Russian folk tales proverbs. Proverbs from fairy tales. Name of fairy tales with proverbs

Animals have always lived next to man - dogs, cats, poultry and many others. And we are always characterized by curiosity and curiosity, especially children. Noticing the behavior of animals, people shared these observations with each other, passed on knowledge from generation to generation. This is how proverbs and sayings about animals appeared. By the way, not only domestic tamed animals appear in these proverbs. Humans were also interested in wild animals. There are a large number of interesting proverbs and sayings about animals, many of which are collected in this section.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Without posture and horse cow.

A hornless cow will butt at least a bump.

Beat the dog, scolding the chicken.

It happens that a bear flies ... when they push it off a cliff.

There would be a mumps, there will be a bristle.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.

The donkey is great, but it carries water; the falcon is small, but they carry it on their hands.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

A wolf is a bad shepherd for sheep.

The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

Do not call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

Feet feed the wolf.

Have pity on the wolf - it will bite even more wickedly.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Sparrows chirp - nests curl.

The crow, although it flew over the sea, did not turn white.

Every cricket know your hearth.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say they milk the chickens.

The grief of one cancer only paints.

Give a chicken a bed - it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears can't get along in the same den.

Two cats in one bag of friendship will not lead.

A good horse will not bring on a stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about the bad life.

The crane flies high, sees far.

You couldn’t hold on to the mane - you can’t hold on to the tail.

For a mosquito with an ax, for a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

They carry the hare's legs, feed the wolf's teeth, protect the fox's tail.

The hare flies away from the fox, and the frog flies away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Know, cricket, your hearth.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog can drown.

Cannons don't hit sparrows.

If the bush weren't sweet, the nightingale wouldn't make its nest.

Each hen praises its perch.

Each bird defends its nest.

Each fox lifts up its tail.

Each sandpiper in his swamp is great.

Each sandpiper praises his swamp.

No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.

When you fall in love, and the monkey will seem beautiful; when you do not love, and turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to exercise.

The horse runs - the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

To beat a cow with a stick - do not drink milk.

Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.

The cat is only on mice and is brave.

Cats squabble - expanse for mice.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

Sandpiper and loon - two pair of boots.

Bite and mosquitoes for the time being.

Either spare the stern, or the horse.

Either a tuft of hay, or a pitchfork in the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox also counts chickens in a dream.

The fox will lead the seven wolves.

A fox is always fuller than a wolf.

The wolf catches, the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey without a tail is still a monkey.

The master will pull out a chicken from a baked egg.

Aimed at a crow - hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat, if you stroke the fur.

Milk on the tongue of a cow.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

On its perch, the rooster is the strongest.

For lunch, the birdie is satisfied with the flies.

In the landfill of his rooster is the most important.

Put even a collar on a pig, everything will not be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Do not be afraid of a liar dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

Not a great bird - a titmouse, but a clever one.

Do not believe the goat in the garden, and the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​bites that barks.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

The wolf is not beaten because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

Not the first winter for the wolf to winter.

Don't be shy, sparrow.

Not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill the snake, it will sting.

Do not teach a goat: she will pull it off the cart.

One swallow does not make spring.

He lagged behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep's tears will be shed to the wolf.

Cannons are not fired at sparrows.

Better sing well with a goldfinch than badly with a nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly on.

Put the pig at the table - she and her feet on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves - howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

Lead cattle - do not open your mouth to walk.

The dog in the hay does not eat itself and does not give to others.

The dog does not know about the prosperity of his master.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Magpie on the tail brought.

The old fox digs with its stigma, and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog does not bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

The tiger, though fierce, will not eat its cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to the owner.

Do not look for a mustache in a goose - you will not find it.

A cow has milk on its tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats withered grass.

A good blacksmith will forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep, where the wolf is in the shepherds.

Through force, the horse does not jump.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

Wool is sheared and skinned.

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

Without posture and horse cow.

A hornless cow will butt at least a bump.

Beat the dog, scolding the chicken.

It happens that a bear flies ... when they are pushed off a cliff.

There would be a mumps, there will be a bristle.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold, the cat does not catch mice.

The donkey is great, but it carries water; the falcon is small, but they carry it on their hands.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

A wolf is a bad shepherd for sheep.

The wolf is not a friend to the horse.

Do not call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

Feet feed the wolf.

Have pity on the wolf - it will bite even more fiercely.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Sparrows chirp - nests curl.

