What do you need to become an honorary donor. Rules for obtaining the title of Honorary Donor. To receive an annual payment, you need

Donation has always been equated in Russia with an honorable cause, since it is done by selfless and responsible people who are not indifferent to the fate of others. Blood donation is being actively promoted – social advertising is being distributed among young people, students, schoolchildren, calling for blood donation at donor points. Young people are convinced that their help can be invaluable, and that with enough donated blood it will be quite realistic to cope with many serious illnesses and injuries among our compatriots.

Active informing schoolchildren and students is bearing fruit: for recent times the number of voluntary blood and plasma donors has greatly increased, and every year their number is only increasing. This is one of the most illustrative examples of the activity and responsibility of today's youth; and yet many incessantly scold the current generation for the lack of these qualities.

Along with the active expansion of the circle of Russian donors, there is also an increase in the number of honorary donors. Accordingly, this award is no longer so privileged. In this regard, the legislation has changed somewhat - the government has amended the bill regulating the receipt of an honorary badge.

In this article, we will tell you in detail not only about the changes in the legislation on blood and plasma donation, but also about how to get an honorary badge. You will also find out which legal basis now there are mixed blood donors. Especially for novice donors, we will tell you:

  • what are the requirements for blood donors;
  • Under what conditions can you donate blood?
  • what benefits are provided to blood donors on the day of donation.

You will learn all the basic information about blood donation, but the main focus of our article will be on the honorary donor badge: how to become an honorary donor, what privileges this title gives, and so on.

Legal regulation of blood donation

The legislation that regulates the relationship between the donor, the host organization, and the place of work of the volunteer are both the Labor Code Russian Federation, and the Federal Law "On donation of blood and its components".

The labor code is involved here primarily because the organization in which the volunteer is employed is obliged to provide him with some privileges at the time of donating blood or its components (plasma, red blood cells, and so on). We will talk in more detail about the privileges that are granted to the donor from his organization a little later.

The federal law regulating the legal status of blood donors prescribes all the requirements for volunteers quite clearly and unambiguously. AT next section article, we will analyze in detail all the requirements that are currently imposed on blood donors.

Who can become a blood donor in the Russian Federation in 2018-2019

The official website of the blood service provides a very convenient algorithm that allows you to determine whether you can become a blood donor in our country. The algorithm is quite simple, but it is extremely difficult to translate it into a text form, and it will take too much space. Therefore, we will simply briefly list the main requirements for volunteers.

  1. The most basic requirement is age. Unfortunately, citizens under the age of eighteen cannot become participants in such a program. That is why schoolchildren who receive information about donation are so disappointed when they learn about this requirement. But when they reach the age of majority, the desire to become a voluntary donor of blood and its components turns into a completely conscious desire that pushes them to take this important step.
  2. The weight of the volunteer must not be less than fifty kilograms. This is due to a simple concern for the health of Russian citizens. If an adult weighs less than fifty kilograms, then taking such an amount of blood can have an extremely negative effect on his well-being. As a rule, thin citizens are extremely difficult to tolerate even simple blood tests from a vein - what can we say about donation, which involves donating a fairly large amount of blood.
  3. The absence of any chronic diseases that affect the composition of the blood or immune system. This is a perfectly obvious requirement, and there is no need to explain it.
  4. It is necessary that the volunteer never leave our country for the last month. Abroad - especially in such exotic countries as the countries of the African continent, South America, southern Asia, and so on, there is great amount various infections, which our body, which is not adapted to them, is simply not able to transfer. These infections get into the blood and change its composition, and therefore blood service employees are required to make sure that a citizen is not infected with any similar infection. Of course, no one will require any documentary evidence of this fact from you. However, please note that if you have been abroad for last month, then you will have to wait with the delivery of the material. This period is set so that the infection (if any) has time to manifest itself. If, within a month after returning home, a person does not experience any ailments, then everything is in order with his health.
  5. There are some special rules for girls and women. First of all, donating blood depends in part on menstrual cycle. You can not donate blood during menstruation and for five days after. This is due to jumps in hormones and some changes in the composition of the blood, which is accompanied by each menstruation in girls. Therefore, the delivery of material at the blood collection point must be coordinated with your women's calendar. The second "women's" rule concerns young mothers. Within a year after giving birth, you cannot become a voluntary blood donor.

