Inflammation of the uterus, symptoms and treatment in women. Chronic inflammation of the uterus: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

One of the most common female diseases today is inflammation of the uterus. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, after clarifying the diagnosis and identifying the root cause. The main provocateur of the pathological process is an infection that has penetrated into the uterine cavity in an ascending way. To choose the right treatment, you need to know how inflammation of the uterus manifests itself and what types exist.

The following types of inflammation are distinguished: acute, subacute, chronic. According to the type of pathogen, the pathological condition is nonspecific and specific.

Symptoms of treatment depend on the degree of development and neglect of the pathological process. Clinical manifestations in an acute process appear on the 2-4th day from the moment the infection enters the uterine cavity. Pathology begins with a deterioration in the general condition of a woman. She feels tired and complains of headaches. Chill associated with rapid heartbeat. The pulse quickens, the person is sick and vomits.

If there is inflammation in the uterus, then later a strong pain syndrome appears in the lower abdomen. It radiates to the lumbar region and anus. If the inflammatory process is severe, then symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear. The discharge that appears is purulent-serous in nature. Inflammation of the endometrium is characterized by severe bleeding. With proper and timely treatment, signs of this pathology are observed for 1.5 weeks.

On examination, the gynecologist discovers a painful and softened uterus, which has increased in size. Often, during lateral palpation, a woman experiences a strong pain syndrome. On the side are the lymph nodes, which are sometimes felt during a digital examination.

Features of the chronic process

Chronic inflammation of the uterus is usually hidden. The main sign of the presence of a pathological process is severe bleeding. Its occurrence is justified by cycle disorders and high permeability of endometrial vessels.

Chronic inflammation of the cervix is ​​characterized by a decrease in the contractile function of the organ. With the development of cervicitis, there is a violation of the functions of platelets. Over time, symptoms of inflammation of the uterus appear, such as persistent pain and purulent discharge. The gynecologist during the examination states that the organ has become denser and increased in size.

What are the possible complications

In the absence of treatment for inflammation of the uterus, complications develop in women. The danger is lymphogenous (through the lymph) and hematogenous (through the blood) spread of infection. The path can be either ascending or descending. There are complications such as:

All of these conditions can lead to infertility.

The main causes of the development of pathology

Treatment begins when the doctor knows what triggered the inflammation of the uterus. The reasons against which this pathology develops may be:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • scraping of the uterine cavity;
  • dangerous abortion;
  • sex during menstruation;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device.

Another provocateur is a caesarean section. The inflammatory process develops against the background of penetration into the body of gonococci, ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasmas and streptococci.

Identification of the cause

Diagnosis involves establishing the exact cause. Inflammation of the uterus is diagnosed using:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • palpation of the organ;
  • examining the organ with a special mirror;
  • smear;
  • sowing;
  • ultrasound examination of the organ.

With the help of ultrasound, it turns out how much the mucosa was enlarged. Also, ultrasound can detect blood clots, accumulations of pus, adhesions and remnants of placental tissue. Even through this study, inflammation of the ovaries and uterine tubes is revealed.

How can you help a woman

The question of how to cure inflammation of the uterus can only be answered correctly and completely by a doctor. Usually the patient is prescribed complex therapy. The strategy of the attending physician depends on the form of the pathological process. The doctor prescribes the use of medications, gives recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle.

Help with an acute form

Therapy of an acute condition is carried out in a hospital. The woman undertakes to adhere to strict bed rest. Treatment of the pathological process involves:

  • taking medications;
  • passing infusion therapy;
  • the use of multivitamin drugs;
  • undergoing physical therapy.

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa involves the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs to the patient. A woman is prescribed Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Kanamycin. Metronidazole is prescribed when specific secretions are present.

In order to relieve signs of intoxication, saline solutions are administered intravenously to a woman. The microflora of the vagina is restored with the help of probiotic medicines. Also, the patient may be recommended to undergo symptomatic treatment. It involves taking hemostatic medications that can stop even severe bleeding.

Uterine pain syndrome is eliminated by analgesics. After the relief of the main symptoms, a remission period begins. At this time, the woman is assigned to undergo physiotherapy.

Help with a chronic form

Therapy of inflammation of the uterus involves the elimination of the pathogen. Another priority goal is the relief of complications. A woman is assigned:

The most effective antibiotic drug is Doxycycline. Utrozhestan is considered the best hormonal remedy. Its purpose helps restore hormonal levels. Metabolism is normalized with the help of Actovegin. Strengthening the body is carried out with the help of Riboxin.

