Stevia plant its useful properties and medicinal. Stevia - what is it, the benefits and harms of honey grass. Sweetener "Stevia": contraindications

Perennial stevia, which belongs to the aster family, has gained some popularity among adherents healthy eating who use it as a normal . Stevia leaves contain over a hundred beneficial phytochemicals. But despite this, it is a large number of controversy over its effects on the human body. To understand whether a plant is beneficial or harmful, in this article we turn to scientific research, which in last years enough has been done.

Where does stevia grow

The chemical composition of stevia

Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D, E, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium.

Acids: humic, coffee, formic.

Stevia leaves contain 17 amino acids, essential oils, apigenin, campesterol, steviol, flavonoids and glycosides. The latter give this plant a sweet taste. Interestingly, stevia is 30 times sweeter than refined sugar, which is why it is nicknamed "honey grass". Despite this, it is not contraindicated for diabetics, since the glucosides that make up its composition do not affect the level of insulin in human blood.

Just one leaf of stevia can sweeten an entire gourd filled with bitter Yerba mate tea.

Approximately 1/4 tsp. crushed leaves of the plant is equivalent to about 1 tsp. Sahara.

Stevia calories: leaves - 18 kcal, tablets - 272 kcal, syrup - 128 kcal per 100 g.

Glycemic index of stevia - 0.

Useful properties and health benefits of stevia

  • has antimicrobial activity,
  • eliminates inflammation in oral cavity,
  • protects tooth enamel
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • strengthens cardiovascular system,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • removes toxins and radionuclides,
  • improves digestion,
  • prevents heartburn
  • eliminates kidney problems,
  • helps with arthritis
  • eliminates allergic diathesis in children
  • cancer prevention,
  • reduces cravings for fatty foods
  • eliminates skin rashes,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • helps to restore strength.

Does not raise blood sugar levels

A natural sweetener, famous for its almost zero calorie content, is of great interest to many scientists.

When answering the question whether stevia is useful or harmful, you should refer to the data scientific research. One of the reasons why some people refuse to use the leaves of this plant as a sweetener is a possible allergic reaction of the body. However, it has been scientifically proven that this herb is hypoallergenic. In addition, unlike synthetic sweeteners, stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, so stevia does not increase the risk of diabetes from consumption.

Research on stevia and its effects on the body

In the journal Planta Medica in 2005, the results of a study were published that confirmed the ability of stevia to lower blood sugar levels. This effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition of the plant of a sweet component - stevioside. This substance contributes to the normalization of blood sugar levels with regular use of a natural sweetener. In 2010, the European Food Safety Authority Journal published the results of another study investigating the link between stevia consumption and diabetes. Italian scientists have proven that the use of this plant leads to a decrease in insulin resistance. As a result, the product is safe for both healthy people and for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Another positive property of this plant is the ability to normalize blood pressure. The relationship between stevia consumption and blood pressure was the focus of a separate study by physicians from the University of Taipei in 2003. Experts conducted tests in which people took part different ages suffering from hypertension or intermittent high blood pressure on the initial stages development of this disease. As a result, it was found that regular consumption of the extract of this plant led to a decrease blood pressure all participants without exception. Positive effect was recorded in many participants 2 years after the start of taking the extract.

Scientists from the University of Texas also conducted a series of studies on the beneficial properties of stevia and the effects of this plant extract on the body. Doctors have found that due to the presence of a substance called "kaempferol" in the composition of the leaves, the use of this plant is effective. prophylactic against some forms of cancer, in particular, pancreas.

There is an opinion that taking stevia can cause infertility. However, this has not been scientifically proven. On the contrary, in countries where it grows and is regularly consumed, the birth rate is high.

Some mistakenly believe that this plant is toxic. However, this also does not have any scientific proof. Organic stevia-based preparations are not toxic, unlike synthetic sweeteners. Negative impact of this plant per organism is possible only in case of a significant excess allowable rate consumption. Individual intolerance to the components that make up the leaves is also possible. However, the percentage of people with individual intolerance to this plant is extremely small.

