Doberman breed characteristics. Doberman Pinscher: description of the breed, character, training and care. History of origin and interesting facts

Doberman is a graceful and beautiful dog. It successfully combines a strong muscular body and natural graceful movements. From the first days of the appearance of the breed, these dogs served man. They were police officers, firefighters, paramedics and lifeguards. After reading today's article, you will learn about the Doberman dog.

A bit of history

Work on the breeding of this breed began in the middle of the century before last. She was engaged in Friedrich Louis Dobermann, after whom these dogs were named. Interestingly, this man was not a professional breeder. In the process of work, he was based solely on his own experience, and therefore acted by trial and error.

Unfortunately, no data has been preserved to this day about which dogs were used to breed Dobermans. According to some signs, it can be assumed that the ancestors of the modern representatives of this breed were the Old German Pinschers, black and tan terriers, Beaucerons and Weimaraners. It is also known that Friedrich Dobermann chose the most aggressive animals for these purposes. The breeder focused on fighting qualities, adaptability, fearlessness, devotion and high learning ability. The breed group formed as a result of such experiments was called the “Thuringian Pinscher”.

However, Friedrich Dobermann failed to bring what he started to its logical conclusion. After the death of the amateur breeder, his work was continued by Otto Heller. It was thanks to the efforts of this caring person that the breed was finally formed.

For those who are interested in how much a Doberman costs and where to buy such a puppy, it will be useful to know that these dogs came to the territory of the USSR relatively recently. The first representatives of this breed appeared here only at the beginning of the last century. They were brought from Germany to serve in the police and the army. Today they successfully perform the functions of assistant rescuers, border guards and law enforcement officers.

Doberman: description of the breed

These animals are not in vain recognized as the standard of strength, natural grace and impregnability. They have a strong, moderately wide skeleton, a harmonious athletic build and a strict color pattern. The size of the representatives of this breed depends on gender. So, the mass of an adult bitch is 32-35 kilograms with a height of 63-68 centimeters. Doberman male is much larger. He weighs 40-45 kg with a height of 68-72 cm.

The dense muscular body of the animal is covered with smooth silky hair, emphasizing the athletic build of the dog. On a black or brown background are bright red-orange tan marks. Moreover, they should be in strictly defined places (under the tail, on the ears, above the eyes, on the muzzle, chest and paws). Sometimes white, blue or isabella Doberman puppies are born. However, these colors are not only not acceptable, but are also considered a sign of genetic diseases. As a rule, these dogs have serious health problems.

Character features

These temperamental and alert dogs show friendliness towards familiar people and animals. They are very devoted to their owner and love children. A properly trained Doberman (breed description can be seen a little higher) demonstrates excellent working qualities with visible pleasure.

This lively and very energetic dog is sensitive to everything that happens around him. The formation of a puppy's character is strongly influenced by its habitat. If he grows up in a turbulent environment, and his owners constantly swear, splashing out their irritation on the dog, then he will turn out to be an unbalanced and nervous Doberman (the characteristics of the breed are discussed in detail in this publication).

A properly educated dog is sensitive to any changes in the owner's mood. It successfully combines obedience, hard work and protective instinct. This strong beautiful animal can become an excellent companion. At home, he shows intelligent manners, while traveling he turns into a pleasant reliable companion.

Intelligence and socialization

People who have decided that a Doberman dog will live in their house must be ready to accept a kind of challenge. These animals are genetically based on high intelligence, a lively mind and a constant need to realize their service potential. Therefore, the owner will have to comply and pay maximum attention to his pet.

One of the main tasks of the Doberman owner is to redirect the mental abilities of the animal in the right direction. Most professional breeders often call them dogs with human thinking. They are able to determine the mood of their owner only by the slightest intonation of his voice.

Doberman, whose breed characteristics are discussed in this publication, is considered a born guard. He instinctively distinguishes good from evil, so it is almost impossible to deceive him. Such a dog is very attached to his master and loves walking together. He never attacks first and barks for no good reason. If guests come to the house, the dog will show cautious restraint and will certainly take up an observation post from which all members of his family will be visible. Any stranger is perceived by him as a potential danger that requires increased attention.

Approximately also this dog behaves on the street. The Doberman, whose qualities allow him to be used not only for protection, but also as a companion, will never be the first to attack other dogs. But whoever decides to attack him will greatly regret it.

These short-haired dogs have no down at all, so they are not suitable for permanent life in an aviary. Of course, in the warm season, they can be kept in the yard or in the country. But with the onset of cold weather, they need to be taken into the house.

Doberman, whose character is characterized by an increased focus on people, is a very active and energetic dog. He needs regular exercise and long walks. In addition, residents of regions where the air temperature drops below 15 degrees, you need to take care of buying special clothes that protect your pet from the cold.

As for care, Dobermans are quite unpretentious dogs. It is necessary to wipe their coat at least once a week with a special glove or a soft brush. Like any other dog, the Doberman (breed characteristics are discussed in detail in this article) should not be washed too often. Bathing the animal is recommended only in case of emergency. And this should be done using a specialized shampoo designed for short-haired dogs.

It is also advisable to inspect the dog's ears, eyes, and teeth daily. Nail clipping should be done as they grow. But most often they are erased naturally. Your dog's ears should be cleaned about once a week.

Predisposition to diseases

It should be noted that with proper care, these dogs may well live 13-16 years. Active selection work did not prevent the Dobermans from maintaining excellent health. They rarely suffer from typical diseases, to which many service breeds are prone. However, besides epilepsy, vision problems, dysplasia and malfunctions of the hormonal system, there are more serious problems that any owner of a Doberman can face.

Representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with cardiomyopathy or pathology of the heart muscle. An animal suffering from this disease becomes lethargic and less hardy. He is blue and coughing. In the absence of adequate treatment, the Doberman (the characteristics of the breed are presented in today's article) may die.

Another deadly pathology is gastric torsion or volvulus of the intestinal loop. Due to the fact that part of the body takes an unusual position, there is a violation of blood circulation and tissue death. The only way to get rid of this pathology is by surgery.

How to choose a puppy?

On the Internet you can find a lot of ads for the sale of dogs of this breed. However, it is better that Doberman puppies are born and raised in an accredited nursery. Only professional breeders will be able to provide the future owner with complete information about the ancestors of the baby he likes. You should not buy a puppy without first looking at his parents. After all, acquaintance with them will provide an opportunity to preliminarily assess what your puppy will be like.

Those who are interested in how much a Doberman costs should remember that the final cost of a dog depends on several important factors. As a rule, this figure varies from 300 to 1500 dollars.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which it is kept by the breeder. He should not show cowardice or aggression. A healthy dog ​​must have a shiny silky coat, a cold wet nose and clean eyes. To reduce the chance that a puppy you like will grow into a cowardly timid dog, check to see if its parents have diplomas in training.

