At the AIDS stage, what are the symptoms of a rash. The first symptoms of hiv. Rash in HIV infection of human papillomavirus nature

It appears on the body already in the early stages of the disease. It should be noted that the defeat of the dermis plays a special role in the symptom complex of the immunodeficiency virus. First of all, it is by such signs that the disease can be diagnosed. Therapists or dermatologists begin to sound the alarm when a patient with manifestations characteristic of AIDS seeks an appointment. In the later stages, rashes, neoplasms and ulcers on the body do not always require special clinical studies. So, for example, Kaposi's sarcoma does not require a biopsy or scrapings, since an experienced specialist can diagnose it visually. Skin with HIV in this case has characteristic features. The same can be said about most fungal infections. Consider the clinical manifestations of HIV skin diseases. Photos of some of them are given for visual demonstration.

Fungal skin lesions in HIV infection

These manifestations account for almost half of those infected with the immunodeficiency virus. The most common of these are candidiasis and fungal infections. In the first case, not only the skin of HIV-infected people suffers, but also the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the genital organs. If the infection is in the acute phase, then this disease may be accompanied by vaginitis and vulvitis, which are not amenable to the classical treatment regimen. Fungi of the genus Candida can in this case spread to the inguinal folds. Symptoms of candidiasis are always pronounced. Visually, small rashes are visible on the damaged areas, covered with plaque, the shade of which varies from white to yellow. With inadequate treatment, the disease progresses rapidly. In place of harmless and not causing much discomfort at the initial stage of rashes, erosions and ulcers appear, which are accompanied by acute pain, itching and excessive burning. It is worth noting that such a manifestation of HIV on the body, its photo is presented on the page, is not typical for people without the immunodeficiency virus.

No less common skin diseases in HIV are mycoses. The mycelium of this fungus affects not only the dermis. It quickly spreads to the nail plates, literally corroding them and the skin underneath them. Some disseminated forms of this fungal infection can also spread to the hairy parts of the body, such as the head. Mycotic lichen shears hair from the affected surface, leaving ulcers and erosive damage on their revenge. Such a manifestation of HIV on the skin is characterized by a severe course.

Mycotic lesions of the dermis can be deep. In this case, the patient becomes a victim of chromomycosis or streptococci. The presence of these concomitant diseases indicates a severe course of the immunodeficiency virus and its rapid progression. Such skin manifestations of AIDS require strict control by the attending physician and constant maintenance therapy.

Bacterial manifestations of HIV on the skin

The most common bacterial skin lesion in HIV is staphylococcus aureus. In healthy adults, this disease is extremely rare. That is why, when diagnosing staphylococcus, the specialist has a good reason to send the patient for an additional examination in order to identify the immunodeficiency virus. Alertness in this matter should also be caused by the fact that antibiotics and other antifungal drugs are not very effective and, despite their long-term use, the disease continues to increase.

In addition to such a symptom and skin manifestation in HIV infection (see photo), streptococcus can also be observed in patients with the immunodeficiency virus. Diseases similar in symptomatic presentation in neglected or untreated cases often lead to abscesses. They are characterized by such signs of HIV and manifestations of AIDS on the skin, such as boils, phlegmon, ulcers, and so on. Small neoplasms often appear singly on one or the other part of the body. The initial stage of the disease quickly becomes acute, which is characterized by large foci of rashes. Itching of the skin with HIV infection in this case is a secondary symptom. It can develop with staphylococcus aureus. Most often, patients complain of aching or pulling pain in the affected area, backache. Neoplasms on the skin with bacterial manifestations are always accompanied by purulent processes, which, if not properly cared for, can lead to infection of tissues and blood.

