The best time to do various things. Apply sunscreen

Here you can calculate your birth horoscope (natal chart) online and read interpretations. Go, you can calculate the transit map for the day, see where the planets are and what aspects they create with each other.
If you are new to astrology, then I recommend that you start by keeping the zodiac signs static. After all, the signs of the zodiac are the starry sky above us. Then it will be easier to remember how the planets move along them.
In the PARAMETERS column, check the boxes in the "Position" section
* From 0 Aries counterclockwise.
This is due to the fact that in different schools of astrology the zodiac circle is presented differently and the signs on it can be clockwise or counterclockwise. And also the zodiac ring can be fixed or can be mobile.
In my school of western classical astrology, the signs of the zodiac are fixed and counter-clockwise.

How to quickly solve a dream!

How to deal with sleep on your own? In psychology, there are different methods of working with dreams. I like how they work with sleep in the Gestalt approach.

Today I had a dream. So bright and colorful, with a lot of emotions and some storyline. I would like to understand its meaning. What is he talking to me about? What should I pay attention to in my life?

And so she began to analyze her dream. A dream is a projection. In a dream, every participant, every thing, every event is everything - I am.

Horoscope for May 2019

May is a wonderful time of the year and in 2019 is one of the most auspicious months. This is a good time for travel and sports, communication with nature. The month of May favors travel, as well as everything related to medicine, pharmacology, and chemistry.

In May, a favorable environment will also be created for business, for major financial events, investments, projects, for banking, obtaining loans. We can expect some successful transformations in the economy, which should contribute to the emergence of new ideas and inventions, breakthroughs in the field of new technologies.

The best time to do various things in May 2019


May 18, 19, 20 - on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, the deposition of fat in the body is more active. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The most suitable time for negotiations, conclusion of contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to get the best financial opportunities is May 28.

Nail cutting - May 2019

How your well-being depends on cutting your nails

Nail trimming is surrounded by tradition and is only considered safe on certain days. From the point of view of medicine, nails are part of the skin, its derivative, and the skin and nails reflect the human condition.

We present the nail clipper calendar:
On May 2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30 you can cut your nails, but you will need extreme accuracy, because you can easily get hurt. But cutting nails these days guarantees strengthening of the gums and teeth, improving the functioning of the spine and joints.

Haircut for May 2019

How your well-being depends on cutting your hair

Eastern astrology, unlike Western, draws attention to any human action as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny. The days of hair cutting have both a beneficial effect on the future fate of a person - they positively affect longevity, good luck and external attractiveness; and negative, because a haircut these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring trouble. The Tibetan calendar focuses on lunar days, which do not coincide with the lunar days of the European astrological tradition. A haircut is an action that shortens the hair by more than 3 mm.

2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig

2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig!

2019 will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig or Boar. What does it promise us all? For what actions is the coming year favorable, and what should not be thought about? Should we prepare for cataclysms or for peace and joy? 2019 will be bright, active, filled with interesting events, the desire to create and enjoy life in all its manifestations. We will begin to appreciate what we have more and accept those circumstances that we cannot change. This is also the year of wisdom and reconciliation with the surrounding reality.

This is a great year for business as the Earth Pig is associated with wealth, prosperity and tranquility. She is looking for quick, practical solutions. Favors inventions that make life easier. She enjoys housekeeping and growing plants. Vegetarianism and proper nutrition are associated with the symbol of the Pig.

How to book a consultation with an astrologer (astropsychologist)?

How to book a consultation with an astrologer (astropsychologist)?
Instructions for use (short):

Have you ever had such a period in your life when it is not clear what is happening in life, how to live on? Everything suddenly, overnight becomes meaningless! And how to live differently - it is not known, a complete stupor. For some, this may be due to a loss of orientation in the profession, for someone else - there may be a divorce, for a third - a severe illness, for a fourth - an upcoming move to another city or country. And then the thought creeps in, why not go to an astrologer (astropsychologist), find out what kind of period I have now. If you find yourself at such a point in your life, then this note is for you.

Planet Dance!

