How to enter dry fasting. Dry fasting. A few words about this. Getting rid of "dead" water

It has been proven that dry fasting helps to cleanse the whole body, restore organ tissues, normalize metabolic processes. Improvement and cleansing of the human body in the process of dry fasting takes place at the cellular level.

Under dry fasting means not only complete exclusion of food from the diet, but andwater. Exists two types of dry fasting- soft dry fasting and hard dry fasting. Method soft dry fasting completely eliminates the use of water, but it is recommended to take various water procedures: , bathing, washing, cleansing enemas. Method hard dry fasting prohibits not only the use of water, but also any contact with it.

This method of fasting is allowed to be used for no more than two days.

Before you put it into practice dry fasting, it is necessary to properly prepare for the process of dry fasting and holds b it sequentially and carefully.

There are a number of diseases for which dry fasting is contraindicated:

Consider the methodology for preparing and conducting dry fasting.

At the preparatory stage dry fasting and in between dry fasting prohibiteduse the following products:

  • products containing sugar;
  • salt and salt-containing products;
  • meat products;
  • coffee and coffee drinks;
  • alcohol.

The best thing turn on in your daily diet fruits, boiled and fresh vegetables , dairy, dried fruits, nuts, various cereals, seafood, sprouted grains different cultures, sprouts . From liquids, unsweetened juices and drinks are recommended, herbal teas , mineral and purified water.

A couple of days before start of dry starvation needs to be fully switch to plant foods origin and drink a large number of water, you can with honey or lemon juice.

Exist various schemes for dry fasting. In these schemes, the word hunger should be understood as complete absence food and food, and under the word food - a certain diet, which is described below.

Scheme No. 1 "Sparing cascade" is shown for those who are conducting dry fasting for the first time.

First period: day - dry fasting, then one, two or three weeks - eating.

Second period: 2 days - hunger, then one, two or three weeks food is allowed.

Third period: 3 days of dry fasting, then one, two or three weeks of food.

The fourth period: 4 days - dry fasting, then one, two or three weeks - food.

Fifth period: 5 days of dry fasting, and then the process of exiting dry fasting.

Scheme No. 2 is called the Lavrova Cascade.

The first period lasts a day after a day: a day of hunger - a day of food, a day of hunger - a day of food, etc. You can repeat the scheme without restrictions.

The second period lasts two days after two days: two days of hunger - two days of food, two days of hunger - two days of food, etc.

The number of periods in this scheme is five.

Scheme No. 3 "Short cascade".

The principle of the dry fasting scheme is as follows:

  • one day of hunger - two days of food;
  • two days of hunger - three days of food, etc.

Dry fasting according to this scheme lasts five days. On the fifth day, there is an exit from dry fasting.

Scheme No. 4 "Abridged Cascade" is used by experienced starving people after a long break.

The principle of the "Reduced Cascade" is as follows:

  • three days of fasting - five days rational nutrition;
  • four days of fasting - six days of eating, etc.

After five days of fasting, there is a complete exit from dry fasting.

Scheme No. 5 called "Five" is recommended for very prepared starving people.

The essence of this fasting scheme is a five-day dry fast, without food breaks. On the fifth day, it is necessary to properly exit dry fasting.

Scheme No. 6 "Cautious Cascade" is used by people with certain diseases.

This scheme is similar to scheme No. 1, but the process of dry hunger does not last a day, but only 12 hours.

There are certain rules for getting out of dry fasting that must not be violated:

After the completion of dry fasting, it is necessary to consume only high-quality and fresh food. You need to get out of dry fasting correctly and consistently.

For example, if you started fasting at 7 pm, then and the exit from fasting should be strictly at 19 o'clock, not minutes earlier or later.

You can immediately brush your teeth and drink a glass of cold boiled clean water, optionally with the addition of lemon juice. It is necessary to take liquid in small portions with interruptions for several hours. It is forbidden to drink immediately hot, raw, mineral or any other water. Sometimes it happens that first water intake may cause nausea. In this case, hold the water in your mouth, and then swallow after a couple of seconds. Immediately after the end of fasting, it is necessary take a warm bath or cold shower.

water to drink necessary until 21:00.

At 21 o'clock you can start off eat small meals in the form of fermented milk products, preferably homemade.

At 11 p.m., you must eat warm broth without bread., prepared with lean chicken or fish, no salt added.

After the completion of dry fasting first two days need constantly drink boiled water and eat food based animal protein. On the second day in the morning it is recommended not yeasty slice of bread, and in the evening you can boil vegetables or cook porridge.

It is forbidden to eat raw food during the first two days: vegetables, fruits, milk and other raw plant products.

