Teach not to overeat regular hunger strikes. How to learn not to overeat: useful tips. The easy way to eat in moderation

Tasty food- one of the main pleasures for a person. But have you noticed such a thing behind you: no matter what plate you have in front of you, small or large, in any case, you will eat everything to the last crumb? Your stomach is already full, you are full, but something in your head does not allow you to stop.

It would seem that the solution is simple. You ? Not? Then stop eating!

But too often we still overeat and barely crawl out from behind the table. Probably, this has been human nature since ancient times: to eat for the future, because it is not known when the next time you will catch a mammoth. However, now this habit only leads to extra pounds which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of. So, you need to learn how to finish eating when you are full, even if there is still a lot of tasty food left on the plate. Here are some tips to help you fight overeating.

Repeat: “I don’t have to eat everything to the end”

Write this phrase on a piece of paper, leave it in the comments to this post, say it out loud several times to strengthen this thought: you do not have to eat everything to the end. Stop as soon as you feel that your stomach is already full and you are satisfied.

Avoid Overeating at Cafes

Overeating is very easy. Usually, if you eat there, you do it in a relaxed atmosphere and with a pleasant conversationalist. And this means that you have extra time to sit for 15-20 minutes, and then eat the rest. During the conversation, this will happen imperceptibly. However, at the end of the meal, you will surely feel that you have overindulged.

Feel like you're already full? Ask the waiter to wrap the leftover food and put it in the bag. If for some reason you do not want to take food with you, then let him just take the plate away. Otherwise, you will not be able to resist the temptation to eat another bite, and then another ...

Avoid overeating at home

There is nothing wrong with eating a full plate of food, or even two plates. The main thing is to stop when you feel full.

Before you start a meal, immediately pack the leftovers that you did not put on a plate in containers and put them in the refrigerator.

If after dinner you feel that you are not full, drink a glass and wait 10 minutes. Perhaps your brain just hasn't gotten the satiety signal yet. If after 10 minutes you are still hungry, then eat a piece of fruit or a couple of slices of chocolate.

Here you may encounter another difficulty. Putting leftover food in the refrigerator, you will hear a quiet inner voice that will whisper: “Hey, there is only one spoon left! Does this handful of food need to be put in the refrigerator? Eat it right now!" Resist persuasion, your goal is not to overeat.

Remember: You don't have to eat every time you get the chance.

Always listen to yours. We decided to have a drink with friends in a cafe - think about whether you really want nuts or croutons, or take them out of habit. At a party or at home, stop eating sweets, cookies and other snacks uncontrollably. Think before you put something in your mouth.

Of course, it's hard to resist when everyone around you is chewing something. And it's hard to refuse an offer to go to a fast food restaurant. But the only factor influencing whether you eat now or not should be an honest answer to the question: am i really hungry?

Health and beauty depend on the quality of nutrition human body. We are what we eat. With a properly composed diet, you can not worry about problems with the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular system. And youth and beauty will not leave the body for a long time. But how hard it is to resist eating a small piece of your favorite cake, a couple of sweets, or a delicious burger. Regular consumption of such small pieces after the main meal will lead to weight gain. Overeating at night is especially harmful. How to learn not to overeat?

Why do we overeat?

Many are faced with the concept of overeating. Very often after dinner we feel heaviness in the stomach, fullness. After all, it is extremely difficult to refuse a piece of your favorite food. It has been proven that you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. A person who eats less than he wants feels much better than people who do not adhere to this rule.

It has also been proven that a person who does not overeat lives longer. And people don't overeat because they're hungry. AT this case he is guided psychological motives. There are two types of hunger:

  • Physiological. It arises as a result of the biological, natural needs of any organism for nutrients.
  • Psychological. Occurs against the background of mental shocks, emotions (positive, negative). Thanks to food, the body tries to cope with them, to suppress them.

In the first case, a person expects the onset of satiety, in the second - calmness. It is against the background psychological problems the person is overeating. To get rid of such a habit, you need to clearly understand this. This is the only way to set your saturation threshold. So, the body will get everything it wants, and the person will gain positive emotions.

