How to wean a kitten from the sucking reflex. How to wean a cat from food and accustom to homemade food? Why is the kitten doing this?

Is it possible to wean kittens to suck a cat and is this measure reasonable? The sucking reflex is the key to survival. In fact, newborn kittens do not know how to do anything but look for the mother's nipple and eat. What to do if the kitten is very attached to mother's milk, at what age to introduce complementary foods and what weaning methods can be used. Let's take a look at everything below.

Kittens learn to suck in the womb. By the time of birth, babies have only one mission, to determine the direction with the help of scent and crawl to the source of food. The first sips of colostrum contribute to the settlement of the intestines with microflora so that the kitten can digest food. Within 2-3 days, kittens receive colostrum, after which the cat begins to produce milk.

Cat's milk gives kittens all the necessary nutrients and antibodies - temporary immunity. The duration of feeding is regulated by the cat, some mothers feed babies up to 15 weeks. Most often, the cat begins to avoid kittens or not to suckle at 8-12 weeks. Until the age of 12 weeks, it is advisable not to interfere in the process of feeding kittens!

If the pet refused kittens earlier, they need to be artificially. Kittens are regularly weighed, if any baby has a lack of weight, he is supplemented with mixtures. In a non-multiple litter, milk should be enough for all the crumbs. If there are 6 or more kittens, usually 1-2 kittens of those who were born last need to be supplemented.

At about 3 weeks of age, kittens begin to be interested in the smells of adult food. If the kittens are bottle-fed, complementary foods can be started from 2 weeks. By the way, at the 3rd week of life, the kitten's teeth erupt, which can cause serious inconvenience to the cat. You need to think about this moment in advance, gradually accustom kittens to supplementary feeding, so that mother's milk is not the main source of nutrition.

Read also: Why cats yawn: we understand the essence of the reflex

Do not, under any circumstances, wean kittens from suckling by rough methods! You can not punish the kids, do not feed them so that they if feed. It is strictly forbidden to rub the cat's nipples with anything or limit its contact with kittens. It is strictly forbidden to spray kittens with water ... this method is discussed in many forums.

Important! All actions should be natural, because at the "milk" age, the psyche of kittens is very vulnerable.

Correct Methods

To wean a kitten from sucking a cat without psychological trauma, you need to act gradually and slowly. Believe me, your pet will help you, because it will not let kittens with teeth bite its nipples. Babies will be hungry, so they are more willing to switch to complementary foods.

Sucking is not only a way to eat, but also a tactile contact. Most kittens older than 3 weeks suckle their mother only because they lack communication, like the smell, etc. Simply put, kittens are childishly attached to their mother and do not want to change it. If you carefully observe adult kittens, many of them do not suck on the nipple, but on the mother's fur, trample her with their paws, purr - this is communication that the mother cat will not object to.

What is fraught with delaying the issue of weaning from sucking? Unfortunately, childhood cannot be stretched out, the kitten will have to grow up and learn to communicate with others differently. If a kitten, weaned from its mother, continues to suck ... the owner's hands, clothes, bedspread, he becomes morally attached to the "object of addiction". There is nothing catastrophic in this, but such behavior cannot be called normal either.

There are several methods for weaning a kitten from sucking:

  • Games- at 3-4 weeks of age, babies are very playful, their attention can be attracted by the noise, rustle or squeak of a toy. Enter a feeding schedule, and the rest of the time, as soon as the kids rush to the cat, distract them.
  • Time- Most kittens stop suckling their mother without intervention. This happens after the kittens gain self-confidence and a sense of "own self". A toddler may retain the habit of stomping, but many adult cats also have this habit.
  • Pacifier- the kitten is first accustomed to the bottle and the mixture, and then the mixture is poured into a saucer and the baby is taught to lap. In this method, the transition occurs gradually, since the smell of food plays a very important role in sucking. That is, you change the usual things in stages, first the smell, then the way.

Read also: What is better to feed a kitten: food or natural water

In some forums, a very strange method is advised - to remove the cat's nest. From the point of view of raising physically and mentally healthy kittens, this is wrong. Nest It is not only a place for eating, but also a home.

Important! If the cat does not enter the nest - it does not matter, you can put a heating pad, pillow, soft toy in it. It is unreasonable to deprive the kids of the usual, calm refuge.

