How is vitamin E useful for conception? Important nuances of admission. Why take vitamin e when planning

In the conditions of the modern rhythm of life in a polluted metropolis, it is important to plan pregnancy in advance. This is the only way to prepare your body for bearing a baby: having passed all the necessary tests, identifying all possible diseases, cleansing the body of harmful toxins and toxins and saturating it with vitamins and useful substances.

Some doctors recommend taking vitamin E when planning a pregnancy, although there are quite conflicting opinions on this matter. Let's try to figure out together why it is needed and how to take it without any risks.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

It is quite often included in multivitamin complexes prescribed by doctors to women when planning a pregnancy. However, in individual cases, it can be prescribed as a separate drug.

The role of vitamin E or tocopherol is quite extensive in the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. Slows down the aging process of the body, being a powerful antioxidant.
  2. Effectively fights all types of inflammatory diseases.
  3. Regulates the level of progesterone, which is also called the hormone of pregnancy: it prepares the body for conception by reducing the activity of the uterus, creating favorable conditions for implantation of the fetal egg and preparing the mammary glands for milk production.
  4. Thanks to him, normal active spermatozoa are formed in men, and healthy eggs are ready for fertilization in women.
  5. Stimulates the growth and development of the uterus.
  6. It can be used to treat ovarian dysfunction.
  7. Regulates high blood pressure.
  8. It improves blood circulation in all internal organs, which is important for the growth and development of the baby in the mother's stomach.
  9. Takes an active part in exchange processes.
  10. Takes part in the formation of the placenta, which occurs from the first days of pregnancy until the 16th week.

What threatens vitamin E deficiency during pregnancy

Obviously, vitamin E is involved in many processes that are directly related to successful conception, the normal course of pregnancy and the timely development of the baby. That is why its deficiency can be extremely dangerous already at the stage of pregnancy planning, strictly speaking, conception may not occur in principle! Vitamin deficiency entails the risk of developing anemia, problems in the reproductive system, and a drop in the protective properties of the body.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy: how to take

An excess of any vitamin can also have serious consequences, so it is important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor or indicated in the instructions for the drug.

  • Usually, at the stage of pregnancy planning, vitamin E is prescribed with folic acid, or at once a whole multivitamin complex containing these important ingredients. Folic acid is involved in the formation of blood cells, DNA synthesis, and supports immunity. Its deficiency is visible to the naked eye: it manifests itself through vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite, anemia.
  • If the doctor considered it necessary to drink vitamin E when planning pregnancy as a monodrug, then he calculates the dosage himself, depending on your individual case. 1 capsule contains either 100 or 200 mg.
  • 100 mg is the daily required dose for a woman in her normal state, while during the planning of pregnancy, the doctor can increase it at least twice, or even more times! It happens that they prescribe 100 mg per day, and with a habitual miscarriage, even 200, but this is far from the limit - everything is very individual!
  • The instructions for the drug do not contain a separate line for women planning a pregnancy, this item is left to the discretion of the doctors by the manufacturers. And all because each case is individual and you need to seriously study the state of health of a woman in order to calculate the dosage of vitamin E when planning a pregnancy.
  • That is why you should not prescribe such vitamins yourself, although they are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription.

So, folic acid and vitamin E when planning a pregnancy are the first most necessary components for successful conception and development of an unborn baby. But the concept of "Planning pregnancy" still includes the preparation of not only the female body for bearing a baby, but also the male body - to improve the quality of sperm and successful fertilization of the egg.

Vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy

  • With a deficiency of vitamin E, among other things, the male reproductive system suffers. Tocopherol is directly involved in the formation of sperm and affects the mobility and quality of spermatozoa. Insufficient mobility of male sperm is a fairly common cause of male infertility.
  • Taking vitamin E has a beneficial effect as a prevention of various diseases of the reproductive system, for example, prostatitis.
  • Tocopherol is usually shown to those males who are not going to give up addictions and therefore do not receive enough vitamin in the right amount. This applies to men who smoke or occasionally drink alcohol in any quantity. Vegetarians are also commonly deficient in the vitamin.

