Improper nutrition: how to establish a healthy diet. Diurnal rhythms of nutrition. Healthy habits. How to set up a diet

How to improve digestion if you are worried about belching, constipation or diarrhea, bloating and pain in different departments belly.

First you need to identify the reasons that interfere with good digestion.

If complaints of indigestion are permanent, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist. Perhaps you are not just functional disorders, but gastritis, enterocolitis or other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract has already developed.

If all the problems are connected only with the fact that you do not eat right, urgently remove everything that is harmful from your diet and improve digestion!

Gradually change the composition of products, for example, replace fatty meat lean meat birds or fish. Eat more dairy products. Baking, i.e. harmful simple carbohydrates replace with complex ones - fruits, vegetables. They do not require the participation of insulin in food processing, contain many useful dietary fiber and well cleanse the intestines.

What are the causes of digestive disorders

Caries and gum disease.

The process of digestion begins at oral cavity. The food bolus must be thoroughly chewed, moistened with saliva, treated with enzymes.

If a person has bad teeth, bleeding gums, inflammation of the mucous membranes or periodontal disease, this is very bad for digestion. Some people have bad habit- eat very quickly. They will not have time to chew food, as they immediately swallow it.

What does this lead to? To the fact that insufficiently processed food will get into the stomach, then into the intestines, where the efforts of the digestive juices will be spent not on digesting food, but on splitting it. And what does not have time to digest, will begin to ferment and rot.

Power supply errors.

  • Many do not take into account the speed of digestion food products, so the sequence of eating food is wrong. For example, for many people, fruit is a dessert to be eaten after dinner. In fact, an apple eaten at the end of a meal will only begin to be digested small intestine. Because it is there that the enzymes for digesting carbohydrates are located. And before that, the eaten apple will lie and turn sour, wait for its turn until the meat food is digested under the action of of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach.
  • It is bad for digestion when food is too hot or too cold.
  • Thick foods are not processed enough by enzymes. That's why it's desirable to have soup or borscht on your menu. But you should not drink food with water during lunch, because the acidity will decrease and the meat will be poorly digested in the stomach.
  • Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods also contributes to poor digestion.
  • During the day, the main meal should be in the morning and daytime hours. In the evening, you need to reduce the amount of food, and in no case do not open the refrigerator at night. At night, everything should end in the intestines digestive processes and the body needs to rest.

Physical inactivity.

If you like to take a nap and lie on the couch after dinner and generally move little, this is also very bad. The muscles of the intestinal walls relax, motor skills and movement decrease food bolus through the intestinal tube. The mass of food stagnates, putrefactive processes intensify.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis. The bacterial flora in the large intestine is especially noticeably disturbed under the action of antibiotics. For normal digestion the composition of the microflora is of great importance. There will be no good bifidus and lactobacilli in the intestines - there will be no healthy intestines.

Photo: What interferes with well-established digestion:

Stress. Any manifestations of neurosis perniciously affect digestion. You loss of appetite you will stop watching what you eat. You will begin to seize stress with chocolates, useless crackers and cookies. causes increased intestinal motility and food will be poorly digested. Spasms of the gallbladder, esophagus, and large intestine may occur. All this makes the process of digestion very difficult.

Friends! What is the conclusion? You can absolutely healthy intestines, but if you are careless about food hygiene, you will first earn yourself digestive problems, which will gradually turn into persistent organic diseases: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

What are the symptoms of digestive disorders

Belching, hiccups, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, pain, bloating and rumbling in the stomach, constipation and diarrhea - this is the gentleman's set that anyone who neglects the rules of digestion can get hold of.

What foods promote good digestion

  • A variety of cereals: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, rice;
  • Lactic acid products: milk, kefir, sour cream, cheese. But unglazed curds, dairy desserts and yoghurts;
  • Eggs of chicken and quail;
  • Poultry meat, lean beef, but not sausages, sausages and sausages;
  • Sea and river fish. If you want to enjoy salted trout or salmon, salt the fish yourself. Honestly, it will be more useful - no paint, no preservatives;
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries - no restrictions (for most people);
  • All food is consumed boiled or stewed, but not fried or smoked. Fruits and vegetable salads - raw;
  • Don't forget about water. At least two liters per day clean water should be in your diet.

Of course, I didn't list everything. The main thing is to exclude from food all semi-finished products, cuts, flour and confectionery. Food should be simple, not too high in calories.

Observe food hygiene! Three meals a day and two small snacks of fruits, nuts, natural juices. If you still sometimes experience symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, constipation, then do not neglect them. They shouldn't be! This is UNHEALTH! Urgently establish nutrition, go in for physical education and sports, support yourself psychologically.

Otherwise, heartburn will gradually turn into gastritis and ulcers, bloating - into enzyme deficiency and chronic pancreatitis. Do you need it? In practice, constant digestive problems are PRE-ILLNESS!

