Who can go crazy. Madness and love. It is worth taking the experiences of patients seriously, understanding that the condition of a loved one is really painful, this is not a whim or whim

People experiencing panic attacks, the state is well known when it seems as if you are about to go crazy. And if not during the attack itself, certainly from such a painful life that many VSDeshniks live.

Anxiety attacks occur unexpectedly and often in the most uncomfortable situations. At such moments, there is a fear of losing control of oneself and simply starting to behave inappropriately. It’s scary not only to look stupid in public, but also from the prospect of settling in a ward of a psychiatric clinic. So is it possible to go crazy from a panic attack? The answer is in the article. And for everyone who is still unfamiliar with what PA is, it will be useful

Where does the fear of going crazy come from in people with neurosis (VSD)?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease at all, but a mental disorder. Against its background, the entire neurovegetative system fails and the person receives great amount physical symptoms(psychosomatics), accompanied by panic attacks and constant anxiety.

An anxious mind generates an endless stream of no less anxious thoughts, fears, phobias. Interestingly, if the rider thinks for a long time about the fear of going crazy, he may well cause a panic attack with these thoughts. Exactly, as well as vice versa - an attack gives rise to thoughts about the fear of "going off the rails." Such is the vicious and endless circle.

By itself, a panic attack, no matter how it manifests itself, is a very nasty, painful and difficult to control condition. There are so many symptoms, and they can be so diverse that thoughts come up in one day not to cope with it all, just can’t stand it and “go crazy”. Many are afraid in this state to harm themselves, loved ones, and even accidentally commit suicide.

From the fact that most people go the wrong way, and begin to treat the symptoms of neurosis (VSD), and not its causes, there are few results. A person does not get out of the doctors' offices, swallows pills, goes for an MRI 3 times a week, but there is no improvement. About which doctor you need to go to in the first place, . Panic attacks continue physical state worsens, moral strength dries up. Here, anyone, probably, will think about the possibility of going crazy - after all, life is so simply unbearable. It is also frightening that most people simply do not understand what is happening to them and why they feel so bad.

One should not be afraid of the very thoughts of insanity, they are quite justified in such a state, and appear in many who suffer from a neurosis. The question is, is it really possible to lose your sanity against the background of VSD? More on this below, and now a small portion of information to reassure that similar phobias occur in healthy people.

Who has the fear of going crazy?

In fact, the fear of insanity is experienced by people who do not suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such thoughts can arise in a person in very difficult life situations, for example, when losing loved ones, loved ones, when a large fortune is ruined, during natural Disasters etc.

There is nothing strange and absurd in allowing such thoughts in a state when you feel very bad and it seems as if your whole life has gone downhill. Therefore, you should not get hung up on the fact of fear itself, that it has appeared and it exists. Although, of course, it would be better if such phobias did not arise at all.

Is it possible to lose your mind from panic attacks?

Probably shouldn't be saying this. absolute precision, but in medicine there has not yet been a single case recorded for the sufferer to go crazy during a panic attack. As a person who has suffered from acute neurosis (with all the consequences), and who has studied tons of information on the Internet and in books, I have never come across information that someone has lost their mind during VVD.

According to psychiatrists, in order for the roof to “go crazy”, a person must either go through a very strong, deep mental trauma, or be in provoking conditions long time. This happens when people for many years are subjected to physical violence, humiliation, bullying, taken hostage, in places of "hot spots". A panic attack does not produce such profound changes in the psyche of the sufferer. Therefore, the likelihood that during an attack the mind will suddenly “break down” is reduced to almost zero. The brain perceives an anxiety attack as a need to defend itself (fight or flight), and not as a rejection of reality, of life. Insanity, in essence, is the refusal of the mind to perceive reality as it is, the failure to live in such an environment.

There is another factor - as long as a person is afraid to go crazy, he is in his right mind. Truly crazy people are completely unaware of their condition and deny their diagnosis. The practice of psychiatrists shows that no one who really "traveled" has such a fear, and is completely sure of his adequacy.

How to get rid of the fear of insanity with VVD?

First of all, it should be clear that panic attacks do not go crazy. And, as the famous psychotherapist, Andrey Kurpatov, writes, “getting off your mind”, in general, is not an easy task. Even simply realizing and convincing yourself that you don’t go crazy from anxiety attacks can already bring relief.

