Vegetable oils, their types, properties, methods of storage and use. Castor oil treatment. pumpkin seed oil

Currently, about three thousand essential oil plants have been identified, which are of value as a material for the production of esters. Most of essential oils are made from medicinal herbs, bones and other parts of the testes.

They are easily soluble at room temperature in alcohol, any alcohol-containing liquids, oils. plant origin but practically insoluble in water. That is why pure essential oils are most often used with a basic base (vegetable oils, salts, dairy products, bee honey).

AT pure form essential oils are not applied to the skin. The exception is drip irrigation certain diseases skin, for example, to eliminate warts, acne, freckles, fungal diseases. In other cases, esters are diluted in base vegetable oils, for example, grape, peach, apricot kernels, avocado, almond, coconut, olive, flaxseed, etc.

But when adding a few drops of essential oil to hot water, there is not only the maximum disclosure of the aroma, but also the effective saturation of the broncho-pulmonary system and blood with healing molecules of medicinal herbs. Hot inhalations and irrigation of stones in the steam room (sauna, hammam, Russian bath) are unique in their own way. healing effect aromatherapy.

AT Turkish bath there are even special rooms for aromatherapy, which are filled with warm, moist steam, enriched with various ethers, penetrating both through the respiratory system and through the skin.

Unlike fatty vegetable oils, esters do not leave stains on paper, and quickly evaporate when applied to any surface. I would like to note that it is these properties of essential oils that are used to determine their quality - when applied to any surface, be it a fabric or other natural material, the essential oil evaporates completely, leaving no traces.

You can easily get lost in the vast expanses of aromas, because there are a great many natural essential oils on sale. Some of them effectively eliminate skin problems, fight cellulite and obesity, some excellently relieve depression, and separate group can be successfully used in hair care.

There are many time-tested recipes for the use of esters in home and professional cosmetology and traditional methods of treatment. various ailments. In order for any essential oil to have the most favorable and expected effect for you, a special table of properties of esters and recommendations for their purpose was created.

With the advice of experienced aromatherapists, you will be able to prepare your own aroma cosmetics for everyday personal care or to solve certain health problems.

In addition, enriching your usual cosmetic products with essential oils will significantly increase their effectiveness. According to the reviews of women who have become interested in aromatherapy and have mastered this wonderful science in practice, their quality of life and health status have improved significantly.

Essential oils and their properties (everything you need to know in one table)

In addition to a powerful impact on health, psycho-emotional state and mood, essential oils are actively used in esotericism, for example, for fumigating rooms in order to protect the home, during various rituals, initiations and meditative practices.

And many of the aromas have the properties of natural aphrodisiacs - aromas that awaken the sensual sphere of a person and reveal his best emotional sides.

Aromatherapy draws on the experience of using ethers by our ancestors and on numerous modern research. As practice shows, a certain mixture of pure ethers has one or another effect on the whole organism as a whole, skin, hair and nails.

The unique qualities of essential oils, according to their therapeutic properties, are described in the table. Thanks to the compilation, the problem of choosing certain essential oils in a given situation is easily solved.

The table also presents the properties and uses of essential oils in cosmetology.

Table of properties of essential oils

Refer to the table whenever you use essential oils to get maximum benefit from medicinal phytoncides of medicinal plants.

Using our table of oils, you can easily find the oils you are interested in alphabetically and find out their properties and applications.

If you are interested in finding suitable oils for specific purposes, use the tags on the right side of the table or in the top menu of the site, so in the description of each oil you can see an extended scope and oils similar in properties and use.

Essential oils and their properties should be known to every modern woman. This material will help you gain new knowledge. It discusses all the beneficial properties of essential oils that are available commercially. Learn essential oils, properties and applications to use this knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women have used essential oils to preserve their beauty. Add a few drops of the oil appropriate for your skin type to your face mask. Thus, you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils other than therapeutic action, which they have on the skin, affect the state of mind. Therefore, applying them, you care not only about beauty, but also about your mood. If desired, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your regular face and body cream.

Table of properties and uses of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell about what means can be used to solve a particular problem. Essential oils in the application table are arranged in alphabetical order.

