The story of a wheelchair user convicted of robbery caused a public outcry. Anton Mamaev, a paralyzed wheelchair user convicted of robbery: “A painful death awaited me in prison

The Moscow prosecutor's office will check the validity of the sentence to wheelchair disabled Anton Mamaev, convicted of robbery. At the end of June, a man who, due to a serious illness, cannot even move and eat without outside help, was found guilty of armed assault and theft of a scooter and was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison. Until now, Mamaev was in a pre-trial detention center, but on July 11 he was transferred to the city hospital.

The 20th city hospital of Moscow: 4 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service armed with pistols are escorting a "dangerous convict", a disabled disabled person of the 1st group Anton Mamaev. Doctors suggest how to transport a new patient. It can be seen that the FSIN officers are forced to hold Anton's head - the man has atrophied all the muscles of his body, he has been in a wheelchair since childhood. But the Timiryazevsky Court of Moscow sentenced him to 4.5 years for robbery.

According to investigators, the disabled person, together with his assistants, took away a motor scooter from the workers of the garage cooperative with threats and force. "Mamaev threatened to use violence against the victim, namely, shoot him in the leg, stuff him in the trunk and take him out into the forest," Timiryazevsky's spokesman said. district court Moscow Maria Prokhorycheva. “For reliability, one of the participants began to juggle the bolt of the pistol, and Mamaev demanded a motor scooter worth 160,000 rubles.”

On the video frames there is the same conversation: in the center, on a wheelchair, - Mamaev, on the left - a motor scooter, no one can see weapons in their hands. Judging by the video, the conversation was casual. However, the victims assure: the disabled person all the time demanded the return of a non-existent debt. The verdict says that the disabled person and his friends surrounded the victims. There were three other people with the wheelchair. Two have not been installed. The third was an acquaintance of Mamaev, who helped him move everywhere. He was also convicted of robbery.

Anton Mamaev was taken from the court to the isolation ward. The disabled person got into Sailor silence", but there was no cell in which Mamaev could be kept. The convict was sent to the medical unit, to the department intensive care, which in isolation, as a rule, means resuscitation. There, representatives of the public monitoring commission of Moscow met with Mamaev.

“The head of the medical unit was with us, she was in shock - she says she has never seen such prisoners in history,” says Eva Merkacheva. “He can’t walk at all! We asked him: did the judge see you when the verdict read? Saw, says, and the prosecutor saw. "

It turned out that the lawyers were presenting a medical report to the court. Diagnosis - spinal muscular atrophy. But the judge allegedly did not take into account the presence of the disease in Mamaev and appointed real term.

“It should be noted that the sanction of Part 2 of Article 162 is uncontested,” says Maria Prokhorycheva. “By virtue of the current legislation, issues of exemption from punishment in the form of imprisonment due to illness are resolved by the bodies executing the punishment.”

The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has already announced that after an examination in the hospital, it will be decided whether Mamaev can be kept in a colony or isolation ward at all. But the convict's lawyers believe that he should not serve his sentence, but not because of disability, but because he is innocent. They assure: Anton is a wealthy businessman, heads a company that serves one of the beaches of the capital. The mother of the convict recently returned from Spain from vacation, met the Vesti film crew on the landing. She admitted that she was shocked by what was happening.

This case was taken over by human rights commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova. Lawyers and the father of Anton Mamaev have already appealed the verdict. While the disabled person is being examined in the special unit of the 20th hospital.

22.07.2017, 12:04

Paralyzed disabled Anton Mamaev, convicted of robbery and spent almost three weeks in a pre-trial detention center, gave his first interview to RT after his release. Mamaev, who was nevertheless released from custody due to illness, told how he lived before the trial, why he got involved in a criminal story, and also about how the SIZO staff and prisoners went on an excursion to him.

On August 3, the Moscow City Court will consider an appeal against the verdict against Anton Mamaev, who was found guilty of robbery. Lawyers intend to achieve a full acquittal of the 28-year-old man, whom the media has already dubbed the second Stephen Hawking. At Mamaev's hereditary disease- spinal muscular atrophy. He weighs about 18 kg and is almost completely paralyzed.