But this is just one of the many phobias that haunt the Vdesshnikov and have no basis.

Trying to get rid of just one fear is useless. After all most of The neurotic also suffers from hypochondria, agoraphobia and a bunch of other fears. Here it makes sense to approach the problem comprehensively. And you need to heal not the body, but the soul.

I am the type of person who can figure out a lot on their own. This is neither good nor bad, I am not saying this to praise myself. I just managed to get rid of neurosis through self-psychotherapy and complete personal transformation. But it was not easy for me - dozens of books I read, techniques I tried, rethinking life, changing my lifestyle. I understand very well that not all people are prone to introspection and self-therapy. Therefore, I believe that with panic attacks, phobias, you should contact a psychotherapist, hiccup and eliminate the causes of neurosis, and not its symptoms. You won’t go crazy from VVD and panic attacks, but you can completely ruin your life for many years. It's not worth pulling. Either start studying your neurosis and its roots on your own, or find a good psychotherapist. I also try to submit as much as possible on my site useful information, which, one way or another, can help people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. You can get rid of fears, as well as from neurosis in general. The main thing is to understand that the problem is in the head, not in the body, no matter how severe the physical symptoms are.

Heal your soul, establish harmony inside, friends, and be healthy!

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Have you ever been on the verge of a nervous breakdown, going down the subway in the morning? Have you ever had an irresistible urge to yell at a teenager who pisses you off for the hundredth time? Have you ever wanted to smash the office of the boss who is lecturing you to smithereens? What prevents us from taking action in such situations? Can it happen that the internal brakes fail?

“Yes,” says psychiatrist and therapist Marie-Noelle Besancon. - In a situation of hypercontrol, when a person is completely squeezed out and too depressed, he is more likely to "fly off the coils." However, there important clarification: “Mental disorder is more likely to threaten those who have an innate predisposition to it,” notes psychiatrist Grigory Gorshunin. “That is, if such a disease is diagnosed in close relatives: father, mother, brother or sister.”

Society calls for "positive", but this is feigned behavior. We end up hating those we love the most. And break down

A single “out of temper” indicates overstrain and the need for rest, and not at all about the onset of the disease. And yet, sometimes it seems that there are more and more bouts of insanity: forty summer woman threatens an electrician with a knife in his hands, a man shoots his neighbors because his girlfriend left him; postman tries to kill himself at work...

In hospital emergency centres, mental health services and elsewhere, doctors, psychiatrists and therapists are bombarded with requests for help. But the statistics do not confirm the increase in cases of insanity. What's the matter? “We live in a society that eschews complexity and calls for “positivity,” explains psychoanalyst Vincent Estellon. - You need to love everyone: friends, family, husband, wife, children. But this is feigned behavior - human nature is based on duality. Thus we begin to hate the people we love the most. And we break down."

Mental inequality

Madness is the most human trait, said Sigmund Freud. Jealousy or anger can lead to insanity: in the heat of a quarrel, we say what we didn’t want to say, we break objects. There are factors that transcend our understanding and cause us to lose control of ourselves. This can happen to anyone. There are a million things that throw the mind out of balance. Loss and deep sorrow, heavy unhappy love, passion, betrayal...

Stressful situations and reception toxic substances(alcohol, drugs) that affect our consciousness - all this can lead to the fact that we cease to control ourselves. But it is impossible to predict the course of events in advance. Everything depends on the body's ability to resist, on the mental organization of each person, and most importantly, on his vulnerability. Some people come out of life's trials with severe mental trauma, while others do not.

A fragile child who is lucky with his parents has a stable psyche and will be able to overcome many tragedies.

“The disease can develop more or less easily depending on the environment in which a particular person is immersed,” explains psychoanalyst Pierre Marie. - It is no coincidence that we say that everything is laid before the age of six: a fragile child who is lucky with his parents - they have a stable psyche, they take care of his upbringing - will be able to overcome many tragedies. But if he served as a consolation (for example, replaced another, deceased child in the family) or was an object of deep sadness, it will be much more difficult for him to get out of life's trials. In this regard, there is a deep injustice "at the start" - everything that happens in the first years of life is imprinted forever. This is where our identity begins. Every child perceives the world in context parental relationship in which he is immersed.