The crow, although it flew over the sea, did not turn white.

Every cricket know your hearth.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say they milk the chickens.

The grief of one cancer only paints.

Give a chicken a bed and it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears can't get along in the same den.

Two cats in one bag of friendship will not lead.

A good horse will not bring on a stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about the bad life.

The crane flies high, sees far.

You couldn’t hold on to the mane - you can’t hold on to the tail.

For a mosquito with an ax, for a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

They carry the hare's legs, feed the wolf's teeth, protect the fox's tail.

The hare flies away from the fox, and the frog flies away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Know, cricket, your hearth.

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog can drown.

Cannons don't hit sparrows.

If the bush weren't sweet, the nightingale wouldn't make its nest.

Each hen praises its perch.

Each bird defends its nest.

Each fox lifts up its tail.

Each sandpiper in his swamp is great.

Each sandpiper praises his swamp.

No matter how you turn the dog, and the tail is behind.

When you fall in love, and the monkey will seem beautiful; when you do not love, and turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to exercise.

The horse runs, the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

To beat a cow with a stick - do not drink milk.

Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.

The cat is only on mice and is brave.

Cats gnaw - expanse for mice.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

Sandpiper and loon - two pair of boots.

Bite and mosquitoes for the time being.

Either spare the stern, or the horse.

Either a tuft of hay, or a pitchfork in the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox also counts chickens in a dream.

The fox will lead the seven wolves.

A fox is always fuller than a wolf.

The wolf catches, the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey without a tail is still a monkey.

The master will pull out a chicken from a baked egg.

Aimed at a crow - hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat, if you stroke the fur.

Milk on the tongue of a cow.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

On its perch, the rooster is the strongest.

For lunch, the birdie is satisfied with the flies.

In the landfill of his rooster is the most important.

Put even a collar on a pig, everything will not be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Do not be afraid of a liar dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

Not a great bird - a titmouse, but a clever one.

Do not believe the goat in the garden, and the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​bites that barks.

Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive a horse with oats.

The wolf is not beaten because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

Not the first winter for the wolf to winter.

Don't be shy, sparrow.

Not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill the snake, it will sting.

Do not teach a goat: she will pull it off the cart.

One swallow does not make spring.

He lagged behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep's tears will be shed to the wolf.

Cannons are not fired at sparrows.

Better sing well with a goldfinch than badly with a nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly on.

Put the pig at the table - she and her feet on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but the claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

Lead cattle - do not open your mouth to walk.

The dog in the manger does not eat itself and does not give to others.

The dog does not know about the prosperity of his master.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Magpie on the tail brought.

The old fox digs with its stigma, and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog does not bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

The tiger, though fierce, will not eat its cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to the owner.

Do not look for a mustache in a goose - you will not find it.

A cow has milk on its tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats withered grass.

A good blacksmith will forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep, where the wolf is in the shepherds.

Through force, the horse does not jump.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

Wool is sheared and skinned.

In order to answer this, at first glance, far from a simple question, it is necessary to review a certain amount of theoretical material. I would also like to say that my answer is only suitable for Russian fairy tales, because if the fairy tale was written in a foreign language, then the title will be in a foreign language, which means that the translation will be the translator's opinion.

What is a fairy tale and a proverb

As I said above, in order to improve the quality of understanding, it is necessary to review the theory, namely the definitions of terms. In Russian, there are several main types of folk art:

  1. A fairy tale is a folk work that is written without rhyme and has magical characters.
  2. A riddle is a short work written in rhyme and has an interrogative expression.
  3. A proverb is a short work that has a rhyme and a very strong thought.
  4. A parable is a small story that does not have a rhyme, but has a lesson on the example of acting heroes.
  5. A proverb is a phrase that is very beautiful to the ear, which carries some kind of wisdom in itself.
  6. A joke is a short phrase that is not used separately, but used in conversation. As a rule, it carries wisdom in itself.

Name of fairy tales with proverbs

After I have reviewed some of the theoretical material, I can proceed to answer the question. But I also note that I will not give all the names, because there are countless tales. Therefore, if you look in books, you will find a lot of such fairy tales.

Name of fairy tales with proverbs:

  • "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" - the beaten unbeaten is lucky;
  • "The most expensive" - ​​the morning is wiser than the evening;
  • "Half-bear" - to whom the tops, and to whom - the roots;
  • "Seven-year-old daughter" - you will dodge one misfortune - another will be imposed !;
  • Russian folk tale - fear has big eyes;
  • "The Tale of the Priest and the Worker of His Bulldozer" - eats for four, works for seven.

