What food do dogs eat. Optimal nutrition for dogs of any age and physical condition. Features of the nutrition of some breeds of dogs

The key to health, a confident “stand”, correct posture, shiny coat, activity and a full-fledged lifestyle of a dog is the way it is fed. There are general norms and recommendations on how to properly feed a dog with natural food, of course, there is an alternative - industrial food, but each animal needs an individual approach, so let's deal with the nuances.

Before purchasing a pet, you should study the many breed nuances of feeding and keeping. It is important to understand that even if you adopt a mongrel from a shelter, this is a dog that needs the same complete nutrition as a titled pet. Accept it as a fact - the maintenance of any animal requires material costs, do not expect to feed the dog with homemade food "from the table" or the cheapest dry food. As a result, the treatment of a pet will take much more time, money, and most importantly, the animal will suffer all his life. A number of fundamental rules that will help maintain the health of the animal:

  • In most cases, it is fraught with metabolic disorders.
  • Adversely affects the intestinal microflora.
  • Industrial feeds are enriched with vitamins and microelements, mixing diets can lead to hypervitaminosis.

The daily food intake is calculated based on the weight and energy needs of the pet. An imbalance leads either to obesity or to a decline in strength and exhaustion. The daily weight of food should be 2-3% of the weight of the dog, if we are talking about an adult pet.

An important nuance, the larger the dog, the less its need for a daily calorie intake of a kilogram of weight.

When calculating, take into account the energy needs of the animal; you cannot feed a chain or aviary yard dog in the same “mode” with a pet that is employed in the service or regularly engages in “dog sports”. Elderly dogs also have reduced calorie requirements, but protein, fatty amino acids, and proteins should remain the same.

  • The need for large breeds with a weight of 45–70 kg: 30–24 kcal / kg of body weight.
  • The need for medium breeds with a weight of 15–30 kg: 39–33 kcal / kg of weight.
  • The need for small breeds with a weight of 5–10 kg: 52–44 kcal / kg of body weight.
  • The need for miniature breeds with a weight of 2-5 kg: 65 kcal / kg of body weight.

Important! A complete ban on fatty foods in the dog's diet, to put it mildly, is not logical. Of course, proteins, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements are extremely important, but a moderate amount of fat is also necessary. The main thing is to carefully monitor the weight of the pet, especially after surgery, illness, pregnancy, stress, and adjust the diet if the dog begins to recover.

Provide constant access to water, the dog should have it at any time, especially after an active walk, in hot weather, with low humidity. , a subtle but serious threat to the life and health of a pet. It is recommended to change the water once a day, in the hot season - at least 2 times. If in your city or locality, tap water has a high percentage of impurities (scale remains in the kettle), it is recommended to drink purified water for the dog - salts, phosphorus, chlorine, unpurified calcium obtained from water, the most common cause of urolithiasis.

Note! Excessive water intake is a dangerous symptom for the female. Dogs experience intense, uncontrollable thirst when they develop pyometra, a purulent inflammation of the uterus.

Read also: Bisko dog food

Feeding an adult dog - daily requirement for energy and vitamins

Novice owners often face a number of difficulties in compiling a diet, succumb to manipulation by pets and lose sight of important features of the breed. We will figure out how to properly feed a dog at home and how to calculate the required amount of food. An adult dog takes food 1-3 times a day, based on the regimen, divide the daily allowance into portions.


The basis of proper metabolism, digestion, and therefore good health is water. The daily rate is calculated on the basis of an indicator of 40-60 ml. per kilogram of the body of an adult pet (80–110 ml for puppies), if the ambient temperature does not exceed 25 ° C. Please note that the daily rate of water includes the liquid that is part of the porridge.


Material for cell restoration and division. One of the necessary elements that the body cannot stock up for the future, so proteins must be present in the animal's diet daily. The dog's body synthesizes many vitamins and trace elements on its own, but a number of essential amino acids are found only in protein foods. Complete sources of protein - lean meat, natural milk, eggs.

Eggs are a rich source of vitamins E, B2, B12, D, proteins and essential amino acids. Along with the benefits, the product is a strong allergen, so it is not advisable to use it more than 2 times a week. For puppies, nursing and weak pets, quail eggs are recommended for maintenance purposes.

In combination with natural food, the pet should receive bones and cartilage, but taking into account several nuances:

  • It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog tubular, rib and other bones that break into fragments under pressure - a direct path to the operating table and then, if you have time.
  • Bones are only fed raw. Boiled bone tissue is calcined like glass and, when chewed, breaks up into small sharp fragments.
  • A dog can have spongy bones (porous) - shoulder blade, brisket.
  • As a means for teething and brushing the teeth, the dog is given sugar bones (moslak). Moslak should not fit in the dog's mouth. Don't leave an animal chewing on a bone unattended - a pet that is too enthusiastic can damage the jaw if the moslak gets stuck.

Read also: We teach the dog the "Place" command: step-by-step instructions for pets from 4 months to a year

Milk is a partial alternative to meat, but with a number of conditions:

  • Homemade milk must undergo a veterinary examination, otherwise the product may endanger the life of the animal.
  • The optimal fat content of milk is 7–12%.
  • Milk must be fresh.
  • Mixing meat and milk in the same feeding is not recommended.


The energy base of the body, including the immune system. Fiber - bran, the shell of cereals and some of their components, act as a catalyst for digestion and bowel cleansing. The daily norm of fiber for an adult dog is 2-3% of the diet, carbohydrates - 10 gr. per kilogram.

The best source of carbohydrates and fiber is cereals. They are fed only in a well-cooked form. Porridge is made from "chopped", whole or pressed cereals - rice, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat or mixtures thereof. Feeding millet, semolina, corn and pearl barley is unacceptable!

Vegetables and fruits are a source of fast carbohydrates and fiber. Eating raw or processed vegetables in combination with cereals and meat has a beneficial effect on the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, supports the intestinal microflora, and helps the body get rid of toxins. It is optimal to finely chop or grate an apple, pumpkin, carrot, herbs, lettuce, tomato. It is worth being careful with potatoes, cabbage and beets - they can cause diarrhea.