Therefore, I want to emphasize again - watch your diet and the sensations that you experience during and after eating. To improve digestion and prevent the development of chronic diseases, use time-tested folk recipes.

Sunflower or olive oil will successfully help with heartburn, potato juice, peppermint, centaury grass, flax seeds.

Sunflower or olive oil you should drink in the amount of a tablespoon as soon as you feel the first signs of heartburn. But no more than one or two spoons a day.

Dry mint leaves brew daily in a mug of boiling water and drink as tea several times a day. Take this drink from two weeks to a month. You will feel permanent relief.

potato juice extinguishes very well hyperacidity. Only it must be freshly prepared and you need to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach in an amount of 100 ml. You can have breakfast after an hour. It is necessary to treat not from case to case, but daily for 10 days.

But crushed egg shell I would still not recommend taking it. Of course, the shell has alkaline reaction and neutralizes the acid, but it is not possible to specify the exact amount of shell. Excess calcium is harmful to the body, it is poorly absorbed from the shell, causes constipation, and forms calcifications.

centaury herb in the amount of a tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos in the evening. In the morning it is filtered and consumed on an empty stomach, 30 ml before meals.

In the amount of a teaspoon pour boiled cold water(250 ml) and insist for several hours. Mucus is formed. The seeds are filtered and the liquid is drunk twice a day, always before meals. To improve digestion, it is advisable to undergo treatment for at least two weeks.

From bloating and flatulence in the stomach, you can help yourself with dill seeds, coriander, chamomile flowers with oregano, bitter wormwood, dandelion root.

Dill you need to put more often in all dishes when preparing food. You can also cook very healthy water from seeds. Take two teaspoons of seeds (crushed) in two cups of boiling water, infuse for a quarter of an hour and drink half a cup three times half an hour before meals.

coriander seeds have no less pronounced carminative properties. Take a teaspoon of crushed seeds in a glass of boiling water, insist and filter. You need to drink three times a day before meals, dividing the volume of liquid into three parts.

A mixture of dry chamomile flowers and oregano herb (equal parts) take in the amount of two teaspoons, add a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour to strain. You need to drink before meals (30 minutes) for a third of a glass.

Wormwood perfectly soothes the intestines. It is necessary to take dry grass in the amount of a teaspoon and add two cups of boiling water, insist, strain and add honey to taste. Take also before meals (30 minutes) a third of a glass. This recipe is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Dandelion root first you need to grind and take at the rate of two teaspoons per glass cold water, previously boiled. Insist in the evening. Reception to start in the morning, 50 ml before meals. At least 3 - 4 times a day. This great recipe will not only help with bloating, but will improve liver function, normalize stools and improve metabolism.

From which the infusion is made, it helps digestion well, protecting the mucous membranes from inflammation, improving intestinal motility, and treating constipation. Take 2 tablespoons of dried leaves and half a liter of boiling water, put in a thermos and leave for several hours. Then drink half a cup before meals several times a day.

Remedies such as bran, senna leaf with prunes, vegetable salads, vegetable oils, beets, aloe juice can help with constipation.

Sold in grocery departments, in a pharmacy. Steam a tablespoon in boiling water and add a little to each meal throughout the day. You can take a glass of kefir and add a teaspoon of bran to it, give them the opportunity to swell and eat them before going to bed.

Senna leaf with dried fruits. Take figs, dried apricots, prunes and honey in equal proportions (100 g each). Pass through a meat grinder and add olive oil (50 ml). In a pharmacy, buy a senna leaf and grind 30 gr in a coffee grinder. plants. Also add to the mixture and mix well. Take a tablespoon before bed. Great remedy for constipation.

Salad from chopped raw carrots, beetroot, celery root, apple, parsley, dill, seasoned olive oil and lemon daily include in your menu.

Olive, sunflower or linseed oil drink a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast with lemon water. The duration of admission depends on individual reactions person. For some, this remedy will help quickly, for others - you need to take a month or more.

Boiled beets, or juice should also be included in the diet if digestion is required. Don't forget that beetroot juice before drinking it, be sure to stand for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Best used in combination with carrot juice (1:1).

Aloe juice not only helps soften stool, but also cure the intestinal mucosa from inflammation, improve the production of enzymes and metabolism in general. If you have this plant in your house, be sure to use the following recipe.

Keep a few leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for two weeks, which will enhance the biostimulating properties of aloe. Then squeeze the juice and take two teaspoons of it, mixing to taste with honey three times a day. The course lasts 10 days.

How to improve digestion? The answer is clear: eat right, use the means traditional medicine and move more. Keep your bowels free of symptoms such as heartburn, belching, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. If these symptoms become persistent, consult a gastroenterologist for a consultation. Don't miss the start serious illnesses stomach and intestines.

How and how much food should or can be consumed during the day? This issue is very important for human health. Many women do not know how to build their daily diet correctly.

