You can get HIV infection. HIV: ways of transmission. About the ways of transmission of HIV-infection and ways of protection from infection. Controversial episodes and debunking myths

HIV infection develops in a person as a consequence of HIV infection. Symptoms of HIV and AIDS different stages have certain symptoms, signs and manifestations. early signs HIV infections are nonspecific and resemble Infectious mononucleosis. Then they pass, asymptomatic carriage begins.

The initial stage is observed 6 months after infection with HIV and lasts 0.5-1 month - HIV (AIDS) symptoms become apparent and indicate possible presence in the body of a retrovirus. The absence of symptoms of HIV infection (AIDS) is explained by the fact that the immune system actively fights the virus and contributes to its death.

The conclusion is: what classic version development HIV first the symptoms of the disease are easily confused with the common cold. Read more about the first symptoms of HIV and AIDS below.

The first symptoms of HIV: how to determine the infection with the virus

The human immunodeficiency virus belongs to the group of retroviruses that provokes the development of HIV infection. This disease can proceed in several stages, each of which differs in the clinical picture, the intensity of manifestations.

HIV stages

Stages of development of HIV infection:

According to statistics, HIV infection is most often diagnosed at the stage of secondary manifestations and this is due to the fact that the symptoms of HIV become pronounced and begin to disturb the patient during this period of the course of the disease.

At the first stage of the development of HIV infection, certain symptoms may also be present, but they usually occur in mild form, clinical picture lubricated, and the patients themselves do not turn to doctors for such “little things”. But there is one more nuance - even if the patient applies for a qualified medical care at the first stage of the course of HIV infection, specialists may not diagnose the pathology. Moreover - at this stage of the development of the disease in question, the symptoms will be the same in men and women - this is often confusing for physicians. And only at the secondary stage is it quite realistic to hear the diagnosis of HIV infection, and the symptoms will be individual for male and female.

How long does it take for HIV to show up?

The first signs of HIV infection go unnoticed, but they are there. And appear on average in the period from 3 weeks to 3 months after infection. A longer period is also possible.

Signs of secondary manifestations of the disease in question can also appear only many years after infection with HIV infection, but manifestations can also occur as early as 4-6 months from the moment of infection.

Incubation period

After a person has contracted HIV infection, there are no symptoms and even small hints of the development of any pathology long time not visible. Just this period is called the incubation period, it can last, in accordance with the classification of V.I. Pokrovsky, from 3 weeks to 3 months.

No examinations and laboratory research biomaterials (serological, immunological, hematological tests) will not help to identify HIV infection, and the infected person himself does not look sick at all. But it is the incubation period, without any manifestations, that is of particular danger - a person serves as a source of infection.

Some time after infection, the patient enters an acute phase of the disease - the clinical picture during this period may be the reason for the diagnosis of HIV infection "in question".

Acute infection

The first manifestations of HIV infection in the acute phase of the course strongly resemble the symptoms of mononucleosis. They appear on average in the period from 3 weeks to 3 months from the moment of infection. These include:

  • inflammation palatine tonsils- Patients complain of frequently recurring tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes - more often this process affects the cervical The lymph nodes, but the examination does not reveal any obvious pathology;
  • an increase in body temperature to subfebrile indicators - the cause of such hyperthermia cannot be established, but the indicators do not normalize even after the use of drugs with an antipyretic effect;
  • profuse sweating, general weakness and insomnia at night - these symptoms are often "written off" to chronic fatigue;
  • headaches, loss of appetite, apathy towards the environment.

When examining a patient, a doctor can determine a slight increase in the size of the spleen and liver - the patient, by the way, may also complain of recurrent pain in the right hypochondrium. The patient's skin may be covered small rash- pale pink spots that do not have clear boundaries. Often there are complaints from infected people about a long-term violation of the stool - they are tormented by diarrhea, which is not removed even by specific medications and a change in diet.

Please note: in this course of the acute phase of HIV infection, lymphocytes / leukocytes will be detected in the blood in increased amount and atypical mononuclear cells.

The above signs of the acute phase of the disease in question can be observed in 30% of patients. Another 30-40% of patients live an acute phase in the development of serous meningitis or encephalitis - the symptoms will be radically different from those already described: nausea, vomiting, fever up to critical indicators, powerful headache.

Often the first symptom of HIV infection is esophagitis - an inflammatory process in the esophagus, which is characterized by swallowing disorders and chest pain.

In whatever form the acute phase of HIV infection proceeds, after 30-60 days all the symptoms disappear - often the patient thinks that he has completely recovered, especially if this period of the pathology was almost asymptomatic or their intensity was low (and this can also be ).

Asymptomatic stage

During the course of this stage of the disease in question, there are no symptoms - the patient feels great, does not consider it necessary to appear in medical institution for a preventive examination. But it is at the stage of an asymptomatic course that antibodies to HIV can be detected in the blood! This makes it possible to diagnose pathology on one of the early stages development and start adequate, effective treatment.