Table "Properties of essential oils":

Oil name


Rejuvenates, revitalizes, brightens, tones the skin, eliminates acne, skin itching, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates skin flabbiness. Effective for dry, chapped and degreased skin. Has an anti-cellulite effect. Helps to avoid impulsive actions, calms after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates tearfulness, insomnia. Used in the treatment of angina and runny nose

Hydrates and firms the skin. Helps smooth wrinkles. When used as part of a massage oil, it relieves the feeling of fatigue and tension. Helps smooth the skin, improves elasticity and firmness, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Smoothes wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Perfectly cares for any type of skin, especially dry, aging, sensitive. Helps with acne, herpes. Great fragrance and deodorant

It has a bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effect. Reduces the number of microbes on the skin. It gives the skin elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. Great remedy to stimulate the body, increase resistance to infections. Increases elasticity loose skin. Fights depression and stress, eliminates childish tearfulness and hyperexcitability. Effectively used in combination with oils of lavender, patchouli, clove and citrus oils. Combined with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, cumin, coriander, rosewood, noble laurel, petitgrain, mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. Works soothingly and refreshingly. Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Rich in vitamins A,
B, C. Effectively used in combination with oils of geranium, clary sage, lavender, ylang-ylang and citrus. The aroma of orange tones nervous system, relieves depression, increases efficiency, stabilizes mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps to increase optimism and self-confidence


It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Recommended for all skin types. Great tonic and refresher


It has a powerful calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands on oily areas of the skin, brightens and tightens pores. Effective use in combination with oils of lemon, lavender, juniper, geranium, citrus oils


It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Baths with the addition of this oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it. Effective in combination with oils of lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang


It has cleansing, tonic, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effective against cellulite. Brightens and whitens oily skin, tightens pores. Restores natural secretion sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, relieves feelings of fear, irritation

Ylang Ylang

Removes emotional stress relieves feelings of anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. Helps slow down the aging process of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It is used to care for dry, rough, flaky skin, cleans pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with the addition of ylang-ylang oil are recommended for stimulation immune system. Effectively used in combination with rosewood, bergamot oils

Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, tearfulness. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory properties. Invaluable for skin care due to its rejuvenating power. It is used to care for any type of skin, especially for sensitive skin, thighs, buttocks, upper chest. Effective in combination with oils of clove, geranium, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, citrus


Raises mental activity. Has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. It cleanses and refreshes acne-prone, oily skin, promotes its regeneration, enhances blood circulation, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite. Effective against itching and irritation from insect bites

Restores strength, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshes, awakens the skin, erases traces of fatigue, inadequate sleep from the face. Raises protective functions epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. Has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in treatment skin itching, dermatitis, acne, capillary dilation. Baths with the addition of mint oil restore strength, eliminate nervousness. Used for violations digestive system as well as colds and viral diseases, facilitates recovery after sunburn. Effective for stress, depression, mental strain. Fights fatigue and irritability. The use of peppermint essential oil is especially beneficial for oily skin. Effective in combination with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils

It has a soothing, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates, revives the weary, mature skin smoothing wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation, small vascular pattern. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair, increases its elasticity


It has antiseptic, regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for dry, mature and sensitive skin. Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity. Rejuvenates, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity

Causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect, stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. Nourishes, smoothes and renews dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelialization, eliminates flabbiness of the bust, abdomen and thighs. A bath with patchouli oil has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with oils of clove, bergamot, clary sage


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and mental fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing and tonic properties. Reduces the secretion of sebum, evens out the skin relief, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". Used for oily acne prone skin. Stimulates defensive forces organism. Effective in combination with oils of geranium, lavender, clary sage

tea tree

Is a powerful stimulant mental activity. Helps to restore the body after stress, relieves anxiety, promotes concentration. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pustular skin lesions, acne, to relieve fatigue in the legs, to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, has a regenerating and rehabilitating effect. Oil baths tea tree contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

Clary sage

It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic effect. It is used to care for any type of skin, restoring life to aging skin. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, citrus oils

Tones, increases stamina and vitality, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically active substances, stimulates the immune system. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action. Baths with addition fir oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleansing it. Excellent fragrance remover unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with oils of rosemary, lemon, clary sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths with addition eucalyptus oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

A strong pain reliever and antiallergic agent. Used for colds. Reduces elevated body temperature. Heals cuts and wounds. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes their lightening. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, and normalizes sleep.

Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancholy, irritability and insomnia. Antiherpetic agent

Carrot seed

Improves complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic. Helps to get rid of age spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (lack of pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. Renders general healing action with inflamed wounds, dry and hard skin, scars and calluses. Pairs well with almond oil.
Protects skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps fight feelings of emptiness.
Warning: It is best to refrain from using carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy.