In Ayurveda, the ancient Hindu teaching about healthy life- food throughout the day is coordinated with the rhythms of nature. The ancient sages noticed that during the day three periods are successively replaced, 4 hours each.

The first period is rest (in Hindu "Kapha", which means "Plime"), the second is energy activity ("Pitta", which means "Bile") and the third period is physical activity ("Vata", which means " Wind"). These periods are primarily associated with solar activity.

The period of "Slime" (begins at sunrise) - from 6 to 10 hours. As a rule, the morning is calm. At the physiological level of the body, this affects the rest and heaviness of the body. The "Bile" period lasts from 10 to 14 hours and is characterized by the high position of the sun. At this time, a person experiences the most hunger and the strongest in the body (by analogy with the sun) is the "fire of digestion." The "Wind" period lasts from 14:00 to 18:00. The sun heated the earth, warmed the air. From this, the movement of air masses begins, the wind rises and everything starts to move - trees, grass, water, etc. sway. At the physiological level, this is a period motor activity, highest performance. Then comes the repetition: from 6 pm to 10 pm - "Slime", from 10 pm to 2 am - "Bile", from 2 am to 6 am - "Wind". It is in this rhythm that the whole world of animals and plants lives. Moreover, such activity is observed in both diurnal and nocturnal animals.

Based on these premises, the sages of Ayurveda give the following recommendations about food during the day.

  • Get up during the "Wind" (motor activity) period a little earlier than 6 am (local time) - you will be active all day. If you get up during the period of "Slime" (rest) - you will be inert all day.
  • After getting up, drink a glass of warm protium or spring water. "Wind" enhances the work of our intestines and promotes the evacuation of the contents of the large intestine. This recommendation coincides with the active time of the large intestine from 5 to 7 in the morning. (Additional information will be given on the daily activity of the organs.)

  • Usually from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning there is a slight hunger - eat.
  • During the period of "Bile" (especially from 12 to 14 hours), when the digestive "fire" is strongest, eat the largest meal. Within 2 hours after eating, stay in vertical position(sit or walk).
  • During the end of the "Wind" - the beginning of "Slizi", before sunset (17-20 hours), - a light dinner in the form of fruits, a vegetable dish, a glass of sour milk or a warm decoction of herbs. After that, it is advisable not to eat anything else.
  • Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. This is the period of "Slime", sleep creates heaviness and drowsiness in the body.

Such a biorhythmological mode of life is most favorable for the functioning of the human digestive system. Falling asleep, you will not feel bad from the stomach filled at night. Night sleep will bring you rest and be calm. When you wake up, you will feel rested, go to the toilet, and around 9 o'clock in the morning a healthy feeling of hunger will appear.

But if you even moderately ate at night, then the processes of digestion will not allow the body to rest. It will work by digesting and assimilating food in adverse conditions(body temperature drops at night, which negatively affects digestive enzymes). Such digestion is defective, a lot of toxins are formed. Wake up unrested and, to cheer yourself up, take some kind of stimulant - tea or coffee. You will want to eat only at lunchtime, and then in the evening. So malnutrition weakens and slagging the human body.

in order to change Lifestyle, eating habits, it is necessary, firstly, to understand the process of nutrition, digestion and, secondly, to change the stereotype eating behavior in your mind, develop and consolidate the necessary character traits.

The second meal - at noon from 12-13 to 13-14 o'clock - should be when feeling very hungry and consist of vegetables (salad or stew) or first courses (especially in the dry and cold season). Next - whole porridge, nuts, soup or bread from sprouted grains, potatoes, etc. (you can eat meat food but not more than 2-3 times a week).

The third meal - no later than 17-18 hours - should consist of only one dish. These can be: seasonal fruits (soaked dried fruits), some vegetable dish (preferably fresh or properly cooked), spoiled milk. You can limit yourself to drinking freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or an infusion of herbs with honey.

The daily amount of food should not exceed 1-1.5 kg. remember, that accepted food should become yours internal environment, and digestive system in this respect has limited abilities. Excess food "extinguishes the digestive fire", depresses energy, disrupts acid-base balance and detoxifies the body.

About what you consume normal amount food per day, confirms a small feeling of hunger that persists throughout the day. This is a kind of life on the verge of hunger, lightness and vigor of the body.

Meals should be separate: eat protein food in one step, and starchy - in another.

Of course, there may be other options, depending on traditions and habits, but this one is the best, and you will see for yourself.

