Sanatorium of the USSR analyzes for the sanatorium resort card. Sanatorium-resort card. Sanatorium-resort card, how to apply at the clinic

How long before the trip to the sanatorium to apply to the clinic for registration of sanatorium resort card?

  1. Sanatorium-resort card form 072 y-04.

    Form 072/y-04 for adults.
    (SKK) a sanatorium-resort card is required for treatment in sanatoriums or other health-improving institutions. First of all, the sanatorium and resort card indicates the absence of contraindications for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors.
    A certificate of form 072 y 04 is issued by the attending physician upon presentation by the patient of a voucher for Spa treatment. The map reflects data on the results of previous treatments, data from all studies. It is worth noting the content of the diagnoses, they fit in according to International classification diseases in the form of a special cipher. This font is universal for all countries of the world. Therefore, in any sanatorium of the world, the sanatorium-resort card will be correctly deciphered.
    Validity period of the health resort card.
    The health resort card is valid from the date of receipt for 2 months.
    When applying for a CCM in a sanatorium, remember: The very issuance of a card in the sanatorium itself takes from 2-3 days, while the treatment cannot be applied during this period.
    - Registration of the CCM in the sanatorium takes from 2 to 3 days, during which the treatment cannot be applied, since there will be no results of examinations and indications for treatment. Don't waste 4 days of treatment! This can happen if you arrive at the resort on a Friday afternoon. Therefore, the treatment can only begin only on Monday. Since they can only receive an appointment for a patient examination on Monday.
    - Be careful! To the choice of the medical profile of the sanatorium. Quite often, patients are not aware of their diagnoses. As a result, in the sanatorium itself, after examinations, treatment may be contraindicated.
    Analyzes on the sanatorium card.
    What tests do you need to take to get a sanatorium card?
    Clinical Analysis blood,
    Clinical analysis of urine,
    Electrocardiographic examination with interpretation (ECG),
    Fluorography (FLG),
    Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity,
    Conclusion of a gynecologist (for women),
    For diseases: urological, skin, blood, eyes, etc. - the conclusion of the relevant specialists is required.

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Sanatorium-resort card form 072 y-04 for 1 day

*We accept credit cards

Form No. 072 / y-04 for adults.

(SKK) - health resort card required for treatment in sanatoriums or other health institutions. First of all sanatorium resort card indicates the absence of contraindications for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors.

A certificate of form 072 y 04 is issued by the attending physician upon presentation by the patient of a voucher for spa treatment. The map reflects data on the results of previous treatments, data from all studies. It is worth noting the content of the diagnoses, they fit in according to the International Classification of Diseases in the form of a special code. This font is universal for all countries of the world. Therefore, in any sanatorium of the world, the sanatorium-resort card will be correctly deciphered.

Validity period of the health resort card.

The health resort card is valid from the date of receipt for 2 months.

When applying for a CCM in a sanatorium, remember: issuing a card in the sanatorium itself takes from 2-3 days, while treatment cannot be applied during this period.

Registration of the CCM in the sanatorium takes from 2 to 3 days, during which the treatment cannot be applied, since there will be no results of examinations and indications for treatment. Don't waste 4 days of treatment! This can happen if you arrive at the resort on a Friday afternoon. Therefore, the treatment can only begin only on Monday. Since they can only receive an appointment for a patient examination on Monday.

Be careful! To the choice of the medical profile of the sanatorium. Quite often, patients are not aware of their diagnoses. As a result, in the sanatorium itself, after examinations, treatment may be contraindicated.

Analyzes on the sanatorium card.

What tests do you need to take to get a sanatorium card?

  • Clinical blood test,
  • Clinical analysis of urine,
  • Electrocardiographic examination with interpretation (ECG),
  • Fluorography (FLG),
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs,
  • Conclusion of a gynecologist (for women),
  • For diseases: urological, skin, blood, eyes, etc. - the conclusion of the relevant specialists is required.

Where and how to get a health resort card?

With a voucher in hand, the patient must come for examination to his doctor no later than 10 (tenth day).

The doctor, in turn, must prescribe to his patient the necessary diagnostic tests and consulting surveys.

In case of diseases: urological, skin, blood, eyes and others), the conclusion of the relevant specialist doctors is indicated in the sanatorium card.

A sanatorium-resort card in the form 072 / y-04 is needed as a document confirming the presence of indications and the absence of contraindications for staying in a sanatorium.

Registration of a health resort card in Moscow

A sanatorium and resort card in Moscow can be obtained from the state medical institution at the place of residence. However, in such institutions, a medical examination and waiting in line for a ready-made card takes a lot of time. At the Sanmedekspert center, issuing a health resort card takes much less time, and you will not have to sit in queues.

Everything you need is in one place: you can have an examination by doctors and get the results of these tests. Thus, it is easier and faster to make a health resort card with us.

The card is filled in based on the entries in the patient's outpatient book and the results of the last medical examination. Be sure to record the date of all tests. The doctor indicates both the main diagnosis that caused the referral to the sanatorium, and all concomitant diseases that may affect the approaches to treatment in the sanatorium. All diagnoses are indicated in the form of ICD-10 codes to exclude discrepancies, i.e. in a unified form.

What does a health resort card look like?

The front side of the spa card shows the number and date of issue. Be sure to enter the code of the State registration number medical institution(clinic), matching the number on the organization's round seal on the back of the card.

Sanatorium card 072/y contains the following patient data:

  • date of birth,
  • permanent address and phone number,
  • for the disabled, the need for escort is indicated.

According to the patient, the following information is entered into the card:

  • place of work or study;
  • profession;
  • position held.

