Sergey Ivanovich Filonov Dry therapeutic fasting - myths and reality. Historical information about dry therapeutic fasting Superpowers with the help of dry fasting

After such an introduction, let's move on to the main question - why are fasts held at a strictly defined time of the year? If we combine the dates of the fasts and the signs of the zodiac, then we will see that three out of four fasts fall on the "fire signs". Advent (40 days) falls on the sign of Sagittarius. Lent (48 days) for the sign of Aries. Assumption fast (14 days) on the sign of Leo, and the duration of Peter's fast is changeable and ranges from 8 to 42 days. This fluctuation is caused by adjusting to natural rhythms. in the years of the active sun, when there is a lot of energy, its duration increases. in cold years, on the contrary, the duration of this famine is reduced. There is no gag here - everything is according to the laws of nature. during these periods, an increased amount of energy falls to the Earth from space, which, acting like radioactive, can bring discord into the work of the body. Remember the work of A.L. Chizhevsky "Earth echo of solar storms", and much will immediately become clear.

If you fast at this time, then the cosmic and increased amount of solar energy will go to creation, enhancing biosynthesis. If you continue to eat, then the energy, not absorbed, will cause destruction in the cells, and free radicals will depress the cells, undermining the vital potential of the whole organism. But bacteria and viruses during this period from an abundance of energy turn into an active state and successfully attack a weakened body. It is at this time that influenza epidemics (spring and early winter) and cholera (summer) are observed all over the world. during the years of the active sun, these processes become so pronounced that in the Middle Ages the majority of the population of Europe died from this! You can fast at other times of the year, but the combination of increased natural energy and hunger gives the best effect, activating the "fiery principle", which is extinguished during hunger. The ancient sages took into account absolutely everything and gave the best recommendations, we can only follow them.

Protection from adverse environmental factors

Together with the "native" slags and toxins formed in the body, introduced poisons are also removed during fasting - from the chemistry that flooded our life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from water and products. But this, however, was to be expected. in our ecological conditions, these facts cannot be ignored. But fasting also gives a wonderful preventive effect. For a long time after a dry fast, the highest protective potential is maintained, but with periodic fasting, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.

Cancer Prevention

When I was studying RTD with Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev, he told me about a curious experiment. Students of the Stavropol Medical Institute divided 120 white rats into 4 groups.

One was the control, and the other three were subjected to a 3-day fast. The first of these three was vaccinated with sarcoma before fasting, the second during it, and the third after it. The non-starving control group died completely. Of the 30 individuals that were inoculated with sarcoma before the start of the experiment, half died, of the 30 that were injected during the fasting period, a third. All those who received injections after fasting survived. As I already wrote, during dry fasting, the strongest, most viable cells survive, so even short-term dry fasting is a serious prophylactic against malignant tumors. Another miraculous effect of hunger was recorded by American scientists. They studied the effect of fasting on the development of severe forms of cancer. Animals were divided into two groups - experimental and control. Rats of the control group were exposed to radioactive radiation. The dose was selected so as not to cause rapid death of the animals, but already 2–3 weeks after irradiation, all of them had blood cancer. The other group, the experimental group, was more fortunate. Before irradiation, the animals underwent a course of complete starvation. It would seem that the body, weakened by starvation, should react to this negative impact even more sharply, the disease should take on more severe forms. But the results were just the opposite! in the experimental group, compared with the control group, the number of diseased rats decreased by 70%.

Energy renewal of the body

As I already wrote, water is one of the best energy-information carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Scientists have also proved that in the human body, long before the onset of symptoms of diseases, local areas of "heavy" water, water with an irregular structure - pathological zones are formed.

Any evil eye, spoilage, or just human envy, in short, all negative energy is located in these pathological zones. During dry fasting, the old "dead" water is replaced with high-quality, energetically updated, "live" water, synthesized by the body itself.

special effects

These are the gifts that everyone receives from dry fasting, along with a cure for an illness that tormented him, and which are not one of them !!!

Of course, it is impossible without deep refreshment and calming of the whole organism.

First of all, the general perceiving ability increases greatly - tactile, skin sensitivity increases, the sense of smell increases, which gives interesting effects.

You can feel and perceive the taste of the products lying there through the shop window, know that this egg in the refrigerator is already stale, remotely perceive the "disorder" in the products, which in reality may turn out to be just an excess of preservatives. in pronounced cases of increased perception, there is no problem guessing what is rolled up in a tin can without a label.

During hunger, sweating practically stops - the skin turns from an excretor into an absorber, and when interacting with any substance, not only does it quickly begin to be absorbed, you can even feel the taste of this substance in your mouth. So if you still have to cook food for others during a hunger strike, you can “touch” determine whether there is enough salt in the soup. But kneading the dough is a thankless task, the oil will be absorbed into the hands, and not into the cooking.

