Horseradish is ordinary. Dangerous properties of horseradish

Ecology of health: Horseradish can be used as an excellent cleanser that removes mucus from the body without damaging or irritating the mucous membranes. For this you need

Medicinal properties of horseradish

The healing properties of horseradish are associated with the irritating and stimulating effect of mustard oil, which is part of it, which improves the functioning of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with low acidity, increases appetite, and also helps with diseases of the gallbladder, intestinal atony. Of course, horseradish is not recommended for acute and severe forms of all these diseases, especially kidney diseases, although horseradish is an excellent diuretic. It has long been known and methods of horseradish treatment of cardiovascular diseases - angina pectoris, ischemia, anemia.


Like any medicine, horseradish has its contraindications. In acute inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach, it cannot be used. Eating horseradish in large doses can cause an increase in blood pressure. With an increase in acidity, with other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with diseases of the liver and kidneys, the use of horseradish is undesirable not only for medicinal purposes, but also for food purposes. Therefore, if you have health problems, then before treating horseradish, you need to consult a doctor. But this advice applies to all medicinal plants.

horseradish treatment

For the prevention of colds horseradish poultices are made to feet and shins that are supercooled or soaked in cold weather. It is used as antiscorbutic, expectorant. Horseradish essential oil constricts blood vessels at high concentrations and dilates them at low concentrations.

Horseradish juice in its pure form is not used because it contains very strong essential substances. Horseradish is usually used in the form of gruel, adding lemon juice to it.. For 150 g of horseradish gruel - juice of 2-3 lemons. This is the most efficient ratio.The resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day for 1/2 teaspoon. Such a mixture does not irritate the kidneys, gallbladder or mucous membrane of the digestive tract, however, it is extremely effective in ridding the body of accumulated mucus, which is very important in the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Besides, horseradish gruel with lemon juice is a strong diuretic, especially useful for swelling and dropsy.

Freshly squeezed juice, gruel from horseradish roots and horseradish water infusions are used as antimicrobial rinse for inflammation of the mouth and pharynx. For the preparation of water infusion take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated root, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a sealed container and filter.

The same infusion is taken to increase appetite. 1 st. spoon 30 minutes before meals. The juice of fresh horseradish roots contains lysozyme, an antibiotic substance. it natural antibiotic k, so fuck works well in the treatment of diseases of infectious origin.

The juice squeezed from the whole plant is recommended to be taken in the morning and evening. in the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Root juice with honey or sugar taken for liver disease.

Used horseradish and how effective cosmetic product for removing freckles and dark spots on the skin. To do this, rub the problem areas with horseradish juice diluted with water.


To do this, rub fresh horseradish(1 teaspoon) and add honey so that the entire amount of horseradish and honey does not exceed 1 tbsp. spoons. Eat this mixture on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast, the course of treatment is no more than 30 days. With unpleasant sensations, the dose of horseradish is reduced, then gradually again brought to 1 teaspoon. During treatment, the strictest regimen is prohibited: smoking, alcohol, overstrain - mental and physical, hypothermia, overheating (it is recommended to conduct 5-6-month courses for 3 years).


1. It is recommended to use horseradish decoction: 100 grams of grated roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes under a lid at a low boil. Let cool, strain. Take half a cup before meals three times a day.

2. A mixture of freshly grated root has a similar effect.(1 tablespoon) and sour cream(1 glass). It keeps well in the refrigerator with a tight lid. It is taken in a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The taste of this medicine is not as sharp as the previous ones.


1 st. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of beetroot juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of carrot juice, 1 glass of horseradish juice (grated horseradish is preliminarily infused in water for 36 hours), juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything, take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months. From traditional medicine, recipes for mixtures with honey have come down to us, taken to lower blood pressure in hypertension.

First recipe: mix 1 glass of carrot juice, horseradish juice and honey with the juice of one lemon. Store in a glass jar with a tight lid in a cool place. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day one hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals.

Second recipe: add a glass of beetroot juice to the contents of the first recipe. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day at the same time in relation to food. The duration of treatment is 1.5–2 months.


Grate fresh horseradish, mix 1 teaspoon of the resulting slurry with such an amount of honey that the total amount of honey and horseradish slurry does not exceed 1 tbsp. spoons, and eat this mixture on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast. This old recipe can be safely used today. It is only necessary to take into account that horseradish should be consumed in this form for no more than 30 days in a row.

With unpleasant sensations, the dose of horseradish must be reduced, then gradually brought back to 1 teaspoon. If necessary, treatment can be resumed, but not earlier than after 2 months. During treatment, do not smoke, drink alcohol and do not overexert yourself. Within 3 years, it is recommended to conduct 5-6 monthly courses of horseradish treatment.


For the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections and other colds, there is an old, popularly proven method- breathe grated horseradish. Back in the 70s of the last century, the American immunologist William Poll proved that horseradish peroxidase, when rubbed, increases the phagocytosis of microphages to antibodies by 400 times and destroys microbes that cause not only inflammation of the respiratory tract, but also cancer cells. From time immemorial, still not knowing anything about the flu, people treated colds with horseradish.

A thousand years ago, horseradish was used as a remedy.

1. Inhalations from horseradish roots with potatoes. Boil them in a small amount of water so that the steam comes from the roots and not from the water. Add two tablets of validol to the solution. Inhale the steam through your mouth and nose, bending over the pan, for 10 minutes. If the inflammatory process is acute, inhalation is done in the morning and evening.

