Is your baby less than a year old and has chickenpox? Chickenpox in children under one year old: symptoms and treatment Possible methods of infection and the likelihood of developing the disease

With such a childhood infection as chickenpox, almost every person encounters in his life. Often this disease is diagnosed at the age of over two years, but sometimes chickenpox occurs in infants.

Is this infectious disease dangerous for children under one year old, do newborn children get chickenpox, and what should parents do if chicken pox starts at such an early age?

Can a baby get chickenpox

If the mother had chickenpox before pregnancy, for the first 6 months the baby is protected from the causative agent of this infection due to the antibodies received from the mother during gestation and breastfeeding.

Infection of an infant with the Varicella Zoster virus, which causes chickenpox in humans, is possible in the following ways:

  • In utero from a mother who did not have chickenpox before pregnancy and contracted the virus during gestation. It is especially dangerous if infection occurs in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, since the Varicella Zoster virus in this case provokes the development of serious pathologies in the fetus. When the pathogen enters the baby in the last days of pregnancy (5 days before delivery), it causes congenital chickenpox. If the infection occurs later than 12 weeks, and the woman’s illness begins earlier than a week before the birth, the baby manages to get enough antibodies from the sick mother, so chickenpox may not manifest itself.
  • Airborne droplets from a child or adult with chickenpox. Usually such infection occurs over the age of 6 months, when the protection of maternal antibodies disappears, and the baby becomes susceptible to the Varicella Zoster virus. If he is in the same room with a sick chickenpox, for example, if the infection is detected in an older brother or sister attending kindergarten, then the risk of infection is very high.

It is known that the incubation period for chickenpox averages 10-21 days. In this case, most often in children from 6 months to a year, this period, during which the virus develops in the body of the crumbs and does not manifest itself in any way, is shortened to 7 days.


The first symptoms of chickenpox in infants are deterioration in appetite and sleep, restless behavior, and weakness. Soon, the baby's body temperature rises (sometimes only up to 37-38 degrees, but many toddlers have a higher temperature) and a rash occurs. Eruptions appear first on the trunk, then on the head and on the limbs.

The elements of the rash gradually change shape - at first they look like spots, then they become like mosquito bites (papules) and very quickly turn into bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Soon, such bubbles dry up, and crusts appear on their surface.

While some vesicles have dried up, new spots appear nearby on clean skin, which also turn into vesicles. If you do not comb this rash, within a few weeks the crusts fall off, leaving no traces.

How to carry chicken pox in infants

The course of chickenpox under the age of one year is both mild and severe. If the infant tolerates the infection easily, his general condition changes slightly, and the rash is represented by only single elements. However, due to immature immunity in babies up to a year, severe forms of chickenpox are not uncommon.

In newborns who become infected from their mother immediately before childbirth, the disease is also very difficult. In this case, the crumbs have a very high temperature, a lot of bubbles and complications are possible (encephalitis, pneumonia, hepatitis and others).

How to treat chickenpox under the age of one year

  • If the disease is mild, it is treated in infancy only symptomatically and at home. A severe course requires hospitalization and the appointment of antiviral agents.
  • Infants are given paracetamol or ibuprofen to bring down the temperature. check the dosage with your pediatrician.
  • For bubble treatment You can use Brilliant Green, Calamine Lotion, or Zindol Zinc Oxide Suspension. With severe itching, Fenistil gel can be applied to the skin of an infant older than a month.
  • If the bubbles appeared in the baby in the mouth, on the genitals or on other mucous membranes, they can be washed with herbal infusion (for example, chamomile) or furacillin solution. The wounds formed on the mucous membranes can be treated with sea buckthorn oil, and if they greatly disturb the baby, then lubricate with one of the anesthetic gels used for teething.
  • It is important to prevent scratching of the vesicles, therefore, babies with chickenpox are put on mittens, and if the itching is very pronounced, they consult a doctor to select an antihistamine.
  • Bathing a baby with chickenpox is not prohibited, as hygiene procedures help reduce itching. At the same time, the bath is not recommended during a period of high temperature. If the state of health of the little one has returned to normal, you do not need to avoid swimming. However, during water procedures, some recommendations should be followed - do not overheat the water, do not use detergents and washcloths, do not rub with a towel after bathing.
  • If the course of chickenpox in infants is severe, the doctor prescribes antiviral agents, for example, Acyclovir is a drug that acts on the Varicella Zoster virus, blocking its reproduction in the child's body. Such a medicine in very severe cases is administered intravenously to the baby, and is also applied to the vesicles in the form of an ointment.
  • In the case when the mother fell ill with chicken pox five days before the birth or later, The newborn is given immunoglobulin immediately after birth to help destroy the Varicella Zoster virus. Also, such babies must be injected with Acyclovir.