Contrary to all the arguments about the dangers of fatty foods, no metabolism is complete without fats. Of course, the dog should not be fed excessively fatty, fried foods, products containing harmful vegetable oils (palm, recycled). The pet needs to receive non-synthesized Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as products that will allow you to build up a small fat layer for the winter. The daily norm of fats is 1.3 g per kilogram for an adult dog, 2.6 g for puppies.

The source of healthy fats is boiled ocean fish, vegetable oils: olive, pumpkin, sunflower, are optimally absorbed in combination with cereals.

Vitamins and minerals

The weak point of dogs is B vitamins and ascorbic acid (C), they are synthesized in the body in insufficient quantities and do not accumulate in reserve, therefore they must be present in food daily.

Note! High-quality industrial feed contains a full range of vitamins, when choosing treats, study the composition so as not to increase the required daily dose.

Vitamin supplements are given in regular courses and additionally during pregnancy, lactation, active growth or illness. Please note that phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D must be present in the same complex, as they are absorbed in proportion, and the excess is excreted from the body.

Having a pet means taking care of his health completely on your shoulders. It is not always possible to understand all the intricacies of choosing a diet for a four-legged friend. Let's find out how to feed a dog in order to influence its appearance and health indicators as productively as possible.

How to properly feed a dog?

The principle of good nutrition is sometimes confused with excess food in the diet. Many dogs, by their nature, are insatiable, they have no sense of proportion, and the hospitable owner rejoices as his dog absorbs more and more, and gets fat before his eyes. But it is known that a fat dog, suffering from obesity to one degree or another, has a high chance of developing diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and joints. Therefore, each owner needs to know how to properly feed the dog, so as not to feed it, but also not to keep it hungry.

Important! In no case, the food from our table should not become the diet of a dog, no matter what breed it is. After all, spices, foods that are difficult to digest, and a large amount of sugar and salt, sooner or later will negatively affect the health of a pet.

A caring owner should know how many times a day to feed the dog in order to satisfy his hunger and satisfy the body's need for nutrients. You can find out about this and more by reading the article to the end.

How to properly feed a dog with natural food?

If you have already decided what to feed your dog and prefer natural food, then congratulations - this is a great choice! It remains only to find out what is useful to feed a pet, and which products are strictly prohibited. So, an adult dog of any breed (watchdog, hound, decorative) at home can be fed:

  • raw meat and offal (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, young lamb, kidneys, lungs, liver, trachea, udder, stomach);
  • sea ​​and ocean fish (hake, halibut, mackerel, chum salmon);
  • dairy products (kefir, whey, calcined cottage cheese);
  • vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • fruits and berries.

  • pork;
  • potatoes;
  • barley;
  • milk;
  • semolina;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • legumes;
  • grapes;
  • raisins.

Important! An adult dog can replace one meat meal per week with fish, as fish in large quantities interferes with the absorption of B vitamins.

It also follows the fate that an incorrectly compiled menu for a dog can cause a chronic lack of essential substances. Therefore, the dog should be regularly given vitamins in courses 3-4 times a year, as well as flavoring food with minerals, such as bone meal.

How to feed your dog dry food?

More and more owners prefer to feed their pet dog with dry food. But it is not always clear what is better to feed - with budget category or Premium class feeds. After all, there are reviews that saving a little, you can perfectly keep the animal without overpaying. But veterinarians have a different opinion - cheap food, consisting of low-quality, and sometimes harmful components, often causes problems for dogs. It can be allergies, indigestion, hair loss, dandruff and other troubles.

Important! In terms of volume, a serving of dry pet food is significantly different from a serving of natural food. You need to carefully read the data on the packaging, as well as buy food that matches the specific breed.

Pay attention to what you can feed the dog so as not to harm her health, but to increase it. Premium, Superpremium class feeds, as well as holistics will do just fine with this:

  1. Nutra Gold.

When the owner has decided what kind of food to feed his friend, you should familiarize yourself with its correct use, since the feeding process has its own nuances. Did you know that a dry food dog should get twice as much water as a natural dog? After all, it takes a lot of liquid to swell dry pieces. And more useful information - the saturation of the dog with dry food comes a little later than with natural food, therefore it is very easy to overfeed it due to inexperience.

Attention! When transferring a dog from natural to dry food, the latter can be soaked in water to swell. So the dog will quickly get used to the change in diet.

How many times a day should you feed your dog?

While the puppy was still small, it was necessary to feed him literally by the hour. But already a year, the diet is distributed over one or two feedings. Some owners prefer to feed in the morning and evening, while others only feed at bedtime. Veterinarians consider both options acceptable, although the first is still better.

Important! A sick or old dog should be fed a light, low-fat diet, breaking up the usual diet into 3-4 meals for better digestion.

If a different regimen is not prescribed for the animal, then the question “feed the dog before or after the walk” should not be relevant at all. And this is not a matter of habit of the dog or the owner - doctors are unanimous on this score - you can give your pet food only after a walk, and not vice versa. The fact is that the gastrointestinal tract of a dog is designed in such a way that it can twist overflowing with food during active movement, forming a torsion of the stomach and part of the intestine. Therefore, first an active walk, and then food.

If there is a need to feed the animal before walking (it cannot recover normally without replenishing the stomach with food), then the walk in this case should take place in an inactive form, only to cope with natural needs. Only after an hour, the dog can be allowed to frolic ad libitum.

Important! In winter, in frost, the amount and caloric content of food for the dog, which is kept in an aviary, should be increased.

What to feed a dog to gain weight?

Feeding a skinny dog ​​is no easy task. First, you should find out what caused the weight loss of the dog. Perhaps this is underfeeding from a very early age, when the puppy was still being formed. In this case, fixing something may be simply unrealistic. But if the dog was sick, then it is often quite possible to cure it and start a competent weight gain.