According to investigators, Mamaev, along with two unidentified accomplices, as well as 27-year-old Vasily Seroshtanov, who helped him move to wheelchair, threatening with a weapon, took away a moped from 38-year-old Dmitry Malov. As a result, Malov and his friend, who was nearby at the time of the conversation with Mamaev, were recognized by the court as victims.

After the verdict was announced, Mamaev was taken into custody in the courtroom and sent to a pre-trial detention center. The verdict caused a wide public outcry. medical expertise testified that Mamaev could not be held in custody. Human rights activists and human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova asked to release Mamaev.

On July 19, the Timiryazevsky District Court of Moscow considered the petition of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to change the measure of restraint for Anton Mamaev and released him on bail.

In an interview with RT, Mamaev told how he lived before the trial, why he got involved in a criminal story, and how the SIZO staff and prisoners went on an excursion to him.

"It seemed funny"

Let's clarify some of the circumstances that eventually led you to the dock, and then to the pre-trial detention center. Who are these young people - the victims who wrote a statement to the police against you? How did you get to know them?

I met them by chance. My friend worked with them in a car service, I came to him there.

The media wrote that the injured young people - Malov and Popkov - borrowed money from you and did not return it. That's why you decided to take the moped away from them as a debt...

They never borrowed money from me. But on one of my visits to the garages, they began to complain that there was no work, no money either, and the family had to be fed. Here, they say, there is a moped, and they are ready to sell it right now at a discount. Then I looked on the Internet, figured out that you could earn forty thousand on this, and went to the meeting.

- When did the meeting take place, and what happened at it?

It was September 3rd. The investigator has a record of this meeting. I asked them for a scooter, showed it to the master, took a picture and posted an ad on the Internet. A few days later I already had a buyer, and I went and made a deal - everything is completely legal. But in the end, the sale and purchase agreement, which just confirms the legality of the transaction, was turned against me, using it as evidence of involvement in the crime.

The idea of ​​​​reselling a moped seems a little strange, given that you have been in a larger business for a long time.

There is nothing strange in this. I don't make millions. There is a desire and ability to earn money. At the same time, I am an adult man, I have to dress and feed my daughter, provide for my spouse. And when there is a chance, doing almost nothing, to earn some money - the same 40-50 thousand, then why refuse? In addition, I was not looking for this deal - the initiative was not mine.

And for that first meeting, the recording of which appeared on the network, who did you come with? In addition to your assistant Vasily Seroshtanov, who was also convicted and is now in jail, who else was there?

Ilya was also with us.

The police said that, according to the testimony of the victims, they are looking for “two more persons of Caucasian nationality” as part of the criminal case on robbery.

There were only three of us. Moreover, I gave the investigator Ilya's contacts, but, as far as I understood, he was not even summoned for interrogation. It was with the victims that there were several people in the garage. They themselves spoke about this during interrogation. They were with friends and a few construction workers they knew nearby. But these people, as far as I understand, were not interrogated either by the investigator or by the court.

- But there must be a reason why unfamiliar people wrote a statement on you?

I thought about it, but I didn't fully understand it. Maybe they just wanted to deceive me, intimidate me with a complaint to the police. Perhaps because of greed - they found out how much I want to resell the moped.

- And how did you react to the call from the police?

At first, I just thought it was funny. I didn't expect it to turn out like this.


- Did you know that you could be released from the pre-trial detention center?

When I was given four and a half years, arrested and taken to a pre-trial detention center, I understood that my life and family had been taken from me, which I might never see again. I knew that I could not last long there. I was sure that a slow and painful death awaited me in prison. Only three days later human rights activists explained to me that because of my illness I should not have been taken into custody. It gave me hope that I would get out.

- How did the SIZO staff and other prisoners react to your appearance in prison?

Of course, everyone there was very interested in how I could end up behind bars.