Contraindications and harm of stevia

  • individual intolerance,
  • pregnancy,
  • hypotension.

Stevia has no pronounced contraindications, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children. But during pregnancy and lactation, one should be more careful, since in these periods of life the body of women is very sensitive to all foods.

People suffering from hypotension should first consult with a specialist, as this plant helps to lower blood pressure.

Stevia is a sweetener

The main use of the plant is as a replacement for conventional refined sugar. Stevia leaves are added to tea or brewed without adding other ingredients. In addition, specialized stores and pharmacies sell various forms this sweetener.

In what form is it sold?

In dried crushed form, tablets, in the form of syrup and white powder.

I would like to note right away that the white powder and tablets are not the stevia herb, but its extract. Very often, such products contain artificial sweeteners, flavors, etc. Accordingly, they are of little use. In addition, the white powder is too concentrated, as it is actually pure refined stevioside. Add it to dishes and drinks very carefully and in small quantities.

The syrup is obtained by boiling the infusion of leaves to a thick viscous state. It's also pretty concentrated.

We bring to your attention a table that will help you understand how much stevia should be added instead of regular sugar.

How to use stevia instead of sugar

Because of the harmful additives in the pills and the white powder, there may be some bad rumors about this plant. To avoid negative consequences, we advise you to purchase it in its natural form - a dark green powder of crushed leaves, or make your own tincture.

Stevia tincture at home

1 tbsp chopped leaves + 1 glass of water. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 5 minutes. After that, immediately pour the broth into a thermos. Leave to brew for 9-10 hours, then strain and pour into a sterilized container.

Pour the remaining leaves again with 0.5 cups of boiling water and let them brew for 6 hours in a thermos. Combine the first infusion with fresh. It is necessary to store the infusion in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 7 days.

As from any vegetable product, the benefits of stevia for the human body will be only in its natural form, and with a moderate volume. If you have switched to proper nutrition, but it’s still difficult for you to refuse sweets, you can safely replace refined sugar with this herb.

Do you use natural sweeteners in your diet? :)

Stevia for diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension

Stevia herb and its use for excellent well-being and maintaining health is increasingly loved by people who seek to know their body, use its potential.

"Ka-he-he" - this is the name of the heat-loving shrub by the inhabitants of Brazil, which means "sweet grass" - it is easy and easy to use at home.


Medicinal plant (Stevia rebaudiana, bifolia) contains unique substances - rebaudioside and stevioside. These glycosides are completely harmless to humans, have no calorie content and are three hundred times sweeter than beet (cane) sugar familiar to all of us.

Bifolia contains a significant amount of antioxidants, including rutin, quercetin, vitamins C, A, E, B. The leaves are rich in mineral components- chromium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper.

Honey grass gives health

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the sweetest greens depend on general condition organism. It helps both adults and children to get rid of many common ailments:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • hypertension,
  • diabetes,
  • diseases of the circulatory system,
  • obesity,
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stevia honey herb prevents oncological diseases and disruptions at work vascular system, positively affects the work of the heart muscle. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties. With its help, diseases of the gallbladder and liver are cured much faster.

Stevia leaves have antioxidants that prevent the formation and reproduction of cancer cells. free radicals effectively destroyed under the influence of quercetin, kaempferol, glycosidic compounds. The green gift of nature prevents premature aging young cells, as well as rebirth healthy cells into cancers.

In food, medicinal grass is a natural low-calorie sugar substitute. Currently, scientists cannot come to a consensus: artificial Many of them are a panacea for diabetes, obesity, but they can provoke serious ailments, including cancer.

Scientific studies of a medicinal plant have established that it can be used as food long time. Medicinal double leaf is the most harmless natural sweetener, it only benefits all body systems. It tolerates heat well, so it can be safely used for hot dishes.

What are its beneficial properties? So, a healing product:

  • saturates the body with the richest complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • stabilizes the level of sugar in the circulatory system;
  • improves the functioning of the liver;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • is a barrier to bacterial growth.

