How can a woman keep fit. How to keep fit. Maintain daily activity

In addition to mode and type physical activity There are many other factors that affect metabolism. Here are just a few: sleep, hormonal levels, work thyroid gland, structural features of the body and so on. However, we will talk about this more below.

2. Don't compare yourself to others

There are no two people in the world who have the same metabolism. I mean, there are no single rules that would work equally well for each of us. To fully understand how your metabolism works for you, you need to study yourself, your characteristics and your genetics.

I have friends, they are twins. The guys have been actively training in the gym for about eight years. And you know what's most interesting? They have different training programs. Because one day they noticed that the program is one, but the result it gives is different.

Once again: there are no people with the same metabolism.

3. Calculators and formulas for calculating calorie expenditure are inaccurate

Such formulas and calculators have an error within 10%. That is, if the calculator shows 2,100 kcal, in fact it turns out that 210 kcal less (or more) was spent.

Such calculators can still help people with "predictable" metabolism, but most of us do not fall into this category. There are many people who have a higher or lower metabolic rate average norm. For them, the error in the calculations can reach 20%. That is, if the calculator shows 2,100 kcal, then 420 kcal may actually disappear. And that's too much big number to ignore it.

4. Sleep affects metabolism no less than nutrition and sports

More and more scientists around the world are talking about what leads to a set of overweight and is the cause of diseases associated with obesity.

Experiments show that when a person does not get enough sleep, his body begins to require more high-calorie food (and these are carbohydrates) and absorbs it worse, which leads to excess body fat.

5. Stress also affects metabolism

Prolonged promotes the deposition of fat in the abdomen. And the problem is that this type of obesity (compared to excess adipose tissue in the thighs and buttocks) is much more likely to lead to diabetes, heart problems and other diseases.

This is explained by the fact that during moments of stress in in large numbers the hormone cortisol is released, which disrupts the usual metabolic rate.

6. The body burns calories even when we do nothing.

There is such a thing as "basic metabolic rate" (BMR) - the number of calories that the body spends to maintain its vital functions. That is, this is the energy that we spend even when we do nothing. And most people on the planet spend the lion's share of their daily energy on this process.

7. Metabolism slows down with age

Approximately every 10 years, the metabolic rate drops. The older we get, the more effort we need to put in to keep fit. And interestingly, scientists still cannot figure out what causes the age-related decrease in metabolic rate.

8. Muscles consume more calories than fat.

The more slender and toned a person is, the more calories his body requires. This is because muscles need more calories than adipose tissue.

For this reason, the metabolic rate is calculated differently for women and men. For example, if we take typical man and a woman with the same weight, then a man will burn more calories per day. Only because in the body of a man, as a rule, more muscle mass than a woman.

9. Protein will help you build muscle, while cutting carbs will speed up the fat burning process.

In order to grow muscles, the body needs to be fed with protein. And to get rid of excess fat You need to reduce your carbohydrate intake.

The fact is that when we consume carbohydrates, our body begins to draw energy from them, instead of breaking down fatty tissues. In other words, if the goal is to get rid of body fat, then reducing the amount of carbohydrates will help to achieve this goal faster. And if you plan to build or strengthen muscles, then you need to ensure that the body receives enough protein.

10. Interval training and resistance training improve metabolism

And weight training is a signal for the body to increase muscle mass. And the more muscle mass, the better the metabolism. 25 minutes of intense activity with a change of activity is better than 45 minutes of monotonous exercise at a moderate pace.

If your goal is to speed up your metabolism, then the most fast way to achieve this - exercises that will help expend more energy.

11. Pre-Workout Coffee Helps You Burn More Fat

12. Protein Received Within 30 Minutes Post-Workout Promotes Muscle Growth

During exercise, we break down muscle tissue. And in order for the body to be able to restore it, it needs building material. This material for muscles is protein. Therefore, it is better to take protein no later than 30 minutes after the end of the workout.

13. An hour of walking on the street is more useful than an hour of thinking about the next diet.

Simple things like walking fresh air or , is much more reliable way burn more calories than trying to manipulate metabolism through the selection of some diets and nutritional supplements.

