the opportunity to sometimes perform on mother tongue, put on a national costume for the holiday. expedient read national fairy tales and stories in Russian in translation. A tolerant attitude towards a different culture, other languages ​​and people who are not like the majority has a positive effect on the microclimate that exists in the kindergarten team.

Such work has yielded results, migrant children have become more active, their speech has become more correct, they communicate more with all children.

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MINI-MUSEUM "KOLOBOK AND EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING" In our group there is a mini-museum, the main custodian of which is a rosy Kolobok. OUR DICTIONARY.

Problem: Children do not have systematized knowledge about kindergarten, the people who work in it, their professional responsibilities. Target:.

Relevance: preschool age is milestone in human development. It is at this age that active development physical.


Cool hour-game "Tolerance is friendship!"

Target: the formation of tolerant attitudes among students.

Tasks: to acquaint students with the concept of "tolerance", with the main features of a tolerant personality; develop the ability to adequately and fully know oneself and other people; development of attention, memory, creative thinking of students; fostering a sense of collectivism, cohesion; promote respectful relationships among students.

Students start Classroom hour with greetings:

    I tell everyone:

"Hello! Good afternoon friends!
He came so beautiful
Because both YOU and I are in it!”


All different, but equal!

    Everyone who wants to have art, live next to different people!

    This day is dedicated to everyone who dreams of living in harmony with themselves and others!

    Today the most urgent problem is tolerance in communication between people.

    In a brief philosophical encyclopedia, this word is of Latin origin "tolerantia" - patience - tolerance for a different kind of views, mores, habits.

    The word “tolerance” has almost the same meaning in different languages:

    in English, readiness to be tolerant;

    in French - an attitude when a person thinks and acts differently than you yourself;

    in Chinese, to be magnificent in relation to others;

    in Arabic - mercy, patience, compassion;

    in Russian - the ability to accept another as he is.

    Tolerance is essential! Each person is a separate world, with their own emotions and feelings, ups and downs. It would be great if all people treated each other more tolerantly, did not cause pain and harm to others.

– What is tolerance?

    Tolerance is mercy.

    Tolerance is compassion.

    Tolerance is respect.

    Tolerance is the kindness of the soul.

    Tolerance is friendship.

    Tolerance is forgiveness.

Today we will talk about how useful it is to be able to forgive, and on this occasion, let's listen to a fairy tale.

The disease of unforgiveness

In distant hot Africa, in the cool water of a quiet lake, a Behemoth lived. One fine morning, he fell ill with an unprecedented and contagious disease, which infected and fell ill all the inhabitants of the lake for the whole day. And how it all happened, you now find out.

That very morning, very, very early, Behemoth was awakened by someone's scream. That is why in the morning he was in a bad, one might say, bad mood. He lay a little at the bottom of the lake, and then floated up and moved to the shore to find food for himself. The moment his back emerged from the water, small birds landed on him. This often happened before, and Behemoth always forgave the birds walking on his back. After all, different worms, bugs and mosquitoes loved to live on the back of the Hippo, this made his back itch a lot, and the birds, pecking insects right from the back, helped him a lot.

But this time one of the birds pecked the Behemoth a little harder, and the Behemoth suddenly took it, and did not forgive her for this. He suddenly became angry and began to chase all the birds off his back. Turning around, he accidentally stepped on the tail of a Crocodile lying on the shore. The crocodile was also very angry and for some reason did not want to forgive the Behemoth either. But the Behemoth was big and strong, and therefore the Crocodile decided, out of anger, to bite someone smaller than himself, and then he chased the toothy Pike. The Pike barely swam away from the Crocodile, but at the same time she managed to get infected from him with unforgiveness. Instead of forgiving and calming down, she decided to do something bad to the little frogs. The pike began to chase them, and the frogs barely managed to swim to the shore and jump out of the water. The frogs were angry with the evil Pike, they also did not want to forgive her and began to chase mosquitoes.

The frogs disturbed all the mosquitoes peacefully sitting in the grass. A whole cloud of mosquitoes flew up over the shore of the lake. The mosquitoes saw that there was not a single bird on the back of the Behemoth, and together they sat on its back. Soon there was a roar over the lake. It was the Behemoth roaring, because the mosquitoes made a real feast on his back. Behemoth's back itched, he began to spin again and again stepped on the Crocodile. And the Crocodile got angry again and chased the Pike. And so the whole day everyone was chasing each other.