  • Love yourself. Don't worry if something doesn't work for you. Enjoy! The tension can be transferred to your muscles and make you feel sick and unhappy. You will only make things worse for yourself if you worry too much about your health, so you just need to relax from time to time.
  • food with low content fat is very helpful. But monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and omega-3 fatty acid are very helpful. Trans and saturated fats are harmful. These fats increase LDL levels, which are bad cholesterol. Healthy fats reduce LDL and increase HDL, which is the "good" cholesterol.
  • Diversify your diet. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, but you also need others. necessary substances. For example, fruits and vegetables are not rich enough in protein. good source protein are meat, beans and tofu. If you are not getting enough vitamins from food, you can take multivitamin complexes.
  • None fast diets! The effect of fast diets is very unstable, even if they are based on harmless food. Once you stop dieting, the excess weight will return within a few days. You should also avoid various soups and slimming teas.
  • Sport is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Work out at the gym every day or whenever you can. Even walking the dog can be helpful. If you are doing physical activity at least an hour a day, this can be called an average sports load .. Regular physical exercise increase immunity and prevent "diseases of our time", such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity. And also improve mental condition and prevent depression.
  • Don't overwork. Constant training can work against you and there will be no effect from training. It is best to leave yourself a day or two to restore strength and energy.
  • Proper nutrition is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. You are what you eat, so if you eat right, you will be healthy. And if you are just starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, most likely you do not know anything about healthy eating.
  • Sugar restriction is another controversial issue. Sugar, like fat, can be good and bad. Sucrose is bad sugar, and glucose is useful. However, both are classified on labels as just sugar. For example, sucrose is not added to raisins, because they are rich in glucose and are very useful.
  • Control your weight. Wasting is just as bad as obesity. Your nutritionist will tell you what weight is best for you. Keep in mind that only a complex: exercise and nutrition will help you achieve the desired result.
  • Adaptation. It is quite difficult to move from laziness to a healthy lifestyle. Don't be discouraged if you're craving ice cream, a hamburger, or the like. The longer you stay on the diet proper nutrition, the less often you will want to eat all sorts of rubbish.

Hello dear readers! Today we are talking about proper nutrition at home.

A proper diet is essential for everyone. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the body of each person is individual and subject to certain biorhythms.

In this article you will find tips on how to implement diet food when losing weight: menu for the week, tips for compiling daily ration for all family members and even a few interesting recipes, which will help you lose weight deliciously, without limiting the body in useful and necessary substances.

In our time, the problem of combating excess body weight is one of the most relevant. Let's try to figure out what efforts need to be made to reset overweight. First, let's define what is absolutely impossible to do.

What not to waste time on

The first thing that comes to mind for many is to go on a diet. Fortunately, the Internet is literally replete with the most tempting offers and promises. Japanese, Swedish, "spectacle", rice and even chocolate - all this seems unusually seductive and attractive.

Not to mention the diets that were "taken advantage" famous people(in fact, they don’t even know about anything like that. By following another trendy diet, you are only on a short time keep the body "in tight rein".

Then, having gained the long-awaited freedom, he catches up. Result: the hated kilograms return with a vengeance. Is it worth torturing yourself and exposing the body to unnecessary stress?

Another myth is an attempt to solve the problem only with the help of exercise. In fact, proper weight loss only possible with an integrated approach.

Without an established diet and regular exercise, you will spend significantly more time and money, and achieve more than modest results.

So, here is a list of prohibitions for those who want to find impeccable forms without compromising their own health:

  • The desire to become slim instantly. Let's not prevaricate: you didn't gain too much in a day or a month, did you? Therefore, trying to lose weight as quickly as possible is not only harmful, but also dangerous.
  • Strict diets, self-medicated starvation. This deprives the body of the necessary energy sources. In this case, a breakdown is inevitable.
  • Excessively intense physical activity. You may get rid of excess body weight, but in return you will acquire a “bouquet” of intractable diseases. Do you need it?
  • Taking diet pills. Uncontrolled intake of drugs (especially from dubious "healers") can bring nothing but harm.
  • Popular techniques. Honey massages, body wraps can only be considered as aid used in combination with others. Including proper nutrition.

And, most importantly: there are no "magic" means for losing weight. Nothing can be done: you have to work hard on yourself.

The first rule to remember is: correct mode nutrition - you need iron discipline. Keep a diary in which you will record your diet and the results that you have achieved. This makes it easier to analyze mistakes (and they will!) and learn how to correct them in time.

Waking up in the morning, do not run to the kitchen! Try to increase the time between waking up and having breakfast. Start exercising, take time for a morning walk or run. Do light massage faces and bodies.

More " Golden Rule”: try to eat more often, but in small, “fractional” portions. On the rational nutrition you need to eat four to five times a day. The optimal time interval between meals is three to four hours.

Here are the main "commandments" of proper nutrition.

  • Eat according to a certain schedule, at the same time.
  • Add to diet dairy products, fruits (excluding grapes and bananas), cereal crops and vegetables from high content fiber.
  • After dinner, enter food on the menu, rich in proteins- chicken, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, low-fat cheese.
  • Drink more liquid! Useful green tea and mineral non-carbonated water - from one and a half liters.
  • Can't give up sweets? Replace sugar with fructose or honey (without fanaticism, in moderation).