5 basic rules to prevent overeating

The feeling of hunger is one of the strongest instincts, which is practically uncontrollable. After all, food is the need of the body itself. He will give signs in every possible way that he needs food. At such moments, few people think about a healthy diet, regimen. To quickly satisfy our hunger, we prefer fast food - fast food with large quantity carbohydrates. Such food does not saturate, and we will begin to consume it in larger quantities. And very soon you can say goodbye to slender forms.

Prevent the feeling of hunger

In order not to overeat, you can not starve. Therefore, you need to eat often, but in small portions. This type of food is called fractional. So, it is worth eating every 2.5-3 hours - 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. From this it is clear that in general person eats 5-6 times a day. But, snacks should be healthy - dried fruits, fruits, nuts, fruit or vegetable puree sugarless. These products will saturate the body, and the feeling of hunger will not come soon.

Control your feelings

Few from fat people admit that they eat too much. And they sincerely wonder where the extra pounds came from. To take control of your hunger and weight, you need to keep a food diary.

It contains the following data:

  • Number of meals per day;
  • Time of eating;
  • Characters of products;
  • Calorie content;
  • Portion quantity.

Thus, you can see the real situation and adequately assess it. Such observation will move a person to certain actions. After that, many reduce the amount of food taken by 1.5-2 times. BUT minimal amount food brings satiety and pleasure.

Don't trust what you see

It is very difficult to determine the weight of food by eye. The subconscious in any case will assure that 350 grams is 200 grams. Therefore, scales must be present in the kitchen. Important role play and other kitchen utensils. During the meal, it is worth using the same plate (small). In the future, with the acquisition of experience, it can serve as measuring utensils. In general, nutritionists argue that the use of children's small dishes will allow you to get rid of the problem of overeating and excess weight very quickly.

Keep calm

Despite the fact that all thoughts are only about food, you need to remain calm, psycho-emotional balance. The fact is that both the stomach and the brain are already accustomed to large portions. Panic and desire will provoke overeating. But calmness, peace will suppress this desire.

Soothing herbal tea will help you stay calm. It is worth drinking as soon as hunger begins to prevail over common sense. The practice of meditation and breath control also allow you to achieve relaxation. If life is filled with multiple stressful situations, in the diet should include foods with a large amount of vitamins of group B.

Do not hurry

Unfortunately, today's realities dictate our own pace of life. Eating slowly and measuredly does not work. But, experts have proven that food is “on the go”, fast food contribute speed dial weight. There is no satiety, the person begins to overeat. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to follow these rules of nutrition:

  • Eat only in a sitting position;
  • Cutting products is small (so you can savor each of their multiple pieces for a long time);
  • Think only about the process of eating while eating (you can’t eat in front of the TV, reading a book);
  • Eat for as long as possible.

To stop overeating, you need to feel true, physical hunger. For this, it is required to refrain from eating for 4-5 hours. Perhaps during this period a person will not even get hungry. Thus, there is a chance to regain control over food cravings.

In order for the body to quickly enter the regime, it is worth eating strictly by the hour. It is strictly forbidden to skip a meal or a snack, to postpone the time of using the product. Such training will form the appearance of physical hunger. Not everyone can easily switch to fractional nutrition. Therefore, follow these steps:

  • Eat often. Eat every 3 hours. The portion of the main meal should be small. You can determine it by adding palms together. This is the size of the stomach of each of us. Nutritionists recommend taking a fist as a measuring unit. So much food will fit into the stomach. Anything above is excess food, overeating.
  • Change kitchen equipment. Not only the size of the plate matters, but also its color. It is best that the plate is pure white, transparent. Bright colors provoke appetite, encourage overeating. As for the size, give preference to the saucer. After all, a full saucer and a full plate have different volumes. And the eyes will already be full.
  • Drink water. The more water, the better. A person should drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water. It will fill your stomach, which will reduce the portion size.
  • Don't eat in front of the TV. Being distracted by watching programs, the brain simply ignores food. He doesn't get fed. Therefore, we often overeat in front of the TV.
  • Do something useful. Getting up from the table with the same feeling of hunger, get distracted by some business. Having occupied yourself with any activity, you will not notice how time has flown by, and you have not eaten.