Often, to eliminate inflammation of the uterus, the patient is prescribed the use of vaginal suppositories. They must be used simultaneously with antimicrobial drugs. The duration and intensity of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. In order to eliminate inflammation of the uterus, drugs such as Movalis, Diclofenac, Voltaren are prescribed. Bleeding is eliminated by antifibrinolytics.

Physiotherapy involves the passage of electrophoresis. The patient is also prescribed magnetotherapy and UHF. In some cases, inflammation of the uterus symptoms, treatment can be prompt. It is prescribed only when the doctor detects adhesions.

Using Folk Wisdom

Drug therapy can be combined with folk. But you need to resort to "grandmother's" recipes only under the supervision of your doctor. Many medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory effect. Our ancestors treated inflammatory processes with viburnum, St. John's wort, medicinal sweet clover, flaxseeds and marshmallow.

These plants can be used in the preparation of decoctions and infusions. They can be drunk or used for sitz baths. The most effective remedy is considered to be a decoction based on the root of Althea. Preparing the remedy is easy. To do this, pour 50 gr. boiled water.

After 24 hours, the root filled with water must be put on a small fire. Removed from the fire, the root is dried and ground. Then it is recommended to mix it with lard melted in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. You need to take the medicine within 14 days.


A cured disease can recur. In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to devote time to prevention. It is important to diagnose provocative diseases in a timely manner, lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress and adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene.

This disease is an inflammatory process in the internal female genital organs. Inflammation of the uterus, the treatment and symptoms of which we will now consider, most often causes infections. As a rule, these are sexual infections - chlamydia and gonorrhea. Treatment of inflammation must be prescribed immediately. How to treat inflammation of the uterus, read further in the article.

Inflammation of the uterus - symptoms of the disease

In medicine, inflammation of the uterus most often includes cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane). Inflammatory processes are often asymptomatic. However, the following symptoms of inflammation may be observed:

Lower abdominal pain.

Pain during intercourse.

Elevated temperature.

General weakness and malaise.

Vaginal discharge that is abnormal.

Inflammation of the uterus can be acute or chronic.

Symptoms of inflammation of the uterus of acute and chronic forms

During acute endocervicitis inflammation almost always affects the muscular layer of the cervix. At the same time, excessive secretion of mucus is observed, which mixes with exudate and exfoliated epithelial cells, enters the vagina from the cervical canal, alkalizes its environment, which leads to a decrease in protective functions and provokes the development of microbial flora.

In acute inflammation of the uterus are noted:

general symptoms: general weakness, fever, increased ESR, leukocytosis with a neutrophilic shift to the left in the blood test;

local symptoms of inflammation: pain in the lower abdomen, enlarged uterus, which has a somewhat dense texture, pain on palpation, liquid purulent discharge.

The acute form of the disease lasts ten days, and in the case of adequate treatment, the patient recovers completely. Symptoms of inflammation and the clinical picture of the disease may be mild. Soon, acute phenomena subside and the process passes into a subacute, and then into a chronic stage.

At chronic inflammation pathological changes in the endometrium are observed: atrophy, hypertrophy, the formation of small cysts. The most obvious symptom of chronic inflammation is a violation of the menstrual cycle, and bleeding also develops. Chronic endometritis does not prevent conception, however, it is quite difficult for a fetal egg to implant in an altered endometrium. Therefore, chronic inflammation of the uterus is accompanied by miscarriage. In addition, the chronic form of the disease is characterized by aching pain in the lower abdomen, serous-purulent discharge.

Types of inflammation of the uterus and their symptoms

Depending on the localization of inflammation, there are:

endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus

Metroendometritis - inflammation of the mucous and muscular membranes of the uterine body.

Perimetritis - inflammation of the perimetry - the outer lining of the uterus.

endometritis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Since the endometrium is directly adjacent to the muscle layer, the causative agent of the infectious process, under favorable conditions, can penetrate into the muscle layer, involving it in the inflammatory process. In the chronic course of the disease, the metro-endometrium is more often affected. Often, inflammatory processes that develop in the uterus are only a short-term stage in the transition of inflammation to the uterine appendages, pelvic peritoneum or fiber.