Dancing, #planets draw #mandalas. It turns out that the planets also dance, but under music of the cosmos, moving in graceful orbital patterns. There is more mathematical and geometric harmony in these movements than we think. J. Martineo's book, The Little Book of Coincidences, illustrates orbital models and some of their geometric relationships. Take the orbits of any two planets, and draw a line between the two positions of the planet every few days. Since a planet moving in an inner orbit moves more quickly than one moving in an outer orbit, interesting patterns form.

Online Game - Money Tree!

Game plant your money tree!


Saturn in the sign of Capricorn will take us on an exciting journey where we can learn the importance of patience, respect, knowledge of our history, the ability to wait, plan and other values ​​and human qualities very "respected" by Capricorn, which promise to reign on the planet for the next three years. Saturn's journey through the constellation Capricorn will begin on the morning of December 20, 2017 and will continue throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020, however, in April, May and June 2020, Saturn will slightly violate the boundaries of the sign of Aquarius, and then return to Capricorn again and stay there for almost until the end of 2020. Saturn will return to Aquarius on December 17, 2020. Saturn was in the sign of Capricorn during the periods:

Uranus in Taurus 2018 – 2026


On May 15, 2018, the planet Uranus will move into the sign of Taurus, where it will remain until April 26, 2026. From July 7, 2025 to May 26, 2026, Uranus will wind around, entering Gemini for a while and returning to Taurus again. Uranus is the planet of surprises and revolutionary events, while Taurus governs finance, banking and all kinds of property. The position of Uranus in Taurus can be expressed by the phrase "watch the money." Uranus is the planet of freedom and, being in Taurus, he kind of asks us how dependent we are on money and how can we get rid of this addiction?

Mercury retrograde
from 5 to 28 March 2019

Areas of influence and what not to do.
The main areas that Mercury rules are communication, transport, trade, and education. This means that during its retrograde period, difficulties, obstacles and delays are expected in all these areas. At this time, you should not plan the start of training, enroll in various courses, take driving lessons. Yes, and buying a car and vehicles, as well as phones, communications and other equipment is not very desirable. It can be flawed, quickly fail, or simply break down often. If the purchase is extremely necessary to make, then astrologers recommend that you definitely keep the check, as it is most likely to come in handy. The probability of returning goods purchased during Mercury retrograde is high.

Uranus in Taurus 2018 – 2026

May 15, 2018 Uranus enters Taurus
With this transition, the era of aggressiveness and militancy on a global scale ends in that rough, explosive form that we experienced during the transit of Uranus over Aries, where it was under the control of the god of war - Mars, and formed the most important aspect of decades - the square with Pluto in Capricorn.
But at the same time, it was a time of a technical breakthrough in science, astronautics, the rapid development of new technologies, especially in the field of electronics and electrical appliances, the computerization of all sectors of the economy and life.

Magic time for people born in the years: 1957-58, 1969-70, 1981-82, 1993-94, 2005-06

Magic time for people born in the years: 10.1957-10.1958; 10.1969-09.1970; from 09.1981 to 08.1982; From 08.1993 to 08.1994; from 08.2005 to 08.2006.
During our life there are very important days when we can influence our destiny, as much as it is laid down by the birth horoscope.

Every born person has free will, we differ only in that the freedom to influence one's life is different for everyone. For example, people born in an eclipse have a strictly defined line of fate. "Step to the left - step to the right" is punishable by a hard return to the scenario of fate

Peach flower formula or HOW TO ATTRACT LOVE!

On the eve of the Day of Hearts, Romance and Surprises, I share the formulas of the Star of Love in Bazi to improve romantic luck.
Despite the incredible number of opportunities of our time, there are, unfortunately, somehow many lonely people. In this connection, increasingly, the main goal of counseling is to find a partner or improve romantic luck.
It is worth taking into account and understanding the difference between "alone" and "lonely". There are people who are very lucky with Lady love luck, but they are comfortable being alone or alone. But there are those who find it hard to put up with failures in their personal lives or loneliness. Where to start, how to budge love energy and activate luck?
One often encounters the fact that people who have received some idea of ​​Feng Shui from books purchased on the occasion are trying to find and transform the so-called "zone of love and marriage" in their houses and apartments, which, in their view, is located in the southwestern part dwellings. I can disappoint a little, because despite such a wide popularization, it is ineffective.