The asymptomatic stage of HIV infection can last several years, but only if the patient's immune system has not undergone significant damage. The statistics are rather contradictory - only in 30% of patients within 5 years after the asymptomatic course of HIV infection, symptoms of the following stages begin to appear, but in some infected asymptomatic stages of the course proceed rapidly, lasting no more than 30 days.

Generalized lymphadenopathy

This stage is characterized by an increase in almost all groups of lymph nodes, this process does not affect only inguinal lymph nodes. It is noteworthy that it is generalized lymphadenopathy that can become the main symptom of HIV infection, if all previous stages of the development of the disease in question proceeded without any manifestations.

Lymph nodes increase by 1-5 cm, remain mobile and painless, and the surface of the skin above them has absolutely no signs pathological process. But with such a bright severe symptom, as an increase in groups of lymph nodes, the standard causes of this phenomenon are excluded. And here, too, there is a danger - some doctors classify lymphadenopathy as difficult to explain.

The stage of generalized lymphadenopathy lasts 3 months, about 2 months after the onset of the stage, the patient begins to lose weight.

Secondary manifestations

It often happens that it is the secondary manifestations of HIV infection that serve as the basis for a qualitative diagnosis. Secondary manifestations include:

Pneumocystis pneumonia

The patient notes a sudden increase in body temperature, he develops a dry, obsessive cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. The patient develops intense dyspnea with minimal physical activity, A general state the patient is rapidly deteriorating. Therapy using antibacterial drugs(antibiotics), positive effect does not give.

Generalized infection

These include herpes, tuberculosis, cytomegalo viral infection, candidiasis. Most often, these infections affect women and, against the background of the human immunodeficiency virus, they are extremely difficult.

Kaposi's sarcoma

This is a neoplasm/tumor that develops from lymphatic vessels. It is more often diagnosed in men, has the appearance of multiple tumors of a characteristic cherry color, located on the head, trunk and in the oral cavity.

Damage to the central nervous system

At first it appears only small problems with memory, decreased concentration. But in the course of the development of pathology, the patient develops dementia.

Features of the first signs of HIV infection in women

If infection with the human immunodeficiency virus occurred in a woman, then secondary symptoms will most likely manifest themselves in the form of development, progression of generalized infections - herpes, candidiasis, cytomegalovirus infection, tuberculosis.

Often secondary manifestations of HIV infection begin with a banal violation menstrual cycle, can develop inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs - for example, salpingitis. Often diagnosed and cancer of the cervix - carcinoma or dysplasia.

Features of HIV infection in children

Children who were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus during pregnancy (intrauterine from the mother) have some features in the course of the disease. First, the disease begins its development at 4-6 months of age. Secondly, the earliest and main symptom of HIV infection during intrauterine infection is considered to be a disorder of the central nervous system- the baby lags behind his peers in physical and mental development. Third, children with human immunodeficiency virus are prone to progression of disorders digestive system and the appearance of purulent diseases.

The human immunodeficiency virus is still an unexplored disease - too many questions arise in both diagnosis and treatment. But doctors say that detecting HIV infection on early stage only the patients themselves can do it - it is they who must carefully monitor their health and periodically undergo preventive examinations. Even if the symptoms of HIV infection are hidden, the disease develops - only a timely test analysis will help save the patient's life for several years.

Answers to popular questions about HIV

In connection with big amount requests from our readers, we decided to group the most common questions and answers to them in one section.

When do the first symptoms of HIV infection appear? »

Signs of HIV infection appear approximately 3 weeks to 3 months after the hazardous exposure. An increase in temperature, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the first days after infection may indicate any pathology, except for the human immunodeficiency virus. During this period (doctors call it the incubation period), not only are there no symptoms of HIV, but deep laboratory blood tests will not give a positive result.

Can HIV be asymptomatic? »

Yes, unfortunately, this is rare, but it happens (in about 30% of cases): none characteristic symptoms during the acute phase, a person does not notice, and then the disease passes into a latent phase (this is, in fact, an asymptomatic course for about 8 to 10 years).

Will the result of an analysis taken immediately after a possible infection be reliable? »

Most modern screening tests are based on enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - this is the "gold standard" of diagnostics, while exact result can be calculated no earlier than 3-6 months after infection. Therefore, the analysis must be taken twice: 3 months after possible infection and then another 3 months later.

If the body temperature has risen and the lymph nodes have increased, is this HIV? »

It is impossible to answer this question categorically. First, you need to take into account the period that has passed since a potentially dangerous contact - if less than 3 weeks have passed, then these symptoms may also indicate a common cold.