What to do if an adult kitten sucks a cat or things

What to do if an already adult kitten continues to suck on the cat, its body parts, your hands, clothes, bedding? The crude method recommended by many owners is separation. That is, the kitten and the object of his adoration should be in different rooms for 3-5 days. Perhaps the pet will come to terms with the loss ... or perhaps choose a new object for sucking. If the subject of addiction is a cat, her nipples can be protected with a conventional postoperative bandage. Thus, the kitten will be able to communicate with the mother, but will not bite her.

However, for a really effective solution to the problem, you need to eliminate its cause. Kittens suck everything in a row for only one reason - stress. Strange habits are also inherent in people, for example, many bite their nails, pull or chew their hair, children can suck their fingers in their sleep - all these are methods of self-soothing.

The problem is that pet soothing therapy often ends in biting... the pet sucks his finger and then starts chewing it, and if you try to twitch, he will "gently" hold his hand with his claws. Especially lucky are those owners to whom pets sneak up in a dream and suck not their hand, but their nose or ear.

Cats are extremely intelligent, highly intelligent animals. But sometimes the behavior of the cat does not suit the owner, the pet is considered a stubborn, vindictive beast, and her actions are bad habits. However, before proceeding with the re-education of a pet, two points should be understood:

Most of the "bad habits" are natural behaviors for a cat (for example, climbing on a table);
- the rest of the "bad habits" appeared as a result of gross errors in the upbringing and maintenance of the pet (the owner does not change the filler for three days, and then puzzles over the task - how to wean the cat to write anywhere?).

Those. we are talking about either the manifestation of instincts, or the mistakes of the owner. Therefore, there is no reason to be annoyed with the cat. Physical punishment, screaming, ignoring the cat is a waste of time and effort, which will only aggravate the situation. A cat does not perceive prohibitions, it is not a pack animal, it cannot have a leader. The owner must start with self-education, find out the cause of the unwanted behavior, and fix the problem with affection and love.

How to wean a cat to shit in the wrong place?

Cats have a highly developed instinct for cleanliness. When the cat suddenly stopped "doing things" in its tray, it tries to convey something to the owner. In order to understand how to wean a cat to shit anywhere, you need to find out the cause of abnormal behavior.

Often, uncleanliness that suddenly appears is a consequence of a developing disease (usually, the genitourinary system). A cat, defecating in a litter box, experiences pain and associates it with the place (i.e., with the litter box). The cat changes its place, hoping in this way to get rid of the pain. Many cats with ICD defiantly pee on sofas, on the owner's clothes, and sometimes right on the table in front of the astonished hostess - this is a cry for help, the cat is very ill! The first thing to do when thinking about how to wean a cat to pee on the bed is to visit a veterinary clinic and get tested.

Cats who feel uncomfortable often dirty the apartment with feces, showing in this way their dissatisfaction with one circumstance or another. Perhaps the owner pays too little attention to the pet. Or one of the family members is rude to a proud predator. Maybe the cat does not like the new pet or she is worried because of the frequent intra-family quarrels (cats subtly feel the atmosphere prevailing in the house). In this case, the task of how to wean a cat to shit on a bed or in the corners is solved quite simply - you need to eliminate the cause of discontent (if possible) and devote more time to communicating with an upset pet.

Another possible reason is a change in the location of the tray, a change in the filler, a “harsh” air freshener, an insufficiently clean tray. In this situation, everything is obvious - return the old filler or replace it with a similar one to which the cat is accustomed. Replace the tray in its original location or as close to it as possible. Use a different freshener (preferably an unscented odor neutralizer). Well, the cleanliness of the tray must be monitored constantly.

If before “doing business”, the cat carefully hides, looks for secluded places, buy a tray with a roof (a house that looks like a carrier). Perhaps the cat is simply afraid to leave feces in a conspicuous place (self-preservation instinct).

Advice: to scare the cat away from those places where she relieves herself, treat the surface with a disinfectant, and then carefully spray it with water with the addition of vinegar or juice of a lemon, grapefruit, onion. Praise your cat every time she goes to the litter box.

How to wean a cat to mark furniture and corners?

In nature, cats (and sometimes cats) regularly mark their territory. This way of "communication" between cats is a natural instinct, which is almost impossible to fight. A cat marking its possessions declares to others: “this is mine!”. If you punish an animal for marking, the cat feels that he is losing his dominant position, and begins to mark furniture and corners even more desperately.

