Inguinal lymph node inflammation. Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women: the main symptoms. Why are the lymph nodes inflamed in women

Inguinal lymphadenopathy is characterized swollen lymph nodes and a number of discomfort. But by identifying the first symptoms, determining the type of disease and stage, you can start treatment on time and not suffer from the consequences.

Below we define the etiology, causes of the disease and features of diagnosis. This will give a chance for a quick cure or early prevention of the disease.

What is lymphadenopathy?

You also need to know distinguish lymphadenopathy from lymphadenitis, since in the latter case the patient suffers from inflammation of the lymph node and purulent discharge from it.

Infection occurs through pathogenic microviruses. Usually the process develops along with lymphadenopathy, but has pathological differences.

The main symptoms will then be:

  • swelling of the lymph node;
  • Redness and burning;
  • rashes;
  • Heat;
  • Rapid breathing;
  • Tachycardia.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct a series of tests and determine the cause of the inflammation.

Watch the video, what does lymphadenopathy look like on an ultrasound examination:

Features of the disease in the groin area

Since the pathological process in the body provokes lymphadenopathy in the inguinal region, the disease can have several forms.

There are primary and secondary forms. Primary is characterized by the appearance of infections due to the ingress of microbes. The second form develops against the background of a general lesion of the body, inflammation and lymphadenitis. Inflammation begins in one part of the body.

Inguinal lymphadenopathy has a pronounced character, is easily palpable and causes discomfort. The main sign of the onset of the disease is a frequent cold, inflammation of the nasal pharynx and reduced immunity.

Particular attention should be paid to the association of inflamed lymph nodes into one node, which is often called a conglomerate. After all, this phenomenon often speaks of the development of oncology, metastasis, tuberculosis. Therefore, if suspected, patients are additionally prescribed biopsy analysis.

If there are several small seals, which often happens with children, then we are talking about the defeat of the cardiomyocardial lymph nodes.

They are accompanied by pain, pus, crunch when you press them.

All this says about the development of phlegmon when the spaces between the cells become inflamed, which leads to the melting of the lymphatic tissue. You can get rid of this only with the help of surgery, a long course of antibiotics, immunostimulants and radiotherapy.

It is also necessary to divide lymphadenopathy by forms into the following:

  1. Local when inflammation develops in one part of the body.
  2. Regional when organs or lymph nodes in adjacent areas are affected.
  3. Generalized in which inflammation occurs in more than three parts of the body. This is the most severe form of the disease.

Doctors divide the disease into chronic and acute form. In the acute form, there is a serious pain syndrome, high fever and swelling. In chronic disease proceeds slowly, without pronounced symptoms, exacerbates during the weakening of the body.

This form of lymphadenopathy develops with genital infections which are almost incurable. Therefore, the inflammation rarely goes away completely.

The etiology of the disease is as follows:

  • Allergy;
  • autoimmune agents;
  • Inflammation and acute infectious lesions.

Often the process develops in the inguinal, axillary region or above the collarbone. If generalized lymphadenopathy is located in the neck, then we are talking about the causes associated with oncology, hormonal disorders.

If the body reacts sharply to infectious lesions, it may develop reactive form of the disease. Then the focus of inflammation is any area of ​​the body, but there will be no pronounced symptoms.

With the flow the form is divided into: acute, chronic and recurrent.

The disease can acquire a tumor or non-tumor form, which is extremely dangerous for human life.

Comparing male and female lymphadenopathy, it can be noted that She has no special distinction.. Although men may experience testicular enlargement, pain when urinating, discomfort with exertion, poor spermatogenesis.

Women, on the other hand, have such specific manifestations:

  • Decreased libido;
  • Change in the genitals;
  • Discharge of pus from the inguinal region;
  • problems with menstruation;
  • breast augmentation;
  • The appearance of seals in the groin.

Women usually suffer from generalized lymphadenopathy, because the foci of inflammation are located not only in the groin, but also in the chest and abdominal region. That's why the disease can be detected faster.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of lymphadenopathy are also divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases include:

Non-infectious include: cancer of the lymph nodes, a foreign object, metastases from oncology in the lymph nodes.

It is possible to determine the cause of the appearance only after a series of tests in the hospital.

Symptoms of inguinal lymphadenopathy:

  • Swelling of the lymph node and tissue around it;
  • Pain in the focus of inflammation;
  • Weight loss;
  • Heat;
  • puffiness;
  • Eruptions and burning;
  • and liver.


Need to diagnose only in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor, even if only a couple of persistent manifestations are observed. This will eliminate the risk of recurrence or the transition of lymphadenopathy to a chronic form.

Usually the patient goes through such studies:

  1. Visual inspection;
  2. Cytological and biochemical analysis of blood;
  3. Analysis for the presence of AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections;
  4. Ultrasound or tomography;
  5. Examination of the chest and abdomen.

