Is natural childbirth possible after a caesarean section, is it possible to give birth on my own? Is it possible to give birth naturally after a caesarean section: all the pros and cons

A caesarean section is a delivery operation during which the newborn is removed through a specially made incision in the peritoneum and uterus. Today, such surgery is the most common in obstetric and gynecological practice due to the large number of pathologies in pregnant women. A caesarean section can be planned or emergency if there are complications during spontaneous childbirth. And if everything is clear with the indications for surgery and the course of the procedure, then the question arises, how is the birth after cesarean? Is it possible to have a second child naturally?

There are no absolute contraindications to natural delivery after surgical delivery. But it is worth considering several mandatory factors so that the next pregnancy and childbirth after a cesarean end safely. With this operation, a cavity incision is always made in the abdominal cavity and the body of the uterus, after which a scar remains on them, which needs time to heal. You should know that at any time during pregnancy, due to stretching of the tissues of the peritoneum, it can disperse. This is also possible during childbirth due to the contraction of the overstretched muscles of the uterus.

Therefore, childbirth a year after cesarean is undesirable. A woman must be carefully protected to avoid conception. Also, during this period, you can not have an abortion, because the mechanical effect on the walls of the uterus can lead to partial or complete rupture of the suture.

Gynecologists recommend re-pregnancy only after 2-3 years after the birth of the first child through surgery. After this time, the scar is considered wealthy, that is, well-healed, and the muscle tissue near it is completely restored. It is elastic, well reduced during contractions during labor. From this moment on, a favorable period begins for bearing the next child, and repeated births after a cesarean section will go well.

If pregnancy occurs 5 or more years after surgery, then during childbirth, the suture on the uterus may also disperse, as it will be too rigid and difficult to stretch.

Why is it desirable to have a natural birth after a caesarean?

Is natural childbirth possible after a caesarean section? Yes, and the gynecologist will not insist on a second operation if there are no other contraindications. Moreover, doctors are inclined to believe that a natural second birth after a cesarean is even desirable. The probability of successful delivery in a natural way in this case reaches 70%.

Positive points in favor of vaginal delivery after cesarean:

  1. Independent repeated births after a caesarean section are safer for both the mother and the newborn. They enable a woman to give birth repeatedly in the future.
  2. The operation without serious consequences can be done up to 3 times. With each subsequent risk for the child and the mother increases. The second childbirth in a row, which took place with the help of caesarean, dramatically reduces the likelihood of spontaneous delivery in the future. And childbirth after 2 caesarean sections almost always takes place with the help of surgery.
  3. After a normal birth, a woman returns to normal much faster. Reproductive function recovers faster. The risk of complications is minimal compared to repeated caesarean, after which menstrual irregularities and the development of other consequences are not excluded. This can lead to difficulties with re-conception.
  4. At the birth of a baby in the usual way, he produces a stress hormone that contributes to better adaptation to the world around him.

Indications for repeat cesarean

Natural childbirth after caesarean section is not possible with the following factors:

  • detection of signs of insolvency of the scar according to ultrasound data and symptoms, especially if less than 2 years have passed after the first such operation;
  • longitudinal incision after the first caesarean;
  • two or more scars from previous artificial births;
  • attachment of the placenta in the area of ​​​​the uterine scar;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • a long period between births (5 years or more);
  • oncological lesion of any organ of the reproductive system, for example, an ovarian tumor;
  • deformation of the pelvic bones;
  • pelvic or transverse;
  • too much ;
  • or serious vision problems - retinal detachment, high degree of myopia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as in the expectant mother;
  • fetal developmental anomalies or other pathologies that arose during fetal development ().

Preparing for independent re-birth after cesarean

In order for a future pregnancy to proceed normally and end in natural childbirth, preparation for this should begin immediately after the first cesarean. You should follow all the doctor's recommendations given to the woman in labor for recovery in the postoperative period. During the first 2 years, contraception is required to prevent re-pregnancy. You cannot have an abortion during this period.

Before conception, both a woman and a man should be examined for diseases that can affect the course of pregnancy and be a contraindication to natural childbirth. A woman must definitely undergo gynecological diagnostics to assess the condition of the scar on the uterus (hysteroscopy, hysterography and ultrasound procedures).

For the final choice of the method of delivery, the woman is hospitalized in a planned manner at 37-38 weeks of gestation. In the hospital, she undergoes a complete comprehensive examination. The condition of the fetus is also assessed using cardiotocography, dopplerometry and other diagnostic methods.