"Normal" fluctuations

Reckless actions or sudden bouts of insanity are not always symptoms mental illness. “Do not forget that any person, even the strongest and most enduring, has such moments when he does not understand very well where he is - in the realm of the imaginary, in illusions, in the unreal world, although he is aware that all this is not reality, says Marie-Noel Besancon. “Such fluctuations are part of the “normal” functioning of the psyche. True, sometimes they scare us so much that we try to forget them as soon as possible. Hasn't this ever happened to you - you stop hearing the interlocutor who is boring to you? Silently, imperceptibly to others, we leave ourselves every day, leaving our mind for a split second. But we are not sick.

When to go to a specialist?

And how can we determine the line, overstepping which we should seek help from a specialist? “And you shouldn’t,” says Grigory Gorshunin. - The task of a specialist is to help you if you yourself want this help. For example, if you are afraid of losing control of yourself or you notice that your Bad mood not caused by specific events, but accompanies you constantly, or you understand that your behavior destroys relationships that are important to you. And the decision to whom exactly to turn, we also make ourselves. “If you don’t want to discuss your life and are in the mood for drug treatment, then you can turn to a psychiatrist, and if, on the contrary, you prefer to avoid drugs, but are ready to change your lifestyle, then it makes sense to talk with a psychotherapist, ”specifies Grigory Gorshunin.

Teenage seizures

They frighten those who become their unwitting witness, and plunge parents into despair. And this is no accident - after all, bouts of insanity are always very strong, and especially in adolescents. “Such attacks often occur in adolescents, but rarely recur more than once,” explains psychoanalyst Pierre Marie. - This is not a symptom of mental illness, but a sign that something is wrong with the child. Take, for example, a graduate who is preparing to enter a university. He's under tremendous pressure! And sometimes confusion the only way say to your neighbors: “Yes, leave me alone!”. It will pass without a trace after a few days of hospitalization.” The crisis will disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

Two types of violations

Psychiatrists do not use the term "madness" in professional conversations. They talk about "disease", about " mental disorders". Among these, two main categories can be distinguished - psychoses and neuroses. Psychosis includes disorders associated with the loss of contact with reality: delusions, hallucinations. The most famous of the psychoses is schizophrenia, but there are others: persecution mania (paranoia), erotomania... “Neuroses are like an excessive exaggeration of ordinary feelings,” Marie-Noelle Besancon defines. “For example, depression is a distorted manifestation of grief, and anxiety disorders are fear.”

And one more important clarification: health does not mean a particularly positive outlook on life. According to the definition of Grigory Gorshunin, "a healthy soul is not the content of thoughts, but a way of dealing with them." Neurosis is not the presence of the bad, but the power of the bad. These two things are constantly confused and trying to "get rid of the bad." And we must get rid of the need for evil power, from the "right to torment and suffer."

For the first time, paradoxically, I encountered the topic mental disorders even in childhood. My dad, holding a high administrative position at the University, defended the interests of his institution in court. And then one of the dismissed employees accused the university of harassment and illegal dismissal. This in itself is not surprising, the desire to defend their rights is natural for any person, although she lost the lawsuit. However, then the most interesting began. The woman accused the university (!) of her persecution, poisoning herself with poisonous gases, wiretapping, and other methods of influence. She wrote lengthy letters to all instances, attracted newspapers, "denounced" all the new facts about the University and its employees. Gradually the emphasis began to be on intimate life employees. The peak was the accusation of two famous professors (both were already under 70) that they "are in an unnatural intimate relationship." I personally read this and many other letters from the case file that my dad gave me for general development and familiarity with the topic of mental disorders. In total, the activity lasted 15 (!) years. Probably then there was a temporary remission or a change, as psychiatrists say, of an “overvalued object”. In the future, I learned many such stories. So the rector of one of the leading universities has been pursued for 10 years by a schizophrenic who writes complaints to various authorities. They have to check. In principle, all the services already know the context of the situation, and they check it formally, but troubles ... A respectable man, an academician, told me this in an almost trembling voice. He was fed up.

How famous person, the more likely he is to become an overvalued object or simply an object of persecution for people with an unstable psyche. On the Internet, you can easily find information about the persecution of show business stars and politicians. The significance of the topic is so serious that, for example, Stanley Kubrick had a special archive, hundreds of boxes, where letters from the mentally ill were stored. This was done in order to facilitate the work of law enforcement agencies in the event of a physical incident.