Secondly, if more than 3 weeks have already passed after a possible infection, then you should not make yourself nervous - just wait and undergo a specific examination 3 months after the dangerous contact.

Thirdly, fever and swollen lymph nodes are not "classic" signs of HIV infection! Often, the first manifestations of the disease are expressed by pain in the chest and a burning sensation in the esophagus, a violation of the stool (a person is worried frequent diarrhea), a pale pink rash on the skin.

Can you get infected through oral sex? »

The risk of contracting HIV infection through oral sex is minimized. The fact is that the virus does not survive in environment, therefore, for them to become infected orally, two conditions must come together: there are wounds / abrasions on the partner’s penis and wounds / abrasions in oral cavity partners. But even these circumstances do not in every case lead to infection with HIV infection. For your own peace of mind, you need to pass a specific HIV test 3 months after a dangerous contact and undergo a “control” examination after another 3 months.

What to do if you had unprotected intercourse? »

There are a number of drugs that are used for post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV. Unfortunately, they are not available for free sale, so you will have to go to an appointment with a therapist and explain the situation. There is no guarantee that such measures will 100% prevent the development of HIV infection, but experts say that taking such drugs is quite advisable - the risk of developing the human immunodeficiency virus is reduced by 70-75%.

If there is no opportunity (or courage) to see a doctor with a similar problem, then there is only one thing left - to wait. It will be necessary to wait 3 months, then undergo an HIV test, and even if the result is negative, it is worth taking a control test after another 3 months.

Is it possible to get infected with HIV through everyday life? »

No you can not! The human immunodeficiency virus does not survive in the environment, so people who are HIV positive should not hesitate to share utensils, bed linen, visit the pool and sauna.

If I slept (sleeped) with an HIV-infected person, will I definitely get infected? »

There are risks of infection, but they are quite small. So, with a single vaginal intercourse without a condom, the risk is 0.01 - 0.15%. During oral sex, the risks are from 0.005 to 0.01%, with anal sex— from 0.065 to 0.5%. These statistics are given in clinical protocols for the WHO European Region for HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care.

In medicine, cases are described when married couples, where one of the spouses was HIV-infected, lived sexually without using condoms for several years, and the second spouse remained healthy.

Is it possible to get HIV in the process of mutual masturbation? »

The risks are almost zero (if there are no open wounds on the hands and genitals of the partners).

Is it possible to become infected through contact with dried blood or semen? »

When biological fluids dry out, the immunodeficiency virus contained in them dies.

Can you get HIV through protected sex? »

If a condom was used during sexual intercourse, it was used according to the instructions and remained intact, then the risk of becoming infected with HIV is minimized. If, after 3 or more months after a dubious contact, symptoms resembling an HIV infection appear, then you just need to contact a therapist. An increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes may indicate the development of SARS and other diseases. For your own peace of mind, you should take an HIV test.

If the HIV test result is negative, am I not sick? »

To answer this question, you need to know at what time and how many times a similar analysis was given:

  • a negative result in the first 3 months after a dangerous contact cannot be accurate, doctors talk about a false negative result;
  • negative response of the HIV test after 3 months from the moment of dangerous contact - most likely the subject is not infected, but it is necessary to do another test 3 months after the first one for control;
  • negative response of the HIV test 6 months or more after the dangerous contact - the subject is not infected.

Can I get infected if I step on a needle in the street and get hurt? »

The risks in this case are extremely small - the virus quickly dies in the environment, therefore, even if the blood of an infected person remains on the needle, it is almost impossible to become infected with HIV by injuring yourself with such a needle. Dried biological fluid (blood) cannot contain the virus. However, after 3 months, and then again - after another 3 months - it is still worth taking an HIV test.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

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HIV every year takes everything more lives. The number of infected people is not decreasing. The virus has been studied quite well by doctors and ways to prolong the life of the patient have been identified, although there is still no vaccine for the treatment of HIV infection. Know how HIV is transmitted; It is known that without treatment, the disease passes into the most difficult stage - AIDS. To protect yourself from infection, you need to know how HIV is transmitted.

The main danger of the human immunodeficiency virus is the weakening of the immune system due to the destruction of its cells. The virus is found only in laboratory tests.

How HIV is transmitted has long been known. The infection can be transmitted from person to person through body fluids: breast milk, blood, seminal fluid, vaginal fluid. For the spread of the virus, contact with the carrier of the disease and in a healthy person is necessary. Through this damage, the virus cells enter the bloodstream, and the person becomes infected.

You can acquire HIV infection in the following ways:

  • sexual;
  • parenteral;
  • vertical (from mother to child).

There are also natural and artificial ways of infection.

TO artificial ways transmission of HIV infection include:

  • (for example, for) without a sterilization process;
  • transfusion of infected blood or components of this blood;
  • organ or tissue transplantation from an HIV-infected donor;
  • use of razors or other household appliances, .

natural ways HIV transmission is associated with sexual contact, as well as with the mother-child system.