Intuition increases very much, a person during the passage of dry fasting, like a cat, begins to feel pathological or, conversely, healing energy zones. Interestingly, each person has their own.

Sometimes telepathic abilities open up, people begin to understand each other without words.

Those who fast regularly notice that fasting develops willpower. Unwavering determination is undoubtedly necessary for success in any difficult undertaking. Abstaining from food and water for 24 hours makes a person stronger mentally and prepares to make informed choices and then act with firm determination.

Fasting awakens the (often lost) sense of how much water and food is really needed to sustain life. During abstinence from food, a person experiences certain suffering. on the one hand, it naturally develops compassion for other people suffering from hunger and living from hand to mouth. Only by experiencing the same for oneself can one truly understand the suffering of the poor and disadvantaged.

It is clear that it is quite difficult to endure any long-term fasting, even purely physically, and it is even more difficult to endure it morally. And complete starvation, which many saints and just esotericists often come to, is much harder to endure.

But people who have passed this test, and who have gone through long dry fasts, often begin to look much younger, get rid of most diseases, greatly increase their energy, and even sometimes gain the ability to receive energy from the environment. According to all the so-called pranoeds or the sun of food, they first practiced ordinary fasting, which allowed them to subsequently reach a different level of nutrition.

Starve in clean places

It is still not recommended to conduct long-term fasting while sitting in an apartment or in areas that are bad from an environmental point of view, as the largest human organ, the skin, can become activated and begin to actively take in moisture, toxins and energy from the environment. You can collect excess toxins from the environment yourself, but there have been cases when starving people suppressed the immunity of their loved ones and they started to get sick.

Therefore, it is better to be in the fresh air more often and walk in various parks and forests, sit by the reservoirs, there is good energy and fasting will be even easier. Many people even sometimes have a desire to sleep under a tree, or even to cuddle with it, or just touch it.

You should not resist, this is explained by the fact that a person can receive energy from trees and nature, and on fasting he becomes many times more sensitive and receptive, and there are even groups of people who often engage in such practices.

Therefore, usually in the forests and in the fresh air, there is a faster recovery of strength and normalization of energy, and for the starving, these processes are intensified, and sometimes they even manage to be consciously controlled.

Fasting as a spiritual practice

In general, any fasting is a good spiritual esoteric practice, at least this is a very strong cleansing of impure substances of the body, and even negative energies.

To withstand prolonged fasting, you need to have an unshakable and clear desire During fasting, the will and intention of a person is strongly concentrated and purified, therefore many priests, ascetics and other esotericists(not to mention the spiritual leaders and the most famous philosophers), fasting is often used, which at least shows its benefits in terms of energy and spirituality.

Almost all starving people note the fact of extraordinary clarity of mind during fasting, and this, by the way, also has scientific logic. During starvation, the stomach almost does not function and does not take much energy, the body can use it both for self-healing and for mental activity, and there are even people who starve only to solve complex logical and intellectual problems.

fasting in yoga

In terms of energy, fasting also has a very strong cleansing effect, in various schools of yoga and other teachings, it is believed that fasting cleanses the energy channels and chakras of a person. Cleansing the body in any case leads to greater closeness to nature, and tunes more to positive energy and thinking. And by the way, even to prepare for many shamanic and magical rituals, fasting is often used.

And indeed, it seems to me very unlikely that a person who has undergone, for example, a 7-day dry fast, has any damage left, and all other negative energy moments. And even if you do not believe in energy, spirituality and other non-material heresy, then, at least during fasting, the very cause of the disease very often disappears, and even if this disease had an energy basis, which very rarely happens with medication.

Return to natural health

Many mediums and others seeing People often note that during prolonged fasting, people experience rejection of gray smoke, various energy bindings and all kinds of garbage, which, by the way, is confirmed by recently invented technical devices that allow you to partially observe energy processes.

But even if we don’t believe in all this, anyway, in fact, very many people refuse after prolonged fasting. from alcohol, tobacco, and even drugs, and not for some philosophical or spiritual reasons, but simply their addiction disappears and often even strong disgust appears.

Even from junk food such as fast food, and often even from meat, the field of long-term fasting is abandoned, just the taste buds are cleansed and not healthy food becomes unpleasant in taste, but healthy food, on the contrary, becomes much tastier. And even if you have never eaten fruits, but ate only sandwiches, there is a high probability that you will begin to eat normally., even if you have not done this for a long time and are used to it, there is everything that comes to hand.

In general, there are many legends around dry fasting, it is possible that Jesus in the desert fasted for 40 days on a dry fast, and at least in the desert it is not so easy to find a good clean source of drinking water.