A note about the horoscope and modern methods of cosmetology

I visited a beautician and our conversation about different procedures and their consequences reminded me that I had been planning to write a post about the pursuit of beauty for a long time.
The beautician told one story about how a young girl went to hardware radiofrequency procedures. She made a lot of them and she began to have facial asymmetry. I had to run to the doctors. X-rays showed that the bones of the face had melted and, as a result, a change in the facial muscles had begun.
A sad story: a young and, most importantly, healthy girl began to pursue the preservation of beauty at an age at which there is not even evidence yet. It would not be so insulting if there were some indications for health and this would lead to some changes.
And there are many such stories.

Diet according to the moon in the birth chart

What diet to choose to get a slim figure and forget about being overweight? How to eat right? These questions are asked by many women. Today there are a lot of books, trainings about proper nutrition. Not to mention the pros and cons of vegetarianism. Why do some get fat while others get thin?

Have you noticed that someone has a fast metabolism, someone has a slow one. One can eat like crazy after six in the evening and overweight bypasses him.

Do you want to get married?

Many different requests for marriage come to me: I want to marry a rich and caring man! I want to marry a leader, a famous person! I want my future husband to be strong, successful, prosperous! I want to be rich, developing, vegetarian, without bad habits, spiritual! And so on ad infinitum.
Then I ask: “Why do you need a rich, successful, developing, without bad habits and spiritually rich?”
This is not a provocative question. I sincerely hope to hear an answer. I want to hear a confident answer from a woman who knows her strengths and values ​​herself.
Relationships are always an exchange. If a man gives you money, fame, status, position, shares good qualities, leads you along the path of spirituality, then what, as a woman, can you offer him?

For those interested in psychology

Good afternoon to everyone who reads my site!
Since I went to get a second higher, psychological, (according to the nature of my astrological activity, this is necessary),
then as I study the subject, I come across fascinating articles on psychology.
If anyone is interested, I will post from time to time.
Write if you are interested in such mailing? (by mail
Do you want me to send you (this will not be often) such articles?

The effect of nourishing face masks will be as long as possible if you use them - November 2,3,19,20,21,29,30.

IT IS STRONGLY UNDESIRABLE TO DO BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT INJECTIONS - November 6,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,29 November . Such procedures on these days will not give the desired long-term effect and may lead to the appearance of neoplasms on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective - November 4,5,12,13,22,23. But it should be noted that these days you need to restraint use of fixatives.

Manicure and pedicure is best done - November 2,3,8,9,14,15,16,29,30. If a manicure or pedicure requires a mandatory cutting of all nails, then it is better to focus on the dates of nail cutting, which are indicated in the topic “Nail cutting”.

Removal of corns, healing foot baths are most favorable - November 6,7,12,13,19,20,21.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is most favorable on November 26th. In Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, the probability of successful IVF procedures in NOVEMBER is 9 percent.

Depilation, removal of hair from the legs, especially effective - November 4,5,12,13. If within 3 years to remove hair from the legs on these days (the most effective days of each month), then as a result, the hair on the legs stops growing.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to November 8,9,14,15,16. It is on these days that it is best to start procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best to contact your superiors with requests for salary increases and promotions - November 2,3,10,11,29,30.

The best time to buy a car is 5,6,7 November. The purchase of a car is strictly not recommended - November 26.27.

Buy a wallet to get rich in the end - November 22. The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Put aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in the financial situation - November 11th. By tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table, or in a box. But the deferred money cannot be taken during the year. They must accumulate over the course of a year (you report them monthly on the days specified each month on the Gentry page). And if you adhere to this rule, then in subsequent years, well-being will improve radically. After a year from the beginning of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, start saving it again.


November 3,4,5 - on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, the deposition of fat in the body is more active. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The most suitable time for negotiations, conclusion of contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to get the best financial opportunities is November 27.

The best days to start traveling or moving to another city, country - 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,28 ,29th of November.