Infection with AIDS is not possible through ordinary household contact.

sexual transmission of the disease

The most likely route of infection is sexual contact. The risk of getting infected from an infected person is very high. When friction occurs on the mucous membranes of the genitals, microdamages occur. Through them, the virus cells enter the blood of a healthy partner and begin their destructive action. Unprotected sexual contact at times increases the risk of infection. This is especially true for people who often change sexual partners.

The risk of developing a disease during anal sex is much higher than with traditional contact. In the anus there are no glands capable of producing secretions. Anal sexual contact inevitably leads to microtrauma. At the moment after the break of the condom, it is easy to become a carrier of the virus. It is easier for a woman to get infected from an infected man than vice versa.

If the couple is homosexual, then the risk of HIV infection of the passive partner is higher than the active one. Among same-sex couples, lesbian caresses are considered safe. Infection with the virus through a vibrator is unlikely. It is still recommended to wash hygiene product device when used together.

The probability of infection with regular sex without a condom with a carrier of the virus is one hundred percent.

The risk of HIV infection is greatly increased if partners have ulcers, inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, if HIV infection is accompanied by sexually transmitted diseases.

Parenteral route of transmission of HIV infection

In the last decade, the likelihood of acquiring HIV in this way has decreased significantly. This risk of infection exists in people with drug addiction. The use of one syringe for several people increases the likelihood of infection with the immunodeficiency virus.

Wide public response dealt with when in a hospital in the Stavropol Territory nurse gave injections to children, presumably with one syringe.

Visiting beauty salons at home increases the possibility of acquiring infection through infected manicure tools. Especially dangerous is the use without processing needles in tattoo parlors. Sterilization of medical instruments eliminates the risk of infection.

Transfusion of blood not tested in laboratory conditions, also refers to the specified route of transmission of the disease. On present stage development of the security system, this risk is minimized.

Vertical transmission of HIV infection

The myth that an exceptionally sick child is born from a pregnant mother with HIV-positive status has been debunked. The probability of infection of a child from an HIV-infected mother is quite high.

The vertical route of transmission of the virus is possible from a sick mother to the fetus in utero; during the passage of the child's birth canal or after birth, through breast milk.

But competent management of pregnancy and delivery reduces the risk. HIV infection in a pregnant woman is an indication for childbirth by caesarean section. If the baby is not infected in the womb, operative delivery protects it from infection in the birth canal.

Until the age of three, the mother's antibodies remain in the blood of the child. If, after the indicated age, the antibodies disappear, it means that the pregnant mother did not transmit the virus to the child.

At-risk groups

HIV risk groups include:

  • people with drug addiction;
  • people who prefer disorder sexual life and not using barrier protection;
  • women with reduced social responsibility;
  • prisoners serving sentences in colonies;
  • medical workers who work in healthcare organizations that are intended for people with HIV-positive status;
  • medical personnel who have direct contact with various biological fluids person;
  • persons in need of organ or tissue transplantation, blood transfusion;
  • whose mothers are HIV positive.

Subject to the most simple rules hygiene and attentive attitude to professional duties, the chance of contracting HIV is minimal. Special attention surgeons, dentists, laboratory assistants who are at risk for HIV infection should show their health.

There are individuals who, knowing their HIV-positive status, deliberately enter into an unprotected sexual intercourse with a healthy partner. In Russia, criminal liability is provided for this act.

How not to get HIV

  • The probability of contracting HIV in a domestic way exists only in theory. Virus cells are unstable in the external environment. Practical sources do not describe a single case of household acquisition of the virus.
  • HIV is not transmitted through saliva. Indeed, the cells of the virus are in saliva. However, their number is so small that it is not enough for infection.
  • When hit on healthy skin sweat or tears from infected person infection does not occur.
  • The immunodeficiency virus is not transmitted by airborne droplets.
  • The risk of disease transmission to in public places, with handshakes and hugs is reduced to zero.
  • The probability of HIV transmission by inheritance is also zero.
  • The probability of infection is small, but still it exists if there are bleeding wounds or scratches in the oral cavity of one or both partners. There are only a few precedents in the world when a person became infected orally.
  • It is impossible to catch AIDS at all, in principle. AIDS is not a separate disease, it is the final stage of HIV infection, when the immune system is completely suppressed. The development of this stage can be avoided if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and fulfill all prescriptions.

HIV prevention

Methods of transmission of HIV are known. This article describes the ways in which the likelihood of contracting HIV is minimal or zero. The main preventive measures are aimed at sanitary education of the population. Subject to elementary rules behavior and hygiene - an infected person without the risk of becoming infected.