Please note what should be done with a dog that is underweight:

Now let's discuss what to feed a pregnant, lactating or postpartum dog. Indeed, during all these periods, the bitch requires increased attention to herself, as well as to her diet:

  1. In the first month of pregnancy, the dog should be given a little more food than usual or add one more feeding. Approximately 2 weeks before childbirth, you should cut down on the diet, removing the maximum of carbohydrates and fats. Instead, the bitch should receive protein, a multivitamin complex, and fish oil.
  2. After giving birth and during lactation, the bitch is fed intensively, with a high content of calories, until the puppies suckle their mother. A beef tripe is very useful at this time for a dog - a stomach that contains the enzymes necessary for a nursing mother for quick recovery.

What should not be fed to a dog?

Knowing how to feed a dog, you can give her a few years of life. But improper and irregular nutrition, on the contrary, can undermine the health of a four-legged friend and shorten his already short age. The dog is not fed "human" food. That is, such products harm her:

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • flour products;
  • citrus;
  • sweets;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats and pickles.

Important! Feeding a large or small dog natural does not mean feeding her bones! Whole, uncut, raw sugar pits are given to a puppy during the eruption of permanent teeth, and also as a reward to an adult dog. But they are not a substitute for meat, because they often lead to clogging of the intestines and even to its rupture.

Some owners manage to feed their dogs cat food. This is absolutely impossible to do, because dogs and cats have completely different needs, and such food, of course, will saturate, but will not bring benefits.

What else do you need to know about dog food?

Every adult dog should come to the doctor for a preventive vaccination every year. As a rule, the animal tolerates vaccination without consequences, since the body has already developed strong immunity.

But even here there is a nuance - if you decide to transfer the dog from one type of feeding to another (from dry to natural or vice versa), then in no case should this be done before vaccination. You should think about this a couple of weeks before going to the vet or wait the same amount after the injection.

All cases of feeding a dog with natural or dry food are suitable for a healthy animal. But what if the pet suddenly fell ill or his illness turned out to be incurable? Let's find out how to be.

What to feed a dog after poisoning?

Does your dog pick up everything on a walk? Then she has every chance of poisoning herself with spoiled food. When poisoned, the dog loses a lot of fluid, and toxins attack the body from the inside. Immediately after poisoning, it is advisable for the animal to wash and put on a starvation diet for a couple of days. After, in order to alleviate the condition of the pet, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • transfer the dog to fractional meals (4-5 times a day);
  • give food a little warm;
  • exclude fatty foods;
  • give light broths;
  • porridge - only rice and buckwheat;
  • meat - chicken or horse meat.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea?

Indigestion is not only unpleasant, but sometimes dangerous problem. Eating should be suspended for at least a day. Instead of food, the bowl should always have clean water in unlimited quantities. When upset, the dog is not given fatty and raw. As soon as things go smoothly, light foods should be included in the diet, exclusively in boiled form.

Important! Dog food, in case of poisoning, with diarrhea or vomiting, must be salted in order to restore the metabolism of minerals.

What to feed a dog with diabetes?

Like humans, dogs with diabetes develop eating problems (lack of appetite) and the dog loses weight very quickly. To minimize losses, you should walk your pet more often, working up an appetite, and try to give him more high-calorie food. If the dog was on dry food, then the veterinarian will advise a special medical diet. Natural products should include:

  • hard cheese;
  • cereal soups in meat broth;
  • meat of different types, as well as fish, but in boiled form.

Be careful! Vegetables, fruits and refined rice are not allowed for diabetic dogs.

What to feed a dog with allergies?

Just like people, animals also suffer from allergies. It may appear as:

  • skin rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • itching;
  • bad breath;
  • diarrhea
  • lacrimation and swelling of mucous membranes.

Most often, food is the culprit. Identifying an allergen is quite difficult. So you have to work by elimination method.

Basically, with an allergy, the reaction occurs to:

  • poultry meat;
  • eggs or egg white;
  • nuts;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • "treats" for dogs;
  • milk;
  • soy products;
  • semolina, wheat, oatmeal;
  • vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements;
  • cheap dry or wet food;

As you can see, part of the list is made up of foods that are prohibited for dogs. But, nevertheless, some owners, ignoring the recommendations on the nutrition of animals, give them, thereby provoking health problems in the pet. Knowing how to feed a dog, a responsible owner will never harm it intentionally.

In order for a fluffy little puppy brought into your home to grow into a beautiful healthy dog ​​over time, you need to choose the right, well-balanced diet for him. After reading today's article, you will learn how to feed a shepherd dog and what to give a miniature lap dog.

Experts recommend around the same time. This will help develop a specific schedule for walking your pet. Before deciding how many times a day your dog should eat, check with your veterinarian. He will tell you in detail about what and how many times to feed the dog at different periods of its life.

Those who plan to give their dog “drying” need to remember how important it is that it be the same type of product from a trusted manufacturer. After all, unlike that of a person, the dog's digestive system is not able to quickly adapt to the replacement of food. A sharp transition from one type of food to another can provoke diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the diet of adult dogs and puppies should not be too varied. You need to gradually accustom your pet to a new food. As a rule, the whole process takes about a week. This must be done by mixing two types of feed.

What should be considered when compiling a diet?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the pet. It is quite clear even to an inexperienced owner that a large dog will need much more food than a representative of a small breed.

An important role in the preparation of the dog menu is played by the temperament of the animal. So, active individuals consume a large amount of energy that needs to be replenished. Therefore, frisky dogs need food with a fairly high content of proteins and carbohydrates.

It is extremely important to consider the breed of a pet. Some dogs are predisposed to digestive diseases, so certain foods should not be given to them. Some breeds are prone to brittle bones, so they need a diet high in calcium.

In order for a dog to be correct, its age must also be taken into account. At different stages of life, the needs of the dog for certain substances differ significantly. For example, puppies do not digest complex and rough foods well. Therefore, they need to be given sparing food. Animals in the active growth stage need protein, iron and calcium.

More about dry food

Modern pet stores offer a wide range of similar products. High-quality dry food will be a real find for those who, due to certain circumstances, do not have the opportunity to cook on their own. It is believed that they contain all vital substances. And some breeders are sure that the right “drying” is the best food. Dogs are recommended to feed such food by many of them. In this case, the pet, along with the food, receives all the vitamins and minerals.

