Feeding a Russian Spaniel puppy. Proper feeding of a Russian hunting spaniel How to feed a spaniel for 2 months

For the normal life of a spaniel, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins are necessary. Protein sources are meat and fish products. No less valuable are dairy products (buttermilk, reverse). Carbohydrates contain flour products, potatoes. Use animal fats, fish oil and margarine. Mineral salts (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc.), necessary for the body to form bone and muscle tissues and digestion, are part of all feeds. Vitamins are found in vegetables, herbs, fruits.
The daily diet of a dog in a state of factory condition includes (per 1 kg of its weight): 4-5 g of proteins, 12-15 g of carbohydrates, 1-2 g of fats (with aviary keeping in winter, the fat rate doubles).

The most nutritious food for spaniel dogs is meat products and meat waste. They are digested faster and easier. The liver, heart, kidneys, udder, spleen are highly nutritious, the lungs, mesentery, cuts from the intestines, and the stomach are somewhat less. The composition of meat products also includes raw bones (except tubular) and meat and bone meal. Once a week, it is useful to feed a half portion of meat products in raw form - to puppies in the form of minced meat, and starting from 7-8 months, when all permanent teeth appear, - in chopped pieces. Only fresh meat products can be given raw. When cooked, they lose up to 60% of vitamin B, chlorides and phosphates, changes in the protein occur. Meat waste from the intestines and stomach is fed only boiled because of the possibility of pathogenic bacteria in them.

Bones in large quantities are not only unnecessary, but also dangerous food. An excess of them in the dog's diet causes severe chronic constipation, and sometimes intestinal obstruction, which can be fatal. Chips of tubular bones severely injure the oral cavity and esophagus of the dog, sometimes causing intestinal perforation. But the ends of flat bones with cartilaginous endings, introduced into the feed in moderation, add variety to the food. They contain phosphorus, calcium and sulfur. Gnawing on the bones, the dog strengthens the teeth and satisfies the need for mineral salts.

In cynological literature, it would be more correct to write “meat products”, and not “meat”. Hunters, as a rule, do not feed adult Russian Spaniel dogs the meat that is eaten by humans, but mainly use meat waste (cuts, cartilage, captivity - meat cutting waste), some offal, bones, as well as animal and bird cutting waste - heads, legs, wings, lungs, spleen, intestines, stomach, mesentery. Pointing and search dogs are given meat waste from game birds only in boiled form, so that the dogs subsequently do not start tearing or crushing the birds they are importing. Meat products from the slaughter of livestock are replaced with the meat of marine animals, marine fish, and horse meat.

Once a week, it is useful to introduce raw ocean fish into the diet, which contains a lot of easily digestible proteins, phosphorus, vitamin A, iodine, and bone meal. Also, once a week, along with food, the dog is given a raw egg. Raw eggs are good for sick, convalescent dogs and pre-mating sires. Raw pork or minced pork, raw river or lake fish should not be introduced into the feed to exclude the possibility of infection of the animal with worms or tapeworm. In addition, raw pork fat is poorly digested and can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Vegetable food is an indispensable addition to meat and fish food, a source of additional energy for the body. Semi-liquid semolina, millet, rice, barley porridges are well digestible, but oatmeal is the best cereal - it is easily digested and helps to strengthen the muscles. Oat flakes (raw or lightly scalded with boiling water) are seasoned with soups or milk. Especially good in the composition of feed protein-rich soy. Peas, lentils, beans, even if they are crushed beforehand, are more difficult to digest and cause fermentation and the formation of gases in the intestines.

Vegetables, especially fresh ones, are an indispensable source of vitamins. Especially valuable are carrots, rich in vitamin A, which are best fed grated. Potatoes are given in limited quantities and only boiled. Dogs eat well boiled or steamed pumpkin added to food, which also has an anthelmintic effect. In moderation, give fresh fruits and berries. Vegetable food is also a good filler of the digestive tract, causing the dog to feel full.

Bread must be added to milk or liquid soup in a stale or slightly dried form - it is quickly saturated with saliva and gastric juice and, therefore, is better digested. Eating crackers (especially rye), the dog strengthens and at the same time cleans his teeth.

Milk is given fresh or fermented; sour milk causes indigestion. Long-term milk feeding of adult dogs leads to obesity and sluggish digestion.

An integral part of the diet of the Russian Spaniel dog is table salt. When preparing soup or porridge, do not forget to salt them half as much as for a person.

In the food of an adult spaniel dog, you can use canned food, leftover food. Soups are also cooked from them, adding fats, cereals, vegetables, and bread immediately before feeding. At the same time, remnants of hot spices, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and other spices that reduce the sense of smell and lead to kidney disease should not get into the feed.