2. Grate horseradish roots and breathe for 1-2 minutes until tears come out of your eyes. You need to do this daily, until complete recovery.

3. 1 st. pour a spoonful of chopped horseradish roots with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. The solution can be used for gargling.

4. Cough helps a mixture of fresh juice of radish, carrot and horseradish. Mix freshly prepared juice in equal proportions and add the same amount of milk or water with honey to the mixture. Drink several sips at least six times a day.

5. Chest pain caused by coughing, boiled juice of turnip and horseradish with sugar helps. Cut the turnip and horseradish roots into cubes, pour a small amount of water and boil for several minutes. Then steam in the oven for an hour and a half, then squeeze. In the resulting juice, add sugar or honey to taste and take it warm, 1 tbsp. spoon every hour during the day.

6. For chronic cough helps a mixture of horseradish and lemon juice (1:1). Take 1/2 teaspoon after breakfast and lunch.

7. Treatment of sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal and maxillary cavities. To do this, the dug out horseradish root or lying on the preservation is thoroughly washed, cleaned of the ground, removed the top layer, rubbed on a grater. 1/3 cup of this mass is mixed with the juice of 2-3 lemons. It turns out a rather thick mixture of the consistency of sour cream, which is taken in half a teaspoon in the morning and 20–25 minutes after meals daily. At the first doses of the mixture, lacrimation appears.

As treatment progresses, pain and tearing decrease. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. After a two-week break, a similar course is repeated. There is a significant improvement in health. However, the treatment must be patiently continued twice a year - in spring and autumn, without waiting for an exacerbation of the disease. After two years, the attacks usually stop.

8. From horseradish you can make an excellent cleanser that removes mucus from the body, without damaging or irritating mucous membranes. To do this, mix 150 g gruel of grated horseradish and juice of 2-3 lemons. This mixture is taken 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner. The resulting drug can not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a week. At the beginning of the reception, this remedy causes lacrimation, discomfort in the head, but you should not pay attention to this while continuing the treatment. If the discomfort disappears, then the body is completely freed from mucus.

After that, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice for several days before meals. It will help to remove the mucus dissolved due to horseradish from the body and strengthen the mucous membranes of the whole organism.

9. When the body is hypothermic in order to avoid colds It is recommended to apply grated horseradish to the feet and shins. A cake obtained from a gruel of grated horseradish is applied to the joints, chest, lower back. Like mustard plasters, it has a strong warming effect.

10. With bronchitis it is recommended to grate 150 g of horseradish, mix with the juice of two lemons and take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, as well as during coughing fits. Do not stop treatment until the disease has passed. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, warm slightly when used.

11. With a strong cough make an insole from horseradish leaves and put it in socks at night. You can do it during the day too.

12. Chronic runny nose. Grate horseradish root, mix with juice of 2 lemons. Take half a teaspoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals. There may be tearing. But then it and with it the runny nose will stop.

14. Ear diseases. With purulent inflammation, 2 drops of horseradish juice, mixed in half with water, are instilled.

15. A mixture of grated horseradish and honey in equal proportions helps with bronchial asthma. Take 1 teaspoon twice a day - before breakfast and before dinner.

16. A mixture of 150 grams of grated horseradish and the juice of two lemons is excellent helps in the treatment of bronchitis, if taken in a teaspoon before breakfast and with a fit of coughing. This treatment can be supplemented with horseradish compresses: a cloth soaked in fresh horseradish juice is applied to the chest, after lubricating the skin with vegetable oil from the burn. Keep no more than 10-15 minutes, if it burns strongly, remove it earlier.

17. Treatment of sinusitis. The horseradish root is thoroughly washed, the top layer is removed and grated. 1/3 cup of this mass is mixed with the juice of 2-3 lemons. It turns out a rather thick mixture of the consistency of sour cream, which is taken daily in half a teaspoon in the morning, 20-25 minutes after a meal. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. After a two-week break, a second course is carried out. Treatment should be patiently carried out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn, without waiting for an exacerbation of the disease.

18. Asthma. Wash fresh horseradish, but do not clean. Grate 150 g. Add juice squeezed from two medium-sized lemons. Take 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Do not give to children!


1. In the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis, horseradish gruel is very effective. Wipe apples of any variety and horseradish in equal amounts. Mixed slurry in the form of cakes is applied to the sore spot. In this case, horseradish acts like the same pepper plaster. Keep the cakes for twenty minutes, then remove. With gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis, headache, this remedy can also be useful.

2. Horseradish can also be used for ordinary back pain, for which it must be prepared in the form of an ointment. Horseradish is again rubbed on a grater, but in this case, juice is squeezed out of it, which is then mixed in equal proportions with any cream. Sore spots before going to bed should be rubbed with this ointment, put on a woolen sweater or jacket, tied with a woolen scarf. Drink tea with linden or raspberries. In the morning there will be no pain.

3. Applying horseradish leaves to pain points relieves severe pain in sciatica. The leaves are applied for several days.

4. Tincture of horseradish roots: crush 50 g, pour 200 g of vodka, leave for three days. It is applied externally. An oilcloth is placed on the bed, a layer of gauze on top and a thin layer of tincture on top of the gauze. The patient lies down on the oilcloth for 10-15 minutes before going to bed.