If the expectant mother has never had chickenpox and is thinking about how to protect herself from chickenpox during the gestation period and the baby in her tummy, vaccination would be the best option. It is recommended to get vaccinated against chickenpox at least 3 months before the planned pregnancy. And since the chickenpox vaccine in adulthood is administered twice with an interval of 6-10 weeks, then you should go to the clinic for vaccination even earlier.

Children older than six months can be protected from infection from the oldest child in the family by isolating the sick baby during the period of greatest contagiousness and frequent wet cleaning in the apartment (the virus is very unstable outside the human body).

But, since a child with chickenpox becomes contagiouswhen there are no clinical manifestations of the disease yet (on the last day of the incubation period), it will not work to fully protect the baby from chickenpox in a situation where the older child “brought” it from kindergarten or school. .

Chickenpox is a common childhood viral infection that becomes a test for the baby and his mother. Find out the features of the manifestation of chickenpox in children under one year old, treatment methods and possible complications in order to be prepared.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is an acute illness caused by the herpes virus.

How is chickenpox transmitted?

The route of transmission is airborne. The source of infection is a sick person who releases the virus when coughing or sneezing. The incidence reaches 100%, so it is almost impossible to protect the baby from a sick family member.

The causative agent can travel long distances with air current, however, its instability in the external environment practically excludes the household route of infection.


Chickenpox mainly affects children of preschool and primary school age. Babies under 3 months old practically do not get sick, due to the presence of maternal antibodies in the blood. Children aged 6 months to 7 years are most susceptible. Before the age of 15, from 70 to 90% of children already have time to get sick. After the disease remains strong immunity.

The most favorable and mild course of the disease is in childhood. Chickenpox is easy in breastfed babies.

The incubation period varies from 7 to 21 days.

Symptoms of chickenpox in children under one year old

The prodromal period is practically not expressed or expressed weakly. The child may be lethargic, whiny, or vice versa, overexcited. Perhaps a decrease in appetite, refusal of complementary foods.

Severe clinical manifestations occur with the appearance of a rash. The rash can appear anywhere on the body and spread randomly. First, red spots form on the body, which during the day turn into bubbles containing a clear liquid, which itch a lot. Infants are characterized by fewer rashes than adults. During this period, the temperature may rise and the lymph nodes may increase.

Rashes are localized mainly on the face, neck, scalp, trunk, limbs. In severe cases, they affect the palms, feet, mucous membranes.

Chickenpox is characterized by a red rash

The appearance of new elements (sprinkling) lasts about 3-8 days. Simultaneously with the cessation of rashes, the baby's condition improves.

Over time, the bubbles dry up, a crust forms, which disappears after 1-2 weeks, leaving no trace.

The child becomes contagious a day or two before the rash appears and continues to shed the virus until the 5th day after the last rash.


Treatment for chickenpox usually does not require hospitalization. Therapy is symptomatic.

The elements of the rash are smeared with brilliant green, methylene blue or Castellani's solution. The drugs do not cure the disease, but contribute to the faster drying of the blisters and the prevention of bacterial infection. In a hospital setting, using colored elements, doctors determine the appearance of new rashes.

Since the rashes are accompanied by severe itching, it is important to avoid scratching the elements. This is fraught with the addition of a secondary infection, as well as the occurrence of scars. The baby's nails need to be cut short, they must be clean. Quite a crumb can be worn thin mittens. Distract the child from illness with toys, fairy tales, songs.

Your doctor may prescribe antihistamines to reduce itching.

You can cure chickenpox yourself

When the temperature rises above 38.5 0 C, you need to give the child an antipyretic drug (syrup or candle).

To combat intoxication, it is important to observe the drinking regimen of the crumbs. Regularly offer him tea, juice, fruit drink, compote or just water. If your baby is breastfeeding and not yet receiving complementary foods, breastfeed more frequently.

You can bathe the child in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, without using a washcloth. Other water procedures are best excluded.

It is important to change your underwear daily to prevent the spread of rashes, and change bedding as often as possible.