It should be noted that Doberman training is a serious and hard work. For it to succeed, you need to be persistent and consistent. At the very beginning of the process, it is important to establish perfect contact with the animal, and only then can training begin.

In the process of training, it is important not to forget for a minute that if the dog manages to find your weak spot, it will be very difficult for you. After all, an adult uncontrollable Doberman, whose character can be described in such words as cunning, resourcefulness, adherence to principles and stubbornness, will become a real problem not only for the owner, but also for those around him. One has only to give in to a dog once, and you will forever cease to be an authority for it. Therefore, it is very important to always achieve the execution of the command.

The most common parenting mistakes

Training a Doberman is a rather difficult task. These dogs have a strong character, so they need a firm hand. One of the typical mistakes made by inexperienced owners is that during a walk they leave the puppy to himself and only then call him and take him home. As a result, the animal begins to associate the approach to the owner with such an unpleasant moment as returning home. As a result, then there are difficulties in mastering the command “Come to me”. To avoid such problems, after calling the puppy, you need to offer him a treat or an interesting game, and only then fasten the leash and take him away from the walk.

Another difficulty that those who have begun raising a Doberman have to face is barking. These temperamental animals show extreme interest in relation to surrounding objects. A small puppy wants to come and look, but he experiences natural fear and halfway to the desired object, the dog may begin to bark. In this situation, you need to switch the dog's attention to something more interesting. For example, you can get a toy and run away with it in the other direction.

Doberman: owner reviews

The vast majority of the owners of such dogs are completely satisfied with the fact that they chose this particular breed. According to them, these are very smart and loyal animals that get along well with children. Dobermans are highly trainable and suitable for keeping in city apartments. These dogs make good guards and companions for long walks. At the same time, a properly educated dog never attacks without a reason, so it is completely safe for others. Almost all owners of dogs of this breed agree that they are very active and energetic animals that need regular exercise. They need walks without a leash.

Despite all the above advantages, the Doberman, whose reviews are mostly positive, has several significant drawbacks. For example, many owners of such dogs claim that they rarely miss the opportunity to fight with other dogs. In addition, these animals require a lot of attention. In the absence of proper education and full communication with the owner, they become aggressive and uncontrollable. A dog that is little engaged often begins to play pranks. She can howl when alone, gnaw on furniture and ruin things. It should be borne in mind that the Doberman, which is kept on a chain, quickly becomes dull.

As for care, many owners assure that these animals do not require anything specific. So, to get rid of the fallen hairs, it is enough just to wipe the dog daily with a terry towel. It is also important that representatives of this breed are distinguished by excellent health. The only thing that experienced breeders recommend is to test your pet for the absence of hip dysplasia at the age of one and a half years. This is due to the fact that in recent years among the representatives of this breed, cases of this disease have become more frequent.

Many dog ​​lovers believe that Dobermans have an uncontrollable temper and an unbalanced psyche. Professional cynologists have a different opinion about this breed. They believe that the Doberman, whose breed description we will consider later, is an extremely intelligent, easily trained, infinitely devoted animal to its owner. Who is right in this dispute in absentia? In this article, we will introduce you to Doberman dogs. Characteristics of the breed will help to identify all the advantages and disadvantages of these animals.

History of the breed

Doberman, reviews of which are different (we will talk about this later) is a German popular breed. She got her name in honor of the first breeder - Carlos Dobermann. He was a tax collector, but in addition, he had a knacker, and therefore had the right to catch. From them, he selected "butcher dogs" (as Rottweilers were sometimes called in Germany), which by that time were considered to be a fully formed breed. Therefore, these dogs played an important role in the creation of Dobermans. Carlos Luis created the breed, knowing exactly what he wants to achieve as a result of selection work. First of all, it was important for him that the dog was a good defender. Unfortunately, Dobermann left no record of his work. It is known that at one of the exhibitions he bought two puppies, from which a black-and-red female was subsequently born. Then it was crossed with some breeds, including the "butcher's dog".

In addition, shepherd dogs, the Thuringian Shepherd Dog (now extinct) and the Vemorian hunting dog were used in breeding. The latter added to the representatives of the Doberman breed a bluish tint to the main color.

The Doberman, obtained as a result of selection work, whose breed characteristics fully met the requirements of the breeder, received official recognition in 1898 after the death of its creator. The official name of the breed has changed. If earlier these dogs were called Thuringian Pinschers, then after recognition they received the name "Doberman Pinscher". The qualities of Dobermans were appreciated in the army and the police. Animals received another unofficial name - the gendarme dog.

External features

These animals have long been recognized as one of the most beautiful in the canine world. Slender, muscular, long-legged and lean - Dobermans look like real athletes. Their beautiful muzzle is slightly elongated and graceful. The posture is proud, the build is elegant, with a slightly protruding withers, a wide deep chest and a sloping croup. The weight of a Doberman (male) is from 40 to 45 kilograms with a height of 68 to 72 cm. Females are slightly smaller.

Doberman: ears

Most often we see these beauties without a tail and with triangular, high-set pointed ears. Their form has changed several times. At first, these were small triangles, and recently very high ears have come into fashion. This indicator is the merit of the owner, since the correct setting of the ears is a rather complicated and painstaking work. To do this, use various devices, including crowns, which give them the correct shape.

However, in many countries, including Germany, ear deformities and tail docking are not recommended. If you dream of your pet becoming a participant in international exhibitions, then you need to buy a lop-eared puppy with a ponytail.


The coat of these animals is very pleasant to the touch. Smooth and elastic hairs adhere tightly to the skin. The undercoat does not have a Doberman. The characteristic of the breed indicates the presence of only two colors - dark brown and black with clear bright tan marks of a reddish color.

It is the features of the coat that categorically prohibit keeping a dog in a booth or aviary. Doberman, whose breed characteristics indicate that this animal cannot be considered as a "sofa" pet, an active and athletic dog. She needs long walks and great physical exertion. It should be remembered that the Doberman should be allowed to run without a leash only in a sparsely populated place.

These dogs easily endure the heat and vagaries of the off-season, but in winter, in severe frosts, it is better to reduce the duration of walks. You can use warm overalls - then your energetic pet will be able to enjoy a long winter walk. Care for these dogs is minimal: they practically do not shed, are absolutely not afraid of water, and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Doberman, breed characteristics: character

There is an opinion that the Doberman is a choleric type of nervous system - he is stubborn, poorly trained. This opinion is not shared by experienced cynologists and owners of these wonderful dogs.

In fact, the Doberman (owner reviews confirm this) is not just a vigilant and attentive guardian and protector, but also a great companion who gets along well in the family.

This intelligent dog has an amazingly subtle sense of the mood of its owner and behaves accordingly. Doberman is a wonderful friend, but he becomes such only for a kind and intelligent person.