The most successful days for cosmetic surgeries to remove or smooth out wrinkles are November 17th.

You can not do plastic surgery on the neck and surgery to change the shape of the lips 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17,18,22,23,25,26,27,28,29 November .

Operations to change the shape of the breast, breast augmentation are prohibited on November 1,2,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15,19,20,23,25,27,28,29,30 November.

/Prepared by Alexander Rempel/

It is undesirable to buy shampoos on September 4.17.

The effect of nourishing face masks will be as long as possible if you use them - September 15,16,17,25.

The effect of rejuvenating and regenerating agents will be especially strong - September 14.27.

IT IS STRONGLY UNDESIRABLE TO DO BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT INJECTIONS - September 4,5,6,7,17,18,19,20,26,27,28. Such procedures on these days will not give the desired long-term effect and may lead to the appearance of neoplasms on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

The most successful days for cosmetic surgeries to remove or smooth out wrinkles are September 12th.

Prohibited plastic surgery to change the shape of the eyes 4,5,6,7,8,9, 25,26,27,29 September.

You can not do plastic surgery on the neck and surgery to change the shape of the lips on September 12,15,17,18,19,22,23,25,26,27.

Operations to change the shape of the breast, breast augmentation are prohibited on September 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,23,25,29,30.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective - September 1,2,9,10,18,19,28,29. But it should be noted that these days you need to restraint use of fixatives.

The perm will hold on better if it is done - September 1,2,7,8,13,14,20,21,22,28,29.

Hair coloring will be the most resistant if done on September 6,12,25,29,30.

Manicure and pedicure is best done - September 5,6,11,12,25,26,27. If a manicure or pedicure requires a mandatory cutting of all nails, then it is better to focus on the dates of nail cutting, which are indicated in the topic “Nail cutting”.

It is not recommended to build up nails: September 3,7,11,15,16,20,21,23,25,26. Since this action will lead to the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of fungal diseases.

Removal of corns, healing foot baths are most favorable - September 3,4,9,10,15,16,17,30.

Depilation, hair removal from the legs, especially effective - September 1,2,9,28,29. If within 3 years to remove hair from the legs on these days (the most effective days of each month), then as a result, the hair on the legs stops growing.

It is strictly forbidden to remove hair from the legs - September 13.14. However, if you want to have hairy legs, then hair removal is just what you need to do these days.

Ears should be pierced - September 5.11.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to September 5,6,11,12. It is on these days that it is best to start procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best and most efficient to take things to dry cleaning from 1 to 9 and 26-30 September.

It is best to start repairs in an apartment or house from 1 to 9 and 26-30 September.

General monthly cleaning is best done from 1 to 9 and 26-30 September.

“On-line Workshop “Birthday secrets for 5 archetypes of Women and Men””

September 12 YOU WILL KNOW

  • Five aspects life
  • The element of personality>> is the element of the Heavenly stem of the birthday.
  • Colleagues and competitors>> is an element that coincides with the element of personality.
  • Money>> is the element controlled by the personality element.
  • Power>> is an element that controls the element of personality.
  • Resources>> is the element that generates the personality element.
  • Self-expression>> is an element generated by the personality element

The element of personality is the main sign in the Bazi birth chart.

Online Practicum“Birthday secrets for 5 archetypes of Women and Men”

will take place on September 12 at 19:30 Moscow time

only now 65% discount here:

It is best to turn to superiors with requests for salary increases and promotions - September 7,8,25,26,27.

The best time to buy a car is September 1,2,3,4,28,29,30. The purchase of a car is strictly not recommended - September 17.18.

Start a business, move into a new office, open a store, etc. 6 September.

Buy a wallet to get rich in the end - September 22. The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Set aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in the financial situation - September 14th. By tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table, or in a box. But the deferred money cannot be taken during the year.

They must accumulate over the course of a year (you report them monthly on the days specified each month). And if you stick to this rule, then in subsequent years, well-being will improve radically. After a year from the beginning of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, start saving it again.

Do not lend due to the threat of not returning the borrowed funds to you - September 29.

Refrain from repayment of debts in order to improve the financial situation - September 19.