Features of the process of conventional childbirth after cesarean

Independent childbirth after caesarean proceeds according to the usual scenario, with contractions, attempts, the birth of a baby and the release of the placenta.

But there are some points that are contraindicated in natural childbirth after cesarean:

  • Stimulation is strictly prohibited. An injection of enzaprost or oxytocin can cause a rupture of the suture in the uterus.
  • You can't start pushing too early.
  • When trying, the doctor does not use the method of pressure on the abdomen.
  • Anesthesia is excluded so as not to miss the pain from the rupture of the scar.

After the placenta is released, the obstetrician-gynecologist examines the walls of the uterus with a sterile glove, especially the suture area, in order to exclude partial or complete rupture. If the suspicions are confirmed, then the woman in labor is urgently operated on. If complications arise during spontaneous childbirth, an unscheduled caesarean section has to be done.

Complications of natural childbirth after a previous cesarean:

  • A healed incision on the uterus can affect the course of bearing a child. Every third woman in the position has a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy at any time.
  • Because of the seam, some develop. As a result, the fetus does not receive a full amount of nutrients and oxygen for development.
  • Rupture of the uterus along the seam from a caesarean is the most dangerous complication during childbirth. Often, against the background of severe pain, it proceeds without severe symptoms. Therefore, the doctor in the process of labor constantly monitors the state of the seam, probing it through the anterior abdominal wall. It should remain smooth, painless. It is important to monitor the amount and nature of spotting and focus on the complaints of the woman in labor. An unnatural weakening of labor, the appearance of pain in the navel, nausea or vomiting may indicate a rupture of the body of the uterus along the seam. Ultrasound helps to objectively study the condition of the scar. When a violation of its integrity is confirmed, they urgently switch to surgical delivery.

Is it possible to give birth on your own after two cesareans?

Natural childbirth after two or more cesareans is unlikely due to the high risk of serious consequences, among which.

A caesarean section is not at all a reason not to dream about motherhood a second time and refuse to experience the joy of rocking the crumbs in your arms, excitement from the first step, happiness to tears from the first word: “Mom”. But thoughts about the terrible scar that ruined the stomach, which had just become invisible, about bleeding, ligature fistulas, pain - all this recreates a completely undesirable picture in the imagination. But any mother dreams of seeing her baby as soon as he was born, hearing his first cry, with which he calls her, giving mother's milk to the baby right in the delivery room. So is natural childbirth possible after a previous caesarean section?

Subsequent births after artificial delivery

Some time ago, women who once underwent surgery, at the birth of their second child, were “doomed” to fall under the surgical knife again. The view of modern physicians on childbirth after caesarean section has changed dramatically. Now, in many cases, expectant mothers are allowed to give birth on their own, as nature originally intended, but only if there are no certain contraindications for this (we will consider them later).

Natural childbirth after caesarean is allowed only when the body has fully recovered from the previous surgery. This should take two or three years. By this time, the scar on the uterus will form with a predominance of muscle tissue and become almost invisible, the woman will gain strength, get stronger, get rid of anemia (bleeding, which is inevitable after cesarean, always leads to a sharp decrease in hemoglobin). If a woman for some reason cannot postpone the next pregnancy for such a period, then doctors recommend that she endure at least 18 months, but then independent childbirth is a big question. Even earlier repeated pregnancies are clearly subject to artificial delivery.

Caesarean section should be performed only in cases where natural childbirth is associated with a high risk to the health and life of the fetus or mother. However, in recent years, the number of planned operations has become more frequent. Some time passes, and many women who want to once again experience the happiness of motherhood begin to wonder if natural childbirth after a caesarean section is possible.

Doctors do not give a definite answer to this question. The second and subsequent births can take place both vaginally and with the help of a second operation. Consider when a second birth after a caesarean section is allowed, under what conditions a second operation is mandatory, and how high are the risks of natural childbirth after a few years after a caesarean section.

What you need to know about caesarean section

Despite the fact that, according to statistics, the number of children born as a result of surgery is steadily growing, many women do not know well what indications surgery is performed for and what risks and complications it causes. The first caesarean section is performed exclusively for medical reasons. One desire of a pregnant woman is not enough.