Good to know: 0.1 kg of "magic" leaves contain only 18 kcal, one tablespoon - 4 kcal, one teaspoon - 1 kcal.

Slimming and beauty products

Stevia extract - stevioside - allows you to enjoy the sweetest taste with minimal calories. People who don't want to recruit extra pounds can safely consume sweets prepared with a natural extract.

It is well known to us from the fairly common additive E 960, which is present in the compositions of various confectionery products, yoghurts, curds and fermented milk products, juices and soft drinks, mayonnaises and ketchups, canned fruits, sports nutrition.

Also, a natural sweetener can be found in tooth powders and pastes, mouth rinses. The sense of using such hygiene products large, since a significant amount of bacteria is suppressed in the oral cavity, a reliable protection from periodontal disease and gingivitis.

Benefit amazing plant undoubted for the health and beauty of the skin, as there is an effective destruction of pathogens skin infections. With psoriasis, eczema, herpes zoster, it is necessary to combine medical preparations with medicinal plants.

How to use and where to buy stevia?

  1. Liquid concentrates contain alcohol and glycerin, which allows the use of a sweetener in drinks. The norm per day is 4 drops.
  2. It is convenient to use powders for baking. One teaspoon of crumbly product is equivalent to one tablespoon of sugar. daily rate is 40 grams of powder (about 2 tablespoons).
  3. For lovers of coffee and tea, tablets are suitable, which are produced in convenient packages. Depending on the manufacturer, you can take 3-8 tablets per day.
  4. Dried grass is the most useful. Before use, place 1 sachet (2 teaspoons) in a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 12 hours, strain the infusion, drink within 2-3 days.
  5. You can grow a healing plant in your own kitchen. You will always have at hand natural sweetener, and a beautiful bush will decorate the window, perfectly fit into the interior. For a cup fragrant tea it is enough to use one leaf, which should be added to the drink during the brewing process.

It is easy to buy a sugar substitute not only on the Web, in pharmacies, but also in supermarkets, network companies who are engaged in the sale of herbs and ready-made herbal preparations. An excellent option is to purchase medicinal honey grass from trusted herbalists on the market.

Use in diabetes

Gentle grass is extremely effective in diabetes, because it is not only an excellent natural sweetener, but is also capable of:

  • reduce blood sugar;
  • normalize carbohydrate metabolism;
  • improve work thyroid gland;
  • to fill with energy;
  • increase immunity;
  • reduce appetite.

For many non-insulin dependent patients, the prescription necessarily includes the use of medicinal leaves, an extract. Stevioside prevents the appearance of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic conditions, helps to reduce the required dose of insulin.

The use of a natural sweetener should take place simultaneously with certain physical activity, preventive measures.

Tip: If you have diabetes, strictly follow the norm for the use of vegetable sweetener. Too large dose can provoke an increase in pressure, skin rashes, slow heartbeat.

When we are responsible for a new life

Many expectant mothers scrupulously monitor their diet, taking care of the health of their little treasure, wondering if it is possible to use stevia rebaudiana during pregnancy.

Manufacturers of honey grass claim that it is harmless both during the development of the fetus in the womb and during lactation. In addition, products containing a marvelous plant can improve mood during pregnancy, give a sweet aftertaste to breastfeeding breastfeeding.

We recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers always consult with their doctor before using a sweetener. Each organism is individual, so you should consider what effect the use of the product may cause in the future.

Recipes for using the sweet gift of nature

Stevia herb and its use is rapidly increasing worldwide in both medicine, nutrition and cosmetology. It is quite simple to use the healing double leaf at home.

  • For burns, boils, ulcers.

Put a compress of freshly washed leaves on the injured area, after rubbing them a little in your hands. Damaged skin can be washed with a decoction or infusion from the plant.

  • We are preparing a decoction.