When choosing such feeds, it is important to pay attention to their class. The economy is considered the cheapest and low-quality. For its production, low-grade products and some artificial substances are used. Therefore, for those who value the health of their four-legged friend, it is advisable to buy food of at least premium class. Also, when choosing, you should carefully study the composition of the products offered. It is important that it does not contain soy and other poorly digestible additives.

Some manufacturers produce lines designed specifically for representatives of a particular breed. This makes life very easy for those who do not know how and what to feed a shepherd or a Labrador. In addition, there is also a division by age groups. So, in pet stores you can buy food for adult animals, adolescents and puppies.

natural nutrition

This is the best way to keep your pet in excellent physical shape. And the vast majority of dogs will prefer natural meat to the highest quality “drying”. Those who are determined to give their pet such food need to remember a few fairly simple rules.

A natural menu should be varied and well balanced. It is important not to overfeed the animal as this can be hazardous to its health. In addition, modern products do not always contain all the necessary substances. Therefore, in order to ensure proper nutrition of dogs with natural food, you should periodically give them multivitamin complexes.

A few words about meat, poultry and bones

Lean beef, lamb or turkey is best for a dog. Chicken often causes allergies, so it must be given with great care. Since meat is considered the main source of natural protein, it should prevail in your pet's diet. To protect your dog from possible infection with Toxoplasma or helminths, it must first be kept in the freezer.

Part of the meat can be replaced with offal. Natural nutrition for dogs involves the periodic use of the rumen, kidneys, lungs, heart and liver. Animals are happy to eat all of the above products. To increase the nutritional value of the dog's diet, bone, fish or meat meal is introduced into it.

As for the bones, it is desirable to completely exclude them from the pet menu. They not only do not bring benefits, but also harm the animal. Veterinarians often have to remove sharp fragments from the gastrointestinal tract of four-legged patients. The only thing you can give your dog to chew on is raw beef moss or cartilage.

Grains and vegetables in a dog's diet

Porridges are an excellent source of carbohydrates, so it is advisable to include them in the animal's menu. Veterinarians recommend cooking herculean, buckwheat and rice groats for dogs. It is they who are better than others digested by the dog's body and saturate it with the necessary energy. Occasionally, the food of a furry friend can be diversified with barley, corn, wheat or barley porridge. However, their constant use often causes indigestion.

To diversify the nutrition of dogs a little, it is recommended to add vegetables to cereals. They will allow you to supplement the animal's food with the necessary antioxidants and vitamins. When planning a menu, it is important to ensure that the amount of vegetables does not exceed fifteen percent of the total food. Before you put carrots, pumpkins or zucchini in your pet's bowl, they need to be cooked. In addition to the vegetables already mentioned, parsnips, bell peppers and beets are best for dog food.

Can you feed fish to pets?

This is one of those questions that almost all inexperienced owners ask. This product should be present in the dog's diet, as it contains many useful substances. It is advisable to introduce it into the dog menu after the puppy is five months old. For feeding a dog, it is best to use pre-boiled and deboned ocean or sea fish. It can be pike perch, pollock, navaga, trout, pelengas or halibut.

It is highly undesirable to give your pet raw river fish. It can cause worm infestation. In addition, excessive consumption of fish can lead to a deficiency of B vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to feed the dog with this product no more than twice a week. At the same time, it is extremely important not to mix it in one serving with meat.

Seaweed is very useful for the dog's body. They are considered an excellent source of phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. Therefore, they are also recommended to be periodically entered into the menu of a four-legged friend.

Puppy Diet

Babies between the ages of two and six months are growing rapidly. Therefore, they are in dire need of high-calorie feed. However, you should not stuff the puppy at once with all the delicacies available in the house. Try at least during the first week of the animal's stay in a new environment to feed it with what the breeder gave. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the baby's stomach with a sharp change in food.

In the absence of clear recommendations, you can offer him raw meat. It is one of the few foods that does not cause stomach upset. It must be fed in finely chopped form, since minced meat is practically not absorbed by the dog's body. Very young puppies are usually given the so-called bracket. It is a heavily frozen meat, cut into very thin slices.

In the diet of puppies under the age of three months, milk must be present. It is given just like that, added to cottage cheese or porridge. Later, this product is completely excluded from the dog menu. This is due to the fact that the body of a grown animal stops producing an enzyme that breaks down lactose. From the age of three months, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products are gradually introduced into the diet of puppies.

It is important that the dog's diet consists of quality products, since many stomach diseases in puppies develop not because they picked up something on a walk, but due to the fact that he was fed something that should not be in the diet.

Teen menu

As the puppy grows older, he needs less and less energy for normal development. Therefore, his diet should no longer consist of high-calorie foods. During this period, the active development of the skeleton begins, so it is important not to overfeed the animal. Otherwise, the dog will quickly gain excess weight, as a result of which deformation of the bones may occur. A teenage puppy should not be fat, because this often provokes the occurrence of rickets and dysplasia.

From the age of six months, raw vegetables are introduced into the dog's diet, no longer crushed to a puree state. From that moment on, they are simply rubbed on a grater, and the meat is cut into larger pieces. As for fermented milk products, they should still be on the menu. With age, the nutrition of dogs no longer changes, only the ratio of the main components is subjected to further adjustment.

The diet of an adult and aging animal

The standard menu for dogs coming out of adolescence should consist of chopped beef, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables and vegetable oil. It is also important to periodically introduce vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet of animals.

As for cereals, it is advisable to completely exclude them from the dog's diet. However, in case of emergency, it can be given along with meat. It is better if the diet food for dogs is monotonous. Experts do not recommend changing the usual set of products too often. Animal food should not be too hot or too cold.

An aging pet is advised to limit their fat intake and increase their fiber intake. Therefore, grated vegetables and raw meat should prevail in his diet. For older dogs, it is cut into smaller pieces, since most of them have problems with their teeth. It is also advisable for the dog to periodically give fat-free cottage cheese and kefir.

Features of feeding miniature dogs

Representatives of small breeds, which include Yorkies, dachshunds, Pomeranians and Chihuahuas, need a well-balanced diet that allows them to replenish their energy. By analogy with larger brothers, these dogs belong to the wolf family. Therefore, they require protein found in eggs, fish, meat, offal and sour milk.