If the reason lies in non infectious disease, such as oncology, then the patient may be additionally assigned x-ray, computed tomography, general urinalysis.

It is also worth getting advice from an oncologist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, urologist.


When prescribing treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient: gender, age, state of health, form and stage of the disease, anamnesis and general manifestations.

In the doctor's office

After diagnosing and establishing the cause of inflammation, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  1. Medical treatment is usually required if the cause is an infection.
  2. With cancer or metastases may require surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
  3. Occasionally, a combined technique using traditional medicine is allowed. But before that, you need to consult a doctor.

Standard course of treatment- This is radio or radiation therapy, a general restorative therapy for raising immunity. If the treatment is not effective, then it is necessary to resort to surgery to remove the lymph node.

Sexual infections often lead to relapse Therefore, it is very difficult to completely get rid of the disease.

If lymphadenopathy is accompanied by the release of pus, then the patient may be prescribed operation with opening, cleansing the wound. Next, you need to go through a course of antibiotics to prevent relapse.

The initial stages of the disease are most easily cured, when warming up, warming compresses and physiotherapy are enough. The most difficult thing is in the presence of tuberculosis or syphilis, because therapy can last several years. Then Ftivazid, Ethambutol, PAS are used.

In the presence of infections and streptococci, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. They are selected according to the type of bacteria, the severity of the condition.

Folk remedies

The effect in the treatment of lymphadenopathy with folk remedies is small, but in combination with medicines, radiotherapy can achieve real results.

Such recipes are effective:

  1. echinacea tincture, which is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one. Next, you need to moisten the gauze in tincture and apply to the inflamed lymph node, and then wrap it with a bandage. This relieves inflammation.
  2. beetroot juice you can take it orally or make compresses, which will relieve swelling, cleanse the body of toxins.
  3. White tincture used in complex therapy. This will require one tablespoon of grass, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over a fire for about 15 minutes. Next, you need to cool the broth, add two more glasses of water and take it three times a day.
  4. parsley and its juice relieve swelling, are considered an antiseptic that improves immunity. This is due to the high content of vitamin C.

Before using traditional medicine methods a doctor's consultation is required, you need to pass the personal tolerance test of the components.


You can avoid the disease completely if follow the basic rules:

  • Have a protected sex life;
  • Monitor nutrition and chronic diseases;
  • Maintain immunity;
  • Avoid oral and anal sex;
  • Observe the general rules of hygiene;
  • Come for medical check-ups;
  • Treat inflammation and infections promptly.

Don't forget what you need follow the development of pathological diseases and take immediate care of them.

Lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy are considered common problems that appear due to the development of inflammatory, infectious processes. Do not dismiss the symptomatology, because it can speak about serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rapid diagnosis of lymphadenitis and its treatment will avoid the chronic form of lymphadenopathy, which is rarely completely cured. Medicine does not stand still, but a chronic or advanced form of the disease will be difficult to treat, especially if the cause lies in genital tract infections.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin (groin) in women, the causes of which are varied, occurs with sexually transmitted diseases, but may be a manifestation of other pathologies. To find out the cause of deviations from the norm, you need to consult a doctor.

In most cases, the help of a gynecologist is required, but it is advisable to consult a therapist who will refer you to a specialist, based on the characteristics of the course of the pathology.

Women who have experienced a disease usually do not have problems with how to understand that the immune links have become inflamed, since specific signs are hard to miss.

The process steps are:

  1. Catarrhal, in which there is soreness of the formations, not accompanied by their increase. Discomfort occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels and increased local blood flow.
  2. Hyperplastic. It is characterized by the fact that the pathogen multiplies in the lymph nodes, which leads to an immune response. The permeability of the vascular wall increases, exudate accumulates between the cells. Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes of women with a hyperplastic form is accompanied by an increase in formations, which allows them to be felt under the skin. If neighboring tissues are involved in the process, then the skin of the affected area turns red.
  1. Purulent-necrotic, which develops with untimely or improper treatment. Harmful substances produced by dead microbes have a destructive effect on cells, which leads to the formation of a cavity with pus.

As a result of damage to several glands at once, manifestations of intoxication occur. The rupture of the capsule and the release of exudate into the abdominal cavity can lead to serious complications.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women: what could be the cause

Most often, pathology develops as a result of:

  • oncological diseases (when atypical cells multiply, several groups of lymph nodes become inflamed at once);
  • activity of coccal microflora;
  • tuberculosis;
  • viral infections, especially rubella, herpes and measles;
  • candidal lesions of the vagina;
  • inflammation at the surgical site;
  • blows and injuries of the inguinal region;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • kidney or gallbladder stones;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • fungal infections of the lower extremities;
  • hypothermia;
  • HIV infection (in this case, other lymph nodes increase);
  • pregnancy (which is caused by a natural decrease in immunity);
  • venereal diseases.