5. Take a few horseradish roots, peel and grate

Squeeze out the juice and stir it with a little alcohol. Infuse for a week, then apply as a rub for sciatica. If the mixture will bake strongly, you can add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, a little sour cream and castor oil Apply this ointment to your back, wrap it with wax paper, put on a warm sweater

6. Grate the horseradish, squeeze out the juice and mix in equal amounts with any cream - lanolin, chamomile, baby. Before going to bed, rub the sore spots with the resulting ointment, put on something woolen, drink tea with raspberries or lime blossom and go to bed By morning the pain will subside

7. For rubbing with rheumatism, from aching joints and bones, juice mixed with denatured alcohol is used.

8. With sciatica, muscle pain in the back and lower back, rheumatism and inflammation of the joints, a thin layer of gruel from horseradish roots is applied to the sore spot. It is even more convenient to spread a freshly grated gruel on a cloth and put a “plaster” on a sore spot. Fresh leaves can also be used for the same purpose.


Doctors have proven that fresh horseradish juice and its water tincture increase the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which means they will help in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity. A mixture of horseradish and citric acid is necessary to maintain the processes of synthesis of vitamins by the intestinal flora and maintain the normal functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with a mixture of horseradish and lemon can be unhelpful, and sometimes undesirable, so you need to consult with your doctor about it in advance. Direct contraindications are acute and chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, heart disease, especially in the stage of decompensation.


gruel obtained after rubbing the roots, mixed with sugar and honey and taken orally for infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder.


Grated horseradish is used externally as an anesthetic for compresses for headaches and toothaches, pain in the chest and joints, for radiculitis and asthma. The gruel of grated roots is not inferior to mustard in terms of strength. That's why grated horseradish can be used as mustard plasters. A cake obtained from a gruel of grated horseradish is applied to the joints, chest, lower back. Like mustard plasters, it has a strong warming effect. True, such cakes cannot be kept on bare skin for more than 10 minutes, as they can cause irritation and sometimes burn the skin.


As Japanese scientists have found out, the substances contained in the rhizomes of horseradish actively prevent the occurrence of caries. Scientifically speaking, horseradish contains isothiocyanates - trace elements that prevent the growth of bacteria that cause caries. Currently, scientists are working on the creation of a new toothpaste based on an extract from horseradish root. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

Horseradish is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the cabbage family, which has long been widely popular in Russia and Europe. The enormous health benefits of horseradish and the low likelihood of harm that can be caused by misuse of this medicinal plant make it a favorite condiment on every table.

Due to the unique chemical composition, the spice has many useful properties and is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Moreover, both the root and the leaves of the plant have medicinal qualities.

plant composition

An ordinary plant at first glance, which is very unpretentious and can grow without much care, no matter what the land, has a rich chemical composition.

The composition of the culture contains essential and mustard oils, resins, fiber. Macro- and microelements necessary for the body are represented by calcium, copper and phosphorus. There is potassium and sodium, manganese and iron in horseradish, and sinigrin, located in the leaves and root of the plant, gives bitterness and sharpness.

Not only the root is useful, but also horseradish leaves. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid, mustard-allylic oil, myrosin and carotene. Due to the antiseptic properties of essential oils, the leaves of the spice are able to resist the formation of mold and fungus when canning vegetables. No wonder housewives are so fond of putting a horseradish leaf in a jar of pickles.

It is interesting!

Horseradish is a product that has a negative calorie content, since more energy is spent on digesting the product than it enters the body with it. The calorie content of the product without various additives is 56 kcal per 100 g. There are hardly any daredevils who can eat so much of this spicy seasoning at a time.

Useful properties for the body

The benefits of horseradish for the human body have long been proven and studied by scientists. Especially it is necessary to highlight the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of this culture. Regular and proper use of spices will help not only get rid of existing diseases, but also prevent their occurrence.

The plant has the following beneficial properties.

  • Protection against viruses and infections. The rhizome and leaves of the culture contain a unique substance, lysozyme, which, in contact with the microbial cell membrane, destroys it and thereby has a bactericidal effect on the body.
  • Digestion. It has long been known about the benefits of this spice for digestion. Thanks to the mineral salts, mustard oil and sinigrin contained in the plant, the root helps to increase appetite, release digestive enzymes, and speed up bowel function.
  • For kidneys and liver. The product has diuretic and choleretic properties, so it is indicated for diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Health benefits for men. Being a natural aphrodisiac, the plant helps to increase potency and restore male reproductive function.
  • For joints. Anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use the plant for the treatment of diseases that occur when the salt balance is disturbed. Horseradish medicines will help alleviate the patient's condition with rheumatism and gout, accelerate wound healing and warm up stretched muscles.
  • With a cold. The benefits of horseradish for colds are explained by the fact that the phytoncides contained in the plant destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and essential oils have a strong expectorant effect. Thanks to these beneficial substances, the product is used for colds. From it make warming compresses and rubbing, use inside.

In addition, the plant can be used to prevent the formation of tumors and normalize blood pressure, with beriberi and scurvy. Purulent wounds are washed with juice, infusions are used to gargle the throat and mouth. To eliminate age spots and freckles from the face, the skin is wiped with an alcohol tincture of horseradish.

The beneficial properties of horseradish are preserved only in a freshly prepared product. 7-10 days after processing, the healing powers of the plant are significantly reduced, so it is better to make an appetizer on your own and not store it for a long time.

Collection and preparation rules

Harvesting of a medicinal plant is carried out in early autumn, when the nutrients have already sunk into the root, and the benefits of horseradish leaves are still maximum.

Rhizomes can be prepared as follows.

