The right choice of dog breed. How to choose a dog to your liking: practical recommendations for future owners. Choosing a dog for an apartment

A very responsible event. You immediately choose for yourself an eternal child, whose life and health depend solely on you, and a reliable friend. No one will love you so devotedly and wait after work. But very often it happens in life that we do not think about how to choose a dog, but buy it under the influence of momentary weakness. As a result, the new owner may not be morally prepared for the responsibility and constant care of the puppy. Another scenario is also possible: a four-legged friend does not live up to expectations and all that remains is to find him a new family. So how do you choose a dog to become a real member of your family?

What do you need a dog for?

This is the very first and difficult question that the future owner needs to answer. Only by approaching it with all responsibility, one can avoid small or big tragedies. When a four-legged friend is given after some time to "good hands" - this is a disaster, because he managed to become attached to you. But if an improperly educated dog attacks children, this is real grief. Although the person is to blame in both cases.

Before thinking about how to choose a dog, answer yourself this question. Are you bored and lonely, do you need a pet for company, protection of property, sports, hunting? Very often a child asks for a dog, but does he need it? Or just the same is the neighbor? Any dog ​​can become a companion, it does not depend on the breed. The main thing is that you approach each other in temperament, the nature of thinking and be able to find a common language.

Heaven and earth

We are all different, but there are many breeds of dogs in the world. A fast, swift, athletic owner can be annoyed by a leisurely and phlegmatic dog. A slow basset hound that needs to sniff every blade of grass thoughtfully, but at the same time walk for at least three hours, is doomed to misunderstanding. A balanced and calm owner will very quickly be driven into a frenzy by tireless kurtshaars, with whom you can only walk by running, and, having brought home a barely alive owner, the dog will continue to radiate energy and ask to play with him. When thinking about how to choose a dog, be sure to study the character traits of the breeds common in your area so that you have enough information.

All family members must be involved in choosing a four-legged friend. Having determined the area: you need a service, hunting or decorative dog, you can move on. Prepare cards, each of which will have photographs and the main characteristics of the breed: size, features, content requirements. Discuss each of them in terms of whether the dog is right for you and whether your conditions will suit him. It is clear that in a one-room apartment the Caucasian Shepherd will create more problems, and it will be too crowded for her.

The choice must be approved by all family members without exception, otherwise conflicts are inevitable. Often dog handlers are asked what are the best dog breeds for children. It is definitely difficult to answer it. But still, you need to be honest with yourself to the end: a child can play with a fluffy pet with pleasure and even take him out into the yard according to his mood, the rest is your concern. Usually, experts suggest waiting with the purchase of a dog until the future owner is 7 years old. The second advice is to choose a breed whose adult weight does not exceed the weight of a child.

A cheerful and non-aggressive poodle is considered the best choice. This is a true friend who will gladly take part in all active games. The dog is in excellent health. Her coat does not shed, it only needs to be trimmed. Poodles do not really cause allergies, unlike the advertised hairless dogs.

In second place is the Labrador. This is a very smart, obedient and affectionate dog. She will be a protector, a friend and even a mentor. Sometimes adult Labradors escort children to school, carefully controlling that the little owner enters the building. It will take quite a bit of time, and they will learn to "exchange thoughts at a distance." It is unconditional love and acceptance that is the key to good mutual understanding and obedience.

There are other breeds of dogs for children. This is a spaniel - balanced and agile; a phlegmatic and loving Basset Hound that will never harm a baby. Please note that the hunting past of these dogs may affect the walk. Sensing something very interesting, the puppy can snatch the leash from his hands and get lost.

Another curious category is pocket dogs. They are so small that they do not require long walks, they have enough space in a small apartment to frolic. If the child is still small, and you are sorely lacking time, you can accustom them to the cat tray.

We allocate new responsibilities and plan the budget

When considering which breed of dog to choose, make a complete list of expenses for the prospective candidate. It includes, first of all, the purchase of a puppy. A dog with a pedigree will cost much more than the same dog, but without documents. Next will be the cost of registration in the club, exhibitions. A separate line is feeding, sunbeds, toys, clothing and veterinary services: vaccinations, flea and helminth remedies. In addition to regular consultations, a sudden illness of a pet can become a serious test for the family budget. Treatment does not depend on the breed and is very expensive, but the owners must be prepared, if necessary, to pay even for surgery with subsequent recovery.

If the selected puppy is long-haired, then he will need special shampoos and combs. Wirehaired terriers, poodles and many other breeds that do not shed need the help of hairdressers and groomers. Taking it on yourself can ruin the look of the dog. Think again. If you take a serious dog for home protection, then you will need the services of a trainer and handler (in the case of a show career). A puppy of any breed will inevitably bring some damage in the form of gnawed furniture and destroyed slippers. Add to this the time you need to devote to your pet.

When you add up all the numbers, weigh again what breed of dog to choose and how much you can afford. Maybe it's better to take a small one to eat less? Proper nutrition is expensive. In order not to waste time and money on washing, cutting and styling, choose a smooth-haired breed. If the services of a professional trainer are not affordable, then it is better to refuse a service dog. And finally, by taking a dog without a pedigree, you will save a lot of time and money.