Tie two tablespoons (with a slide) of fresh or dried raw materials into a gauze napkin. Put in a saucepan, pour a cup of boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Drain the broth into a sterilized jar (bottle). Pour the napkin with the potion again with half a cup of boiling water, after half an hour pour the liquid into the broth in a jar. Napkin leaves can be put in drinks instead of sugar, and the cooled broth can be stored for 5-6 days in the refrigerator.

  • We make an extract.

Measure 20 g of dry leaves, pour 200 ml of high-quality alcohol, leave for 24 hours in a warm place. Strain.

  • We enjoy tea.

Two full tablespoons of dry leaves should be poured with a cup of boiling water, covered with a saucer, insisted for 30 minutes. scented tea not only extremely pleasant to the taste, but also has pronounced healing properties. The face will acquire a healthy shade if it is daily lubricated with fragrant tea. Using tea as a rinse will give curls shine and elasticity.

Harm and side effects

Unfortunately, even this useful plant sometimes it can harm the body. Let us immediately state that adverse effect can only occur with excessive use of greens.

The fact is that the glycosides contained in the "honey leaves" are not always completely broken down in the body. In some cases, the element steviol is quite harmful, negatively affecting hormonal background that reduces sexual activity. Sometimes, after using the plant, muscle pains, abdominal cramps, and dizziness occur. Such symptoms are associated with individual intolerance to the product.

Use the unique properties of honey greens for youth, beauty and good mood!

Stevia - what is it, is there any benefit from the use of stevia for the body or is it another publicity stunt?

So, stevia is a honey herb, delicious and useful sweetener plant origin(see photo).

Everyone has a need for sweets. It is necessary in order to keep the body in good shape. Now, there are enough products that replace sugar, but not all of them are useful.

Sweethearts risk gaining overweight, and exceed the amount of sugar in the body. Therefore, it is so important to know. This article will talk about stevia - a sugar substitute that is able to control its content in the human body. And, of course, we will talk about the benefits and harms of stevia for human health.

Stevia honey - sweet herb

Stevia is not the only alternative to regular white. But, it can rightfully be called a leader among products that replace it. This is a grass of the chrysanthemum family, which looks like a small bush.

Brazil is considered the birthplace of stevia. Over time, it has adapted to other parts of the planet. Now the plant can be found even in the Crimea.

Useful properties of stevia

For the first time, the Indians learned about the properties of the plant.

  • Its leaves contain steviosides. These are sweeteners that are 300 times sweeter than sugar. And these are not empty carbohydrates at all ... since the plant also contains essential oils, tannins, many vitamins (C, E, B, P) and trace elements (iron, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, etc.). ), so it turns out an excellent sweetener from stevia.
  • Despite this, stevia has almost zero calorie level. 18 kcal, less than the record holders from the end in terms of caloric content - cabbage and. It is for this reason that honey grass is so loved by those who seek to throw off excess weight. Stevia gives a unique opportunity to lose weight and indulge in sweets.
  • It does not contain glucose, which also increases its value compared to sugar.
  • The leaves of this plant contain tannins, which positive influence on the mucous membrane.

Can stevia be used by diabetics?

Endocrinologists agree that diabetes Drinking stevia is not only possible, but also necessary in moderation.

Daily addition of this product to tea or coffee has a positive effect on digestion, increases physical activity, stimulates mental work. Scientists in their latest research Stevia has been proven to help reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Buy this product can be found in almost every pharmacy. It is sold as a white powder, which can successfully replace sugar.

Benefits of stevia for the body

So what is the benefit of stevia? Not only the stevia herb is just a sugar substitute…

This valuable product is able to provide therapeutic effect on the human body.

  • For example, with its help you can, the level of cholesterol.
  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of the herb make it the remedy of choice during cold seasons to strengthen the body's defenses and prevent morbidity. Stevia destroys the beginnings of inflammation in the respiratory system, normalizes digestive processes.
  • Being a storehouse of vitamins, stevia eliminates beriberi, which may result from malnutrition. She is useful in winter time when people have a need to saturate the body with useful substances and vitamins.
  • It is believed that the constituent plants do not like it, it interferes with their reproduction and prosperity.
  • With regular use of stevia disappear skin irritations, rash. Noticeable regenerative effect.
  • The herb is used for oncoprophylaxis, it is favorable in the treatment of the thyroid gland, liver, joint diseases.