  • Method 1

Dig out the roots of horseradish, shake off the ground and put it in the cellar, sprinkled with sand. This type of harvesting is not too laborious and allows you to fully preserve all the medicinal properties of the crop until the next harvest.

  • Method 2

Peel the rhizome from the top layer and grind on a grater. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet and place in a slightly preheated oven. After the mass dries, it is poured into a glass container and stored in a dry place.

To protect yourself from tears while passing horseradish through a meat grinder, just put a plastic bag on the outlet of the device.

Horseradish leaves are harvested, washed and dried in the usual way, and then, like the roots, stored in a glass jar.

Horseradish treatment

In folk medicine, there are many ways to treat severe diseases with the help of this culture. Here are some effective recipes that will help prevent the disease and alleviate the patient's condition if the disease does occur.

  • Being an excellent diuretic, horseradish root is used to relieve swelling in dropsy. To do this, you need to prepare such a medicine: the juice squeezed out of 2 is combined with 150 g of gruel from pureed horseradish. It is recommended to use the resulting mixture 2 times a day, half a teaspoon before meals.
  • For colds, a solution consisting of 1 part horseradish juice and 3 parts water should be taken as a diaphoretic. Drink the medicine should be 3 times a day, 70-100 ml at a time.
  • A mixture of lemon juice and grated root, prepared in the way described above, will help with a runny nose and cough. It is enough to take horseradish 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals.
  • To get rid of sore throat with sore throat, you need to mix equal amounts of grated horseradish and honey and take 1 tsp several times a day.
  • To improve appetite, you need 1 tbsp. l. gruel pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Cool the finished drink and take half a glass a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • The benefits of horseradish leaves for sciatica have long been known. The sore spot is covered with fresh washed leaves and covered with a warm blanket.
  • This healing culture, capable of normalizing blood sugar levels, is indispensable for people suffering from diabetes. To obtain a medicinal mixture, you need to combine 1 tbsp. l. juice with one glass of yogurt and drink immediately after preparation, 200 ml 3 times a day.
  • Pain in the joints will be significantly relieved after a compress of horseradish and apple, crushed on a grater and mixed in equal proportions.

When starting treatment with horseradish, we must remember that the use of this plant has its own contraindications and warnings, so do not neglect the consultation with your doctor.

Many of the fair sex use this plant to reduce weight. The benefits of horseradish for women seeking to lose extra pounds are obvious. After all, this product improves digestion, reduces the risk of constipation, actively removes toxins from the body of a woman, and normalizes metabolism.

A healthy and tasty medicine can be prepared if you take the following components: 100 g of grated horseradish (many people call this preparation "horseradish"), 50 ml of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. honey. All ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed. You can store such a weight loss product in the refrigerator and take 1 tsp before meals.

Of course, in order to achieve the desired effect, do not forget about proper nutrition and physical activity. If you experience discomfort in the stomach area or redness and rashes appear on the skin, you should immediately stop taking table horseradish and consult a doctor.

Useful properties for men

The benefit of horseradish for men is that with the help of this plant you can normalize sexual function and increase potency, prevent or stop baldness, and cure urological diseases. Horseradish root is a natural aphrodisiac, which is a natural alternative to Viagra.

The health benefits and harms of this product are incomparable. If there are no significant contraindications, men are advised to regularly eat horseradish. And in order to restore the hairline and stop hair loss, which is often observed in middle-aged men, it is necessary to rub the root juice, diluted with water, into the scalp.

Thus, answering the question of why horseradish is useful for men, it should be noted that with the help of this plant you can cope with many male ailments.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the huge benefits, it is worth considering the harm of horseradish for the human body. This culture is primarily a spice, and everyone has their own individual perception of such products. You can eat a snack in small quantities for people with a healthy digestive system. Abuse may cause pain in the stomach, increased pressure, coughing and lacrimation.

People should not consume spice in the following cases:

  • with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • with violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with disorders of the endocrine system;
  • during pregnancy;
  • under the age of 4 years.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely eat a savory snack, enjoying the sharpness and taste of spices and enriching your body with useful nutrients.

Photo of the leaves of the medicinal plant Horseradish ordinary

Horseradish - medicinal properties of leaves, root

Horseradish- a folk remedy that increases appetite, to improve the activity of the digestive tract, with edema, diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver, as an expectorant for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Latin name: Armoracia rusticana.

English title: horseradish.

Family: Cruciferous - Brassicaceae.

Folk names: peasant mustard, meat grass, pepper root, forest radish.

Pharmacy name: horseradish root - Armoraciae radix.

Horseradish parts used: root.

Botanical description: the thick root of this perennial plant is very long, valky, sometimes radiciform. Basal leaves are large, long-petiolate, oblong, serrated along the edge; upper -sessile, lanceolate-linear. White flowers are collected in a panicle. They develop swollen oval pods. Horseradish blooms in June - July.

Habitat: horseradish comes from the countries of southern Europe, in Germany it is bred as a vegetable crop. In addition to therapeutic use, horseradish is very popular as a side dish for meat and as a spice. In the wild state, it is usually found only as brought from cultivation.

Photo of a medicinal plant Common horseradish

Collection and preparation: you can collect long horseradish roots from September to spring. They are dug up and usually consumed fresh. And in order to keep it longer, they cover it with a layer of earth in a cellar protected from frost.