In summer, food is cooked more liquid, in winter - thicker. Its temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Do not give sour, fermented or frozen food. Food should be fresh and varied, which is achieved by alternating meat, fish, dairy and vegetarian days. You cannot grow a full-fledged hunting dog only on bread and potatoes.

The amount of food fed should not be excessive. If a Russian Spaniel dog completely eats his portion and licks the bowl, this indicates that he has a good appetite. An average-sized hunting dog in captivity in a state of factory condition for one feeding (with two meals a day) eats 1-1.2 liters, with room content - 0.8-1 liter of complete food in the form of thick soups and semi-liquid cereals. The nutritional value and energy value of the feed is calculated based on the data in the table:

In a normally fed Russian Spaniel dog, the muscles are clearly defined and elastic, when the body is turned, the ribs are slightly marked. Overfeeding a dog, excessive giving of sweets, throwing up pieces of food outside the time of feeding quickly lead to metabolic disorders, obesity, shortness of breath, diseases of the heart, kidneys, and skin. The relatively short intestinal tract of a dog is not adapted to digesting large amounts of plant foods. Enhanced nutrition is given to the dog during hunting, during periods of seasonal molting, in case of diseases and aftercare, and to bitches also during pregnancy and feeding puppies.

Don't let your dog starve. With a lack of feed, she loses weight, becomes weak and easily susceptible to disease. For a stud dog, which will have no more than 5 matings in a season, the feed rate is not increased, but 3-4 weeks before mating, the diet is enriched with proteins and vitamins.

They feed the dog from a separate dish and, regardless of age, at a strictly defined time. Her digestive activity is carried out reflexively, and at the time set for eating, saliva and gastric juice are intensively secreted. Do not give dog food by throwing it on the floor. After feeding, the remnants of food are removed, and clean drinking water is poured into the washed bowl. The need for an adult dog in water is 1.5-2 liters per day.

Particular attention should be paid to the diet of Russian Spaniel puppies, the regularity of their feeding from the time of weaning to the age of 11-12 months, when their growth is basically completed and the body is strong. At 1.5-2 months they are fed 6 times a day every 3 hours, carefully making sure that the puppies do not overeat. With age, increase portions, reducing the frequency of feeding to 5 times a day at 2-3 months and 4 times at 4-5 months. At 6-7 months, they switch to 3 meals a day, and after 12-14 months, 2 meals a day.

A small puppy should eat fresh milk, kefir, cottage cheese, raw eggs, butter, ground beef, meat broth with pieces of dried white bread, liquid milk semolina, rice or oatmeal, grated carrots and finely chopped greens. Cheese is very helpful. A growing puppy's body is in dire need of mineral supplements. However, you should not give the puppy sugar, which can cause itching and partial hair loss.

Good feeding is the introduction into the diet of easily digestible feeds containing complete proteins, well-digestible fats, minerals and vitamins necessary for the puppy's body during this period of its growth. Feed your spaniel puppy moderate portions to keep him mobile and prone to play. The volume of his stomach, depending on age, is 0.3-0.5 liters, its overflow is unacceptable. The puppy should eat each serving of food, and lick the bowl. If he does not do this, then the amount of food is reduced. Leftover food is removed. In no case should you give your puppy sour or fermented food.

Approximate diets for Russian spaniel puppies: in the morning (7-8 hours) cottage cheese with milk; in the afternoon (11-12 hours) vegetable stew in meat broth or milk; in the afternoon (15-16 h) cereals or thick soups with milk or meat broth; in the evening (19-20 h) meat, cut into small pieces (occasionally minced meat), along with vegetables, soups or cereals; late in the evening (22-23 hours) lightly sweetened kefir or curdled milk.

For normal development, the puppy needs phosphorus and calcium. To do this, he is given daily glycerophosphate and calcium gluconate at a rate determined by a veterinarian, a teaspoon of fish oil and finely chopped eggshells. From the age of 5 months, the amount of fish oil is increased to a tablespoon per day. Once a day, pharmacy sulfur is added to food at the tip of a sharp knife. A plate with pieces of chalk and dry beer or nutritional yeast is placed next to the food bowl. Yeast is an easily digestible form of vegetable protein rich in vitamins.

From the age of 2 months, it is useful to periodically, but limitedly, give raw cartilage, and from 4-5 months - soft beef and calf bones. The puppy should not be allowed to feel thirsty - there should always be clean drinking water in his bowl.