Buy apartments, land -2,3,4,7,9,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23,24,25,27,28,30 September

Do not make purchases - September 5.26.

Count money to improve your financial situation - September 20.


FOR PASSION: September 6th.


September 24, 25, 26 - on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, the deposition of fat in the body is more active. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The best time to apply for a new job is September 24.27.

Beauty horoscope for May 2015.

The effect of nourishing face masks will be as long as possible if you use them on May 23, 24, 25.

Means that protect and protect the skin from chapping are especially relevant - May 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25.

Facial cleansing procedures are most effective - May 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25. Don't miss these days.

The effect of rejuvenating and restorative products will be especially strong on May 18th.

IT IS STRONGLY UNDESIRABLE TO DO INJECTIONS OF BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT - May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29 May. Such procedures on these days will not give the desired long-term effect and may lead to the appearance of neoplasms on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective - May 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27. But it should be noted that these days you need to restraint use of fixatives.

The perm will hold on better if it is done - May 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 31.

Hair coloring will be the most resistant if done on May 7, 12, 15, 18, 27.

Manicure and pedicure are best done - May 4, 5, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25.

Removal of corns, healing foot baths are most favorable - May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is most favorable on May 7th.

Depilation, hair removal from the legs, especially effective - May 8, 9, 16, 17, 18. If within 3 years to remove hair from the legs on these days (the most effective days of each month), then as a result, the hair on the legs stops growing.

It is strictly forbidden to remove hair from the legs - May 3, 4, 5, 31. However, if you want to have hairy legs, then hair removal is just what you need to do these days.

It is necessary to walk more and ventilate the room - May 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25.

Shampoos are not worth buying and starting to use - May 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to May 1, 2, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30. It is on these days that it is best to start procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best to contact your superiors with requests for salary increases and promotions - May 15, 16, 23, 24, 25.

The best time to buy a car is 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 May. The purchase of a car is strongly not recommended - May 26, 27.

It is best and most effective to hand over things to dry cleaning from May 5 to May 18.

It is best to start repairs in an apartment or house from May 5 to May 18.

General monthly cleaning is best done from May 5 to May 18.

It is not recommended to build up nails: 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30 May. Since this action will lead to the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of fungal diseases.

Start a business, move into a new office, open a store, etc. - May 4th.

Buying a Wallet to Get Rich in the End – May 3rd The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Do not lend due to the threat of not returning the borrowed funds to you - May 1, 2, 7, 9, 13.

Put aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in the financial situation - May 6. By tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table, or in a box. But the deferred money cannot be taken during the year. They must accumulate throughout the year. And if you adhere to this rule, then in subsequent years, well-being will improve radically. After a year from the beginning of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, start saving it again.

To refrain from repayment of debts in order to improve the financial situation - May 9.

Buy apartments, land - 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 May.

Count money to improve your financial situation - May 9.




May 3, 4, 5, 6 - on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, the deposition of fat in the body is more active. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The best period for visiting the bathhouse in order to improve health is from May 1 to 4 and from May 21 to 31.

The most suitable time for negotiations, conclusion of contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to get the best financial opportunities is May 11.

The best days to start traveling or moving to another city, country - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31 May.

The best day for magical rituals is May 16th.

Refrain from swimming in open water (seas, lakes, rivers) - May 9.

The rituals of bewitchment and return to the family are only effective when begun on May 16th.

The most successful days for cosmetic surgeries to remove or smooth out wrinkles are May 18.

Anti-cellulite procedures and liposuction are most favorable on May 19th.

Plastic surgery to change the shape of the eyes is prohibited on May 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 May.

You can not do plastic surgery on the neck and surgery to change the shape of the lips on May 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 May.

Operations to change the shape of the breast, breast augmentation are prohibited on May 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 May.

The color of luck.

Each day corresponds to one or another color, which helps in many cases. This color is called "the color of luck." The color of luck of the day should be present in clothes or surrounding objects. It tunes a person to a certain energy wave, which helps to realize the desired.