How to use stevia

The traditional way to use stevia sweetener is to add it to tea, compote or coffee instead of sugar. Herbal teas, syrup, tablets and stevia powders are produced by the industry. Many grow a plant in their backyards, it is not too capricious.

From its leaves, an infusion is prepared, which is used as a sweetener in drinks or homemade cakes. This infusion is put in a cool place where it is stored for a whole week.

Stevia does more than just sweeten drinks and foods. It gives a pleasant aroma to coffee, tea or culinary products. With it, food becomes healthy and pleasant to the taste.

Health benefits of stevia

There are several uses for stevia. For example, you can make an infusion from it, which can be diluted with drinks or herbal decoctions.

Preparation of the infusion

For the infusion, you need a glass of dried stevia leaves, which should be wrapped in gauze, put in a liter jar, and pour boiling water over it. The liquid is infused for a day, after which it is boiled for 60 minutes.

Stevia tincture

You can make stevia tincture:
20 grams of dry leaves of this plant should be poured into a glass pure alcohol. After a day, the infusion should be filtered and added to the tea 40 drops each. This remedy is also useful to drink during a flu epidemic and when a cold begins.

Stevia decoction

To have healthy hair, fresh face, you can pour two tablespoons of dry leaves into 250 g of boiling water and cook over very low heat for half an hour. After that, the liquid can be drained into another container, and again pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over the napkin with grass. The resulting liquid should be allowed to stand for an hour. After that, the decoction should be combined with the infusion and drunk before meals.

External use of stevia in cosmetology

Stevia is used as a cosmetic.

A decoction of it is wiped on the face, rubbed into the scalp. This tool helps, makes the skin supple. After rubbing the infusion, the hair becomes obedient and shiny.

Stevia in cooking

You can make winter preparations from stevia, the beneficial properties of which have already been seen by many housewives.

For example, to prepare raspberry compote, you can take a liter jar, pour berries into it. The syrup with which compote is poured is done as follows: fifty grams of stevia sweetener are added to a glass of water. It is poured into jars with raspberries and pasteurized for several minutes.

You can also make compote from other fruits or berries - strawberries, peaches, apples,.

The use of stevia has a positive effect on the figure. Its constant use will be an excellent way out for people who are prone to fullness.

Possible harm of stevia

  • Stevia-based infusions and decoctions should be stored in a cold place for about a week. When using the powder, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Of its few contraindications, there may be diathesis, allergic reactions and gastroenteritis.
  • If you combine the intake of stevia with milk, diarrhea can easily begin.
  • Patients with low blood pressure should be on their guard with stevia, an even greater decrease in indicators is possible.
  • Pregnant women should also be careful to avoid unforeseen effects.

In moderation, use in small portions this tool not only harmless, but also useful. This is especially true for people with diabetes.

Over the years, people have successfully used medicinal plants in folk medicine. Stevia is one of these plants. This is a unique herb, the main component of which is "stevizoid" - a special substance with a sweet taste. This plant is much sweeter than sugar(about 10 times).

Despite all her medicinal properties, stevia remains natural product with virtually no drawbacks. Learn more about the medicinal properties of the herb stevia and will be discussed in this article.

Stevia is known to the people under several names. Some people know it as sweet double leaf, while others call it honey grass. In any case, this is the same plant, which is a perennial shrub of low growth with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are very popular because of their unique properties- they are several times sweeter than ordinary sugar, have pleasant aroma. If we consider age category, then the most delicious are stevia leaves up to 6 months old.

Pi compared with others medicinal plants(, and others), then stevia is not so common. But due to its medicinal properties, this incredibly sweet herb can compete with many medicinal plants.