Complications of chickenpox

In children, including infants, the most common complication is the addition of a secondary infection, which leads to suppuration of the vesicles. With a large amount of infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

Reduced immunity under the influence of the virus can contribute to the development of bacterial complications: stomatitis, conjunctivitis, parotitis.

In exceptional cases, chickenpox is complicated by chickenpox croup, pneumonia, viral encephalitis or meningoencephalitis, sepsis.

Severe complications can be in severely weakened, malnourished children, as well as in children with immunodeficiency.

Chickenpox is a common disease, and if your baby has the first signs, you should not self-medicate. Be sure to check with your pediatrician.

During the newborn period, children are very vulnerable. It is not for nothing that mothers are worried that their child can become infected with chickenpox - both from someone else's sick child, and from household members.

Chickenpox is highly volatile - the virus is able to penetrate even through closed doors from the next room. But at the same time, chickenpox cannot be “brought” on clothes from a clinic, store or from the street, since the virus dies in the external environment. Therefore, chickenpox in children under one year old can appear only through personal contact or in the vicinity of the patient. In a word, if someone in the family gets sick, there is a high risk of infection of the newborn.

On the other hand, if the baby's mother once suffered from chickenpox and is now breastfeeding the baby, this significantly reduces the risk of infection, even with constant contact with the patient. When breastfeeding, a woman passes antibodies to her baby, and this supports his immunity, which, however, will disappear by about six months.

Chickenpox is very difficult for a child up to 3 months old, so during this period, parents should protect him from contact with patients, as well as with people who have herpes on their lips. These rashes are taken for 1 form of chicken pox.

How does chickenpox manifest in infants?

Of course, the first sign of chickenpox in a child under one year old is rash on the skin . The disease has a wave-like character - that is, rashes appear in "batches", there may even be relief, followed by a deterioration in the baby's condition.

With a mild form of chickenpox, symptoms in children under one year old look like a rash, alternately intensifying and subsiding. Rashes are accompanied slight fever , which increases as the rash spreads. However, the temperature may not rise if the rash is localized.

The rash begins as small red spots, transforming as the disease progresses into transparent blisters filled with liquid, with a red halo around. When the blisters burst and dry up, crusts called scabs form on the surface of the skin. The behavior of the child during this period is characterized as capricious, restless, irritable.

There are certain nuances of infection and the course of the disease in infants.

Not surprising, because even a mild form of chickenpox in children under one year old provokes severe itching , which interferes with normal sleep and reduces appetite. It is easiest to transfer the disease to children who are breastfeeding at this time.

Babies who are receiving complementary foods may refuse fruit puree or juice. No need to insist. It's better to just breastfeed your baby whenever he wants to.

And don't forget to drink. It is much more difficult for artificial people, because sometimes they cannot eat at all. Mom needs to know that with chickenpox, you can’t force-feed the baby. It is better to drink it with water, unsweetened compote or very weak tea.

Unfortunately, children under one year old also have a severe form of chickenpox. It is usually very difficult to alleviate this condition on your own. The first symptoms of this form are temperature around 40 o and power failure .

Many mothers do not understand what is happening with the child and are very worried. Only the next day, when a profuse rash appears, the picture clears up. This form also flows in waves. With severe chickenpox, a child's larynx and sinuses may dry out, which sometimes leads to suffocation and false croup .

Of course, only a specialist can identify chickenpox in a child at 1 year old and determine the form of the disease. Therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to call an ambulance and not resist hospitalization if the doctor insists on it.

Diagnosis is half the cure

Parents usually suspect chickenpox when they have a rash, but doctors need a more complete picture. Therefore, the doctor will ask the mother in detail how the child behaved in the last couple of weeks, whether there were contacts with those infected with the varicella-zoster virus.

Perhaps you and your baby were in the focus of the epidemic - a hospital, kindergarten, sanatorium, among other children or adults suffering from chickenpox. In most cases, examination of the skin and a survey of the mother is enough to make a diagnosis.

In controversial cases, the doctor may prescribe a serological blood test or electron microscopy of the virus taken from the patient's tissues. But, most often, everything ends with a visual inspection.

Features of the treatment of babies

With chickenpox in children under one year of age, special treatment is not required. The pediatrician prescribes complete rest, plenty of fluids and antipyretic drugs. For itching relief for children from one month old, Fenistil drops can be used. The dosage usually coincides with the number of months the baby has lived - at 3 months - 3 drops, at 6 months - 6 drops, etc.