Everyone knows what HIV infection is. But not everyone knows how HIV is transmitted. Rather, they know only the smallest fraction of information about what this virus is and how it affects the patient's body. Very often, not even every health worker can clearly say how HIV is transmitted.

But the most important thing, which is little known to our citizens, is how it is transmitted this disease. Can you get HIV by simply hugging or shaking hands with a sick person?

But first, let's figure out what HIV infection is and what are the main symptoms of this disease.

The main reason for the development this disease is the immunodeficiency virus. After the patient becomes infected with this virus, AIDS occurs. This usually takes about 5 years. But at the same time, there is an opportunity to avoid such a development of events.

It is rather difficult to say what exactly is the cause of infection of this infection. But still, some risk groups have long been known. The risk of contracting HIV infection is possible for the following categories of citizens:

  • people who are promiscuous;
  • drug addicts who inject hard drugs with the same syringe;
  • children who become infected with the virus in the womb, during childbirth or breastfeeding;

But absolutely anyone can become a victim of this disease. To do this, it is enough to use the services of a hairdresser, a manicurist who does not sterilize work items well, or a dentist. But, of course, such ways of infection are rather doubtful. And basically, the sterilization of instruments carried out by a specialist is enough to ensure that the virus is not transmitted from one client to another.

Infection affects the degree of manifestation of the disease in the human body. For example, if the transmission of HIV occurred as a result of an unsuccessful blood transfusion, then the first signs of the disease appear much faster. The same applies to children who are born to sick mothers. These are patients who belong to the so-called HIV-1 group.

In general, there are several stages in the development of the disease. The first period is called the incubation period, it is quite difficult to detect. It can take 3 to 6 weeks. After this comes the acute phase. Detect infection with clinical examination and certain laboratory tests it is forbidden. Outwardly, this is manifested by an increase in body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, tonsillitis, a severe rash on the face and throughout the body. And the rash will be in the form of red spots. Perhaps indigestion, severe headache, vomiting and fear of light. This stage usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks.

It is important to remember that during the initial visit to the doctor in a patient who is in acute stage infection, the virus may not be detected. The doctor can diagnose the flu, measles, tonsillitis.

And only after 1.5 - 3 months from the moment of infection, this disease can be clinically detected.

Therefore, in order to certainly not become a victim of the disease, you should always remember exactly how you can become infected with HIV infection, and avoid such situations.

How does infection occur?

In order to protect yourself from infection, you should know how HIV is transmitted. For example, someone claims that it is impossible to get infected through a simple handshake. Of course it is. But only if there are no cuts and wounds on the body. In another case, there is a chance of getting infected with a normal handshake. But again, in order for the infection to enter the blood of a healthy person, the wound must be fresh and bleed heavily. Moreover, a similar phenomenon should occur in a sick person. It is unlikely that someone will greet each other with a hand with which blood is gushing, so the likelihood of contracting HIV infection in this way is quite small.

Is it possible to get infected using the same hygiene products with the patient? Everything is a little more complicated here. It must be remembered that virus particles are found in blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal discharge person. But when this liquid gets on a bed, towel or any other object, the virus cells quickly die. Therefore, in practice, cases of infection through personal hygiene items have not yet been recorded even once.

In the case of pools, baths and ponds, the situation is the same. Of course, unless you have sex in these places without using a condom.

Many people are concerned about whether people become infected through insect bites. In this case, the answer would be no, because a person's blood cannot enter someone else's bloodstream when a mosquito bites.

Well, the most common opinion is that the cause of the disease can be a blood transfusion. This is possible only if the donor was a sick person. In other situations, HIV infection does not occur.

As you can see, there are few ways of infection, and it is quite possible to avoid them.

Myths and reality

Many people believe that kissing can transmit HIV.

Again, in order for this to happen, there must be heavily bleeding wounds in the mouth of each of the indicated pair. But in practice this does not happen, so be afraid in this case nothing.

It is widely believed that the infection is transmitted through injections in public transport. The Internet is full of stories about how a girl pricked herself with a needle and immediately became infected. Such transmission methods are not possible. It should be noted that this is a common myth. First, the virus will not be able to live so long in the external environment. Unless a sick person, in order to infect a healthy one, needs to inject himself and immediately prick another. And secondly, it is difficult to imagine a drug addict who will inject himself in the presence of a dozen other people in public transport.

Therefore, this theory is fictional. In general, there are only a certain number of situations where HIV can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. And if you properly protect yourself from this, then infection is almost impossible. Although, of course, excessive caution has never bothered anyone. But you don’t have to be too suspicious and constantly be afraid of the people around you. Today, there are a number of ways how you can calmly and without too much panic protect yourself from similar situations, the main thing is to know the real ways of transmitting HIV infection. And to understand that people who become infected with HIV are mainly those who lead a promiscuous sex life, while not using condoms, and drug addicts who use the same syringes.