If you feel nauseous, metallic taste in the mouth, there are swelling or an unpleasant belching, then immediately drink a couple of glasses of yogurt and switch to food containing animal protein. This rule must be observed by all starving people, as well.

  1. It is often necessary to ventilate the room, perform various physical exercises and walks. your body in given period need exercise stress and lots of oxygen.
  2. It is forbidden to change the fasting period during the dry fast itself. For example, if you have planned a two-day fast, then even with excellent health, it is unacceptable to conduct a three-day fast.
  3. Dry fasting for beginners, you should start with a one-day fast, gradually moving to a two-day, three-day fast, etc.
  4. During the fasting process, it is forbidden to take any medical preparations. If your health has worsened, it is recommended to stop the fasting process and exit it correctly.
  5. Dry fasting does not include enemas, as toxins from digestive tract are not absorbed due to the lack of any liquid.

To achieve positive results in the process of dry fasting, you can use the following tips:

  • believe in yourself and in a positive result from the process of dry fasting:
  • observe healthy lifestyle life;
  • perform the dry fasting technique correctly;
  • make a pre-dated schedule for the fasting process and keep a fasting diary;
  • get out of dry fasting on weekends;
  • determine in advance the daily menu to exit fasting.

In the process of dry fasting, tune in to positive results and eliminate all negative emotions.

Hello dear readers.

Today I continue to talk about dry fasting. Due to the fact that it has a very beneficial effect on health, this topic will always be relevant.

In my last post, I talked about the features positive action techniques on the body. In this article, we will dwell on the indications and contraindications for the method. I will introduce you to the amazing effects on the organs and systems that dry fasting causes 1 day a week. If you decide to try the technique on yourself, be prepared for changes in your body and life in general. I will give an example of a few testimonials from people who practice the dry method of refusing food. With the regular use of this method, you can improve health, increase the body's immune forces, prevent the development of chronic diseases, improve general well-being and work capacity.

Refusal of food, and most importantly water, is a difficult step for every person. We are used to drinking when we want and eating at least three times a day. There are so many temptations at every turn - now a candy, now a cookie, a delicious cake for a light snack. All tasty in our opinion products, almost all, are unhealthy. They carry a huge energy value, but the minimum content of vital nutrients, vitamins, trace elements.

Modern industry produces products stuffed with preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, which can accumulate in the body and poison it. Extra calories are converted into subcutaneous fat, obesity develops, metabolism is disturbed. Intoxication and excess weight lead to malfunction internal organs. This is how chronic diseases leading to disability and early death.

I painted an ugly picture, but this is not fiction, but reality. modern world. We are what we eat, as healers said hundreds of years ago. If only they knew how true their statement is in the conditions of the modern world. Proper nutritionnecessary condition maintaining health. But, unfortunately, not all people can stick to a diet every day, year after year.

If you belong to this category of people, then good way cleanse the body and improve health - dry fasting, the results of which you will feel from the first procedure. Refusal of food and water changes the functioning of all organs and systems, rebuilds the metabolism, activates the immune system, which does not give a single chance for diseases. This is stress for the body, as a result of which they start internal reserves to cleanse toxins and normalize the functions of the main systems: digestive, urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune.

I talked about the specifics of the influence of the dry technique on the work of cells, tissues of body systems in a previous article. I want to remind you that fasting for 3 days in a row, as some do, is quite difficult. This diet is prescribed for people who practice fasting for a long time and are accustomed to refusing food and water. Prolonged abstinence shown to people with normal function heart and kidneys, liver. More often, it is recommended to refuse food and water for 36 hours - night, day, night. This method is easier to tolerate and does not lead to deep stress of the body, which is not accustomed to long time stay without liquid and food, and it is also very beneficial for the body. But there are contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

Like any method of therapy, dry fasting has its contraindications and limitations. Before using the technique, you must carefully read the recommendations for use and follow them clearly. Otherwise, the healing technique may have the opposite effect - exacerbation and progression of diseases, reduction immune protection, deterioration of digestion, malfunctions of the heart, kidneys, respiratory organs. So what does dry fasting cure? Let's figure it out.

Indications for the use of dry technique:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis of an infectious and reactive nature, rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, arthrosis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis);
  • disease of cardio-vascular system(atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • respiratory diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, chronic pneumonia);
  • pathology of the nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, migraine, complications after traumatic brain injury):
  • gynecological diseases (endometriosis, adnexitis, polyps, adhesions in the pelvic cavity, fibroids, fibromas, some types of infertility);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer, biliary dyskinesia);
  • pathology genitourinary system(pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma);
  • skin diseases (dermatoses, eczema, trophic ulcers, polyneurodermatitis);
  • endocrine pathology (type 2 diabetes, obesity);
  • helminthic invasions (opisthorchiasis, echinococcosis, ascariasis).