The document contains the policy number. health insurance. In the presence of social benefits the card indicates their codes and lists the documents attached to them.

The reverse side of the health resort card 072/u-04 contains 5 mandatory items:

In the presence of concomitant diseases, the conclusions of doctors of other specialties and the results are entered into the card additional research. The sanatorium card should be issued quickly so that the test data correspond to the real condition of the patient. Therefore, it is very important to contact the operational medical centers, as Sanmedekspert. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the spa treatment, i.e. its specialists will be based on the most latest results examinations.

Requirements for issuing a card 072 / y-04

When issuing a card 072 / y-04, you must specify:

  • the exact name of the sanatorium institution to which the ticket was purchased;
  • ticket number to the specified health resort;
  • the number of days of treatment in the sanatorium, which must correspond to the number indicated in the ticket.

Return ticket of the certificate 072-y-04

TO sanatorium card a return ticket is attached, which is filled in by the attending physician of the boarding house. It specifies:

  • information about the amount of treatment received;
  • information about the state of health after the treatment;
  • for what reasons the procedures prescribed by the doctor were canceled;
  • recommendations for follow-up treatment.

The coupon is certified by the round seal of the sanatorium and the signatures of the attending physician and the head physician of the institution. The issued return ticket together with the sanatorium book, in which all the procedures are recorded, must be returned to your doctor at the place permanent treatment. The return ticket is attached to the medical card.

According to the order on referral to sanatorium treatment, the doctor has the right to fill out form No. 072 / y-04 if the patient has the appropriate voucher. This form means that the patient has no contraindications for taking medical procedures means natural origin and contains data from laboratory, functional and other studies.

A few words should be said about the content of the diagnoses. They are indicated in the form in the form of a special font, universal for all countries. This makes the form valid for any country.

Besides, medical uniform, giving the basis for rest and treatment in specialized resort institutions, in without fail contains the following information:

  • examinations that the patient underwent and their results;
  • main diagnosis;
  • test results;
  • concomitant diseases: name and condition.

In order to receive a sanatorium-and-spa card, it is necessary not later than 10 days after receiving the voucher to visit a doctor and undergo an examination prescribed by him. If the patient has diseases of the skin, eyes, blood and genitourinary system, then the doctor fixes in the form of the conclusion of the relevant specialists.

The card issued by the doctor is valid for 2 months. If you arrange it on the spot in the sanatorium, then keep in mind that you will have to wait a few days until it is processed. There will be no treatment during paper preparation.

Advice. Carefully approach the selection of the profile of the sanatorium-resort institution. Very often, many do not know what their diagnosis is, and when they receive the results of research in a sanatorium, it turns out that his profile is not suitable for treating an existing disease.

The procedure for filling out the accounting form No. 072 / y-04

Consider schematically the process of filling out the form for rest and treatment. Let's start with front side blank :

  1. In the upper left corner, the OGRN Code of the medical institution must be entered (it corresponds to the number on the round seal of the institution).
  2. Column No. 1 indicates the full name of the attending physician.
  3. In column number 2 - your full name.
  4. In column number 3 - your gender.
  5. In column number 4 - the date of your birth.
  6. In column No. 5 - place of residence and contact number phone.
  7. In column No. 6 - the number of the medical card / medical history (consists of 4 digits).
  8. In column No. 7 - your identification number (if you have one).
  9. Column number 8 indicates the benefit code, if you have one.
  10. Column No. 9 indicates a document confirming the right to receive social assistance.
  11. In column No. 10 - insurance number.
  12. The item "accompaniment" is noted only if necessary.
  13. Column No. 11 indicates the place of work / study
  14. In column number 12 - the position you hold.

Because the back side forms are filled out only by a doctor and exclusively medical terms, then we will not consider its filling in such detail. It is worth noting only the fact that the form will indicate: your diagnosis, complaints, research data and test results, the course of treatment in a sanatorium and resort institution, and much more.

We briefly reviewed the purpose of form No. 072 / y-04, and also provided brief instructions on its completion, which will help to avoid unnecessary mistakes when issuing a health resort card.

How to fill out a spa card: video

When applying to a health facility, you will be required to have a health resort card. This medical document, containing brief information about the patient's history and examination results. It is filled in according to the rules. Important point- the time that the health resort card is valid. With an expired document, you will not be accepted into the sanatorium, and while you are issuing a new one, your days will “burn out”.

The document is needed in order to identify contraindications for spa treatment. He also informs the attending physician of the sanatorium about the state of health of the vacationer, on the basis of which the plan of recreational activities is determined.

To obtain a health resort card, you need to contact a local therapist or another doctor, according to whose profile you are going to a health resort. He will give you directions:

    for blood and urine tests;

    for research on the subject of helminthic invasion;

    for fluorography;

Children should also be tested for intestinal pathogenic flora and diphtheria pathogens.

The second stage is the consultation of specialists. You should be examined by a dermatovenereologist, and a gynecologist (if you are a woman). Only on the basis of the results of analyzes and consultations of doctors, a sanatorium-resort card is filled out. How much is valid - it also depends on the time of delivery of the tests.

Eg, bacteriological tests, the conclusion of a dermatologist must be obtained no earlier than 3 days before admission to the sanatorium. A fluorography is considered valid for 1 year.

Children need to write down an anamnesis in the card, carried out preventive vaccinations with the term and series of vaccines. You also need a certificate from a pediatrician stating that there are no infectious diseases at the place of residence and study.

How long is the health resort card valid?

The validity period of the health resort card is 2 months. Therefore, all tests, all examinations should be carried out closer to the date indicated in the ticket.

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