In addition to labels, another headache is added - how to wean a cat to yell all day and night? Cats scream, calling the male, two to four times a year. Males may call all the time, but are most active in the spring and when a female is nearby ready to mate. The only solution to the problem is castration or sterilization. All kinds of drugs that artificially reduce the level of hormones in the blood are ineffective, and the regular use of such drugs negatively affects the health of the pet.

How to wean a cat to shit in flowers?

Cats living in the natural environment bury their feces in the ground. Therefore, the habit of using a flower pot instead of a tray is just a manifestation of instinct. To switch attention to the tray, use absorbent mineral filler. If possible, flower pots should be temporarily removed from the window sills (hung on the walls or placed so high that the cat could not reach them). If this is not possible, the pots must be protected from cat “encroachments”. The most effective ways are described below:

  • put a lemon peel or chopped garlic on the surface of the earth (this will scare away the cat);
  • cover window sills with foil (most cats will never walk on foil);

  • stick a row of long twigs along the edge of the pot, building a semblance of a fence (the cat will not be able to “fit in”);

  • glue the window sill with double-sided tape (the cat will never step on the Velcro).

As soon as the cat gets used to the tray, it will be possible to free the flowers from the "barricades".

How to wean a cat to eat flowers?


  • the cat chews flowers to replenish the supply of vitamins. Cats are true predators that do not perceive plant foods. All the vitamins that a cat needs are partly ingested with meat food, partly from the contents of the prey's stomachs. The rest is produced in the cat's body;

  • cats eat grass and plants to cure themselves of any disease. The cat is unable to understand why she is sick. Moreover, she cannot know how to cure herself;

  • a cat will never eat a poisonous flower, she knows which plants are safe. Every year, thousands of cats are killed by careless owners who allow their pets to chew on houseplants, many of which are toxic to cats.

In fact, cats eat plants for the sole purpose of aiding their digestion. In nature, a cat eats prey along with feathers or skin, small bones, paws, etc. By eating grass, a cat provokes vomiting, ridding the stomach of hard-to-digest food. In the same way, cats clean the stomach of the wool accumulated in it, which is swallowed while caring for a fur coat.

To wean a cat to gnaw houseplants, you need to find out the reason why she does this. If the cat eats heavy food (especially boiled meat), you need to switch it to light food. If the cat burps hairballs, you need to improve the quality of the fur coat so that the hair does not fall out so intensively (comb the pet more often, give vitamins regularly, feed it with quality food).

And be sure to offer the cat an alternative - sprouted oats or fresh hay.

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper?

The answer to the question: “how to wean a cat from scratching wallpaper?” Is quite simple - buy your pet a scratching post. The habit of sharpening claws is a natural instinct and a vital necessity. In this way, the cat removes the dead parts of the claw, and also leaves its smell and claw marks on the surface (marks indicating the cat's claims to this territory). Thinking about how to wean a cat to tear up a sofa, you can’t look for a way that will completely deprive the cat of the opportunity to sharpen its claws. Self-adhesive caps or removal of the phalanges of the fingers - cruelty in its purest form. A loving owner would never abuse an animal like that!

Simple manipulations will help to switch the cat's attention to the scratching post:

  • bring the cat to the scratching post and gently scrape the surface with its claws;

  • spray the scratching post with infusion of catnip (not valerian!);

  • move the toy over the scratching post, encouraging the cat to climb up to catch the “prey”.

Read more about how to wean a cat to tear furniture.

How to stop a cat from scratching and biting?

A cat lets out its claws or bites the owner for three reasons:

  • she perceives a person as a big toy;

  • she is afraid (loss of trust);

  • she is in pain (diseases of the liver, genitourinary system, as well as such a very common disease now as opisthorchiasis in cats, etc.).

In the latter case, only a veterinarian will help. In the first two situations, the owner is to blame.

While the kitten is small, people play with it with their hands, jokingly “kick” with the toe of their feet, allow it to climb on the pant leg, and when the kitten grows impressive claws, the owners begin to puzzle over the problem of how to wean the cat from scratching. But the cat has already got used to the fact that playing with human legs and arms is fun. She perceives a person as prey. In this case, it is necessary once and for all to prohibit everyone who comes into contact with the pet from teasing the cat with their hands or feet. As soon as the cat aims at the hand, distract it with a toy. If the cat still grabbed your hand, carefully release your hand and leave the room. The cat must understand that now they don’t play with it with their hands, it’s no longer fun, but quite the opposite - it’s worth releasing the claws, and the attention of the owners is lost.