Formations that have undergone mechanical damage increase relatively slowly. In this case, the inguinal lymph node on the right or left may become inflamed. In the case of infectious diseases, there is a rapid growth of lymphoid tissue.

Risk factors for developing the disease are:

  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • psychological problems;
  • the use of certain drugs.

Hormonal causes

The formation of the inguinal region in women is often amenable to changes against the background of hormonal changes due to the onset of the menstrual cycle. In this case, an insignificant change in the size of immune links, their slight soreness, are observed.

These manifestations are considered the norm, and are explained by the immune response to hormonal changes. If they occur outside of the menstrual cycle, then this usually indicates a pathology of the reproductive system and is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node in the groin in women

Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • an increase in local body temperature;
  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • discomfort when walking, physical activity;
  • increase and swelling of immune links;
  • pain during palpation of formations;
  • general fever (in advanced cases);
  • manifestations of general intoxication (chills, weakness, pain in the musculoskeletal system);
  • laboratory - an increase in ESR and leukocytosis.

Inguinal nodes in women who have become inflamed as a result of an oncological process remain painless for a long time. Their sizes slightly exceed the norm. For these reasons, cancerous lesions are often only detected in advanced stages.

With sexually transmitted diseases, the clinic of inguinal lymphadenitis is almost not noticeable, other symptoms of infection are not always observed. To determine why the lymph nodes become inflamed in this case, you need to conduct examinations.

If the groin formations turn red, and severe itching occurs in the affected area, this indicates the development of a fungal infection of local localization. In this case, studies are carried out to exclude other causes of inguinal lymphadenitis.


Only a doctor will tell you exactly why the immune links become inflamed and what to do in such a situation. He will refer the patient to examinations to determine the exact cause of the pathological process.

In order to diagnose inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women, the following activities are carried out:

  • examination of the lymph nodes (not only the groin);
  • examination of general blood and urine tests;
  • pelvic ultrasound;
  • performing CT, MRI and biopsy;
  • biochemical blood test.

Inflamed lymph nodes look swollen, hardened, painful when palpated. There is usually an increase in local temperature. In blood tests, an increase in leukocytes and an acceleration of ESR are traced. Biochemistry indicates an excess of C-reactive protein.

Necessary treatment

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women involves a comprehensive treatment, which is carried out after establishing the cause of the pathology. This means that several drugs are used simultaneously, both for general and external use. Methods of therapy for inguinal lymphadenitis are implemented in consultation with the doctor. Treatment at home with folk remedies is allowed, but only in conjunction with taking the necessary medications. Pathology is usually secondary, that is, it develops against the background of other infectious diseases.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area are usually used in the penicillin series, while the dosage of the drug is determined individually, based on the course of the disease, the patient's body weight, and other features of her body.

In addition, apply:

  • local antiseptics, for example, Levomekol, which is impregnated with gauze dressings, and then applied to the affected areas (any compresses, lotions can not be done with purulent lymphadenitis);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures, in particular, electrophoresis with antibiotics (it is forbidden to use this method for suppuration of formations in the inguinal region).

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women involves a comprehensive treatment, which is carried out after establishing the cause of the pathology. This means that several drugs are used simultaneously, both for general and external use.

Remember! It is forbidden to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of women on their own without consulting a doctor.

Previously it was believed that inflamed lymph nodes should always be removed surgically. However, today this method of treatment is not used, because after it there are undesirable phenomena:

  • the spread of microbes and harmful substances through the lymphatic system, due to the lack of immune links;
  • swelling;
  • lymphostasis.

The operation is indicated for purulent damage to the immune links. The essence of surgical intervention is to drain them under sterile conditions, followed by the appointment of antibiotics.

If the lymph nodes in the groin are inflamed in women with oncology, then chemotherapy drugs are used. Irradiation of small areas of the body is popular, which effectively fights cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. Cancer is best treated in its early stages, so its timely diagnosis determines the prognosis for the patient.

How to treat inflamed lymph nodes with folk remedies

Therapy with folk remedies is practiced only in conjunction with the methods of official medicine. You can use various herbs after the approval of the doctor and in the absence of an allergic reaction to them.. Folk remedies are most effective at an early stage of pathology.

At home, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Nettle infusion. The composition has an anti-inflammatory effect. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. nettle pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then pass the product through a sieve and take in an amount of 125 ml before meals.
  2. Blueberry infusion. The fruits are crushed and poured with warm water. Drink 1 glass of the composition every time after eating.
  3. Dandelion Root Powder. 1 st. l. crushed raw materials are taken before meals.

Prognosis and preventive measures for women

In the case of timely treatment of the patient, the prognosis is favorable. Preventive measures should be aimed at the elimination of chronic infectious foci, the correct treatment of pelvic ailments, and the prevention of infection with sexually transmitted pathologies.