Improves blood circulation, useful for the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fight fungal diseases, stimulates the digestive tract

Provides a surge of strength and positive emotions. Fights depression, promotes concentration. It has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effect. Great anti-wrinkle product. Effective for oily skin face and hair. It has a whitening property, smoothes the skin, softens keratinized skin, brightens the nail plates. It is also recommended for hand care, skin care after epilation. Effective in combination with oils of bergamot, lavender, geranium, orange

Do not forget: Essential oils are not used in their pure form, they are added to in large numbers into foundations (masks, lotions, creams, base oils, creams, bath salts, etc.).

Names, list and properties of essential oils

Below is a list of essential oils that you can use at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various problems with skin. We offer you to find out the names of essential oils to facilitate their selection at points of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates oily sheen.

Bergamot - tightens pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Cloves - restores the structure of elderly skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows and whitens the pores of the skin.

Ylang Ylang - Soothes.

Ginger - tones.

Cypress - eliminates oily sheen.

Lavender - soothes, wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, against wrinkles.

Lemongrass Chinese - narrows and brightens the pores of the skin.

Limett - eliminates oily sheen.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Myrrh - eliminates oily sheen.

Juniper - tones, has a disinfectant property.

If the skin has been adverse effects and experienced stress, use essential oils of rosewood, chamomile, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang.

If there are a lot of pimples, comedones on the skin, the pores are clogged, juniper, bergamot, chamomile will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for face care: for 1 tablespoon of oil 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: for 1 tablespoon of the base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When taking care of the body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinses: 2-3 drops of oil in one glass of warm boiled water.

For aromatization of the home aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to the water poured into the lamp bowl) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For sauna and bath: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

Treatment of kidney diseases with flax

Flaxseed oil for burns, wounds and skin irritation

How to choose a natural essential oil

The use of fir oil

Sea buckthorn oil treatment


Take sea buckthorn oil inside 15 g or a teaspoon for atherosclerosis, after ischemic stroke, after myocardial infarction. The course of treatment is up to a month.

Stomatitis, gastric ulcer, radiation therapy

Take sea buckthorn oil orally in a dessert spoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is up to a month.

Remember! Sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated in acute cholecystitis and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas.


Sea buckthorn oil treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum helps to improve their healing, normalize the acidity of gastric juice. The oil is used for erosive and ulcerative proctitis and sphincteritis, anal fissures, catarrhal and atrophic colitis, hemorrhoids in patients with chronic enterocolitis.

Burns, wounds, skin diseases

Sea buckthorn oil is used for burns, in


Linseed oil and flax against atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis - general information

Represents chronic illness, in which the arteries are affected with the formation of lipid foci in them, mainly cholesterol, which leads to vascular seals and dysfunction of the latter.

Flax and linseed oil - chemical composition, types

Tea tree essential oil

essential oil of lemon

Treatment with cedar oil and pine nuts

Polyunsaturated Essential Fatty Acids (PUFAs)

Who makes linseed oil?

Brief description and range of vegetable oils

Obtaining vegetable oils - methods, features of purification

Treatment of prostatitis and urethritis with flax seeds

Rapeseed and rapeseed oil in treatment and nutrition

Rape- a well-known oilseed and fodder crop of the cruciferous family.

The plant has been cultivated since time immemorial - in culture rape known as early as 4 millennium BC.

Motherland rapeseed some researchers consider Europe (Sweden, the Netherlands, Great Britain), while others consider the Mediterranean. It is possible that from the Mediterranean the rapeseed culture spread to India, where rapeseed has been cultivated since ancient times. Most likely, the plant was brought to India by the English and Dutch colonialists.

Soy and soybean oil


In the ancient books of the Chinese emperor Shen Nong, written over 3000 BC. e., the plant Shu is mentioned, in Russian - soy. Mankind uses this plant to this day. Experts consider China and India to be the birthplace of soybeans. The plant is traditionally cultivated in the countries of Indochina. It is believed that in the 16th century the Cossacks of Yermak brought soybeans to the Don and Kuban. Soybean in the CIS countries is cultivated in the Far East, partly in Georgia and Moldova. In Belarus, the plant is not common, it gives a low yield, it is cultivated by amateurs.