Men should get about 300 mg of the vitamin, which is higher than the norm for women. Based on this and on the characteristics of nutrition and lifestyle of a man, the doctor calculates the dosage of the drug necessary for him.

How much to drink vitamin E planning pregnancy

Doctors usually leave vitamin E for women in the first half of pregnancy, but in the later stages, either the dosage is reduced, or this drug is completely excluded. The fact is that tocopherol is fat-soluble, it can be collected in adipose tissue, which, as you know, accumulates during pregnancy. Abuse of the drug, especially in the later stages, can lead to an overdose with all the ensuing consequences.

For a man, unless the doctor considers another option, it is worth taking the drug until he reaches his goal - until a successful conception.

Vitamin E when planning: reviews

Taking vitamin E together with folic acid or vitamin A really helps many people get pregnant. Internet users specify that they took the course together with their spouses, and before it began, attempts to conceive a baby were unsuccessful.

But it should be understood that there can be a lot of reasons for infertility, both male and female. And the deficiency of one or another vitamin is just a drop in the ocean. You should not consider any vitamin complexes as a panacea, but you should not ignore their intake if prescribed by a doctor. This is how the life of a modern person develops, that being healthy and getting the maximum of useful substances from the food consumed today is really difficult. There are more and more preservatives and dyes in store products, and, unfortunately, less vitamins and minerals. Therefore, vitamin complexes in this case play a certain role of a lifesaver, the main thing is not to overdo it.

What foods can you find vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Already when planning pregnancy, you should think about the diet, excluding junk food and enriching it with healthy, fortified foods. In the rhythm of life in the 21st century, vitamin E is far from the only one that may be lacking in the body of the average person. At a minimum, fried foods should be abandoned in favor of steamed foods - with such processing, vitamins will be preserved, and extra calories will not be deposited in favorite places.

As for vitamin E, it is found in all kinds of nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts; in marine products - pike perch, eel, squid; cereals - oatmeal, wheat and barley.

By adhering to the basics of proper nutrition, eating only proven and high-quality products, vitamin deficiency can be significantly reduced, if not completely eliminated.

Summing up

Vitamin E for women when planning pregnancy plays a significant role, because it prepares the body for conception and helps the baby grow and develop. In men, it improves the quality of sperm, which increases the chances of success at times. But a deficiency is no less dangerous than an excess - therefore it is important to drink this, and any other vitamin should be taken only after a doctor has prescribed and calculates an individual dosage.

By planning your pregnancy, you will increase the chances of creating a new healthy nation, so take this issue seriously!

Video "Vitamin E: description, sources and functions"

It is very difficult to overestimate. The most important of them enter the body from the outside, others are synthesized independently.

Vitamin E for conception is important for both women's and men's health. It is found in some foods and vitamin complexes.

    General information about the vitamin

    In medical practice, vitamin E is often referred to as tocopherol. It performs a number of important functions. There is an opinion that this substance directly affects the process preservation of youth. Tocopherol is involved in the respiratory process at the cellular level. In addition, it is one of the effective antioxidants.

    Reception is often prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of the period menopause. It can also be used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, oncology and arthritis.

    Regular consumption of tocopherol significantly improves appearance of skin, hair and nails. The greatest effect can be achieved when it is combined with vitamin A. Avitaminosis is established by the presence of certain signs. Among them are:

    • Decreased libido.
    • Deterioration of the skin.
    • muscle dystrophy.
    • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
    • Various forms of infertility.
    • Hair loss.

    REFERENCE! A single symptom should not be considered as direct evidence of beriberi. The best way to determine its presence is to pass the appropriate tests.

    Benefits for conception

    Vitamin E is considered one of the main medicines that must be taken at the stage. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of follicles. It is very often prescribed in combination with other medicines to regulate the menstrual cycle and stimulation. The presence of this vitamin is necessary during childbearing and in the postpartum period.