In conclusion, I can say that Russian fairy tales contain very good wisdom, observing which a person will be kind and honest, so read fairy tales and you will be happy.

Abasa (brand) in Persis (Persia) is a beauty.
To kill a lamb is not to destroy a soul.
Without a tail and a bird is not beautiful (not red).
Without grain fodder, a horse rides on a whip.
Beshanitsa (fish verkhovodka) is shown to the case for livestock.
Blessed is the man who has mercy on cattle.
God's creature works for God.
A big horse is not for the owner's court: there will be no grass.
Be smooth as an egg (they say for Easter, stroking the horse with an egg).
The bull roars. Mumbled something.
There was a wife, but the cow ate; Yes, if it weren’t for a haystack, I would have eaten myself.
The pig had a golden bristle, but it was lying around in the mud, taken away (belief).
To be a bull on a string, a goat on a buzz.
Call cows through a smoky window - they themselves will go home.
On which day the offspring is in the house, nothing (on loan) is given on that day.
There is a lot of thought in the bear, but it won’t get out.
In pestilence (case), fire is wiped out of wood and distributed to the whole village.
Do not let fire out of the house on the holiday, the cattle will die.
In a dry year, there are more hares, in a wet year - mice.
To waste food on a thin horse, to pour water into a thin tub.
Vaska is a goat; Masha is a goat; pig - Aksyutka.
Cheerful as a spring lark.
During the case, the village is plowed up, a new (live, woody) fire is lit, cattle are driven through the ditch and fire, cow death (no one's cattle) is killed in the herd, etc.
Carries water, carries and governor.
The ox takes (pulls) with a tax, the horse with a snatch.
The ox grows to the butt (that is, the value all comes, by weight).
You will fatten an ox with a thick (distillery), you will inflate a horse with a thick one (you will swell).
The wolf cuts the cattle, the bear pulls.
The wolf is grey. The hare is stubby, oblique.
The wolf ate raw meat, and spun high.
Winter is a custom for the wolf.
Wolf food, crow meat, grass bag (scold on a horse).
Feel free to the dog and lie to the lord.
Crow - razin.
Black and gray peasant is not to the court.
Wax from a candle on a chandelier, taken on the first day of Easter, is placed in a beehive.
Every magpie perishes from its tongue.
Every breath praises the Lord.
Feeding is not for the future owner.
Where a fox, where a wolf.
Eat your sides, wolf (they say, putting a stone under the pot so that the wolf does not eat the cow).
Dove, dove, dove - weasel.
Goose chevoshnik, and duck takalka.
Goose, pawed goose - a man of his own mind. Indian is stupid.
You can't buy a horse with money (but with luck).
Good horse, but shakes off his hooves.
Beat a good horse with one hand, wipe away tears with the other.
The good horse is under me, the Lord is above me.
Do you smell a friend or a foe (when a horse snores)?
Yegoryevskaya cow komola (born Yegorya; belief).
He has a gray (piebald, savrasai) not to the court.
If at midnight you steal a screensaver from a water mill and bury it in the gate of your house, then the loss of livestock will not reach him.
If the foal plays a lot in the dawn, the wolves will eat it.
If you drive pigs into a barn, then the pig will eat piglets.
If a hen always sings like a rooster, then there is no harm in that, and it can be hoarding.
If a swallow flies under a cow, it will be milked with blood.
If you throw rubbish out of the hut at night, over the threshold, then the cattle will die.
If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, then the chickens will be intact.
If at the first pasture of cattle in the field someone is barefoot, then there will be wolves.
If a cow brings twins of one-haired - for good, motley - for worse.
There is something the mouse has bitten, the teeth will get stronger.
The horse lived with seven priests for seven years - she became seven years old.
Cow death does not go beyond the arable line.
An envious seller plucks a tuft of wool from cattle sold for need, puts the wool in a pipe or behind the stove and says: dry like this wool, and the cattle will not behave.
Rear front overtaken (shout when geese fly).
Protect my cow, St. Egory, Vlasy and Protasy!
Healthy (strong) like a bear.
Healthy as a bull.
Healthy as a horse; healthy as a cow.
Do not raise the snake above your eyes. Without pitchforks.
And the horse is coughing. A horse with four legs, but stumbles.
And the bear is taught to dance (about the difficulty of science).
And the chicken has a heart (i.e. it gets angry).
Buy a playful horse across the river. A brown horse is noticed across the river.
By spring, good cattle are raised by the tail.
If the woodpecker didn’t have his own sock, no one would have found him in the forest.
If only for a magpie (for a jay) and not your tongue.
The Cossack is hungry, and his horse is full.