Amaranth and amaranth oil

Amaranth History of amaranth

How to make breathing easier with flaxseed based formulas

Sea buckthorn oil

Other vegetable oils

Watermelon oil

Obtained from seeds watermelon. It contains a significant amount of healing minerals - zinc and selenium, carotene, tocopherols, which determines its high biological value. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the dissolution of liver and kidney stones, has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism, activates the healing of wounds and burns, counteracts cancerous processes, enhances hair growth in baldness. It is used for helminthiasis.

Palm oil is one of the varieties of vegetable oil obtained by squeezing the mass of the pericarp (fleshy part of the fruit) of the oil palm - lat. Elaeis guineensis, native to the west coast of Africa (West Guinea). The seeds of the same palm serve as a raw material for obtaining another type of oil - palm kernel, which resembles coconut in structure and properties.

Today, vegetable oils are widely used in various fields production. First of all, it is cosmetology, food industry and pharmaceuticals. Experts divide this type of product into two categories: essential and basic. The latter are obtained from the main fat-containing parts of plants, they do not have a strong odor and are well absorbed into the skin. Base vegetable oils are also classified according to how they are obtained, processed and used.

From this article you will learn:

What are essential vegetable oils. Their features and differences

This term today refers to any of the vegetable oils obtained mainly from the fruit part of plant materials (essential oils are usually pressed from leaves and stems). As a raw product today can be used:

  • sunflower, flax, sesame, mustard, hemp, soybean, rapeseed, poppy, black cumin, cotton, milk thistle and other oilseeds seeds;
  • fruits of the olive tree, palm trees and other oil plants;
  • residual waste and processed vegetable raw materials containing oil: cherry, apricot, grape seeds, seeds of tomatoes, watermelons, pumpkins, sea buckthorn, melons, fir, as well as rice, wheat or corn germs;
  • nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, cedar, peanuts, coconut, pecans, macadamia, coconut, walnuts or Brazil nuts.

In various sources, base fats are also often referred to as fixed or carrier oils. All these are synonyms, but the last version of the name is a priority in aromatherapy. The beneficial properties of base oils make it possible to use them to create mainly cosmetic, but also medicinal substances.

It should be remembered that essential oils are a completely different category of liquids. These are highly volatile substances that are extracted or distilled from flowers, leaves, stems, bark, roots and other parts of plants that have a pronounced aroma. The base ones, if they have a smell, are only light nutty. But if the product smells of rancidity, it has gone bad.

How Essential Fatty Oils Are Obtained

Today, vegetable base oils are extracted from raw materials using two main methods:

  1. Pressing or pressing. This process is a mechanical squeezing out of the prepared raw material (meat) of the liquid part. Mint is obtained after separating the bran shell from the kernel and crushing it.
  2. Oil extraction is considered to be a more efficient and economical way to produce high quality oils. The basis this method extraction put ability vegetable fats to dissolve in certain chemical solutions.

Direct extraction is used when working with low-oil raw materials: seeds, seeds, etc. High oily raw materials are processed using double pressing: first with screw presses, and then with presses high pressure. Unfortunately, mechanical processing does not provide sufficient quality of the final product, so it is subjected to extraction.

Oil purification

Useful properties of base vegetable oils are determined by the presence of fatty acids and various related substances in their composition. In some areas of application, the presence of additional components is considered necessary, and in some, on the contrary, the purer the product, the more valuable it is. For this, as well as in order to extend the shelf life, make it marketable and remove hazardous properties, carry out purification by refining. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. During the hydration stage, phospholipids are removed from the oil, which form during storage and transportation. In this case, the product can be enriched with phospholipids at further stages of processing. This is necessary to enhance the antioxidant properties.
  2. Alkaline neutralization removes the so-called free fatty acids.
  3. At the stage of adsorption refining, discoloration of the liquid occurs. Together with the pigments, the oil at this stage loses proteins, phospholipids and residual soap.
  4. Freezing removes the waxy components, making the oil clear.
  5. Alkaline-free neutralization removes free fatty acids and some flavors and aromas from the liquid.
  6. The last step is deodorization. Directed removal of taste and smell.

Of course various ways cleaning depends on the application.

Groups of base oils: table

Base vegetable oils are mainly classified according to their state of aggregation:

  1. liquid oils constitute the vast majority. This group is extremely numerous, so it would be more logical to say that all oils not listed in another belong to it.
  2. solid oils, also called butters: palm, coconut, shea butter, mango and cocoa. As a rule, in liquid state they pass at temperatures from +30˚C. Despite this, butters are widely used in the food and cosmetic industries.