    The benefits of vitamin E for conception are as follows:

    • Help in
    • Impact on growth
    • Improving blood circulation.
    • Positive effect on the implantation process.
    • decline risk of abortion in future.
    • Strengthening immunity.

    IMPORTANT! People suffering from hypertension, diabetes mellitus or thyroid dysfunction should take vitamin preparations with extreme caution.

    For women

    A woman of absolutely any age can face problems that prevent the process of conception. Their presence can be indicated by malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, pain in the internal organs, not associated with.

    Independent taking tocopherol can't handle big problems. It acts as a good support for the prescribed medication treatment.

    For men

    How to use?

    Vitamin E for conception is recommended to be taken in combination with folic acid. During treatment, the dosage prescribed by the attending physician must be observed without fail. An excess of nutrients is just as undesirable as their deficiency.

    The daily dose for an adult is 10 to 20 mg. When controlling the intake, it is necessary to start three months before conception.

    Medicines containing tocopherol are more commonly found in yellow or orange capsules. They need to be taken with a small amount of water. Reception is after breakfast. This should not be done on an empty stomach. Active ingredients are better absorbed if a small amount of fat is present in the stomach.


    If tocopherol does not enter the woman's body with food in sufficient quantities, then she is prescribed an additional intake of the vitamin. To conceive a child, you need to drink vitamin E in preventive purposes to reduce all possible risks. Tocopherol should be taken once a day, one tablet.

    For health problems, the attending physician may significantly increase the dose vitamin during the period. Sometimes the dosage can reach 100 mg, and in case of infertility or miscarriages - 200-300 mg per day.

    CAREFULLY! In the event of pregnancy, taking tocopherol in high dosages can harm the baby. Therefore, after confirmation of conception, the dose of the vitamin should be reduced.


    For men, for conception, vitamin E is prescribed in conjunction with taking other medications to improve performance if they turned out to be bad during the test. The most common include Spematon, Speman, Spermaktin, Profertil, Tribestan. The scheme of reception does not depend on gender person. A man should take the same as a woman, one tablet a day. At the end of the course of treatment should be retaken.

    What products contain?

    The lack of vitamin E can be filled by eating more foods containing it. It is present in large quantities in many types of fresh vegetables. Freezing significantly reduces their number. With the most rich in content tocopherol, the following products can be noted:

    Product, 100 grams Vitamin E content, mg
    Peanut 19
    Sea ​​buckthorn 10
    Fish fat 20
    cottonseed oil 100
    Beef liver 1,3
    Walnuts 21
    Corn oil 80
    Seeds 36
    Soya 17
    Peas 9
    Unrefined sunflower oil 70
    Linseed oil 57
    Almond 26
    Corn 5,5

    ON A NOTE! Eating bakery products significantly reduces the level of tocopherol in the body.

    It may seem that beneficial substances are not capable of harming the body. However, it is not. Any drug and vitamins imply compliance with the rules of admission. Otherwise, side effects may occur. To conceive a child hypervitaminosis is just as problematic as beriberi.

The intrauterine development of a baby is a rather difficult process. In order for the baby to fully develop, the health of the expectant mother must be good. To this end, a woman planning to conceive a child must regularly receive all the necessary biologically active substances. One of these important elements is vitamin E.

Why should you take it?

Vitamins and microelements are necessary for the female body for its full functioning. During pregnancy planning, the importance of their regular intake increases several times.

During this period, it is very important that the expectant mother receives all the necessary substances.

Reviews of women who have already become mothers indicate that, in preparation for pregnancy, doctors prescribed them folic acid, multivitamin complexes, and various products containing iodine.

One of the most important vitamins is vitamin E (tocopherol). This substance is necessary for the normal course of many biological reactions in the female body. It is very important to take tocopherol even before the conception of the baby. During pregnancy, the need for it increases dramatically.