Usually there is an initially acute inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which is accompanied by the release of whites, which then take on a dirty yellow color. Then they turn completely green, and they are accompanied by an unpleasant smell. There is fever, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen. If the acute form of inflammation is not cured in time, it will flow into a chronic one. Although chronic endometritis can also occur when the body is exposed to such an infectious disease as gonorrhea. And also with non-sterile instruments, hypothermia, abortions.

Metroendometritis can develop with long-term congestion in the small pelvis that occurs with incorrect positions of the uterus, tumors of the pelvic organs, masturbation, incomplete sexual intercourse and circulatory disorders.

Clinically, acute metroendometritis is accompanied by fever, increased heart rate, general malaise, poor health, pain in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the sacrum, purulent or purulent bloody discharge from the cervical canal. On palpation: the uterus is enlarged, soft, edematous, painful, especially when displaced. These changes depend on the degree of congestive plethora, the nature of the inflammatory exudation and the spread of the inflammatory process.

Perimetritis. There are fasteners in the body of a woman, with the help of which the uterus is fixed in the pelvic area, such as ligaments, muscles, and peritoneum. If inflammation begins in the appendages of the uterus, then it is quite possible that it will also affect the peritoneum, which covers the surface of the uterus in front and behind. The main symptoms of this type of inflammation are a feeling of tension in the abdomen, similar to bloating, sharp pains in it, vomiting, fever. At the same time, problems begin, such as frequent urination, painful stools.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus with perimetritis occurs in the absence of treatment, and entails serious consequences.

Diagnostic symptoms of inflammation of the uterus

During a bimanual gynecological examination, there is a slight increase and induration of the uterus. Chronic inflammation is diagnosed on the basis of history, signs, and histological examination of endometrial scrapings. Women who suffer from chronic endometritis often do not see a doctor in a timely manner, and this is fraught with the development of complications.

In acute inflammation of the uterus, the inflammatory process almost always captures the muscular layer of the cervix (metritis of the cervix).

In acute inflammation of the uterus, the uterine mucosa thickens, hyperplasia and tissue edema occur, their infiltration by polynuclear neutrophils, which are located both diffusely and in foci. There is a perivascular and periglandular location of the inflammatory infiltrate, consisting of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and later plasma cells. In chronic endometritis, tissue and stroma overgrowth occurs. Sometimes, with a severe course of the inflammatory process, atrophic endometritis is observed.

When inflammation of the uterus (exudative form) occurs, pronounced hypersecretion of mucus is noted, which, mixing with cells of the desquamated epithelium and exudate, enters the vagina from the cervical canal and alkalizes its environment, which reduces the protective properties and promotes the development of a diverse microbial flora.

The main syndromes of the disease: a syndrome of inflammation, pain and immune dysfunction.

If inflammation of the uterus occurs, the symptom may not be pronounced, so you need to regularly undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

How to treat inflammation of the uterus?

In the treatment of inflammation in the uterus is prescribed:

antibacterial agents, which include antibiotics and sulfonamides;

chemicals, in particular Metrogyl, Metronidazole, etc., which prevent the further development of inflammation;

vitamins C, E, B, Folic acid, Rutin, etc.;

desensitizing drugs, which include Tavegil, Diprazine, Ketotifen, etc.;

drugs that activate tissue metabolism during inflammation of the uterus;

agents that have an antihypoxic effect;

drugs that contribute to the activation of the coagulation system;

immunomodulators (Dekaris, Immunal, Dibazol, etc.);

hormones (glucocorticoids);

biostimulants (Peat, Biosed, vitreous body).

Until the treatment of uterine inflammation is completed, sexual intercourse should be avoided. In addition, you may have to abandon the intrauterine device by choosing another method of contraception. The sexual partner should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

Physical treatments for uterine inflammation are prescribed to relieve inflammation (anti-exudative and reparative-regenerative methods), reduce pain (analgesic methods) and eliminate immune dysfunction (immunostimulating methods for treating uterine inflammation).

Causes and prevention of inflammation of the uterus

Symptoms of inflammation are caused by infections that can be sexually transmitted. In this case, suppositories are prescribed for inflammation of the uterus, which is caused by the activity of mycoplasmas, chlamydia, gonococci.

This inflammation can lead to premature birth, so it must be treated during pregnancy. E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus are spread through the lymphatic vessels to all organs and can cause inflammation of the uterus, the causes of which during pregnancy correspond to the disease. Depending on the way the infection got into the cervix, a treatment regimen for inflammation is chosen.