Considering the groups of base oils, it is worth pointing out the division according to the possibility of eating. Oil from most sources can be safely added to food and used in cooking. These include oils from nuts, soy, corn, sesame, hemp, cedar, mustard, avocado, rosehip, melon, fir, safflower, camelina, rapeseed and other plants. The basis of the group of base oils for table use is sunflower, olive, corn, nut, sesame, soybean and linseed oils.

There are also two groups of vegetable oils that differ in origin (type of raw materials): those obtained from the pulp or fruit parts of plants, and those that are extracted from seeds and seeds.

AT industrial production and processing, the classification of base vegetable oils is also used according to the ability to form a film on a solid surface after drying:

  • drying: linen, tung, hemp
  • non-drying: palm, rapeseed, mustard, olive, peanut, cocoa butter;
  • semi-drying: poppy, sunflower, soybean, corn.

The classification of natural vegetable fats can also be carried out according to the content of certain triglycerides (fatty acids):

  • erucaceae: rapeseed, mustard, high-erucic rapeseed;
  • oleic: peanut, rice, avocado, pistachio, oatmeal, apricot, high-oleic sunflower;
  • lauric: palm kernel and coconut;
  • linoleic: pumpkin, sunflower, hemp, cedar, corn, grape seeds, wheat germ;
  • oleic-linoleic: cherry and sesame;
  • palmitic: cotton, palm, cocoa;
  • α-linoleic: wheat, soybean, camelina, rosehip, flaxseed, mustard, low-erucic rapeseed, rapeseed;
  • γ-linoleic: from blackcurrant and borage seeds.

The composition and useful properties of base oils

Major share chemical composition base vegetable oils are triglycerides, which make up the lipids of the fruit and seed oily fluid of plants. These are ester compounds of fatty acids and glycerol. As you know, they are classified as saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which is determined by the nature of the bond between carbon atoms. Saturated ones have only single bonds, monounsaturated ones have one double bond, and polyunsaturated ones have at least two double bonds.

Fatty acids in oils and their beneficial properties


Oils with a lot saturated acids have greater rigidity than others. Base fatty oils of this type are called butters, as discussed earlier. This group is distinguished by the presence of the following acids:

  • Lauric. It forms the basis of coconut oil, its content can reach 55%. endows the product antiseptic properties. Strengthens the immune system, which is why it is found in breast milk.
  • Myristic acid is also found in coconut oil (up to 18%). Increases the protective properties of tissues and skin, stabilizes the immune system, improves the absorption of related components.
  • palmitic acid. Included in the composition of cocoa butter, cotton, palm. Gives molecules lipophilic properties, stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.
  • Stearic. Makes up to 9% by weight sesame oil, is one of the basic fatty acids for body tissues. It normalizes protective functions, in cosmetology it plays the role of an emulsifying, structure-forming and lubricating substance.
  • Caprylic. Prevents the active reproduction of yeast fungi and bacteria, normalizes the pH balance.


natural base oils, having acids of this type in the composition, help get rid of dullness and hair loss, dryness and flaking of the skin, and nail health disorders. This category includes two highly common acids:

  • Oleic, of which half are sesame and rice bran oils, as well as almost 10% - coconut. Acid increases cell immunity, stimulates the absorption of related substances, prevents rapid lipid peroxidation, but stimulates their metabolism.
  • Palmitoleic, present in the largest proportions in cotton and macadamia fats. Directly incorporated into sebum. Actively promotes the restoration and renewal of the skin. Helps to penetrate into the tissues of other components.


Natural base oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, help people with unhealthy hair follicles, flaky and infected skin. The group of polyunsaturated fatty acids includes the well-known Omega-3 and Omega-6 and others:

  • Linoleic. It is essential for the healthy functioning of many body systems, but is not produced by it on its own. Can be half rice, sesame, pecan, cottonseed, soybean oil. Stabilizes metabolic processes, helps other substances to penetrate into cells and tissues, gives drugs and drugs an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps in repairing damaged and dry skin.
  • Alpha linoleic (Omega-3). Promotes healthy development and growth of the body, performs immune-strengthening tasks, helps maintain vision, normal blood pressure, blood supply. In cosmetology, it is used as part of products for dry skin.
  • Gamma-linoleic (Omega-6). Substances and compounds in which it is present provide anti-inflammatory effects, dull pain, reduce itching. It is included in the composition of cosmetics designed to combat dry skin both internally and externally.