There is a similar situation with distrust: the owner forces the cat to endure manipulations that are unpleasant for her, wraps her in a blanket to give a pill, roughly grabs her to cut her claws or measure the temperature. And when a cat suddenly stops tolerating “bullying”, a person is forced to puzzle over the task of how to wean a cat from biting. To regain your cat's trust, never force her to do anything. It can take up to an hour to calmly persuade a cat to let you take her temperature. But gradually the time will be reduced, and as a result, this manipulation will take only a few minutes - without a fight, without racing around the apartment and without scratched hands.

Important: half-wild cats and kittens picked up on the street rarely fully trust a person. It is sometimes impossible to wean such a cat from biting and scratching, because. these animals are only partially domesticated.

How to wean a cat to climb on the table?

In nature, cats rest, climbing a hill - from above, the territory is better visible. At home, the cat in the same way tries to climb higher, so she feels more comfortable. Therefore, it is quite difficult to wean a cat from walking on tables - you either need to constantly cover the surfaces with foil or film, or offer your pet an alternative (all kinds of shelves and high climbing posts). If you simply scold the cat, not allowing it to walk on the tables, she will think that the owner in this way proves his superiority. Such "education" will most likely lead to aggression and "fragrant" marks right in the shoes.

Another reason to walk around tables is to look for food. Sometimes the owners themselves accustom the cat to human food, feeding the pet. Sometimes a cat, noticing that she is being scolded for her interest in a plate, begins to "hunt" for leftover food - she is interested in stealing food without the owner noticing. In both cases, there is only one way out - to accustom yourself to order and never leave leftover food on the tables.

Important: many people advise putting rattling trays on the table to scare the cat. Or splash water on the cat. But all these are only half measures - the cat quickly figure out how not to step on the "trap" and avoid water procedures.

How to wean a cat to chew on wires?

Cats rarely gnaw on wires, but if such a habit has appeared, it is very difficult to get rid of it. First, you need to remove all the wires in special boxes, and rub those that cannot be hidden with a piece of lemon or a rag soaked in diluted vinegar. Secondly, those who like to sharpen their teeth should be offered an alternative - latex or wicker toys of an elongated shape (ropes, sausages, snakes, etc.).

Why some cats show an increased interest in wires is unclear. Perhaps they just like to play with the writhing "serpent". Or they find the smell of insulation attractive. But it is necessary to wean the cat from this habit, since sooner or later it will get to the “stuffing”, and then how lucky.

How to wean a cat to meow?

Meowing is a language that a cat invented specifically to communicate with humans. Cats communicate with each other using other sounds. So what does a cat tell us when it meows?

I'm hungry

Feed your cat at certain hours so she gets used to the routine. Then the cat will not meow to demand food, because it knows that it will be fed only when the right time comes.

open the door

Cats do not like restrictions in movement. To feel comfortable, the cat must know that it can go anywhere at any time. That is why a cat sometimes meows under the door for a very long time, and when it gets its way, it does not even cross the threshold. You will either have to leave the doors open or install cat doors on all interior doors.

I'm bored

Cats often meow just to get attention. Cats get bored too, even though they "walk on their own". You need to play with your pet every day, and communicate (stroke, pick up, talk) - several times a day. The stronger the cat feels the alienation of the owner, the more often and louder it meows, demanding attention to its person.

Meowing should not be encouraged unless you want your cat to learn to meow for hours on end. Before fulfilling the cat's request (for example, opening the door for her), distract the pet with a loud sound or rustling (invisibly so that she does not understand that the source of the noise is a person). As soon as the cat is silent, you can open the door.

Important: Sometimes constant meowing indicates that the cat is in pain. Therefore, if the cat meows all the time, and the owner, sorting through the options, cannot find the cause in any way, you should contact your veterinarian.

Since it is not always easy to stop a cat from scratching furniture, defecation into flowers or walking on tables, try to anticipate the actions of your pet. "Bad habits" do not appear overnight. Raising a cat is much easier than correcting unwanted behavior - be attentive to it in time to notice changes in character and habits. Do not ignore the tricks of your pet, act immediately, without postponing the educational process for the eternal "tomorrow".

The sucking reflex in representatives of the feline family is laid down in the neonatal period, in the first three to five days after birth. Newborn kittens with colostrum, milk receive basic nutrition, protective antibodies.