Already working at the research institute, I again encountered this topic. Many "inventors" carried their crazy inventions and demanded that "inert" science pay attention to them, otherwise they would complain to the Regional Committee, the President and in general. And serious scientists, breaking away from real research, tried as correctly as possible (so as not to hurt feelings, otherwise it would stink ...) to write to the next unfortunate inventor why exactly his perpetual motion machine would not be able to work. Believe me, I am not exaggerating the scale of the problem. Especially unlucky were those scientists with whom such an "inventor" started a lawsuit or long-term correspondence with more detailed "explanations" of his project.

Later, already in the 90s, I noticed that the number of mentally ill people raving about science had significantly decreased, but I saw a lot of them at the psychology faculty (where even the joke was born that they go not to study psychology, but to be treated), in politics and occultism. Now I understand that this is due to a decrease in the emotional weight in the society of technical sciences, and in the direction of psychology, politics and the occult in the direction of increase. In a strange way, schizophrenics go into areas where there is a lot of emotional energy.

No one knows what mental illnesses are and what their nature is. Neither scientific medicine, no esoteric. In the early days of my healing work, I tried to understand energy reasons mental illness, especially schizophrenia, but came to the same conclusions as psychiatry, that this is a dark matter ... Or rather, that a whole bunch of diseases can be hidden under one diagnosis, completely different nature having different reasons and differently manifested both on the physical and on energy level. And I also came to the conclusion that it is impossible to treat schizophrenia with esoteric methods (according to at least at the level of my understanding), since the main instrument of treatment for us is awareness, understanding by a person of his violations, and it is precisely this function that is violated. I also agreed with the opinion of most Yoga Schools about considering schizophrenia and other psychoses absolute contraindication to yoga. It's unethical to try to help people if you don't understand the nature of their problem and don't have the right tools.

Can a person go crazy from spiritual or psychological practices? According to the apt expression of one major psychiatrist - with the same probability as from swimming in the pool. Schizophrenia is primarily a hereditary, genetically determined disease that can manifest itself at any time under the influence of any random factor. I know a case when outwardly completely normal person(although personally I always noticed some oddities, for example, excessive aggressiveness) in 2 days I ended up in a mental hospital just coming up with a successful business move. And it's having a strong physical health and being quite a social and successful person.

However, as mentioned above, esotericism and yoga (as well as religion, by the way) are attractive to mentally ill people, which gives rise to a common myth that people go crazy from yoga.

With that said, our School's policy is not to take people with mental disorders and mental instability into classes. If they are found in groups, refuse to train them and strongly recommend that they consult a doctor and undergo examinations and treatment, or at least be under observation. This is extremely important for these people. A person's knowledge of his mental instability, readiness to resort to professional help in time can save his life or his loved ones. In addition, mentally ill people tend to create problems for others, so it is humanly better to stay away from them. FROM energy point vision, patients with schizophrenia draw on themselves a lot of energy, which can interfere with the activities of the whole group.

However, here the instructors face the very difficult task of recognizing these kinds of problems. Put correct diagnosis or at least to suspect that something was wrong can only be a very sophisticated specialist. Even at the energy level, it is difficult to differentiate such diseases, since they affect the etheric field in a completely unpredictable way, sometimes turning it into an “explosion in a pasta factory”, and sometimes not affecting it at all. In the remission phase, the behavior of a sick person may not differ from normal at all. Of course experience helps, but not always... Sometimes, the problem is noticed but it's too late. So, a few years ago, a girl quietly walked into my first year. I did not talk to her on the phone, and did not pay her special attention until a few sessions later she came up with a question. And then I went cold: the girl had acute form schizophrenia. Moreover, there was a transfer to me as a sexual object. Simply put, she began to harass me. Attempts to send her to a psychiatrist were unsuccessful and I simply rudely (sometimes in the case of hysterical disorders this is effective) kicked her out. Five years have passed, but with enviable regularity I receive letters and SMS from her from which it follows that I regularly come to her and have sex with her, for which she either loves me or hates me. By the way, during this time the girl graduated from the psychology faculty and now practices as a private psychotherapist. :(((University psychologists, of course, realized that she had schizophrenia, but decided not to get involved, but to "quietly" issue a diploma and forget "out of harm's way" ...