The following indications are distinguished:

  • the presence of severe chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies, endocrine diseases);
  • malposition;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • weakness of labor activity;
  • in severe form;
  • premature detachment of the placenta, high risk of fetal hypoxia;
  • various infections of the genital organs;
  • anatomical defects of the uterus and other genital organs.

With a caesarean section, the child is removed through the dissected anterior wall of the uterus. In this case, not only the external scar on the skin remains, but also the internal one, on the uterus. It is the presence of a scar that can become an obstacle to further gestation and delivery in a natural way.

The healing of the external scar occurs in a fairly short time, about a week or two after the operation. As for the restoration of the integrity of the tissues of the uterus, much more time is required here. Full healing should take from six months to a year.

Most often, it is planned, but a decision can be made to carry it out urgently with the threat of uterine rupture, sudden cessation of contractions, and early placental abruption.

Two types of incision are possible: classic (longitudinal) and transverse (incision along the bikini line). The second type of access is more preferable, since it is less noticeable and allows for the possibility of giving birth on your own in the future.

Planning for subsequent pregnancies

The most important question in this situation remains: how long can you give birth after a cesarean section. Regardless of whether a woman is planning a natural birth or through a second operation, the period between birth and the next conception should not be less than two years. Such terms are quite justified: during this time, the complete healing of the uterine scar and the restoration of the integrity of the tissues of the organ must pass.

Pregnancy, which occurred a year after caesarean section, is associated with a very high probability of scar softening. During contractions, a rupture of the scar can occur and, accordingly, the death of the child, and sometimes the death of the mother.

In the two-three-year period between pregnancies, a woman should approach the issue of protection very responsibly. Your doctor will help you choose the best contraceptive. The application allows not only to avoid premature pregnancy, but also to restore the hormonal background.

Abortion at this time is also highly undesirable. Such an intervention always negatively affects the condition of the uterus, especially if there is a postoperative scar on it.

When planning pregnancy after 2 years after cesarean, the patient should consult a doctor to assess the condition of the uterine scar. For this, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Hysterography is an examination of the organ cavity with the help of a special radiopaque agent introduced.
  2. Hysteroscopy is the study of the state of scar tissue using an endoscope.

If the scar is practically invisible, this allows us to talk about its complete healing and maximum recovery of the body. It is considered wealthy subject to the predominance of muscle tissue. In this case, a woman may be allowed to plan a new pregnancy. If the scar forms connective tissue, a new pregnancy is contraindicated.

When is self-delivery possible?

As already mentioned, the most optimal period is 2 years after the operation. However, the principle “the later the better” does not work in this situation either. If the period between births is significant, and the second pregnancy occurs after 10 years, natural delivery is unlikely to be acceptable. Given the age of the mother, which was no longer young at that time, a second operation is likely to be needed.

After the operation, the woman should take an extract from the history of the course of childbirth, which will indicate the reasons for the operative delivery, the method of suturing the incision, the suture material used, and other features of the operation. In the future, these indications will be taken into account when deciding on the possibility of vaginal delivery.

Independent childbirth after caesarean section is possible in the following cases:

  • the presence of a transverse incision of the uterus;
  • the previous operation was performed for indications related to the characteristics of the first pregnancy (for example, multiple pregnancy, malposition of the fetus, premature detachment of the placenta);
  • the recovery postoperative period passed without complications;
  • the course of a new pregnancy without severe pathologies;
  • satisfactory condition of the uterine scar;
  • head presentation of the fetus;
  • lack of attachment of the placenta in the area of ​​scar tissue;
  • the weight of the child is not more than 3.8 kg;
  • psychological readiness of the mother for natural childbirth.

Be sure to take into account the viability of the scar. It is considered as such with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Repeated independent childbirth has a number of advantages for both the mother and the baby. They increase the possibility of natural childbirth in the future, allow a woman to return to normal much faster and, without causing difficulties with breastfeeding, contribute to a faster adaptation of the baby to the outside world.

When self-delivery is not desirable

  1. In the presence of a narrow pelvis, chronic severe pathologies, an increased risk of hypoxia and fetal death. The suture material that was used during the previous operation is taken into account. A positive point is the use of modern synthetic materials (vicryl, polyamide).
  2. If the recovery process was difficult, with an increase in body temperature, the development of an inflammatory process and a prolonged contraction of the uterus.

How possible independent childbirth after 2 caesarean sections?

Doctors usually say that this is unlikely. In this case, the risk of developing various complications is very high, including:

  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • rupture of the body of the uterus;
  • further development of the adhesive process in the fallopian tubes or ovaries;
  • the appearance of postoperative hernia.