Future owners should be aware that the Doberman gets a little nervous, especially with a sudden change of scenery. If your house has an aggressive cat or other animal, then their acquaintance should take place gradually.

It should be said about the special, emphatically respectful attitude towards children. As soon as the child begins to walk independently, he immediately falls under the care of a four-legged friend. It is interesting to watch how this large and strong dog gently and carefully plays with the kids. Many cynologists believe that if necessary, you should purchase a puppy from North America. There, breeders have achieved amazing results in the fight against the aggression of these animals, completely eliminating the possibility of a dog attacking a person. As for the attitude towards strangers, we can say that in all Dobermans it is equally wary-aggressive.

The owners of these dogs should be aware that a pet can easily be provoked to attack by unfamiliar dogs and people. Given the size of the animal and its strength, you should always walk your pet on a strong leash with a wrist loop and muzzle. Here I would like to note that timely and competently carried out adaptation and training of the puppy can significantly reduce the risk of such reactions.

Dobermans are dogs that always warn of an attack with a deep, deep growl. As a rule, this is enough for the opponent to retreat.

This dog barks very rarely. Indoors, such a sound is similar to a bomb explosion - in this case, all living things will be stunned, except for the Doberman himself.


This breed needs early education. Doberman really needs long walks, but they will not be able to affect your pet's habits. This dog needs education and training.

It should be noted that this is a surprisingly observant and thinking animal. It is enough for a Doberman to feel the weakness of your position once, and he will use it to his pleasure. Therefore, be consistent and persistent even when in front of you is not a formidable guardian, but a charming and affectionate puppy.

From an early age, a quick-witted baby easily and joyfully learns new lessons. I must say that work and study are the most favorite activities of the Doberman. Puppies need to be watched very carefully. If he has lost interest in the lesson or is tired, it is better to finish the training. Of course, you can force the dog to do something, but we assure you that in the next lesson he will find a thousand ways not to carry out an unpleasant command. And not everyone can cope with the stubbornness of a Doberman.

It should be remembered that by nature the Doberman is a rather aggressive breed. Do not experiment, do not provoke the dog, do not develop anger in it. This is especially true for puppies or teenagers. His innate wickedness and distrust are more than enough to make him an excellent guard with proper training at the appropriate age.

Puppy cost

Surely, many dog ​​lovers dream of buying a Doberman pet. The price of a puppy is made up of several factors. A dog of this breed cannot be purchased from the hands or in the bird market, despite the very attractive prices. After all, they usually sell animals there without documents. In addition, the buyer is deprived of the opportunity to see the parents of the baby.

Unscrupulous sellers use the gullibility of future owners and sell puppies for 4-6 thousand rubles, “forgetting” to mention that this is not a Doberman at all, but a mestizo, it is not known who it is crossed with.

It should be noted that the substitution in the pedigree of a dog of this breed is quite difficult to notice. And it’s hard to imagine how the “hybrid” of the Doberman will behave. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the acquisition of a Doberman dog with extreme caution. The price of a puppy (average) today is from 18 to 25 thousand rubles.

Verified well-known kennels, where we recommend you to buy a puppy, offer the following prices:

  • pet class (a dog with slight deviations from the standard, ideal as a pet) - 8-20 thousand rubles;
  • breed class (animal for breeding) - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • show class (a dog with an excellent pedigree) - from 30 thousand rubles.

Not everyone decides to get a dog, especially if there are children in the house .. And also one that is suitable for military operations. But is it worth it to worry so much when there is a faithful and reliable assistant nearby - a Doberman?

Common Doberman Character Traits

By their nature, Dobermans are very loyal and caring animals. They got an undeserved bad reputation. Their use as guard dogs in concentration camps, in German military operations, created the myth that Dobermans are very aggressive. But is it really so?

The description of the character of the Doberman will begin with the fact that it is “an affectionate lapdog in the body of a horse.” Indeed, in reality, everything is much simpler: a beautiful and stately animal, very smart (in comparison with most dogs), infinitely devoted to the owner. The dog quickly becomes a member of the family.

The nature of the Doberman breed reflects the fighting qualities of the dog. But this is only partly true. Having chosen the owner, the dog remains faithful to him forever, no matter what danger threatens. Any threat from those around them will be nipped in the bud with a vicious warning growl, not an attack. They will never bite a person without warning.

Once in a new home, the dog becomes an inseparable full member of the family and is already protecting his home, his children, his property. But with general characteristics, there are slight differences between the nature of the animal by sex. When choosing a dog, try to take into account precisely these features in the behavior of animals.

What is the difference between Doberman girls

It has long been noted that the character of the Doberman breed is distinguished by fidelity and ingenuity. They are true protectors of the home and family. "Vigilance" is their motto. Any violation of the owner's territory is a danger that must be stopped.

The nature of the Doberman girl is very affectionate, gentle. She will play with children, demand attention and care. But when borders are violated, people for her are immediately divided into friends and foes. Even guests, according to the bitch, can pose a threat. So do not be surprised if she guards nearby and guards with half an eye.

And how dobermans show character in the family! As you understand, these are very smart animals that independently distinguish bad from good. Doberman girls can scare and drive away the enemy or attack. At the same time, these soft creatures will be friends with other animals and fool around with the owner.

Character of doberman boys

Due to the peculiarities of the breed and character, Dobermans need training, constant training and classes. Beautiful and stately males choose the "leader of the pack" and meekly follow the owner. When building a relationship with a pet, you need to show that your intellectual level is higher and you are the main one.

The character of the Doberman boy is distinguished by ardor and temper. This playful baby will follow you on your heels and carry out all orders. Next to the owner, the "devil's dog" turns into a true friend and helper.

When choosing a dog, look for a friend and protector of the family, not an aggressor. And Dobermans will show themselves in all their glory in this capacity. These dogs do not just become friends and helpers, but family members who have a unique character. Dobermans are smart dogs and loyal friends.

Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann - this is the full name of the man who became the creator of the dog breed so popular in our time. A native of the small German town of Alpoda, he changed many professions, including tax collector and night policeman. It was during this period that Karl thought about breeding a breed that would best meet the service requirements. According to Dobermann, such a dog should have been of medium height, smooth-haired, harmoniously combining intellectual qualities with vigilance and physical endurance. Constantly attending exhibitions and sales of animals, which began to take place regularly in Apolda since 1860, he selected the most suitable animals for breeding work.

In 1880, Dobermann, together with friends, bought a small house and began to come to grips with breeding a new breed. Soon came the first success. Dobermann dogs were purchased with pleasure by numerous customers. Today it is difficult to establish which breeds were used in breeding, since no records of the progress and results of selection were kept. It can be assumed that among the ancestors of the Doberman there were Old German Pinschers, Bosserons Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers. It is possible that the Manchester black and tan terrier, the blue dog, the pointer and even the mastiff could leave their mark. The main thing remains that the result was a dog with surprisingly diverse and pronounced characteristics.