What should be remembered in case of infection?

If a person fears that he could contract this disease, while symptoms have already appeared acute infection, follows in without fail conduct laboratory examination 1.5 or 3 months after that.

It is important to remember that if, nevertheless, the disease has come, then after acute manifestation asymptomatic stage. This so-called latency period when there are no specific signs of infection. This can last from 3 to 5 years. The worst thing in this situation is that a person, not suspecting that he is already sick, infects others.

True, some visible signs are already visible. For example, enlarged lymph nodes that appear in the neck and under the arms. But body temperature may not change much. Although in general, the enlargement of the lymph nodes does not go away. In many cases, the only reason for many patients to see a doctor is just an increase in lymph nodes. Therefore, this fact cannot be ignored.

This is followed by the next stage, which is accompanied by sharp drop body weight, stool changes, indigestion lasts more than 1 month. At the same time, enlarged lymph nodes do not disappear anywhere.

Last stage of development

The last stage of the development of the disease is manifested by a number of concomitant infections, ranging from candidiasis of the oral cavity and esophagus, ending with pneumonia, tuberculosis and other bacteriological infections.

May appear various kinds mental disorders, tumors and lesions of the nervous system.

If we talk about the life expectancy of patients, then in this case it all depends on the stage of development of the disease and on concomitant infections.

Of course, on average, people who have already been diagnosed with AIDS live from one to three years.

Therefore, it is very important to be regularly tested for the presence of the virus in the blood and to know exactly how it is transmitted.

In any case, it should be remembered that there are only a few plausible ways of transmitting the virus from a sick person to a healthy one. And if you know everything about them and beware of such opportunities, then you can say with confidence that HIV infection is not so terrible as they say.

IN modern world There are many centers and organizations that provide support to patients with this disease, they help people to endure the period of treatment and continue to fight for their lives.

Most often, this disease appears in women who are engaged in prostitution and drug addicts.

Then at risk are those who are promiscuous and do not use a condom. Well, at the end there is already that category of citizens who became infected due to the negligence of doctors and other specialists who have access to human body and blood.

HIV is the generic name for a group of pathologies that are the human immunodeficiency virus. How is HIV transmitted and what does it cause? It provokes an intense damage to the human immune system, provoking the development of such dangerous disease like HIV infection.

HIV belongs to the category of incurable infectious diseases that are characterized by a slow and long-term course. The disease can lead to the most severe consequences for human body. by the most serious complication HIV infection is the development of AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

  • What is HIV?
  • Ways of transmission of HIV infection
  • HIV symptoms
    • HIV diagnosis
    • Infection prevention

What is HIV?

In order to answer the question of how HIV is transmitted, it is necessary to know exactly what is this infection. Many people believe that HIV and AIDS are the same disease. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. When a virus enters the human body, a viral infection develops first of all, which for many years does not manifest itself at all. But under favorable circumstances, the viral agent can become activated and develop into AIDS. As you know, AIDS is one of the most serious illnesses, differing in almost 100% lethal outcome.

Thanks to the human immunodeficiency virus, the body is completely deprived of the ability to independently defend itself against any foreign invasion, which allows various pathogenic viruses and bacteria to freely enter the body, actively multiply and provoke the development of numerous diseases.

Despite the fact that the main routes of transmission of HIV infection have long been known, and today medicine cannot offer an effective medicinal product to defeat the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is considered an incurable disease, and all therapies are aimed at maximizing the patient's life expectancy.

Ways of transmission of HIV infection

The modes of transmission of HIV infection can be very diverse. Everyone should know how to get infected with HIV, because with this disease, the main way to avoid serious consequences is competent prevention.

The most common way HIV is transmitted is sexually. However, the virus can be transmitted as a result of various kinds sex:

  • With unprotected intercourse.
  • In case of promiscuity and frequent shift sexual partners.
  • Addiction to anal sex.
  • Through a blowjob - the virus can be transmitted if the partner's mouth has bleeding sores, erosions or microcracks.
  • Homosexual sexual acts.
  • The likelihood of contracting HIV increases significantly in the case of group sex.
  • For a woman, the risk of contracting AIDS or the human immunodeficiency virus increases in the presence of cervical erosion or other gynecological pathologies.

In the presence of any sexual infections in partners, any sexual intercourse should be protected. Quite often, HIV is transmitted through the blood. Ways of transmission of HIV can be very diverse - for this it is not at all necessary to do a blood transfusion from an infected person. Quite enough others medical manipulations- injure skin an object that previously injured an HIV-infected person. Most frequent paths HIV infection - the use of non-sterile dental, cosmetic or manicure instruments.

Many young people wonder if it is possible to get HIV in a tattoo parlor. And experts answer this question in the affirmative. In the event that several people are tattooed with the same syringe, healthy man gets infected infectious disease. The master must disinfect all the tools used, which will prevent possible infection.