To dry the bubbles, you can use brilliant green in the old fashioned way or smear the rashes with Fenistil gel. The gel is applied locally, it is advisable not to cover healthy skin with it and use only a clean finger for application, not a cotton swab. Swab fibers can easily spread the infection through the epidermis.

Parents can also use the antiseptic Calamine Lotion, which is widely used in the West. The lotion not only reduces itching and cools the skin, but also reduces the risk of scarring.

For temperature drop paracetamol is usually prescribed, which can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of rectal suppositories. The second form has great advantages, since it is very difficult for young children to give medicines orally, and suppositories can be administered even during sleep.

Please note that it is advisable not to use these drugs at temperatures below 38-38.5 ° C. Ibuprofen is not taken for chickenpox. The medicine can cause serious complications.

It is very important to ensure that the little one does not scratch himself, tearing the blisters and contributing to the spread of the rash over healthy skin. To do this, you need to put on a baby vest and scratches. It is unlikely that this will appeal to a child suffering from itching.

But first of all, you need to take care of your recovery. So parents need to be patient and not get annoyed about the whims of the baby, who is already having a hard time. Try with all your might to calm and support the baby, as a peaceful state contributes to a speedy recovery.

In addition to this, it is necessary carefully observe personal hygiene measures - often change diapers, sliders and undershirts, having previously ironed them with a hot iron.

Children who are already eating lure , it is necessary to consume more fermented milk products, fresh pureed vegetables and fruit and berry fruit drinks.

What not to do during treatment

Of course, every mother wants to alleviate the condition of her child as soon as possible. But recovery will not come sooner than it should if you abuse ointments and medicines.

Do not think that the more often you treat the wounds with brilliant green, the faster the rash will disappear. A solution of brilliant green does not kill the chickenpox virus, but only dries up inflammation and disinfects.

Zelenka abuse can lead to an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms on the surface of the epidermis and, as a result, scars will appear.

In addition, with a cotton swab or disc, you run the risk of spreading the infection and intensifying the rash. But it is impossible not to treat the skin at all. Try to limit yourself to two procedures per day.

Soviet, and many modern doctors insist that chickenpox in a child under one year old is a serious reason. do not bathe and do not walk . It is known that the varicella-zoster virus does not survive in the external environment, so the infected baby does not care.

A complete rejection of hygiene procedures will also not bring anything good. Try to at least wipe the child's folds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or quickly wash it in the shower, and do not be afraid to use talcum powder.

What absolutely can not be done in the treatment of chickenpox in children under one year old is abuse antipyretic drugs . The doctor must prescribe a daily dose of the drug, which is strongly not recommended to be exceeded.

Also, do not give your child pills more often than indicated in the prescription. Understand that temperature is a sign that the body is fighting to kill the virus. An overdose of paracetamol is much worse than a temperature of 37.7 ° C.

Vaccinations to prevent chickenpox

The best treatment is prevention, any doctor will tell you. The prevention of chickenpox is vaccination, which is usually not performed until the age of one. How then to protect the baby? Vaccinate mom and all household members, especially if they are often in places where you can get infected.

Children are vaccinated according to the schedule, but what about adults? If you have been in contact with an infected person and know about it, you must be vaccinated within three days of contact. This will help reduce the likelihood of the disease, or at least translate the disease into a milder form.

Contraindications to chickenpox vaccination are pregnancy, but not lactation, as well as an allergy to gelatin or neomycin. At the same time, many varicella vaccines, such as Okavax or Varivax, can be administered to adults suffering from a chronic form of serious illness and even AIDS.

Other ways to prevent

Since it is almost impossible to vaccinate against chickenpox for a child under one year old, it is worth protecting him from possible infection.

To do this, it is necessary to limit contacts with sick children or adults, especially if the baby's mother did not have chickenpox. If someone in your family has become infected, suggest that they be treated in a hospital. It is also worth disinfecting the premises if there is a patient in the house.

Feel free to tell friends and family that you are stopping visits to your home until the child is a little older. The health of the baby, while rather fragile, should be a priority in your life.

Dr. Komarovsky about chickenpox in children

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Chickenpox can affect children of any age, including infants and newborns. Chickenpox in children under one year old has some peculiarities of the course, let's talk about them and about the most worrying questions for parents.

Whether infection of the child is possible or probable?