Employees came, as if on a tour, to look at me, to find out why I was imprisoned, how I got here. Both they and the cellmates were at a loss - everyone was interested.

But I could not answer them anything - and I myself do not understand.

How were you received at home?

Very emotional, with tears. Even the child was crying, although the daughter was only three years old. She asked every day where daddy was. She was told that I was in the hospital.

Anton Mamaev with his wife and daughter © Alexandra Buzdykhanova

Immediately after your release, you announced that you were going to legalize relations with your common-law wife. Have you applied to the registry office?

Yes, I said that the first thing I want to do is fix this gap and register our marriage with Alexandra. But I lost a lot of health and strength in the pre-trial detention center, so in the first two days I just recovered, and they haven’t reached the registry office yet.

- Why didn’t you sign before, especially since your child is already three years old?

I also wanted to earn more money so that the wedding was beautiful. Yes, and just postponed due to various problems.

- And how did you meet Alexandra?

Five years ago, I ran a nightclub. On the page of the institution on the social network, I communicated with customers - my approach is this: I always want to know what people think, what they don’t like. Sasha wrote, asked some question about the event. I replied. I don't know why, but the next day I decided to text her just to see how things were going. So communication began, meetings began. But I highly doubt it will last long.

To be honest, I always had plenty of attention from the female sex. But the relationship was for two or three weeks, and then the girls began to annoy me.

And then I realized that I fell in love. Eight months later, we already rented an apartment and began to live together.

Do you face misunderstanding and bewilderment of others: a beautiful young girl connected her life with a guy chained to a wheelchair?

There were people who told Sasha that she did not need it. At the same time, Alexandra's friends had healthy young people who still could not give her what I gave. Therefore, they even envied us later and tried to destroy our relationship. But we have always dealt with it.

“Sometimes I don’t sleep for a day and a half because of work”

- Now, as I understand it, you have many friends and business partners. Have you always got along with people easily?

I was homeschooled and almost never left the house until I was 15 years old. Go out for a walk once every two months - it was happiness. I didn’t have friends who would like to follow me, go for a walk together. Because of this, he suffered greatly, because he could not live within four walls. And these sufferings at some point turned into an incredible force to turn life around. Then I accidentally met two guys, my peers. We became friends like we were brothers. And my life has changed dramatically. I could leave the house at any moment. Later, new acquaintances, new friends appeared. With one of them, I went to college together, he helped me attend lectures.

- Vasily Seroshtanov, who received three years in prison, was your friend or just worked for you?

We have been friends with him for a very long time. And it so happened that in the end he became my assistant, I paid him a salary. Vasily helped me with everything, drove me to work. He wouldn't hurt a fly, he's such a good-natured, gentle person. We are very worried about him. People like him don't end up in jail at all.

You ran a nightclub, now a beach area where parties also take place. Are you consciously involved in projects related to entertainment?

Yes, that's exactly what I like. I started running the club by accident, but then I got involved. And people like it - they come up and thank you. It is a great pleasure to make sure that people can have a good rest.

Charity event at Mayak Beach © Mayak Beach

- Father helps with business, because he is also an entrepreneur?

Helped, of course. But my first business, which was related to cargo transportation, did not require any special investments. But for the first few months there was no profit at all. But my friends and I did not give up, we worked hard, and the earnings eventually went. I felt how great it is to earn money on my own, and now I can’t do it any other way. Together with Alexandra, they decided to do charity work - to help children who were left without parents. We want to make sure that children at least smile, that they feel love and care, which, of course, they do not receive.

- Do you have enough time for everything?

Differently. Sometimes, because of work, I don’t sleep for a day and a half, and sometimes I spend only an hour a day to solve some issue.