Want to burn more calories? Get off three stops before your house and walk, refuse the elevator, take a walk before going to bed. Trust me, these are years of proven ways to burn more calories.

14. You will learn a lot more about your metabolism if you keep track of what you eat, what you do and your weight.

The best way to understand how metabolism works is to keep track of what you eat, what you do (physical activity) and your weight.

Observing how your body weight changes depending on what you eat and what type of physical activity you engage in will help you determine what changes you need to make to get closer to your desired result.

15. If it seems to you that you are doing everything right, but there is no result, consult a doctor

Metabolism and your ability to gain, lose and maintain your weight is much more complex than just controlling your calorie intake and expenditure and exercising.

Many factors affect the metabolic rate. You can eat right, exercise actively, but problems with the thyroid gland, hormones, or banal heredity will spoil the whole picture. Therefore, if you see that something is going wrong, consult a doctor, get tested to understand where the weak link is in your body.

And remember: you are different. And your metabolism.

Celebrities often surprise the public with their stunning appearance. But few people know how much effort they put into this. How do celebrities keep fit? ZdravCom learned the diet recipes of seven famous beauties.

Text: Shelena Yarukhina

Stars are always in public, whether they're in movies, on talk shows, or walking the red carpet at a premiere. They cannot afford to be indifferent to their appearance. After all, their income ultimately depends on how they look.

As a rule, every celebrity has his own secret of how to support themselves. Usually this is not just for weight loss, but whole program, including a set of training and diet. ZdravCom found out the secrets of the diet of Hollywood stars and famous models.

1. Jennifer Aniston, 43

She captivated the audience not only with her delightful sense of humor Jennifer Aniston, star of the popular television series Friends. Fans believe that she has the sexiest body in Hollywood. It is no coincidence that her photographs adorn the covers of numerous glossy magazines.

40% daily allowance calories come from carbohydrates. She receives carbohydrates from non-caloric foods - fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes;

30% are proteins. As a rule, these are lean meats (chicken, turkey), fish, tofu and low-calorie dairy products;

At each meal, Jennifer chooses food that provides the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In her opinion, this contributes to hormonal balance and maintaining optimal weight. As for, in addition to cardio training, Jennifer does yoga. According to the actress, it was yoga that helped her overcome the gap with Brad Pitt.

2. Kate Hudson, 33

Starting filming for the new movie Keith Hudson it was necessary - during pregnancy, the daughter of the "Oscar-winning" Goldie Hawn gained 24 kilos.

Kate replaced her usual diet. She ate food with high content protein, but in small portions. The diet was supplemented by classes in the gym, which included strength training and cardio exercises. And although after the birth of the child, Kate had a hard time, she lost it in just four months! In addition, she also pumped up the muscles that many in Hollywood envy.

3. Oprah Winfrey, 58

As the most successful TV presenter in the world, Oprah Winfrey forced to maintain its physical attractiveness for millions of viewers. Agree, TV star with overweight- this is quite a rarity. It's no secret that Oprah was one of them for many years. However, not so long ago she brought her own and now, thanks to the diet, she looks much younger than her years.

Oprah's Secret: Forbes' Most Influential Celebrity of 2010 works out five times a week - she spends half an hour on the treadmill and then does strength exercises. Her eating strategy is simple: beans, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, chicken, and low-fat dairy are good, while white sugar and flour products- this is bad.

After seven in the evening, Oprah does not eat anything at all - neither healthy nor harmful foods.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow, 40

It would seem, why does this slender blonde, who has an Oscar and several professional awards in her luggage, need a diet? However, Gwyneth carefully follows a nutritional strategy similar to Oprah Winfrey. Like a telediva, she also excluded flour and white sugar from the diet.

Being a groupie macrobiotic diet, Gwyneth leans on vegetables and brown rice. If he eats meat, then only lean. But she removed dairy products from her diet. In addition, every day Gwyneth does yoga and fitness. Moreover, in training, the mother of two children works hard so that the sweat flows in a stream.