The question "which dog to choose for a child" is not entirely correct. It is very important how much time parents are willing to devote to her. Small decorative breeds are best suited for a gift to a child: Toy Terrier, Pekingese, Chinese Crested Dog, Miniature Poodle. These are affectionate creatures that are ready to play with the child all day long.

Having decided on the choice, go with the whole family to a large exhibition. Here you can see dogs not in pictures, but live, communicate with owners and breeders, and only then come to a final decision.

Service dogs

After watching films with the participation of the smartest shepherds who work in the criminal investigation department, at the border, many want to get the same one. This is a great dog for guarding the house, but no one has canceled the need to deal with it. The German Shepherd is very intelligent and will never show aggression towards the smallest members of his family. On the other hand, an affectionate friend turns into a deadly threat to a robber.

The shepherd dog has a long and thick coat that requires care, especially if the animal lives in an apartment. These dogs are very energetic and require long walks. They have a fairly strong natural smell, so if there are allergies in the family, then this is not your option.

If you are faced with the task of choosing a dog breed for an apartment, and at the same time you want to reliably protect your property, pay attention to the Rottweiler. Despite the fact that there are many sinister legends about them, this is the best bodyguard. All that is required of you is to love your pet selflessly and devote some time to it, and also educate it with the help of a trainer. Even an untrained Rottweiler in a moment of danger will close his master with his chest, not thinking about his fate. With the advent of a child in the house, he will take him under his care and become the best nanny if you do not give a reason for jealousy. The pet must still be surrounded by care and attention, and in no case be subjected to persecution. The Rottweiler is a short-haired breed with almost no natural smell, which makes it comfortable to live in the house.

The Newfoundland is an extremely affectionate dog. Despite his imposing appearance, he is a true lifeguard, so security and guard duty is not his business. Two more excellent service dogs are the Doberman Pinscher and the Great Dane. The smartest creatures, they are superbly trainable. The only negative is the inexhaustible energy. If you can not devote a lot of time to them, then they can spoil the property out of boredom. But the territory of a country house is a different matter. According to statistics, most owners of mansions believe that the Doberman is the best dog to guard the house.

Fighting dog: a terrible predator or an unfortunate beast?

Such a group of breeds does not originally exist. Dogs were selectively selected with a fairly dense build, with a developed jaw, not too sensitive to pain. These are Mastiffs, Terriers, Bulldogs, Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Dogue de Bordeaux and even Shar Pei. Fighting dog breeds used to be bred in special kennels to cultivate malice. From each generation, the most aggressive individuals were selected, who were specially hounded and trained to advance to the ring. From them offspring were obtained, which was even more vicious, two-month-old babies were already starting to fight with each other. But it should be noted that even during the fight, the owners could separate the dogs with their bare hands, that is, this aggression does not apply to a person without a special attack.

Today, fighting is officially banned in many countries, and representatives of these breeds go through the usual selection. A dog showing excessive aggressiveness is not allowed to be bred. If you chose a Staffordshire Terrier, then choose a pet from a good nursery, where you can look at both parents and get information about more distant relatives. A balanced nervous system makes them very convenient companions, they perceive training well, but the owner must take the role of an authoritative leader.

hunting dogs

The easiest way to decide which dog to choose is if you live in a rural area and often go hunting. Kazakh Taz and Russian greyhounds, spaniels and vyzhs, beagles, hounds and a huge number of breeds that help people and themselves get inexpressible pleasure from forest walks. Setters are great at tracking down birds, spaniels get shot ducks from swamps, basset hounds and beagles drive wounded animals along a bloody trail, dachshunds get them out of badger holes. Larger hounds, greyhounds and tazy are able to drive and take large game, and even successfully go hunting alone, returning with prey. Keeping them in an apartment is quite difficult, because the need for physical activity in these breeds is fantastic.

decorative dogs

These are the smallest pets. They are sometimes considered an interior decoration, but still they are real dogs that require care and attention. If you are thinking about which dog to choose for an apartment, then these little ones will be the perfect option. Keep in mind that many decorative breeds were bred by miniaturization of large hunting breeds. So the poodle, toy terrier, spitz, Italian greyhound, dwarf dachshund were obtained. They retained all the habits inherent in hunters.

If you like exclusively “sofa ottomans”, then pay attention to the breeds that have been designed to decorate a home since ancient times. These are Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Shitzu, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested Dog. The advantages of keeping these babies are obvious: they take up little space, during molting they are much easier to comb out than a shepherd dog, and feeding high-quality super-premium food will not be too expensive.

The nature of these crumbs requires constant educational work and training. A spoiled Pekingese will eat only delicacies, bite the owners on the legs, and turn into a room "terrorist".

Mongrel dogs

Speaking about how to choose the right dog, we forgot to mention the most affectionate, smart, obedient and devoted pets. These are ordinary mongrels. They often have better health compared to purebred dogs, which means you will have to spend less money on a veterinarian. Their learning ability is truly fantastic, they are really able to read information from the face of the owner. This is especially true for those who have already been betrayed by a person once. A lump picked up on the street will forever remain grateful for his saved life.