The Cossack does not eat himself, but feeds the horse.
Like a hare, like a goat jumps.
As it is wet under the hoof (in spring and autumn), so the cow will reduce milk.
The Kalmyk horse alone will be over-stubborn by the Kalmyk.
Kasatik, killer whale - weasel.
When you look for a fox in front, then it is back.
Goat (brisk and restless girl).
The goat god on a string is dead.
If the goblin catches up with hares, then he will steal mice (for years).
A horse without a stumble, a cow without a front, but a bin without loss.
The horse is bay, but there is no wool on it: it flogs in front, drags its back.
The horse gives change with its hoof.
The horse will not give out, and the enemy will not eat.
A skinny horse is a stingy owner.
Horse, my horse, you are my true friend. My horse, all my hope.
A horse, a white leg - ten rubles, two white legs - twenty rubles, three white legs - thirty rubles, and four white legs - four rubles. She will go to the fourth (fifth, etc.) grass in the spring.
Do not trust a horse: you will find a mare's head and bridle that one.
The cow is a clod, the forehead is wide, the eyes are narrow, it does not graze in the herd, in, the hand is not given (bear).
Cow in the yard - grub on the table.
Count a cow by milk yield - you won’t see milk.
To kill a cat - for seven years you can’t see any luck in anything.
A cat and a woman in a hut, a man and a dog in the yard.
The cat is a washer: she washed for a long time, did not wash the guests.
The ninth death pesters the cat (it is tenacious).
Round hooves (animals about one hoof) are not eaten.
Whoever rides the Don horses does not honor his father and mother.
Whoever loves cats will love his wife.
Whoever eats from a dog (after a dog), his throat will swell.
Where the pregnant cow lies with her head (at midnight or at noon), then she will calve.
Kulik - long-nosed.
The chicken crowed like a rooster - to trouble or on its own head: they chop off its head.
Chicken, wet chicken - a sluggish and insignificant person.
Plant the chicken secretly, without outsiders; pour eggs from the master's hat.
Hen in earrings, kochetok in boots.
Khokhlushechka chicken, duck with a Basque toe (beautiful), turkey shulda-buldy.
The swallow begins the day (spring), and the nightingale ends.
The swan is beautiful.
The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain.
A beetle flies and makes noise: "I'll kill you"; the goose asked: "Whom?" The calf says: "Me"; and the duck "So, so, so!"
The fox will cover everything with its tail.
The fox will lead the seven wolves.
The fox washes its tail.
An extra eye when milking a cow spoils it.
A horse is a person (an unrequited worker or stupid).
The horse buried Christ in the straw, the pig tore it off.
The horse is young: the first head is on the shoulders, and the skin is not tossed.
Buy a young horse, but don't lose money for an old one.
The horse dries out from the cat, becomes kinder from the dog (which is why they don’t take cats with them on the road).
Khol horse, feed like a son, but beware like a thief (like a thief).
Horse man wings.
A horse that millstones: all little feed.
People dear, and the wolf side.
Bears werewolves, for inhospitality (the whole village did not let the traveler to spend the night).
The bear sucks its paw all winter.
Duma bear.
The bear on Spiridon Solstice turns in the den on the other side.
Honey (sweet) dew - to the death of livestock.
Honey dew - pestilence has come.
If you kill Mizgir, you will come true forty sins.
Well done for sheep, not healthy for cows.
The sea under the cow, the river of milk (wishing milkmaid).
Vitelek moth: flies fast.
Moshnik (grouse) winter for the custom.
Fly, where is your pillow?
Mouse stallion. He looks like a mouse stallion.
The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire.
On Vasiliev evening lamb in the forehead.
On Vasiliev's evening, a pig's head on the table.
They don’t buy a whip for a horse, but oats.
A gadfly falls on a sweaty horse.
On St. Vukola calf beetles (i.e., cows that managed from the herd).
Get live fire on cattle (wipe out of wood).
Naked women gather at midnight to seek and beat the death of a cow: this is the first person or animal that they meet;
Acquaintance and buy a cow. Buy a cow you know.
Plant a hen when the cattle leaves the field.
To hang around with broken jugs, chickens will rush well.
As far as he killed the nag, so he left.
Real cow (clumsy).
Do not beat the dog, and she was a man (turned into a dog for gluttony).
We do not take out the cow gives milk (milks), but with a snout (i.e., forage).
A horse is not expensive if someone does not have a grandmother in the yard.
They beat the wolf not for being gray, but for eating the sheep.
Do not forget the log pig: he remembers where he ate.
Do not feed the horse with dough, but do not nud eed.
Do not kick the pigs: the svorob will act (pretend).
Do not kick the dog: convulsions will pull.