Only in the evening, when the whole lake was terribly alarmed and filled with roars and cries, did Behemoth decide to forgive the birds and again let them on his back. The birds drove away the mosquitoes, and the Behemoth finally calmed down. Following the Behemoth, the Crocodile also calmed down. He forgave Behemoth because he stopped stepping on his tail. The Pike forgave the Crocodile and stopped being angry with the frogs, and the frogs stopped being offended by the Pike and no longer touched the mosquitoes. So, by sunset, calm and silence reigned over the lake, and its inhabitants fell into a peaceful sleep.

In distant Africa, they still remember that strange disease. For a long time, animals and birds argued among themselves what kind of disease the inhabitants of the lake had and why they roared and chased each other all day long. And after long discussions, with the help of the wise lion, the animals came up with a name for this disease - the disease of unforgiveness.

Fairy tale conversation.

- Because of what the inhabitants of the lake began to quarrel, get angry and chase each other?

– Anger and unforgiveness are like a contagious disease when it passes from one to another?

- Why did calm and silence reign on the lake again in the evening?

- If someone does not love and does not want to forgive another, then what can happen then? (He will start to be offended, angry, tease, fight, and in the end he will remain in a bad mood for a long time).

- Whom did the inhabitants of the lake harm by not wanting to forgive each other? (Only to ourselves).

Who benefits from forgiveness and why? (Offended, by forgiveness, he conquers resentment and his bad mood).

Scientists have found out that not a single person can do without quarrels and conflicts in life, therefore, what should we be able to do in order not to be left alone? (Be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness.)

- We've all been hurt at some point; unfairly, as it seems to us, scolded, pushed, beaten. And inside of us there is still resentment, bitterness towards the one who inflicted them on us. And is it right?

- On this occasion, I would like to tell you the parable "The Teacher and the Potato".

One day a teacher told his students to bring a clean plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school.

When they brought all this, each of the students picked up a few potatoes - 1 tuber for each person whom they held a grudge against for something. After that, they wrote on each tuber the names of the people they refused to forgive and the date, and put the potatoes in a plastic bag. Some of these packages turned out to be quite heavy.

They were then told to carry these bags with them wherever they went for several weeks, placing the bag next to their bed at night, next to their car seat, and next to their desk during class.

The problems and difficulties associated with carrying this bag with them everywhere soon became apparent, as did the burden they carried with them on a spiritual level, and how in fact they had to pay attention to it all the time in order not to forget about this and not to be overlooked even in inappropriate places for this.

Of course, over time, the potatoes began to deteriorate and turn into a disgusting-smelling slime. In turn, this led to the fact that these people themselves were unpleasant to be around.

It didn't take long for the guys to realize that getting rid of those potatoes was much more important than carrying them around with them.

This is an excellent metaphor for illustrating the price we pay to keep our pain and heavy negative experiences alive!

So often we think of forgiveness as a gift for the other person.

In fact, forgiveness is exactly what we need!

What do you think we need to do to get rid of this disgusting muck?

Do you like being forgiven and not punished? So, you should also forgive others. Remember! Do to others as you would like to be treated to you.

And now I invite you to take part in the competition. Here we will learn patience and respect, mutual assistance and friendly attitude towards each other.

Draw: each student takes out an emblem in the form of a heart or a smile from the bag, they are divided into two teams “Hearts” and “Smiles”

1 competition. "A funny anagram."

Called by 1 team member - they choose an envelope that contains 7 letters. These letters are distributed among team members. For a while, they must line up in such a way that a word is obtained (for example: friendly, comrade).

2 competition. "Song of Friendship"

Each team (in turn) sings a song about friendship. Whichever team sings the song last will win.

3 competition. Team self-portrait.

Team members receive felt-tip pens, pencils and an A3 sheet. On it, the team must portray themselves.

4 competition. “The main features of a tolerant personality”

Called by 1 team member - they choose an envelope with a task.

Try to choose the qualities that you think fit a person with a tolerant attitude.