5. Madonna, 53 years old

Have you been to Madonna's concert in St. Petersburg as part of the Sticky and Sweet world tour? If not, find a record on the Internet and see how it works on stage: 24 concert numbers in two hours - not every performer can withstand such a load! The physical form of the 52-year-old pop star is simply amazing.

Ask how she does it? Madonna has been practicing Ashtanga yoga for many years and follows strict diet, excluding . As befits a real "Material Girl", the singer adheres to a macrobiotic diet, which includes organic food rich in lean protein.

6. Claudia Schiffer, 41

Perhaps this is how you can define the dietary creed of the 40-year-old German supermodel. In the morning, a blonde with a perfect figure (95x62x92) leans on fruits, for lunch she certainly eats a salad, and for dinner she prefers steamed vegetables. Claudia Schiffer's diet is supplemented tomato juice and herbal tea in large quantities.

Today, millions of people suffer from overweight bodies, many do not have the slightest idea how not only to feel young at heart, but also to look young in body at any age.

Such a great tool of nature - fat, which in the past protected people from cold and hunger, now brings suffering to more and more people. more of people. According to WHO, today, every third person on the planet is overweight, and every tenth person is obese. The statistics are relentless and inspire serious concern to scientists who argue that a further increase in these indicators can lead to irreparable consequences for our planet. Each person should think about this and take care of himself and his planet as a whole.

Many people, having overcome the milestone of 35-40 years old, notice changes in their figure: it takes on a rounded shape. What happens to the body? How to keep yourself in shape under such circumstances?

Read this article:

What causes excess fat?

Every ten years, a person's metabolism slows down by 5-10%. The highest peak of metabolism occurs in 20 years, so do not be surprised that with the same diet that you are used to since your youth, you no longer manage to stay slim as before.

Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy. The body uses this energy, but not all of it, some of it is deposited in the liver, muscles and in the form of fat deposits near the internal organs and under the skin.

If you overeat often, these deposits will increase and make your body shape rounder and rounder.

In addition to age, the metabolic rate is also affected by: the state of the thyroid gland, the ratio of muscles and adipose tissue, as well as emotional condition. Men have more muscle tissue and therefore their metabolism is faster than that of women. In addition, the percentage of muscle tissue in the body decreases with age and the metabolism becomes slower.

With age, the body cannot reduce all the calories received from food, as it no longer works at its full potential, and begins to be deposited. adipose tissue and consequently increase in body weight. To help the body cope with the load in the form of excess calories, it is necessary to reduce their consumption by 100 kcal annually.

What to do to keep yourself in shape?

The very first thing to do is to replace too high-calorie high-calorie foods on less high-calorie, but no less useful and tasty. For example, when preparing a salad, reduce the amount vegetable oil from 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon, add low-fat yogurt and compensate for the taste with spices (pepper, lemon juice, greenery). Eat meat boiled, not fried. Add to coffee skimmed milk not cream. Replace mayonnaise in a sandwich with mustard.

After 40 years, the amount of the hormone insulin increases in the body, which causes a feeling of constant hunger. However, constantly chewing something, you give the body more calories than it needs, and all the excess turns into fat and is deposited primarily in the stomach. Extra body fat put pressure on internal organs, disrupt blood circulation and become the cause of many diseases. If the waist circumference in men exceeds 102 cm, and in women 88, then there is a threat diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, etc.

Nutrition for the perfect body shape.

To improve your body, several methods are used, including “metabolic” nutrition, increased physical activity, control of the psycho-emotional state and normalization of sleep.

"Metabolic" nutrition consists in the use of products belonging to the two groups below. The first group of products speeds up metabolism - these are proteins (proteins). To assimilate from the body uses twice as many calories. These products include: egg whites, Fish and seafood, chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit and low-fat cheese.

The second group includes those foods that fill the stomach and cause a feeling of satiety. These are dietary fibers. Every day they should be consumed at least 25-30 grams. The largest number dietary fiber contained in rye bread, oatmeal, legumes, nuts, strawberries, currants, figs, dried apricots, prunes, buckwheat, white cabbage and citrus fruits.