With mother's milk, a Russian spaniel puppy received all the substances necessary for growth. After weaning from the mother and up to 6 months of age, until his body is strong, with a lack of calcium salts, phosphoric acid and vitamins A and O in the feed, he will inevitably develop rickets. To warn him, in addition to good conditions of detention, enhanced good nutrition is required. Both phosphorus and calcium, as well as vitamins (often multivitamins), are introduced into the puppy's food. It is necessary to add a teaspoon of meat or fish and bone meal to liquid food daily, periodically, like an adult dog, give raw chicken eggs and small amounts of raw liver cut into pieces.

So that the spaniel puppy does not lack vitamins, in the spring and summer, finely chopped greens are added to the food - lettuce, cabbage, spinach, dill, sorrel, parsley, leaves of young nettles and dandelions. Nettles are preliminarily scalded with boiling water to destroy the pungency of its villi. In the autumn-winter period, one drop of three vitamins (A, B, E) is added daily to the puppy's food or replaced with fish oil. Activation of the action of vitamin E) is achieved due to ultraviolet rays, so the puppy needs to be walked under the sun more often.

The vital activity of a dog is associated with a constant metabolism and energy consumption, which is compensated for by the body with nutrients supplied with food. Energy expenditure is much higher in puppies and young dogs due to the growth of their bone and muscle tissues.

First, a brief historical background. Cocker spaniels come in two varieties - English and American. The English Cocker Spaniel was bred in Great Britain in the early nineteenth century. Breeders set themselves the task of bringing out the ideal hunting dog. English Cocker Spaniels are meek and gentle, full of energy, not afraid of difficult places, have an unstable psyche. American Cocker Spaniels are more calm and friendly, have a balanced psyche.

Now, directly, about feeding cocker spaniels.
Do not forget that the dog is special and the diet intended for other breeds of dogs is not always suitable for her, so treat the Cocker feeding in good faith, and then your pet will grow up healthy and delight the owners and others.

Dry food or natural food? It is difficult to find a decent answer to this question. Institutes and veterinarians talk about the benefits of dry food, some dog breeders feed their pets only with natural food and dogs grow up healthy and live for many years. So the choice of food is a personal choice of each owner.

Consider the position from the side of dry food. Pros: easy to find in stores, no need to waste time cooking, a large selection of manufacturers and prices. Cons: the dog quickly gets used to dry food, subsequently almost does not eat natural food.

Diet. A puppy up to two months is fed six times a day, from two to four months - five times a day, from four to six months - four times, from six to ten months - three times, from ten months they are fed like an adult dog - twice a day. day. Remember that when feeding dry food in a bowl, the dog must have clean fresh water!

When feeding natural food, there are many nuances. Firstly: you do not need to feed the dog from the master's table, be sure to cook it separately. Secondly: accustom to the diet from puppyhood. An adult dog will only eat the foods it was fed as a child. So, to the specifics:
Meat. A product that should never be forgotten. Puppies should be given at a rate of 50 grams per kilogram of body weight, 200-300 grams per day is enough for adult dogs. Meat is given only in boiled form. It is better not to give bones. You can sometimes give offal, after having boiled them well.

Dairy. Give milk only as food. It happens that dogs from milk weakens. Kefir, cottage cheese, cheese are very useful for dogs, they have a good effect on digestion, you can’t refuse them under any circumstances.

Eggs. It is best to give in the form of an omelette, or boil soft-boiled.

Bread and cereals. These products are not the main food of the cocker spaniel, they can only diversify the diet. Of cereals, oatmeal is preferable. Rice and buckwheat porridges are also good. It is better to cook in milk, with a small addition of vegetables.

Vegetables and fruits. Pumpkin, zucchini, carrots are best given finely chopped, with the addition of butter or sour cream, so the product is better absorbed. As for greens - try to add to the dog's diet, greens are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Other products. Pamper your dog with crackers, cheese, dried fruits, raisins. This is a good addition to the diet, and a tasty reward for training. Once a week it is worth giving garlic as a remedy for worms. Between the ages of three and seven months (puppy teething period), calcium gluconate tablets or plain chalk should be given mixed into the food (in a powdered state).

You should not often change your dog's diet, it is better to feed the foods that the pet is already used to, you only need to occasionally make a change.

When choosing a future pet, many people stop at the Cocker Spaniel breed. This is not surprising, because puppies of this breed look very funny and cute. It's no secret that most buyers fall in love with these animals literally at first sight. A unique smart look, a funny "skirt", an actively moving tail and an inexpressibly friendly character - all this beckons and attracts to itself. However, do not think that puppies and adults remain simpletons. When a threat appears, they can stand up for the owner and his entourage, fighting to the last breath. No wonder this dog was often used for security and hunting purposes.