It is believed that up to 6 months of age, children very rarely get chickenpox due to the presence of transplacental and lactogenic (through breast milk) immunity. But children are protected only if the baby's mother had already had chickenpox before pregnancy. In this case, there are special antibodies (protective substances) in her blood that protect her from re-infection. These antibodies remain for life, so people get chickenpox once in a lifetime (with the exception of rare cases of re-infection with a decrease in immunity).

The baby receives these antibodies from the mother in utero through the placenta, and after birth with breast milk. Such passive immunity is very important for the baby, it protects him from the disease, and if the child does get sick, then it will proceed in a milder form.

After three months of life, passive immunity begins to decline and disappears by about 6 months. Accordingly, the risk of contracting chickenpox increases.

In the event that the mother of the child did not have chicken pox before and was not vaccinated against it, the child is not at all protected from this infection. A child who does not have passive immunity, in case of contact with a patient with chickenpox, can get sick at any age.

Another, most unfavorable option for contracting chickenpox is - intrauterine infection. This happens if the baby's mother got chickenpox during pregnancy. Chickenpox during early pregnancy can lead to the death of the fetus or the development of severe birth defects. If chickenpox develops in the mother a few days before childbirth, then this leads to the development of congenital chickenpox in the newborn, which can be severe or moderate.

Features of the course of chickenpox in children under one year old

The severity of the disease depends on the immunity of the child. If he has passive immunity from the mother, the disease is milder, if it is not there, then a severe course is noted.

In infants, chickenpox can occur in a mild and rudimentary form (in the presence of passive transplacental immunity).

For a mild form of chickenpox in infants, it is characteristic:

  • Solitary rashes at the beginning of the disease, followed by undulating rash. Each wave of rashes may be accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • The degree of temperature increase, as a rule, depends on the number of rashes. The more "windmill" elements appear, the higher the body temperature;
  • The elements of the rash are typical for chickenpox - small red spots that quickly turn into vesicles (vesicles) with transparent contents. Vesicles dry up after 2-3 days and become covered with a crust;
  • At the same time, there may be spots and vesicles and crusts on the child's skin - this is called a false polymorphism of the rash;
  • Elements can be located on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • With the disease, the general condition of the child suffers (even with a mild form). The kid becomes capricious, irritable, appetite decreases, refuses to breast, sleeps poorly, can comb his sores.

Severe chickenpox in infants

This form occurs in the absence of passive immunity and in children older than 6 months.

The following symptoms are characteristic:

  • The disease begins with general infectious toxic manifestations, which are growing;
  • There is a significant increase in body temperature;
  • The general condition of the child suffers greatly - a complete refusal to eat, anxiety or severe weakness, headache;
  • Rash elements can be in large numbers, covering a large surface of the body and mucous membranes. At the height of the rash, toxicosis increases, body temperature can rise up to 40˚С;
  • The jerky appearance of new elements is characteristic;
  • Perhaps hemorrhagic (blood) impregnation of the vesicles;
  • Suppurative complications often develop (abscesses, phlegmon, pyoderma) and complications with damage to other organs and systems.

When the first signs of chickenpox appear in children under one year old, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will determine the severity of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) in children under one year old has some features regarding both the possibility of infection and the course of the disease. If we are talking about babies, then parents should know how chickenpox manifests itself in children under one year old. After all, as you know, such children have not yet formed an immune system, and therefore any disease is a danger.

Newborn babies are extremely vulnerable. It will take a long time before their body begins to resist diseases normally. Parents all this time must carefully protect the baby, but this is not always successful.

Many mothers and fathers are very concerned about the question of whether children under one year old have chickenpox, and how babies at this age endure it, because the body has not yet grown stronger. And these fears are not groundless, so the baby must be kept away from relatives who are currently carriers of the virus. Chickenpox in children under one year old (the photo is just below) proceeds with some features. Every parent needs to know about them in order to take the right actions if the problem does appear.

How can a child get chickenpox?

A feature of chickenpox is that this disease is very easily transmitted from one person to another. The virus of this disease has increased volatility, therefore it can cause a person’s illness even when it is through a wall and a closed door from the patient. Thus, if one in the family gets infected, then everyone else will get it. The only exceptions are those family members who have previously had chicken pox.

It should be noted that the chickenpox virus is easily transmitted through the air, but it does not cling to clothing. That is, it cannot be picked up on clothes and brought home from the clinic or from the queue at the store. In the external environment, the chickenpox virus quickly dies, so as soon as a person goes out into the street, he will no longer be dangerous to others.