Don't forget about drinking mode. Drink more water, since its lack slows down the metabolism by 3%. But drinking water with ice will make your body burn calories to normalize the temperature.

The right lifestyle to keep fit.

It is very important to have regular physical activity, ideally it should be daily. Every day it is recommended to walk on foot, as well as do exercises to stretch the muscles. 2-3 times a week you need to do strength exercises to build muscle tissue. Each kilogram of muscle burns an additional 50 kcal. As we age, the body loses muscle mass and needs to be replaced.

Also keep track of your psycho-emotional state and avoid chronic stress. The hormone cortisol, which is released by the body during stress, slows down the metabolic process.

Sleep at least 8 hours! During sleep, the synthesis of the hormone melatonin occurs, which renews muscles and speeds up metabolism.

Wants you to be in shape: feel good, have a positive attitude towards life, have good mood and normal weight.

maintenance physical form is a great bonus in life and can lead to you becoming happy and a healthy person. If you keep fit and healthy, you will not only look and feel better, but also reduce the risk of such medical complications like diabetes, heart attack, high level cholesterol and hypertension. There are many useful strategies to keep fit and stay healthy, which, with patience and ambition, you can use.


Part 1


    Start walking, jogging or cycling. Regardless of your speed, walking, jogging or cycling are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle, as they are activities that engage your muscles and stimulate circulation. If you need to save your knees or avoid body pain, then cycling is the best solution.

    • Start with a daily walk, run, or ride that fits your schedule (for example, go for a run every day at 6:00 pm). After some time, you can increase the distance, speed and time.
    • Put in the extra effort to walk more. For example, if you're on your way to the grocery store, try parking at the farthest point from the exit so you have to take a few extra steps to get there.
    • Walk or bike to work/school. If you live close enough to work or school, then a good option Start walking or cycling.
    • If you're jogging, you should run at least a mile to shed fat, but it's important to move at your own pace.
  1. Do sports at home. Not everyone has the time or money to go to the gym, and there is no need to. Doing sports at home is very simple and can bring great benefit. Home exercises include:

    • Push ups . Use your weight as you push off the floor or wall to work on upper body strength.
    • Body lifts. Raises can be done lying on the floor or, in a more advanced technique, with a chair or exercise ball.
    • Yoga. Yoga practices such as head down dog or sun salutation are easy to do on a carpet or yoga mat.
  2. Work out in the gym. If you like the vibe of the gym and can afford a membership, then the gym is a great place to stay in shape.

    • Use cardio and weights, but be careful and never use too big weight. Use small dumbbells and you will see that you move to more weight very quickly.
    • Learn strength training and muscle toning techniques from an instructor or professional.
  3. Join a local sports team. If you're not a fan of the gym or random workouts, then joining a local sports team might be great solution to get outside, move around and have fun! Many cities have sports teams that get together to play on certain days.

    • The most popular city sports are dodgeball, pioneer ball, volleyball, basketball and eternal frisbee.

    Part 2

    Balanced Diet
    1. Get rid of junk food. This is one of the most important components healthy lifestyle. Many people ignore this, but if you exercise and eat a lot junk food then you won't get in shape. This is because junk food turns into fat almost instantly. Junk food contains little or no nutrients but lots of salt and sugar. For this reason, the level of sugar in your body drops after consuming them, and you experience a severe lack of energy. Foods to avoid:

      Eat right. Sometimes, it's hard to stick to a balanced diet if you don't have time to cook for yourself every day. But also find healthy alternatives in restaurants and food deliveries. You will find that healthy and balanced diet can boost your energy and productivity, speed up your metabolism and make you more happy man because you will be consuming the nutrients and vitamins your body needs. Foods to eat:

      Understand the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are carbohydrates that consist of one or two sugar molecules that have a small nutritional value. Complex carbohydrates are made up of a chain of sugars but are very high in fiber and contain useful vitamins and minerals.