The breed was originally called the Thuringian Pinscher. Another resident of Apolda, named Otto Goeller (Holler), was seriously engaged in its improvement. He managed to somewhat soften the overly aggressive nature of the dog, make it more docile and obedient, without sacrificing the amazing abilities for security and watchdog service.

Not done in the history of the Dobermans and without curiosities. Goeller's neighbor so actively expressed his dissatisfaction with the noise and barking constantly coming from Otto's house that the latter was forced to give away most of the dogs, leaving only a few representatives of the new breed. This gave an additional impetus to its distribution and contributed to the growth of popularity.

In 1894, after the death of Karl Dobermann, in memory of his merits, the breed was renamed the Doberman Pinscher. In 1897, a special show was organized in Erfurt, Germany, and an official presentation took place. In 1899, the Apolda Doberman Pinscher of the Year club was created, and just a year later, due to the huge increase in the popularity of animals, it was renamed the National Doberman Pinscher Club of Germany. The breed began its triumphal march across Europe, and then around the world.

In Russia, the wide distribution of Dobermans occurred at the very beginning of the 20th century.

In 1949, the second word was removed from the name of the breed, since the leading cynologists considered the assignment of this dog to the Pinscher group incorrect.

In February 1994, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) entered the Doberman breed in its registry under No. 143, indicating Germany as its country of origin.

Video: Doberman

Doberman appearance

Doberman is a medium-sized dog with a strong muscular body, harmoniously combining the nobility of posture with clarity and grace of lines. This is an ideal dog with an impeccable anatomical structure. It is simply impossible to hide the flaws in the exterior of a Doberman - he is all in sight. An ensemble of power, enormous internal energy with external grace and even some refinement - this is the first general impression of this breed.


The height at the withers of the male is from 68 to 72 cm; females - 63-68 cm. Deviations in height in any direction by more than 2 cm are considered a disqualifying sign.

The weight

The mass of an adult male ranges from 40-45 kg, the female weighs from 32 to 35 kg.


Doberman is a medium-sized animal with an elegant appearance, harmoniously developed muscles, without any signs of excessive massiveness and roughness of body outlines. The dog is more square than elongated. The height at the withers is approximately equal to (or slightly less than) the length of the body.


The Doberman's head is commensurate in size with the general proportions. The shape, when viewed from above, resembles a blunt wedge. The line of the crown when viewed from the front is even, not falling to the ears. The stop is not sharp, but noticeable. The muscles are well developed. Cheekiness is absent.


The length of the muzzle of the Doberman is almost the same as the length of the skull. The incision of the oral fissure reaches the molars. The mouth opens wide. The nose is broad, but not protruding. The color of the earlobe is black or a lighter shade, depending on the color of the animal. Lips - dry and well fitting to the jaws. Jaws - well developed, wide. Scissor bite.


Oval shape medium size. The color of the iris is dark. In brown Dobermans, a lighter shade of eyes is allowed.


Doberman's ears are set high. If docked, stand upright. In countries where cupping is prohibited, they should be of medium size, with the leading edge adjacent to the ear.


Long, graceful, straight. Very muscular and strong.


The protruding withers give rise to the line of the back. The dorsal and lumbar sections are short, only in bitches higher values ​​of the elongation index are allowed. The croup is rounded.


Convex, wide with slightly protruding ribs. Well developed in front. The depth of the chest should be about half the height of the dog at the withers.


The tail of the Doberman is set high, docked very shortly - only two vertebrae remain visible. Where this operation is prohibited by law, a natural tail is permitted.

front legs

Vertical, straight when viewed from any angle. The muscles are developed.

hind legs

Straight, parallel. Thighs with well-defined strong muscles.


Both the front and hind legs are short and tight. The nails are dark. The fingers are arched.


The Doberman's coat is short, fairly hard, smooth and thick. Evenly distributed throughout the body. Fits snugly, no undercoat.


Black or brown. It is obligatory to have clearly visible, with well-defined boundaries, rusty-red tan marks on certain parts of the body.

Possible vices

Breed defects include any deviation from the requirements of the standard.

The disqualifying signs are:

  • in general appearance - a discrepancy between the dog's appearance and gender (a male in a bitch type or vice versa), blue or yellow (wolf) eyes, malocclusion and lack of teeth;
  • according to the condition of the coat - apparently elongated or wavy, rare with bald patches, the presence of white spots;
  • by nature - timidity, nervousness and aggressiveness.

Photo of an adult doberman

Doberman character

You have taken a Doberman into your house. What to expect from this dog, because opinions about the breed sometimes differ dramatically. Let's try to deal with this issue.

The most capacious way to express the nature of the animal in one word is vigilance. His "karma" is to be always on the alert. This over-caution is by no means the result of fear and intimidation, it is rather a consequence of the genetically inherent ability to think in this way, the result of his mental activity.

With the similarity of characters, each dog of this breed is a personality, paradoxical as it sounds.

Many experts call the Doberman a dog with a human mind, because he is very easy to train and never forgets the lessons he has learned. However, only the owner, who has a sufficient level of intelligence and a balanced, calm character, can cope with a Doberman, raise and educate him.

In order to make sure that the Doberman is not an ordinary dog, watch him. Does he sleep, ride with you in the car, play with your kids? Take a closer look! He sleeps at home, rides in his seat, frolics with his little ones. Everything is perceived by this amazing animal as personal, own and directly in the area of ​​​​his responsibility. He should be aware of all the events taking place in the house, and you, in his opinion, only provide him with everything he needs.

Initially, this breed was bred to perform certain tasks. And service Dobermans were brought up on the principle of unquestioning devotion to the owner and aggressive suspicion of a stranger. Hence the opinion about the Doberman as an evil inadequate creature. However, breeders managed to get rid of undesirable qualities while fully maintaining all performance characteristics, so that modern Dobermans are full-fledged family pets.

In no case should you, using the inclinations laid down by nature - strength, lack of fear, swiftness, intellect, - grow a “devil of hell” out of your Doberman. One of the most striking features of this dog is that he himself is able to understand the difference between good and bad, and to educate him with methods of bitterness and terror is simply a crime.

Doberman is a loving and very intelligent friend, a top-class security guard, a dog that can embody all your ideas about an ideal dog!

Education and training

Doberman is one of the most easily trainable breeds. But one should not think that it is possible to raise a well-trained, well-mannered dog without making any effort.

You need to work with your pet from an early age. First of all, you should make it clear to the baby who is the boss in the house and the leader of the pack. Without becoming an authority for the animal, you will never achieve the desired results. The dog is very smart by nature and will not follow the commands of the owner if he does not feel his superiority over himself.