And even according to the legend, Count Cagliostro, who is said to have lived for at least 5 thousand years, starved for 40 days without drinking water, while still crumbling with some kind of powder, after which he again looked like a 25-year-old boy. Paracelsus said that fasting protects a person from evil passions and desires, impure feelings and thoughts. A temperate life drives away demons, sins and vices from us.

Never stop hoping and striving

Fasting helps us to see the Light of nature, to learn the true philosophy of life, brings true dreams, allows us to penetrate into the divine mysteries. It is clear that these are all delusional theories, esoteric fabrications and fairy tales, but this at least shows that during fasting there are very strong, and sometimes incomprehensible even to modern medicine, cleansing and restorative processes.

Hundreds of times cases of incomprehensible “healings” and other “ miracles", and this at least proves that never give up, but you need to be positive, believe in the best, and continue to do everything in your power. If you have given up, it is unlikely that anyone will help you, and if you strive to live, it often happens like in an old joke. « If the patient decided to survive, medicine is powerless here.«.

In the customs of the North American Indians, dry fasting also occupied an important place. The American Indians considered fasting as the most important and indispensable test in the transformation of a boy into a warrior. The youth was brought to the top of the mountain and left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered without exception by all American Indians as a means of purification and strengthening. at various periods of his life, the Indian went alone into the wild, starved and meditated. Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. If this is not the case, then death inevitably follows - both of an individual and of an entire people.

Later, with the emergence and flourishing of religions, the treatment of patients gradually passes into the jurisdiction of the ministers of religious cults - shamans and priests, and the self-treatment of the sick and the training of doctors is concentrated in temples. That is why the ancient prescriptions of hunger are very often closely connected with certain mystical beliefs, they are part of a certain religious rite. Thus, the first Christian ascetics often refused food and water, but did so mainly for religious reasons. for the same purpose, the Persian sun-worshippers subjected themselves to many days of fasting, or, in other words, fasting. The druid priests of the Celtic tribes, like the priests of ancient Egypt, had to pass a test of a long fast before they could be admitted to the next stage of initiation. Moreover, in those days, the word “fasting” meant complete abstinence from food and water. and only later this concept began to mean the replacement of some products with others, say, butter - vegetable oil, meat - fish, etc. for any ancient people from which written cultural monuments or so-called sacred texts or so-called sacred texts remained and have come down to us. writings, writings, one can find many praises for the treatment of hunger. Almost all ancient peoples considered the refusal of food and water to be the best way to cleanse the body.

In the writings and instructions of the ancient scientists of Egypt, Babylon, Judea, India, Persia, Scandinavia, China, Tibet, Greece and Rome, there are many hygiene tips and descriptions of non-drug treatment, among which hunger treatment is in the first place.

Tibet… A harsh land covered with legends, surrounded by impregnable mountains. Among the huge number of treatises and woodcuts of Tibetan medicine, a large four-volume work “The Main Guide to the Medical Science of Tibet - Chzhud-shih”, referring to the 4th century BC, stands out. BC e. it contains 156 chapters, and one of them is eloquently titled: "On the treatment by absorption and the treatment by fasting." The author of this book is Tso-Jed-Shonnu.

“The treatment of “exhaustion” is for patients suffering from indigestion, eating a lot of oil, suffering from stiffness of the thighs, colds, internal suppurations, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, throat, head, heart, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the body, loss of appetite, retention of urine, excessive fullness.

Diseases associated with an increase in "yellow water", "phlegm" in young men in the prime of life, should be treated in the first half of winter with a three-day fast. Weak patients should be made as hungry and thirsty as they can, after which they should be given light and easily digestible food, such as tsamba and porridge. The fastest way to discover superpowers in Tibetan monasteries was dry fasting. He was carried out in caves, in complete darkness and silence, however, his teacher was always next to the student, who certainly helped him to pass this severe test.

Recall that even in Chinese medicine, the effect of acupuncture is associated with the opening of energy channels in the patient's body. The problem with acupuncture is that no matter what diagrams they draw, no one knows where these channels actually go, so the effect of acupuncture is random. Therapeutic dry fasting cleanses all energy channels at once and throughout the body, so there is no need to find any separate channel. The only thing is not to overdo it and not clog the energy channels with slags.

Examples of dry fasting are often mentioned in dynastic histories. in the "History of the Later Han" in the chapter "Biography of Fang Shu" it is said: "Hao Mengce could swallow date seeds and after that not eat for five to ten years. And he could also hold Qi and not breathe, lie still, pretending to be dead, up to a hundred days or six months. The inner chapters of Bao Pu Tzu say:

“I have seen many people who stopped eating and drinking, most often for three or two years, all had a light body and a good view, they easily endured wind, cold, heat and dampness, no one was fat.” “There was such a Feng Sheng. He ate only Qi, had not eaten for three years, dragged the rocker with luggage up the mountain and never got tired. Sometimes he pulled his bow and hardly spoke, and if he did, it was not loud. Asked about this, he said that the one who stopped eating has two biggest fears - how not to kill the seed - ching and how not to waste Qi.