In addition, Toy Terriers, Yorkies and Dachshunds are prone to heart disease. Therefore, proper nutrition for should include vitamin-mineral complexes with a high content of calcium and fluorine. The diet of such animals must contain eggs, meat, fish, cereals, carrots, vegetable oil and cottage cheese. From cereals, they can be given oats, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. Cottage cheese is recommended to be diluted with a small amount of milk.

As for meat, it can be given both raw and boiled. Turkey, chicken, lamb and beef are best for feeding small breeds. It is important that it does not contain fat and bones.

Features of the diet of representatives of medium breeds

First of all, you should figure out which dogs can be attributed to this group. Medium breeds include animals whose weight ranges from twelve and a half to twenty-five kilograms. These are Labradors, Huskies, Collies and Huskies.

Most of these dogs have an agile temperament and need a lot of exercise. Therefore, proper dog nutrition should include lamb, beef, rice, oatmeal, carrots, cabbage and dairy products.

Porridge for such animals is boiled in water or low-fat broth. Millet, buckwheat, rice and hercules are considered excellent sources of carbohydrates. Therefore, such food will make it possible to replenish the energy costs of a four-legged pet. As for cottage cheese and fermented milk products, they are needed in order to establish the normal digestion of the animal.

Nutrition for large dogs

This group includes Rottweilers, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Setters, Mastiffs, Alabai, German and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The weight of representatives of these breeds exceeds forty kilograms. Therefore, they need high-quality and properly balanced nutrition.

To provide the animal with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it is not enough to give him meat alone. It is important for dogs to get cottage cheese, which contains a large amount of calcium. Also, representatives of large breeds must be given vegetables, lean fish, cereals, eggs and dairy products.

What should not be fed to a dog?

Having figured out what should be included in the dog's diet, you need to say a few words about what absolutely should not be on its menu. If you do not want to harm your four-legged friend, then try to remember a fairly short list of prohibited foods. Unlike people, pets practically do not absorb some components, so it is not recommended to give them to furry pets.

Dogs should not be fed potatoes, legumes, sweets, tubular bones, pickles, mushrooms, cabbage and onions. Also, the ban is imposed on citrus fruits, marinades, sausages and flour products. Even if the above products do not harm the animal, they will not bring him much benefit. It is also strictly forbidden to give human food to four-legged pets, including soups, borscht and meatballs.

Dog nutrition is one of the main factors affecting its health, condition and exterior. That is why it is so important to establish it from the first days of the appearance of a pet in a house or apartment.

Feeding with natural products always raises a lot of questions from dog owners, which we will try to answer.

While there are many commercial dog foods available, many owners prefer to feed their pets natural foods. But not all of them understand how to properly make a diet for their pet. What natural products should be fed to a dog so that it always remains healthy, cheerful and cheerful?

What is better on a natural woman at home?

Some owners choose natural feeding for their pets, rightly believing that since the dog is a predator, then it should eat meat with various additives, such as cereals, vegetables and greens. But if you just combine all this in a common pile in a dog bowl, without taking into account the nutritional value of the products and the presence of vitamins and minerals in them, then there will be little benefit for the animal from such food.

Many who feed their pets incorrectly do not even realize it. And those who guess, maybe they would like to correct the situation, but they do not know how to do it.

How to

In this case, the system developed back in 1993 can help dog owners. BARF, in which the diet of the dog is based on feeding meat products. It is built on the principles of carnivore feeding in the wild, where they eat raw meat, bones, game entrails, fat, as well as eggs, herbs and roots.

Here is a table of the main natural dog foods used in the BARF diet:

  1. Raw meat: beef, horse meat, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit. In this case, the meat should be with cartilage, veins and films.
  2. Bones: bird necks and heads (beak must be removed), beef tails, large mosses. IMPORTANT! Meat and bones should be in the diet in approximately equal amounts and should be fed to the dog raw.
  3. by-products: raw tripe, poultry giblets, trachea, lung, heart, liver, beef trimmings.
  4. Fish: very useful for dogs as a source of Omega-3 and phosphorus. But, despite the fact that BARF is a raw food feeding system, dogs should only be fed it in boiled form. At the same time, it is better to feed sea fish to pets, such as pollock, hake, cod, blue whiting.
  5. Vegetables. Serve raw in any quantity: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower, as well as sweet peppers and cucumbers. Give raw, but not much: white cabbage, tomatoes, green beans. According to the BARF system, all vegetables must be mashed, but you can also give them simply cut into small pieces.
  6. Greens: lettuce, parsley, nettle (before giving it, scald with boiling water and cool), dandelion leaves, seaweed.
  7. Fruits and berries. Allowed: apples, pears, watermelon, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, bananas.
  8. Dairy products. Useful: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt.
  9. Eggs. No more than 1-2 times a week. They are given only in raw form, while dogs can only be fed the yolk.
  10. Fats: olive, linseed or burdock oil, fish oil for dogs.
  11. Additives: sea kale, vitamins B, C and E, as well as bran.

How many times a day do you need

Usually it is customary to feed a dog from 2 to 3 times a day, not more often. At what without a difference, forage or natural food.

The percentage of products for an adult dog should be as follows:

  • meat - 60-70%
  • vegetables and greens - 15-20%
  • eggs and sour milk - 15-20%

The daily norm of feeding according to BARF should be:

  • adult: 2-3% of animal weight.
  • Working dogs diet should be increased by 5%,
  • but growing puppies- by 5-10%.

It is not necessary to follow this nutrition system exactly, but you can take some of its principles as the basis for your pet's diet. Here are some sample BARF recipes, but you can use them to come up with your own options for pet dishes.

