The secrets of beautiful hair will be revealed by flax seeds. Flaxseed for hair - proper care

Many natural substances can be of great benefit to man. Some of them are used as food - to saturate the body with nutrients and to improve it. Other natural components affect a person as a medicine or are used as a means of preventing various ailments. And still others can be used as natural cosmetics. So for body care, products based on them are also excellent. The topic of our conversation today will be a linen mask for hair and face at home.

Flaxseed hair mask

Flaxseed face mask for oily skin

To prepare such a composition, you need to combine a teaspoon of flaxseeds with the same amount of ground. Brew with a little milk and let it brew. Apply the resulting slurry on the face and neck for twenty minutes, then wash with warm water.

Mask for all skin types

To prepare this kind of mask, you need to prepare a couple of teaspoons of flax seeds, brew them with a hundred milliliters of boiled water only. Stir a couple of teaspoons of unsweetened into the cooled mixture. Mix the mass well and apply it on the cleansed skin of the face. Wash your face after twenty minutes.

Linseed oil face mask for dry skin

Flaxseed oil is great for dry skin care. In this case, a teaspoon of oil should be mixed with raw egg yolk and a teaspoon of quality honey. Mix well and heat in hot water. Apply the prepared mass on the face, and after a quarter of an hour, wash with warm water.

Linseed oil for cosmetic mask for dry, normal and combination skin

To prepare such an amazingly healthy nourishing, moisturizing and tonic mask, you need to prepare a tablespoon of sour cream and mix it with one raw egg yolk, one teaspoon. Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Then add a teaspoon of linseed oil to it and mix well. Apply the mass on the skin of the face for fifteen to twenty minutes. Wash off with cool water afterwards.

Yeast and milk face mask for dry, combination and

To prepare such a nourishing, refreshing and tonic mask, you need to prepare a tablespoon of ordinary yeast, mix a little milk into it to make a thick gruel. Pour a teaspoon of linseed oil into it, the same amount of quality honey, half a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well and apply generously on the face. After a quarter of an hour, wash with cool water.

Flax is an amazingly healthy product that can bring huge health benefits. Using it for skin and hair care, you will notice a positive result very quickly - after just a few procedures.

Alternative treatment with flax seeds

Flaxseeds are often advised to use for healing the body - as a component of a proper and healthy diet. But in addition, such a product also has a variety of healing qualities.

Flax seed from swelling of the legs and face. So traditional medicine experts say that flax seeds are not bad. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew four teaspoons of flaxseeds with one liter of boiling water. Boil such a remedy over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then leave it to infuse for an hour under the lid. The finished medicine should be taken in half a glass with an interval of two hours six to eight times a day.

Infusion of flax seeds for gastritis, inflammatory lesions, represented by bronchitis, cough, dysbacteriosis, cystitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The abundant mucus that is secreted from flax seeds has enveloping, softening and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare the drug, you need to brew a teaspoon of flax seeds with half a liter of boiling water. Shake the medicine for fifteen minutes, then strain. Take a couple of tablespoons three to four times a day.

Flax seeds for constipation. If you suffer from disorders in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract - from constipation, flaxseed can be a real find for you. To cope with such a problem, you can simply eat it one to two teaspoons a day, drinking a significant amount of water. You can also mix equal parts of flaxseeds and honey and take this mixture with water.

From constipation drink infusion of flax seed. To treat constipation, you can grind a couple of teaspoons of flaxseeds. Brew them with one glass of boiled water only. Insist for half an hour, then take without filtering.

flax seed for arthritis. Flaxseeds will help to cope with arthritis. In this case, based on them, it is advised to prepare compresses. To do this, heat the seeds in a pan, pour them into bags and apply to the affected joint.

Treatment of spurs and cracked legs. To eliminate heel spurs, healers advise brewing flaxseed with milk. The resulting slurry should be applied to the heels. And flax jelly perfectly heals cracks in the feet. To prepare it, brew a tablespoon of flaxseeds with a glass of just boiled water. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Cool the cooked jelly, soak a piece of cloth in it and put it on the heels. Repeat the procedure daily.