What are the types of breed

Currently, representatives of three groups of spaniels are used as pets:

  1. American;
  2. English.

As for the first variety, it is considered decorative. In turn, the second is intended for hunting purposes. Caring for English Cocker Spaniel puppies is simple, so there are practically no problems. These pets are playful, active and cheerful. which positively affects their health. However, in some cases, puppies show stubbornness, trying to get what they are forbidden. True, such a transitional period quickly ends, and the pets again return to their former sweet and obedient behavior.

The main sign of healthy and full development is dense muscles and fine wool with a silky coating. A month old puppy can weigh about 1.5 kilograms. If feeding is carried out in accordance with established rules and recommendations, then the animal will develop and gain weight very quickly. . At the same time, the risks of getting sick with any disease will be minimal..

Very often, breeders are interested in the condition of the ears of puppies. If the ears are healthy, they should be pink in color, smell and discharge should be absent. When dry sulfur appears, it must be cleaned as quickly as possible with a cotton swab. If there are slightest deviations from the normal state, it makes sense to ask for help to a specialist or conduct a complete examination.

Small representatives of the American Spaniel breed are not much different in behavior from their English relatives. And although they are decorative pets, they are also used for hunting. Therefore, do not be surprised if a new family member starts attacking domestic hamsters or street insects. However, you should not punish him for such actions - this is a natural phenomenon. For the development of a pet to be successful, it must not be left unattended. Alone, he quickly becomes depressed or even dies. Therefore, your presence is a key aspect in raising a puppy.

Gallery: English Cocker Spaniel puppies (25 photos)

What to feed a spaniel puppy (1 month)

The first month of a puppy's life is considered the most important period, which plays a key role in shaping the future pet. It is important to provide a four-legged family member with proper nutrition, care and care. Otherwise, he will simply lose his external virtues, develop poorly or begin to act up. The same goes for 2-3 month olds that are actively growing and need the right attitude. By the way, the question: “what to feed a spaniel puppy at 2 months old” is often raised on various forums and resources where topics of raising pets are discussed.

Proper nutrition of a Cocker Spaniel consists in observing the following rules:

Cocker Spaniel puppies are known to have a great appetite. Breeders should take into account this breed feature, avoiding obesity. Do not overfeed your pet, as this can negatively affect the functionality of all internal organs, which will increase the risk of developing various diseases.

Also remember that puppies of this breed lead a very active and mobile lifestyle. In order for their development to be complete, add special vitamin-mineral complexes to food. Thus, the question "how to feed a Cocker Spaniel puppy at 2 months" will be resolved successfully.

Proper pet care

All the subtleties of caring for a Cocker Spaniel are proper feeding and caring for the coat. You should teach your pet to wash, dry, comb and other hairdressing procedures from the first days of his stay in the house.

Bath procedures are usually carried out every seven days, using special washing products. After taking a shower, the dog is thoroughly dried with a hair dryer and combed. By the way, combing is carried out daily , and in the first days of life - several times a day.

Every two months, a four-legged family member is taken for a haircut, which will teach him not to be afraid of being touched by outside hands, for example, if you are going to take him to exhibitions. Also, this procedure will be a good tool to maintain the coat in good condition. You must accustom your pet to all cosmetic manipulations in advance.

Walks with a puppy should not be frequent, but their duration can be up to several hours. After returning home from a walk be sure to inspect the puppy, removing all twigs, debris and burdock that can cling to luxurious wool.

Do not forget that a properly groomed and trimmed dog is a real pride for you and your family.

Features of education

Raising an obedient and beautiful pet is very difficult. Such an active kid is used to running, jumping and jumping, but certainly not to study and train. Nevertheless, you must immediately show the puppy who is the boss in the house and who plays what role. Be a demanding leader and don't spoil the animal . Otherwise, it will grow uncontrollable and capricious..

Avoid emotional breakdowns and never yell at a Cocker. These dogs react very negatively to aggression. In raising a healthy pet, the “carrot” method is relevant, but not the “stick”. Never hit your pet. Instead, gently and calmly insist on the action that is required.

Be prepared to put a lot of time and effort into learning. You will have to repeatedly repeat what you have learned in order to consolidate the result of hard work.

Do not forget that the main key to successful learning is frequent encouragement. Spaniel puppies love to be praised and thanked. Try giving your little one something tasty, like a carrot or a piece of cheese, and you'll be pleasantly surprised how he performs next time he learns.