Under physiological conditions, the penetration of infection is prevented by an alkaline vaginal secretion and a mucous plug that mechanically closes the cervical canal and has bactericidal properties, as well as the narrowness of the cervical canal in the isthmus. The development of infection is also prevented by the monthly rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, which causes self-purification of the uterine cavity.

Under certain conditions, these defense mechanisms may be weakened or absent. So, during menstruation, in the absence of a functional layer of the endometrium, particles of torn glands remain in its basal layer, which may contain microorganisms that cause inflammation. Propagating in a new layer of the endometrium, they can support the inflammatory process.

Trauma as a cause of inflammation of the uterus

Inflammation of the uterus also occurs as a result of traumatic injuries (ruptures during childbirth, trauma during abortion or diagnostic curettage, prolonged wearing of contraceptive caps, etc.).

Normally, the glands of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal produce a secret, from which the Christeller's plug is formed, which protects the cervical canal and overlying internal genital organs from ascending infection. With various traumatic injuries, the Christeller's plug is destroyed and conditions arise not only for infection of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, but also for the development of an ascending infection. At the same time, conditions are created when microbes can penetrate the cervical canal, for example, during sexual intercourse, when during orgasm the Christeller plug is pushed into the vagina and microbes, together with spermatozoa, enter the cervical canal, or during menstruation, when the Christeller plug is absent, especially if a woman does not comply with hygiene measures or there is an inflammatory process in the vagina.

The penetration of infection and the development of inflammation of the uterus is also facilitated by probing the uterus or other manipulations, especially if the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis are violated.

In order to prevent inflammation of the uterus, you need to use condoms in case of casual sexual intercourse. Young women should be screened for chlamydia every year.

Inflammation in the uterus often occurs due to the fault of pathogenic microorganisms that enter its cavity. In some cases, the lesion extends to the fallopian tubes and affects the ovaries. This allows us to attribute these phenomena to a class of diseases called inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammation of the uterus requires a woman to immediately contact a doctor to prescribe the appropriate individual treatment.

What is inflammation of the uterus

The inflammatory process in the uterus affects the outer, muscular or mucous layer of the female reproductive organ. If you do not carry out treatment and start inflammation, it can reach the cervical canal of the cervix, touch the tubes, and lead to infertility. The acute form of the disease can turn into a chronic form, the treatment of which will be more difficult and will require more time. One of the causes of this disease is sexually transmitted infections as a result of unprotected sex.


The first signs of inflammation of the uterus will be a sharp increase in body temperature, which can reach 40 degrees. Often women complain of pain in the abdomen, blood appears in the discharge. Chills are possible, the discharge changes color, acquires an unpleasant odor. Postpartum inflammatory processes appear a few days after the birth of the child. The chronic form passes almost imperceptibly.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus

Chronic inflammatory disease of the uterus is manifested by the formation of small cysts, atrophy or hypertrophy, which indicate damage to the endometrium. One of the symptoms is a violation of the cycle of menstruation, the appearance of bleeding. With a chronic illness, even conception is possible, but it will be difficult for the embryo to implant in the affected endometrium, which will not allow the fetus to form normally and can lead to problems with pregnancy. The chronic form is manifested by purulent discharge, aching pain in the abdomen.

Acute inflammation

Called acute endocervicitis, in most cases it affects the muscular layer of the cervix, which leads to an increase in secretions of mucus mixed with epithelial cells and exudate, reduces the body's ability to defend against infection and accelerates the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Symptoms are general weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, fever, pus in the discharge, leukocytosis, an increase in the size of the uterus, pain on palpation.

The reasons

Uterine disease occurs due to infections such as fungal, bacterial, viral, and sexually transmitted infections. Among the most common pathogens of inflammation, gonococci and chlamydia are noted, followed by E. coli and mycoplasmas, pathogenic microorganisms close the list, which include staphylococci, streptococci, spirochetes, and the herpes virus.

The occurrence and development of inflammation is also possible for reasons of a traumatic nature. These include mechanical damage during gynecological procedures with non-observance of hygiene rules. An inflammatory process may occur after an abortion or if curettage was performed due to a missed pregnancy. Difficult labor can lead to damage to the uterus.