Upon delivery of the material at the collection point, you will receive:

  • one paid day off from your organization;
  • free meals;
  • monetary compensation (this must be waived if you want to receive an honorary badge).

Donation, or donation of blood, refers to the donation own blood, as well as its components on a voluntary basis. Given the constant demand for blood transfusions, we can note the demand for donors. Except whole blood, the donor can donate:

  • Plasma, including its immune part;
  • red blood cells;
  • platelets;
  • Leukocytes;
  • Granulocytes.

Obtaining components from blood is a complex biochemical process carried out by passing whole blood through a separating extractor. The required components are removed from the blood, and the rest is returned back to the donor. Many are interested in the amount of donation. The standard norm is no more than 450 ml at a time. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to get this amount of solid material. To obtain plasma, the sampling time increases to 30 minutes, platelets - more than an hour.

How to become a donor

You can become a donor and receive a payment:

  • any adult citizen of Russia;
  • registered or registered at the place of actual residence;
  • which has no contraindications;
  • body weight exceeds 50 kg.

Contraindications can be permanent (serious diseases) or temporary (restrictions to certain individuals for time periods).

Donation payment

The law provides for certain benefits for blood donors, including the provision of food, extra days of rest, etc.

Last year, it was officially forbidden to replace food for those who donated blood and its components with a cash payment. Today to replace food with money, the donor will need to write an application.

The amount of the cash payment depends on the subsistence minimum in the subject of the Russian Federation, it is 5% of this amount. Regions can increase this percentage at their own discretion.

For gratuitous blood donation a certain number of times, a citizen is awarded the badge of an honorary donor and he is assigned an annual cash payment.

The issue of payment for donations is often raised, this is especially true when donating a rare 4th blood group with a negative Rh factor.

List of Benefits for the Donor

The prescribed benefits and payments to blood donors in Russia in 2019 did not change much compared to previous periods.

The legislation establishes the following benefits for Russian donors:

  • - the day of donation and any at the choice of the donor;
  • When donating 2 maximum doses of blood in the current year, the donor can count on getting a ticket to the sanatorium without a queue;
  • For free blood donation, the donor receives the Honorary Donor badge. This sign gives the right to payments and some benefits.
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, authorities may establish additional benefits for donors, for example, free pass public transport or some agreed free services household character.

If you want to learn more about what benefits blood donors have, you need to refer to the current legislation on this issue.

Honorary Donor in Russia

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the “Honorary Donor” badge for donating blood, which is a distinction and provides the owner with certain benefits and an annual payment to an honorary donor.

To receive the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia", any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging a material fee of forty or more times.

If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining a status. Decrees on the presentation of a certificate, as well as on awarding, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "Honorary Donor of the USSR" has all the rights to the same benefits.

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List of documents required to obtain the status of an honorary donor

  • medical certificates confirming that you donated plasma or blood;
  • the passport.

Benefits for honorary donors

For honorary donors, the following benefits are provided:

  • wellness services out of turn in public hospitals, clinics and similar organizations;
  • annual free rest in any period of time for the donor;
  • tax-free and variable with inflation financial compensation;
  • issuance of travel tickets for a trip to sanatoriums or resorts so that a person can pass complex treatment. Delivery is carried out without queues.

The procedure for obtaining benefits for an honorary donor

At each visit to the blood donation station, the donor fills out a questionnaire, undergoes an examination by a doctor and an initial laboratory examination. After the donation procedure, the person receives a certificate stating that he is a donor and can already use the cash compensation for lunch in the amount of 5% discount.