If a few decades ago, women were forbidden to become pregnant after two cesarean, today such restrictions no longer exist, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid surgery during the third and subsequent births. Each subsequent operation significantly increases the risk of complications.

Preparing for childbirth

When planning a second and further pregnancies, the patient must pass, which allows to determine the condition of the scar and readiness for conception and bearing the fetus. It is necessary to treat diseases that can become an obstacle to self-delivery.

A new pregnancy after the surgery proceeds without deviations from the norm. In a third of pregnant women, there may be a threat of miscarriage due to the thinning of the walls of the uterus. Regular examination of the uterine scar is necessary, especially during the last weeks before the expected birth. The final decision on the readiness of the mother for conventional childbirth is made by the doctor no earlier than the 35th week of gestation.

Hospitalization usually occurs at 37-38 weeks of gestation. There is no single point of view regarding the method of initiation of labor. As a rule, they are called artificially in the daytime, so that in case of an increased risk, an emergency surgical intervention is still carried out.

But this practice has many opponents. In their opinion, any external interference and artificial can only cause harm. The natural course of childbirth without artificial stimulation of their onset is usually longer, but it is safe for the mother and baby. The most optimal solution in this situation is an individual approach to each specific case.

The course of childbirth

According to statistics, only a third of women decide to have a second birth without surgery. This is due to the fear of complications and unwillingness to risk the health of the child. Meanwhile, in the absence of negative indications, the second birth after caesarean section, taken by an experienced gynecologist, is successful.

When making the final decision, they pay attention to how the prenatal period went, the timeliness of the discharge of water, the normal dynamics of the opening of the cervix, the positive state of the fetus and mother.

During the birth period, the following rules are followed:

  1. They are allowed only in specialized medical institutions.
  2. It is undesirable to use uterine stimulants based on prostaglandins (for example, Dinoprostone).
  3. A woman in labor is forbidden to push prematurely.
  4. When trying, you can not press on the abdomen.
  5. Pain relief procedures are excluded due to the risk of missing the sensation of pain as a symptom of scar destruction.
  6. Take into account the need for constant monitoring of the state of the uterine scar.
  7. A thorough examination of the body of the uterus after the birth of a child is necessary.

Feeling the walls of the uterus and the healed suture after the release of the placenta is necessary in order to finally exclude ruptures. Symptoms of a violation of the integrity of the seam can be a sharp weakness in labor pains, the appearance of vomiting and nausea, as well as pain in the navel. Palpation of the uterine cavity is performed under intravenous anesthesia and takes about five minutes.

With the appearance of these symptoms and a sharp deterioration in the well-being of the woman in labor, an emergency surgical intervention is indicated.

The physiological recovery period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. It is easier and more harmonious than the rehabilitation period as a result of a caesarean section. The main advantage is the ability to establish full lactation.

In this article:

If the first birth was carried out by caesarean section, then you need to take into account some of the most important features when planning another baby. Since a cesarean is a direct intervention of doctors, in which surgeons cut the abdominal cavity and uterus, after which a scar remains on it, which can at any time disperse during a second pregnancy or during childbirth.

The period between caesarean section and the next pregnancy should be no less than 2-3 years, since it is after so much time that this scar will be completely restored. But it is worth remembering that even if pregnancy occurs already five years later, the seam during childbirth after a cesarean section can still disperse, since the tissues at this time will be very rigid.

How the repeated birth after cesarean section will proceed will depend on various facts. So, for example, if there are indisputable indications for performing this operation, then there can be no other way out, because in case of complications during childbirth, only with the help of a caesarean section can the life and health of the mother or her baby be saved.

But most women believe that the main indication for the operation is that previous births took place with the help of an operation. This is not true. Many gynecologists are sure that it is better if the second birth after a caesarean section is natural. Indeed, in this case, the uterus is not subjected to repeated intervention by doctors, and the postpartum recovery of the body will be faster and easier than after the second cesarean section.

Natural childbirth after cesarean

Today, in Western countries, about 70% of women who have experienced a caesarean section choose to give birth again vaginally. This experience is also used with great success in Russia. Every second mother strives for independent childbirth, but this does not mean that caesarean has some disadvantages, because often long-awaited children are born only thanks to this operation in families where it was completely impossible due to various obstacles.