Significance in the prevention of inguinal lymphadenitis is given to proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is important to strengthen the immune system, and if injuries appear in the inguinal region (including on the pubis), treat them in time.

In women, inflammation of the inguinal lymph node often occurs, but it can be cured. The main thing is to identify the cause of deviations from the norm and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is an inflammation in the groin of the lymph nodes that has occurred through the invasion of infection through the lymphatic vessels.

Most often, the first signs of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women are symptoms such as:

  • soreness and swollen lymph nodes in the groin;
  • compaction and redness in the area of ​​​​inflammation;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, increasing with movement or during physical exertion.

The constant pulsating or aching nature of the pain experienced and the "diffuse" enlargement of the lymph nodes may indicate the process of suppuration. With purulent inflammation, chills, deterioration of well-being and increased body temperature are also possible.

The progression of infectious and inflammatory processes leads to the fact that the suppuration process goes beyond the zone of the lymph node, after which the pus begins to spread along the intermuscular space of the thigh, sometimes affecting most of the leg. Such a process causes the development of diffuse acute purulent inflammation of the cellular spaces, called phlegmon.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women: causes of inflammation

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in women in the groin is directly related to the penetration of harmful microorganisms with the lymph flow. The process itself in medical terminology is called lymphadenitis, which can be either infectious or non-infectious.

The most common causes of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women are fungal diseases of the groin and lower extremities, a number of sexually transmitted and genitourinary diseases, and mechanical damage to the skin. Sometimes the process of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes can be triggered by taking specific medications or trauma.

It is worth noting

Infectious inflammation of the lymph nodes in the inguinal region in women can be non-specific, in which several symptoms that are inherent in the clinical picture of a particular pathogen can appear at the same time.

Lymph nodes are a kind of filter in the body that protects vital organs from pathogenic microflora, so inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area in women is a serious reason to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, even if the enlargement of the lymph node seems insignificant.

During pregnancy, every woman should pay special attention to her health, since the immune system at this time is most weakened. The causes of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women in position can be inflammatory diseases such as colds, herpes, tonsillitis. Therefore, first of all, a complex therapy agreed with the attending physician is used to eliminate the main symptoms of colds.

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women: medication and folk remedies

In order to start the treatment of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women, it is necessary to establish the cause that triggered the process of inflammation. To do this, you should undergo a complete examination, including an examination by a gynecologist, passing general tests and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

  • Physiotherapy is used at an early stage of the disease(electrophoresis, tomography and ultrasound therapy) and drug therapy using antibiotics and restorative drugs, aimed at releasing infection, virus and bacteria.
  • Treatment certainly includes the use of immunostimulating drugs in order to strengthen immunity and restore it, since the lymphatic system is very closely related to the immune system of the human body.


Equally important is the creation of rest for the affected area. It is recommended to pay attention to your diet: sweets and caffeine should be excluded from it, and fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, should be added.

Folk remedies can also be used in the treatment of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women at an early stage of development. Herbal infusions can harmoniously complement traditional methods of treatment and speed up the healing process.

In any case, a patient who decides to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin with the help of folk remedies should initially receive such a consultation with a doctor.

The main complications of inflammation of the lymph nodes in women in the inguinal region and indications for surgery

Purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area can lead to necrosis of the tissues surrounding them. It is in order to prevent such complications that surgical intervention is carried out, during which an incision is made in the diseased lymph node with its subsequent disposal of pathological contents.

Drainage of the opened affected cavity during the operation is always accompanied by the use of antibiotic and antimicrobial agents to avoid the attachment of a secondary infection. It should be noted that after such an operation, regular treatment and dressing of the wound by a specialist is required.

If the cause of the inflammation in question is cervical cancer or a malignant tumor, then most likely it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention. Radiation and complex chemotherapy may also be required.

Inflammation of the lymph node in the inguinal region is certainly a consequence of the onset of the disease in the body, which means that attention in the treatment process should be focused not on the symptoms, but on the cause.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin (lymphadenopathy) is a disease that leads to a change and disruption of the normal functioning of the lymph nodes to protect the body, primarily from infectious agents. Nodes of various anatomical regions can become inflamed, and the corresponding lymphatic vessels can also be affected at the same time.

A common cause of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women is the ingestion of a pathogen. The ways in which the infection enters the lymph node can be divided into "external" and "internal".

The external route implies the presence of damage to the skin (wounds or scratches), through which the infection enters the bloodstream. The internal route consists in the reaction of the lymph node to a disease in which the infectious agent entered the bloodstream in a different way (for example, through the respiratory tract or through unprotected sexual contact).