Normally, after three to six days, they find the nipples on their own, focusing on the warmth and smells coming from the mother. Cats stop feeding their cubs when they are two to two and a half months old. But sometimes, after the end of the lactation period, the kitten continues to stick to the nipples out of habit. You can also notice that cats love to suck on things and do it with enviable regularity. Therefore, if you are interested in how to wean a kitten from a sucking reflex, read the tips given in this article.

If your cat likes to chew, suck on various objects, for example, toys, woolen things, clothes, or sticks to hair, fingers. other parts of the body of the owners, such behavior of mustachioed pets can be caused by various factors. Although the exact reasons explaining the protracted sucking reflex have not been established.

As a rule, kittens love to suckle, chew on objects in the first few months after weaning their mother cat. Normally, the reflex should eventually weaken or completely dull by five to six months.

Possible reasons include:

  • early weaning from the mother cat;
  • lack of attention;
  • banal boredom;
  • genetic, breed feature;
  • frequent, severe emotional shock;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • underfeeding if the kitten is artificially fed;
  • systemic and functional failures in the body:
  • congenital, acquired nervous disorders, pathologies.

Gnawing, sucking, things are very fond of Siamese, Persians and their crosses, cats of Thai, Asian breeds. This behavior is genetically determined.

One possible reason for this behavior in kittens could be unbalanced poor diet. By sucking on things, the kitten thus compensates for the deficiency of useful substances. For example, if a cat, having chosen woolen things, blankets, wool contains lanolin. The smell of this substance reminds the baby of the mother cat and intensifies if the coat gets wet.

But remember that such a habit can be detrimental to the health of a small pet. Woolen balls clog the stomach, intestinal lumen, causing digestive problems.

If the kitten constantly sucks, Perhaps the baby lacks your attention. Especially this behavior can be seen in the period of adaptation, socialization. Therefore, create optimal conditions for keeping, protect from stress, surround the kitten with attention, affection, care. Attract to active games, purchase interactive toys so that the pet does not get bored in your absence.

Often sucking various objects, things signals problems with the teeth., indicates the development of endocrinological pathologies. If the baby has a genuine interest in things, eats inedible objects (geophagy), consult a veterinarian.

In any case, it is possible to find a solution to the problem only by establishing the exact cause of the protracted sucking reflex.

When and how to wean

If the babies continue to stick to the nipples of the cat even after the end of lactation, you need to wean from this bad habit gradually.

Even if a caring cat does not drive away the cubs, the sucking reflex turns into an addiction that will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

The grown up cat will be happy to suck on your clothes, things, hands, hair. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in time, but gradually, the chewing reflex and other useful skills in animals.

You can take away kittens from a cat after two months. At this age, babies can feed themselves, eat solid food and quickly adapt to new conditions.

You can dull the sucking reflex quite simply:

  • Isolate the kittens from the cat for several hours every day by locking them in a different room.
  • Provide your pets with bowls of milk and food.
  • Dip your finger in milk, let the kitten lick it, then gently poke it with its nose into the bowl. Do not poke the kitten too deeply with its muzzle into the bowl. The kitten will be frightened and may choke.
  • Repeat the procedure several times in a row.

If the kittens refuse to approach the bowls, give them milk from a baby bottle. Well-fed pets will suck less on their mother cat. Mixtures should be fresh, warmed up to room temperature.

In order for the kittens to adapt faster, not to experience severe stress, give them toys, talk to the pets in an affectionate gentle tone. Gradually increase the time of isolation, accustoming to independence. Over time, little pets will get used to the fact that there are other, equally tasty food sources.

If a grown kitten continues to suck on the cat's nipples, although the female does not have milk, wrap the nipples with gauze, put on a blanket made of soft sterile fabric. But never treat the nipples with ointments, camphor alcohol, oil. This can cause poisoning, severe intoxication in kittens.

The nipples of lactating cats are treated with external agents only for pathologies of the mammary glands, false pregnancy, excessive secretion of milk, for example, with early weaning of kittens or the birth of non-viable offspring.

Weaning kittens to gnaw, suck objects

If the kitten likes to cling to things, various objects, analyze what could provoke such behavior. Review your kitten's diet. Perhaps the pet does not receive the necessary nutrients from food. For feeding, artificial feeding, use high-quality industrial feed "premium", "super-premium" class marked "for kittens", milk formulas. Consider age, more individual characteristics of the body.

In no case do not beat, do not scold the kitten for his addiction. You can not only scare him, but also provoke severe stress.