Discipline, sequence of actions and perseverance are the main components of success in training and raising a Doberman. You must patiently enforce your commands, however, by no means resorting to violence. Cruelty is the weapon of the weak, and at best your dog will stop perceiving you, and at worst, it can hold a grudge and at one fine moment throw it out on you. Kindness and persuasion act much more effectively on the Doberman.

Love for a puppy in no way means permissiveness. Once you make the decision not to feed your dog from your table, or to not allow him to immediately run into the rooms after a walk, follow the established rules all the time, without making exceptions. But to punish a puppy, especially in pursuit, for gnawed slippers or furniture should not be. Not only will they not understand you, but they will also be offended. This is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. Your pet should see you as a best friend and like-minded person.

It is necessary to properly organize the process of training a Doberman. First of all, you should teach the puppy to perform basic commands: “Come!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”. Do not forget to reward the dog for success in learning with a treat, or even just a kind, affectionate word.

During walks, give the command “Come to me!” better repeatedly, and not just about to go home. In this case, your pet will not have negative team associations with the completion of an event he loves so much as a walk with the owner.

The home training system should take into account all the features of your Doberman, from his temperament and character traits to gastronomic preferences. Teaching a full course of general obedience, and even more so a course of protective service, is best entrusted to professionals.

A well-trained Doberman is the pride of the owner, the subject of delight and admiration of others.

Doberman, as a short-haired breed, is perfect for keeping in a city apartment. If you live in your own house, then you can also settle the animal in a specially equipped aviary, although you still need to let the dog into the house from time to time. The enclosure itself will be correctly placed in the shade, since Dobermans do not tolerate heat very well. The floor in the aviary should be made of boards laid on logs 10-20 cm thick. Although the technical capabilities make it possible to organize the heating of the aviary with the help of narrowly focused infrared heaters, it is better to keep the dog in the house during the cold season.

It is very important to organize proper care for a Doberman baby. The room where the puppy lives should be clean and warm enough. Keeping in mind the very high motor activity of dogs of this breed, do not let a hot baby who runs around enough to lie down on the cold floor - he can catch a cold at best, and at worst, earn extremely painful inflammation of the muscle tissue. Rain and snow should not be a reason to cancel the walk, but after it you must definitely let the dog dry and warm in a warm room.

The process of caring for a Doberman does not seem very complicated. You don't need to comb your coat often. Just wipe your pet once a week with a wet towel, and then comb (or rather massage) the dog's body with a stiff-bristled brush. Frequent bathing is also not recommended. It will be enough to resort to it once every six months. Moreover, connoisseurs of the breed note a weakening of immunity in Dobermans with regular water procedures. But washing paws after a walk in bad weather is a completely ordinary and harmless procedure.

The ears and eyes of the animal need to be controlled. Periodically, they need to be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in ordinary clean water.

The nails are neatly trimmed as needed - if they are not worn down enough.

The dog's bedding, toys, food and drink bowls must be kept clean.

Doberman must get enough physical activity. Walking with the dog, which is kept in the house, you need at least two hours a day. In winter, if you do not have special dog clothing, the duration of walks is reduced to reasonable limits.

As food for Dobermans, you can use both dry food and natural products.

When organizing food for an animal, adhere to the following basic rules.

  • Premium dry food for large dogs can be used if your pet is between 23-24 kg. For dogs weighing over 25 kg, special dietary formulations are used that block the process of obesity.
  • Most of the menu, made up of natural products, should be meat. It is desirable that it be veal. The daily intake for an active adult dog is about 1 kg. Minced meat, offal, fatty meat as an alternative are undesirable.
  • The daily diet should include: cereals (except semolina and pearl barley), vegetables (preferably carrots, cabbage, zucchini), low-fat sour-milk products.

For dogs of a "respectable" age, food can be softened in kefir; this method is not used for young individuals.

Proper care of a Doberman also implies constant monitoring by the owner of the health of the animal, adherence to the vaccination schedule.

Doberman health and disease

Despite the fact that Dobermans are classified as healthy dog ​​breeds, there are a number of diseases and hereditary problems that are more characteristic of these animals.

First of all, it is heart disease. Unfortunately, veterinarians diagnose cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease, tachycardia, arrhythmia, heart failure), even in young animals that have not yet reached the age of five. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, monitor the condition of your pet. Breathing problems, cases of falling while walking, imbalance, convulsive trembling - all these symptoms indicate heart problems that have arisen and are a signal for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic. Medical treatment is indicated for such animals, and it is better to always carry prescribed drugs with you. Heart problems can also be hereditary. All the same shortness of breath, weakness, up to fainting, may not appear in a Doberman immediately, but already when the disease is running, and it is problematic to cope with it. In this case, preventive measures should come first, the most effective of which are systematic examinations and cardiotests.

Narcolepsy is another genetic "problem" of the Doberman. This is a specific disorder of the nervous system, which manifests itself in a short-term (from a few seconds to 15-20 minutes) drop in muscle tone. The animal becomes completely motionless, the eyes glaze over. Loud noises or body stroking can help bring the dog to its senses. The nature of the disease is not completely clear, and your task remains only to prevent seizures with the help of the advice of a veterinarian.

There is a genetic predisposition in Dobermans to the occurrence of gastric volvulus. The provoking factor here is malnutrition. The following symptoms speak of this serious problem - bloating, excessive salivation, abdominal pain, constant urge to vomit and defecate. The dog becomes very nervous. In no case should you hesitate to seek qualified help in the event of such problems.

Unfortunately, Dobermans often suffer from allergies. It can be caused by house dust, plant pollen, molds. Among the most serious problems resulting from allergic reactions may be the occurrence of sacral licking granuloma in your pet. The disease is very difficult to treat, and simple drug therapy is no longer enough.

Proper care, balanced nutrition, timely vaccination, systematic preventive examinations at the veterinarian, love and care are the main conditions for maintaining your pet's good health.

How to choose a puppy

When buying a small Doberman, of course, you want to see a reliable, loyal and intelligent dog next to you. It largely depends on how responsibly you approach the choice of a puppy.

The question of where to buy a dog should be decided without alternative - only in a specialized kennel or from experienced breeders with a good reputation. Buying in the bird market or over the Internet in the vast majority of cases is not justified.

It is very important to determine the gender of the puppy. The choice, as you know, is small, but still there. The Doberman girl is usually more affectionate and attentive. The role of a formidable and self-confident companion-defender is better handled by a male.

Even a short conversation with a breeder can tell an attentive person a lot. People who love dogs and treat their breeding responsibly can be seen right away. They will answer all your questions with pleasure and knowledge of the matter, give recommendations on the care and maintenance of the animal. Professional breeders themselves usually offer their clients to familiarize themselves with training diplomas (both in general obedience and in the course of protective service) of the parents of the puppies. This, to a certain extent, guarantees that your chosen one has the necessary working qualities.