The mastery of fasting, which the three elders taught Wang Liping, was divided into three steps according to the degree of depth. First step: "Cessation of the diet of cereals." This means: do not eat any grain products, eat only vegetables and fruits in small quantities - just to lighten the burden of the stomach and intestines and clean the internal organs with the help of these pure products. The requirement for this work is that it be carried out for at least two months, and if more, then even better. During such classes, Wang Liping, like all ordinary people, studied and worked. Often he went to secluded places where there were many trees of flowers and herbs, and practiced there in the lotus position during the Time of the Mouse, Horse, Hare and Rooster in order to strengthen the five inner true Qi. He completed this step in 98 days, that is, in more than three months. I felt comfortable, clean and cheerful in spirit. Second step: "Power off". This means: do not take any food, drink only a glass of cold water every morning and evening. After this work, there is no dirt left in the body at all, there is not even urine. The nature of the heart has been purified before, and now the body has also been purified. Only then did the exchange of true Qi with nature take place, there was a feeling that the body was already in a different direction. Wang Liping remained in this state for more than fifty days. Third step: "Dry fasting". After the first two steps, Wang Liping's body began to look like the body of a freshly taken bath, pink, moist, shiny, permeated through with pure shen energy and vigorous qi spirit. The three elders, seeing that he looked like a newborn baby, that thanks to self-improvement in smelting, the body became like pure ice or beautiful jasper, that all the dirty Qi, which had been absorbed by him from the vain world for so many years, was cleaned to the last drop, could not help but rejoice. For four years, irrigating with the blood of their hearts, the old people cultivated an orchid flower and finally nurtured it, after fine processing, a precious stone came out of jasper. This thing, unusual for the lower of the three worlds, should be lifted up, let it fly up. On that day, the elders ordered him: “From today you will begin dry fasting, you will only sit here in the lotus position, not rising, you will not drink water anymore. That is the method of practice." Then, according to the Xia calendar, it was the year of Bing Wu, and according to the modern chronology, it was the golden autumn of 1966, the great land of Huaxia had already begun to “seething”. And four people, not paying attention to the fact that the universe is turned upside down, all the time devoted to studies. Every day in the morning, at noon and in the evening, the teachers sprinkled the floor with clean water to make the air in the room more humid. With the help of these evaporating liquid droplets, Wang Liping moisturized the entire body, and besides, he supported life only with true Qi. Two fathers - teachers took turns on duty near him, sitting on the sidelines. One day has passed. Two days have passed. Three and five days have passed. Wang Liping sat like a stone statue, not a single line moved, there was dead silence in his heart. Sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, flowers, grasses and trees, parents, brothers and sisters, school teachers and classmates, his teacher grandfather and teacher fathers, spring, summer, autumn and winter, white day and dark night, the south of the sky and the north of the earth, up, down, left and right, heat, heat, frost and cold, birth, aging, illness and death, joyful fun and bitter insults, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy - everything everything he had ever seen, heard, felt from among the people, events and things of the lower of the three worlds on this rapidly declining earth - everything, everything was completely hidden, disappeared from his heart, brain and body, he was in deep meditation .

Schedule of events

What problems you can walk the practice of dry fasting:

Youtube channel Schools of dry fasting and raw food "Dream":

Training on the Online Workshop "Starving with Anna Yakuba":

For questions about participation in the School's programs, please contact to Anna Yakuba: e-mail [email protected]

Do you want to prolong life and youth by 15 - 25 years? And not just life, but also QUALITY of life? This is not difficult. Start practicing dry fasting 36 hours a week. The experience of fasting is experienced by many people who care about their health or strive for spiritual enlightenment. So it has been since the dawn of time. But dry fasting, that is, a complete rejection of not only food, but also water, is practiced by a much smaller number of people. It's all to blame - the stereotype that a person cannot live more than 3 days without water, as well as an insufficient amount of knowledge about this healing technique.
At the words "dry fasting" in many people's eyes, you can see a variety of emotions: fear, bewilderment, skepticism and the desire to write you down in the ranks of crazy people. But for some reason, the ranks of the “crazy” who have mastered this method are growing exponentially and their practical results are inspiring.
Both in ancient times and now, fasting was the shortest way to develop the spiritual and mobilize the physical capabilities of a person for self-improvement and healing.
What are the main bonuses you can get from the competent practice of dry fasting?