  • Beef trimmings, raw yolk, herbs, linseed oil.
  • Chicken liver (boiled), yogurt, olive oil, bran.
  • Turkey meat, chicken necks, carrots, herbs, linseed oil.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, fresh grated carrots, curdled milk or yogurt, raw egg yolk.
  • Boiled pollock or blue whiting, fresh cabbage, tomato, greens, raw yolk or boiled egg (both yolk and protein), olive oil.
  • Beef trimmings, grated raw pumpkin, egg, cranberries.
  • Cottage cheese mixed with kefir, grated apple, blueberries, raw yolk.
  • Chicken necks, turkey, raw beef, grated carrots, vegetable oil.
  • Trim beef, liver, bell pepper, vegetable oil.
  • Chicken backs or wings, fresh cucumber, yogurt, vegetable oil.

ATTENTION! According to the BARF system, you should not feed cereals to dogs, however, if you do not strictly adhere to it, then you can add a little boiled rice, buckwheat or oatmeal to your pet's food.

Menu for the week

When a dog is fed natural food, it is especially important to correctly compose its diet, not only for the day, but also for the week. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the animal should receive not only healthy, but also a variety of food.

Here is a sample menu for a medium sized dog weighing about 20 kg. For smaller and larger breeds, the amount of food should be increased according to the proportions. In this case, one should also take into account how busy the dog is with work or how active it is. For pets leading a "sofa-search" lifestyle, this diet should be slightly reduced, and for working dogs - increased.

  1. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday



    meat and offal - 180 gr.,
    vegetables - 120 gr.,


  2. Tuesday (fish day)


    necks, backs of chicken or ground turkey necks - 300 gr.,
    bio yogurt - pour on top,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - after eating 100 mg.


    sea ​​fish or minced fish - 250 gr.
    vegetables - 120 gr.
    egg yolk - 1 piece, raw,
    apple bite - 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,>
    vitamin C and vitamin B1 - give according to the instructions.

  3. Friday (cheese day)


    necks or backs of chicken (you can also grind turkey necks) - 300 gr.,
    bio yogurt (about a quarter cup) - pour over them,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - give after a meal 100 mg.


    homemade low-fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.
    vegetables - 120 gr.,
    egg yolk - 1 piece, give raw,
    apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,
    vitamins C and B1 - in tablets, according to the instructions for preparations.

  4. Sunday (meat day)


    necks or backs of chicken (you can also grind turkey necks) - 300 gr.
    bio yogurt (about a quarter cup) - pour over them,
    fish oil - 0.5 teaspoon,
    vitamin E - give after a meal 100 mg,


    beef pulp - 180 gr.,
    porridge - 120 gr.,
    egg yolk (raw) - 1 pc.,
    apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
    olive oil - 2 teaspoons,
    vitamins C and B1 - in tablets, according to the instructions for preparations.

IMPORTANT! Meat and poultry should only be given raw.

What vitamins to give?

So, what vitamins should be given with natural feeding? A dog that eats exclusively natural food needs them. At the same time, preference should be given to ready-made vitamin and mineral supplements, since in them all the components are already in the best ratios.

If for some reason it is not possible to get these top dressings, then vitamins should be given to the animal separately.

The most necessary vitamins for dogs:

  • FROM- it is not produced in the body in animals on its own, and if, in addition to everything else, it is not enough in food, then it must certainly be given in the form of a vitamin preparation.
  • E- needed by the dog as an antioxidant. Considering that, as a rule, it is mainly found in vegetable fats, which are not so much in the diet of dogs, you need to give it in the form of ready-made vitamins.
  • IN 1- Necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Since it is found mainly in cereals, which make up an insignificant part of the diet in dog food, it must be added to food in the form of a vitamin preparation.
  • D- it should be added to food only for medical reasons or in the cold season, since it itself can perfectly be synthesized in the dog's skin under the influence of sunlight. Giving vitamin D preparations should be done with caution, since too much of it in food very quickly leads to the development of hypervitaminosis.

What cereals can

The question of what kind of porridge can be fed to a pet and whether to give it to him at all is of interest to owners, primarily because many of them believe that it is best to feed a dog with meat porridges. Like it or not, you can find out from the article in which experienced dog handlers share their tips on making porridge for dogs:


Meat is a necessary product in the menu of any dog. In addition to being the main source of proteins and amino acids, not a single predatory animal, including the dog, can do without it.

Already at the age of one month, a puppy of a large or medium breed should receive at least 100-200 gr. meat per day. As he grows, the amount of meat and meat products in his diet is also increased. An adult dog of a large breed should receive them per day up to 400-500 gr.


Of the types of meat, dogs can be given the following:

  • beef
  • mutton
  • horsemeat
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • You can also feed offal, mainly, beef: trimming, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, trachea, raw tripe.
  • From bird offal you can give: necks, wings and heads of chickens, as well as hearts, stomachs, liver, bird skin.

It is useful to give meat with fat or add fat to the dog's food separately.

ATTENTION! Some dogs may be allergic to certain types of meat. Products that are allergens must be completely excluded from the diet, replacing them with others.

Is it possible

  • Raw

Not only possible, but also necessary - feeding raw meat is the best thing you can imagine. Moreover, it is it that should form the basis of the “meat” part of the diet. But at the same time, the meat should be of high quality and fresh. If there are concerns, then meat products can be doused with boiling water.

  • Pork

Why can't you feed an animal pork? In fact, contrary to the stereotype, pork is allowed for dogs. Of course, it is wiser to refuse the meat of a freshly killed wild boar, but a low-fat piece of high-quality meat will only benefit the dog:

Which is better: raw or boiled meat? Raw meat is more digestible than boiled meat, it is healthier for dogs and, of course, it should be preferred over boiled.

  • Is it possible only meat

Do not feed dogs meat alone. Not to mention the fact that with such feeding, the pet will not receive the vitamins, minerals and amino acids it needs that are contained in other products, it can also develop protein poisoning when fed with meat alone.

Than cheap

When developing an economy class diet, it should be taken into account that even in this case, the dog should receive all the nutrients it needs from food. At the same time, we must not forget that your goal is to make the pet's diet as cheap as possible, but not to transfer the dog to feeding poor-quality or defective food.

ATTENTION! You can not completely remove meat or other relatively expensive products from the pet's diet. But it is permissible to replace them with other, cheaper ones: for example, instead of muscle meat, give trimmings.