Flax seed and milk for sinusitis. Patients suffering from sinusitis are advised to brew a couple of tablespoons of flaxseeds with half a liter of milk. Boil over low heat for ten minutes. Breathe over the steam from such a decoction until it cools.

Flaxseeds are an amazingly healthy product. They will help cleanse the body, get rid of various diseases and improve the appearance by an order of magnitude.

The healing properties of flax have been valued in our country since ancient times. Vitamins and proteins, complex plant compounds and fatty acids - what the seeds of this age-old plant do not contain. It is not surprising that home cosmetology has not bypassed flax.

In particular, in hair care with the help of flax seeds, you can accelerate their growth, strengthen hair, and also give hairstyles a lasting fixation.

In addition, on the basis of flax, you can prepare nourishing masks for damaged hair, giving hair shine. How to do this tells the Pantry of Beauty.

Linen for hair - folk recipes

  • Mask for activating hair growth.

An easy-to-make recipe that requires a few teaspoons of flax seeds for hair and hot water. Based on the length, you need to take 2-4 full teaspoons of seeds and pour them with hot water at the rate of 1 teaspoon - 200 ml. hot water. The components of the mask should be thoroughly mixed to a thickened mass. You can use a blender.

The resulting mask is generously applied to the hair roots, abundantly impregnating the hair, the rest of the mixture is evenly distributed along the entire length. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap and left in this form for 1.5-2 hours.

Wash off with running water using shampoo. Do not be afraid of pieces of seeds tangled in the hair when applying the mask. When rinsing the hair with water, they are washed off.

The mask is used 1-3 times a week, depending on the desired result. An intensive course of linen hair masks will not only make them shiny, but also accelerate growth.

  • Flax decoction rinse for hair

To obtain a flax decoction, 3 tablespoons of flax seeds are poured into 3 liters of hot water and infused for 4-6 hours. Before use, the broth is filtered and, at its own discretion, a few (2-3) drops of essential oils (coniferous or citrus) are added. Rinse clean hair.

If after such a rinse on the hair there is a “sticky” effect (which happens rarely, but it is possible depending on the structure of your hair), the infusion of flax seeds can be diluted with a decoction of chamomile in equal proportions.

  • Flax strong hold hair gel

Strong hold gel from flax seeds - it's possible! The principle of its action is based not on industrial chemistry (as in purchased products), but on a high concentration of seed extract in the prepared product. What is needed for this?

2 tablespoons of flax seeds pour 200 ml. warm water. In a water bath, the mixture is brought to a boil and removed from heat. Next, the product is allowed to brew, cooling down naturally.

At the end, the broth is carefully filtered, separating the seeds. To do this, you can use gauze or a sieve. After several stages of "cleansing" (straining), the flax hair gel is ready for use.

Flax seeds are a versatile and affordable hair beauty product. On its basis, masks for growth, home-made compositions for lamination and even styling are made. A decoction of flaxseeds can be rinsed after washing and added to shampoo to soften and enrich it with nutrients.

This article has collected verified information about all the methods and rules for using flax seeds for hair. Read and use recipes at home.

Benefits of flax seeds

This natural product contains a lot of substances valuable for hair:

  • Oils. It is from the seeds that the famous linseed oil is obtained by pressing. But in its pure form it is not always convenient to use because of the difficulties with rinsing. In the seeds, its concentration is low, most masks do not require rinsing. But they bring tangible benefits to the hair.
  • Phytoestrogens. They are powerful antioxidants, protect and nourish hair, significantly accelerate their growth.
  • Fatty acids known as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Restore curls, treat split ends, eliminate porosity, close scales, smooth and moisturize hair.
  • Vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B. Prevent loss, heal roots and entire length. Gives shine and softness.
  • Trace elements potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper. Entering the hair follicles, they help the growth of stronger and thicker hair.
  • The mucus secreted by flax seeds soothes the scalp, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching, and normalizes lipid balance.