How to choose the right puppy

A period of long discussion and weighing has passed. Finally, the breed is chosen, you have decided on the breeder and are ready to go see the kids. This choice is especially significant if you want to grow a ring star. Usually only one of the litters has the set of qualities that will help him outperform all the others at the show. An experienced breeder and your intuition can tell which puppy to choose, but until he is 6 months old, it is still difficult to predict whether he will grow out of a winner.

Be sure to pay attention to the behavior of the kids. A healthy puppy should be curious and active, ready to play. His eyes are clear and clean, his coat is shiny. If he sleeps all the time, this is a warning sign. Be sure to ask to watch the feeding of the babies. A puppy who pushes everyone and breaks through to the feeder first, most likely, will continue to demonstrate leadership qualities, and also have a good appetite and rapid growth. It's great if your future pet eats everything offered to the end.

If a puppy fawns over you, licking his fingers readily, then it is likely that he will retain a good-natured disposition as an adult. This is not scary to take to a house where there are children. More interesting is the character of babies who wag their tails, but at the same time bark and do not come close. They can make the best guards.

After picking up a puppy from a breeder, you can take him for the first examination to a veterinary clinic to confirm his normal state of health, set a date for the first vaccination and open a veterinary passport.

Finally, we offer a generalized test: "How to choose a dog." Invite each family member to answer the question why you need a dog, paint their expectations. Call a good kennel club for advice on which breeds best fit these characteristics. Carefully calculate how much it will cost you to buy and maintain a dog, but rather ask the owners who have taken place. They can be found at exhibitions. Talk to each family member about how much time he is willing to devote to the future pet, where he will walk with him, study, and so on. Include in the contingencies the treatment of the dog, damage to property as the puppy grows.

Weigh well the financial, moral and time costs that will be required to maintain the selected breed. Is your family ready for this, or is it better to choose someone else? Or maybe even take a rat into the house and save the free time of each family member for more important things?

Brief conclusions

The appearance of a dog in the house is a grandiose event that must be approached with all seriousness. Do not think: "I'll take it, and then we'll see." This is a living creature that from the first days is attached to you to the core. Consult with dog handlers, consider all suitable options and choose your own. It is best if you live in a country house, and family members have different work schedules. Since there is always someone at home, enough attention is paid to the dog.

How important is a dog to a person? For the main part of the people, she is a wonderful friend and an excellent companion. Usually, small and beautiful dogs of decorative breeds are chosen for living in a city apartment, although there are exceptions.

Why are small breed dogs mostly kept in apartments? They are easier to maintain. And joys are delivered no less, and sometimes even more than large brothers.

So how do you choose which one is better?

Which one is better to start?

You should not think that only small dogs such as lapdogs or the already mentioned pugs should be kept in apartments. Greyhounds and Great Danes, despite their size, feel great being homebodies. But it is important: only in the company with the owner! And you need to walk in the fresh air for a long time with dogs of absolutely any breed.

And yet, when choosing a pet, you should not make the breed the main criterion for selection. You need to choose a four-legged friend with your heart. Who knows, maybe a dog found on the street will bring more joy than its purebred counterparts.

Questions to ask yourself to decide which breed to choose:

  • What character should a dog have?
  • What is the nature of the owner?
  • What is the financial situation of the family?
  • How much free space is in the apartment?

The following factors should also be considered:

  • Vaccinations. You can't do without them. There are no dogs that do not need to be vaccinated to eliminate the risk of infecting humans.
  • Walk. Dogs need to be walked. At least 2, and preferably 3 times a day. Moreover, one of the exits must be long.
  • Training. Whatever the animal, small, medium or large, smooth-haired or long-haired, they all require training and learning at least elementary skills.
  • About the importance security and it's not worth talking about. Not suitable for keeping in an apartment are ill-mannered, uncontrollable dogs, in whose society people are afraid for their lives.

We turn to the list of suitable breeds that can be kept in an apartment.

Which ones can you keep (photo with names)?

Top 5 homemade

Yorkshire Terrier

The weight of this pet is only about 5 kilograms. They are very wayward, so it is more difficult for them than other small breeds to train. They are moderately curious, active, distinguished by curiosity and sociability. By nature they are hunters.

Terrier can bring joy to all family members, because he is so cute! With proper care, these dogs can be called hypoallergenic. By the way, after he was washed, the dog needs to be provided with hairdressing services - to dry his hair and comb it. From time to time you need to cut it.

The coat of this dog is similar in structure to human hair, so it is suitable for allergy sufferers.

Popular Yorkies have good health. They live an average of 14-16 years. Often their age reaches 20.


This is the smallest dog in the world. These pets are suitable for active owners. They are inherently devoted, active and cheerful. But they treat strangers very badly and are jealous of the owner.

The main differences of this small breed are endurance, courage and devotion. They live on average 15 years, but cases up to 20 are not uncommon.


It can be said. that they are exemplary pets. They are well behaved, and also adapt to the characteristics of their owners. They have a very pretty appearance, but this does not negate their willingness to protect the owner and the presence of a hunting disposition.