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women and men are divided into several groups, each of which has specific diseases leading to this condition:

1. Penetration of infectious microorganisms directly through lesions on the skin of the buttocks, legs and feet:

  • wounds or scratches due to trauma (including erysipelas) or animal bites (sodoku);
  • skin damage in diaper dermatitis (this is one of the most common causes in childhood);
  • furunculosis - inflammation of the hair follicles on the skin of the buttocks;
  • after BCG vaccination (cases were recorded earlier when the vaccine was injected into the thigh, so now it is only allowed to be injected into the shoulder).

2. Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria that enter the body through the mucous membranes:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • Herpes simplex;
  • Borreliosis;
  • Yersiniosis;
  • Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.

3. Also, lymphadenitis can accompany inflammation in the joints and genitals, cancer.

Common symptoms of lymphadenitis in women and men, due to scratches and wounds of the lower extremities, are:

  • an increase in the size of the lymph node (more than 0.7-1 cm);
  • sensitivity or pain when probing (palpation);
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​​​the inflamed lymph node;
  • an increase in local and general temperature of varying severity.

With skin injuries, inflammation of the lymph node occurs more often on the side of the injury (see photo).

Sodoku(a specific infectious disease) occurs after a bite by rodents, more often by rats. Usually, the first symptoms appear 10-14 days after this episode, and sometimes on the same day.

The disease develops rapidly. Lymph nodes increase in size up to 8 cm, the color of the skin above them is not changed, pain is noted on palpation. The nodes are mobile, rounded, enlarged on the side of the bite. Body temperature can rise above 39°C.

Infectious mononucleosis develops when the Epstein-Barr virus enters the body. With this disease, simultaneously with the inguinal, there is an increase in other groups of lymph nodes (cervical, occipital). Inguinal lymph nodes become large on both sides, starting from the first days of the disease. They can reach 2-3 cm.

A characteristic feature is chains of several nodes. On palpation, they are dense, mobile, their pain is insignificant.

Changes in the skin over the nodes are not observed, although slight swelling may be present. These signs help to easily distinguish infectious mononucleosis from other causative diseases leading to lymphadenopathy.

Cytomegalovirus infection may have a picture similar to mononucleosis: nodes increase in groups. But in the case of this infection, the inguinal lymph nodes, compared with the lymph nodes of other groups, increase less noticeably.

Usually they are not more than 1 cm in diameter, single. When probing - elastic, pain is moderate, the skin is of normal color, there is no edema.

Herpes simplex type 2 as the cause of lymphadenopathy is characterized by moderate enlargement of the lymph nodes. It can be on one or both sides.

The knots are not dense to the touch, they resemble dough in consistency, their mobility is preserved, the pain is average. Inflammatory signs on the skin and suppuration are not observed.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, photo

Borreliosis characterized by the presence of unilateral inguinal lymphadenitis, if the tick bite fell on the lower body or thigh area. The size of the enlarged lymph nodes will be of the order of 1-2 cm, so they are easily detected during a routine examination.

On palpation, such lymph nodes are mobile and painful, densely elastic. The skin above them is of normal color and temperature. Purulent inflammation is not typical for this disease. Simultaneously with the increase in lymph nodes, a strong reddening appears at the site of the bite.

With yersiniosis inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is rare. Several nearby nodes in the groin may be affected, as well. Their enlarged size is small, about 1.5 cm in diameter.

Probing reveals slight soreness, full mobility and elastic consistency.

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis is a sexually transmitted disease. With it, the likelihood of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is very high. There are two options for development:

  • if the infection is mild, then lymphadenitis occurs after 1.5 - 2 months;
  • if the infection is strong, an increase in lymph nodes is observed already 7 days after infection.

With this disease, the lymph nodes become inflamed on one side. A feature is the development of lymphadenitis in several nodes at once. Their consistency at the beginning of the disease is densely elastic, they are mobile. Then the changed nodes are combined into a single conglomerate with a bumpy, uneven surface, which is painful when palpated.

Over this conglomerate, redness and thinning of the skin is observed. In these places, its breakthrough may occur, and pus will be released through the formed defects. This is how a fistula (fistula) is formed, which is characterized by a chronic course.

Erysipelas is a common cause of inguinal lymphadenitis. This is due to the fact that erysipelas are most commonly affected by lower extremity lesions.

The consistency of the nodes in this disease will be elastic, their pain is pronounced, mobility is preserved, there is no cohesion with surrounding tissues. The skin over the lymph nodes is not changed - its temperature and color remain normal.

Syphilis- Another cause of inguinal lymphadenitis. If the entrance gate of a syphilitic infection is on the genitals, then the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin is usually bilateral. This sign can be detected a week after the onset of the disease.

A feature of this lymphadenitis is the absence of classic signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, sharp pain, etc.).

Pathological changes occur in several nodes at once, one of which is larger than the others. On palpation, the nodes are painless, densely elastic, mobility is preserved. The increase in size is average (2-2.5 cm), the shape is oval or round.