To apply for benefits with the title of "Honorary Donor", you must contact the Ministry of Health and social development and submit documents. The Ministry will consider and study your application within forty-five days, then it will decide whether or not to award a person with the status of an “Honorary Donor”.

To receive an annual payment, you need:

  • statement;
  • certificate of "Honorary Donor";
  • the passport.

Benefits in the regions

There are two types of benefits: federal benefits and regional.

Moscow provides for people who donated blood free of charge additional social benefits of the following kind:

  • if a Muscovite has a special social card, a well-deserved donor can public transport travel is completely free;
  • has the right to dentures and their repair absolutely free of charge, these benefits do not apply to other prosthetics;
  • this person uses housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount and can buy medicines with the same discount, which is a very good bonus, especially for pensioners;
  • also possessing the “Honorary Donor” badge, a person automatically has the right to the possible assignment of the “Veteran of Labor” status to him.
The pension does not depend on donation and does not change in any way, even if you have the status of "Honorary Donor".

What benefits does St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other regions? There are no additional benefits other than federal ones in these areas. Regional fringe benefits were abolished in 2004. Annual payments in other areas are made taking into account the rates of the region, in Moscow they are slightly higher.

Replacing meals with cash

The payments to donors returned by the Ministry of Health in 2015 imply the possibility of replacing free meals with money, namely 5% of the subsistence minimum in the region.

Currently, this amount is about 400 rubles.

The order to replace hot meals with compensation was signed by the Russian Ministry of Health. Hot food - necessary measure to restore the healthy tone of the donated blood human body. Mobile stations that are unable to provide people with such support are a separate issue. In them, due to the lack of the ability to organize food, payments for blood donation are made without an application.

To receive compensation in cash, the donor must write an application. What amount is due to a person who donated blood, for example, in Moscow? This is 5% of the subsistence minimum established in the 1st quarter of 2018 (14,800 rubles), which is about 740 rubles.

Earlier, other payments to donors were made in the capital. For example, 100 ml of whole blood was estimated at 650 rubles, plateletpheresis - 4500 rubles, erythrocytes - 6000 rubles. Today, after the introduction of the new version of the Law "On donation of blood and its components", only donation is paid rare groups blood and its components. For the rest of Muscovites, only free hot meals (full lunch) are offered.

The donor is a person age category from 18 to 60 years old, who voluntarily and free of charge donates blood, as well as blood components for the needs of medicine. This person must go medical examination, which should not reveal any barriers for a person to donate blood, diseases are also excluded.

Diseases such as reduced vision from minus five or more diopters, syphilis, people with removed organs, hepatitis A, C, B, HIV, as well as other serious diseases, cannot be allowed to donate blood. A person who has had a cold must wait about thirty days. If vaccinations were given, then the waiting period is from three to six months. Weight less than 50 kg will also not allow you to become a donor.

Before actually donating blood, a person must exclude fatty, spicy, eggs and dairy products from eating, do not eat butter, fried and smoked. Can't drink alcoholic drinks within 48 hours before donating blood. It is necessary to avoid the use medicines and quit smoking within 12 hours. All these points can greatly affect the result.

Blood sampling lasts about ten minutes, it does not cause any particular inconvenience. There is minimal pressure on the area of ​​the cubital fossa without causing pain. It is necessary after the end of the process to sit a little, relax, and only then get up from your seat. Increased water intake during the day is recommended, as well as tight tricks food. All this is necessary for speedy recovery, also do not allow any physical activity, without much need.

List of benefits for blood donors in 2019

What are the benefits for blood donors? Blood donors have some bonuses from their activities. Benefits for blood donors in 2019 represent:

  • two days of rest are paid (any day to choose from for a subsidy);
  • a distinctive “Honorary Donor” badge, which the Russian government gives out to people for donating blood free of charge. It gives the person who donated blood an annual payment and gives some benefits to donors;
  • a voucher to a sanatorium out of turn is given to a donor who has passed two maximum doses blood.