A caesarean section doubles the risk of inflammation. The risk increases even more with a weak contractile function of the uterus. Women should remember that during the days of menstruation, their body is vulnerable to all kinds of infections, so at this time you should refrain from sexual intercourse. The prolonged use of intrauterine devices leads to the inflammatory process.

Types of inflammation of the uterus

With damage to the mucous membrane (the inner layer of the uterus), we are talking about the occurrence of endometritis. If the inflammation goes to the muscle layer, then this is metroendometritis, the cause of which may be problems with blood circulation, stagnant processes in the small pelvis. In this case, fever, pus and blood in the discharge are possible. Fallopian tubes affected by the disease lead to salpingitis. Inflammation of the appendages can go to the peritoneum. This is called perimetritis, which is identified by a feeling of tension in the lower abdomen, painful urination.

Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy

The greatest danger of inflammation of the female organ is during childbearing. The disease often leads to thrombosis, placental abruption, early withdrawal of amniotic fluid and other phenomena that threaten the life of the fetus. In pregnant women, inflammation of the uterine appendages is more likely. Treatment is possible only after finding out the cause and passing a smear for analysis to determine the type of pathogenic bacteria that provoked inflammation.


To determine the cause of inflammation, the gynecologist must conduct a thorough examination. It will allow him to understand the extent of the lesion and what pathological effect it had on the organ. Analysis of a smear from the cervix will reveal pathogens. If a more detailed examination is necessary, the woman will be recommended to use other methods of examination, to do an ultrasound of the small pelvis, biopsy, colposcopy. Treatment of the inflammatory process in the uterus should begin immediately.


Antibiotics are included in the mandatory treatment program. The gynecologist also prescribes hormones, vitamins, drugs to improve metabolism, immunostimulants, antimicrobial agents; for complex therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are possible, such as massage, electric currents, ultrasound, cool compresses to relieve pain during inflammation. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist and take repeated tests to make sure that the infection is completely eliminated. Treatment is also necessary for the sexual partner.


For the treatment of inflammation of the female organ, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotic drugs based on the results of the examination and identification of the pathogen. The doctor prescribes metronidazole (Metrogil), sulfonamides, Flucostat, Azithromycin, Tarivid, Doxycycline, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Erythromycin. In addition to treatment, there are tablets, vaginal suppositories Ovestin, Isoconazole, Clotrimazole.

After the elimination of the main symptoms, Dimexide, 2% Chlorophyllipt and silver nitrate solution for local treatment are prescribed to complete the treatment and preventive measures. The inflammation that has spread to the appendages is treated with tampons with Levomekol (in case of erosion), Dimexide (in case of infection and inflammation). Tampons are forbidden to use the patient with a recent abortion.


Candles are one of the most common ways to treat many gynecological diseases. Endometritis is cured with the use of rectal suppositories, injections. The doctor may prescribe suppositories that relieve pain and inflammation in the uterus. Popular among them are Movalis, Indomethacin, Flamax, Diclofenac, Voltaren; vaginal (Terzhinan, Fluomizin). Upon completion of the course of treatment, it is recommended to restore the microflora of the vagina with the help of suppositories containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that can help with inflammation. One of them involves the use of oak leaves or bark. To prepare the medicine, take a little ingredient, pour a glass of boiling water, keep on fire for another 30 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. The decoction is used for external compresses and douching. For the same purpose, strawberry infusion is used for treatment.


The worst complication is the spread of infection in the female genital organ, resulting in sepsis. If the disease becomes chronic, then pus may accumulate in the uterus. A neglected disease at a certain stage causes severe pain in the lower abdomen, leads to high fever, changes in the menstrual cycle and causes infertility. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus require timely diagnosis and treatment in order to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences.


The most likely cause of the formation of an inflammatory focus in the uterus is the ingress of bacterial agents into its cavity. In rare situations, the infectious and inflammatory focus extends to the area of ​​​​the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

In gynecological practice, there is such a thing as "inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs." This category of ailments includes an inflammatory lesion not only of the uterus and its appendages, but also of the adipose tissue of the small pelvis, as well as the pelvic peritoneum.

Very often, the inflammatory process develops against the background of the ingestion of pathogens of gonorrhea and chlamydia. If inflammation of the uterus has developed, the symptoms and treatment in women are closely related to the level of prevalence of the pathological process. This condition poses a great danger to the health of the patient, therefore it is recommended to treat it in a timely manner and in a complex.