It is very important to evaluate the behavior and appearance of the mother dog. Her coat should be smooth and shiny, her eyes should be lively and clear. In relation to you, she should behave cautiously, even with a certain amount of tension, but not hysterically aggressive.

When examining a Doberman puppy, pay attention to the following points:

  • the baby should have a wide back and strong bones;
  • the body is almost square, the neck is long;
  • the jaws are quite wide, even a small Doberman has a well-defined chin;
  • the tummy is soft and painless, without signs of an umbilical hernia;
  • the coat is smooth, not dull.

A healthy baby is active and inquisitive, but cowardice and lethargy are not typical for the “correct” Doberman baby.

Curvature of the paws, traces of discharge from the eyes, white spots on the skin, a swollen belly, protruding ribs indicate that the puppy is not completely healthy.

By the age of one and a half months, the tail of the baby should already be docked, and the wound should heal well. At 1.5 months, many breeders stop the puppy's ears, although this is not always practiced. You can safely buy a "burlap", but in this case, remember that all the problems associated with bringing the appearance of your pet to the requirements of the standard will fall on your shoulders.

A responsible breeder, along with the animal, must give you a puppy card, which contains data on all vaccinations performed. The number of this document necessarily coincides with the number of the brand, which is usually applied on the stomach, less often on the dog's ear.

Photo of doberman puppies

How much does a doberman cost

Statistics show that the price of a Doberman puppy ranges from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. Nurseries engaged in breeding elite representatives of the breed can request up to 55,000 rubles.

Prices for Doberman puppies sold at the bird market or through private ads on the Internet, of course, can be noticeably lower, but if such a baby eventually grows out of not quite, or not at all, a Doberman, you will have only yourself to blame.

The smallest amount you will have to pay for a pet class puppy. Such animals have signs, sometimes almost imperceptible to the layman's eye, due to which they will not be allowed to be bred and will never become champions. But, if you are not ambitious and just looking for a good friend and companion, a Doberman of this class is what you need.

Breed class is the basis of the breed. Dogs of good blood, fully conforming to the standard, suitable for breeding work. The cost of such a Doberman will already be noticeably higher.

Show class - the best of the best, elite puppies. Such babies are not born every day and not in every couple, so the price for them is appropriate.

Update: October 2017

Doberman is one of the most suitable breeds for protection, sports, detective work and games. Dogs are distinguished by such qualities as:

  • energetic temperament - they do not sit still, they are constantly in search of adventure;
  • vigilance - with such a guard you can not worry about security;
  • obedience and diligence - working with him will bring a lot of pleasure;
  • inexhaustible enthusiasm - you will have to make a lot of efforts to direct their energy in the right direction;
  • the ability to protect their territory and members of the "flock" - while they can be dangerous to others;
  • ingenuity - the intellectual abilities of the representatives of the breed are at a high level;
  • the absence of diseases typical of service breeds - the breed has retained good health and has an exterior that is not mutilated by humans.

Dobermans belong to the golden fund of the best guard breeds in the world. However, heredity plays an important role in the character of an animal. Proper education can do a lot, but not everything. A genetically deformed psyche cannot be corrected. If you decide to have a thoroughbred pet, be responsible for choosing a breeder.

Characteristics of the Doberman dog breed: advantages and disadvantages

Is it difficult to care for a Doberman?
Active walking, proper diet and regular dental checkups are all he needs. Difficulties occur with upbringing, which a confident, decisive, but restrained owner will cope with.
Where is it better for a Doberman to live: in an apartment or a house?
Well takes root both in the house, and in the apartment. The main thing is to find an occupation for him: he can be a watchman, a companion for children's games.
Can it be kept in an aviary?
Not suitable for aviaries. He is too attached to the owner and requires constant contact with him. Yes, and a short-haired dog cannot sleep in the snow like a husky. If you decide to build an aviary, then only warm.
How often should you bathe?
It is enough to carry out water procedures several times a year.
Is it necessary to crop the ears and tails of Dobermans?
Whether to dock the ears and tail or not is the choice of the dog owner. Today, both options are allowed by the standard.
Do Dobermans shed? How to care for wool?
Even short-haired breeds shed. Wool is cleaned with rubber brushes and wiped with a damp terry towel. Accustom your pet to a vacuum cleaner, this will simplify care.
Can I buy for a child?
A four-legged friend is good with children, but its owner must be an adult. Children from the age of 14 can engage in education.
Bitch or male? Whom to choose?
If you have no experience in raising dogs of serious breeds, get a bitch. They rarely make attempts to gain leadership in the house, are more accommodating and less quick-tempered.
In which family does the breed take root best?
The breed is universal - suitable for single people, couples and families with children.
Who copes with education easier: men or women?
The gender of the owner is not as important as his temperament. Doberman is not suitable for infantile people with an overly soft character.
How often should you walk?
This is an active dog that needs daily exercise. Walking must be active. Let him run for at least an hour and at least 10 minutes a day without a leash.
Is special clothing required?
In our climate, Dobermans get cold in winter. They need warm boots for walking in the cold.
Can it be kept with other animals?
The pet needs socialization. But with due patience on the part of the owners, it gets along well with fellow tribesmen and cats.

Breed Benefits

  • Versatility: can be a guard, bloodhound, guide for the blind, companion.
  • With proper education, the dog does not show aggression unnecessarily.
  • Doberman falls in love with his master. What the owner requires of him is sacred to him.
  • The dog is very observant. If you allow the slightest weakness, he will take advantage of it.
  • The behavior of a pet depends on the owner and the methods of education chosen by him.
  • This dog has a well-developed search instinct. A four-legged friend can find anything.
  • He is quick-witted and smart. Study and work are the dog's favorite pastimes.
  • A mobile and energetic pet will be happy to accompany you while jogging, cycling, outdoor games.
  • The breed is recognized as highly intelligent. Its representatives have a sense of dignity and a high degree of responsibility.
  • Pets are cunning, have an excellent memory. Well trainable.


  • The pet is wayward. This trait is evident from an early age. Puppies should be disciplined as early as possible.
  • For busy people, the disadvantage may be the need for constant communication. However, this is fixable, because dogs behave more calmly in pairs.
  • With the wrong upbringing, a tendency to aggression can manifest itself.
  • Suitable only for strong and strong-willed people, the phlegmatic Doberman may not be perceived as a leader.
  • More painful than other breeds reacts to a change of owner.
  • He is wary of new family members. Problems may arise when a child is born.
  • He likes to sleep, not averse to choosing a sofa or the owner's bed for this. If you think that such behavior is unacceptable for a four-legged family member, do not allow it and severely punish disobedience.

Doberman: dog character, behavior

There are many rumors and legends about dogs of this breed. Most of them have no basis. In fact, the Doberman is moderately aggressive and does not like to bite, as is often shown in films. Biting dogs do occur, but this is due to improper selection or errors in education.