Bonus 1. Independence and freedom from stereotypes

Modern man is a creature dependent on society. The head is stuffed with imposed stereotypes, actions are dictated by patterns of behavior hammered into the subcortex. The practice of dry fasting helps to get rid of these patterns and stereotypes, to become independent of social attitudes.
Here is the simplest example. It is enough to close bakeries and bakeries - for example. due to interruptions in the supply of flour or because of an epidemiological danger - and a “hunger riot” will begin in the city. Even if the counters will burst with other goods, the people will panic: how is it, how to live without bread? After all, “bread is the head of everything”, “bread and porridge is our food”, “even in besieged Leningrad they gave a piece of bread” ... From childhood we are taught “what to eat with bread”. And guests are greeted with "bread and salt". And how, indeed, can you eat borscht or lard without bread? How to make sandwiches, sandwiches and burgers? The media will surely inflate this panic to universal proportions: a catastrophe! There is no bread in the city, the city is starving!
Surprisingly, not only those who are ready to eat bread with dumplings and pasta will panic, but also those who are on strict diets. A person does not eat bread and rolls for months, and feels great - but everyone around is shouting “there is no bread in the city”, and he also panics!
And this situation is not as far-fetched as it seems. The media regularly report on the rise in the price of grain, flour, and, as a result, the rise in the price of bread. This heats up the atmosphere in society, makes people feel anxious, and even provokes someone to literally stock up on crackers. But in fact, as opinion polls show, most people regularly throw moldy bread into the trash!
Modern man consumes much less bread than his peasant ancestors, but stubbornly repeats "wise proverbs" that have lost their relevance. Many do not eat flour at all or eat occasionally, not with every meal, as these days you can choose from a huge range of products. Where does the panic come from then? From stereotypes hammered in from childhood!
Here is another example. Many kids look with disgust at milk, but adults stubbornly repeat: "Drink milk, children - you will be healthy!" And they literally shove milk porridge, milk noodles into the child’s mouth ... No milk, milk has risen in price? Catastrophe! But after all, vegans and raw foodists feel great without milk, you can find alternatives to this product that contain the right substances and trace elements. Why is milk considered essential for health? And all from the same peasant realities that had lost their relevance, when the nutritional value of the diet was low, and the lack of calories, fats, vitamins was “finished off” with milk, and the cow was called the “nurse”. But times are different now!
Third example. "The child should eat well!". How many people have been ruined by this attitude, how many have become addicted to food, are obese due to the fact that in childhood they dutifully ate “a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad, a spoon for grandmother, a spoon for grandfather”? Children are stuffed with food, again, obeying the ancient guidelines "what if tomorrow there will be nothing to eat." But now, for developed countries, it is not the problem of hunger that is relevant, but the problem of obesity! And still there is a massive overfeeding of children, turning them into pink piglets.
Fourth example. Anyone who has traveled on trains knows the specific aroma that accompanies the trip: a mixture of smells of fried chicken, boiled eggs, “doshiraks” ... When going on a trip, almost everyone considers it their duty to fill a bag with food. And then - to stand in line for a public toilet (unhygienic even in the cleanest car) to wash your hands first, and then get rid of what you have eaten ...
Did you know that it is food that increases the cost of an air ticket by 10 - 20%? A set of food in economy class, which costs 100-300 rubles, is estimated by airlines several times more expensive! It is cheaper to fly in locosters, also because, as a rule, there is no food there. But many people prefer to fly "in comfort". How is it possible to fly for three hours and not eat during this time?!
By learning to practice even short-term 36-hour fasts, you will feel how freer you have become. You will not carry a bag with food and bottles of water, spend money in cafes and fast foods, look for where to wash your hands or go to the toilet. You will love traveling light!
You will learn to think critically and disengage from social attitudes. You will get rid of the fear of hunger and rising prices for what is not an urgent need. The destroyed stereotype: “A person cannot live without water for more than 3 days” will help you question any even the most authoritative opinion stubbornly hammered into your brain.

Bonus 2. Development of creative abilities, high efficiency, spiritual bonuses and insights

Millennia ago, people realized that fasting is the shortest way to develop a person’s spiritual and creative abilities, as well as a portal that opens access to self-improvement and healing abilities. In ancient India, Egypt and Greece, fasting was an essential attribute of the spiritual practices of ascetics, yogis, sages, and this method was used not only to treat diseases, but also to train the will, reveal talents, and develop mental abilities.
For example, Pythagoras systematically carried out long-term fasting for forty days. He knew for sure that fasting can increase mental perception and develop creativity. The great mathematician accepted students only after a long period of starvation, believing that only in this way entering the training could clear his mind and be ready to perceive new knowledge.
Almost every religion practices long fasts. Great religious leaders of different nations subjected themselves to many days of fasting, went into the desert for the purpose of asceticism. Hindu traditions say that the great ascetics of antiquity accumulated such an amount of energy - tapas - that they became stronger than the gods.
Now dry fasting is still the leader among the ways to achieve spiritual enlightenment, enhance intellectual and creative abilities. After passing through various periods of dry fasting, many people seem to “fall from the eyes of the veil”. They begin to “see” and “hear” what was inaccessible to them, penetrate the depths of space with a spiritual gaze, begin to draw pictures and write poetry. Actually, they generally have a desire to CREATE, CREATE, CREATE. They have the energy to break out of the daily gray routine.