As you can see, it is not difficult to maintain proper nutrition without overeating. You just need to train your body for the regimen. And by reducing portions, satiety will come faster, for a long time.

3 392 0 Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you about the main problem of the 21st century - overeating. Every day people ask questions on the Internet "How to learn not to transfer?". Well, how is it?! Scientists have proven that a person can be saved from overeating. Today, I have collected for you the main reasons and typical situations that contribute to the fact that we absorb food when it is time to stop.

I think this topic is especially relevant in anticipation of the onset of warm days, when many have already changed into shorts and skirts.

1. Childhood habits

  • "For candy." Ever since childhood, we are accustomed to doing everything for a tasty treat. Having matured, we continue to stimulate ourselves “I’ll finish writing an article and go eat a piece of pie.”
  • "Crumbs should not be left on the plates" or “until you eat everything, you won’t go for a walk” : so our grandmothers said, motivating us to eat tasteless semolina. Today, too, we cannot stop, although we feel that the stomach is already full "do not leave the same pieces." You choose.

Get rid of old habits now!

2. We seize stress

There is nothing to say here. This is our women's problem. I had a fight with a guy, got a reprimand at work, the child does not obey - a can of ice cream will help us. Loss of loved ones serious illnesses take us by surprise. Most often, instead of fighting psychological state we start eating trouble.

3. Festive feasts

Grief or joy does not matter - the table falls from food. Try to pay attention to communication with loved ones, discussion latest news or board games. I know many families where it is customary to play preference, the game "Who Am I", the mafia after a hearty dinner.

4. From tomorrow on a diet

And you tend to eat today and decide that tomorrow you will go on a diet. This is typical for many women. But it is more correct to go on a diet gradually, excluding one harmful product after another from your diet.

5. On the plane

Did you know that dry, air-conditioned air on an airplane dulls your senses? At an altitude of 8000 meters, physiologically in the body, reactions similar to a cold occur, the sense of smell is dulled, the connection between the mouth and nasal passages disappears. This means that we can easily eat the whole tray of food, as well as additional goodies that will be offered to us on the plane. To avoid this, if possible, have a bite to eat before departure, so that the feeling of fullness comes to you on earth.

6. Because we are bored

Housewives, freelancers and other people who work from home understand what I mean. You have free access to food every minute. “Naturally, there is a temptation to eat either a pie, or a sandwich, or a banana. O! it's already lunchtime, it's time to put the soup to heat. This can go on all day long. Plan your day, for example: work in the morning, go shopping before lunch, or take a walk, or go to the pool, have lunch, continue work, and in the evening a night walk.

In addition, creative people who are in search of a muse or inspiration can sin by looking for it in food.

7. Wrong snacks

While running in the subway, you eat a chocolate bar, while you go home from work a pie. It's all wrong. If you feel like you're missing out enough calories per day, review your diet. Set aside time for a snack of a salad prepared in advance. Review what you eat for breakfast or lunch.

8. Places with loud music, at home watching TV

Dynamic music increases the speed of food consumption by almost 1/3. Many restaurateurs know about this feature and use it. American scientists have shown that better man hears how he chews food, the faster the feeling of fullness comes. Therefore, for lunch or lunch, do not go where they play. loud music, you will not notice how you will gobble up several dishes. Then you will feel heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. In no case do not have dinner at the TV, laptop or phone, looking through the news feed. So from day to day, and when the time passes to put on a swimsuit, you will wonder where the folds and sagging belly come from.

9. Big company

Also a scientifically proven fact (USA, 2000 John M. Castro),
what in big company a person eats 30% more than if he ate alone. How more people at the table, the higher the percentage becomes. Remember our holidays: New Year or Easter. Every time after these holidays, requests on the Internet “how to get rid of heaviness in the stomach”, etc. increase. Well, now, with relatives do not communicate? Not at all. Just know the measure, watch how much you ate. If you are afraid that your relatives or friends will be offended that you have not eaten enough, ask to wrap up something that you have not tried. But in no case do not crack everything at once at the table, take pity on your health.

Just in case, here is a reminder of how much food we can eat according to your body.