Active ingredients: all parts of common horseradish contain essential oil, which has a sharp specific smell and taste. Fresh root juice contains the protein substance lysozyme, which has antimicrobial activity, ascorbic acid (0.25%), thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, fatty oil, starch, carbohydrates (74%), resinous substances. Ascorbic acid (0.35%), carotene, alkaloids were found in the leaves; in seeds - fatty oil and alkaloids. Horseradish roots contain many mineral salts (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.). The yield of essential oil from the roots after fermentation is 0.05%, its main component is allyl mustard oil. In addition, the essential oil contains phenylethyl and phenylpropyl mustard oils.

horseradish root included in the drug Easy breath produced according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Horseradish root is part of the drug "Easy Breath"

Nutritional table for 100 horseradish

Table 1 . The composition of 100 grams of horseradish includes:

Horseradish - useful properties and uses

In Ukraine and Russia, horseradish has long been widely used in folk medicine. The root juice has pronounced antibacterial properties, is used for influenza, for rinsing the mouth and throat with sore throat, tonsillitis, toothache, it is placed in the ears for inflammation and purulent discharge. Fresh horseradish juice and its aqueous dilutions increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and are effective in the treatment of anacid gastritis (the use of horseradish is dangerous in inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidneys). In the experiment, it was shown that an aqueous decoction of horseradish has a positive effect in the treatment of dysentery, liver diseases and giardiasis, as well as hypertension. Due to the high content of vitamin C in all parts of the plant, horseradish is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of viral hepatitis. The root, boiled in beer with, is used for dropsy.

Medicinal properties of horseradish
  • Horseradish leaves are applied to sore spots with sciatica.
  • Externally used in grated or cut form as a distraction.
  • Horseradish root is a strong antibiotic and kills many types of bacteria, while being a fairly strong diuretic.
  • Horseradish root infusion is also used as an effective cosmetic product.
  • An aqueous infusion of horseradish roots is used for washing, compresses, rinsing in inflammatory processes and for the healing of chronic purulent wounds and ulcers.
  • In clinical studies, it has been established that horseradish juice, infusion increases the acidity of gastric juice and can be successfully used for gastritis with normal or low acidity.
  • Patients with stool problems, with colitis should know that horseradish enhances intestinal motility, and this contributes to its better and timely release.
  • Horseradish juice has a calming effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, is able to relieve intestinal spasms and anesthetize.
  • Horseradish juice, diluted with water (1: 1), rinse the throat and mouth with tonsillitis.
  • Freshly squeezed horseradish juice, gruel from the root or infusion of water 1:10 is used as an appetite enhancer, and also as an antiscorbutic.
The use of horseradish in folk medicine

In folk medicine, horseradish was used as an appetite enhancer, to improve the activity of the digestive tract, for edema, diseases of the kidneys, bladder and liver, as an expectorant for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. With scurvy, a tendency to bleeding, physical and mental exhaustion, malaria, they used a tincture of horseradish roots inside, and gruel in the form of a compress as a local irritant and distraction (somewhat weaker than mustard), was used externally for sciatica, gout, rheumatism, and also for the treatment of purulent wounds. Not without reason in Russia there was a decree of Peter the Great, according to which every farmstead should have a quarter of horseradish vodka, especially for those people who are engaged in physical labor. Lotions with grated horseradish are used for bruises and fungal skin lesions.

All of the above, let's add that horseradish is considered an exceptionally good cough remedy. Finely chopped or ground horseradish is mixed in equal proportions with sugar or honey and given when coughing 2-3 times a day for a full teaspoon. It is also used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Grated horseradish is given to rheumatic patients, freshly grated horseradish gruel is used in compresses for headaches (put on the back of the head through a handkerchief), in compresses on the cheek for toothache. It is used as a remedy for freckles (smeared on the face), put on the chest during attacks of asthmatic cough. But be careful: horseradish is very irritating to the skin. All these mushy compresses should be kept for no more than 5-10 minutes. Horseradish is rarely used against gastrointestinal ailments.

horseradish flower tincture recipe

The flowering arrow of horseradish collected on the old Moon is finely cut and loosely placed in a jar or bottle up to the shoulders, then poured with 40-degree alcohol or vodka. Infused for 9 days, no need to filter. Take 1 teaspoon diluted in a glass of liquid. It is better to add tincture to the decoction of medicinal herbs that the patient is currently being treated with. This tincture can be applied externally, to lubricate the whole body after a bath, bath, shower. It is used in the treatment of oncological diseases, as well as for their prevention.

Photo of a leaf and root of a medicinal plant Common horseradish


Self-treatment is dangerous! Before treatment at home, consult with your doctor.