  1. You can slightly reduce the amount of meat food, reducing it to 30-50%, but you should not give meat less than this norm.
  2. There is no need to reduce the amount of sour milk in the diet: it should be at least 15% of the daily norm.
  3. Also, instead of meat, you can feed the dog with chicken wings, necks, heads and other offal. You just need to remember that tubular bones, including those from chicken legs, should not be given to dogs.
  4. If it is too expensive to feed a dog with whole buckwheat or rice, then you can transfer it to chopped from these cereals: as a rule, it costs twice as much, and its nutritional value is almost the same as that of ordinary, not crushed cereals.
  5. Also, you should not buy meat waste of questionable quality. It is better to give the dog less expensive products, but high-quality ones, than to feed the animal with food that can later lead to health problems.

IMPORTANT! In no case should you feed the animal a delay or rotten food.

  • Like a scar

Beef tripe is a section of the cow's stomach, consisting of smooth muscle fibers. It looks like a bag covered with pile. For a person, all this looks disgusting, and it smells so that you have to pinch your nose.

Beef tripe is considered one of the most useful offal, and besides, many dogs simply adore it. It is best to give them a scar in its raw form, before that it should be properly frozen.

But to avoid infection with worms, you can boil the meat.

Advice: If you don't want to choke, buy offal already peeled.

The crude mass should be washed - left in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then scraped under running water with a knife, eliminating dirt and villi. The smell is removed during digestion.
Next, divide the scar into pieces - cut it, choosing the size of a palm, throw it into a pot of water and cook for no more than 10 minutes, counting from the moment of boiling. After that, drain the liquid, pour the offal again and return to the fire. Cook until the characteristic aroma disappears. It will take about 5 brews!

And after we simmer in a saucepan for a long time and hard - again we need a sufficient amount of water and patience. The fire should be moderate, the time during which we conjure at the stove is 3-4 hours. Readiness is determined by piercing the pieces with a fork. If she easily slips out, you can cool the delicacy and call your four-legged friend to the table.

  • Compound feed

Compound feed is considered complete food for poultry or livestock, but should not be given to a dog. The main reason is the difference in the physiological characteristics of herbivores and predators, which is why feed, which is quite suitable for food for farm animals, is completely unsuitable for dogs.

Is it possible

  • bread

You should not give your dog fresh bread, but you can give some homemade crackers. Just do not need to feed your pet crackers from sweet pastries, as well as salted or sprinkled with sugar.

  • potatoes

It is believed that potatoes should not be fed to a dog, as this leads to stomach problems. But this applies to those cases when the dog is fed potatoes as the main vegetable supplement.

If you give your pet some boiled potatoes, nothing bad will happen to him. And raw potatoes are loved by many dogs, so it is quite acceptable to give your pet a couple of slices of raw potatoes.

“I’m not a freeloader, I’ll grow my own daily potatoes”

The optimal dose of potatoes for dogs of large and medium breeds is 100-150 g per week (1-2 tubers), for small breeds - up to 50 g.

Important: under the skin of tubers stored for storage, gradually accumulates solanine. Even in boiled root vegetables, it is poisonous and dangerous to dogs. Therefore, starting from February and until the new harvest, it is better for the dog not to give potatoes boiled or baked in their skins. If the tubers turn green, then they cannot be boiled or baked for an animal, even without a peel.

  • pasta

They are not a necessary product for dogs, however, they cannot be called too harmful either. You can give a little pasta to your dog, especially if you do it very rarely. At the same time, it should be taken into account that it should be pasta of durum varieties and, of course, they can be fed only in boiled form.

  • Chicken heads and paws

Chicken heads are very useful for dogs, they are even an indispensable component of the BARF diet. Just before you give them to your pet, you need to remove all the remnants of feathers from them and cut off their beaks.

But chicken paws should not be given to dogs in any case: they will not bring any benefit and, moreover, the crushed tubular bones from them can injure the animal's mouth, throat, stomach or intestines.

  • bones

From meat bones, dogs can only be given large moss, which they cannot chew. From bird bones, you can give chicken necks that will not harm your pet, while you need to feed them raw.

  • chicken

Chicken may well form the basis of meat products in the dog's diet. It is given raw, after being cut into pieces. It is not necessary to scald chicken meat with boiling water.

ATTENTION! Chicken is considered a strong allergen. It should be introduced into the dog's diet gradually and, at the slightest sign of intolerance, completely eliminated.

  • Soup

Soup will not bring much benefit to either a puppy or an adult dog. But also harm, by the way, too.

  • fish

Her pet can only be given in boiled form and it is better to give preference nautical fish.

  • eggs

Eggs can and should be given to dogs when feeding natural. At the same time, you can not feed them more than 1-2 pieces per week. Only the yolk can be given raw, in boiled - both the yolk and the protein in finely chopped form.

  • Dairy (cheese, cottage cheese, milk)

  • Cookie

The liver is a valuable product and should be present in the diet of dogs. You can’t give it every day, but you can and even need to feed it from time to time. Before feeding, the liver must be cut into pieces and scalded with boiling water.

  • cookies

Cookies, especially if they are sweet and rich, are bad for dogs. You can't give it to pets. Exception: special dog biscuits bought in a store or cooked at home; You can safely give them to your pet.


Helpful tips from the veterinarian:


Establishing a dog's diet with natural food is not difficult, there would be a desire. It is only important, when compiling a diet for your pet, not to forget that you can feed it exclusively with good-quality food, while compiling the menu in such a way that the dog receives all the nutrients it needs from food, as well as vitamins and minerals. Dogs bred on a straight dog are usually distinguished by enviable health, they are cheerful, active and live long.

What foods do you feed your natural-fed pets? Or maybe you even have signature dishes specially designed for your pet? Write about it in the comments to this article. Share your opinions, tips and stories, as well as photos of your well-fed and happy natural pets.

If a four-legged friend has appeared in the house, then the owners should think about many things - visiting a veterinary clinic, a comfortable bed, a walking schedule and, of course, about proper nutrition. If we are talking about ready-made foods, then in this case it is enough to consult with a veterinarian or breeder about which brand of food to choose and how to calculate the portion. Much more question arises if you plan to feed the dog with conventional foods. Let's figure out how to properly and what to feed a dog?