The medicinal value of this plant is provided by the presence of special substances that play the role of a building material in the human body in the process of hormone production. It's about about stevizoids, which were discovered at the beginning of 1931 thanks to scientific work French chemists. They managed to extract a special extract from stevia leaves. Even then it was known palatability found extract.

A large number of benefits honey grass managed to discover not only French, but also Japanese scientists. In Japan, this plant has been grown since 1954 in greenhouse conditions. Modern Japanese food industry directly depends on stevizoid, as it has managed to occupy almost half of the sweeteners in the Japanese market. This extract has been successfully used in desserts, soy sauces, marinades, chewing gum, sweetening juices, and dried seafood. In Japan, stevia is used even in the manufacture of toothpaste.

Beneficial features

The use of plant shoots for food allows you to control the level of cholesterol in the patient's blood, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and also stabilize blood pressure. Also, stevia is able to cleanse the body of accumulated harmful toxins, contributing to natural cleansing digestive tract. When eating honey grass, the patient loses a strong appetite for fatty and sweet food, and extra pounds begin to gradually go away without causing any harm to the human body.

There is an increase in the efficiency of the patient's immune system due to the use of this plant. There is also an increase in the body's resistance to exposure to various diseases infectious nature. Useful components contained in stevia prevent the development of microorganisms in the patient's oral cavity. This feature has led to the fact that this plant is used in the production of toothpaste.

Stevia has been used for many years to treat and prevent diseases of the urinary and digestive organs. The end products of metabolism that accumulate in the body throughout its life are released under the influence of the plant. The same goes for salt deposits. At the same time, the normalization of the work of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas of the patient is noticed.

Many people are sure that regular intake of honey grass leaves allows you to restore a person’s strength, energize him for the whole day and cheer up. Moreover, at daily use plant extract relieves fatigue, and increases the tonic properties of muscles. This has made stevia a popular plant among athletes or people who prefer an active lifestyle.

State skin when using stevia, it also improves markedly. His useful components contribute rapid healing wounds, burns, fungus or seborrhea.

It's no secret that this plant is successfully used in cosmetology. Cosmetics, which include stevia extract, improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. The secret of longevity lies in this plant.

Indications for use

Due to its beneficial properties, the herb stevia has been successfully used in folk medicine. She excelled in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • and others.

All of these diseases are treated medicinal tinctures and decoctions, the main component of which is stevia or its extract.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

The peculiarity of stevia is that almost all people can take it, since it does not have any contraindications. There is one exception - this is an individual intolerance to the plant, but this happens extremely rarely. With regards to medicines or food, the honey herb is compatible with everyone.

Of course, when trying to remove extra pounds, you need to limit yourself to the use of stevia. For this purpose, the best protein products that saturate your body. But you can combine the plant with some products that have low maintenance fat.

Dosage forms

Stevia is used medicinally as various decoctions or tinctures. It is advisable to prepare the remedy every day, because in a day everything useful material that it contains may simply disappear. As a result, you will be treated plain water brownish tint. This plant is actively used to combat various ailments, as well as as a preventive measure.

Stevia infusion is able to strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize disorders endocrine system, as well as reinforce immune system patient. The people also use tea prepared with stevia. With its help, you can effectively deal with the symptoms of hypertension, diabetes, as well as obesity at different levels.

Also, decoctions are prepared from honey grass for the treatment of various ailments. The main difference between a decoction and a tincture is that it is prepared in a more concentrated form. Therefore, for its preparation, the proportions of water and herbs can vary significantly. The amount of herb to use depends on the recipe and the disease you are going to fight.

Instructions for use

The beneficial properties of stevia have led to the fact that this plant is used in traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention various diseases. It can be used in different forms(infusion, decoction or tea). Consider the most common recipes:

In addition to the main task of the stevia herb (treatment of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and so on), it can be grown as houseplant. Thus, honey grass will decorate any room of your house.

Children can take stevia-based remedies to treat coughs or obesity. For this purpose, a special decoction is prepared from the leaves of this plant, where 500 grams boiled water 2-3 tablespoons of herbs are added. You need to take the prepared remedy several times a day, preferably 2-3 times. Many doctors recommend taking stevia and its tinctures as an adjunct to conventional therapy.