horseradish treatment

  1. Allergy. Grate horseradish root, squeeze, 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of horseradish juice with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, let stand for 1-2 days. Wash your face at night and rub the prepared mixture into your skin. Lay fabric on the pillow. so that there are no stains on the pillowcase. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times.
  2. acne(acne). Grate horseradish root, squeeze. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of horseradish juice with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. Let the mixture sit for 1-2 days. Wash your face at night and rub the prepared mixture into your skin. Lay fabric on the pillow. so that there are no stains on the pillowcase. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times.
  3. Angina. Grate the root of horseradish, squeeze out the juice, dilute 1:3 with boiled water and gargle throughout the day.
  4. Angina. Grate peeled 1 horseradish root or pass it through a meat grinder, mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Take the resulting liquid for 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
  5. Arthritis of the joints. Grate fresh horseradish roots on a coarse grater, steam in hot water over low heat, put on canvas, which is also moistened in broth, attach to the sore spot.
  6. Heart diseases. Mix 1 teaspoon of grated fresh horseradish root with honey, bringing the total volume to 1 tbsp. spoons and eat 1 hour before breakfast. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  7. Joint pain. Pass 1 kg of horseradish through a meat grinder, pour 4 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth and add 0.5 kg of honey to it. Keep refrigerated. Drink a glass until the mixture runs out. Treatment is carried out 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.
  8. Joint pain. Scald a fresh sheet of horseradish with boiling water and apply to a sore spot, on top - parchment, linen and a warm scarf. Put the compress at night.
  9. Freckles. 1 st. pour a spoonful of chopped horseradish roots with a glass of cold boiled water, leave for up to 4 hours. Strain and apply the infusion to wipe the skin of the face.
  10. Pneumonia(pneumonia). Grated horseradish roots are mixed with an equal amount of honey. After a 4-hour infusion, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day with warm water.
  11. Sinusitis. Breathe for a few minutes in pairs of grated horseradish root. Dilute horseradish juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1, instill into the nose 2 times a day.
  12. Hepatitis. Grate 4 tbsp. spoons of horseradish, mix with 1 glass of milk, insist on the stove, without bringing to a boil, 5 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion little by little for several days until improvement occurs.
  13. Hepatitis. Pass 100 g of horseradish root through a meat grinder, pour 350 ml of boiling water, cover with a linen napkin. After a day, strain and add 1 teaspoon of sugar or honey. If you get a very saturated solution, dilute it with water. Take warm 1 tbsp. spoon 20-30 minutes before meals.
  14. Deafness. Grate 3 g of horseradish and add 5 g of salt, insist until juice appears. Bury 2-3 drops in the ear at night.
  15. Flu. Grate the peeled horseradish root or pass it through a meat grinder, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Take the resulting liquid for 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals during the flu.
  16. Diseases, pain in the liver. Grate horseradish root on a fine grater (not suitable through a meat grinder). Pour boiling water over half the volume of a can of grated horseradish, close the lid tightly and turn over to check for leaks. Cool down. For the treatment of the liver 2 tbsp. stir spoons of horseradish infusion in 100 g of cold water, take before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, then, depending on the state of health, less often.
  17. Stones in the gallbladder. In June, pick horseradish leaves and fill them with 6 liter jars, pour vodka to completely cover the leaves. Close the lid and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 7 days. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  18. Stones in the liver. Grate 4 tbsp. spoons of horseradish, mix with 1 glass of milk, heat to a boil (but do not boil), leave for 5 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day.
  19. Fracture treatment. Grate fresh horseradish roots, steam in hot water over low heat, without boiling. Then put the hot mass on a linen cloth, also moistening it with a decoction, and attach it to the sore spot. If there is only dry horseradish root, it must be crushed and steamed well.
  20. lamblia. Thoroughly wash 2-3 horseradish roots, cut off thin roots, cut with a knife into small chips. Pour the resulting mass into 1 liter of cold boiled water, tightly close the lid, leave for three days at room temperature, strain. Mix the resulting infusion with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Insist the mixture again for 3 days in a tightly sealed jar at room temperature, shaking occasionally so that the honey dissolves completely. Take on an empty stomach three times a day: for babies - 0.5 teaspoon, for children - 1 dessert spoon, for adults - 1 tbsp. spoon.
    Treatment regimen: 10 days to take the composition, 10 days - a break. For the complete disappearance of Giardia, 3 such courses should be carried out.
  21. lamblia. 1 st. pour a spoonful of pureed horseradish with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Drink half a cup before meals 3 times a day.
  22. lamblia. Drink horseradish juice 1 tbsp. spoon, and children 1 dessert spoon.
  23. Malaria. Roasted coffee (finely ground) - 3 teaspoons, grated horseradish - 2 teaspoons. Decoction recipe: pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 20 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day. Course: 3-4 days.
  24. Mastopathy
  25. Urolithiasis disease. 1 st. pour a spoonful of grated horseradish with 1 cup of boiling milk, leave for 5-10 minutes in a warm place, strain. Drink during the day.
  26. Runny nose. Grated horseradish - 150 g, juice of 2 lemons. Take 1/2 teaspoon daily in the morning and after lunch, do not drink water for 30 minutes.
  27. Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Pour 10 g of chopped horseradish root with a glass of cold boiled water, leave for 6-8 hours, strain and take an infusion of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
  28. Osteomyelitis. With osteomyelitis, with small fistulas, horseradish can be used as a folk remedy. Recipe: grate it on a fine grater and attach to the fistula. It will burn a lot. To avoid burns, keep no more than half an hour.
  29. Cleansing the body. Three sprigs of horseradish (completely the entire top of the plant with flowers) put in a liter jar, pour vodka or moonshine, leave for a week. The infusion turns green. Drink 30 g in the morning and evening before meals. This remedy cleans the lungs, liver and stomach well.
  30. Dark spots. 1 st. pour a spoonful of chopped horseradish roots with a glass of cold boiled water, leave for up to 4 hours. Strain and apply the infusion to wipe the skin of the face.
  31. Wounds(processing, healing). Rinse 200 g of fresh horseradish leaves, dry, scroll through a meat grinder and pour 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. Put the resulting mass in a container with a tightly closed lid and put in a cool place for 12 hours. Stir occasionally. When the infusion is ready, strain it. Use this remedy for washing chronic purulent wounds and ulcers.
  32. Rheumatism. 70 g of horseradish roots, grate, pour 0.5 cups of olive oil. Let the mixture stand for 2 hours, then put it in a gauze bag, lower it into a bath with warm water. Take a bath for 20 minutes. Then take a warm shower to wash the oil off your skin. The treatment procedure is recommended to be done daily at night for 2 weeks.
  33. Hair loss remedy for men and women. Rub horseradish juice into the scalp.
  34. Cholecystitis. Pour a glass of grated horseradish roots with 4 cups of boiling water. Infuse for a day in an enamel bowl. Keep refrigerated. Drink an infusion of 50 g, adding sugar, 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.
  35. Heel spur(relieves pain). A leaf of horseradish is a little wrinkled in your hands to make it juicier, put it in a sock under your heel and walk with it. When the leaf turns into porridge, change. Do this until the pain is gone. After 5 days there is an improvement.
  36. Heel spur(treatment). Apply horseradish grated on a fine grater to the heel (the slurry should not get on other areas of the skin!). Cover with plastic wrap on top, fix with a bandage, put on a woolen sock on top. Do the procedure at night. 3 procedures may be enough for a cure.