Application of flax seed for hair

You can use flax seeds for hair both externally and internally. Beauty is impossible without a healthy and clean body. It is recommended to eat 1-2 tablespoons ground daily, you can add them to cereals, pastries and salads. They will improve digestion, cleanse toxins and make up for the lack of vitamins and essential trace elements. Hair will become much stronger and shinier, and as a bonus, the condition of the skin and nails will improve.

When used externally, the result will be noticeable immediately. Curls will be flowing, obedient, voluminous. There are several options for using flaxseed for hair, and general recommendations apply to all of them:

  1. Flax seeds in rare cases can cause allergies. Test yourself for an individual reaction - apply a drop of the composition to the bend of the elbow for 15 minutes. If there is no itching and redness, this remedy can be safely applied to the hair.
  2. Most masks do not require rinsing. It is impossible to overdo it with a decoction and infusion of flax seeds - they will never cause sticky and sticky curls.
  3. All formulations with flax seeds are applied to clean, slightly damp hair after washing. So they are better distributed and penetrate into the roots and hair shafts.
  4. When applying it is necessary to pay attention to both the scalp and the entire length.
  5. In order to prevent the compositions from drying out ahead of time, after applying the composition, wrap the head with a film or put on a shower cap.
  6. Masks work better in heat, so the effect will enhance the creation of the sauna effect - warm your head with a woolen hat, scarf or just a towel on top.
  7. Usually, for the maximum result, 15 procedures are enough with a frequency of once every 3 days, but it all depends on the initial state of the hair. For prevention, it is recommended to use flax seeds for hair once every 10-12 days.

Flax seed hair masks

Flax seeds for hair lamination

Flax will cover the strands with a protective film, protect them from the effects of a hair dryer and dry air, make them visually thicker and more voluminous. Thanks to the bay oil, the hair will become radiant and silky. Unlike salon lamination, the home procedure will not harm the hair. It can be carried out regularly, without fear for the health of the hair.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Bay essential oil - 3 drops.


  1. Pour flax with boiling water, leave for 2 hours under the lid.
  2. Strain. Add bey.
  3. Apply to clean strands. Wrap with foil, insulate, hold for 2 hours.
  4. Remove the film, separate the hair with your fingers, let the curls dry naturally.
  5. Comb thoroughly.

Flax seed decoction

This is the basic, easiest and fastest recipe. You can simply rub a decoction of the seeds into the roots and length after washing, or you can add it to your shampoo. The second method will prevent the curls from drying out during the washing process, and prevent the occurrence of brittleness and split ends.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Water - 300 ml.


  1. Pour flax with water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Cover with a lid, leave for 20-30 minutes. The result is a decoction of a gel consistency.
  3. Strain and chill. Store in refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  4. When washing your hair, mix shampoo with decoction in a ratio of 1: 3 and use it as usual. Especially useful for dry hair and in the fight against dandruff.
  5. Apply an additional decoction to the already washed curls, massaging the roots for 5-10 minutes with your fingertips. Distribute along the length. No need to rinse.

Flax seed mask for hair growth

In combination with colorless henna and mustard, flax seeds will help accelerate growth by up to 3-4 cm per month. Do not forget to do the procedures regularly - once every 3 days. The duration of the course is 3 weeks, then take a break for 1 month. Colorless henna does not affect hair color. This mask can be done for both blondes and brunettes.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Mustard - 10 grams.
  • Colorless henna - 20 grams.


  1. Pour the flax seeds with water, put in a water bath. Steam covered for 30 minutes.
  2. Immediately strain and pour hot henna decoction, mix, leave for half an hour.
  3. Add mustard, stir again.
  4. Apply to roots after shampooing. With oily hair, you can distribute it along the length, but with dry hair it is better not to do this.
  5. Wrap your head in cling film. Leave for 5-10 minutes, no more!
  6. Wash off with warm water.
  7. At the end, rinse the curls with a decoction of herbs or water with apple or grape vinegar.