Honorary Donor in Russia

To obtain rank « Honorary Donor of Russia”, any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging a material fee of forty or more times. If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining a status. Decrees on the presentation of a certificate, as well as on awarding, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "Honorary donor of the USSR" has all the rights to the same benefits.

Benefits for honorary donors

In Russia, donation for last years rose to new level in practical and legislative aspects, receiving various legal and social incentives. How to become an honorary donor, is this status perpetual, what benefits are provided to such persons?

Donation activity has great importance all over the world and is considered noble and honorable, since it is associated with helping those in need not just with monetary or material resources, but with the selfless transfer of one's own blood.

Citizens of Russia who wish to donate biological material organizations accepting this material, employers of citizens, as well as those in need of assistance.

Main legal sources:

  • 125 Federal Law, adopted on July 20, 2012, on donation;
  • Labor Code of Russia.

It is also necessary to take into account the legal framework of other levels of government. Of course, all acts are based on the Russian Constitution and international law.

Donor: conditions

Information about the requirements for individuals wishing to donate blood or blood components can be found in the above law and on the blood service portal. The blood service is a network of organizations, institutions and bodies executive power, accountable to the Ministry of Health of Russia.

So the requirements are:

  • coming of age; it is not allowed to take blood for donation from citizens under the age of 18 (except in cases of emancipation); promotion and dissemination of information about donation for such persons is allowed and actively carried out;
  • more than 50 kilograms of body weight; the motive of the demand - with a lower weight, the likelihood of a threat to the health and current well-being of a citizen increases, threats are both a decrease in blood pressure and a drop in glucose levels, as well as anemia, fainting, etc.;
  • stay within the last 30 days on the territory of Russia; when traveling abroad, a citizen can become infected with an infection or virus without any symptoms; the first symptoms of the disease will appear just in a month, a citizen will be able to be a donor if there are no signs of infection and even if he returned from Africa or Latin America;
  • the absence of diseases affecting the content and quality of blood, plasma and blood cells; structures of the Blood Service examines each donor in terms of weight, pressure, pulse, general research blood, also a diffuser doctor examines the applicant, in addition, donors periodically present the studies - X-ray, fluorogram, etc. diseases will be detected;
  • for female donors - you can participate in donation only 5 days after menstruation and 1 year after childbirth; the requirement is due to hormonal changes, changes in the composition of the blood and common risk deterioration in the woman's well-being ( low level glucose, hemoglobin).

It is not allowed to donate material for any illness in the current acute phase.

To check the candidate for compliance with the specified criteria, he goes through several major stages of control:

  • registration and questioning;
  • donation of blood from a finger to determine the level of hemoglobin, blood type, glucose, etc., the analysis is carried out on the same day to make a decision - whether the candidate is admitted to donation or denied admission;
  • an appointment with a diffuser who, based on the results of an oral interview, makes the final decision on admitting a person or refusing admission.

Become an Honorary Donor

Law No. 125 divides donors into reserve donors - those who donate blood or its components less than 3 times a year, and personnel - those who donate material 3 or more times a year.

Persons become honorary donors regardless of the frequency of presentation of blood components and the blood itself. The number of fences in general is important here:

  • 40 whole blood samplings;
  • 60 plasma samplings;
  • 40 samplings, of which 25 or more - whole blood, and the rest - from plasma; for example, 29 blood donations and 11 plasma donations were made, the citizen receives the status of an honorary donor;
  • 60 samplings, of which 25 or less - whole blood, and the rest - from plasma.

A person needs to achieve any of the 4 options. The collection of blood cells - granulocytes, platelets and erythrocytes - is identical to the collection of whole blood.

An important condition is the gratuitous delivery of the material, i.e., the refusal of payments provided to donors under the usual procedure.

Persons who have passed all the requirements are given a sign of an honorary donor.