French Bulldog

By temperament they are cheerful, and their mind is sharp. They love children and have a very kind disposition. These dogs are suitable for almost everyone. They will support in a difficult moment, and vice versa, they will cheer if they see that the owner is in a great mood.

Jack Russell Terrier

This dog has a high jumping ability. It is not suitable for inactive people and the elderly. You need to educate her like this: you should not pamper too much, because. This dog chews a lot.



Do you spend a lot of time away from home, most often at work? Pug is a great breed that is suitable for such people. But they are very happy to show attention to them, and will respond to the owner with very strong love. They do not lose heart in the absence of the owner, and sincerely rejoices at his return.

Also, these dogs love training. These dogs are perfect.

Plus, they look like plush toys come to life! But in fact they are wonderful, affectionate friends, who are also friends without any self-interest.

But do not forget that dogs of these breeds have problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, they do not tolerate heat well, and they prefer calmness and long sleep to outdoor activities and long walks. And they actively snore and suffer from flatulence.

Mastino Neapolitano

welsh corgi

This is a wonderful, compact dog even for a one-room apartment. Corgis are great with children and other animals and are for inexperienced owners: they quickly remember commands and do not balk.

They do not require special care: they need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month.


basset hound

He is very smart and curious, flexible, sociable and loyal. Most often gets along well with other pets. He is able to cheerfully climb into a car, play with everyone at a picnic, and then lazily settle down with his family in front of the TV.


The most inexpensive dog breed to keep is mongrels.

In addition to them, scientists have found that animals of small breeds are more attached to people and show tender feelings for them more strongly. They are small in size, so they do not require special care and a large amount of expensive food. Therefore, they can be called the cheapest dogs to keep. These breeds include: pugs, corgis, french bulldogs.

The healthiest

According to breeders, only a very caring and sincerely loving owner can become healthy dogs. But there are some breeds that have very good health.

Australian Cattle Dog

They live a very long time. Of course, for dogs and in the hands of a caring owner. Approximately 12-13 years old or even more. If the size of the apartment allows, she will become a great friend for a very long time.

Bichon Frize

This breed is valued by dog ​​breeders for its attractive appearance, for its friendly character. But these dogs require thorough care. Their average life expectancy is 12-16 years. But when pets live up to 18 years old, this does not surprise anyone.

English Springer Spaniel

These pets are very affectionate and mobile, they do not tolerate separation from the owner very well. Life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Continental Toy Spaniel

They also have an average life expectancy of 15 years, but there have been cases of longer life. This breed is distinguished by playfulness, mobility and good health.

Japanese Chin

Their average life expectancy is about 14 years. They have a very peculiar structure of the muzzle and small dimensions, which makes them suitable residents of even small apartments.

Without smell

Dalmatians, Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Pinschers, etc. do not smell. Odorless quadrupeds are also hypoallergenic:



Of the dogs of this type, the smartest and kindest, moreover, odorless those are papillons. They became popular back in the days of Heinrich III. And gradually earned the status of lap dogs of kings and queens.

They conquered the hearts of royal persons not only with their pretty appearance, but also with devotion and high intelligence.

Golden retriever

These dogs are very beautiful and affectionate to their owners, and to other pets, with whom they get along well. They are trusting and friendly.


This breed can be described as bold, even-tempered, energetic four-legged friends. A number of owners say that these dogs even have a sense of humor and expressive facial expressions.

Of the obvious disadvantages of this breed: very loud barking. Therefore, it would be better to visit quiet places with her, for example, walk with her in nature. She is easy to train. Possible downside: She doesn't like strangers.


In addition to being strong, active and very stylish, poodles are perfectly socialized. They are very easy to train new skills and even some of them imitate their owners.


Many dog ​​breeders say that the basenji is a cat in the body of a dog, because dogs of this breed love cleanliness, but they hate water, they love to watch others from hills and are very curious!

This is an average height of 40 - 43 cm and a weight of up to 12 kg. They communicate well with children. Short hair does not require complicated care: it is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe every month.

These little slickers need a lot of exercise and warm clothes for the winter, plus this dog is difficult to "manage" due to its proud and stubborn disposition, so beginners should not buy it.

Because of the structure of the throat, the basenji cannot bark, but they can communicate in a different way: howl, squeal, grumble and even meow!


These Scottish Sheepdogs do not have any aggression at all. But they are closely watching their “flock” (even if they are people). Collies try to avoid conflicts, but always guard their pack. He gets along very well with children - he considers them his flock.

Very long walks and high activity are needed. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for busy people and / or who live in a small apartment.

There are also kind and affectionate breeds, which are problematic to keep in the main part of the apartments. This Newfoundlands. They need a large space, so both they and the owners will be comfortable only in a private house or large apartment. In small apartments, it is better not to start them.