The basics of making the right diet

These simple rules will allow you to adjust the diet. There are not so many restrictions and hardships on the way to harmony. Do not take it as a punishment or a boring duty. Better think about how amazing the result will be!

It is important to eat at the same time. The amount of food from day to day should also be approximately equal. Difficult? At first, yes, but gradually this routine will get into its groove.

Breakfast is a must! Even if you overslept or for some other reason could not cook healthy meals, eat yogurt or some low-fat cottage cheese. Try to convince yourself not to skip meals.

In any case, you should never starve until dinner. After all, at night the body did not receive any food, it needs to be refreshed. But sweet tea, chocolate or sweets are not good for breakfast.

Dinner should be in accordance with the schedule. With proper nutrition, the body receives essential vitamins and minerals from the minimum amount calories.

“Giving dinner to the enemy” is wrong! Suitable for yourself. It is much more correct to have dinner no later than 8 pm. If you still failed to eat on time, do not try to starve until the morning. The feeling of hunger will be so strong, and you will certainly want to eat. Not the fact that these will be healthy dishes.

Use snacks. The time of snacks should also be certain, it can be a second breakfast and an afternoon snack. And let it not be a pie or a piece of cake, but an orange or an apple. Do not be afraid to kill your appetite: this will not happen.

When compiling a list of dishes, remember - the largest number kilocalories per day, which is quite sufficient for comfortable weight loss, is 2000. Exact figure calculated by a nutritionist.

Frequent small meals with a reduced consumption of flour, fatty, fried foods will allow you to say goodbye to extra pounds.

Low calorie menu for the whole family

It is very important for overweight adult family members to develop general menu: tasty, low-calorie, helping to achieve harmony. Equally important is the correct distribution of food throughout the day.

If you manage to do this, then the excess weight will go away, and achieved result will be long. The distribution of calories during the day is approximately the following: 30% of total weight calories "takes" breakfast; lunch and dinner take 25% each. The rest is for snacks.

The composition of the diet depends on several factors: a person’s body weight, age, physical activity and its intensity, the weight that the patient wants to lose, the presence of chronic diseases.

Let's bring exemplary mode meals for a week. It provides for five meals a day.


  • Breakfast - unsweetened muesli with skim milk, an orange, a cup of mineral water.
  • Snack - a glass of natural yogurt.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, cheese, hard-boiled egg, apple, water.
  • Snack - a small amount of nuts and dried apricots.
  • Dinner - chicken breast, cooked with vegetables, a glass of low-fat yogurt.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal on water with the addition of raisins and nuts, a glass of skim milk.
  • Snack: pear or melon slice with a slice of low-fat cheese.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast with stewed vegetables, tomato, water.
  • Snack: apple or kiwi.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, some bean puree, fresh cucumber salad.


  • Breakfast - soft-boiled egg, cereal bun, a cup of green tea with half a teaspoon of honey.
  • Snack: some almonds with raisins.
  • Lunch: boiled beans (green), a small piece of boiled beef, water, rice salad.
  • Afternoon snack: red pepper salad with black olives.
  • Dinner: three baked potatoes, vegetable salad, a small piece of baked turkey breast.


  • Breakfast is a small piece of low-fat hard cheese, toast with thin layer jams, water.
  • Snack: yogurt with fresh berries.
  • Lunch: turkey breast stewed with avocado, orange, water.
  • Snack: kiwi or apple.
  • Dinner: baked mackerel with steamed rice, salad fresh vegetables, mineral water.


  • Breakfast - unsweetened cereal with low-fat milk.
  • Snack - a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner - pasta with the addition of seafood, tomato, water.
  • afternoon tea - natural yogurt with fresh fruit.
  • Dinner - pumpkin porridge with dried fruits.


  • Breakfast - unsweetened muesli with low-fat milk, one banana, green tea.
  • Snack - low-fat cheese with a small amount grapes.
  • Lunch - baked chicken breast with broccoli garnish, vegetable salad.
  • Snack - a small whole-grain bun with jam, milk.
  • Dinner - baked fish with vegetables, water.


  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs with sweets bell pepper, a cup of low-fat milk.
  • Snack: apple baked with low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - chicken salad with potatoes, nuts, yogurt, fresh cucumber.
  • Snack - one apple and one tangerine.
  • Dinner - a small piece of boiled beef with baked potatoes, green pea, mineral water.

Reduced weekly menu takes into account the compatibility of products and their calorie content. By sticking to this diet, you can lose weight without depriving yourself of delicious dishes.

How to achieve a balanced diet

To avoid mistakes, here is a list of the most dietary products for weight loss. Proper Diet must necessarily include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a reasonable ratio.

Useful and harmful products

Protein sources include: dairy products, fish, meat. If we talk about meat, it is desirable to include lean poultry meat (turkey, chicken) in the diet.