What is an honorary donor?

Ordinary donors have pleasant "rewards" for their charitable activities - a day off at the expense of the employer, free meals, cash payments.

Donors who have the title of honorary, of course, have more awards and benefits.

List of donor benefits upon receipt of an honorary badge in 2019:

  • paid days off for the days of examination and delivery of the material itself, and if a citizen worked on that day, he has the right to receive a day off in any other working period;
  • the same rule applies if the delivery or inspection fell on a holiday, vacation or work day off; sick leave is not included in the rule;
  • free meals on the day of material donation at the Blood Service institution - before and after the procedure, after the procedure, you can refuse food and receive monetary compensation;
  • personnel donors receive vouchers for a sanatorium and resort vacation at the place labor activity or study - at reduced prices;
  • extraordinary reception in state medical health organizations;
  • extraordinary receipt resort vouchers at work or school;
  • additional paid leave per year;
  • additional payment every year, which is added to the basic income.

These are just federal benefits. Each region and municipality can provide its honorary donors with other awards. To learn about them, you need to visit the territorial office of the Social Security Administration.

If we talk about specific amounts and terms of payments, then the size of the annual remuneration is related to the subsistence minimum in the region and ranges from 8 to 45% of its amount. From the latest news about indexation, it is known that for the current year, the reward after an increase of 1.054 points is 13,041 rubles.

A citizen will be able to receive this amount only after 40 blood donations. Men are allowed to donate no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4. Thus, a man needs to regularly donate blood for free for 8 years, a woman - 10 years to receive a badge and certificate of an honorary donor.

Donation is an important manifestation of active citizenship. Cash payments and benefits are not so great that they could force a person to donate blood, its components for selfish reasons. A person who decides to donate is guided by the desire to help, the desire to save someone's life. By doing this regularly, he justifiably deserves respect, which is expressed by granting the title of "Honorary Donor of Russia" from the state.

Blood of any group is used daily for surgical interventions, for the manufacture of drugs, so the need for donation cannot be overestimated. The importance of maintaining, replenishing the blood bank is pushing the Government of the Russian Federation to review the privileges of the above category of citizens. Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the emphasis is on social benefits ah, not on cash subsidies.

Who is a blood donor

The law of the Russian Federation provides a clear definition medical terms related to donation. A donor (from the Latin dono - “to give”) is a person who has voluntarily undergone a medical examination and donated blood, its components - leukocytes, erythrocytes, granulocytes, platelets, plasma. The collected biomaterials are used for transfusion to the recipient, storage, and the manufacture of medicines. People's lives directly depend on them, so not everyone can donate part of their biomaterial. The requirements for a blood donator are as follows:

    the most important - compliance for health reasons, the absence of contraindications;

    residence in Russia for at least 1 year, citizenship is optional;

    minimum age - from 18 years old (or previously reached full legal capacity), maximum - 60;

    body weight - more than 50 kg.

Previously, it was possible to donate blood components free of charge or for a fee, depending on the subsistence level for a particular region. Today, only the reception of rare groups is paid. The accumulation of the number of gratuitous donations, which are recorded in the database of donors and their personal account cards, gives the right to apply for the title of "Honorary".

Legal Framework

Basic concepts related to donation, rights, benefits Honorary donors in 2018 are fixed federal law No. 125-FZ "On the donation of blood and its components". Less significant legal documents are:

    Federal Law No. 313 dated November 25, 2013;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2005 No. No. 246;

    Order of the Ministry of Health No. 265n dated April 26, 2013;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 842;

    Government Decree No. 663;

How to become an Honorary Donor

Get honorary title only a citizen of the Russian Federation can, despite the fact that it is permissible for a stateless person to become a giver. A person who wants to donate part of his blood must have absolute health, because. most of donated material is used for transfusion. Before blood donation, if necessary, you should change your lifestyle: stop eating excessive fats, dairy products, alcohol, certain drugs (mainly blood thinners), citrus fruits, etc.