Another thing is personal contact with a sick person. In this way, chickenpox is transmitted most quickly. For this reason, it is desirable to limit the contacts of a small child with other people, you should immediately save the baby from being close to the infected. If there is no timely reaction from the parents, then the child can easily get sick with this complex and dangerous disease.

Experts say that in a special risk group are those children who have been bottle-fed since birth. If a mother breastfeeds a child for a long time, the threat of infection with various ailments, including chickenpox, is significantly reduced. Together with breast milk, the baby receives natural immunity, which protects his body well in difficult situations. During breastfeeding, a mother passes on important antibodies to her baby, which support and train his immune system. But keep in mind that such protection is valid for a certain time. By about 6 months, the baby will outgrow this defense, and it will become too weak for him. By this period, his immunity should work well enough.

Attention! Doctors warn that children under the age of 3 months should be most protected from chickenpox. Such babies endure such a disease much more difficult than older children.

How does chickenpox manifest itself in babies?

The most famous and common manifestation of this disease is a rash on the skin. Chickenpox in children up to a year proceeds in different ways, but often has a wave-like character. That is, some severe symptoms of the disease will be noted for some time, and then they disappear. After a while, the rash and other signs of chickenpox may reappear. For this reason, you should not stop treatment until it is 100% clear that the virus has disappeared forever.

As for how chickenpox manifests itself in children under one year old, much depends on the form in which the disease proceeds, for example, a mild form of chickenpox can manifest itself exclusively with a rash that itches very much, but periodically passes. Rashes are often accompanied by a high temperature, which begins to increase when acne spreads throughout the body of the baby. But it is worth noting that fever does not always accompany a mild form of chicken pox.

Chickenpox rashes differ from similar manifestations of other ailments. Initially, these are small red spots that eventually grow and turn into blisters. These formations are filled with fluid and have a red halo around the base. When ripe, bubbles with liquid burst easily, after which a crust forms in this place. All this is very unpleasant and causes severe itching, which is sometimes mixed with pain. As a result, the baby becomes restless, irritable and very capricious.

Important: Even in a mild form of chickenpox in children under 1 year old, there is severe itching. This not only spoils the mood, but sometimes affects the appetite and prevents the child from falling asleep.

Experts say that those children who are breastfed are the easiest to tolerate the disease. They almost never refuse food. If complementary foods in the form of fruit puree or juice are used in addition to breast milk, you can set it aside for a while.

Despite the fact that the appetite of a baby who has chickenpox will be weak, he is often thirsty. Mom should take this into account and give water even if the baby is often applied to the breast. When the baby is bottle-fed, he can completely refuse to eat. In this case, a small patient can be offered compote or weak tea to maintain strength.

In children under one year old, a severe form of the disease also occurs. In this case, parents are unlikely to be able to cope with the disease at home. The thing is that up to a year, chickenpox of this form is always accompanied by intense heat. The temperature rises to 40°C and lasts a long time. At the same time, the child absolutely refuses food and even water.

Parents cannot always recognize the disease and adequately respond to the symptoms of chickenpox in children under one year old, although in fact, in this case, the only suitable way out is to call an ambulance. Often three severe forms of the disease, the first sign is precisely the high temperature. It can last for a day without any additional signs. Only on the second day, as a manifestation of chicken pox, a rash may appear in a child.

A severe form of chickenpox can cause a host of other unpleasant and dangerous symptoms. For example, in babies, the larynx and sinuses often dry up, which can lead to suffocation.

Only a qualified specialist can identify and correctly diagnose the form of chickenpox in children under 1 year old. For this reason, as soon as the baby develops suspicious symptoms, parents should urgently consult a doctor. It is better not to torment the baby by going to the pediatrician, but to call an ambulance, because the case is very serious.

Incubation period

After the virus enters the baby's body, a certain time must pass, after which the first signs of the disease will begin to appear. The incubation period begins when the varicella-zoster virus enters the child's body and lasts until the first symptom appears.

In general, the incubation period of chickenpox in children under one year old can be divided into 3 phases. The initial stage involves the adaptation of the virus in the human body. Next comes the development phase, during which the virus is activated, multiplies and strengthens. At this time, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are especially affected. In the final stage, the virus-causative agent is absorbed by the blood. This leads to a severe and itchy rash.

After the child's body is covered with blisters, all the body's defenses begin to mobilize against the virus. During this period, antibodies are actively produced, the purpose of which is to fight chickenpox.