So he has congenital disease, his muscles are completely atrophied, he cannot even move his fingers, and he also took the motor scooter from two people by force, one of whom served in special forces. Your verdict, your honor?
- Guilty!
So the trial of Anton Mamaev passed, who was accused of armed robbery and given a real term. The fact that he lived in prison conditions for even a month, according to doctors, is out of the question. But the judge of the Timiryazevsky Court of Moscow, Sergei Galkin, appointed him ... 4.5 years.
How did it happen?
Due to problems with moving and actually not working legs, Anton had an assistant (who eventually turned out to be an accomplice, according to the investigation, and received 3 years) - he put him in a stroller, drove everywhere, etc. A criminal case under Article 162 of the Criminal Code (robbery) against Anton was opened last fall. Briefly the essence of the matter. Friends offered Mamaev to buy a cheap scooter from them. Of course, the disabled person himself did not need it, but Anton decided to resell it in order to earn some money. The transaction was executed as expected, according to the contract. Mamaev gave about 160 thousand rubles, and the sellers handed over to the accompanying Vasily vehicle. After that, the parties parted ways. And soon the police showed up at Mamaev's house - acquaintances who sold the scooter wrote a statement about robbery. Anton and his assistant were accused of assault with the intent to steal, and even with the threat of violence!
That is, theoretically, it could be assumed that Anton planned this robbery and really threatened via SMS / Internet, since his head works quite well, and the accomplice eventually completed the whole thing. In fact, I very much doubt this, although the court verdict says in black and white that it was Anton who “threatened to shoot his leg, stuff him into the trunk of a car and take him out into the forest,” and also “promised to cripple, cut off his ears, gouge out his eyes and shoot." I would like to see how he does it ..... especially considering that one of those whose "will was suppressed" according to the court served in special forces ....
Anton himself said that soon rumors reached him that this statement about the theft and threats was born out of a long-standing enmity of the victims towards him. They often borrowed from him before the ill-fated deal, and did not return.
In general, extremely muddy history some....
Anton experiences hellish pain at night, because in the prison hospital they cannot do all the procedures that are provided for by the individual rehabilitation program. Once a cellmate was taken to court, and Mamaev spent more than a day in sitting position. Imagine what it is....
Here he is - threatening to kill two adult men ....

28-year-old Muscovite Anton Mamaev, who was convicted of robbery in a wheelchair, was released from custody today. This decision was made by the Timiryazevsky Court of Moscow, RIA Novosti reports. The preventive measure has been changed to a written undertaking not to leave, lawyer Andrey Orlov told reporters. According to him, Mamaev should be released from the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center within a few hours.

By medical indicators he is released from serving his sentence, even if the court finds him guilty, he cannot re-detain him, - said Ivan Melnikov, a member of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow.

Mamaev suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, cannot walk and is unable to take care of himself. . As it became known, last fall a criminal case was opened against Mamaev under Article 162 of the Criminal Code (robbery). The acquaintances offered the accused to buy a cheap scooter from them. Anton decided to resell it in order to earn some money. The deal was done under a contract. Mamaev gave about 160 thousand rubles, and the sellers handed over the vehicle to the young man who accompanied him. After that, the parties parted ways. However, soon the acquaintances who sold the scooter wrote a statement to the police about the robbery. Investigators accused Anton and Vasily (the escort) of assault with the intent to steal, as well as the threat of violence.

According to media reports, the injured party stated at the trial that Mamaev "promised to cripple them, cut off their ears, gouge out their eyes and shoot them." The victims in the case are two adult men, one of whom served in special forces. Accompanying Mamaev on the deal young man Vasily, who is his assistant (puts him in a stroller, carries, etc.), was recognized as an accomplice.

On June 30, the court found the man guilty under Part 2 of Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Robbery committed by a group of persons by prior agreement”), sentencing him to 4.5 years in prison. After that, the convict was sent to a pre-trial detention center. There are escorts in literally they brought him in their arms, because he weighs like a child, about 18 kg.

According to the representatives of the court, Mamaev's diagnosis is not included in the list of diseases that exempt him from a real prison term. A week later, the man was transferred to the hospital for examination. The release of Mamaev from further punishment due to a serious illness was petitioned, in particular, by the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia, Tatyana Moskalkova.