    2. Know when to eat. It is really important not to skip meals. Many people think that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but this is not true. In fact, not eating slows down your metabolic rate and can lead to a loss of nutrients your body needs. Here are some examples useful tricks food and snacks, as well as the time of their consumption:

      • Light breakfast: egg whites (you can mix egg whites with vegetables like onions or mushrooms, etc.) with grapefruit and a piece of toast.
      • Morning snack: yogurt with berries.
      • Lunch: salad (be careful with dressing) with protein (grilled chicken or turkey).
      • Afternoon Snack: An apple, orange, or banana with almonds and a scoop of peanut butter.
      • Dinner: lemon baked salmon with brown rice and asparagus.
    3. Drink plenty of water. human body 50-65% water, and you need to replenish its reserves. Your body excretes this water in the form of sweat, so you need to replenish it.

- Oct 19, 2013

So you want to keep yourself in great shape constantly to look at yourself in the mirror and admire your so desired sexual forms. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of the fact that they rejoice at seeing their figure in the mirror - until the ideal, as they say, plow and plow. How to keep yourself in shape all the time, so that after losing weight once, the result is fixed for a long time? Some don't believe it's possible, but it's still worth a try.

There are several tips from experienced fitness trainers that help you lose weight. overweight and then keep fit. It is worth listening to them if you still decide to take care of your figure.

Start living the right lifestyle

Aren't you tired of lying in bed and justifying your laziness by dropping excess weight impossible or very difficult? It's time to get up and take care of your figure and your health. Create an action plan that is worth following rigorously. No excuse is better. Start right now, don't put it off until tomorrow, Monday, otherwise you won't start healthy lifestyle life never.

Start cooking your own food

Not everyone loves to cook. However, in this case It's best to cook your own food. Even if you cook for the whole family, then prepare your own lunch and dinner, which is rich in healthy, fortified food. You will have less desire to eat something harmful to the figure. Yes, and when you cook, your appetite dulls, you eat less than you planned. So cooking is useful from all sides!

Let's start training

How to keep yourself in shape? Find good coach fitness. Really good and experienced. You need an individual training program if the usual ones do not bring results. An experienced trainer will help you choose the right classes, and also help you create a menu that will also positively affect your figure. Do not waste time and energy on self-training if they do not bear fruit - it's just Lost time, exhausted forces, and a repulsed desire to engage in training and lose weight further.

Choosing the right clothes

clothes play great importance for you, your figure, your image. Do not assume that clothes should just warm. It should, but it still should emphasize the dignity of the figure. Clothing is like a candy wrapper. If the wrapper is so-so, you will never buy these candies, even if they are insanely delicious. So are clothes. Pick one that highlights your strengths and hides your weaknesses. In addition to the fact that the clothes will sit chic on you, they also motivate you to go further in achieving perfect figure. It helps a lot of people to buy clothes one size smaller in order to more strive to lose weight before it and look irresistible.

Do not be afraid of strength exercises

Such exercises often help burn more calories. Do not be afraid to sip weights and dumbbells, only, of course, without fanaticism. It is better to discuss the variety strength exercises with a coach. Loads, as a rule, help to burn accumulated fat faster.

Combine cardio with strength training

This will not only help you lose weight faster, but your heart will also be healthy. However, before starting cardio workouts, make sure that your heart is allowed such loads. Combining such workouts, you kill two birds with one stone - both healthy and beautiful.

Set the number of lessons per week

Distribute your time. In order for the workouts to be effective and bring the desired result faster, they must have a duration of at least 45 minutes, and the more often the better. Minimal amount workouts per week should be at least three. If you want to lose weight faster, pump up your figure, then the number of workouts should be 4-5 per week. Find time for yourself, because 45 minutes a day is not so much, and your figure certainly deserves it. By the way, plentiful workouts that are combined with healthy diet, will help you lose up to five kilograms a week. After all, it's worth it!

It's only seven simple recommendations from famous fitness trainers around the world. These tips have already helped many people to find beautiful figure. Whether or not you listen to advice is up to you. If you still listen, then to the question of how to keep yourself in shape, you will have an unequivocal answer - follow the seven simple rules. Start today, and tomorrow your figure will begin to change for the better.

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