The most likely causes of the formation of the inflammatory process in the uterus include:

  • Traumatic damage to organs during medical and diagnostic manipulations, abortions and childbirth;
  • The presence in the female body of a chronic infectious and inflammatory focus;
  • Intimacy during menstruation;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners and neglect of contraception.

Inflammatory damage to the uterus can occur in the early postpartum period, as well as after a caesarean section.


Depending on which of the layers of the uterine wall is involved in the infectious and inflammatory process, the following varieties of this disease are distinguished:

  • Inflammatory lesion of the outer shell of the uterus - perimetritis;
  • Involvement in the pathological process of the myometrium and endometrium - metroendometritis;
  • Inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the organ - endometritis.

Endometritis is characterized by damage to the mucous layer that lines the inner surface of the uterine cavity. With untimely treatment, endometritis spreads to the muscle layer (myometrium), resulting in the formation of metroendometritis.


The main symptom of uterine inflammation is pain, the localization of which is the lower abdomen. Other equally important manifestations of inflammatory lesions of the uterus include:

  • Signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Purulent discharge from the genital tract;

If inflammation of the uterus has been diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment should not be ignored, as this is fraught with serious consequences.

With an inflammatory lesion of one or more layers of the organ, a woman may complain of general malaise, a sharp increase in body temperature to high levels, as well as chills, nausea, rapid pulse and palpitations.

For endometritis and metroendometritis, the appearance of gray-yellow specific discharge from the vagina is characteristic. If the disease has a chronic course, then its clinical signs may be absent.

In rare cases, patients complain of a menstrual cycle failure, as well as profuse bleeding during menstruation. As a result of the rapid progression of the infectious and inflammatory process, a woman develops characteristic purulent discharge from the genital tract, as well as bouts of severe pain in the lower abdomen.

When a gynecologist examines a woman with such a diagnosis, during palpation he can feel the compaction of the organ and an increase in its size. When trying to displace the uterus with her palm, the woman indicates an increase in pain. If perimetritis has developed in the body, then patients with this diagnosis present such complaints:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature;
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen and an increase in its size;
  • Frequent urge to urinate and defecate.

For diagnostic purposes, in addition to a general gynecological examination, a woman is assigned a bacteriological examination of a smear from the vagina and cervix, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, colposcopy and targeted biopsy (if necessary).


Once the clinical diagnosis is confirmed, the woman will be given advice on how to treat uterine inflammation. The nature of the treatment depends on the severity of the infectious-inflammatory process and its localization. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, then the woman is subject to hospitalization in the gynecological department. The general plan of therapeutic measures with diagnosed inflammation of the uterus includes the following items:

  • Antibiotic therapy using broad-spectrum drugs (Azithromycin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin);
  • Vitamin therapy, including taking complexes containing folic acid, vitamins E, B and C;
  • Combined hormone therapy;
  • Taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs;
  • The use of medicines that improve blood circulation and affect the rheological properties of blood;
  • Physiotherapeutic measures to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process (infrared laser therapy, UHF);
  • Compliance with bed rest;
  • Applying an ice pack to the lower abdomen.

With a running course of the inflammatory process, as well as in case of ineffectiveness of conservative methods, a woman undergoes laparoscopic intervention.

With a long course of a subacute process, chronic inflammation of the uterus is formed. This condition threatens with atrophy of myometrial fibers and their replacement with connective tissue. As a result of this process, the uterus increases in size, becomes dense and loses its ability to contract.

Timely passage of complex treatment guarantees the desired result, even in the chronic course of the disease. Treatment of inflammation of the uterus with folk remedies is not recommended. Folk remedies can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Inflammation of the uterus- This is a pathological process that occurs as a result of a joint or isolated infectious lesion of the mucous and muscular membranes of the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus, like any infectious and inflammatory process, may be accompanied by severe clinical symptoms, or be present in the body as a sluggish chronic infectious process with periods of frequent exacerbations and short remissions.

The cause of the development of inflammation of the uterus is a septic infection that can penetrate into the uterine cavity in an ascending way from the lower genital organs. Less commonly, pathogens enter the uterus by the hematogenous (through the blood) or lymphogenous (through the lymphatic vessels) route from other organs.

The uterine wall is formed by three different layers, unequal in function and cellular structure: the mucous membrane (endometrium), a powerful muscular layer (myometrium) and the outer serous cover (perimetrium).