10. Try to last 4 hours

It is not so difficult, but this time is enough not to have a snack, but to feel real hunger and eat normally. If you have a hard time with this item, then this means that you do not distinguish physiological hunger(abdominal rumbling, loss of strength, Bad mood) from psychological(eating stress, seeking solace in food, the ability to pacify emotions) or from the habit of eating something. Start now, follow this point daily. Over time, you will get used to it and forget about snacking. work out strict time for meals and follow this schedule steadily, adjusting the amount of food you eat according to your physical expenditure.

Psychologist's advice : throughout the week, try to record in the diary the feelings that are accompanied by snacks or just the desire to “chew something”. Most likely, you will notice that from time to time your emotions and feelings will be repeated. Unconsciously, people who often experience fear, anxiety, insecurity in tomorrow, flaw vivid impressions eat for the future. This may be due to traumatic events in childhood, strict diets, and lack of any foods. Don't think about the past, live here and now. What was, is gone. Don't let the past influence your present.

11. Eat slowly

Sometimes we forget about such simple tips that we are told from childhood: chew your food
be careful, don't rush when you eat, etc. Bite off food in small pieces and do not swallow anything on the go. Feel the taste of food with all receptors and let the food reach the stomach. Your lunch should not be shorter than 20-30 minutes. Take breaks between the first and second course, listen to your feelings. This is enough time for the body to send a signal to the brain that you are full. Avoid buffets.

Nutritionists also advise focusing on the intensity of the pleasure received. If the pleasures of eating pass, then it's time to finish the meal..

12. Hormonal change

Many women complain that a few days before the start menstrual cycle they pop everything. It really is. Usually 4-5 days before your period starts female body experiencing some tension, it is called premenstrual hyperphagia. In this situation, the main thing is to catch the signals in time and control yourself intensely.

13. Procrastination

Procrastination or putting things off until later a big problem. So, before starting a long and monotonous work, we are in a hurry to have a bite to eat. As a result, we get the reason for eating food not from hunger, but from procrastination.

Having eaten too much, we tend to scold ourselves, our mood deteriorates. Overnight eating disrupts sleep. We then decide to arrange fasting days refusing to eat completely. Again, the body is stressed. All this leads to extra pounds and a decrease in self-esteem. To avoid this, be attentive to yourself, to your body, to your feelings.

Unfortunately, until the miracle overeating bra takes over the shelves of our stores, let's not be like Bridget Jones, but engage in self-control and take responsibility for our body.

Good day to you, my dear readers! Today's post is about how to deal with constant overeating. So what can you do to stop food from holding you back? How to learn not to overeat? And if own strength Will not enough to deal with constant overeating?

Here you will find answers to all these tricky questions. And, most importantly, you will really stop overeating if you put these tips into practice.

Well, are you ready to win an unconditional victory over overeating?

In order not to overeat, do not bring yourself to the feeling of hunger

The fact is that all methods of controlling the amount of food are practically powerless in front of the feeling of hunger. Food is ours physiological need, and your body will "scream" to you all possible ways, what in this moment it is necessary. And then it's useless to remind yourself of the benefits healthy eating, since the most fast-saturating food will certainly be selected. She is the worst. It is sweet or starchy, which is often also replete with fats. In a word, goodbye, slim figure!

What to do?

First, try to eat often. You can read the main ones at the link. In short, then eat every 2.5-4 hours, always in small portions. And then the feeling of hunger will quickly become forgotten.

Secondly, in case you still overtake a sudden appetite, always keep with you healthy snacks. Fruits, dried fruits (but not candied fruits!), fermented milk drinks, nuts (quantity - no more than 3-5 pieces), children food(fruit puree without sugar, as well as meat and vegetable options), low-calorie bread - all this will help out in a "hungry" minute, and will help not to pay for junk food not the slightest attention.

If you overeat, take control

Fat people who openly admit that they eat a lot, it's time to put them in the Red Book. In words, they are all extremely small-minded, and they themselves sincerely believe in it. What a sin to conceal, and she herself was like that.

However excess weight does not transform from air, and this is a fact. How to stop deceiving yourself and take matters into your own hands?

The best way is to keep a food diary in which you record all your meals. Time, quantity, calorie content and composition of food is a necessary, but quite sufficient minimum of information.