Flax seeds for styling

When there are no styling products at hand, flaxseeds will come to the rescue. If possible, it is desirable to generally replace with them the usual foams and gels with many dubious chemical components. This all-natural botanical treatment will help your hair style last all day without causing any damage.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops.


  1. Cover the flax with water, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.
  2. Cover with a lid, leave for 3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve.
  3. Add grapefruit. It acts as a natural preservative - the resulting styling gel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 8 days.
  4. Apply to damp or dry hair and style as usual. Flax will protect the strands when laying with a curling iron and ironing, without weighing them down at all.

Linen hair conditioner

On the basis of flax, you can prepare a natural conditioner that smoothes and softens even porous, naughty curls. Use it after every wash to revitalize your hair and speed up its growth.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Filtered water - 1 liter.
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% - 1 teaspoon.
  • Essential oil of ylang-ylang - 5 drops.


  1. Pour flax with water, bring to a boil. Cover with a lid, leave for 8 hours. It is convenient to do this in the evening - then in the morning the rinse aid will be ready.
  2. Strain, add vinegar and ylang-ylang, stir.
  3. Wash your head, rinse with the resulting broth. Try to saturate every strand with it.
  4. There is no need to rinse the rinse aid.
  5. Dry your hair in the usual way.

Flax seed infusion

Flax seeds lose some of their beneficial properties when boiled. It is believed that flaxseed infusion is more useful than decoction, but it will take more time to prepare it. But you get a gel full of vitamins and valuable substances that will restore even very damaged hair.


  • Flax seeds - 10 grams.
  • Water - 300 ml.


  1. Filter and boil water. Wait until it cools down to 40-50 degrees.
  2. Place the seeds in a thermos, fill with water, close the lid.
  3. Leave for 8-10 hours.
  4. Strain the gel through cheesecloth.
  5. Use to rub into the scalp, add to masks or shampoo.


Take care of yourself with natural and inexpensive products - they are no worse than salon procedures! Flax seeds for hair are one of the best home remedies. They care, nourish, moisturize, and can replace a whole arsenal of store-bought cosmetics. Try the recipes here and experience all the benefits for yourself.

Flaxseed is often referred to as one of the great herbs given to us by mother nature. It helps to normalize metabolism, is a good remedy for the prevention of many diseases, has a cleansing effect on the body and treats hair loss. How to use flax seeds for hair?

Flax: healing properties and benefits for hair

The medicinal properties of flaxseed are associated with a high content of fatty acids, vitamins and fiber. Flax is often used as a reliable tool for strengthening the whole body by professional athletes and healthy eaters. This herb helps in the fight against hair loss and baldness, improves the overall condition of the hair and hair follicles.

Flaxseed contains three key components that have healing properties. These are omega-3 fatty acids, plant estrogens with antioxidant activity, regulated hormone levels, as well as fiber that is useful for digestion. A flax seed is made up of a total of about 20% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and slightly more than 40% fat.

Flaxseed is rich in essential fatty acids, specifically omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The so-called "healthy fats", thanks to which the body functions properly, but cannot produce them itself. Flaxseed oil promotes the growth of healthy nails and hair. Flaxseed oil can stimulate hair follicles.

Flaxseed oil is made from brown flaxseeds. The oil should be stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator.

How to use flaxseed and flaxseed oil

Once you start using flaxseed and oil in your food and beauty treatments, you will immediately notice the benefits. When hair looks dull and dry, it may be due to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the body. By using flaxseed oil, you can restore the balance of these essential fatty acids.

You need 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil once a day before meals. You can add it to a salad of fresh vegetables and eat it before the main meal. Thus, flax for hair will act from the inside.

As a mask, you must use flax oil. The flax hair mask is easy to prepare. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil with 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of kefir. Apply the well-mixed mixture to the hair, especially well on the scalp and on the ends of the hair. Leave for 30 minutes.