Gonorrhea from the very beginning it is always accompanied by bilateral lymphadenitis in the groin. Lymph nodes increase to 1.5 - 2 cm in diameter, dense to the touch, very painful.

Lymphadenitis in gonorrhea is complemented by inflammation of the nearby lymphatic vessels, which, when palpated, look like sharply painful and dense strands.

Features of inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women is most often observed in gynecological diseases:

  • (inflammation of the ovaries and tubes);
  • endometritis (inflammatory lesion of the uterus);
  • peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum covering the uterus and appendages);
  • bartholinitis (inflammation of the glands located in the labia);
  • tumors of the genital organs (especially in older women).

Most of the processes mentioned above are asymptomatic in the chronic form. A woman often does not pay attention to the first episode of the disease and comes to a specialist in an advanced stage.

However, with due attention to health, the pathological process can be detected at the very beginning. For this, a number of diagnostic tests will provide invaluable assistance:

  • vaginal examination;
  • cytological and histological examination of the obtained materials;
  • complex analysis for infections, etc.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin during pregnancy is rare. Most often it is associated with bartholinitis or purulent processes on the skin of the lower extremities. Routine visual examination makes the diagnosis easy.

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of self-detection of one or more rounded formations in the inguinal region, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The absence of signs of inflammation such as redness, pain or fever should not mislead the patient and delay the visit. As it turned out, not all diseases proceed according to the classical "inflammatory" pattern.

So, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men and women is a good reason to get qualified medical advice. However, you need to know which doctor to contact. Depending on the cause of this condition, you may need the help of such specialists as:

  • infectious disease specialist (with obvious signs of any infection)
  • surgeon (if a large abscess is visually determined)
  • oncohematologist (with changes in the blood picture)
  • dermatovenereologist (if there are signs of a disease with sexual transmission)
  • gynecologist (for women) and urologist (for men), etc.

However, if a person doubts which specialist to contact and cannot assume a possible cause of the disease, then one should go to an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and, based on its results, refer the patient to a specialist.

Diagnosis of inflammation

Primary diagnosis will be based on a survey, collection of patient complaints, general examination, palpation, as well as a general clinical blood test.

A competent doctor will ask the patient in detail about leg injuries, unprotected sexual intercourse, whether there were any bites of ticks, rats, inflammatory diseases of the pharynx.

After making the initial diagnosis, additional, specific tests may be required to establish the nature of lymphadenitis:

  • smears from mucous membranes;
  • blood test for antibodies;
  • biopsy;
  • sowing a purulent dressing.

An ultrasound of the inguinal region is effective, giving a good idea of ​​the nature of tissue changes in the affected lymph nodes. If inguinal lymphadenitis is suspected, it is necessary to exclude such an emergency surgical pathology as an inguinal hernia. In this case, the patient must be operated on without delay.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin can be divided into:

  • general;
  • specific;
  • surgical.

General therapy involves the elimination of symptoms of inflammation. To do this, you must follow certain recommendations:

  • the patient is shown bed rest;
  • food should be light, dietary, fatty, high-calorie foods should be avoided;
  • the main drugs are antibiotics, since the most common cause of lymphadenitis is infection. Until the exact cause is identified, broad-spectrum antibiotics may be used.

Additionally, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, vitamins are used, and the body is detoxified. Any heating of the affected area is contraindicated.

Specific treatment consists in eliminating the immediate cause of lymphadenitis, after laboratory diagnostics and an accurate diagnosis.

Usually, for this purpose, it may be necessary to prescribe highly targeted antibacterial drugs, antiviral agents, or the introduction of immunoglobulins in relation to a specific infection.

Surgery rarely done. It is necessary for purulent lymphadenitis, necrosis of the node and nearby tissues. An autopsy is also performed with bartholinitis in the abscess stage. This is done by a gynecologist in a hospital.


The prognosis of inguinal lymphadenitis is favorable, provided that the exact cause of the disease is established and specific treatment is started in a timely manner.

The longest increase in nodes is observed in venereal diseases, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis, complicated by purulent fistula, erysipelas with periadenitis, infectious mononucleosis.

With yersiniosis, an increase in lymph nodes persists for 2-3 weeks, with (without treatment) they will increase for several weeks, and with timely therapy they will decrease quickly.

A less favorable prognosis is typical for oncohematological diseases (blood tumors with damage to the inguinal nodes). The success of therapy will depend on the sensitivity of tumor cells to the selected polychemotherapy.

Prevention of the disease is carried out in several directions:

  • prevention of injury to the skin of the legs
  • timely and thorough treatment of wounds received
  • increase the overall resistance of the body to infections
  • protected sexual contacts.

All photos from the article

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men or women is called inguinal lymphadenopathy. Such a process is observed in connection with the impaired functioning of the lymphatic system, the meaning of which is the production of leukocytes to protect the human body. Common causes of this are sexually transmitted diseases, cuts, injuries with a violation of the skin, viral infections.