For the inexperienced

Oddly enough, for beginners in dog breeding, it is better to have a dog as a first pet. mongrel. Why is that? Because it is not easy to figure out all the intricacies of the diet, participation in exhibitions, etc. on your own. Mutts are also unpretentious in food, unlike their thoroughbred counterparts.

who don't bark

There are few of these among indoor "species" of dogs, but still there are:

  • basenji. These dogs don't actually bark, instead they...purr or howl if they're allowed to. True, this rumbling can also be quite annoying. It is advisable to have this pet in a relatively large apartment.
  • Bichon Frize
  • Or chinese shar pei. His puppies are very attached to their owner. And he usually barks either during the game, or when the owner is in real danger.
  • English bulldog. Despite the intimidating expression of the muzzle, these dogs are actually very cute. And, of course, they will not annoy the owners with barking.
  • Irish Setter.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • staffordshire bull terrier.
  • Other breeds are not particularly suitable for an apartment. Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Mountain Dog, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Deerhound, it is better to keep in a private house, or in an apartment of a fairly large area.

But these dogs will delight you with their vocal abilities:

  • beagle,
  • Border Collie,
  • brussels griffin,
  • weimaraner,
  • West Terrier,
  • Drathaar,
  • Jack Russell Terrier,
  • york,
  • miniature pinscher,
  • American Cocker Spaniel,
  • Collie,
  • Kurzhaar,
  • Maltese,
  • Pekingese,
  • Pomeranian,
  • Poodle,
  • Russian toy terrier,
  • samoyed husky,
  • Dachshund,
  • Fox terrier,
  • miniature schnauzer,
  • Chihuahua,
  • Shih Tzu.


There are cases of using a dog as a guard at home. But many dog ​​lovers live in the metropolis and want to know which breed will be the best guard? After all, if it is clear with a private house that it is better to use a large dog for protection, then which animal is better to live in an apartment?

It must meet the following specifications.

By size

Which breed is better to keep in an apartment depends largely on its size. Especially for your convenience, we divided the breeds into articles:





Useful video about dogs that can live in an apartment:


Everyone who is allowed by the conditions and who has a desire can keep a dog in a city apartment. Usually small dogs are bred. Only if the living space is large enough, then they decide to start medium and even large breeds.

For those who do not get a dog because of a specific smell, there are a fairly large number of "odorless" breeds.

For those who have problems with their neighbors due to loud barking, or who themselves do not like this sound, there are non-barking or rarely barking dogs.

Do not think that a dog for an apartment cannot be a good guard. This is not true.

What if you decide to get a dog, but neither you nor your friends have ever had such an experience?

How to choose a breed so that its adaptation to new conditions does not bring discomfort to either the dog or the owner.

Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction, following which you will not make the most common mistakes.

First pet: which one to choose?

  • Homeland of origin. One of the main criteria, since a living organism lives and develops exactly in the territory where it was born. The combination of climatic conditions, food products, and other important factors affects the metabolic processes in the body and creates the very distinctive features of each breed. The farther the original homeland is from your place of residence, the more difficult it will be for the pet to get used to the new conditions.
  • Price. This includes not only the price for acquiring the dog itself, but also the cost of all activities and products for caring for it. It is important to note that for some dogs, the cost of all procedures may be more expensive than the dog itself, and they must be carried out regularly, because neglecting this factor can damage the well-being or health of the dog.
  • Complexity of adaptation. For some breeds that were bred for special purposes, special conditions are needed. Not all animals lived in houses or guarded human territory. Most of the dog breeds domesticated in the last 30 years have been feral, so the goal of the owner and his environment is to create a favorable friendly environment for the pet.
  • Temperament. There are kind and harmless dogs, there are wayward and capricious. When choosing a pet, it is important to pay attention to the nature and behavior of the dog. If one can be allowed to play with themselves and control even children, others will only listen to the owner and any, even good, attempts to provoke the pet will be perceived with hostility and may lead to aggressive or hostile behavior.
  • The size. The larger the pet itself, the more free space it will need to live and walk. The more food and vitamins he needs. The more responsibility will be borne by the owner if his dog attacks someone.

In the apartment

The following breeds will be best for inexperienced owners in the city:


A small active eared dog with a pronounced musculature that will not let you get bored. It can become a companion for hunting, walking, swimming and other recreational activities. Takes up little space and does not bark at night, but likes to chase cats and quarrel with other dogs.

Special food is needed, namely a large amount of animal protein and vitamins to maintain the functioning of body systems, wool, nails, skin in a healthy state. It is easy to learn commands, since these dogs spent most of their history hunting and at exhibitions. This breed can remember a record number of commands - up to 25 pieces.


Schnauzers are suitable for an active, energetic person with enough free time: Risen, Mittel and Zwerg. Risen will accompany you on bike rides and hikes, he only benefits from heavy loads. If necessary, can protect your family and property. Easy to train and loves children.

Giant Schnauzer

Schnauzers have a super-nice trait: no natural shedding. The dog is plucked every 5-6 months. It is better to contact the master for the first time.

However, you need to understand that the dog is quite serious, so you need to teach him to behave in society as soon as possible. It will be easiest for a beginner to do this on a training ground, under the guidance of an experienced trainer.


They also need long walks and lots of attention. These dogs really want warmth and achieve it: they tease with their paws, poke their noses, sigh loudly - they won’t leave until you stroke them.