4, 11, 18, 25 May. The lucky colors of these days are silver, pearl gray, and iridescent mother-of-pearl colors. You can safely proceed to solving property issues, buying and selling valuables, processing important papers and documents. White color will be indispensable for those who decide to develop an additional line of business.

5, 12, 19, 26 May. Bright red color will help in love. And the purple color, present in clothes or objects around you, will improve relationships in the family, with relatives, especially between children and parents. In red and purple, you can easily decide on cardinal changes.

6, 13, 20, 27 May. The lucky color of these days is green. In green you will be lucky in money, successful in contacts. And you will be lucky in love! And the presence of blue color will enhance the properties of the mind, originality in outlook on life and help to correctly assess the incoming information. Blue contributes to the organization in preparing for exams, improves the assimilation of knowledge.

7, 14, 21, 28 May. The dominant colors of these days are yellow and green. These colors will prolong the overall success in business, will promote health. Pearl color will help in all matters, as well as protect against problems.

1, 8, 15, 22, 29 May. Pink color, shades of colors from sky blue to lemon yellow will help this day in matters related to love, events related to entertainment and relaxation.

May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Changes in life will come immediately if you put on something turquoise these days. And if you combine turquoise with something brown, you will be able to protect yourself from conflicts and the bad influence of stronger companions.

3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May. Easily cope with melancholy and depression if you opt for yellow and cream-colored things. Your personal attraction will increase. Also good colors these days are golden and orange.

Unfavorable geomagnetic days.
On these days, people with a weakened immune system, suffering from chronic diseases, exposed to climate and weather changes, may feel worse. Take preventive measures.
May 3 (from 17-00 to 22-00),
May 4 (from 11-00 to 16-00),
May 5 (from 06-00 to 12-00),
May 11 (from 10-00 to 14-00),
May 17 (from 14:00 to 17:00),
May 18 (from 07-00 to 16-00),
May 26 (from 15-00 to 23-00),
May 29 (from 16-00 to 18-00).
Unfavorable days for visiting mass events, crowds of people due to the danger of contracting infectious diseases - May 3, 4, 9, 19, 23.

The best time for various activities in July

The effect of nourishing face masks will be as long as possible if you use them - July 1,2,20,21,29,30.

Means that protect and protect the skin from chapping are especially relevant - July 5,6,7,15,16,24,25.

IT IS STRONGLY UNDESIRABLE TO DO INJECTIONS OF BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT - July 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,29,30,31. Such procedures on these days will not give the desired long-term effect and may lead to the appearance of neoplasms on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective - July 3,4,12,13,14,22,23,31. But it should be noted that these days you need to restraint use of fixatives.

Manicure and pedicure is best done - July 10,11,17,18,19,24,25,26. If a manicure or pedicure requires a mandatory cutting of all nails, then it is better to focus on the dates of nail cutting, which are indicated in the topic “Nail cutting”.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is most favorable on July 16th. In Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, the probability of successful IVF procedures in July is 25 percent.

Shampoos are not worth buying and starting to use - 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,19,20,21, 27,28,29 July.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to July 17,18,19,24,25,26. It is on these days that it is best to start procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best to contact your superiors with requests for salary increases and promotions on July 10, 11, 20, 21.

It is best to buy a car on July 12, 13, 14, 15. The purchase of a car is strictly not recommended - July 27.28.

Buy a wallet to get rich in the end - July 4th. The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Do not lend due to the threat of not returning the borrowed funds to you - 2,3,12,13, July 29.

Put aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in the financial situation - July 7th. By tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table, or in a box. But the deferred money cannot be taken during the year. They must accumulate throughout the year. And if you adhere to this rule, then in subsequent years, well-being will improve radically. After a year from the beginning of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, start saving it again.

MAKE SHOPPING with benefit (except for apartments, land, cars, detergents - they have special rules) - 3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,24,25 July 26,27,28,29,30.


July 2,3,4,5,6 - on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, the deposition of fat in the body is more active. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The most suitable time for negotiations, conclusion of contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to get the best financial opportunities is July 20.

The best days to start traveling or moving to another city, country - July 3,4,5,12,14,19,21,23,24,25,29.

Prepared by Astrologer Alexander Rempel

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