AT this list only the essential fatty acids found in base vegetable oils are listed. In general, there are more than 22 acids, but most are represented by small amounts in their individual types.

In addition to fatty acids, the composition of natural vegetable fats "inherits" from the feedstock a small amount of impurities: phospholipids, sterols, waxes, vitamins A, D, E, K, natural dyes, soap residue.

Useful properties of base vegetable oils: table

Oils Beneficial features
SunflowerImproves the functioning of the circulatory, digestive and excretory systems. Helps to maintain and restore the health of hair, skin, nails.
oliveParticipates in the prevention of vascular and heart diseases. Does not contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls. Stimulates the absorption of other vegetable fats.
soybeanIncreases the protective abilities of the body, reduces the influence of stress factors, stimulates metabolic cycles.
cornIt also helps to lower cholesterol to normal, improves the functioning of the central nervous system and the brain, relieves tension and stress.
SesamePositively affects the work of the digestive tract, of cardio-vascular system, parts of the brain. Favorably affects the organs of the reproductive and endocrine systems.
LinenHas a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune barrier, stimulates metabolism.
PalmIt has strong antiseptic and antioxidant properties. Helps restore hair and skin.
mustardIt has a disinfecting, wound healing and antibacterial effect. Participates in the regulation of blood composition, growth and development of the body.

The use of vegetable oils

Vegetable fats of almost all types are widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields, food and chemical industries. Today, it is also quite popular to use base oils in soap making. The basis of the beneficial effects of this product on tissues, organs and systems of the body is laid by the fatty acids that make up their composition, but the accompanying substances also participate in this process, expanding the scope.

Medicinal properties of vegetable oils

Due to the presence of vitamins, minerals, sterols and other related substances, natural base oils can have a healing and restorative effect on the body:

Table of base oils by medicinal properties

Oils Medicinal properties
PeanutHelps in the treatment of skin diseases
watermelon seedsIt has anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic action. Promotes dissolution kidney stones, enhances anticarcinogenic protection
ArganWound healing and anti-inflammatory effect
grape seedHelps normalize fat balance, strengthen anti-cancer immunity
cherry pitsIt has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-sclerotic, wound healing and antitumor effects.
walnutStrengthens vascular walls, brings vitamin C to the cells, disinfects, tones, expels worms, stabilizes the carbohydrate balance.
mustardBactericidal, antioxidant, multivitamin, antisclerotic and antitumor activity.
HypericumWound healing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
calendulaAnti-ulcer, regenerating, hepatoprotective, anti-burn effect.
CedarStimulates lactation, improves the condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system.
SesameAntiviral, laxative, antiseptic, anticholesterol effect.
cornDiuretic, antitumor, hemostatic, choleretic effect.
sea ​​buckthornHelps with skin diseases. It has anti-sclerotic and antitumor activity.
evening primroseStimulates the immune system, alleviates allergic reactions.
milk thistleWound healing, hepatoprotective, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.
PumpkinAnti-ulcer, urinary and choleretic, laxative, anthelmintic, anti-sclerotic and analgesic effect.
FukusaHas an anti-cellulite effect.
black cuminFights fungus, allergies, inflammation, prevents the development of cancer.
wild roseStimulates the immune system, helps in the fight against depression, tones, has a urinary and choleretic effect.

Cosmetic properties of base oils

Almost any base oil can be successfully used to return healthy condition skin, hair or nails. In general, such an application today is the main one for most types of this product. liquid fats, 95-98% consisting of triglycerides, are perfectly absorbed into the skin, hair or nails, promote the rapid absorption of related substances and moisturize the tissues. In many ways, it is moisture that has a strong cosmetic effect: avocado, cherry seeds, coconut, macadamia, olive - for dry, damaged and flaky skin; cedar, macadamia, corn, hazelnuts - for aging; brazil nuts, grape seeds, jojoba, St. John's wort, mango seeds, almonds - to restore and strengthen hair.

Oils for massage and tanning

Today basic natural oils can be purchased independently in pharmacies and specialized stores, so many decide to create their own mixtures for massage. There are no specific compatibility criteria; theoretically, you can combine heavy and light base oils as you like, but no more than 4-5 per product. However, to obtain the best massage effect, it is recommended to create a massage liquid based on olive, shea, jojoba, almond, coconut, macadamia, grape and apricot kernel oils.