Bonus 3. Getting rid of bad habits

Most people have at least one bad habit, an unhealthy addiction. Someone is not against a glass of cognac or a glass of light wine, someone definitely wants to take a drag on a cigarette, and someone is overcome by endless (and unconscious) chewing something tasty under the TV or at the computer. Often a person has not one such habit, but a whole set.
Getting rid of unhealthy addictions is extremely difficult. Often a person spends a lot of money on cigarettes, and in parallel - the same amount on all sorts of nicotine patches and psychological help, reads books on how to quit smoking - and buys a pack of cigarettes again ... It is no less difficult to get rid of the habit of chewing and overeating, from addiction to glass and other passions. Man becomes a slave to his habits.
In order to get rid of unhealthy addictions, a complete reboot of the body is required. It is dry fasting that allows you to carry out such a reboot, to "zero" the information field of the body. Fasting cleanses the body and soul, relieving a person of both physical and psychological addictions.

Bonus 4. Slim beautiful figure, rapid weight loss and stabilization

The beauty industry brings its owners multi-billion dollar profits. The production of weight loss products is one of the main directions of this business. Incredible, but true: a person first spends money to gain weight and blur, and then to lose weight. Where is the mind?! Where is the logic?!
Regularly practicing dry fasting, you will stop worrying about the harmony of the figure. A beautiful body is a natural result of regular dry fasting practices.
At the same time, you will be amazed at what financial savings this approach gives! Firstly, “spend on the toilet” is reduced, because a person who regularly starves, and in other periods of time, eats much less than an ordinary person. He does not snack on any filth, does not overeat, does not buy junk food. He just doesn't need it! Do not want! Secondly, there is no need to enrich the manufacturers of weight loss products. You don’t have to pay for slimness, drink pills, buy slimming patches and the like, and even more so you don’t have to do liposuction. With the money saved, it is better to go to nature or travel!

Bonus 5. Bright rejuvenating effect

Another direction of the beauty industry is the production of anti-aging products, the provision of anti-aging cosmetic and surgical procedures. Huge money is spent by people seeking to preserve youth! But the effect is short-term at best, and harmful at worst. You've probably seen photos of stars who have been disfigured by plastic surgery. But even if a successful result is achieved, the "tight" face takes on an unnatural look. And injections of Botox (a real poison called botulinum toxin!) Simply paralyze the muscles of the face. The skin is smoothed out, but the person looks like a doll.
Why spend money on such procedures with a very dubious effect, when there is a natural remedy for rejuvenation - simple, free and safe? This is dry fasting, which contributes to the release of stem cells into the blood (which is important - your own, not someone else's). Thus, dry fasting stimulates the physiological processes of regeneration and growth of protein structures. By stimulating the growth of stem cells by dry fasting, you can add 15-25 years to your life!

Bonus 6. Healing from diseases that official medicine considers incurable

“Instead of medicine, it’s better to starve for a day or two,” said Plutarch. But now the practice of dry fasting is ridiculed by "graduates", as well as veganism and a raw food diet. It's not hard to see why: Pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and clinics make huge profits and are therefore not interested in promoting simple and free treatments.
The great healer of antiquity, Avicenna, became famous among the poor, as he prescribed them the most affordable medicine - starvation. But if everyone will be treated this way, how to make money on people's diseases? That is why the cheapest and most effective way of treatment is subject to obstruction in the modern world.
However, dry fasting is not even a treatment method, but a way to gain access to the body's own regenerative resources. “Fasting itself is not a cure, but a means to reveal the ability of the human body to heal effectively ... at a speed unthinkable with any other method,” wrote the famous naturopath Herbert Shelton. And the correctness of these thoughts was confirmed by the reviews of dry fasting of thousands of people who were healed of acute diseases and chronic ailments.

Bonus 7. Maximum problems are solved in the shortest possible time

Dry fasting is a unique method of solving a whole range of problems that burden our lives. Fasting without water is a powerful tool that works in several directions at once. This practice heals, rejuvenates, prolongs life, improves the figure, cleanses the body, gets rid of bad habits, destroys stereotypes, makes us independent of social settings, reveals spiritual, creative, intellectual potential.

Most importantly, stop procrastinating. Impressed, inspired - go ahead! Start changing your life right now. As Paul Bragg rightly noted: "The best day is TODAY!". START!!!