If you allocate the right amount of time, nerves and your own strength, with the right approach to training, you will be able to achieve incredible results. The pet will grow up affectionate, kind and healthy for the joy of you and everyone around you.

How to feed your smallest pet

A one and a half month old puppy is an actively developing organism that requires proper nutrition and handling. At this age, the pet should be given a little more than half a glass of food. As they grow older, the daily rate is increased to one glass. Do not forget to monitor the behavior of the animal. If it greedily eats a portion and “chases the bowl”, most likely the portion is too small or the interval between feedings is too long.

If the puppy eats slowly and carefully, periodically moving away from the bowl, most likely there is too much food or feeding occurs frequently. If your tummy swells up after eating Everything is explained by overeating.

Give food and water in two bowls with a smooth surface. It is important to exclude the possibility of damage to the tongue. In addition, a bowl of water must be placed constantly, and with food - only according to the feeding schedule. Uneaten food should be removed by transferring it to a jar or refrigerator until the next meal. It is important to pay attention to the temperature of the food- the optimum temperature should be about 40 degrees.

The health of the growing organism is associated with living conditions and, of course, with the diet. The nutrition of spaniel puppies must be varied and correct, otherwise it will have unpleasant consequences. The weight of a spaniel puppy is largely dependent on your care, so you should pay close attention to this matter. Find out what to feed babies, how to correctly calculate the monthly portion and what you need to know about dog nutrition.

Basic principles of nutrition

Caring for a spaniel puppy is a responsible job and you must understand that it is serious.

After the puppy is weaned from its mother and has teeth, you should teach it to eat solid food. Ideally, the baby should switch to such food from two months.

And the owner has two feeding options:

  • natural food that we eat with you;
  • professional dry food

If, for example, a puppy changes house and owner, then you should gradually accustom him to your food system so that the pet does not have an upset stomach.

Both options have their pros and cons:

  1. Natural food allows you to diversify the diet, but you will have to constantly ensure that the puppy receives all the necessary vitamins, that is, you need to constantly buy different products.
  2. Dry food contains everything a growing baby needs, but then the bowl of water should always be full. Good holistic or premium foods like Royal or Grandorf are very expensive. Cocker Spaniel puppy food is selected individually, depending on your price preferences.

What to feed a spaniel puppy at 1 month of age

Already at this age, the baby should be gradually transferred to solid food, starting with small ones. Ideally, until the age of 3 months, the puppy should eat small meals 6 times a day. Do not overfeed the spaniel by force, as the growing body needs to remain active and mobile. From overfeeding, the tummy will swell, and this can lead to obesity at a fairly early age.

If you have chosen natural food, then the diet should contain the following products.

Feeding spaniel puppies at 1 month is almost the same as further development - you must gradually accustom the baby to solid food, feed often, but in small portions.

To understand how much a puppy needs, it is enough to gently feel his tummy after a meal. At 2 months, the baby will have enough and 5 servings, over time, reduce the number of feedings. An adult spaniel should eat 2 times a day.

What should not be given to dogs

All dog owners know how much their pets can beg for treats, but there are foods that should not be given to spaniels, even if you really want to:

  • sugar and products containing it (yogurt with additives, chocolate and other harmful carbohydrates);
  • popcorn, beer, spirits;

  • avocado. It contains the toxin persin, which is contraindicated in most animals. In some countries this product is banned for dogs;
  • grape. It can cause kidney failure;
  • bread and dough tend to expand in the stomach and irritate the digestive tract.

Spaniel puppy weight by month

A good owner should know what is the normal weight and height of his dog so that he can avoid obesity or, conversely, excessive thinness:

  • in the first month of life, the optimal weight is one and a half kilograms;
  • in the second month - up to 3.5 kg;
  • in the third - up to 6 kg;
  • in the fourth - up to 8 kg;
  • in the fifth - up to 10 kg;
  • in the sixth - up to 11 kg;
  • in the seventh - up to 12;
  • year - 12-14 kg.

Remember that each puppy is an individual organism, so its weight can vary between 0.5-1 kg.

If you have questions about the weight-to-age ratio, you can contact the breeder you got the puppy from or your veterinarian.

Puppies from the same litter are also different, so it's not surprising that their weight will vary even if you feed them the same portions.

So, we figured out what to feed a spaniel puppy so that he grows into a healthy and beautiful dog. This is not difficult, but a good owner must constantly monitor the pet's diet, supply it with the necessary vitamins for the proper development of the body.


University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.
Year of release: 2010.
Specialty: Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Medicine.


I have over 7 years experience in veterinary practice.

work experience

FSBI "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

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