Naturally, holding your baby in your arms, no one will even think about the next birth after a cesarean section. However, it must be taken into account that after some time a woman may become pregnant again and she will have to undergo a second caesarean section.

When leaving the maternity ward, you should definitely pay attention to the note, it should indicate in detail how the birth proceeded:

  • Why was the caesarean section performed?
  • time of birth;
  • method of suturing the incision on the uterus;
  • what suture material was used;
  • complications during and after surgery;
  • volume of blood loss;
  • ways to prevent infectious complications;
  • recommendations for rebirth.

This note will help you with a new pregnancy and indicate how subsequent births will proceed.

Doctors believe that it is better to give birth naturally after a cesarean, firstly, such a birth after a cesarean section is much easier and safer for both the mother and her child. The risk of complications is reduced, but a second caesarean section will only add postoperative complications.

Secondly, repeated caesarean section is allowed to be done no more than 3 times, and even then with great concern for the body. Independent childbirth after caesarean, give more chances to have children in the future.

Thirdly, you will not have to feel pain again, fear in the postoperative moment. In addition, after vaginal delivery, the mother's body returns to normal much faster.

Fourth, after a second caesarean section is performed, most new mothers may have menstrual dysfunction, which will reduce the chances of getting pregnant again.

Fifthly, in children born by natural childbirth, a stress hormone is produced that contributes to improved adaptation in the external environment. Therefore, nature should not be interfered with, if there are no serious reasons for that, it is better not to go for a second caesarean section.

Indications for repeat caesarean section

Absolute medical indications for caesarean section are those according to which a woman cannot give birth by a natural method either for the first or second time. But there may be indications that a second caesarean section will be performed, which occur already in the process of childbirth in a natural way:

  • Anatomically or clinically narrow pelvis. If the doctors examined by you have made this diagnosis, then in this case you definitely cannot do without a caesarean section. Although in many European countries, women with a narrow pelvis can give birth without surgery;
  • Deformity of the pelvic bone or divergence of the pubic bones;
  • Oncological diseases in the expectant mother (tumors of the pelvis or ovaries);
  • Incorrect position of the fetus (transverse, gluteal), or a very large fetus (more than 4 kg);
  • Placenta previa (in the scar on the uterus), or its early detachment;
  • Serious diseases in a pregnant woman (nervous or cardiovascular systems, vision complications, diabetes mellitus, development of genital herpes, etc.);
  • Failure of the scar on the uterus after caesarean section;
  • Fetal problems (hypoxia);
  • Very weak labor activity.

Complications in spontaneous childbirth

The most dangerous, sometimes even fatal, complication of spontaneous childbirth after caesarean section is uterine rupture along the scar. Many women are afraid to give birth naturally because of this, and not every specialist can take responsibility for the outcome of these births. But statistics prove that uterine rupture occurs in 1% of cases, and of course no one has a desire to be on their list. Therefore, before the next birth, it is very important to carefully consider all the pros and cons and come to the safest decision.

Preparing for childbirth

If there are no indications for a caesarean section, and you want to give birth on your own, then starting from 35 weeks, you need to do an ultrasound scan aimed at examining the condition of the uterine scar, fetal presentation, etc. In addition, the doctor is required to conduct a digital examination of the scar.

If all conditions are met, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, your doctor can already say for sure whether you are able to give birth on your own, without surgery or not.

But, in the case of independent childbirth after cesarean, it is worthwhile to undergo all examinations in a specialized medical institution, where doctors and obstetricians observing you will be able to think over the entire process of childbirth with accuracy. You will need to go to the hospital in advance - approximately at 38 weeks.


Repeated, independent births follow the same scenario as regular natural births: contractions, attempts, the birth of a child and a placenta. For the mother and her child, the most favorable will be independent childbirth without outside interference. Very often, when problems arise, when childbirth proceeds naturally, doctors do an unscheduled caesarean section. There are disputes about the permission for such childbirth to use anesthesia. But rhodostimulation is strictly prohibited.

Any injections can provoke uterine rupture along the scar. You should also not start pushing too early. After the placenta appears outside, the gynecologist must carefully examine the entire uterine cavity and examine the condition of the scar.

Doctor's story about whether natural childbirth after cesarean is possible

Even 10 years ago, natural childbirth after a caesarean section seemed impossible. It was believed that women who underwent surgery would no longer be able to give birth on their own. However, the improvement of medicine and the enhanced training of obstetrician-gynecologists have led to the fact that expectant mothers are now given the chance to give birth naturally, subject to the normal course of pregnancy.