Zwerg (translated from German - dwarf)


Due to its small size, it does not require a lot of food, it is easy to clean and fits in a purse. Walking can be done a couple of times a week, and not every day. . It is difficult to get along with cats and other pets, but can be taught.

Often likes to bark at other dogs, even those who are bigger and stronger than them. In all other matters, a quiet and calm dog that does not make noise at night is satisfied. In terms of training, the dog is very lazy and irresponsible.. But on the other hand, it is small in size, so it’s easy to deal with it 🙂 If you managed to train a Chuhuahua in a couple of commands, you can safely put up a monument to yourself.

Jack Russell Terrier

A very active and friendly dog ​​that will definitely not make you bored and dilute your gray everyday life with its positive. The dimensions are small, as is the weight (about 4-5 kg).

Easily adapts to new surroundings, both human and animal. Doesn't bark at cats and is well behaved. He loves to swim and can swim in water from a very young age. Plays with children and can act as a nanny. Unpretentious to food and does not require special delicacies.


In order not to go far, take an ordinary dog ​​from the street. Each of us, sooner or later, had such a thought at the sight of a lonely wet puppy in the rain. It will meet all the criteria as much as possible, because it lives right in your yard, which means it is already adapted to climatic and territorial conditions.

Moreover, dogs understand everything perfectly, they see hundreds of people passing by every day, and therefore they will appreciate your care and love doubly. They are not whimsical about food and walks, the main thing is to give them time and attention, as well as to be condescending to mistakes and dullness.

As for teaching teams- any dog ​​can remember simple movements, even not purebred. As for more complex commands, such as “close the door” or “wait” (a command in which a treat falls on the dog’s nose, but she does not eat it without a signal) - it all depends on the owner’s perseverance and perseverance.

Don't skimp on a mongrel dog. Remember that its content costs as much as the content of any other!

Cocker Spaniel

A miniature dog with shaggy ears that dangle funny when running. It was adapted to the conditions of the cold climate of the CIS, as a result of which a thick woolen cover was formed in it. The size of the breed is small, some individuals fit in the hands.

When walking, behaves neutrally, but most often repeats the behavior of the owner. If you are a calm and well-mannered person in life, be sure that the pet will follow your example and behave appropriately.

Nutrition and care are standard, the only thing you need is a comb and a few hours a week for combing and putting the coat in order. He is not particularly willing to learn commands, but if stimulated with his favorite treat, he will happily endure the learning process.


A plump, round dog with a funny gait. Extremely sociable and adapts faster than all other breeds. It is played with children, and with cats, and with any pets.

He does not initiate walks, that is, he does not break into the street, does not bark if he hears other dogs in the yard. It is easy to bathe it, it is not necessary to comb it, because the coat is very smooth and short. Despite the well-fed appearance, most of the volume is represented by the skeleton, and the rest by muscles. The fat layer is much lower than it seems at first glance.

It is important to pay attention to the wrinkles on the muzzle and wipe them after eating so that food remains do not accumulate there, as well as take care of the eyes, wipe them 2 times a day.

Easily trained

In this paragraph, we will tell you which of the smartest dogs is better to have in an apartment for the first time:

brussels griffin

A small decorative dog that was bred and raised at home. Adaptation occurs in a matter of days. The character is calm and measured, can be either completely passive or moderately active, but she rarely takes the initiative to walk or play.

Extremely funny and charming muzzle!

It does not require special nutrition, vitamins and care, for which many dog ​​breeders around the world fell in love with. Like all show breeds, he knows a few simple commands almost from birth, he is able to learn quickly, because has a sharp mind.

French Bulldog

Also a very "muscular" dog. It has a surprised expression and raised, protruding ears. Requires a special diet to maintain healthy teeth and skin.

The French Bulldog has a fairly balanced character, but at the same time loves to play (in moderation), these qualities make him a good student in training.

The rest is nothing complicated: walks several times a week, communication with other dogs and active games. Give him enough attention, you can try to learn some commands. He is not interested in cats, he will quickly make friends with a domestic cat, perhaps they will even play together.

The most obedient

A selection of humble apartment breeds for inexperienced owners:

Golden retriever

Despite its size, it is a rather obedient and docile dog that will serve as an excellent companion for you and your family. It was brought to the CIS countries in the 1950s of the 20th century and during this time it has completely become accustomed to environmental conditions. She completely takes over the character of the owner and does not contradict him.

Can guard the house and babysit the kids. Does not bark at cats or fight with other dogs, does not make noise at night and does not disturb the owner if he sees that he is busy or out of sorts. Quickly learns new commands and rules of discipline. To piss him off, you need to try hard, but at the slightest threat to the owner, he will always come to the rescue, using his powerful paws and fangs.

Russian toy terrier

Also belongs to the class of decorative, has an extraordinary hairstyle, which is a hallmark of the breed. Requires moderate care and combing, which will bring only pleasure, because there is not much hair. Bathing is also a quick and easy procedure.

This breed is well trained and can know up to 15 commands. At night, it behaves quietly, usually adopting the lifestyle of the owner. In addition, he is loyal and accommodating: the dog will be well trained and recognize the seniority of the owner in education in exchange for love and affection.