The use of horseradish in cooking

Horseradish finds the greatest use as a spicy-flavoring additive in cooking, where fresh grated or chopped roots and leaves are used; as a spice when pickling and pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and when fermenting. The roots are used to prepare the seasoning of the same name, as well as as part of more complex mixtures, for example, horseradish or kvass with horseradish.

Since ancient times, horseradish, mixed with other ingredients, has been an indispensable seasoning for jelly and fish aspic, as well as for cold boiled meat. Horseradish is served with fried meat, sausages, smoked meat, ham, fatty pork, boiled beef, tongue and roast beef. It is added to various mayonnaises, cottage cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, and other vegetables. These mixtures are served with fried and boiled meat, fish, and cold appetizers.

Freshly grated horseradish or its sauce with softening additives is a favorite seasoning for meat dishes. It is especially good with beef and pork in the form of cold appetizers. It is also served with fatty sausages. In France, boiled beef with horseradish sauce is an indispensable holiday dish.

A mixture of grated horseradish with sour cream or with serves as a good seasoning for fish, especially carp, cod, eel and salmon.

Side effect. All acute substances that irritate the skin and mucous membranes are harmful in large quantities. With too frequent use of horseradish as a medicine or as a seasoning, inflammatory processes in the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract can be expected. Be careful when rubbing horseradish: your eyes may become inflamed!

Contraindications. Preparations with horseradish are contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis with an increased level of acidity. Exclude the use of horseradish in renal diseases of an inflammatory nature, with edema, renal nature.

Horseradish is a very unpretentious perennial plant. The leaves are oblong in shape, the root system is very powerful. Horseradish is grown, as a rule, in separate places, because if the plant takes root, then it will be extremely difficult to remove it. That is why, for all the usefulness of horseradish, it can also be the worst weed, which is very difficult to remove from the site. However, if you dig up the roots every year, then it will grow from the rhizomes that remain, while the plant will not go beyond the given territory.

The natural habitat of horseradish is Europe (without the northern regions). It was introduced from Asia, now it also grows in America. Usually in the wild, horseradish grows along the banks of rivers and in damp places. The root of the plant is thick and rather fleshy. The stem is straight and branched, the height reaches up to 50-150 cm. The large leaves near the root have an oval shape. The lower leaves are separate, oblong-lanceolate. Fruits - are pods, longish-oval in shape.

In the days of Kievan Rus, horseradish was an obligatory representative in gardens and orchards. It was planted on purpose, since the leaves and roots of the plant were used in pickling vegetables, for preparing seasonings and in the treatment of various ailments. Young leaves are added to soups and salads. And the crushed roots help the products to keep their freshness longer. Currently, horseradish has lost popularity. Only plant lovers grow it.

Procurement and storage

It is better to harvest the product at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, at the same time, the root of the plant can be harvested in the spring. In folk medicine, cooking, leaves and roots are most often used:

  • Before harvesting the leaves, they are carefully dried in the shade, after which they are finely cut and stored in closed jars;
  • The root is harvested in two ways: 1) the root is kept fresh in the cellar, sprinkled with sand. Thus, it stays juicy and fresh longer; 2) the root is ground into powder, before being dried, ground on a grater, and then dried in the oven. Store such a blank in closed jars.

Horseradish is a very useful and rather medicinal plant. The roots are rich in vitamins C, essential oils and glycosides. Also, the roots of the plant have potassium salts, magnesium, phosphorus, sugar and starch.

Application in everyday life

Horseradish has been cultivated for medicinal and culinary purposes since the 9th century. In Europe, it became popular in the 15th century, it was especially appreciated in Germany and Lithuania. In Britain, it was nicknamed "horse radish" and was used only for medicinal purposes. Nowadays, horseradish is mainly used as a vegetable crop.