Most high risk transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus - in people who use drugs intravenously. As a rule, such people do not care about the rules of personal hygiene and can safely pass a syringe from their vein to another person. Not surprisingly, AIDS is transmitted at a rapid rate among drug addicts.

In order to answer the question of how young children become infected with AIDS, it is necessary to take into account the state of health of their mothers. In an infected mother during pregnancy, viral agents are activated, which is associated with hormonal changes organism. That is why, through the birth canal, a baby can become infected with HIV from an infected mother. Quite often, HIV infection can occur during breastfeeding because the virus is present in breast milk.

Is it possible for people to contract the HIV virus through a condom? Doctors are confident that when choosing a quality contraceptive the chance of infection is minimized. Quite often, young people wonder if HIV is transmitted through saliva. If the partner is infected, and there are bleeding wounds or erosion on the surface of his oral cavity, it is quite possible to become a virus carrier after kissing such a person.

When answering the question of whether it is possible to get HIV by kissing, it should be remembered that even an innocent touch on the lips of an infected person can have the most serious consequences - especially if the oral mucosa has various microcracks and other damage. Men to women who are interested in whether HIV is transmitted through saliva should remember that such transmission of HIV is possible in the most rare cases- only if there are wounds and bleeding erosions in the partner's mouth.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the main ways of HIV infection are as follows:

  • Sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.
  • Homosexual intercourse.
  • HIV is transmitted through blood transfusion.
  • Repeated use of a syringe by several people, one of whom is infected.
  • Insufficient disinfection of instruments before tattooing.

Quite often people have the question of how AIDS is transmitted. The routes of its transmission are the same as for HIV. It should be remembered that in order to contract this disease, direct contact with the blood of an infected person is required. The probability of contracting AIDS after kissing, using common utensils or towels is practically zero and is possible only if there are bleeding wounds and erosion on the patient's body.

HIV symptoms

The incubation period for infection can have a different duration - depending on the state of health of the person and the level of his immunity. In some people, the asymptomatic stage can last from 2 weeks to a year.

The signs of HIV infection are almost indistinguishable from those of other common illnesses. They may be as follows:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. Generalized lymphadenopathy - that is, an increase in lymph nodes.
  3. Lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, loss of strength.
  4. Rhinitis, cough and other symptoms of a cold.
  5. Eruptions on the skin.
  6. Chair disorder.
  7. Pain in the throat.

In most cases, the signs of an infection are no different from those of a common cold, so a person may not even notice them. The above symptoms disappear on their own, the patient is unaware of severe consequences HIV.

The immune status begins to deteriorate rapidly, the body can no longer fight any viruses and infections on its own. 5-10 years after infection, an infected person develops one of the most dangerous and incurable diseases- AIDS. It is for this reason that every person should know all the stages of the disease and the ways of HIV infection.

HIV diagnosis

The symptoms of HIV infection are very similar to those of other diseases, such as influenza or tonsillitis. Therefore, it is very important not only to know how you can become infected with HIV, but also to diagnose the pathology in a timely manner.

A blood test is mandatory, which indicates the presence of viral agents in it. Also, the patient is given special HIV tests, linked immunosorbent assay showing the presence of viruses in the blood.

Infection prevention

Prevention of HIV infection lies in the fact that every person leading sex life should clearly understand how HIV is contracted and what needs to be done in order to prevent infection.

It is very important to completely stop using narcotic substances, and if you want to get a tattoo - contact only specialized salons. Every person has the right to demand that all instruments that will be used for tattooing be carefully disinfected in front of him.

No less reverent should be treated to their sexual life. It's best if there is one permanent partner, from disorderly sexual contact it is recommended to refuse. But even in this case, do not neglect condoms.

In the modern world, getting sick with HIV infection is not scary. Daily medication helps control the disease and live as long as without it. But, of course, when you see “HIV+” in the test results and do not really get any explanation (as is usually the case), you can be very scared for yourself and your loved ones. We'll tell you everything you need to know about this chronic disease like HIV infection.

How does the disease develop?

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. It attacks the cells of the immune system and makes the body more vulnerable to infections.

Often people find out that they have HIV infection years or even decades after infection. At the same time, already 2-4 weeks after the virus has entered the body, the first symptoms appear, which soon disappear. It's like the flu (fever, sore throat, head, joints, muscles) and lasts about two weeks. At this time, the person is highly contagious. During the second week, the lymph nodes in the armpits and on the neck may increase, but pain will not be felt when pressed. Sores or sores may appear in the mouth, esophagus, anus, and on the penis. For many, 2-3 days after the temperature rises, a rash appears on the face, neck, upper chest, which persists for 5-8 days.