If a future mother has a significant deficiency of tocopherol in the body in the first weeks of intrauterine development of a baby, this can lead to the appearance of various dangerous pathologies. One of the most dangerous of them is the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, unfortunately, urgent termination of pregnancy is required.

This vitamin performs a lot of different important functions in the female body. One of them is that it prepares the reproductive organs for the further bearing of the baby.

Tocopherol affects the energy metabolism in the body, which leads to the correct distribution of energy, which is required for the operation of all internal organs.

The absence of tocopherol deficiency in the female body will become excellent prevention of anemia for expectant mothers. This vital vitamin has an important effect on blood formation. During pregnancy, proper blood flow is very important. It is thanks to him that the baby in the mother's tummy can grow and develop as it should.

It is no coincidence that tocopherol is called the female vitamin. Regular intake of it ensures the strength of nails and shine of hair. However, it should be remembered that for admission there are certain daily norms that cannot be exceeded. Regular intake of this vitamin in the female body will also contribute to good and clean skin.

Scientists have established an interesting fact. It turns out that sufficient intake of vitamin E in the female body is an excellent protection against the occurrence of various tumor processes. Tumors of the ovaries or uterine fibroids can often aggravate the course of pregnancy. In order for these pathologies in the body of a woman simply not to form, tocopherol is needed.

This vitamin is also essential for the disposal (disposal) of the body of various free radicals that are formed during any inflammatory processes.

Tocopherol helps to actively fight them, which leads to an improvement in the overall health of a woman planning to become a mother.

This vitamin is also very has a positive effect on blood clotting. Thanks to him, she retains all her properties. The blood becomes sufficiently fluid and has the necessary viscosity. Also, with the help of this vitamin in the female body, the likelihood of blood clots is reduced.

Severe thrombosis can be extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby. The danger of a blood clot is that it can block the lumen of a blood vessel. Such a situation will inevitably lead to the fact that providing the baby with the substances he needs for nutrition through the common system of the uteroplacental blood flow will be disrupted.

This condition is fraught with the development of a hypoxic state in the fetus. If hypoxia is expressed in late pregnancy, even premature delivery may be required.

In what cases is it prescribed?

Vitamins of this group are necessary for every woman so that her menstrual cycle does not fail. Biologically active components have a positive effect on the functioning of the ovaries. This contributes to the fact that the eggs are formed regularly, and the duration and phases of the menstrual cycle are not disturbed.

Ovulation Calculator

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High chance of conception

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Under the influence of this vitamin in men, the indicators of spermatogenesis are somewhat improved, during which the male germ cells necessary for conception are formed - spermatozoa. Tocopherol also improves their mobility and ability to fertilize eggs.

Infertility is a clinical indication for taking multivitamin complexes without fail. Often in such situations, it happens that vitamin E is combined with the appointment of folic acid. The dosage of the latter can be different - from 200 to 400 mg. The selection of the course dose is determined by the attending physician, knowing the presence of existing concomitant pathologies of the internal organs.

Reasons for the deficit

The need for vitamin E in different periods of life is different. Irrational nutrition often leads to the fact that its intake in the diet is significantly reduced. If this situation develops for quite a long time, a deficient condition may develop.

Also, too heavy and intense physical exercises can lead to a decrease in the concentration of this vitamin.

Some women who play sports and do not follow the balance of vitamins and trace elements may also experience a deficiency of tocopherol.

The period of recovery after infectious diseases is often accompanied by a decrease in the blood level of this vitamin. Lack of appetite during a cold or viral infection leads to the fact that the diet is significantly limited. This contributes to the development of an imbalance in the intake of various vitamins and microelements, including tocopherol.

Scientists note that even living in large cities can lead to the development of a deficient state of vitamin E intake. Unfavorable environmental factors significantly affect the functioning of the immune system.