After a viral microorganism enters, the inguinal lymph node becomes inflamed. This usually happens due to the excessive activity of a particular viral infection. Various lymph nodes can be affected by inflammation: the cervical, axillary or inguinal region under consideration, with simultaneous damage to the lymphatic vessels adjacent to them.

The way in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the body is classified into external and internal. With external infection occurs through skin lesions in the form of wounds and deep scratches. With the internal, the agent of the virus is introduced into the body of a man or woman by airborne droplets, or during sexual intercourse.

Photo 1. Scheme of human lymph nodes

Causes of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

Conventionally, all causes are divided into a number of groups, which will correspond to certain diseases:

  1. Infections that enter the body through skin disorders (wounds, scratches, cuts, bites). As such are:
  • Diaper dermatitis leading to skin damage (typical for young children)
  • Furunculosis or purulent-necrotic phenomena in the hair follicle of the buttocks
  • Consequences of BCG vaccination. At the moment, the cause is completely ruled out, since the vaccine is administered in the upper arm instead of the thigh.
  1. Bacteria and viruses that have entered through mucous membrane
    • Syphilis
    • Gonorrhea
    • Filatov's disease
    • Pubic herpes
    • and others
  2. Various inflammations in joints and genitals, malignant cancers
  3. Skin dermatitis, such as jock itch

Symptoms and signs with a photo

Consider the symptoms for various reasons for the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin.

Under mechanical action

If an increase in the inguinal lymph node was due to the presence of wounds and scratches of the lower extremities, then its signs will be:

  • The growth of the size of the pathology is more than 8 mm
  • Soreness and hypersensitivity when feeling with fingers
  • Redness of the skin around the affected area
  • Rise in body temperature

Usually, if there is damage expressed on one side of the body, an enlarged lymph node appears on the same side.

In the presence of growth of lymph nodes in the groin area, a pathology such as an inguinal hernia may appear, which can only be removed by surgical intervention.

Consequences of viral infections

Syphilis. A common cause of pathologies of the lymph nodes in the groin area. It is characterized by changes on both sides, usually manifests itself within a week from the moment of infection, there are no redness, swelling, or sharp pains. Several lymph nodes are affected at once, and one is larger than the others. Palpation does not cause pain, the node has an oval or round shape with a diameter of up to 25 mm, compacted and elastic to the touch with good mobility.

Photo 2. Examples of inflammation in men and women

Gonorrhea. Lymph nodes appear on both sides, the lesions are up to 20 mm in size, very dense, with pain when palpated.

Sodoku. In this case, symptoms appear 10-14 days after being bitten by certain species of rodents. Lymph nodes are characterized by rapid development with an increase in diameter up to 80 mm, severe pain when touched and an almost unchanged skin color. In general, the lymph nodes remain mobile, the shape is round. Body temperature reaches 39 degrees.

Infectious mononucleosis. Or in another way, the herpes virus type 4, also known as the Epstein-Barr virus. In the event of infection, along with the inguinal, the lymph nodes of other groups, for example, the cervical ones, can also increase. In the groin, pathologies grow up to 20-30 mm in diameter, often forming whole chains. Not particularly painful, compacted to the touch and easily mobile, the skin is not changed, slight swelling is possible.

Cytomegalovirus infection. Symptoms are similar to herpes type 4, groups of enlarged nodules are clearly visible, but the growth in size is not so strong, on average up to 10 mm.

herpes type 2. Usually seen on one side. On palpation, the inflammation is not compacted, similar to the test, characterized by an average degree of mobility and pain, the skin is not changed, there are no signs of decay

Borreliosis. It appears after a tick bite with this virus, it appears only on one side, the size of the pathology is up to 20 mm in diameter, the mobility is high, the pain is average, the lymph nodes become dense, but elastic, there are no abscesses.

Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis or venereal lymphopathy. Infection occurs with a very high probability during sexual contact, in the future the following course options are possible:

  • With a mild course, the manifestation may occur after 45-60 days from the moment of infection
  • With a strong - after 5-7 days

A unilateral inflammatory process of several lymph nodes at once is characteristic. In the initial period of the disease, the nodes are divided, mobile, dense and elastic. If the treatment is delayed or ineffective, then they are combined into one large irregularly shaped lymph node with tubercles.

When touched, pain is characteristic, the skin is red, inside there are volumes with pus, which appears during breakthroughs. In the future, the formation of a fistula (fistula) is possible, after which the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin of a woman or a man often becomes chronic.

Erysipelas (erysipelas). The ingress of the pathogen of this pathology causes lymphadenitis in the groin area. This is due to the defeat of this infection mainly in the legs, so the closest elements of the lymphatic system will be in the groin.