It is possible that the pet will begin to do it out of spite and the addiction will worsen even more. Talk calmly with your pet, switch his attention to something else, for example, you will be interested in toys.

Analyze which items attract your pet the most. As soon as the kitten begins to gnaw, suck on favorite objects, there may be a surprise effect.

  • Spray the kitten with water from a spray bottle, clap your hands, tap on a hard surface rolled up with newspaper. Sucking should be associated in animals with unpleasant sensations. In this case, the unpleasant effect should end immediately, as soon as the sucking reflex has stopped.
  • If the pet shows interest in clothes, any of them can be treat with essential oils with the smell of menthol, pine needles, citrus fruits. Grease wires, other hard objects with hot pepper, onion, garlic water, lemon juice. Hide clothes in closets, chests of drawers. On the shelves you can lay out mint, lavender, citrus zest.
  • Give your kitten more attention, interest the pet in active games, equip the play complex. As already noted, a pet may experience passion for objects due to lack of attention.

If an adult kitten does not want to unlearn the sucking reflex, and you cannot determine the cause of this addiction, consult a veterinarian, zoopsychologist.

Veterinarians recommend following certain rules when transferring a cat to homemade food. To wean an animal from Whiskas and other artificial feeds, you need to act in stages. You can not combine dry food and regular food, as this leads to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Homemade products should be introduced into the diet gradually. It is also necessary to add vitamins to the cat's daily menu.

You can not start weaning your pet from dry food if the animal is sick. Additional stress for the body can lead to disastrous consequences.

Difficulties in switching to homemade food

The components of the feed are attractants and additives. These chemicals are designed to get the animal accustomed to the treat. It is these elements that make it easy to wean a pet from Whiskas. The largest number of such additives is in economy class feed.

Choosing such food, the owner develops an addiction in the animal from the first spoon.

In addition to dependence, dry food does not provide the animal with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, which leads to frequent pet diseases. Manufacturers have learned to produce junk food without including the natural ingredients necessary for the full development of the cat.

How to wean a cat from Whiskas?

Many owners begin to give dry food to cats from a young age. Kittens do not refuse goodies and soon sit down on artificial food.

It is much easier to wean a kitten from dry food, whose body has not developed the habit of such a diet.

Veterinarians prohibit feeding a pet mixed food, for example, dry food and regular food. This combination of products adversely affects the intestines and stomach of the animal, leading to sad consequences.

Stages of transferring an animal to normal food

To accustom a cat to normal food, you must follow certain instructions:

  1. 1. Dry food is replaced with a wet analogue of the same manufacturer. The animal is accustomed to certain flavors, so the transition will not be abrupt. At the same time, in the soft version of the feed, there are fewer harmful components than in the dry one.
  2. 2. Natural food is introduced into the cat's diet gradually. You can cook mixed cereals - semolina or hercules plus meat / fish. The pet will not refuse such homemade food.
  3. 3. Fresh water must be freely available to the animal. Drinking plenty of water will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the body.
  4. 4. "Cat grass" grown on the windowsill will be an additional source of vitamins.
  5. 5. Gradually add more and more natural products that the cat prefers. For example, if he loves boiled fish, then instead of food they give it to him.
  6. 6. The amount of food is decreasing every day. Not satiated, the cat will start eating from a nearby bowl, where it is necessary to put healthy foods in a timely manner.

Such a plan of action allows the owners to gradually and without harm to the health of the animal transfer the pet from dry food to regular food, completely weaning off Whiskas and removing the addiction.

Features of the transition to natural products

To facilitate the transition of the animal to natural food and wean it from Whiskas, it is necessary to include a complex of vitamins for the pet in the diet. Usually cats eat vitamins in the form of tablets with pleasure. In rare cases, a veterinarian may prescribe fortified formulations in the form of intramuscular injections.

It is worth considering the features of the transfer of an adult cat or kitten to normal food:

  1. 1. A small kitten cannot be weaned from the usual food by fasting. First you need to transfer the pet to liquid food from bags, and then introduce other components into the diet. It is best to add new foods instead of the usual food after active play with the pet.
  2. 2. An adult animal with a strong dependence on dry food can be left on a fast for two days. The main thing is not to forget to give water to your pet all the time. Very hungry, the animal on the instinct of self-preservation will eat a natural product with pleasure.

When switching to healthy food, we must not forget about the prohibition of mixing. Simultaneous intake of dry food and boiled meat or other product will lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a pet.

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