Do not treat the horse with riding, but feed it with dough; do not stroke with your hand, sprinkle with flour.
Do not neigh a friend (horses), but bark.
Do not stroke with a hand, with a bag.
Do not whistle and do not bake eggs where the hen sits.
The tar cross will not save, if the life-giving one did not save (about the tar cross on the gate, from the case).
Do not rush to ride (ride), hurry to feed (feed).
He, like a cat, falls to his feet.
From the case, the fallen cattle should be buried upside down under the gate.
From a quick goat, neither a fence nor constipation.
Pava is an arrogant beauty.
The peacock is beautiful, but his feet are unhappy.
The first egg from the black hen saves the cattle in the field from the wolf (Western).
Ryabenko feathers, smooth head.
The rooster is a fighter, red tape.
A sheep will get into the habit (indulge), no worse than a goat.
Pass the reason for the new purchase from floor to floor.
Drive the horse not with a whip, but with a sheep.
Do not put a pail on a chair, on a tub: the cow's milk will dry up.
Have mercy (endure), Lord, the horse and me!
Priest's daughters (children) that are blue horses: rare succeeds.
To drive cattle through a live fire (from the case: a fire is made in a ditch, obtained by rubbing a tree).
Lead the sold cattle from the yard to the back gate (lead backwards from the yard).
God's bee (delivers wax to candles).
The bee stings only the sinner.
Rusak (hare) loves the field.
A hare under a stone, a hare under a bush.
Rusak steppe.
Since Midsummer Day, milk has been put in krinks under three dews - cows will give more milk.
With what a horse is bought, it is not removed from it.
Savraska and kaurka - for two centuries.
St. Mammoth gives milk to cows, St. Basil on sheep wool.
Calling pigs, looking out the window - they won’t climb into the garden (Vyat.).
Pig just stick the snout, and all crawl through.
Hay to the knee, oats to the brush, and water trays (abundance of feed).
Do not ride a hay horse, do not yell with a straw ox.
With hay you fill a horse with hay, and from oats on the body a shirt is laid.
The heart is a falcon, and the courage is a crow (and the courage is a crow).
Winter is said to the wolf.
No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.
Smooth the cattle not with your hand, but with flour.
Blindness of a horse is not a vice, but a misfortune.
Smorgon student, Sergach gentleman, bear, Misha, Mikhail Potapovich, Matrena.
A dog is a friend, but a horse is an enemy.
The dog barks at the master.
The dog is a crumb under the table, and the cat is waiting for spilled milk.
The dog is a glutton, and the cat is sweet.
The dog is man's best friend.
It is a sin to call a dog with a human name.
You can kiss a dog on the face, and not on the fur, a cat - vice versa.
The sable and the marten run and tremble, and the gray lamb lies and puffs.
Kuma owl, son-in-law sparrow.
Owl, owl - bug-eyed.
A salted cow milks for two centuries (novg.).
The white-sided magpie jumped on the threshold, waited for the guests, cooked porridge, fed the children.
White-sided magpie: green tail, long nose (children tease magpies).
Stop, horse, do not stagger, do not give into anyone's hands.
A real calf.
Rash the horse with a bag (khol, stroke the horse with a bag), so you will not walk.
A well-fed horse will eat less.
Do not stroke the calf on the back (heal).
Black grouse all winter one night.
That horse and grooming: sing and ride, but don’t give oats!
The only thing is that a whip and a collar.
Cowardly as a hare, lascivious as a cat.
More cowardly than a hare, swindler than a cat.
Here you need a wolf tooth and a fox tail.
You are afraid of the horse, and she is afraid of you.
The cat's hair is filthy, but the snout is clean; the dog's snout is filthy, and the coat is clean.
The fox Patrikeevna has ears on the top of her head (a bit).
Do not keep the killed animal in the field (it will be bad).
A cabbage roll (a blue horse) will succeed, and an oak tree is not needed.
The bridle is type-setting, the horse is perky (about a bad horse and harness).
Duck - with a rolling gait.
Ushmi spins, digs the earth, blows steam from the nostrils.
Roan with laziness, but with cravings.
What he beat, then he rode.
That the wolf will salivate, to know that it will be.
What is alive is also cunning.
What is born blindly is not eaten.
What does the vet: no eyes, no speeches.
What is in the teeth of a wolf, Yegoriy gave.
Whatever you whip, you will leave.
So that the dog does not run away, pull a tuft of wool out of the neck.
So that the dogs do not rage, drag the puppies through the wheel hub.
In order for a pregnant cow to bring a heifer (not a bull), the hostess goes to milk her for the last time astride a frying pan.
Do not count a foreign bird (jinx it).
Wool (suit) does not work (i.e. strength is not in the suit).
This is a ram, a sheep (simple, kind).