Initially, the Doberman is a balanced creature. If it falls into skillful hands, it reveals all its best qualities.

And vice versa, a pet will fool a not very smart owner. In such cases, the dog becomes a leader in the family, may show unmotivated aggression.

This breed is not for everyone. It can create inconvenience. A bored Doberman, especially a young one, can damage property in the house, arrange howling concerts and other numbers. And all with a single goal - to attract attention. But find something to do with him, and you will see what a wise and strong defender your Doberman will become. The characteristic of the breed confirms this.

Behavior at home

Many owners say that he is able to guess thoughts. And the pet really knows how to hit. Especially unique abilities to distinguish between good and evil on an intuitive level, as well as quick reaction to what is happening and boundless devotion. Playing Doberman and children are a familiar sight for breed owners.

If there is no mutual understanding in the house, the animal will grow up quick-tempered and unbalanced.

He is sensitive to the microclimate in the house, quickly reacts to quarrels between family members and the mood of the owner. He really doesn't like being ignored. After all, a stately handsome man is a social and intellectual being.

Behavior on the street

During a walk, a four-legged friend always keeps the owner in sight. He is ready to come to his aid at the slightest danger. Unruly dogs or individuals with an unstable psyche may show aggression towards moving objects. This is not the norm.

Aggression in and of itself is not a defect. This is a normal, necessary quality for a dog. It becomes a problem only when it is excessive.

A responsible breeder excludes such individuals from breeding. And an experienced owner corrects education.

Attitude towards strangers, protection of the owner and home

Doberman is a dog for defense, not for attack. If you socialize a puppy from an early age, accustom him to the presence of strangers and animals nearby, the pet will calmly respond to them even in adulthood.

But a quick-tempered character can manifest itself when meeting with fellow tribesmen: the dog sometimes gets involved in fights, in which, as a rule, he wins. He will not wag his tail at the sight of the owner's acquaintances. Usually the pet is indifferent and cold with everyone except the owner's family members.

doberman photo

Unlike education, everyday pet care does not cause difficulties even for lazy owners. A stately Doberman will feel great both in an apartment and in a country house. Care and maintenance in the aviary is allowed if it is possible to make it insulated. And talk to him as often as possible.

Without a warm shelter, the dog will simply freeze, and without communication, it will become dumb and inadequate.

Hair care

The pet needs minimal care - wipe it daily with a towel to remove the fallen hairs. Many owners take care of the coat during the shedding period using a vacuum cleaner. It's fast and convenient. But the baby needs to be taught to the procedure as early as possible, otherwise the adult dog will be afraid of the loud howl of technology.

Nail care

After walking, the paws are wiped with a damp cloth. Claws in the summer are usually not trimmed. If your four-legged pupil walks a lot on asphalt or other hard surfaces, he grinds them off himself better than any tools.

In winter, when dogs walk less, and even on soft snow, you need to follow the claws, and, if necessary, cut off the keratinized tissue with special tweezers. Usually this is done no more than 1-2 times a month. Claws should be cut carefully so as not to catch the “living” part of the claw, replete with nerve endings and blood vessels.


Beautiful teeth are the visiting card of a stately watchman. The audit of the mouth should be carried out daily. Small plaque on the teeth is removed with a cotton swab with dog tooth powder or paste. Fragments of stuck bones or chips are removed with tweezers.

Periodically, the teeth are cleaned with a special dog toothbrush and treated with a plaque spray. Please note that the spray does not remove already formed tartar. You can remove it at the veterinary clinic.

Ear Care

In our country, Dobermans with cropped ears are more common. Standing ears are better ventilated, but dust, dirt, and water easily get into them. Ears are usually checked every 2-3 weeks. During the procedure, the auricle is cleaned with gauze, bandage or cotton swabs.

Do not rinse your ears with hydrogen peroxide. For hygienic cleaning use ear drops for dogs. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies. During the procedure, the ear stick is inserted only to the depth of the vertical canal, that is, within sight. Otherwise, you risk damaging your eardrum.


Every morning, you need to clean the corners of your pet's eyes from secretions accumulated during sleep with a piece of bandage. Cotton wool is not suitable for these purposes. Its villi can irritate the mucous membrane.

If the discharge becomes profuse or greenish in color, dust may have gotten into the eyes. In this case, drip your eyes with children's eye drops. But if there is no improvement, see a doctor. Harmless at first glance, conjunctivitis can be a symptom of such a dangerous disease as the plague.

intimate hygiene

Once a week, you need to examine the genitals of pets of both sexes. When purulent or mucous discharge appears in a dog, the preputial sac of the dog is washed with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate. The drug can be bought at a regular pharmacy. It is also available as a spray.

Easy-to-use spray is used to treat the genitals of animals after swimming in open water. But if the females have discharge between estrus, consult a doctor. They can be symptoms of dangerous diseases.


Vaccination of animals does not give a 100% guarantee that the animal will not get sick. But it significantly reduces this risk. Dobermans are vaccinated against:

  • plague;
  • adenovirus hepatitis;
  • parvovirus infection;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies.

As a rule, complex vaccines are used. Only completely healthy dogs can be vaccinated. Before the introduction of serum in dogs, deworming is carried out (at least 10 days in advance).

Puppies are given the first vaccination twice: at 1.5–2.5 months and at 2–3 months. Then, 3 weeks after the first vaccination, re-vaccination is carried out. Adult Dobermans are vaccinated once a year.

Ear and tail docking: what you need to know about it

In our country, cupping is not prohibited. But many countries have abandoned this operation. Dogs with cropped ears and tails cannot take part in shows in these countries. However, many are accustomed to seeing a Doberman with a short tail, with ears on top.

At local shows, you can meet dogs with hanging and high protruding ears, with and without tails. Today, uncropped ears are recognized as equivalent to cropped ones. But in the homeland of the breed, in Germany, the ears of Dobermans are no longer cut off. In this case, the choice remains with the owners and the breeder. It is up to you to decide what your Doberman will be like. Ear cropping is a cosmetic procedure. We carry it out in veterinary clinics.

In Dobermans, the operation is combined with the setting of the ears. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at 3 months of age, usually this is done after the 2nd vaccination. The operation takes place under anesthesia.

When cut off, the length of the ear must be at least 3/5 of its original length. To do this, use special patterns and clips to fix them. After cutting off part of the auricle, a cotton-gauze pillow is applied to the back of the head. The auricles are placed in it in a straightened form. Strengthen everything with a bandage bandage. After 3-4 hours, the bandage is removed.

Then they build a special "crown". The dog wears it until the ears are healed. The structure is made of wire. Its purpose is to put ears. Fixation of the auricles occurs with the help of adhesive plaster and bandage.

What to feed

The shape of the pet's ears is not the only dilemma that faces owners of pedigreed dogs. They have to choose more and what to feed the Doberman. It can be dry food or natural feeding. For help, you can contact the breeder. Look at his dogs. If you are satisfied with their appearance, you can feed them the same food. However, the choice is yours.