Carbohydrates are fast and slow. The difference depends on the speed of their assimilation. Consumption of "fast" carbohydrates should be reduced to the minimum possible.

Sources of "fast" carbohydrates: white breads, pastries, sweets, sugary drinks, grapes, bananas. Their "harmfulness" is that they are deposited in the "fat depots" of the body.

Foods rich in "slow" carbohydrates contain many useful minerals and supply a person with the necessary energy.

Among them are greens, vegetables, grain varieties of bread (including bread), fruits (tangerines, apples, grapefruits, kiwi). The sources of such carbohydrates are cereals, as well as pasta made from durum wheat.

Now - about fats. The most common mistake is complete failure from fats. In fact, fats are actively involved in metabolic processes, necessary for normal operation organs and systems of the body.

After all, a slender figure is by no means an end in itself. Beautiful hair, healthy nails, teeth without signs of caries - all this is unthinkable without a reasonable consumption of fats.

The source of healthy fats for the body are: nuts, vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed, corn), dairy products ( lean varieties cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt without impurities), fatty sea fish (tuna, salmon).

When building a diet, do not forget about fiber. It improves bowel function rapid withdrawal from the body of toxins. Fiber is found in abundance in vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals.

Gradually from daily menu you need to remove "harmful" products. Exclude sugary carbonated drinks, street (and not only!) fast food, sausages, sausages, crackers, chips, canned food, frozen ready meals.

They contain a minimum of vitamins, fiber, trace elements with huge number fats. Salted nuts, chips, crackers retain water in the body, which leads to edema. After that, the numbers on the scales will not please you.

The main types of diets

Despite the great variety of dietary nutrition systems, they are all divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Protein diet - consists in the almost complete exclusion of fats and carbohydrates. The basis of the diet is proteins. Thanks to their high nutritional value seldom feel hungry. But at the same time, the load on the digestive system increases, the level of cholesterol increases, and malfunctions may appear. of cardio-vascular system, diseases of the joints.
  2. Mono-diet - based on the use of one of the products allowed by a nutritionist as the main ingredient. However, there are no restrictions on its use. It should be remembered that prolonged monotonous nutrition leads to metabolic disorders.
  3. Drinking - the main goal of the diet is to cleanse the body. The basis of nutrition is the use of only liquid dishes. The duration of the diet is 30 days. The maximum weight loss is 15 kg. Possible side effects- digestive disorders.
  4. Extreme - based on a sharp decrease in the calorie content of food. Without harm to health, you can adhere to such a nutrition system for no longer than 3 days. This diet severely restricts eligible products and volume of liquid. In this case, there is often a strong feeling of hunger.

What problems can you face

This section is dedicated to those who have experienced the frustration associated with a disruption in eating habits. And at the same time, this information will help avoid unnecessary difficulties for those who are just taking the first steps towards slim figure, cheerfulness, good health.

Uncontrolled snacking

A typical complaint of people trying unsuccessfully to get rid of excess weight: “I don’t eat much, but the kilograms just don’t want to go away.” Unless there is a connection with any disease, you are incorrectly counting calories or not counting snacks.

In addition, the snack, most likely, includes far from the most healthy dishes. When compiling the menu for the day, do not forget that this is all that you can eat only during the day, no more! Attempts to "snack" in excess of the diet will lead to the opposite effect.

Want to change dishes? It's OK!

So, you have compiled a menu and try to strictly adhere to it. What if the ingredients you need are not available?

Or a friend invited you to a cafe (delicious pancakes, barbecue, lobio or sushi are not in the daily diet)?

In fact, if the calorie content of the "forbidden" product does not exceed energy value your food, then no damage to the process of losing weight will be done.

Another thing is that the "correct" lunch is more satisfying, so you should not make "violations" systematic. Breakdown will not keep you waiting.

Violations of the established diet

Even if you managed to keep yourself in check for quite a long time and eat right, “Uncle Zhora” will still come sooner or later. With all the balance of the diet, the body, deprived of the usual calories, will rebel and will certainly want to catch up.

I will say a seditious thing: I want to eat " the Forbidden fruit"- eat! But, of course, not a cyclopean portion. Once. Better not at home, but in a cafe with friends. You will have fewer temptations to accomplish feats worthy of Gargantua and Pantagruel.

Do not allow one-two-week "gluttony binges" followed by remorse, promises "never and never."

If it does happen, tell yourself "stop". Sounds trite, but don't blame yourself for what has already happened. It is important that you understand your mistake. Start fixing it right now!

Some interesting recipes for weight loss

Diet food should be not only healthy, but also tasty. Among the products there are natural fat burners. For example, celery, apples, ginger, figs, grapefruits, all types of cabbage, pineapples, nuts, green tea, cinnamon, red wine. Consider a few recipes for dietary dishes.