Then you will actually see how much and what you eat, which will certainly encourage you to take action. By the way, it takes only 1-2 months to get results visible to the naked eye (that is, to become 1-3 sizes smaller).

How to Stop Overeating: Don't Believe Your Eyes

Correctly assessing the weight and volume of food without a kitchen scale is obtained only by those who have worked as a cook or in the food trade for a long time. The rest need to use scales and measuring utensils. Otherwise - another self-deception.

Of course, you can visually remember the volume specific product which you have already weighed. But one cannot do without at least a single contact with the scales.

A good helper will be the same (necessarily small!) Plate, which can be considered a measuring one. For example, you can weigh soup, garnish, porridge, salad (what else do you eat?) in it only once, write down the numbers and consider them correct.

Yes, deviations are possible and even inevitable (for example, porridge can be more or less dry), but this will not have a significant effect on calorie content. Plus, the bowl is small!

By the way, tiny dishes are already a great way not to overeat. Therefore, do not delay its introduction into your life.

To prevent overeating, be calm

It's easy to say, isn't it? But how to be calm if all thoughts are only about food? The body is accustomed to a large number food, and psychologically difficult to resist the temptations.

In this case, it is better to prevent than to deal with the consequences.

Try to drink soothing teas daily. Watch for yourself: when do those very bouts of hunger appear, which are more false than physiological? cook herbal tea by this point, and the appetite will not arise or will be much weaker.

Use breathing exercises. Here's the simplest one: focus on your own breathing, thinking "breath-breath-breath-breath." A minute or two, and the false appetite goes away, giving way to calmness and tranquility.

If there are really a lot of stresses in your life, read about that - in the article there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200baccessible, but effective ways stress prevention.

And... forget about speed

Alas, the pace of modern life is such that a slow meal seems like a waste of time. But this belief is deceptive. It has been proven that fast eaters are more likely to gain weight and get sick digestive system. But getting rid of these ailments also takes time, money, and nerves.

  • always eat while sitting;
  • cut food as small as possible, and savor each bite (if something is impossible to cut, use it from the smallest dishes);
  • while eating, think only about food;
  • try to always be the last one to finish the meal.

These simple rules will help you not to overeat, which means they will bring you closer to the figure of your dreams and make you healthier and more energetic. With all my heart I wish you a comfortable and easy weight loss! Be slim, healthy and happy!

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.


In order not to overeat, eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Your diet should consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks in between. Moreover, during the latter one should not eat sandwiches and fast food, but fruits, or a small amount of nuts.

When eating, try to focus on eating food, chewing each bite thoroughly and for a long time. This way you will get full faster with less food. Distracted by watching a movie or reading an interesting book, you may not notice the extra portion.

Start your meal with vegetable salad. This will stabilize your digestion and fill you up a bit. After that, you will want to eat a smaller portion.

Stop eating until full. After the food you eat is completely digested, you will feel full.

During festive feasts do not lean on all the dishes at once. Determine for yourself a few of the most compatible and low-fat. Try to eat pickles too.

Incorporate as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible boiled meat and fish. And if possible, eliminate fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks, mayonnaise and all kinds of hot sauces.

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Some people are unable to eat properly due to inconvenient work schedules. Coming home after a difficult day, they imperceptibly gorge themselves on harmful foods, and then suffer from overeating.


Think over your diet so that you get everything during the day necessary substances but don't overeat night. Decide in advance what you will have for dinner, prepare the dish in advance so that you just need to warm it up. If this is not possible, have a small snack before starting cooking so that you do not harmful products.

During dinner, try not to be distracted by extraneous activities and take your time. Chew your food slowly to feel full. If you do other things, you can eat more.

Avoid boredom, because it often causes evening snacks. When there is nothing to do or you are absorbed in watching TV, you can eat forbidden foods without noticing. Control your behavior and take time interesting activities. Try to spend the evening away from home so that you are not tempted to eat.

Try to get rid of the feeling of hunger. great way- glass of water. She'll fill up and you for a while time to distract from thinking about food. Sometimes cleaning. Your already used to the fact that you brush your teeth after eating before going to bed and will try to drown out the feeling of hunger.