Who can't?

Useful video

A visual video on the topic of which dog is more suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder:


Summing up the article, we can highlight the main idea: listen to your heart and intuition. If you notice that the dog is friendly towards you, then take it to your home without question and domesticate it. You take a Friend, not a mobile phone.

Share your stories about how you took a friend home. What were you guided by? Was it scary? Do you need the help of a professional cynologist? Also, attach photos of your favorites to the message.

The dog in the family is the only relative what fate allows choose. The features of the breeds are known, and the character of a four-legged friend can be determined even before they meet. Prepare to meet his dog based on the materials of our article. So you will learn how to replenish the family with the most beloved relative in the world!


The Internet is replete with hundreds of names of dog breeds, from which city kennels will offer you one or two dozen. Until you are sure of the choice, you should not consider all 11 breed groups. Just remember that four-legged friends can behave like

  • guard dog
  • Guard dog
  • Hunting dog

No breed is able to combine all these qualities at the same time. And the genetic predestination of character cannot be broken by any training. So, you need to know for sure who to get in the apartment - a child's pet, a professional assistant or a personal security guard.

companion dogs is a classic choice for families and single owners. Non-aggressive, friendly, with a high sense of affection for a person. They can become a friend to a child and a helper for a person with disabilities.

Such a pet should be sought among Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Pugs, Collies, Decorative Spaniels, Scottish Terriers. Sometimes a mutt can become a companion dog.

guard dogs- are called upon to guard not property, but the safety of the owner. Often, such a dog chooses a sole owner and is devoted only to him.

Breeds that combine aggressiveness towards “strangers” and devotion to “one’s own” person are rottweiler, german shepherd, bull terrier, doberman, mastiff.

Watch dogs- Attentive and distrustful of strangers, quite aggressive, with a high sense of territorial ownership. Usually, they are bred for country estates, however, a small dog can become an apartment watchman.

Stand up for possessions can Caucasian and German Shepherds, Doberman, Rottweiler, Boerboel, Gross, Rhodesian Ridgeback and Bullmastiff.

Hunting dog- a faithful assistant in the countryside, ready to take up arms not only with the owner, but also with any acquaintance. Today, four-legged hunters are increasingly becoming city favorites and companions.

The desire to catch prey is not lost even in an apartment retrievers, terriers, spaniels, huskies, hounds and greyhounds.

It is important to remember that pedigree does not make a dog a pleasant companion or a successful guard. Training is necessary for all breeds and is most effective in puppyhood. Therefore, if you do not have to "adopt" an adult pet of friends, get ready for a careful and expensive choice of a puppy.

The first thing to keep in mind is even the smallest and sweetest puppy in a year or two will turn into a dog of the size that is supposed to be for its kind. At the same time, the work on her upbringing, feeding and care will not stop with the onset of maturity.

small dog breeds

Bolonkas, Chihuahuas, Miniature Terriers and Oriental Cinchins and Shih Tzus reminiscent of puppies even in old age, each of them is a breed for an apartment. The sluggish Pekingese can even be content with a sofa in the living room, but the energetic Australian Terrier will need enough space for jogging.

Medium dog breeds

They acquire adult sizes by one and a half years: the lack of space in the apartment is easily experienced due to the long walking. Spaniels, Bulldogs, Chow Chows and another 200 "medium" breeds often can live in a booth. If you get a dog in an apartment and leave it without walks, the house can turn upside down.

Large and huge dog breeds

The most difficult to keep in an apartment - even if you can take a separate room for a pet, many hours of walks will become an obligation for all the years of his life. Many Great Danes, Mastiffs, Wolfhounds and Shepherds- unimportant dogs for an apartment.

The formula for the time your dog will need is as follows:

"Care" + "training" + "communication"

All decorative rocks require very time-consuming care, aggressive dogs- long and continuous training, and companion dogs- constant communication.

We will not hide the fact that this time can be partially compensated with money. For example, by investing in the purchase of a purebred puppy from a breeder, you will not have to spend hours in the veterinarian's office, constantly saving your pet from some kind of illness.

If you have decided which dog is best suited for life in your family and apartment, cherchet la femme - look for a beautiful and healthy mother with a litter of the desired breed.

Professionals will suggest you get a dog at least 8 weeks old. By this time, four-legged babies are clearly visible physical qualities and personal character.

Save puppies with charming eyes for later. You will still see enough of them at home evenings with your pet. So that in the first "home" weeks you do not have to peer into the ears and teeth of the dog, check them when buying.

A bad bite and squelching sounds when you press the base of the ear are harbingers of future problems. If you do not want to get a dog, and with it - home infections, do not hesitate to look at puppies' feces. An upset in one may mean that intestinal problems will soon appear in the rest.

With the permission of the breeder, feel the ribs of the puppy you like - lumps on the bones will tell you about rickets. A healthy baby should have an even gait, a good appetite and a well-fed appearance. Strong paws and a beautiful tail, without kinks and bends, are also important.

Sometimes a healthy puppy can be recognized at a glance, but how do you choose a good dog with a great temperament?