To implement all the functions of the immune system, a lot of tocopherol is required. If this situation occurs over a long period of time, then eventually it can lead to a decrease in the content of vitamin E in the blood.

It is important to note that when processed at high temperatures, this substance is simply destroyed. Quite often it happens that a woman consumes a lot of plant foods containing tocopherol, but is deficient in this vitamin.

This most often occurs due to the fact that she consumes already processed food that has undergone heat treatment. Such food is not only unhealthy, but also does not provide the body with enough vitamin E.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also the cause of the development of tocopherol deficiency in the body. Most often, chronic diseases that have a tendency to seasonal exacerbations lead to this condition. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, and intestinal pathology can lead to a decrease in the flow of tocopherol into the bloodstream.

There are also more rare, but recorded causes that lead to a deficient state in the body of vitamin E. These include some genetic diseases and syndromes that occur with a change in liver function. In this case, metabolic processes in the liver tissue are disturbed, which contributes to the development of vitamin deficiency.

How can you suspect a shortage for the body?

There are no specific changes in the deficient state of tocopherol content. There is a whole range of different emerging disorders that can be a reason to think about the presence of this condition.

If a woman preparing to become a mother has an anemic condition, then in such a situation one should definitely think about whether there is a vitamin deficiency in her body.

Various neurological disorders and diseases of the nervous system can also lead to the fact that a woman will have a slightly reduced level of tocopherol in the blood.

These pathologies manifest themselves in different ways. Quite often, women with neurological diseases have "goosebumps" or a feeling of "numbness" in the limbs. Severe chilliness even in warm weather can be one of the additional clinical signs.

It is possible to suspect a pronounced decrease in vitamin E in the body by the appearance of various visual disturbances. In most cases, they are manifested by the appearance of white "flies" before the eyes or impaired vision at dusk. As a rule, such disorders can be caused by malnutrition and blood supply to the retina.

Failures of the menstrual cycle can also be caused by various pathologies of the internal organs. In the vast majority of cases, they are accompanied by a decrease in the level of tocopherol in the body. Daily intake of this vitamin allows you to quickly normalize the general condition of a woman, as well as reduce the severity of all adverse symptoms.

Frequent mood changes for no reason and without a clear connection with the phase of the menstrual cycle can also be one of the signs of an existing tocopherol deficiency in the female body. Such women, as a rule, become more aggressive, quick-tempered over trifles. It becomes more difficult for them to endure psycho-emotional stress. Some women develop tearfulness and a tendency to develop depression.

Acceptance rates

Dosages of regular intake of vitamin E can be different. It is very important to understand that in each specific situation, the selection of the dose is carried out individually. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors.

So, before prescribing drugs, the doctor necessarily evaluates whether a woman who is preparing to become a mother has any diseases of the reproductive organs. If she suffers from infertility, then the daily dose of this vitamin can be increased.

A woman who does not have any serious pathologies can get enough vitamin E from food. For this she just needs to normalize and optimize her nutrition. In many food products, the amount of tocopherol is sufficient to replenish its daily requirement.

Before choosing a dosage, the doctor will definitely advise a woman who is preparing to become a mother to consume a sufficient amount of products containing tocopherol.

Only for additional enrichment with vitamin E or in case of medical indications, the doctor may recommend additional use of medicines.

Usually the average daily dosage of this vitamin is 10-20 mg. In some situations, it needs to be increased. In any case, the attending physician selects the preventive or therapeutic regimen. It is important to remember that the maximum allowable daily dose is 100 mg.

How to take?

Currently, doctors prescribe various multivitamin complexes to their patients. They contain a set of vitamins and microelements that are necessary to prepare for pregnancy, including tocopherol. They are prescribed, as a rule, 1-2 times a day. They should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

There are also drugs containing vitamin E. As a rule, they are available in capsules and less often in tablets. Each of them must be accompanied by instructions for use, which spell out what side effects and symptoms of an overdose may be against the background of the use of this drug.