  • chronic circulatory failure of the 3rd degree;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs;
  • malignant tumors, hemoblastoses;
  • tendency to increased thrombosis;
  • endocrine diseases in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis in the acute stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • senile age (after 70 years);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • loss of self-care skills due to serious illness;
  • any problems with the liver and kidneys.

Let me remind you that dry fasting is used only when compensating for the functions of organs and systems, in other words, internal reserves are not depleted and can withstand stress.

It's also important to remember. Dry fasting is strong method recovery. And like any powerful method, it requires careful application. It shouldn't be done too often.

If you often do fasting, your main practice should be water fasting.

Effects of dry technique

Dry fasting benefits and harms - what the technique will bring to health depends only on you. The dry method must be taken seriously. You can not starve for too long, it is better to fast regularly once a week for 24-36 hours. Be sure to take into account contraindications. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

The profound effect of diet on the body can be judged by the amazing effects felt by adherents of this technique:

  • develop intuitive abilities;
  • willpower is trained;
  • there is a true understanding of how much food and water should be consumed to maintain health;
  • attitude to products changes, a person is able to intuitively determine poor quality food and harmful composition product;
  • there is a feeling of energetically weak and strong parts your body;
  • people become more responsive to someone else's misfortune, there is a feeling of compassion for others.

Amazing effects are associated with increased work of all the senses during abstinence from food and water, improved work mental activity, the development of internal potentials, the increase in internal energy.

Benefits of dry fasting:

  • strengthening bones;
  • increased elasticity of ligaments, fascia, cartilage;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • burning excess fat;
  • improvement of microcirculation, which prevents chilliness of the limbs;
  • rejuvenation of skin, hair, nails;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins accumulated over the years;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • restoration of sleep and wakefulness;
  • healing of wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers;
  • increase of working capacity and mental processes;
  • long-term remission of chronic diseases;
  • normalization of sexual activity and sexual desire.

The dry technique heals the entire body and promotes active longevity.

36 hours - medical practice during which a person refuses food and water. This is done with the aim of healing the body, removing toxins and toxins, rejuvenating the body. Also, during this practice, immunity improves, excess weight disappears and well-being improves.

Feature of 36-hour dry fasting

Prolonged fasting contributes, but only because the body is depleted and uses fat as fuel. But then you will also return to your usual diet, that is, return your weight back. If you want to cleanse yourself of toxins and at the same time lose weight, then use fasting, but then eat right so that the weight does not come back.

If you want , then eat right with a calorie deficit and exercise . Only this method will help you lose weight and keep a beautiful shape.

Possible difficulties

In the process of fasting, you may encounter various difficulties, for example:

  1. Misunderstanding relatives. Our society is structured in such a way that any person who lives differently from others is immediately instructed on the true path. Therefore, you will hear such comments: “why do you need this”, “do not do nonsense”, “do not torture your body” and the like. It is pointless to prove something to such people, so continue to do what you want and do not pay attention to them. If the parents are against it, then explain that this is a necessary experience, and then you will return to normal life.
  2. Bad feeling. If on the day of fasting you feel unwell, then immediately stop the experiment. If it doesn't get better after that, call your doctor.
  3. Irresistible desire to drink. If you did everything right, then everything will be fine. Remember that 36 hours include night-day-night. If you fast on a day-night-day basis, then the result will be 48 hours. If it is difficult to restrain, reduce the time to 24 hours.
  4. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting. Small signs of these symptoms sometimes appear, but if they are very strong, then stop the experiment.
  5. If, after the completion of fasting, the stomach began to hurt, problems began with gastrointestinal tract. Remember if you went through all the steps correctly, especially the exit, in order to understand what is the reason. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to start treatment on time.

Dry fasting is a good way, provided that you do everything right. There is different variants this technique: for 24 hours, for 36 and for several days. But it is worth remembering that a person will not live for a long time without water. Some people extend dry fasting to 5-7 days, but the recommended amount is 3 days maximum. 24-hour hunger is suitable for complete beginners. At the same time, the 36-hour one is optimal, since it does not require long restrictions and does not heavily burden the body.

Lose weight with fasting bad option. Especially in the case of the dry technique. Such techniques are good for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, but not for losing weight.

Remember that you are responsible for the use of such a technique. It is impossible to predict the results: someone has energy and the body is healed, while someone has health problems and deterioration. Try to fast when someone is at home, so that if you feeling unwell someone could take care of you and call a doctor for you. Especially if there are chronic diseases and contraindications.