Vinaigrette "Classic"


  • 300 grams of sauerkraut;
  • 2 beets;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 onions of medium size;
  • 5 pickled cucumbers (if desired, it is possible to replace them with pickled ones, but with pickles it is tastier!);
  • 4 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar);
  • refined sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste.

The calorie content of the dish is 34.38 kcal / 100 grams. Vinaigrette can be eaten by those who observe fasts. The salad is excellent holiday dish. Unfortunately, not all healthy food delicious, but this is the exception to the rule.

Cooking order.

Carrots, beets, cucumbers and potatoes cut into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Add cabbage. Salt, season with vinegar, season vegetable oil. Canned green peas can be used in vinaigrette, but the calorie content of the dish will increase.

Marinated baked mackerel


  • one fish (mackerel);
  • half a lemon;
  • one teaspoon of spices for cooking fish dishes;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • one pinch of salt and black ground pepper.

Cooking order.

Prepare a marinade from lemon juice, spices, salt, sugar, black pepper. Wash the fish, marinate in the resulting sauce for half an hour. Bake the fish in the oven in foil until tender.

The same fish can be cooked in the microwave using the "grill" mode.

Perfect as a side dish boiled rice. Tasty and healthy fish for dinner - great? And the calorie content of one hundred grams of this deliciousness is only 157 kcal.

Pumpkin porridge without cereals

Sounds a little weird. Maybe, but for weight loss, this dish is just great. After all, the calorie content of one hundred grams of porridge is 88 kcal. Not to mention the fact that pumpkin is a real storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Unfortunately, not everyone favors this wonderful vegetable, which is completely in vain! So let's get started!


  • 150 grams of pumpkin.
  • Honey or sugar - half a teaspoon. They may well be replaced by dried fruits.

Cooking order.

Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut into pieces of about 6-7 cm. Put the pumpkin in a saucepan, add water, cook until soft. It is difficult to name the cooking time, since it will be different for different varieties of pumpkin.

After the pumpkin is cooked, drain the water and mash the vegetable with a wooden (preferably!) Crusher. Add sugar or honey, as well as pre-washed dried fruits. The dish is ready. Enjoy your meal.

It is gratifying if you, dear reader, have learned something useful for yourself from this article and share useful information with friends. Of course, there are difficulties in establishing proper nutrition. But you will succeed. "The road will be mastered by the walking one." I wish you success!

How and how much food should or can be consumed during the day? This issue is very important for human health. Many women do not know how to build their daily diet correctly.

In Ayurveda - the ancient Hindu doctrine of healthy living - nutrition throughout the day is coordinated with the rhythms of nature. The ancient sages noticed that during the day three periods are successively replaced, 4 hours each.

The first period is rest (in Hindu "Kapha", which means "Plime"), the second is energy activity ("Pitta", which means "Bile") and the third period is physical activity ("Vata", which means " Wind"). These periods are primarily associated with solar activity.

The period of "Slime" (begins at sunrise) - from 6 to 10 hours. As a rule, the morning is calm. At the physiological level of the body, this affects the rest and heaviness of the body. The "Bile" period lasts from 10 to 14 hours and is characterized by the high position of the sun. At this time, a person experiences the greatest feeling of hunger and the "fire of digestion" is most powerful in the body (by analogy with the sun). The "Wind" period lasts from 14:00 to 18:00. The sun heated the earth, warmed the air. From this, the movement of air masses begins, the wind rises and everything starts to move - trees, grass, water, etc. sway. At the physiological level, this is a period of motor activity, the highest efficiency. Then comes the repetition: from 6 pm to 10 pm - "Slime", from 10 pm to 2 am - "Bile", from 2 am to 6 am - "Wind". It is in this rhythm that the whole world of animals and plants lives. Moreover, such activity is observed in both diurnal and nocturnal animals.

Based on these premises, the sages of Ayurveda give the following recommendations regarding nutrition during the day.

1. Get up during the "Wind" (motor activity) period a little earlier than 6 am (local time) - you will be active all day. If you get up during the period of "Slime" (rest) - you will be inert all day.

After getting up, drink a glass of warm protium or spring water. "Wind" enhances the work of our intestines and promotes the evacuation of the contents of the large intestine. This recommendation coincides with the active time of the large intestine from 5 to 7 in the morning. (Additional information will be given on the daily activity of the organs.)

2. Usually from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning there is a slight hunger - eat.

3. During the period of "Bile" (especially from 12 to 14 hours), when the digestive "fire" is strongest, eat the largest meal. Within 2 hours after eating, be in an upright position (sitting or walking).

4. During the end of the "Wind" - the beginning of "Slizi", before sunset (17-20 hours), - a light dinner in the form of fruits, a vegetable dish, a glass of sour milk or a warm decoction of herbs. After that, it is advisable not to eat anything else.

5. Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. This is the period of "Slime", sleep creates heaviness and drowsiness in the body.