Envelope 1: indulgence, gloating, selfishness, conflict, kindness, respect, understanding, peacefulness, heartlessness, compassion, generosity, tactlessness, cordiality, boasting, equality, rudeness, mercy, arrogance, benevolence, respect.

Envelope 2: peacefulness, heartlessness, forgiveness, equality, respect, mercy, irascibility, dialogue, irritation, cordiality, conflict, generosity, support, peacefulness, cooperation, equality, compassion, stinginess, lies, consent, envy, mercy, kindness.

Think about it, do we all have these qualities?

Can we all listen to each other calmly? To support in difficult times, to understand people who are different from us, to resolve conflicts peacefully?

- I propose now to act out several situations that have happened to you or can happen in your life.

1 situation. You brought a stamp album to school to show to a friend. Suddenly, one of the guys snatched it from you and does not give it back. How would you resolve the conflict?

2 situation. Children crowd out of the assembly hall, pushing. You fell. Someone shouted: "Bear clubfoot!" Others silently walked around ... What would you do?

Can we change ourselves? Can we cultivate in ourselves the qualities that we are talking about today?

Final task

Take colored paper, circle your palm on it and cut it out. Write your 5 on your fingers good qualities, and on the palm of your hand - what, in your opinion, needs to be done so that our class becomes a space of tolerance, that is, so that relations in it become as tolerant as possible.

In the end, I want to say that the class is a small family. And I want that kindness, respect, mutual understanding always reigned in this family and there were no quarrels, so that we all would be tolerant, which means that we would be able to forgive.

Now give each other your heart and smile! (teams exchange their emblems)


Did you enjoy our conversation today?

Express your opinion:

What attracted me to……..

Seemed interesting……..

Made me think……….

Made me think.......

, Extracurricular activities , Classroom guidance

Lesson objectives:

  • understanding the uniqueness and value of the contribution of each person to the development of society;
  • awareness of the problem of human rights violations;
  • awareness of the importance and value of the diversity of the world;
  • formation of interest in the problem of human rights.


  1. Actualization and awareness of social fears associated with prejudice.
  2. Awareness of one's feelings towards representatives of rejected groups in society.

Lesson progress

1. Warm up. Exercise "I Great master».

Required time: 5 minutes.

Auxiliary material: ball.

Procedure, Exercise is performed in a circle. The facilitator starts the exercise first. He takes the ball, says the phrase: “I am Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, a great master of singing (cycling, fishing, etc., that is, he names some activity that he does especially well” and throws the ball to the next participant. He also calls his name and skill, and so on in a circle.

2. Exercise "The one I don't like"

Conduct procedure.

The facilitator tells the participants that in society there are often people and entire groups of people who are treated negatively by others: they are afraid, blamed, shunned and condemned. He invites participants to think of groups of people that make them feel negative feelings: disgust, contempt, fear and others. Participants in a circle talk about the objects of their dislike: what exactly do they dislike about the representatives of this group, what kind of feelings do they evoke in the participant. For example: someone might say, “I can't stand the homeless because they're always drunk, dirty, smelly. When I walk past them, I feel terribly disgusted. It also makes me very angry when the homeless beg for alms, because they themselves are to blame for what happened to them, and those around them do not owe them anything. And I'm also afraid of them, because they are quite capable of crime.

When all the participants have spoken, the facilitator invites them to introduce themselves as one of the members of the group they dislike and tell about themselves in the first person. Participants must come up with names for their characters, talk about their past, present and plans for the future.

Then the facilitator tells the participants that everyone, even the most unpleasant person for us, has someone who loves him, finds positive qualities in him that may not be visible to most. It could be his parents, a teacher, a close friend or someone else. The facilitator invites the participants to imagine themselves in the place of this, perhaps the only one close to the chosen character loving person and try to look at it through the eyes of that person.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Is it possible to draw final conclusions about a person only on the basis of one opinion?
  2. Was it easy for you to put yourself in the place of a person who personifies a group that is unpleasant for you?
  3. Are the reasons why we do not love or are afraid of strangers or people unpleasant to us always serious and weighty?
  4. Have you changed your attitude towards people who aroused your dislike?

3. Reflection.

Drawing a gift for someone who is not like us.

Exhibition of children's works (optional).

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