William Campbell test

To do this, with a 1.5-2 month old puppy, William Campbell test- it requires time and observation from a person, but so far there are no more precise recommendations on how to choose the right dog for your liking.


Entering the room, the tester places the puppy in the middle of the room and takes a few steps towards the door. Then he squats down and beckons the puppy to him with his hand. The degree of contact, gullibility and independence of a puppy is determined by whether it fits a person and how.


The person moves away from the puppy with a normal step. The degree of independence of the puppy's character is determined by the manner of accompaniment or non-accompaniment.


The puppy is carefully laid on its side, picking it up with hands under the chest. The puppy, being in this position, shows by his behavior how he perceives the physical and social dominance of a person. A dominating puppy will actively resist. This test does not have a letter key.


The puppy is turned over by the withers on its back. His behavior demonstrates a reaction to human dominance. A puppy with pronounced inclinations of a leader grins at the hand, growls and bites. A puppy with the makings of an independent character will be completely calm. The puppy must be held in this position until the manner of his behavior is clearly defined.

Quiz 5 Self-esteem

The puppy is taken from below by the stomach with crossed arms so that it cannot see the tester, and is held in this position for 30 seconds, while determining its behavior.

Write down all the received letters in one row - in front of you is the character code of the future pet.

What is the personality of the puppy

The result of the five stages of the test

Puppy character

Host Features

Two A and two B

Aggressive, can bite if touched; do not use harsh training methods; will tend to protect the host from danger;

Three or more B

A dog with the makings of a leader, loyal, with a pronounced spirit of competition;

Three or more C

Ideal companion;

Two or more D's with one or more E's

A very submissive dog to establish contact with a person, it will take a lot of effort in education; can bite only in case of protection in case of ill-treatment;

In communication with children will not create any problems;

Two or more E's (especially the E's in Test 4)

With difficulty makes contact, must be brought up according to a special method; if reactions B and C meet, then the puppy's aggressiveness is caused by fear; if the reaction E is noted several times, then the puppy may show a tendency to run away;

When reactions A and B are poorly differentiated, repeat the test in another room.

The text is given after the edition "Handbook of the dog breeder" - Rostov n / D: publishing house "Phoenix", 2000. - 448 p.

Someone finds a four-legged friend to his liking from among the yard terriers and is ready to endlessly discover new features of his “breed”. Someone gives a big dog not only a piece of his heart, but also a significant part of the apartment. And someone is more pleasant to choose a puppy of reasonable size and with predictable behavior. Experts even created a rating of dog pets for keeping in standard city conditions:


The character of a person largely depends on the star under which he was born. Do not believe it, but the nature of dogs also obeys the stars. Not every Aries will live with a St. Bernard and not every lap dog will live with a Scorpio. In general, if you decide to get a shaggy four-legged, check first if he suits your temperament.


Taurus is distinguished by peacefulness, generosity and kindness. People of this sign can easily do without a dog at all, but if you really have to choose, then these will be breeds that do not require increased attention and activity. It is even desirable that the dogs entertain themselves, and Taurus will watch them from the side.

However, sometimes Taurus get dogs to stir them up, because you like it or not, but the animal needs to be walked. In both cases, a Shar Pei, a pug, an English bulldog, a St. Bernard, a Chow Chow, a Scottish Terrier can become a best friend. These breeds are quite independent, but also active too.


People born under the sign of Gemini are known for their versatility, tendency to be always on the move and need for variety. A change of emotions is vital for them, and Gemini also has a passion for collecting, no matter what. Therefore, it is often not enough for people of this sign to have one animal. The addictive nature demands more all the time. Breeds suitable for twins include Labrador Retrievers, Collies, Yorkshire Terriers, Dalmatians, and Cocker Spaniels. Only Gemini has one trait - they can quickly get tired of the activity of the dog and its loud barking. If you notice this feature behind you, it’s better to get a like or a chow-chow. For peace of mind - that's it.


One of the most sociable signs is Aquarius, whose representatives have a craving for everything unusual. They are open to experimentation and are not afraid to try new things. Therefore, when Aquarius chooses a pet, it must also be someone unusual, avant-garde or rare. Or all together. There are a huge number of rare dog breeds that could be of interest to Aquarius. These are the Leonberger, the Tibetan Mastiff, the Hungarian Shepherd Dog, the Bearded Collie, the Chinese Crested, the Mudi and the Saluki, the Barbet and the Catalburun. At the same time, the practicality of the dog, its trainability, character and pedigree are of little interest to the owner-Aquarius, the main thing is the element of surprise.


Pisces are dreamy, but indecisive, ambitious, but more often they live by slogans, not by actions. Like Capricorns, Pisces are conservative and have difficulty accepting changes in life, and it is almost impossible for them to decide on non-standard behavior. At home, this sign is comfortable in peace and quiet, the noisy behavior of the household makes Pisces nervous. So there are certain requirements for dogs for representatives of this zodiac sign: they must be complaisant, loyal and unquestioningly obey the owner. Pisces also love long walks. Among dogs, the Spaniel, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Welsh Corgi, Dalmatian have such character traits.

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