By the way, I’ll say right away that communication with a mentally ill person, as well as reading his opuses, is quite dangerous for an unprepared person. Of course, it is impossible to “get infected”, but imbued with a worldview, many fall into deep depression. Another mistake is the desire to see some hidden meaning in the words of the patient. But the phrases of a schizophrenic only look like meaningful ones, in reality they have no meaning. Read more in Wittgenstein.

The instructor of our school, Boris, had a similar problem. One of his students, due to her closeness, unfortunately, although she completed her senior years, was not diagnosed in time, and when she nevertheless told about her visions about the appearance of “figures in raincoats” to her and “astral” contacts with me, it was already late. I removed her from classes and tried to switch to the value of relationships with people, because the woman was excessively conflicted - in some cases this helps, but alas ... Spontaneous remission did not occur, and she did not consider herself sick, taking her visions for contact with " magical powers”, so she did not want to be treated, but at full speed she began to drive me personally to the School, since we did not appreciate her greatness. He writes various libels so far ...

So, although it is difficult to diagnose schizophrenia, there are several signs that should at least alert. None of them in itself is a sign and proof, but still. If you public person and communicate with large quantity people, perhaps this knowledge will save a lot of time and nerves, and possibly life.

1. Most diseases are of a sexual nature, especially in women. Often schizophrenia affects women with a strong but unrealized svadhisthana. Obsession with the topic of sex, especially when there are fluctuations in attitude (colloquial) to it - from rejection to retraction, especially in the absence of a normal sexual life - indirect sign. "Inadequate" sexuality - a person shows sexual activity out of context, for example, dresses brightly provocatively at the workplace, but at the same time denies sex.
2. High conflict, aggressiveness, inability to fit into the team.
3. Emotional and sensual poverty. Lack of joy in life. The person is, as it were, always “loaded”.
4. Lack of a sense of humor or its "weirdness" (I'm not kidding, this is really important criterion)
5. Social non-adaptation. Often against the backdrop of conflict.
6. Rigidity of the body.
7. An excess of empty concepts in speech. Long and "unnecessary" speeches.
8. Long periods of severe fatigue against the background of lack of activity.
9. Fixation on one idea.
10. Persecution mania. Ideas that he is deliberately "impacted", thoughts and desires are imposed on him.
11. The emergence of "muddy" states when communicating with such a person.
12. Emphatically infantile forms. The person seems to live at a different age. For example, a 50-year-old woman dresses in youth clothes.
13. The desire to attract excessive attention to oneself, or vice versa, gray mouse syndrome.

And most importantly, "Judge the tree by its fruits." healthy personality always focused on creation and the results of such creation are always visible. Destructive tendencies in relation to oneself or to people, a conscious obsessive desire to harm - give out the presence of a problem.

And another moment. If you decide to help a mentally ill person become "normal", keep in mind - this is a task for professionals. Without special skills, you have as much chance as successfully cut out an appendicitis kitchen knife. And you will surely ruin your life. As an example, watch the wonderful film "Barefoot on the Pavement".

Opinion of the President of the Ukrainian Federation of Yoga Safronov Andrey Grigorievich

From time to time, chilling stories are published in the media about people who suddenly went crazy and committed terrible crimes or committed suicide. Yes, and almost every person over 30 years old can recall a similar story, heard from one of their acquaintances or happened directly to one of his friends or relatives. And watching another story on TV about a man who attacked passers-by on the street, or a woman who caused harm own child, each viewer involuntarily wonders why people go crazy and how to keep their minds so that one terrible day does not become the hero of such news?

What is madness?

A hundred years ago, when psychology and psychiatry were just beginning to develop as sciences, the terms “madness” or “madness” were used to refer to all possible mental disorders, ranging from and ending with schizophrenia, bipolar mental disorder and suicidal tendencies. Now, in official practice, these terms are not used, since psychotherapists involved in the study, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders claim that inappropriate behavior, popularly called insanity, is a symptom of one or another mental illness.

On the modern language, insanity is the loss of the ability to adequately assess the world and behave within the accepted norms of society. Nonetheless, this definition is incomplete, since there are a number of mental disorders that occur in various forms and manifesting the most different symptoms. But still according to the nature of the flow, modern psychiatrists distinguish the following three main forms of insanity:

Depending on the frequency and severity of attacks, all mental disorders are divided into three groups according to severity: mild, severe and acute. Mental disorders in mild form, as a rule, are not too noticeable to others and are often attributed to the characteristics of a person’s character, but serious and acute insanity can cause a real tragedy.