There are a number of temporary permanent illnesses, reasons, conditions under which it is not possible to become a blood testator. Full list contraindications is indicated in the Orders of the Ministry of Health No. 364 dated 14.09.2001. and No. 175n dated April 16, 2008. Among them:

    serious illnesses: hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, radiation sickness and etc.;

    cancer diseases;

    problems with the work of the heart;

    drug addiction, alcoholism;

    vision problems - myopia more than 5 diopters;

    the absence or presence of a transplanted organ;

    chronic, infectious, skin or venereal diseases;

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding, period of menstruation;

    less than 3 months have passed since the vaccination;

    after colds less than a month has passed;

    less than six months before the day of blood donation, tattoos were applied or piercing was performed;

    recent return from exotic countries.

The blood sampling procedure takes a little time - about 10 minutes, its components - up to 30 minutes. The maximum single volume of blood taken is 450 ml. After the first appeal, donating blood components, they register, give him an individual registration card, where further the number and volume of blood donations will be recorded. Registered donors are divided into potential donors - those who came to the donor center for the first time or after 12 months, reserve donors - donating blood components up to 3 times a year, staff donors - more than 3 times a year.

During the year, a woman can donate blood no more than 4 times, a man - 5, plasma - 20, platelets - 10 times, while the interval between blood sampling procedures is at least 60 days, components - 2 weeks. In total, in order to earn the title of “Honorary Donor of Russia”, it is necessary to donate blood components a certain number of times for free:

    blood - at least 40 times;

    plasma - at least 60;

    at least 25 times - blood and plasma at the same time - 40;

    at least 25 times - blood, plasma - up to total fences equal to 60.

Separate requirements are established for obtaining the title of "Honorary Donor of Moscow". Since 2017, the same rules for the number of blood donations have been applied to St. Petersburg residents to receive the corresponding title. Indigenous residents of the capital must pass in medical institutions that are on the city balance:

    blood, its components - at least 20 times;

    plasma - at least 30;

    to confirm their status, annually donate blood components at least 3 times until the number required to obtain the status of "Honorary Donor of Russia" is reached.

Subject to the above conditions, you can proceed to the official confirmation of the honorary status. To do this, you must provide:

    application for a title;

    a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a residence permit for foreigners;

    a certificate of form No. 448-05/y (issued at a blood transfusion station) on the number and types of donated blood components;

    individual account book;

    if necessary, a power of attorney for the representative.

It will take up to 95 days to consider the application and make a decision on the award, after which the applicant will be notified of the result. When a positive answer is given, the applicant is awarded the badge "Honorary Donor of Russia", which is a red drop on a white background, and a certificate for it. The award is presented at city stationary transfusion stations, blood centers in a solemn atmosphere.

By implementing the measures prescribed by the donation support program, State Duma deputies propose simplifying the receipt of an honorary title: make the process of confirming status, setting annual payments automated, and reducing the waiting time for a decision on the award. After receiving the title, you can proceed to the registration of the benefits due to the state.

The importance of regular donation is paramountly manifested by the opportunity to give life a large number of people. Against this background, an increase in social benefits for the giver looks less important, and renewed blood will improve his health. Studies have shown a reduction in the risk of myocardial infarction in men over 40 years of age who regularly donate blood components.

Annual Compensation Payments

Unlike other social payments, the donor subsidy remained unchanged for several years and initially amounted to 10,557 rubles. According to Federal Law No. 125, indexation of this type of payments from the state budget is carried out once a year, in January, by a factor of 1.054. From February 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018, this clause was suspended by Federal Law No. 68-FZ of April 6, 2015 (as amended on December 19, 2016) due to the current difficult economic situation.