But significant damage to the immune system usually occurs only after a few years. Then the number starts to decrease. T cells (lymphocytes, cells of the immune system). Normally, they should be from 500 to 1400 cells / μl. If this number is less than 200, then one speaks of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). With the development of HIV infection, a person develops nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and a dry cough may occur. If T -cells are less than expected, then a person begins to develop opportunistic infections. These are the infections that simply do not develop with a healthy immune system, because it has been successfully fighting them for a long time already. initial stage. But with advanced HIV infection and AIDS, a person develops pneumonia, fungal infections in the mouth and esophagus, toxoplasmosis, etc.

What to do if you have HIV?

First of all, you need to go to a specialized specialist - a doctor from the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases(they are also called "AIDS Centres"). He will conduct an examination to see if HIV infection has caused the development various diseases. The doctor will also give a referral for a blood test, including, possibly, to test for resistance to HIV drugs. After that, he will explain to you how to proceed.

Now there are proven ways to prevent the development of HIV infection. This is antiretroviral therapy (ARVT): every day at the same time you need to take 2-3 drugs that suppress the reproduction of the virus and improve the functioning of the immune system. Since therapy is lifelong, and it is dangerous to take breaks in taking medication, early start treatment was delayed as much as possible. Until a few years ago, it was recommended to start therapy at a T-cell level of 350 cells/µl. The boundary was then shifted to 500 cells/µl. Now they are trying to ignore these indicators, since ART helps to reduce the risk of developing complications of HIV infection: oncological diseases, deterioration mental abilities, heart disease, etc.

But keep in mind that these are the recommendations of Western doctors. In Russia, you can hear a different opinion, unfortunately, often not related to science: we are trying to postpone the start of taking medicines for the simple reason that the state is not able to provide for all those in need.

What other indications are there for taking antiretroviral drugs?

  1. Age. A person over 50 years of age will reach AIDS faster, so it is better to start ART as soon as an HIV diagnosis is made.
  2. The desire of the patient. If the T-cell level allows, the patient's own opinion is also taken into account: if he does not want to start lifelong treatment right now, then this event is postponed. It is only necessary to check the level of T-cells in the blood every 3-6 months, as well as monitor for warning signs (weight loss, the appearance of mouth ulcers, etc.).
  3. Accompanying illnesses. If a person has nephropathy due to HIV, mental impairment, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cardiovascular diseases and others, then you need to start ART.
  4. Planning for pregnancy. It is necessary to start treatment for women who are planning a pregnancy. When taking ART (except efavirenz: this drug is contraindicated in pregnant women), the amount of virus in the blood decreases to an undetectable level, and its transmission to the child becomes unlikely. The child can become infected from the mother while in the uterus, passing through birth canal and eating breast milk. Therefore, it is very important that a woman at this time is not contagious.

How to be treated?

HIV infection

There are many drugs that, in combination, protect well against the development of HIV infection. Some one better treatment does not exist - therapy is selected individually. Over time, resistance to some drugs may develop, then they are changed. Moreover, the emergence of resistance to one drug may also mean that the virus becomes immune to other similar drugs. medicines which have not been used before.

To make this happen as infrequently as possible, medications should be taken without gaps, every day at the same time. Now it has become more convenient to do this: two or three drugs can be combined into one tablet. Usually you need to take 1 to 4 tablets per day. Most often, there are no recommendations about whether to drink medicines before or during meals. But if the drug should be taken on an empty stomach, remember what this means: one hour before meals or two hours after it.

To make it easier to take drugs on time, buy a pill box and fill it for a week, leave it in a conspicuous place. You can also link medication to some daily activity(for example, brushing your teeth or feeding the dog) or set a reminder on your phone. Put some medicine in different places(in a desk drawer at work, a backpack, a bag) so that the drugs are always available.

Modern drugs cause fewer adverse reactions than older ones. However, this still happens. Usually everything side effects gradually go away, so when they occur, you need to consult a doctor, but do not stop taking the drugs. More often adverse reactions occur in patients with hepatitis: nausea, vomiting, pain in the right upper abdomen, fatigue, loss of appetite, yellow skin and sclera ( outer shell eyes). This must be reported to the doctor.

Be aware that these medicines may interact with other medicines you are taking (for example, drugs to lower cholesterol, treat asthma or heartburn). Plant based preparations(in particular St. John's wort, garlic, thistle) reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood.

A person who is HIV positive but works well immune system it is better to get several vaccinations: against influenza (done annually), hepatitis B, pneumococcus, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, etc. It is better to talk to your doctor about this need for more details.

Despite the fact that the state is obliged to provide people with HIV with ART, unfortunately, problems often arise here. At the same time, the market value of such drugs is quite high.


If a person is diagnosed with AIDS, then often, in addition to ART, he also needs to take antibiotics and antifungal drugs as a preventive measure.

How not to infect anyone?

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