According to statistics, in modern world the most common mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, bipolar disorder and neurasthenia. Therefore, with a probability of more than 95%, people who, according to others, have gone crazy, actually suffer from one of the above diseases.

Why do people go crazy?

Mental illness can be either congenital or acquired. O congenital disease should be said in the case when the diagnosis was made in early age, and the child inherited the disease from one of the parents. As a rule, a tendency to schizophrenia and epilepsy is transmitted at the genetic level, and sometimes to alcohol and drug addiction. But still, more often people go crazy not because of the characteristics of their DNA, but under the influence external factors and life circumstances. And all the causes of insanity can be conditionally divided into three groups: physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes

To physiological reasons Insanity includes all factors that can cause brain damage, as a result of which the functionality of the central nervous system will be impaired and the human psyche will suffer. As a rule, to grave consequences for the psyche can lead to the following reasons:

  1. Traumatic brain injury. After a trauma, certain areas of the brain may be affected, and nervous activity will be broken. Consequences of TBI in different occasions manifest themselves in different ways and depend on which part of the brain is affected: some have impaired coordination of movements, hearing and vision worsen, memory worsens in others, and schizophrenia develops in others, panic attacks occur, aggressiveness and a tendency to tantrums appear, etc. .
  2. Effects on the brain of chemicals. , drugs and some medicines can cause the destruction of neural circuits and impaired brain function. Depending on which functions were impaired and how severe the damage to the brain, a person may develop a mild or severe form of depression, paranoia, mania, neurasthenia, or another mental disorder.
  3. Age. In old age, few can boast healthy heart and blood vessels, and it is vascular disease that is one of the main causes senile dementia. In atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, the brain does not receive right amount oxygen and nerve cells die, as a result of which the brain ceases to cope with all functions. Similar changes in the brain occur in Alzheimer's disease, which is commonly called senile insanity.

Psychological reasons

According to psychologists and psychiatrists, up to 30% of residents of large cities are constantly in a state of chronic stress, which is also considered a borderline state of the psyche - that is, mental condition no longer okay, but severe disorder not yet. Borderline states of the psyche are dangerous because, if present, even the smallest irritant can become the “last straw” and serve as a trigger for mental illness. But The reasons why a person finds himself on the “threshold” of insanity are most often the following:

  • Constant failure
  • Emotional burnout at work (workaholism)
  • Psychological trauma caused by an event that significantly affected a person’s life (experienced violence, betrayal loved one and etc.)
  • The loss of what a person considered the meaning of his life (the bankruptcy of a business due to the financial crisis, the death of a child, dismissal from work, etc.)
  • Social isolation (loneliness and boredom)
  • Love addiction.

Whatever the causes of stress, the mechanism of development of mental disorders is similar in all cases. First negative emotions accumulate, then at a certain stage sensitization develops ( hypersensitivity to irritants), and through comparatively short span time, the human psyche loses its stability and flexibility. If a person does not turn to a psychologist in time or does not restore his psyche on his own, sooner or later he will experience nervous breakdown, manifested either by constant tantrums, increased aggressiveness and mania (in choleric and sanguine people), or melancholy and depression (in phlegmatic and melancholic people).

How not to go crazy?

No one is safe from stress and psychological trauma, however, it is in the power of each person to make sure that the risk of going crazy is minimal. But for this it is not enough to avoid conflict and stressful situations, because there are many factors that can cause insanity. Therefore, psychotherapists claim that the best prevention mental disorders is to take care of the health and functionality of your nervous system. And in their opinion maintain a stable healthy mind long years the following will help:

  1. Food is a source of macro- and micro-elements necessary for the functioning of all body systems, including the brain. With a lack of certain substances, failures in the functioning of organs occur: for example, with a lack of B vitamins, a person becomes irritable, distracted and gets tired quickly, and a deficiency of any macronutrients leads to a breakdown, loss of efficiency and the development of harmful processes in all organ systems, in including in the brain. That's why rich in vitamins and minerals, food will be a guarantee that the brain will receive all the substances necessary for stable functioning.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs are brain poisons that kill nerve cells and destroy neural connections. Therefore, those who want to stay sane and sober for a long time need to give up bad habits and not poison their body with their own hands.
  3. . Diseases transferred “on the legs” can give complications to the nervous system, as a result of which brain functions will be impaired. It is especially important not to postpone a visit to the doctor if you regularly experience dizziness and migraine, you feel constant sleepiness and loss of strength, impaired coordination of movements and speech - as a rule, this is how the first signs appear pathological process in the brain.