Lymphadenitis with Roger is characterized by elasticity with a pronounced pain syndrome, the node is mobile and is not soldered to the nearby tissue. The appearance of the skin is normal, there is no increase in its temperature.

Photo 3. Examples of inflammation

Features of inflammation in women

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph node in a woman, unlike a man, often has a gynecological roots, in such cases it is called:

  • Inflammatory process in the ovary
  • Endometritis, pathology of the inner mucous layer of the uterus
  • Peritonitis inflammation of the serous lining of the peritoneum
  • Bartholinitis, an inflammation in the Bartholin's gland, which is located in the female labia
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system is typical for older patients

These pathological changes usually occur virtually no symptoms and are chronic in both men and women. Because of this, the moment of onset, when inflammation of the lymph nodes occurred, is often missed, and the appeal to a specialist comes already in the advanced phase.

In order to avoid delay, early diagnosis can be carried out. This can be done with the help of several tests, examinations and examinations:

  • Vaginal examination
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  • Cytology and histology
  • Comprehensive screening for infectious diseases
Pregnancy is not a factor contributing to groin lymphadenitis. The most common causes are bartholinitis, as well as purulent processes on the surface of the skin of the legs. The latter case is very quick and easy to diagnose visually.

What doctor treats?

If you find one or more round formations in the groin area, then you should not postpone going to the hospital. You should not console yourself without finding some of the usual signs of the fact of inflammation, such as redness, pain when touched or an increase in body temperature, because, as we have shown above, some pathological conditions do not have similar symptoms with lymphadenitis.

In the general case, it is important for both men and women to immediately contact a specialist, but it is important to understand which one. If you are completely lost in guessing the origin of the disease, and the existing symptoms do not say anything intelligible, then you should turn to therapist. A general specialist will conduct an initial examination, then refer you to narrow doctors, or prescribe the necessary tests and procedures.

Usually a person with inflammation of the lymph node in the groin is a "client":

  • infectious disease doctor if there are clear signs of infection with pathogenic viruses
  • surgeon, in the presence of purulent pathological changes
  • Oncohematologist- specialist in blood diseases
  • Dermatovenereologist or venereologist, with venereological diseases
  • Gynecologist, for female diseases
  • Urologist for male ailments

Diagnosis in pathology

Diagnosis traditionally begins with a questioning of the patient, an external examination of the site of the lesion, blood sampling for biochemical analysis. During the interview, the medical specialist will pay special attention to whether there have been recent leg injuries, unprotected sex, tick bites, or any inflammatory diseases. Further diagnosis may require special studies that complement the existing picture, for example:

  • Taking a smear from the mucous membranes
  • Additional blood tests for white blood cell count
  • Taking any tissue for examination
  • ultrasound. Gives a complete picture of the actual changes in tissues and affected lymph nodes.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin

In medicine, it is customary to classify such therapy into: general, specific and surgical. There are no fundamental differences in the treatment of men and women.

With a general, means the removal of the symptoms of the disease in a natural way, helping the body with special preparations. The main principles of this approach are:

  • Bed rest and rest
  • Normalization of nutrition, it should be made more healthy, non-caloric, it is required to exclude fried, fatty, salty
  • The basic therapeutic agents are various antibiotics, which are the elimination of the initiator virus. If it is not clear which pathogenic environment caused the growth of nodes, antibiotics with a broad effect are prescribed.
  • In addition, it is possible to use drugs that relieve inflammation and pain, vitamins. It is important to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body. Various methods of warming up the affected area are contraindicated.

specific therapy differs from the general one in exact knowledge of what caused the inflammation. The doctor receives such information by conducting a wide range of laboratory tests and analyses. The principles of treatment are similar to the general approach, with the exception of the use of specific, narrowly targeted drugs against identified pathogens.

Surgical the approach is quite rare and is prescribed when the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin is purulent, also with necrosis of the lymph node and nearby tissues. In women, surgery is used by a gynecologist for a bartholinitis abscess.

Forecast of recovery and prevention

Inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes is a pathological condition that is successfully treated at different stages, but, as in any other case, tightening does not lead to anything good. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner, establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. The rate of healing may vary.

The longest healing process with a source of inflammation in the form venereal disease, complications with purulent manifestations, the presence of erysipelas with periadenitis, infectious mononucleosis. For example, in the presence of borreliosis, without explicit therapy, an increase can be observed for several weeks.

Both in women and men, the least favorable outcome of treatment is observed in oncohematological diseases, blood cancer and other types of malignant tumors. The outcome of therapy in this case will be affected by the sensitivity of atypical cells to the chemotherapy used.

Prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes includes a few simple rules:

  • Exclusion of various injuries leading to violation of the skin, especially on the legs
  • If the wound did happen, then its mandatory disinfection with iodine or brilliant green
  • Increasing the body's immunity
  • Protected sex with an unverified partner
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