The endometrium consists of an outer, functional, and deeper basal layer. Under the influence of ovarian hormones in the endometrium, monthly cyclic processes of growth and rejection of the functional mucous layer occur. In the mucous layer there are many blood vessels and glandular elements.

All layers of the uterine wall are closely interconnected and do not have strong protective barriers. These features of the structure of the uterine wall are conducive to the fact that the infection that has entered the endometrium easily spreads to the underlying tissues.

In a healthy woman, when an infection enters the uterus, inflammation does not develop. The mucous layer of the uterus is endowed with protective functions, in addition, it is constantly rejected during menstruation. If the infection enters the healthy surface of the uterine cavity, it is eliminated due to internal defense mechanisms. For the development of infectious inflammation in the endometrium, two conditions are necessary - the presence of damage to the mucous layer and a violation of the mechanisms of immune defense.

Often inflammation of the uterus develops after abortion or childbirth.

Clinical signs of inflammation of the uterus depend on the form of the disease. An acute process is characterized by vivid symptoms, and chronic inflammation of the uterus can often proceed in an erased form. More often inflammation of the uterus is accompanied by pain, pathological discharge and disruption of the rhythm of normal menstruation.

The situation of development of inflammation only in the endometrium is more favorable. If the underlying muscle layer is involved in the pathological process, the disease acquires the character of severe inflammation with severe clinical symptoms.

A feature of inflammation of the uterus is the frequent spread of the process into the fallopian tubes. If inflammation of the uterine mucosa is accompanied by a similar process in the fallopian tubes, it appears among the symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the uterus is usually not difficult. The diagnosis is confirmed by the history of the disease, gynecological examination, laboratory and instrumental studies.

Therapy of uterine inflammation depends on the cause, the form of the disease, the presence of concomitant gynecological pathology and the extent of the inflammatory process. In the acute stage of the disease, antibiotic therapy is used, and chronic inflammation of the uterus requires the use of complex treatment to eliminate the consequences of an acute infection.

Causes of inflammation of the uterus

Any inflammation of the uterine mucosa begins with a preliminary damage to the functional layer, leading to the development of inflammatory changes. Situations predisposing to endometrial injury are:

- Curettage of the uterine cavity for the purpose of termination of pregnancy or diagnosis, with severe bleeding, and the like.

– Instrumental medical manipulations in the uterine cavity: probing, aspiration biopsy.

– Diagnostic measures in the endometrium: hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy.

- Insertion of the intrauterine device. The infection can be brought into the uterine cavity not only with "dirty" instruments, it can also rise from the underlying areas into the uterus along the threads of the spiral.

Of great importance is the non-compliance with sanitary standards during any intrauterine manipulations in combination with the patient's reduced immunity.

One of the most popular physiological causes of endometrial inflammation is, especially if they were accompanied by trauma to the birth canal. The uterine cavity after childbirth becomes vulnerable to infection, and the decrease in the body's defenses during pregnancy creates favorable conditions for its unimpeded spread to the deeper layers of the uterine wall.

Menstruation is also a favorable period for inflammatory diseases of the uterus. After rejection of the functional mucous layer, the uterine cavity turns into an extensive wound surface, allowing the infection to freely penetrate the uterine wall.

The inflammatory process in the endometrium, as a rule, is caused by a microbial association, and not by a single pathogen. Previously, the infection damages the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, and then rises to the surface of the endometrium. Inflammation is either focal or widespread, develops in the functional and basal layer, or passes to the muscle wall.

The culprits of the disease are most often streptococci, E. coli, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, enterobacteria, viruses and anaerobic bacteria.

Indolent chronic inflammation of the uterus develops for several of the following reasons:

- if the period of acute inflammation was treated by the patient independently and ineffectively;

- if the preliminary treatment of acute inflammation by a doctor turned out to be incorrect;

- if the acute process was not diagnosed in time.

Infrequently, inflammation of the uterine mucosa develops due to infection in the endometrium from the fallopian tubes, appendix or intestines.

Symptoms of inflammation of the uterus

The inflammatory process in the uterine cavity often begins at the site of damage to the mucous layer. At the site of damage, the mucosa thickens due to pronounced inflammatory edema and becomes loose. With chronic inflammation in the uterus, structural changes occur that disrupt normal cyclic processes, therefore, in patients with chronic inflammation, menstrual dysfunction occurs during normal ovarian function.