  4. An optimistic outlook on life.
    Optimists are much less likely to go crazy than pessimists, because they know how to find positive sides in almost any event and tend to believe in the best even when the situation is far from being the best in the best way. Pessimists, on the other hand, live in constant stress and anxiety, so they run the risk of “earning” depression, phobia or other mental disorders sooner or later.
  5. Expanding your circle of friends. Human - social being, and even introverts need people to hang out with at least once in a while. But not only for communication, but also as a support and support, because the very realization that in case of trouble there will be someone to turn to for help can give strength to survive a traumatic situation.
  6. Constant self-development. Recognition new information, Search interesting activities and hobbies, self-improvement and mastering new useful skills - all this not only gives a feeling of happiness and fullness of life, but also allows you to train the brain and significantly slow down the age-related deterioration of the central nervous system.
  7. Self confidence. Confident in own forces a person with adequate self-esteem copes with difficulties and experiences stress much easier than people with low self-esteem. The reason for this is simple: those who believe in themselves know that they can eventually find a way out of any situation and survive temporary difficulties, therefore, in difficult periods of life, self-confident people mobilize and make every effort to solve the problem constructively. "Whiners", on the contrary, at the slightest difficulty experience severe stress fall into melancholy and depression.


The question of why people go crazy is extremely complex. We hasten to upset, but no one really knows the genesis (origin) of madness. Why does it occur in human body failure in the form of schizophrenia remains a mystery. However, at our service a large number of hypotheses. Let's consider them.

Madness and psychology

Psychological trauma. In general, asking why people go crazy is like asking why the wind blows. With the wind, it would seem, everything is clear - these are physical conditions existence. If the wind is a physical condition, then stress is a mental condition. People, especially in large metropolitan areas, are constantly under pressure: work, personal and love relationships.

And in general, anything can shake mental health. Man is under attack all the time. Psychological trauma lies in wait for him at every turn. For example, Andrei Chikatilo began to kill women because of the constant humiliation of his wife. The train drivers went crazy during the shift and directed the train past the stations. And no one will ever say why this particular person failed. However psychological trauma is a very abstract definition. We concretize.

Madness and love

Love not only saves, but also kills. people like love stories with a happy ending. True, life is not always so generous. This is evidenced by hundreds, thousands of teenagers who commit suicide because of unrequited love. In addition to unrequited love, there is jealousy, which, as you know, is normal and pathological. If a woman is unlucky, and she stumbles upon a jealous man, then there is only one recipe - to run away. Pathological owners, without calculating their strength, can easily kill the object of "love". That kind of jealousy is crazy.

Madness and genius

Giftedness has its roots in madness. The so-called normal person is main product civilization, and at the same time he is of little use to it, because he is not creatively endowed, he does not have any special qualities. But it turns out that being an ordinary unit of the human race is not so bad. At least a "normal person" can live to old age.

But genius is not to be envied, for it borders on insanity. In addition, people of art, as a rule, are finely organized and have a very mobile nervous system. Here, even proof is not required: many musicians and actors interrupted their life path, and went into oblivion much ahead of schedule.

Madness and death

Death in its many manifestations. Someone's parents die, and he can not stand the pain, someone has a friend. But the result is the same - madness, which expresses itself in suicide. Although this is not always the case, sometimes it is psychosis, including schizophrenia. The main thing is that a traumatic event causes a person to deviate from the rut of an established existence and fall into the darkness of insanity.

How to avoid insanity?

There are a few simple rules. No matter how bad it may be, do not forget that, in addition to troubles and upheavals, there is also the rest of life, which is full of interesting and exciting activities. Sometimes lack of sleep and bad habits help the disease to take over the person.

Mental illnesses attack a person when he cannot correctly distribute periods of work and rest. The daily routine should be clearly structured. All these measures will help a person to be in shape and not be afraid to go crazy.

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