Larisa Malysheva
Thematic selection of proverbs and sayings for works

Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka":

You can't spill them with water.

Your family is your truest friends.

Russian folk tale "Zimovye"

Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

Fear has big eyes.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

Take it together - it will not be heavy.

Russian folk tale "Geese - swans"

Walk, walk, but then do not blame.

Walk and do not forget things.

They walked - had fun, counted - shed tears.

Great word: thank you.

Russian folk tale "Havroshechka"

Every man is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

Every person is known by the work.

There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.

Whoever lives the truth, he will make good; Whoever does good, God will bless him.

"Russian folk tale "Winged, furry and oily"

Scold, brda look at yourself.

Holding the tug, do not say that it is not a dozen.

He brewed porridge - a quarrel does not lead to good.

Don't judge others, look at yourself.

The truth hurts the eyes.


There is no change from autumn to summer.

Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

In October, neither on wheels nor on skids.

In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

Autumn is a reserve, winter is a trough.

September is cold, but full.


Everyone is young in the winter cold.

In February the roads are wide.

Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter.

There is no union for winter and summer.


Mother spring is red for everyone.

In April, the earth dies.

February is rich in snow, April in water.

Spring and autumn - eight weather days.

A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish"

If you chase the big one, you will lose the last one.

I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Leaf Fall"

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Everywhere is good - where we are not.

Ch. Perrot "Puss in Boots"

Meet by clothes, see off by mind.

S. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

A sheep's coat, but a human soul.

V. Kataev "Pipe and jug"

Pick a berry, pick a box.

I walked through the forest, but did not find firewood.

V. Kataev "Flower - seven-flower"

Friendship is more valuable than money.


Whoever has bread is born, he always has fun.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread - father. Voditsa - mother.

Bread and water - well done food.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

As long as there is bread and water, all is not a problem.

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing.

One for all and all for one.

S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve months"

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a man by his deeds.

Good is good everywhere.

Who loves work, people honor him.

From polite words, the tongue will not wither.

With a bow, the head does not hurt.

A family

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

Better to live in cramped than offended.

Mother's Day

Maternal prayer raises from the bottom of the sea.

You won't find a better friend than a mother

There is no friend like a mother.

When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good.


The house is like a full bowl.

Road spoon to dinner.


You can't grow a turnip without care.

Every vegetable has its time.


Without a cat, mice expanse.

Fear the goat in front, the horse behind.

The cat is on the threshold, and the mouse is in the corner.

Labor - professions

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work.

Business time, fun hour.

You work until you sweat - you eat hunting.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Business before pleasure.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Patience and work will grind everything.


Like a fish in water.

Mute like a fish.

Fight. Like a fish on ice.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

About teaching

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

There is no science without pain.

Without patience there is no learning.

Literacy is a second language.

Literacy to learn - forward to come in handy.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.

You can't learn everything right away.


In what we boast, we will fail;

In the language of honey, but in the heart - ice.


Without taking an ax, you can’t cut down housing;

Easy taken, easy and lost.


Out of many small ones, one big one comes out;

Drop by drop and the stone hammers.

Fox and crane

As it comes around, so it will respond.

What is hello, so is the answer.

Hen, mouse and black grouse

If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.

Fox with a rolling pin

That bad not to depart, who is accustomed to live by untruth.

Princess Nesmeyana

Not all that glitters is gold.

Body - space, soul - cramped.

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