With a weak immune defense, the infection can spread to the underlying muscle layer.

For the primary diagnosis of inflammation of the uterus, it is extremely important to correctly interview the patient, during which she can clearly indicate the situation that caused the disease (abortion, gynecological intrauterine manipulations, etc.).

Usually, signs of inflammation of the uterus appear 3-4 days after infection of the endometrium. Acute inflammation of the uterus after childbirth also develops on the third or fourth day. Subfebrile or high temperature appears, chills, health deteriorates significantly. Pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity radiates to the lumbosacral or inguinal region. Pathological serous-purulent types appear, sometimes they can be sanious due to inflammatory destruction of endometrial cells. If the myometrium is involved in the inflammatory process, the disease is severe.

Some patients ignore the mild symptoms of inflammation, they resort to self-medication with the help of inappropriate drugs or traditional medicine methods. Such tactics are fraught with the development of serious consequences.

During a gynecological examination, a painful uterus is palpated. It can be slightly enlarged and have a pasty consistency. There are purulent discharges in the vagina, signs of inflammation of the vaginal wall and cervix are often revealed.

The clinic of a chronic inflammatory process differs from an acute one by low severity of symptoms. There are constant aching pelvic pain, irregular menstruation or intermenstrual spotting of a smearing nature. Chronic inflammation of the uterus does not prevent conception if the ovaries are working normally, but pregnancy can be complicated by the inability of the affected uterine wall to keep the developing fetus in the uterus. During the examination, the presence of chronic inflammation in the uterus is indicated by a slight increase in its size and a dense consistency.

Usually, inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy is associated with an exacerbation of an existing chronic process.

Laboratory diagnosis helps to determine the type of infection that caused the inflammation, and determine the appropriate antibiotic to eliminate it.

A clinical blood test allows you to assess the severity of the inflammatory process by increasing the ESR value and the number of leukocytes.

Ultrasound scanning detects thickening of the mucosa and a change in its normal structure in the form of bumps and / or adhesions.

The diagnosis of chronic inflammation of the uterus is not always obvious, since its clinical signs are not specific. If the ultrasound picture does not allow a definitive diagnosis, resort to hysteroscopy.

Acute inflammation of the uterus after childbirth is diagnosed in the postpartum department. In the presence of inflammation, the uterus is poorly reduced, painful and soft on palpation. Severe fever and bloody purulent discharge may occur. Reliable signs of inflammation of the uterus after childbirth are detected during an ultrasound scan.

Treatment of inflammation of the uterus

Goals of treating uterine inflammation:

- elimination of the causative agent of infection;

— prevention of development of a chronic inflammation;

- restoration of normal menstrual function;

- preservation of reproductive function.

Therapy of acute inflammation always begins with the appointment of antibacterial treatment. Exacerbation of the chronic process also involves the use of antibiotic therapy. Prescribed antibiotics for inflammation of the uterus should correspond to the data of bacteriological research.

Acute inflammation of the uterus requires the immediate appointment of antibiotics, but the results of a laboratory study have to wait several days. In order not to lose precious time, broad-spectrum antibiotics for inflammation of the uterus are initially prescribed, which can eliminate most of the microbes that cause inflammation of the endometrium. Then, if necessary, the antibiotic is changed according to the bacteriological conclusion. Doses and duration of therapy depend on the severity of the inflammatory process.

For the treatment of chronic inflammation of the uterus, a very effective method of intramucosal administration of antibiotics is used, when the drug is injected into the uterine mucosa.

During the period of remission of chronic inflammation of the uterus, concomitant diseases and restorative therapy are treated.

Symptomatic therapy includes the use of painkillers and restorative drugs, as well as immunostimulating treatment.

Some patients, when trying to self-therapy, use various suppositories for inflammation of the uterus as the only treatment. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories for inflammation of the uterus are very effective, but only as an adjuvant therapy.

Exacerbated inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy is undesirable to treat with antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory drugs of other groups are selected.

After the end of the first stage of therapy, they begin to restore the damaged endometrium and restore the normal rhythm of menstruation. Physiotherapy is recommended.

During the treatment of any form of inflammation of the uterus, it is necessary to resolve the issue of contraception. Occurring against the background of inflammation and taking antibiotics, it may develop incorrectly or be interrupted.

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