The verdict also caused a discussion about the need to keep a seriously ill person in the colony, for whom it becomes a real torture. The State Duma proposed to include Mamaev's illness in the list, which serves as the basis for release.

He did not believe in liberation, he was very happy, you will see how he has changed, - said Eva Merkacheva, a member of the public monitoring commission of Moscow. After his release from the pre-trial detention center, Mamaev plans to marry first of all, Merkacheva said.

It is known that the young man has a girlfriend and a little daughter.

According to media reports, Mamaev left the pre-trial detention center and returned home.

Mamaev himself told reporters that he feels happy.

I feel the way people feel when you were killed and then resurrected. I feel happy because I am returning to my family,” he said.

According to Mamaev, he is going to put himself in order and recuperate.

The Moscow prosecutor's office will check the validity of the sentence to wheelchair disabled Anton Mamaev, convicted of robbery. At the end of June, a man who, due to a serious illness, cannot even move and eat without outside help, was found guilty of armed assault and theft of a scooter and was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison. Until now, Mamaev was in a pre-trial detention center, but on July 11 he was transferred to the city hospital.

The 20th city hospital of Moscow: 4 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service armed with pistols are escorting a "dangerous convict", a disabled disabled person of the 1st group Anton Mamaev. Doctors suggest how to transport a new patient. It can be seen that the FSIN officers are forced to hold Anton's head - the man has atrophied all the muscles of his body, he has been in a wheelchair since childhood. But the Timiryazevsky Court of Moscow sentenced him to 4.5 years for robbery.

According to investigators, the disabled person, together with his assistants, took away a motor scooter from the workers of the garage cooperative with threats and force. “Mamaev threatened to use violence against the victim, namely, shoot his leg, stuff him in the trunk and take him out into the forest,” says Maria Prokhorycheva, spokeswoman for the Timiryazevsky District Court of Moscow. motor scooter worth 160,000 rubles.

On the video frames there is the same conversation: in the center, on a wheelchair, - Mamaev, on the left - a motor scooter, no one can see weapons in their hands. Judging by the video, the conversation was casual. However, the victims assure: the disabled person all the time demanded the return of a non-existent debt. The verdict says that the disabled person and his friends surrounded the victims. There were three other people with the wheelchair. Two have not been installed. The third was an acquaintance of Mamaev, who helped him move everywhere. He was also convicted of robbery.

Anton Mamaev was taken from the court to the isolation ward. The invalid ended up in "Matrosskaya Tishina", but there was no cell in which Mamaev could be kept. The convict was sent to the medical unit, to the intensive care unit, which in isolation, as a rule, means resuscitation. There, representatives of the public monitoring commission of Moscow met with Mamaev.

“The head of the medical unit was with us, she was in shock - she says she has never seen such prisoners in history,” says Eva Merkacheva. “He can’t walk at all! We asked him: did the judge see you when the verdict read? Saw, says, and the prosecutor saw. "

It turned out that the lawyers were presenting a medical report to the court. The diagnosis is spinal muscular atrophy. But the judge allegedly did not take into account the presence of the disease in Mamaev and appointed a real term.

“It should be noted that the sanction of Part 2 of Article 162 is uncontested,” says Maria Prokhorycheva. “By virtue of the current legislation, issues of exemption from punishment in the form of imprisonment due to illness are resolved by the bodies executing the punishment.”

The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has already announced that after an examination in the hospital, it will be decided whether Mamaev can be kept in a colony or isolation ward at all. But the convict's lawyers believe that he should not serve his sentence, but not because of disability, but because he is innocent. They assure: Anton is a wealthy businessman, heads a company that serves one of the beaches of the capital. The mother of the convict recently returned from Spain from vacation, met the Vesti film crew on the landing. She admitted that she was shocked by what was happening.

This case was taken over by human rights commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova. Lawyers and the father of Anton Mamaev have already appealed the verdict. While the disabled person is being examined in the special unit of the 20th hospital.

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