To date, a lot of research has been carried out on the issue of proper nutrition of dogs, but so far experts cannot agree on some issues. But still there are basic rules for feeding pets:

  • It's good when food is in moderation. Do not rely solely on the dog's appetite when determining the amount of food. Often they eat much more than they need. Only experience will tell you how much food is required for a pet so that it is full and does not overeat.
  • The dog takes 20 minutes to satiate. It is strongly recommended that food be removed 20 minutes after it has been placed. At the same time, you should not pay attention to how much the dog ate, even if she did not touch the food at all. With such feeding, the pet will not have low-quality food that has stood for half a day, and he will be accustomed to eating on schedule.
  • It takes two feedings a day. For an adult pet, two meals a day is the norm. You should adhere to the temporary regimen and the same portions of food.
  • You don't need to salt your food. All foods contain salt and this amount is enough for the dog.
  • Requires a bowl stand. You can purchase a special stand or make your own. It will allow you to put food bowls at the level of the animal's sternum so that the dog does not lean down. A convenient option is a fixture on tripods, with which you can adjust the height of the stand.
  • It is necessary to provide the dog with fresh water. This is especially important when feeding a pet with ready-made feeds. A bowl of water is also installed on a stand. Even if the pet has water left in the evening, it is necessary to replace it with fresh water in the morning.
  • It is necessary to give preference to more valuable products. For example, out of economy, you cannot replace part of a serving of meat with cereals or vegetables.
  • Do not offer your pet a double rate when skipping feedings. If there was a failure in the mode, then you should not shift the schedule and try to feed the dog more. Portion should be the same.
  • Empirically, it is necessary to determine the required portion. If the pet eats all the food every time and licks the dishes clean, it means that it is worth slightly increasing the portion. After some time, it will be possible to find out how much food the dog needs so that it is full and does not gain extra pounds. When overeating, the dog will begin to gain weight, become less mobile and, of course, lazy. In this case, the portion of food is cut, and the duration of walks increases. If the dog has food left in the bowl, then you need to make smaller portions.
  • Dogs need variety in their food. If an animal prefers a certain food, this does not mean that new foods should not be introduced. In most cases, dogs get bored with the same routine, and this is a great time to try something new.
  • It is necessary to withstand the time between walking and feeding. If the dog has a long walk, any other physical activity, then she should be given food no later than two hours before the event. After an active time spent, you need to wait at least an hour, and then feed it, otherwise the dog may feel much worse.

What to feed a dog

If we consider the percentage, then the diet of a healthy adult dog should look like this:

  • from 30 to 50% - meat and offal;
  • from 25 to 35% - cereals;
  • from 20 to 30% - dairy products;
  • from 10 to 15% - vegetables.

The ideal option can be called a diet consisting mostly of meat and dairy products, with cereals and vegetables playing an additional role in it. In this case, fish and meat in the diet should be at least 50% (or more), on average 35% dairy products, 10-15% grains and vegetables.

This menu suggests that keeping a dog is a costly business, and not everyone can afford it. However, when getting a pet, a person must understand that this animal is by no means a herbivore and requires feeding it with meat.

It is considered optional to give milk to the dog every day, you can take a break for a day or two. These products can be completely replaced with poultry meat, offal, fish.

It is important to observe the following points:

  • You can not give dairy products with meat or vegetables in one feeding.
  • Dairy products are always given separately.
  • Meat can be given alone or mixed with chopped vegetables;
  • Meat products can be given to the dog raw or cooked.
  • You can add vegetable oil and finely chopped fresh herbs to the meat.

You may find articles useful:

What is the best way to give meat?

There are two opposing opinions about raw meat - some experts say that it is impossible to give it to a pet in this form, while others, on the contrary, believe that raw meat is a natural food for predators.

There is some truth in both cases - raw meat is perfectly digested by the dog's digestive system, but are pet owners always sure that it is not infected with any microorganisms? If the products are bought in specialized stores and pass special checks, then it is quite possible to pamper your four-legged friend with them.

The meat must be deep-frozen for two to three days, then thawed and only then given to the dog for food. If there is no time to engage in freezing, then you can cook the meat until half cooked in water or together with cereals.

When calculating the amount of meat, one should proceed from the following proportions - 20 grams of food per kilogram of pet weight. For example, an adult spaniel should eat an average of a quarter kilogram of meat per day, while a German or East European Shepherd needs 700-800 grams. Of course, these are average figures, and each owner must calculate the rates individually.

Which meat is better to choose

Among the main types, low-fat beef predominates. Then come rabbit meat, lamb, horse meat. These foods are low in fat and high in calories. It is not recommended to give your pet minced meat and pork.

Offal is perfect for feeding a dog - liver, heart, lung, stomach, kidneys, etc. But then it is necessary to increase their number by about a third in order to justify the meat consumed per day.

Poultry meat (chicken, quail, turkey) and their offal (hearts, stomachs, necks, livers, etc.) can be given to dogs, but only if they do not have digestive problems. However, it is impossible to completely replace meat with offal.

How to give a dog fish

It is not forbidden to feed a dog with fish, only the norm of the product should be doubled and it is recommended to give it no more than twice a week. It is quite common that pets refuse fish. In this case, it can simply be removed from the diet without any consequences. You can also constantly change the types of fish and you may be able to find one that your pet will like.

Marine fish species can be given raw, but if there is some doubt, then you can freeze for two to three days. As for the river, it requires mandatory refreezing or heat treatment. Whatever the fish, it will have to be pretty tricky, because before you give it to the dog, you need to remove all the bones from it.

From cheap and little problematic options, you can choose gobies. If the pet likes them, then they can simply be boiled well and the bones not touched.

Dairy products in the dog's diet

Very often, dog owners are at a crossroads, as there is a lot of conflicting information about what dairy products can and cannot be given to dogs.

If the pet has a weak digestive system, then it is best to abandon fatty foods in favor of those whose fat content does not exceed 5%.

As for low fat dairy products, this is not the best option for a dog.

Among the most suitable products are the following:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • yoghurts (without sugar and various additives);
  • cottage cheese.
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