The incubation period in babies up to one year is significantly different in time from adults. If the baby has a good immune system, which is most common in those who are breastfed, then the disease may not appear for a very long time. In this case, you can count on the fact that the disease will proceed in a mild form. It is not uncommon for babies who are breastfed to not become infected with the varicella-zoster virus until 3 months of age.

Much more difficult for those babies who are bottle-fed. They can easily become infected even in the first months of life, and this is very dangerous, since at this age any form of chickenpox is poorly tolerated.

If the baby has good immunity, the incubation period of chickenpox can reach 3 weeks, more often the first signs of infection are noted a week after the virus enters the child's body.

Diagnosis of the disease

The speed of treatment depends on how clearly and timely the diagnosis is made. Parents are most often guided by the appearance of a rash and high fever. These are exactly the signs in which it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The specialist, in turn, is obliged to carry out some diagnostic procedures that will help determine that the cause of the baby’s poor health lies in chicken pox. To begin with, the pediatrician conducts a thorough survey of parents. Thus, the doctor will be able to understand how the child has behaved over the past weeks. It will also help to find out if there is a person with chickenpox in the environment of the baby. It is possible that the mother and child were at the epicenter of the chickenpox epidemic for some time. This will allow you to accurately determine that the cause of the rash and high temperature lies in the chickenpox.

In disputable situations, the specialist may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures. This is a blood test and electron microscopy of the virus that will be found in the patient's blood. But it rarely comes to this, since a visual examination allows the doctor to immediately determine that we are talking about chicken pox.

Mild and severe chickenpox in children under one year old

It is quite easy for small children up to 5-7 months to transfer chickenpox, as they are protected by immunity that has passed into the body with mother's milk. The mild form is characterized by a rash that, along with other symptoms of chickenpox in children under one year old, comes in waves. Immediately after the incubation period, the first rash will appear. It is isolated, but over time, the rashes become more and more serious.

In a mild form of chickenpox, a high temperature in a child does not always occur. In this case, you should know that the more rash on the body of the baby, the stronger the fever. As for how chickenpox looks like in children under one year old, these are rashes in any form, which are small red spots that develop into blisters. Pimples burst, and a scab forms in their place. At the same time, the general condition cannot be called difficult, but nevertheless, for a small child, all this is extremely unpleasant. An itchy rash can deprive anyone of appetite, sleep and rest, so parents should be prepared for the fact that they are in for a period of sleepless nights and a very capricious child. Chickenpox can last up to 2 weeks.

From about six months, children begin to endure chickenpox much more difficult. Although in this case, much depends on the immunity of the baby. If the disease nevertheless manifested itself in a severe form, the symptoms of chickenpox in children under one year old will be especially pronounced. We are talking about a very high temperature, which rises to 40 ° C and lasts for a long time. In this case, the rashes will be numerous, which will prevent the child from sleeping normally. If we talk about how chickenpox is tolerated by children under one year old, then in severe form it can be a refusal to eat, which often leads to severe headaches and weakening of the body. With severe chickenpox, wave manifestations of symptoms are also possible. As a rule, days of exacerbation are replaced by hours of improvement.

The severe form of chickenpox in children under one year old, the photo of which can be found just below, is very serious, so you should not self-medicate in any case. At the first sign of illness, you should consult a specialist.

Attention! In severe chickenpox, infants develop a rash even in the throat, which can lead to suffocation. In such a situation, parents are required to give the baby antihistamines and call an ambulance.

Treatment of the disease

As for the question of how to treat chickenpox in children under one year old, getting rid of the virus does not require special medications. Doctors recommend simply surviving this period, and treating only the symptoms that occur with this disease.

To alleviate the condition of the child, he needs to provide peace. The baby will need a plentiful drink, which is better to make it more nutritious, since the child may refuse to eat, but he still needs to restore his strength. If a small patient has a very high temperature, it must be brought down with antipyretic drugs.

The most difficult thing is to deal with itching. When it comes to very young children, that is, infants under one year old, antihistamine drops can be used. Well proven Fenistil. It must be given to the child strictly according to the instructions, but you must first consult with a specialist.

The bubbles that form on the baby's body will burst even if the baby does not comb them hard. Rashes need to be properly handled. Most often, parents use brilliant green for these purposes, which dries the wounds well. You can also use the same Fenistil, but already in the form of a gel. It must be applied locally. It is not allowed to cover too large areas of the baby's body with this drug.