Schedule of events of the School of Dry Fasting and Raw Food Diet "Dream":
Success stories or WHAT has changed in my life after the practice of long dry fasting:

21-10-2012, 17:43


The effect of fasting on the mind has been known for many centuries and has been the subject of discussion by many authors on fasting. A few years ago, a group of young men and women from the University of Chicago went one week without food. During this time, they attended classes and practiced their usual sports, following their normal daily routine. Their mental activity was so much more than usual that their progress in their studies was noted as remarkable. Several repetitions of this experiment, and always with the same results, proved that this case was no exception.

During fasting, all purely mental faculties are enhanced. The ability to think increases. Memory improves, attention and associativity become sharper. The so-called spiritual forces of a person are strengthened - intuition, sympathy, love, and so on.

New life is acquired by all the intellectual and emotional qualities of a person. At no time does the intellectual and aesthetic activity of a person develop so successfully as during starvation. Elton Sinclair wrote: I left the house and lay in the sun all day and read, the same on the third and fourth days - and there was a strong physical weakness. But with greater clarity of mind; after the fifth day, I felt stronger, walked a lot and also began to write a little. No aspect of my experiment struck me more than the activity of my mind. I read and wrote more than I dared to do in previous years».

People seem to learn faster when hungry and score higher on intelligence tests when hungry than when they are full. This means, as the ancient Romans said, a full stomach does not like to think". The saying well expresses a state known to all intellectual workers. “A full meal,” wrote Sinclair, “makes people lethargic, unable to think clearly and continuously, and often makes them dull and sleepy. Mental workers have learned to eat a light first breakfast, a second (lunch), and a large meal in the evening after completing the day's work. As a student, I used to skip meals completely when I knew there was an exam coming up. At that time, I had not yet heard anything about fasting, but I was convinced that I could think better on an empty stomach.

All these facts have physiological justifications.. To assimilate food, the body needs to send a large amount of blood and nervous energy to the digestive organs. And if this energy is not required there, it can be used by the brain for thinking. But in my experience with fasting patients, I rarely see any increase in mental activity at the beginning of their fast. This is due to the fact that we are dealing with sick people, and they are all "drunkards" - either food, or coffee, or tea, adherents of tobacco or alcoholic beverages. As soon as they are deprived of all this, they go through a period of depression with headaches, various other small painful manifestations. After a few days, when the body has enough time to rebuild, depression is overcome, and the mind brightens. Both specific sensations and feelings are aggravated.

Dr. Levanzin wrote: If physical strength is not lost during fasting, mental faculties and clarity of mind increase exceptionally. Memory develops beautifully, imagination becomes maximum". One of the most remarkable aspects of fasting, which makes an even stronger impression on patients than favorable physical sensations, is the improvement of mental faculties. Clarity of thought, the ease with which previously difficult problems can be solved, memory improvement, etc. - all this amazes and pleases patients. This improvement should be attributed to cleansing the body of toxins.

Almost all fasting testify that their mind is enlightened, and their ability to think and solve complex problems increases. They are more quick-witted, quick-witted, their mind is open to new areas of knowledge. This increase in mental energy, perhaps not quite evident in the first days of fasting, is due to the fact that, as noted, due to the deprivation of patients of coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, stimulating foods, there is something similar to physical and mental decline. But after a few days they have a reverse reaction, their physical and mental condition improves. Experiments with students have shown that short fasts greatly increase their mental perception.

Why fasting leads to better mental abilities? Primarily because, I think, it allows the body to shed its load of toxins, which allows the brain to feed on a cleaner bloodstream. Secondly, I think, because other vital functions, stimulated by fasting, give the brain more energy for thinking. Is there no doubt that the modern way of life tends to weaken our mental faculties? Our national addiction to drugs and almost universal overeating lead especially to their decline.

spiritual powers. Here it may be appropriate to say a little about the effect of fasting on the so-called spiritual powers. Recounting in detail his experience of a forty day fast several years ago, Dr. Tanner said: “My spiritual abilities increased greatly, much to the surprise of my medical assistants, who constantly monitored my possible collapse, which was openly predicted ... In the middle of my first experiment, I also had visions: like Paul, it seemed to me that I had ascended to heaven and there I saw things that even the pen of Milton and Shakespeare could not describe in all vivid reality. As a result of my experience, I began to understand why the ancient prophets and seers so often resorted to fasting as a means of spiritual enlightenment.