Those who have tried dry fasting on themselves claim that it not only gets rid of extra pounds, but helps the body heal itself from diseases on its own.

How did dry fasting come about?

Paul Bragg first told the world about the benefits of fasting. His concept was to completely stop drinking water while leading a healthy lifestyle. He believed that the rejection of water will help the body recover from all sorts of ailments. Of course, this theory did not arouse approval among doctors, but still had its followers.

One of these followers was S. I. Filonov, who believed that dry fasting without water breaks down fats faster, so a person can not only lose weight, but also get healthier, because without liquid, harmful microbes and bacteria in his body cannot multiply.

Therapeutic effect of dry fasting

Followers note the benefits of such fasting also with healing point vision. They believe that dry fasting should be followed when:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;

Dry fasting, lasting 12 days, also contributes to the active regeneration of cells in the human body.

Another fasting option is "kefir starvation", it is more shaky, but no less effective.

Types of dry fasting

Today, dry fasting is popular, which lasts only 1 day. Often such fasting is used for colds. There is also fasting up to 36 h. But for starters, it’s worth starting with 24 hours. Longer fasting 3–5 days used by those who already have experience in it. In any case, the duration of fasting depends on individual features organism.

  • Short-term hunger strike lasts 1-3 days. All toxins are removed from the body, toned nervous system strengthens the immune system, and digestive system not overloaded with food. For example, many arrange a fasting day for themselves, and for them abstinence from water and food is not difficult. And for those who have some kind of disease, a dry fast can be a real torture.
  • Cascading abstinence involves the alternation of days of meals and days of abstinence for 5 days. For example, 1 day hunger strike - 1 day of eating, 2 days of hunger strike - 2 days of eating.

Those who have no experience in fasting, best to start from 24h. After getting used to, you can extend the hunger strike for several hours, and then for a couple of days.

Before proceeding to the head, you need to decide for what purposes it will be used.

It could be:

  • general improvement of the body;
  • cleaning from slags;
  • treatment of any disease.

As a treatment for diseases, a fast for 1-2 days will be useless.

To begin with, it is necessary that the body gets used to a short-term hunger strike, because this is the only way to safely abstain without water and food. An abrupt transition to long-term fasting can be harmful to the body.

Also useful advice for beginners: from unaccustomed to this lifestyle, even for a few days, it is worth following the cascade abstinence from food.

When deciding whether or not to sit down on a dry fast, we must not forget that after the end of such a “diet”, the body should not be loaded with heavy food. It is important to pay attention not only to preparation, but also to the way out of such a hunger strike.

Video: dry fasting reviews

If you follow some rules, then dry fasting will lead to unexpectedly pleasant results, completely harmless to the body.

Dry fasting is medical technique, which implies complete failure from food and water for several days or weeks. It is presented as a healing and spiritual practice that is beneficial to health. Therapeutic short-term refusal of food is indicated for many diseases, but can harm the body.

Fasting is used in modern medicine in the treatment of a number of diseases - pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis, the state before and after surgical interventions, as unloading day for overweight patients.

During therapy, the organs of the digestive system receive a kind of maximum output, there is no need for the production of enzymes, gastric juice, bile. The load on the pancreas and liver is reduced.

Doctors recommend avoiding food during colds. This allows the body to focus on fighting viruses. A number of sources mention that there was a regression malignant tumors against the backdrop of severe food restrictions.

Doctors recognize the benefits of hunger, but with therapeutic food restriction, intake is indicated. enough liquids. Long term failure from nutrition is carried out under the supervision of a specialist on the basis medical institution. If a one-day refusal of water will not be a disadvantage for the body, then prolonged dehydration is extremely dangerous.

Harm and benefit from the point of view of medicine

Any medical procedure has a comprehensive effect on the body. The technique can cure and aggravate the course of the disease, cause complications.

Benefits of dry fasting:

  • stress factor - the body starts hidden reserves to maintain health;
  • there is an active breakdown of adipose tissue for energy - a kind of diet for those who want to lose weight;
  • against the background of the lack of food, blood is purified;
  • the pancreas, mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are restored;
  • decrease in cholesterol levels, body weight;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

But the proven benefits of not eating in terms of modern medicine receives only the pancreas. If food does not enter the stomach, then the body does not need to produce digestive enzymes.

Harm of dry fasting:

  • proven beriberi, since vitamins and minerals do not enter the body;
  • blood clotting - the risk of blood clots;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • headache;
  • weakness is observed;
  • dehydration with all the ensuing consequences;
  • refusal of food and water is a blow to the basic instinct of self-preservation and the development of neurological disorders.