Shampoo against hair loss with flaxseed

We bring to your attention a very effective recipe with flaxseed for hair loss and against baldness, which you can prepare at home quickly and easily.

Pour three tablespoons of seed into two liters of water, and then boil this water. We prepare a decoction of flax for hair. Remove the decoction from the heat and let stand for about twelve hours. Once this period has passed, strain the decoction. With the resulting decoction, thoroughly rinse the hair previously washed with shampoo. No need to wash your hair after the procedure. It is necessary to do this rinse three times a week for 60 days.

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Ugly, white flax,
Thin, long and tall!
Up - heady,
Down - stocky,
With a blue flower
With a golden root!

As you already understood, my dear readers, I dedicate this article to flax. Or rather, how you can use its seeds and oil for the beauty of our hair.

Flax is a herbaceous plant, from the stems of which spinning fiber is obtained, and from the seeds - oil and other useful products.

There are three types of linen:
- fiber flax, used mainly for the production of textile fibers;
- linen-mezheumok, its fiber can be used for the production of coarse fabrics and twine;
- curly flax or cultivated flax cultivated for seeds (oil flax)

In the history of mankind, flaxseeds have been used for more than nine millennia. This is one of the oldest cultivated plants. There is a version that flax comes from the Eastern Mediterranean.
Flax appeared on the territory of our country in 2-1 thousand BC. Flax growing and linen clothes were so widespread in Russia that an article on punishments for the theft of flax and linen clothes was included in the judicial codes of Yaroslav the Wise. And the first standard of Russia, approved by Peter the Great, was the standard for flax. In the middle of the 19th century, flax was the main export product and the main item of filling the state treasury. For example, in 1843, flax was exported to Europe for 19 million silver rubles, while the export of bread did not exceed 12 million, lard - 12 million, hemp - 7 million rubles.

In ancient Russian agriculture, flax was not only a spinning plant, but also an oil-bearing plant. From time immemorial, our ancestors cooked special holiday dishes with flaxseed oil, added flaxseed flour to pastries.
Special holidays were dedicated to the culture of flax in Russia. One of them was associated with sowing, it was celebrated on the last day of May. It was called "Seven Maidens". The people still say: they sow flax at the seven Alens.

Flax in Russia had its own patroness - Saint Parascovia. It was to her that at the end of the linen harvest, on October 28, the holiday was dedicated. The patroness of flax growing was called differently, but more often the flaxseed. On the day of Parascovia the flax, it was customary to crush flax and bring it to church.
Often the income of the family depended on the harvest of this crop, so it was not in vain that they said: "Sow flax - reap gold."

“When flaxseed became a common ingredient in human nutrition, their health would improve."
Mahatma Gandhi

Flax has many useful and healing properties, due to which it is widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Various medicines and supplements are prepared from flax.
Numerous studies have shown that the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in flax seeds help prevent heart disease, improve skin and hair, and aid in weight loss. The composition of flaxseeds is rich in vitamins A, C, E, F. Also there are potassium, manganese, magnesium, amino acids necessary for the body, minerals and antioxidants, gluten, zinc, aluminum, chromium, iron, calcium, nickel, iodine.
Regular daily consumption of flax seeds in an amount up to 25 gr. replenishes the loss of all the nutrients that the body needs at the moment.
Fiber, which is rich in seeds, provides rapid satiety without overloading the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps to remove waste and toxins.

Just keep in mind that flaxseed and oil from it, with certain diseases, should be taken with caution or not taken at all. And it is best to consult with your doctor first.

- In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, especially with inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
– With cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
– With various diseases of the digestive system (colitis, pancreatitis);
– For food allergies, especially in children;
– With various gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, etc.);
-During pregnancy and lactation.

Another unique product that is made from flax is oil. It is obtained by cold pressing from flaxseed.
It has a greenish-yellow color with a brownish tinge, a light, pleasant nutty taste.
The crude oil contains vitamins F (46%), A, E, minerals, as well as the richest collection of fatty acids: up to 70% triglycerides of linoleic and g-linolenic acids, Palmitic 5.0%, Stearic 1.6%, Oleic 20.9%, Linoleic 16.5% , Linolenic 55.8%, Arachidic 0.1%, Eicosenic 0.1%.