Such a biorhythmological mode of life is most favorable for the functioning of the human digestive system. Falling asleep, you will not feel bad from the stomach filled at night. A night's sleep will bring you rest and peace of mind. When you wake up, you will feel rested, go to the toilet, and around 9 o'clock in the morning a healthy feeling of hunger will appear.

But if you even moderately ate at night, then the processes of digestion will not allow the body to rest. It will work by digesting and assimilating food in adverse conditions (at night, body temperature drops, which negatively affects digestive enzymes). Such digestion is defective, a lot of toxins are formed. Wake up unrested and, to cheer yourself up, take some kind of stimulant - tea or coffee. You will want to eat only at lunchtime, and then in the evening. So malnutrition weakens and slagging the human body.

To change the way of life, eating habits, it is necessary, firstly, to understand the process of nutrition, digestion and, secondly, to change the stereotype of eating behavior in your mind, to develop and consolidate the necessary character traits.

So, fix the right diet.

The first meal - in the morning from 7 to 9 o'clock - should be when you feel hungry, preferably after physical exercises - exercises, running, brisk walking, housework, etc. Physical labor warms up the body, activates enzymes and supplies energy. Remember popular expression Paul Bragg: "Breakfast must be earned." Take natural easily digestible food according to the season of the year until slightly saturated.

The second meal - at noon from 12-13 to 13-14 o'clock - should be when feeling very hungry and consist of vegetables (salad or stew) or first courses (especially in the dry and cold season). Next - whole porridge, nuts, soup or bread from sprouted grains, potatoes, etc. (you can eat meat food, but not more than "2-3 times a week).

The third meal - no later than 17-18 hours - should consist of only one dish. It can be: seasonal fruits (soaked dried fruits), some vegetable dish (preferably fresh or properly cooked), sour milk. You can limit yourself to drinking freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or an infusion of herbs with honey.

The daily amount of food should not exceed 1-1.5 kg. Remember that the food you eat must be converted into your internal environment, and the digestive system has a limited capacity in this regard. Excess food "extinguishes the digestive fire", depresses energy, disrupts the acid-base balance and slagging the body.

The fact that you consume a normal amount of food per day is confirmed by a small feeling of hunger that persists throughout the day. This is a kind of life on the verge of hunger, lightness and vigor of the body.

Nutrition should be separate: eat protein foods in one meal, and starchy foods in another.

Of course, there may be other options, depending on traditions and habits, but this one is the best, and you will see for yourself.


Proper nutrition, taking into account monthly biological rhythms allows you to normalize the processes occurring in the body of a woman.

The diet that I want to offer you is suitable for all women, regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle, and even for those who have irregular cycles.

The monthly cycle, lasting an average of 28 days, can be divided into three periods. The first - follicular - begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts about 14 days; the second occurs immediately after ovulation, lasts up to 10 days, and then smoothly passes into the third - premenstrual - period, which usually begins on the 21-24th day after the first day of the previous menstruation. The duration of this period is 4-7 days.

The first period is extended if monthly cycle is more than 28 days, and is reduced if the monthly cycle is less.

With a breakdown of the 28-day cycle by weeks, all three periods are distributed as follows: 1st week - the beginning of menstruation and the first period of the cycle;

2nd week - continuation of the first period of the cycle; 3rd week - the beginning of the second period of the cycle; 4th week - the beginning of the third period of the cycle.

It has been noticed that starting from the second period of the cycle, women often lose their mood, nervousness appears and appetite increases significantly, they eat especially a lot of sweet and salty foods. The following will help you avoid overeating, maintain your weight and maintain a good general state organism.

The diet consists of three stages, coinciding with periods menstrual cycle, and is based on the balance nutrients entering the body in accordance with the processes occurring in the body during the menstrual cycle.

The first stage begins simultaneously with the first period of the cycle, lasts about two weeks. Its essence is the maximum reduction in calorie content. You need to cut down on fatty, sugary, starchy foods (potatoes, rice, bread, etc.) and fruits.

The second stage begins 10-14 days before the onset of menstruation. Now you can slightly increase the intake of nutrients in the body by including sugary and starchy foods in the diet.

The third stage begins about 7 days before the onset of menstruation, when women experience a particularly strong nervous tension and cravings for salty, fatty and sweet food. At this time, you need to increase the consumption of starchy foods (whole grains, sprouted grain bread, rice, potatoes, seasonal fruits, vegetables and various dishes prepared from them) and reduce the consumption of foods with high concentration proteins (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, sausages, etc.).

With constant cycles lasting about 28 days, broken down by weeks, it will look like this:

1st week of the cycle - the beginning of the first stage; 2nd week of the cycle - continuation of the first stage

3rd week of the cycle - the beginning of the second stage; 4th week of the cycle - the beginning of the third stage.

Following the diet t follow the basic rules:

Change meals daily;

Meat bake, not fry;

If you do fry food, use only vegetable oil.

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