To starve, you need tremendous willpower, since food is a necessary condition for the functioning of body systems.

Body reaction

In the absence of food and water, the body is forced to use its own body fat or glycogen.

At chemical reaction breakdown of fats is formed carbon dioxide and water. The first person exhales, the second is used to meet the needs of the body.

In the future, acidosis syndrome begins to develop. It's the mechanism of change acid-base balance towards acidification of the body. pH value biological fluids decreases.

The authors of dry fasting techniques claim that with proper preparation to the procedure for cleaning the body, only physiological acidosis develops. The pH value is not lower than 7.35, symptoms of pathological acidosis do not appear - the smell of acetone from the mouth, a change in the parameters of urine and blood.

During prolonged fasting passes several acidotic crises. According to the authors, this improves the condition of all organs and systems, consciousness moves to a new level.


Refusal of food and water is stressful for the body. It is forbidden to make hasty personal decisions. The choice must be justified, withstand even daily treatment difficult. It is recommended to keep a food diary for the duration of the procedure, after recording the healing effect or its absence.

The dry fasting procedure consists of 3 stages:

  • preparation;
  • stage of refusal of food and water;
  • way out of a hunger strike.

All stages require meticulous execution. Otherwise, cleaning will cause more harm than good.

Preliminary preparation

The duration of preparation for dry fasting differs in the methods. The following recommendations are general:

  • refusal of salt and sugar, sweeteners, sweets;
  • meat - any - is prohibited;
  • alcohol, tea, coffee are prohibited.

Allowed foods for this period:

  • fish and bird;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • stevia and its extract;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • any cereals the best option germinated grain;
  • porridge.

From drinks allowed pure water, juices without sugar, teas from medicinal herbs and berries, compotes without sweeteners. A raw food diet is an option to prepare for entering starvation. Before starting, clean the intestines with an enema.

Dry fasting process

The duration of refusal of water and food varies depending on the author's methodology. On the initial stage it is recommended to take a one-day course, then after a break of 1 to 5 days - try a three-day course, then a week.

If experience similar treatment missing, it is better to choose a method that will not cause strong feeling hunger. It is useful during the period of dry fasting not to go to work and go to nature. Home therapy will reduce appetite. Under such conditions, the refrigerator will not beckon you to interrupt therapy.

A popular technique is the cascade regime - a few days of food refusal, then a few days of normal eating. But the preparation and exit from dry fasting should be carried out according to the recommendations of specialists.


A gradual exit from dry fasting will help start the enzymatic and digestive systems.

On the first day, it is allowed to carry out any hygiene procedures- shower, bath, brushing teeth. Drink only boiled water in small sips. You can slightly acidify with lemon juice. It is advisable to take drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

On the second day - introduced dairy products. No more than 100 g per meal, including snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

On the third day - broths and decoctions: low-fat meat or chicken bouillon, decoctions of medicinal herbs, bran.

On the fourth day - vegetables in any form, except fried, without oil and salt.

Friday - cereals, cereal products are introduced.

Dry fasting schemes

Common and mild forms are:

  • sparing cascade - days of hunger alternate with days of food. In each episode, the duration of refusal of water and food increases;
  • a short cascade - resembles a gentle one, but is designed for a short period of time. periods shorten normal nutrition. If in a sparing form the interval between fasting can be up to 3 weeks, then in short form- no more than 3 days;
  • reduced - 2 periods of food refusal with a break of 10 days.

Any form needs proper preparation and exit from fasting.


Filonov's technique implies a three-month cycle. It alternates days of refusing food and liquids with a period diet food, water hunger.

Shchennikov's technique is preparatory stage within 2 days, raw food is allowed. Then refusal of food for 5-10 days and exit within 5 days. It is allowed to take hygiene procedures, but water should not get into the mouth.

Method Lavrova - consists of periods of hunger and dietary nutrition. On each repetition, the duration of refusal of food increases. Preparation is long and is at least 2 weeks.

Interruption of any of the techniques should include an exit so as not to harm the body.

What diseases are treated with dry fasting

According to the description of the adepts, hunger is a panacea. The list of diseases for which it is used is huge. Let's take a look at the main ones.

  1. Reproductive system - from infertility to increased testosterone levels, treatment of inflammatory processes, benign neoplasms.
  2. Vision - inflammatory processes, chronic increase in intraocular pressure.
  3. Excess weight and cellulite - weight loss, reduction of body fat.
  4. Musculoskeletal system - dystrophic processes in joints, osteomyelitis, arthritis.
  5. The immune system - from hepatitis to HIV infection.
  6. Any skin disease.
  7. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, oncopathology.
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