Flaxseed oil is used in dietary nutrition in patients with impaired fat metabolism, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, brain disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty hepatosis.

At the same time, oil is widely used not only in nutrition and medicine, but also in cosmetology. Flaxseed oil has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin of the face and body. Due to its unique composition, this product has an antioxidant, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, wound healing effect.
It is an excellent means of nourishing, moisturizing, softening and protecting the skin. It is used to improve skin tone, elasticity, tighten the oval of the face, to care for dry hair and brittle nails.

Recipes for hair with flaxseed and flax oil.

Flax slime to stimulate growth.
1 tbsp Pour seeds into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for at least three hours, periodically shaking the thermos. Strain the resulting mass from the seeds. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
Apply to the scalp and hair, preferably after washing at least 3 times a week. Keep one hour (or more) under the film and hat.

Hair rinse for shine.
We take 1 tsp. seeds, fall asleep in a thermos and pour 500 ml. boiling water. We insist on the night. Shake, strain and add water to one and a half to two liters. Rinse hair after washing, do not rinse. If desired, you can add essential oils according to the type of hair (2-3 drops)

Linen infusion instead of varnish.
Pour 1 tsp into the pan. seed and pour 300g. boiling water. Put the saucepan on a small fire, wait until it boils. Don't forget to stir constantly. Boil 1 minute, and set aside for 2 hours to infuse. Stir the mixture every 20 minutes.
Strained infusion is a universal remedy for fixing hairstyles.

Flaxseed hair oil has an excellent effect in the treatment, strengthening and restoration of damaged and dry hair, restores their strength and shine. It is very useful to drink linseed oil in the morning, twenty minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. This should be done daily for 2-3 months.

Flaxseed oil can be rubbed in its pure form into the scalp and applied to the hair under the film and insulation before washing the head. Keep 30-60 minutes. You can rub the oil at night.

Linen mask for dry hair.
2 tablespoons of flax oil, 1.5 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka. Mix, rub into the scalp Leave for 30 minutes, warming. Rinse hair well with shampoo. Do it once a week.

Linen mask for hair growth.
2 tbsp linseed oil, 2 tbsp. onion juice, 1 tbsp. honey. All components are mixed and applied to the hair roots for 30-40 minutes. before shampooing.

Mask for split ends №1
Linseed oil mixed with burdock / castor oils, gives an amazing effect in the treatment of split ends and brittle ends. Oils are mixed 1k1, preheated in a water bath and applied to damaged ends, before washing the head for 15-20 minutes.

Mask for split ends №2
Take 50 ml of linseed oil and 30 ml. glycerin mix in one bottle. Keep refrigerated. Rub the mixture into the ends of the hair at night for a month.

For the treatment of dry seborrhea use a medical preparation linetol based on linseed oil, rubbing into the hair roots two to three times a week. The ointment should be preheated. The duration of treatment is ten procedures, then a three-week break should be made, and another ten procedures should be carried out.

Hair mask for oily and mixed types.
Take 2 tbsp. oils, 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 5 cap. rosemary essential oil. Stir, rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your hair in the usual way for you, using shampoo.

Nourishing hair mask.
1 tbsp linseed oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 2 egg yolks.
Grind the yolks, mix the oil with lemon juice. Gradually add flaxseed oil with juice to the yolks. Apply to clean scalp, spread over the entire length of the hair. Insulate. Keep 20-40 min. Wash off with warm water.

Shelf life of linseed oil is 3-6 months. Store in a tightly closed dark container. Once opened, store in the refrigerator for 1 month. It is easily oxidized, so it is necessary to protect it from exposure to light and air. It belongs to the fast-drying oils, as it easily polymerizes in the presence of atmospheric oxygen (“dries out”). This ability is due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids.

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