It is important to note that vitamin E is so well absorbed by the body that it is almost impossible to achieve its supersaturation. However, you should always remember the measure. The dosage of vitamin E should be discussed with your doctor.

The most popular and frequently used remedy is Aevit. It contains two vitamins - tocopherol and retinol. Many girls use it only for cosmetic purposes.

It happens that they select the dosage on their own, which leads to the fact that an excess of retinol enters the body. This vitamin has a high storage capacity. An overdose of retinol is accompanied by the development of many adverse symptoms.

In order to enrich your diet with this vitamin, you should add various vegetable oils to it. The best of them in terms of the content of this vitamin are from wheat germ, soybean, cottonseed, corn.

It is important to remember that for women who are overweight, it is very important to monitor the amount of oil eaten. These foods are very high in calories. Fresh vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil will be an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals required in preparation for pregnancy.

Recently, more and more women are planning pregnancy. This method allows you to give birth to a healthy child and at the very time when the family is ready for replenishment, both financially and psychologically. The woman will be asked to take a considerable number of tests that reveal possible pathologies: infections, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, hormonal disorders, etc. Having solved her problems with women's health, the expectant mother receives an instruction from the gynecologist to take, in addition to folic acid, vitamin E. Usually, this appointment surprises many, because it is not clear whether vitamin E helps to get pregnant? And if so, why does it have such a miraculous effect?

Vitamin E before pregnancy

Another name for vitamin E is tocopherol. This substance is necessary for every organism for full growth, development and functioning. Thanks to him, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes occur, and energy is delivered to the organs. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which is why it is called the vitamin of youth.

However, the need for vitamin E for women is as follows. The fact is that tocopherol is necessary for the functioning of the main female organs - the uterus and ovaries. It establishes a normal menstrual cycle, helps to restore hormonal levels, treats ovarian dysfunction. This vitamin is prescribed to patients with an underdeveloped uterus.

At the same time, the substance not only improves the functioning of the genital organs, vitamin E really helps to get pregnant. Tocopherol establishes a balance between estrogens and progesterone, due to which the egg matures in the ovary and ovulation occurs. The adoption of vitamin E for conception is due to the fact that at the time of conception in the body of a woman there should not be a shortage of this substance, since it is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus.

However, taking vitamin E when planning pregnancy improves the reproductive function of not only women, but also men. This substance is involved in the formation of the testicles and seminiferous tubules. Vitamin E is also necessary for spermatogenesis - the formation of spermatozoa. Tocopherol improves the quality of sperm - it becomes less pathological and immobile germ cells.

Why do pregnant women need vitamin E?

In addition to the functions listed above, vitamin E is necessary for the laying of important organs of the embryo. Tocopherol is involved in the formation of the placenta, through which nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to the fetus. In addition, this vitamin is necessary for normal gestation and prevention of the threat of miscarriage. Also, tocopherol is involved in the formation of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates lactation in expectant mothers. However, an overdose of vitamin E during pregnancy is fraught with the development of heart disease in the fetus and impaired phytoplacental metabolism.

How to take vitamin E?

Vitamin E is part of multivitamins, but is also sold as a separate drug. Tocopherol is available in the form of a transparent yellow dragee. The dose of vitamin E is measured in IU - international unit. 1 IU contains 0.67 substances. The domestic drug is produced in a dosage of 100 IU. Vitamin E of foreign origin is produced in 100 IU, 200 IU, 400 IU.

When planning a pregnancy, vitamin E dosage is 100-200 IU per day, that is, it is necessary to take 1-2 tablets per day after confirmed ovulation. As for the appointment of vitamin E for men, the dosage in this case is up to 300 mg per day. This is enough to maintain spermatogenesis.

When using vitamin E during pregnancy, one must take into account the fact that a dose not exceeding 1000 mg is considered safe. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed from 200 to 400 mg per day.

The specific dosage for each case is prescribed by the doctor. Vitamin E preparations should not be taken without the supervision of a specialist.

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