Despite prejudice, a caesarean section is a difficult but rewarding way to have a baby, just like a classic birth. And such a path cannot be categorically rejected. The aspirations of successful mothers to go through the stages of natural labor are also very commendable, and the previous operation of dissection of the uterus should be a good incentive for them.

During the second pregnancy, the doctor cannot immediately give the go-ahead for natural delivery. To do this, he needs to collect an anamnesis of the pregnant woman, find out why she was "caesarized" for the first time, whether there were any complications. The main stumbling block is the condition of the scar on the uterus, namely its thickness by the end of pregnancy. Not every seam withstands contractions - albeit rarely, breaks do occur. This is what doctors are afraid of.

The benefits of natural childbirth are undeniable. Therefore, if after a cesarean a woman wants to give birth to the next children on her own, to increase the chances, a pregnancy should be planned. This approach will not only reduce the risk of developing pathology, but also prepare the body for the main task - the birth of a child in a natural way.

Right choice

Choosing a mode of delivery after the first CS is not easy. Many mothers in this matter prefer to rely on intuition and their own strengths. They prepare themselves and those close to them for natural childbirth in advance, attend courses for pregnant women, do special yoga exercises, and practice breathing. Only a physically and psychologically prepared woman without the pathology of pregnancy and other contraindications is able to soberly make a choice in favor of natural delivery.

While waiting for the second baby, she needs:

  • Believe in the success of the upcoming birth, because the bulk of the "problems" are in the head. Trainings with experienced psychologists will help here.
  • Be ready to take responsibility for the outcome of childbirth. It is clear that much depends on the doctors, but the main work falls on the shoulders of the mother.
  • Raising self-esteem and realizing your femininity is a very difficult step for many.
  • Get over the guilt of having your first child through CS.

Ironically, psychological preparation plays an important role in a successful delivery. But do not forget about the recommendations of the doctor, you should listen to his opinion and advice. As a result, an integrated approach will make it possible to give an accurate assessment of the general condition of the pregnant woman and choose the method of labor activity.

Natural childbirth after caesarean section: contraindications

No matter how much you want to give birth on your own, you cannot ignore specific contraindications to this:

  • poorly formed scar on the uterus from the COP;
  • longitudinal seam after KS;
  • too short or long period between two pregnancies;
  • fixing the placenta along the seam;
  • deformation of the pelvic bones;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • heart failure;
  • contraindications for vision;
  • pathology of the fetus or its large weight;
  • incorrect presentation of the fetus in the womb;
  • life-threatening preeclampsia;
  • tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • weak labor activity.

The listed contraindications are absolute and the presence of any of them may serve as a basis for CS.

Natural childbirth after caesarean section: is there a danger to the baby

The share of risk for the child is always present, regardless of the course of the first birth. It is necessary to take into account the likelihood of deviations in the course of labor, as a result of which doctors are ready to take prompt measures at any time.

A pregnant woman should not neglect the existing contraindications for independent childbirth, because they are aimed at saving the life of her baby. Persistent persuasion of loved ones and their own stubbornness, contrary to the arguments of the doctor, can cause death.

In the process of contractions and attempts, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician, who, at the same time as taking delivery, monitors the condition of the child. The well-coordinated work of the woman in labor, the doctor and the baby will help the latter to be born alive and healthy.

Is it possible to give birth after 3 caesarean sections? The answer will be negative. Repeated surgical intervention reduces the elasticity of the uterus, which is why classical childbirth is more likely to take place with a threat to the life of the child.

Natural birth after caesarean section: predictions

After the first CS, the young mother will receive a written explanation of the reasons for the operation, as well as recommendations for postpartum recovery. Already at this stage, preliminary predictions can be made as to how the next birth will be resolved.

If the reason for the first cesarean no longer exists, or if the operation was performed due to the nature of the pregnancy, it is perfectly acceptable to give birth on your own.

However, the birth process is unpredictable and no one can give it an absolutely accurate forecast. Preparing to give birth naturally, you need to know about its consequences. Therefore, one should listen to the advice of a doctor, who can also give a preliminary risk assessment.