Horseradish finds its greatest use in cooking as a spicy-flavoring additive. For this purpose, grated or chopped roots are used. The leaves are used as a spice in pickling vegetables. The roots are often used to make the popular condiment horseradish. And also for more complex culinary mixtures, such as kvass with horseradish or horseradish. Since ancient times, horseradish has been a popular condiment for fish dishes or cold cooked meats.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. All parts of common horseradish contain essential oil, which has its own specific smell and taste.
  2. Fresh juice has protein substances lysozyme, which in turn contain antimicrobial substances, ascorbic acid (0.25%), thiamine, carotene, starch, carbohydrates (up to 74%), fatty oil and more.
  3. The leaves also contain ascorbic acid (0.35%), alkaloids, as well as seeds.
  4. The root contains a lot of mineral salt (magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulfur). The yield of essential oil from the roots after fermentation is 0.05%.
  5. Juice is used for diseases of the sciatic nerve, in the form of compresses. Along with this, massage is recommended, which helps to rid the body of congestion in the organs.
  6. In folk medicine, horseradish is used in violation of the stomach. Its fresh juice diluted with water enhances the release of hydrochloric acid.
  7. In addition, horseradish is recommended for low acidity, in the treatment of gastritis.
  8. The product is used for dropsy, colds and coughs.
  9. The beneficial properties of horseradish help in dietary nutrition for hepatitis, pleurisy, high blood pressure, and diseases of the kidneys and pancreas.
  10. Horseradish has a good effect on blood circulation, vasodilation of the kidneys, and also facilitates the work of the relevant organs.
  11. In addition, the product enhances the activity of the liver and is a rich source of vitamins C.
  12. Horseradish has antibiotic substances that prevent pathogens of various infectious diseases. That is why it is recommended to use it regularly to prevent sore throats and during the flu epidemic.
  13. Application in traditional medicine

    The root of the plant has a very sharp, burning taste and a prickly strong aroma. In cooking, it is mainly used as a spice for meat and fish. A popular recipe in this case is when sugar and salt are added to horseradish powder diluted with water - a very tasty seasoning for meat and fish dishes is obtained. In addition, horseradish is a good preservative, which is often used on the farm to preserve vegetables in jars.

    Infusion of horseradish root to normalize digestion

    To normalize digestion, you can take horseradish root in the form of infusion, juice or mixture with sugar and honey. Contraindication - should not be used for stomach ulcers.

    Grated horseradish to improve digestion

    The grated root is taken in the amount of 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals three times a day with bread.

    Fresh horseradish leaf helps with joint and lower back pain

    Take a fresh leaf, knead and apply to a sore spot. When the burning sensation becomes strong, rinse with water.

    Tincture for the prevention of various diseases

    Flowering arrows of horseradish should be finely chopped and placed in a jar. Then pour raw materials with 40-degree alcohol or ordinary vodka for 9 days. The resulting tincture drink 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water. In addition, this tincture can lubricate the body after a shower, it is very beneficial for the skin.

    Cork yellow horseradish bark

    After you have dug the roots out of the ground, wash them and do not cut off the cork yolk of the plant's bark. It should be cut and dried. The resulting product can be chewed with food or made into a powder. The recipe will help with stomach problems.

    Contraindications for use

    Contraindications apply to the use of this product in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in diseases of the kidneys and liver. The use of horseradish is contraindicated in children, as well as in pregnant and lactating women. Eating horseradish in large quantities can cause increased pressure, burns of the oral mucosa and internal bleeding.

Everyone knows about the excellent taste of horseradish. It is served as a seasoning for meat dishes, to which it gives a piquant taste. In addition, horseradish is widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The composition of horseradish includes an essential oil that has an antiseptic effect. Also, this vegetable has a high nutritional value: it contains 16% carbohydrates, about 3% nitrogenous substances, a small amount of fat. It has more vitamin C than lemon.

Potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals make horseradish an indispensable product for anemia and fatigue. In addition, it contains starch, sugars, phytoncides, resinous substances, fiber, vitamins PP and group B, carotene. It should be noted that the beneficial properties of grated horseradish last only a few days, so it is not recommended to store it for a long time.

Horseradish is good for the digestive system. It is recommended to use it for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice. It enhances appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients from food.

Horseradish is also used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Due to its diuretic effect, it is considered to be an effective natural remedy for kidney stones, cystitis, gout and rheumatism. Poultices of fresh horseradish root are made for frostbite, rheumatism and facial neuritis.

Traditional medicine recommends using this vegetable for pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, myositis, bladder stones, and also as an expectorant. Horseradish helps to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is recommended to use it in diabetes.

Horseradish roots are contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body, and during pregnancy.

The use of horseradish in folk medicine. Healing horseradish recipes

Infusion of horseradish roots in sour milk with reduced appetite

Combine 50 g of grated horseradish roots with 500 ml of sour milk, close tightly and leave for 24 hours. Strain the resulting product and take 20 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of horseradish roots to increase appetite

Grate 50 g of horseradish roots, combine with 400 ml of boiling water and insist under the lid for 50 minutes. Take 50 ml 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Horseradish root gruel for constipation and swelling

Grate 100 g of horseradish roots, combine with 50 ml of lemon juice and mix. Take 20 g 2 times a day after meals.

Horseradish root gruel for joint pain

Pass through a meat grinder 50 g of horseradish roots, grate 50 g of an apple.

Combine the prepared ingredients, put on a sore spot, cover with a cotton cloth and leave for 30 minutes.

Horseradish juice with kefir with reduced immunity

Combine 20 ml of horseradish juice with 200 ml of kefir and mix. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Horseradish juice for gastritis with low acidity

Combine 50 ml of horseradish juice with 50 ml of warm water. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Horseradish juice with intestinal atony

Combine 50 ml of horseradish juice with 30 ml of lemon juice and 100 ml of cold boiled water. Take in a warm form, 150-180 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.

horseradish leaves for sciatica

Put a few leaves of horseradish on the sore spot and cover with a warm woolen scarf. Keep as long as possible.

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