It has already been said above that fasting does not reduce, but increases the mental abilities of the starving person. But here I want to stop to give my opinion on the visions of those who are starving. They (visions), I think, are the result of hysteria or self-hypnosis and are observed in people who are called psychos; this means that they are easily suggestible, especially self-suggestible. Fasting tends to temporarily increase the tendency to suggestibility and for this reason has been and is used by all mystery religions for the purposes of "enlightenment". Self-hypnosis during these religious hunger strikes takes the form of frequent and repeated prayers. In addition to the religious power of hunger strikes, the sexual urge disappears, and thoughts of sex, as a rule, cease to dominate the minds of the hungry. In India, priests at sacred temples, before being converted to dignity, swear an oath of the strictest chastity. The Hindu High Priest must undergo a long period of training and purification and endure many ordeals in order to prove that he has completely conquered his sexual desires and passions and is firmly in control of the higher powers of his mind. Nowadays, when the errors and fallacies of psychology and psychoanalysis are on everyone's lips, and when feminist leaders explain chastity and restraint as undesirable and unrealistic, claiming that it is harmful, methods of achieving self-control in matters of sex are ostracized. Therefore, this side of fasting may not be addressed to many who read these lines. But fasting does increase control over all desires and passions, and for this reason it is used by the high clergy and ancient religions.

Insanity. The beneficial effect of physiological rest for the enlightenment of the mind is nowhere more clearly manifested than in mental patients during their fasting. Dr. Dewey tells the story of a lunatic woman whose psyche was completely restored to normal by fasting for forty days. Dr. Ragabliati tells about similar cases. It is a common practice to feed neuropsychiatric patients with all the "most nutritious food" that they can be persuaded to accept. If such patients, according to doctors, are deprived of food and habitual stimulants, they experience a period of depression and increased nervous irritability. Food and medicine soften and lubricate these symptoms, just as a dose of morphine brings relief to a drug addict. However, as in the case of drug addicts and mental patients, this is nothing more than self-deception. In fact, if such patients are allowed to fast for several days, there is a noticeable change in their mental and nervous symptoms.

It suffices to give one example. One day a young woman came to me for advice and was very nervous. As soon as her husband gave her the finger, saying, "Boo!" - she fell into hysterics, then laughing, then crying. A little noise at night in or near the house frightened her. She was put on a fast that lasted several days (a week), but in that short time her nervousness completely disappeared. Nothing else frightened her and nothing made her hysterical.

In the words of Dr. Benedict, “A characteristic feature of many manias is an aversion to food and drink, so marked that in many cases it takes all the skill of experienced psychiatrists to help overcome it. In very many such cases it is necessary to resort to artificial nutrition.

However, let me state with all decisiveness that the refusal of patients to eat should, in my opinion, not be fought, but accepted. Instead of being force-fed, they should be allowed to starve.. I say this not because I know about the benefits of fasting, but also because I have seen many cases where such patients were allowed to starve, and in the process of fasting they regained a healthy psyche. Aversion to food is an instinctive movement in the right direction, like the refusal of food in an acute illness.

I once fasted a mentally ill woman who had previously been warned that fasting would kill her. But during the fast she had a steady improvement and then good health. I do not hesitate to prescribe fasting for nervous and mental diseases, and it always has good results. Dr. E. Moras reports that he put on a diet of strained orange juice a girl who had been "abnormal for eight months and treated by eminent neurologists." After seven days, the girl asked for food, and after six weeks she recovered. But she was mentally ill.

Drs. Lennon and Cobb (Harvard Medical School) experimented with fasting in epilepsy and reported that, with the exception of one patient, it had little apparent effect on "seizures." They found that in most cases epileptic seizures were completely absent or decreased sharply during fasting, but returned when food was resumed.

Since these experiments do not correspond at all to my own experience, I will make a few remarks. I have had only two cases when, after fasting, epilepsy attacks returned. I recall, however, one incident which took place in a sanatorium with which I had a connection. The patient spent two fasts of about twenty days each. After each of the fasts, he received a milk diet. It was found that if he consumed more than six quarts of milk daily, the result was an "attack." It was also found that if he was given no milk for six days and no food at all on the seventh day, he had no trouble for a long time. But as soon as he took milk, on the seventh day he had an "attack". This case very convincingly illustrates relationship between food and disease. In another case, with the usual one or two "attacks" per week, the patient under my supervision, after fasting for less than a week, did not have a single attack for three months. After fasting, he had proper nutrition and an appropriate lifestyle.

By the way, fasting and prayer occupied a prominent place among the techniques used by the ancients for epilepsy. Dr. Ragabliati says the best remedy for epilepsy “is to carefully restrict diet. For many years in epilepsy I have recommended limiting the diet to two meals a day, and sometimes to one, and in acute cases a further still greater restriction to one and a half pints of milk a day for a long time. Fasting appears to be very effective in the treatment of epilepsy."

In conclusion, I note: I have done over thirty-five thousand fasts, lasting from a few days to ninety days. Under my supervision and during my departure, men, women, children, phlegmatic and choleric, atheists and believers, nervous and mental patients, etc., starved, and none of these people could say that fasting did him any harm. .

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