Here's what you definitely shouldn't do, so it's mixing dry food with natural. Such a diet can harm the digestive system.

puppy diet

The puppy you just bought should be fed according to the breeder's instructions. He is experiencing stress, changing his place of residence. During this period, a change in diet can lead to indigestion.

When using dry food, follow the directions on the package. When choosing a "natural", the emphasis is on meat. From 2.5 weeks it is given in a scraped form, from 3 months of age it is cut into pieces of 1.25 cm. Raw beef and veal are suitable for babies. At 3 months they give lamb.

Daily norm of meat for puppies depending on age:

  • 1 month - 50 g;
  • 2 months - 100 g;
  • 3 months - 300 g;
  • 4 months - 400 g;
  • 5 months - 500 g.

From offal take scars, heart, lungs and chicken stomachs. Porridge, vegetables, cheese, crackers can only be an addition to a meat dish. Puppies are given cottage cheese, dairy products. From cereals, preference is given to buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet. During the ear setting period, puppies are given calcium, which is necessary for the formation of cartilage.

Adult dog diet

Feeding an adult Doberman with natural food is a difficult and expensive task. Dogs are recommended to eat per day:

  • meat products or fish - 600–800 g;
  • porridge - 500 -800 g;
  • vegetables - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - up to 300 g;
  • dairy products - up to 200 g.

This is the minimum required by animals. The food should be thick. Soups are not suitable for Dobermans. With significant physical exertion, during active training, the portion of meat is increased to 1200–1400 g. This also applies to pregnant and lactating bitches.

The following products are not suitable for Dobermans:

  • smoked, salted, fatty meat;
  • pork and chicken bones;
  • sausage, sausages, shop stews, dumplings;
  • food from the host's table;
  • pasta (they are poorly digested, cause fermentation in the stomach);
  • fresh pastries, bread in large quantities (but crackers can sometimes be eaten);
  • peas, corn, raw dough;
  • semolina (it provokes obesity and causes "reverse peristalsis" in some dogs);
  • potatoes in any form.

Training and education

Doberman puppy resembles malleable plasticine. Due to his natural ingenuity and athletic build, he is easily trainable and can master any service.

In urban conditions, the puppy must learn the following commands:

  • "to me";
  • "stand";
  • "beside";
  • "ugh".

The puppy must know what he can do in the house and what not. Misdemeanors are punished. Babies have short memories. Punishment should follow immediately after the offense. Adult dogs remember much longer. They can be punished after some time. But between punishment and transgression there should be no feedings and walks.

If possible, you need to deal with the Doberman at the canine site. There, experts will prompt important points and point out mistakes in education.

Smart Dobermans learn basic commands faster than other breeds. Training must be provided by the owner. To gain authority, you need to achieve the execution of commands. Otherwise, the cunning Doberman will begin to come up with tricks.

Health, susceptibility to disease

The breed is quite healthy. However, she also has weaknesses. More than 5% of Dobermans have heart problems. Dogs suffer from a dilated form of cardiomyopathy. This is a congenital disease. It appears in both puppies and adult dogs. Most often, in 7-8 year old males.

In the early stages, there are practically no symptoms. Then there is shortness of breath, weakness, fainting. At this stage, the animal can no longer be helped. Therefore, an annual check-up by a veterinarian for the detection of the disease is recommended.

Like other large breeds, Dobermans can suffer from:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints, inflammation of the intervertebral discs);
  • bloating (largely depends on the diet and regimen of the animal);
  • eye diseases (cataract, retinal atrophy, inversion of the eyelids);
  • skin diseases (seborrhea, allergic dermatitis, others);
  • cancer and diabetes mellitus (develops with age).

The list turned out to be impressive, but this whole bouquet rarely appears under the condition of competent selection and conscientious breeding.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

You can bring a puppy to the house not earlier than he is one month old, preferably 45 days. It is good if during the selection there will be an opportunity to consult with an experienced dog breeder who is familiar with the characteristics and standards of the breed.

When choosing a puppy, they are guided by such criteria as:

  • baby health;
  • appearance and grooming;
  • lack of visible health problems;
  • behavioral activity.

Sometimes an albino puppy appears in the litter. You can't take it. The fact is that such a baby has serious health problems. Albinos are not healthy.

breed standards

Usage Police, security, protective dog, companion.
Appearance The dog is above average height, strong build, muscular and elegant.
Temperament, behavior Bold and resolute character, lively temperament.
  • Shape: long, dense, dry, strict lines, has the shape of an elongated blunt wedge.
  • Skull: flat on top.
  • Forehead: without skin folds.
  • Muzzle: deep.
  • Cheeks: tucked up, muscles visible.
  • Jaws: Broad and powerful.
  • Nose: Broad, black in blacks, lighter in browns.
  • Eyes: oval, dark in color.
  • Ears: If docked, stand upright.
  • Back: short, strong.
  • Loin: elastic, muscular, short.
  • Croup: broad, sloping.
  • The abdomen is tucked up, forming a beautiful curved line of the bottom.
  • Neck: Long and graceful.
  • Chest: Moderately broad, arched, ribs slightly prominent.
  • Tail: Set on high.
  • Forefeet: Forearms straight, pointing vertically. The elbows are pressed to the chest. The wrists are wide. Paws arched.
  • Hind feet: Broad, muscular thighs, dry hocks. Sheerly set metatarsus, long shins.
Gait The step is free and sweeping. The run is easy and fast. Amble is a vice.
Wool The coat is short, shiny with a slight undercoat.
Color Black, dark brown with reddish tan.
  • Height at withers:
  • Males 68–72 cm;
  • Bitches 63–68 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.
Significant deficiencies
  • Height and weight are more or less than standards.
  • Unpainted nose.
  • Narrow chest.
  • Incorrect angulations on the legs.
  • Clubfoot, inverted elbows, lack of musculature.
  • Profitable fingers.
  • White markings.

Origin story

In the 1980s, tax collector Friedrich Louis Dobermann set out to breed the perfect dog to accompany him on his travels. And since the taxman maintained a shelter for dogs of various breeds, the task was quite feasible.

As a starting material, Doberman took a German Pinscher, poured into it the blood of a Rottweiler, a Manchester Terrier, possibly a cop. There are no exact data on selection work. The talented dog breeder kept no records. But the results of his work are unique.

Dobermans were the best police dogs of the beginning of the last century. Newspapers of that time vied with each other about the exploits of tall and stately pinschers.

Louis Dobermann died in 1884, never knowing about the recognition of the breed, which happened only in 1895. Since that time, the dog has changed several names: Tring Pinscher, Doberman Pinscher, and only since 1949 it is called Doberman. History does not know more cases when the German breed was named after its creator.

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