On the this moment the amount of the annual cash payment to Honorary Donors is 13,041.14 rubles and is not taxed, because is social. It was planned that in 2018 indexation would be carried out taking into account the fixed last year inflation rate, which will be approximately 5.5%, but the officially valid coefficient as of 01/01/2018. is the above, that is, if no changes are made, the amount of cash benefits will be 13,745.36 rubles. The amount will be paid, as before, before April 1 of the current year.

Benefits for Honorary Donors of Russia

In addition to the annual material payment, the legislation provides for benefits for Honorary Donors in 2018 - extra days recreation, the priority right to receive vouchers for health-improving holidays, discounts on medicines, the title of "Veteran of Labor", etc. All types of the following privileges are applicable only if you have a badge, certificate. The holder of the title "Honorary Donor of the USSR" has the same benefits as those who received the title after 1991.

The government of the Russian Federation regularly discusses the introduction of incentive benefits, for example, a reduction in interest rate when applying for a loan, mortgage. The organization "For the Rights of Donors" created a petition for the return of benefits lost after monetization - free use of public transport, subsidies for housing and communal services - to all Honorary Donors living in the Russian Federation.

A common misconception is that a well-deserved title entitles you to claim an increase in your pension or early retirement. At the Federal level, such benefits are not provided, it is possible for regional authorities to provide, but, as practice shows, the initiatives of appointing this benefit does not find. In some regions, for example, Moscow, St. Petersburg, the "Honorary Donor" badge allows you to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" ahead of schedule with the assignment of social privileges due to this category.

Extra holidays

Donor rights established by the state provide blood donors with additional rest days. A person donating blood components is released from work duties on the day of the donation, preceding this - a medical examination and the next day, while maintaining the average wages. If the employee has not taken advantage of the additional days off associated with the donation, he can transfer these days to any other period, including the ability to add them to annual leave.

To receive this benefit, you must provide the accounting department at the place of work with a certificate from the blood transfusion station (other medical institution where the donation took place), form No. 401/y on passing a medical examination, No. 402/y on the donation, or an officially certified certificate confirming the procedure, in free form. If the delivery was carried out during non-working hours, day, the right to use additional days off is not canceled.

Free meals or cash compensation

On the day of donation of blood components free of charge, the donor is provided with free meals at the expense of the medical institution where the donation procedure is carried out. The list of required products, their breakdown are established by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1039n dated 12/13/2012. A citizen can be offered, for example, red fish fillet, cheese, ham products, beef pulp, juice, mineral water etc.

Benefits for donors under the new law provide for the replacement free food monetary compensation only exceptional cases regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 256n, for example, when donating at mobile blood sampling points. The amount of the compensation payment is 5% of the subsistence minimum for the adult population, established in the subject of the Russian Federation where the procedure was carried out - an average of 400-500 rubles.

Regular medical examination

Before each donation, mandatory analysis blood, which already at this stage is able to detect deviations in health, for example, anemia or more serious diseases - hepatitis, HIV, etc. Measurement of body weight, pressure, temperature is carried out. Donor of genetic material is provided free course treatment, if during the sampling or after the procedure there were problems with well-being.

Donation is associated with risk and waste of health. In order to control the state of the body of the blood tester, to prevent the development serious illnesses the right to use benefits in the field of health care is established - extraordinary provision medical care in state, municipal medical institutions, annual medical examination, maintaining average earnings on the days of medical examination.

Compensation of 50% of the cost of medicines

Donor benefits include a 50% discount for the purchase of medicines. This right does not apply in all regions of the Russian Federation, but parliamentarians periodically raise the issue of amending the law, providing for the introduction of this benefit throughout the Russian Federation. Currently under consideration is Draft Law No. 1067159-6, a decision on which should be made by the end of 2018.

Providing the next vacation at a convenient time

According to Art. 123 Labor Code, the Law on Donation, a person who donates blood has the right to demand annual paid leave from the employer at any time of the year convenient for him. Failure to provide such is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation with consequences for the management. It is important to notify the authorities about the right to use this benefit.

Preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and rest houses

State organizations, educational institutions which have trade unions provide their employees and students with vouchers for Spa treatment. Having donated blood components at least twice a year, having expressed a desire to use referrals, he has an advantage in distribution - he is given the priority right to receive a ticket for recovery in sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Measures of social support for Russian donors in the regions

In addition to federal benefits for Honorary Donors in 2018, privileges are established by regional authorities: additional cash payments for holidays, free public transport, pension supplements, scholarships for students, graduate students, etc. Over time, the list of benefits and regions of their distribution not only does not expand, but also decreases, for example, since 2004 they have been canceled regional benefits residents of Ufa, Chelyabinsk, etc. On the territory of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local legislative acts have retained their effect, establishing privileges. Among them:

    St. Petersburg - obtaining a nominal preferential travel document is prescribed by the "Social Code of St. Petersburg" (Law No. 728-132 of November 22, 2011);

    Saratov - compensation payments instead of free meals - Decree of the Government of the Saratov region No. 104-P of 04/01/2010. as amended on 19.01.2011;

    Krasnodar Territory - enhanced nutrition or monetary compensation in the amount of 450 rubles is provided on the day of donation (Law No. 2175-KZ of February 11, 2011);

    Omsk region - granting a 50% discount for payment of housing and communal services (Decree of the Government of the Omsk region No. 488-P of 12/14/1993);

    Murmansk region - issuance of social travel ticket, free production, repair of dentures in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Murmansk region No. 10-PP dated 01/21/2005.

Privileges of the Honorary Donor in Moscow in 2018

The greatest privileges are established for representatives of this category of beneficiaries permanently residing in the territory of Moscow. in the Russian capital additional measures social support:

    discount on payment of housing and communal services;

    free use of public transport with a social card;

    free prosthetics teeth;

    obtaining a social card of a Muscovite;

    conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor";

    additional payments to working pensioners.

The full list of benefits is established by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 850-PP dated 07.12.2004. Only donors with a Moscow residence permit can take advantage of additional privileges, providing, if necessary, documents confirming the right to these compensations. Residents of other regions do not have the right to use the benefits due to Muscovites. A citizen is obliged to confirm this title annually, while donating blood at least 3 times a year, plasma - 7 times.

Subsidy for utility bills

Residents of Moscow who have the title of "Honorary Donor" have the right to halve the amount of rent they pay. A 50% discount is provided for payment for water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity, gas, removal and disposal of garbage, household waste, regardless of the type of housing. To apply for a grant, please contact territorial bodies social protection.

Easy access to public transport

Honorary Donors- Muscovites have the right not to pay for travel in public transport, except for taxis, minibuses. This also applies to residents of the Moscow region: they can use the metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams, intercity transport within the region for free. To travel, you must have a social card and a certificate of the Honorary Donor.

Registration procedure

Donating blood components enough once, having received an honorary status, you can apply for the design of the cash payments, social benefits. The procedure for their appointment lasts up to 10 days and consists of several stages:

    collection required documents;

    applying to the appropriate authorities with a written application;

    consideration of the application public services;

    making a decision on the appeal, notifying the applicant about it.

Where to go

Among the documents required when applying for benefits for Honorary Donors in 2018, there are certificates confirming required amount donations made. These papers are issued after each procedure. If, for some reason, they are absent, then you should first contact the blood transfusion station to obtain an extract from the journal. Then you need to take the details of the account or card for transferring payments from the servicing banking organization.

Appointment social benefits, benefits are handled by the Department of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, so you need to contact the territorial authorities at the place of registration. It is possible to obtain the status and entitlement privileges in the multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MFC), remotely - send by mail or submit documents through the public services portal.

What documents are required

When applying for the benefits due, you must provide originals and copies, and when applying via the Internet, scanned forms of the following documents:

    passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;


    certificate of the Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation;

    bank account details for transferring payments;

    power of attorney if necessary.


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