Take a walk before bed. After a hearty dinner, it's good to walk the streets for a bit, get some fresh air, and let the body digest the food.

Don't stay up late, try to go to bed early. If you go to bed on time, you won't be disturbed. severe attacks hunger. Correctly make a daily routine so that there is about 4 hours between the last meal and bedtime.

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Appetite is capricious and unpredictable. It can play out on the road, in the subway. And in order to moderate it, it is not at all necessary to snack on food that is heavy for the body: a sausage, a sandwich or a pie. When going for a walk, stock up on something low-calorie and healthy: an apple, cereal bread, drinking yogurt - they will satisfy your hunger.

Don't skip breakfast, even if you don't feel like eating. At least drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or energize body lung lettuce. Otherwise, by lunchtime you will be very hungry and during it you will simply overeat. Make it a rule to eat often, but in small portions. This mode is best for healthy work gastrointestinal tract.

Don't forget about fresh air and physical activity, of course, if it proceeds without complications and the doctor recommends moving more. Swim in the pool, walk as long as possible, go to nature in the forest, to the river. Blood circulation is activated, oxygen will enter the body regularly, and metabolism will increase. Take breaks during work every half hour: walk along the corridor, do exercises

Try to listen and hear your body - its clues are the most correct. Craving meat? This is a signal that it is necessary to enrich the body with proteins or iron. Treat yourself to a piece of beef stew. Or, on the contrary, meat can turn back - then lean on others healthy foods.

It is better to limit some of the edibles to a minimum: sausages, pickles, canned food, convenience foods, pates, soda. Natural products- chicken, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits - that's what you need. And, if there is no swelling, drink about 2 liters of fluid per day. Then water balance in the body will be normal. As a result, excessive appetite will decrease.

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The topic of New Year's weight loss is more relevant than ever, but, alas, basically everything ends with a total fattening at the New Year's table. After all, we set a goal - to lose weight by the New Year and lost weight, which means you can return to food with a clear conscience. But when the holidays are over, we will again sadly look at the scales and look for a new diet, buy gym memberships, and so on. We offer you several simple tips to help you control yourself festive table.

New Year's menu

The Soviet mentality, unfortunately, still dominates - there should be plenty of everything and in abundance. If you are compiling the menu yourself, then try to exclude fatty, fried and excess sweets.

Of course, there must be meat on the New Year's table. But you can not fry it, but, for example, bake it in the oven, and serve as a side dish not just potatoes, but supplemented with stewed vegetables. In fairness, we note that complex side dishes are perceived much better, and there are much more options for their preparation.

Sausages and smoked meats are an indispensable attribute of the New Year's table. A lot has already been said about the dangers of this group of products, so just try to exclude cuts from the menu, and replace them with oven-baked meat, meat rolls, and so on.

Salads are a must, but let's see what we cook for New Year- Olivier, herring under a fur coat and other salads seasoned with mayonnaise or sauces based on it. Swap mayonnaise for homemade dressings that are not only lower in calories, but also free of preservatives.

Do not sit down at the table hungry, because hunger is our biggest enemy. Train yourself to enjoy food, and not toss it into yourself like in a “who will eat the most” contest. And try to distribute meals in such a way that there are at least a couple of hours between them. And you should not sit at the table all the time - collect dirty dishes, help the hostess (if you are not at home), organize contests, go for a walk.

Drinks on the New Year's table

If you are a supporter proper nutrition, then most likely you know what threatens the use of alcohol - intoxication and swelling. By the way, the latter gives the greatest discomfort, since even a small amount of alcohol retains a lot of liquid, which your scales will definitely show. Therefore, about alcohol, let's say this - everything is good in moderation. Highly good advice- drink alcohol with water. Drank a glass of champagne - drink a glass of water.

Eliminate store-bought juices and, of course, carbonated drinks - these are just concentrates of sugar and preservatives. Replace them with fruit drinks and compotes - these are the simplest and most affordable options.

We are all waiting for the New Year and are actively preparing for it, so do not overshadow the period after the holidays - spend a fasting day. This not only normalizes the metabolism, but also helps to remove toxins and toxins “in hot pursuit”. If the state of health allows and there is a desire, then in the post-New Year period, you can conduct a short detox diet.

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