Whether it is worth giving birth to herself, only the pregnant woman decides. Even if this happens contrary to the opinion of experts, the expectant mother has the right to write a receipt in which she relieves them of all responsibility for the outcome of childbirth. Of course, there are women in labor who gave birth to babies on their own, even in severe cases, but this is more an exception than a rule. Therefore, you need to rely not only on your desires, but also on common sense.

Natural childbirth after caesarean section: how to prepare for them

You can tune in to independent childbirth at the stage of pregnancy planning, but you should prepare after the operation. This is an important point, since following the recommendations for recovery is a guarantee of health for the mother and the unborn baby. It is strictly forbidden:

  1. get pregnant in the first two years after CS;
  2. have abortions during this period.

Before conception, both partners need to be checked for infections and diseases in order to eliminate the risk of developing fetal pathology. A woman is strongly advised to conduct an examination of the condition of the uterine scar. Basically, a simple ultrasound is enough for this, but sometimes a hysteroscopy is performed.

In order to finally choose the method of delivery, a pregnant woman can be hospitalized two weeks before delivery and monitor her condition. Ideally, when obstetricians in the maternity hospital, until the last moment, give a woman the opportunity to give birth on her own. The onset of labor activity on time indicates the physiological readiness of the baby to be born.

A positive factor for a pregnant woman is at least one successful spontaneous delivery before the CS operation. Then her body will keep the memory of childbirth and is more likely to prepare for the birth of a new life. But natural childbirth after 2 caesarean is already unlikely. The uterus will be bound by two scars and this practice is not carried out in our country.

Why is it important to give birth naturally after a caesarean section?

There are several reasons:

  • natural delivery is inherent in nature, which means it is most favorable for the child;
  • labor activity begins with the readiness of the body of both the mother and the baby;
  • classic childbirth after surgery allows you to independently produce up to 3 children;
  • adaptation of the newborn and recovery of the mother is much better than after CS.

Definitely a caesarean section is a serious interference in the natural process of reproduction of descendants. This is tissue injury, which can lead to consequences such as endometritis or peritonitis. Such a result, as well as postoperative recovery, greatly complicates the care of the newborn.

There is also an opinion that children born naturally have much stronger immunity than those of "caesarites". It is believed that they are less susceptible to respiratory diseases and allergies of various origins, have good eyesight and healthy digestion. Many will argue with these arguments, but research by scientists has led to the conclusion that stress resistance and adaptability in children born by CS are significantly lower than in babies born naturally.

Which is better, caesarean or conventional delivery, depends on the situation. In the absence of contraindications, it is advisable to endure contractions and give birth on your own. But if the case is accompanied by complications, then the operation must be carried out to save a precious life.

Indications for repeat caesarean section

The grounds for a second caesarean are the same contraindications, which explain why it is impossible to give birth after a CS in a natural way. Also, an urgent operation is performed with a rupture of the scar tissue of the uterus and a sharp deterioration in the well-being of a woman in labor or a child.

Complications of natural childbirth after caesarean section

The most severe consequence in spontaneous childbirth after CS is the divergence of the suture on the uterus. But such an outcome has a small percentage of probability, since the entire pregnancy and childbirth are closely monitored for the suture. In addition, there are other types of complications that can occur with any childbirth:

  • deterioration of the contractile activity of the uterus in the birth process;
  • heavy bleeding due to poor contraction of the uterus after childbirth;
  • rupture of the perineum;
  • prolapse of the uterus.

If natural childbirth is planned after the CS, it is advisable, for your own peace of mind, to contact a large perinatal center, where good specialists work and there is an intensive care unit for children and adults. This will give some guarantees for a successful birth.

Preparation for natural childbirth after caesarean section

Preparation for natural childbirth after CS begins in the maternity hospital with the implementation of recommendations for postpartum recovery. The decisive factor for independent childbirth is the time after which the second child was conceived. An interval of less than 2 years is undesirable, since the seam has not yet had time to get stronger. More than 5 years - the scar will coarsen and become inelastic. All this carries some risks for future independent childbirth.

Regular monitoring of the postoperative suture is an indispensable condition for preparing for natural childbirth after cesarean. Otherwise, the preparatory process is not much different from the usual case. There are regular visits to the doctor, tests are taken and studies are carried out - that's all that is needed to track the dynamics of the development of pregnancy.


Natural childbirth after the first operation requires the close attention of obstetricians and the serious return of the forces of the woman in labor. The process itself has the same scenario as conventional childbirth, but in the case when there is a scar on the uterus, some manipulations are categorically contraindicated.

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