Advice: When treating chickenpox in children under one year old, ointments and gels should be applied to the rash only with a clean finger. No need to rub the drug all over the body, so as not to spread the infection through the skin. So it will take a very long time to get rid of the rash.

There are also special antiseptic lotions. They are acceptable for use in the treatment of chickenpox in children under one year old. These medicines cool the skin well, which relieves itching and prevents scarring.

Dealing with a high temperature when it comes to young children can be very difficult. Not all medications are suitable for infants. Most often, to reduce the temperature, experts prescribe drugs with ibuprofen and paracetamol. They are offered in various dosage forms, but syrup and rectal suppositories are best suited for babies. It is very difficult to give tablets to small children. Rectal preparations are considered the most convenient and effective, but they should be used only after the temperature has crossed the mark of 38 ° C.

Parents are required to closely monitor the condition of the baby. The child must be limited in movement so that he does not comb himself. If the blisters are constantly torn apart, this will lead to an even greater spread of the rash over the skin. It is best to protect the baby's body with a tight vest and special mittens.

In addition, parents need to be patient, as the recovery process will not be quick. Chicken pox does not go away in 2-3 days. Mom and dad, as well as other people who may come into contact with a sick baby, must carefully observe all the rules of personal hygiene. You also need to monitor the condition of the child's clothing. It should always be clean, changed in a timely manner and be carefully washed and ironed. It is better to temporarily exclude fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruit drinks from complementary foods.

How not to treat chickenpox?

Every parent wants their child to recover as quickly as possible. At the same time, unacceptable methods are sometimes used, which only exacerbate the situation. Parents should clearly understand that treatment procedures must be approved by the attending physician. It is desirable to exclude everything else, since self-treatment, as a rule, does not lead to anything good.

Moreover, those drugs that are allowed for use must also be used correctly. For example, do not abuse the green. It is a harmless medicine, but in moderate doses. If you apply brilliant green on too large an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, this can disrupt its natural balance. As a result, there will be a problem with wound healing, and this is a clear road to ugly scars. It is necessary to apply brilliant green only with a cotton swab and only on the areas of the skin affected by the rash. It is enough to treat the skin twice a day.

Many people recommend avoiding water procedures and outdoor walks during chickenpox illness. In fact, this is an exaggeration, since a complete rejection of hygiene procedures will not end in anything good. As for time spent outside, it can be beneficial, as the varicella-zoster virus does not survive in the natural environment.

And most importantly - do not abuse antipyretic drugs. The doctor determines the permissible daily dose of the drug, which is strictly forbidden to exceed.

Preventive measures

Every physician knows that the best treatment is timely and high-quality prevention. And based on the positive answer to the question of many parents, can a child get sick with chickenpox under the age of one, vaccination will be the best remedy for the virus. It is especially difficult with children under one year old, since it is dangerous for them to vaccinate. For this reason, all people around the child must undergo this procedure. Moreover, family members should minimize their time in places where chickenpox can be contracted. Vaccination is carried out according to the schedule and in a regular clinic.

For preventive purposes, the baby himself must be protected from all possible sources of infection. In no case should you contact adults and children if they have signs of chickenpox or an epidemic of chickenpox is walking around the city. This applies to both the baby himself and his mother, if she has not previously suffered from a similar disease. If the mother gets chickenpox, the child will not have a chance to stay healthy.

In the first months of a baby's life, it is worth completely protecting it from guests and unnecessary visits. There is nothing to worry about if friends and relatives see the child a little later. It is much more important to preserve the fragile health of the crumbs.

In no case should moms and dads get lost if they find a rash on the baby’s body or he has a high temperature. First of all, you need to visit a doctor, and in an extremely difficult situation, just call an ambulance. Further treatment can take place at home. But parents must comply with the doctor's instructions in a quality and timely manner.

An important task for mom and dad is to prevent the appearance of a purulent rash. To do this, you need to monitor the hygiene of the child. It is necessary to keep clean not only clothes, but also toys of the baby, since through them the varicella-zoster virus can spread further.

You do not need to listen to those who say that it is impossible to bathe a child during chickenpox. Hygiene procedures play a huge role in the treatment of this disease. Especially well proved herbal baths, which relieve itching and heal existing wounds. You need to monitor the temperature in the room where the child is. If it is too high, it will increase the itching and irritability of the baby.

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