The use of base oils to protect the skin from the sun also has a positive effect. Some of them contribute to obtaining an even tan, prevent burns, and increase the natural protective barrier. For best effect recommended to be combined with sunscreen both base and essential oils. Among the first, you should pay attention to the oils of argan, calendula, wheat germ, lavender, avocado, peach seed, jojoba, macadamia, cocoa, cedar, sesame, almond. The same list is well suited for protecting the skin from damage while swimming in the sea, however, it is no longer necessary to add essential oils.

Vegetable oils in cooking

Vegetable fats are excellent sources of energy. The fact is that fats, of which they are composed almost entirely, provide approximately 80% of the energy "base" of a person. From these, the body synthesizes and extracts vitamins, phospholipids, fatty acids, and fat-soluble nutrients.

Cooking is the main area of ​​application of some vegetable oils. Sunflower, for example, is familiar to everyone. It is fried, baked, seasoned with salads. Olive oil is used similarly, but is considered safer because it does not release carcinogenic compounds when heated. Soy is mainly used in the manufacture baby food, food products, sauces, but is also used in everyday life - for frying. Corn oil is usually fried or stewed, rarely used as a dressing. Sesame is very popular in Asian countries, where almost everything is seasoned with it, and confectionery is also made. Flaxseed is good for dressing, but not at all suitable for high-temperature processing.

For more details, see the application article.

The use of oils in aromatherapy

The term "base oil" came to the cosmetology field from aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is one of the alternative medicine, at which therapeutic effect volatile aromatic mixtures on a natural basis are carried out on the body. Thus, the basis of this therapy is made up of essential oils with a pronounced, pungent odor. However, due to their volatility, it becomes necessary to create a non-volatile base - a liquid that slows down their evaporation. Most often, light base oils are used in aromatic blends.

The use of oils in Ayurveda

Liquid vegetable fats are widely used not only in aromatherapy, but also in other alternative medical practices. So, in Ayurveda, vegetable oils (basic and essential) are used in the treatment of a variety of problems. It is believed that inhalations and incense based on it strengthen sleep, relieve nightmares, stabilize the state of mind, bring harmony, good luck and happiness.

The use of oils in soap making

Soap home cooking, according to those who use it, is no match for that produced by chemical concerns for mass production. The fact is that it has increased therapeutic and cosmetic properties, which appear due to enrichment with liquid vegetable fats. Incidentally, in addition to positive qualities, these basic components prevent the rapid volatilization of essential components.

Moreover, base oils are called so because soap making is almost impossible without them - it is they that, when reacted with alkali, turn into soap. self made. Naturally, the properties of the final product depend on the type of feedstock. Individual subtleties are described in the material on how they are applied, but here it would be more appropriate to make a small summary of skin types:

  • normal: jojoba, shea, mango, cocoa, almond;
  • dry: avocado, castor, wheat germ, peach and apricot pits, macadamia;
  • arnica, jojoba, coconut, grape seeds, wild rose;
  • jojoba, olives, rapeseed, watermelon seeds.

How to store vegetable oils. Best before date

When choosing such a specific product for use in therapeutic and cosmetic purposes attention should be paid to unrefined liquids. They go through fewer processing steps and retain more co-ingredients that expand the range of useful properties. But the question of the use of unrefined oils in cooking causes a lot of controversy. On the one hand, it more vitamins, antioxidants and phospholipids, and on the other hand, such a product is accused of increasing the risk of atherosclerosis and excess weight.

Since liquid vegetable fats oxidize when exposed to light, they must be stored in the dark. The recommended temperature is from 5˚C to 20˚C, without fluctuations. Unrefined liquids are better stored in the lower part of this range, so they are best put in the refrigerator (the appearance of flakes and turbidity is the norm). It is better not to use metal containers.

The shelf life of an unopened product can be up to 2 years. After opening, it is advisable to use it within 1 month. When cleaning the neck of the vessel, this period can be slightly extended. A spoiled product is easily recognized by its rancid aroma and taste. Base fat blends should be used within 7 days and kept refrigerated.

The main contraindications for the use of oils

Unfortunately, the use of base vegetable oils for cosmetic and other purposes can sometimes be negative effect. The reasons for this can be a variety of circumstances, up to individual characteristics which are impossible to predict. It is worth noting that self-mixing of oils is done at your own peril and risk, and you should be more careful when buying mixtures. It is necessary that the product must contain instructions and a label indicating the expiration date.