As mentioned earlier, stevia refers to safe plants even for pregnant women. Decoctions and infusions prepared on its basis can be taken without any fear for the health of the mother and her unborn child. These drugs are exclusively natural origin so they are completely safe.

But, as with any other medical device, before using honey grass, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Stevia is the best natural sweetener without side effects. Honey grass, also called stevia, is widely used not only in diet food but also in traditional and folk medicine.

What it looks like and where it grows

This plant is common in Central and South America, China, Brazil and Israel. Stevia grows only in subtropical conditions; it does not hibernate in the continental climate. Honey grass is also common on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula.

Outwardly, stevia is a low shrub, not reaching a height of seventy centimeters. The leaves of the grass are rich green, oval and elongated in length. Inflorescences are small, white.

Chemical composition

Stevia is rich in macro- and microelements: chromium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper and phosphorus. It contains several substances with a sweet taste: stevioside (unparalleled natural sweetener, which compares favorably with synthetic substances, since it is safe for the body); glycosides dulcoside, rubusoside, rebaudioside. AT fresh leaves honey grass contains vitamins: A, B, C and P. Stevia also contains acids important for the body: linoleic and arachidonic.

Did you know? In Japan, stevia powder capsules are taken to treat chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medicinal properties

Antioxidants in stevia can slow down the process of cellular aging. Essential oils and macro- and microelements enhance defensive forces body, have an antifungal effect. Honey grass has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Tea from the plant is a good diuretic. It has also been scientifically proven to stop the growth of tumors. but perhaps the most popular honey herb for the treatment of obesity and a variety of metabolic disorders.

Important! Stevia - effective remedy to fight bad habits. Regular consumption of honey grass tea will help you get rid of cravings for sweets, cigarettes and alcohol.

Application in traditional medicine

The healing properties of honey grass are widely represented in traditional medicine recipes. The ability of stevia to replace sugar allows it to be used in diseases associated with metabolic disorders, especially in diabetes. Also, the plant has wound healing and tonic properties, is able to lower blood pressure and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

With diabetes

Stevia is the solution to many diabetic problems. Firstly, it allows you not to limit yourself to sweets. Secondly, the plant lacks carbohydrates that require insulin to break down. Thirdly, honey grass contains a large amount of substances useful for the body.

For the treatment of diabetes ethnoscience advises to take stevia infusion. To prepare it, you need to mix two teaspoons of honey grass powder with three tablespoons of herbs. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a warm place for half an hour. Strain and drink three times a day before meals, a third of a glass.

For stomach ulcers

Stevia decoction suitable for the treatment of not only stomach ulcers, but also duodenum. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon of stevia herb and two teaspoons of St. John's wort herb. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and boil on a water boom for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken warm in a third of a glass before meals.

Did you know? Stevia extract is 300 times sweeter than sugar.

For skin diseases

For furunculosis, eczema and psoriasis, special lotions from the leaves and powder of the plant. Psoriasis and furunculosis are effectively treated with lotions from a teaspoon of stevia powder mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water and two medium-sized crushed cloves.

For eczema, in a ratio of 1: 5, teaspoons of dry crushed stevia leaves and blackberries are mixed. The mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water. After a little infusion, it is ready for use in the form of lotions.

From dandruff

A spoonful of dry crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to brew for a quarter of an hour. The cooled tea is regularly rubbed into the scalp. This tool allows you not only to forget about dandruff, but also gives hair shine and density.

How can it be used in cooking

Stevia can be used in cooking as a leaf, powder, or extract. Honey grass leaves can completely replace sugar when added to tea or coffee. Unusually tasty and a decoction of the leaves. They can also be added to compotes or fruit and berry cocktails. The powder version of the plant is used to make marshmallows, jams, cookies, pies and cheesecakes. The extract of the plant will be a good sweetener in the preparation of ice cream and fruit desserts.

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