As a rule, an extensive list of contraindications is inherent in essential oils, and basic vegetable oils do not have such a dramatic effect. However, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to fry on most of them, since poisonous toxic substances are released. Also, with vegetable fats, one should be more careful in case of violations of the digestive organs, low acidity of gastric juice, poor peristalsis intestines, cholecystitis.

By the way, the widely known opinion about the dangers of palm oil is not true. The bottom line is that it has virtually no useful substances and has a low nutritional value but does no direct harm.

How to choose quality vegetable base oils

The following quality indicators will help in choosing a quality vegetable oil for the average consumer:

  1. The refined product is always transparent and has no sediments or additives visible to the eye.
  2. The color can vary in the spectrum from light yellow to greenish, depending on the feedstock and processing technology.
  3. Tastes and aromas that do not correspond to the product are not allowed.
  4. If the product has been on the shelf for a long time since its manufacture, it is better to leave it there. Remember that light promotes oxidation and change food quality fat.
  5. High cost is not an indicator of quality, but also cheap a good product can not be.
  6. High-quality vegetable oil must be produced in accordance with GOST and international standards quality (ISO, CMK).
  7. Attention to the label will help to avoid deception. Sometimes under the guise specific product sell a mixture of related.

In this article, we'll talk about unique properties base oils. competes with the most expensive and elite creams, yielding to them only in price :) . In addition, 100% natural oils do not contain preservatives, fragrances and other poisonous ballast components.

Vegetable oils are divided into base and essential.

base oils on biochemical indicators similar to skin, which allows them to penetrate to the deep layers of the epidermis and deliver there healing substances. Therefore, they are also called base oils, transport or carrier oils.

They can be used on their own cosmetic product, and as a base for blending with essential oils and other ingredients.

Buying base oils pay attention to composition, it should not contain synthetic impurities, dyes, preservatives.

For the production of 100% pure vegetable oils, the cold pressing method is used and subsequent high-quality filtration without the use of high temperatures. This method keeps everything valuable properties oil and extend its shelf life.

Base oils have unique regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, due to their composition: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, phytosterols, phospholipids.

Well absorbed by the body, oils are involved in chemical processes and are natural stimulant the most important biochemical and physiological processes:

  • accelerate cellular metabolism;
  • improve skin nutrition;
  • promote the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen;
  • improve the circulation of lymph and blood;
  • increase skin tone;
  • effectively cleanse the skin while nourishing it;
  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fatty acid

Unique healing properties many oils are due to the presence of fatty acids in their composition, which are divided into saturated and unsaturated.

With a high content of saturated acids, oils will be solid even when room temperatures. The lower the acid content, the softer the oil.

fatty unsaturated acids have great value for the body: they are actively involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate the production of hormones necessary for the body. The higher the content of unsaturated acids in the composition of the oil, the more liquid it is.

Oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, which is responsible for the construction of biological membranes in the human body, has especially valuable properties. Oils containing it in large quantities are easily absorbed and absorbed by the skin. Most rich in oleic acid olive oil(up to 85%).

Many unsaturated acids are not synthesized by our body and can only come from food or through the skin. They are called essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3) They are vital for the health of the skin and the body as a whole. These include linoleic, linolenic, gamma-linolenic acids, as well as their derivatives.

deficit essential acids leads:

  • to damage the skin barrier, as a result, microorganisms, allergens, harmful substances, arise inflammatory reactions, skin diseases;
  • to transepidermal moisture loss;
  • to chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes;
  • to deterioration of the brain.

Signs of an essential acid deficiency: peeling of the skin, feeling of dryness, increased irritability and sensitivity of the skin, itching, redness.

To permanently eliminate these unpleasant symptoms must be included in the diet and skin care natural fats and oils containing essential fatty acids.

The best sources of essential fatty acids oils of borage (borage), blackcurrant, aspen (evening primrose) are considered. Gamma linolenic acid found in these oils

  • stops,
  • normalizes hormone levels, reduces oily skin,
  • inhibits the formation of melanin, brightens the skin.

Useful for internal use:

  • linseed oil(the necessary daily balance of essential fatty acids is contained in one or two tablespoons). Before using the oil, be sure to read the contraindications!
  • Fish oil (salmon, mackerel, salmon, sardines, eel and so on),
  • pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, nuts.

So, let's summarize and list

oils to watch out for if you are deficient in essential fatty acids

Liquid oils:

In the following publications:

  • what oils are suitable for .

Check out beauty recipes!

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