One of the most feared bacterial skin diseases associated with HIV is syphilis. It is also difficult for people without immunodeficiency syndrome, but in this particular case it can cause the disease to progress. The nature and course of this process in non-AIDS-infected people is usually milder. Skin lesions in HIV infection spread rapidly. Syphilis in this case affects such areas of the body as the face, feet, palms. Ulcers resulting from the disease do not heal for a long time. They are difficult to treat. Medicines that help to successfully drown out the signs and manifestations of syphilis are often powerless in infected patients. Syphilis and its symptoms on the skin (see photo) in HIV patients can appear already at the initial stage, actively progressing during the transition to an acute form. Treatment in this case should be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists. At the same time, in addition to potent antibacterial drugs, patients are prescribed to take drugs that support the immune system affected by the virus. A photo of the skin with HIV infection clearly demonstrates the severity of the manifestation of syphilis. Extensive foci, as well as the resistance of this bacterial disease to drugs, can be a serious signal that the patient should be screened for AIDS without fail.

The immunodeficiency virus is a disease that reduces the protective functions of a person and destroys healthy cells. A sign of the onset of the disease is small rashes that spread throughout the body. Over time, other symptoms of the disease, similar to a cold, join. The HIV rash is the hallmark of the diagnosis. If left untreated, he will turn into AIDS with all the symptoms and provoke complications.

Do not think that rashes on the skin are a harmless phenomenon. Any change that manifests externally indicates pathological problems in the body. The appearance of a few rashes requires a visit to the doctor and testing, as this may be a sign of a viral disease.

The rash that occurs with HIV infection in humans appears due to the fact that the number of leukocytes and BCC decreases in the body. Another factor in rashes is a side effect of medications used in wellness therapy. In order not to provoke hives, you should not self-medicate. If the doctor cannot find an analogue, he should warn the patient about side effects.

If you have numerous rashes, you need to be tested for infection. Since it is impossible to suspect whether it is HIV or not on its own. If the blood test is negative, the doctor identifies the causes that provoked eczema. But if the result is positive, a course of anti-HIV drugs is prescribed. To prevent the skin from itching, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

Rashes spread through the body of an infected person if he has a herpes virus that provokes skin diseases, which will be discussed below. Often a symptom of HIV disease is an enanthema, manifested by rashes on the mucous membranes.

What diseases can provoke a rash

Urticaria has a different character, in some people it appears on the body, while in other patients it is possible to count the number of formations on the fingers. If the rashes are not pronounced, they are difficult to notice and this means that the disease is asymptomatic and it is difficult to suspect it. Rashes have a different character:

  1. Mycotic lesions provoked by the reproduction of fungi. The disease develops dermatosis.
  2. Pyodermatitis caused by the defeat of staphylococci and streptococci. With this form, the vesicles are filled with pus.
  3. Spotted rash with HIV appears when the vascular system is affected. Spots of various sizes spread throughout the body.
  4. Seborrheic dermatitis speaks of HIV at an early stage. A distinctive feature is peeling of the skin and severe itching.
  5. Malignant formations that appear during the development of the disease.
  6. A papular rash is manifested by foci consisting of small rashes. This is a common disease provoked by HIV infection. The number of formations from a few pieces to the whole body.

To understand what disease you have, you have to undergo an examination. Rashes with HIV appear not only on the surface of the skin, on the mucous membranes and penis. The first formations appear in a person on the 12-56th day of infection, depending on the immunity of the patient, and last for a long time.

Anantema is a sign of various diseases, one of which is called HIV. When diagnosed, the rash turns red and protrudes from the surface of the skin. The symptoms themselves are unpleasant, as they are accompanied by itching.

How HIV manifests itself in women

When HIV appears in women, the rashes have a different character. The first symptoms are manifested by such diseases:

  • Folliculitis. Similar to acne that appears during adolescence. Rashes are unpleasant for a person and are accompanied by severe itching. Formations appear on the face, back, chest, and eventually spread throughout the body.
  • Impetigo. Flecktens appear, which form in the chin and neck. If the rashes are subjected to mechanical damage, then they become covered with a golden crust.
  • Pyoderma. A rash with HIV appears in the folds of the skin, and if you do not adhere to drug therapy, relapses occur.

What HIV looks like is not easy to answer, since the disease proceeds in patients in their own way. And it is difficult to say how long the rashes last, in most cases they persist forever.

How long do formations last

Diseases can appear at different stages of the disease. But often the symptom can be noticed after a few weeks from infection. A rash with HIV in different parts of the body can develop into a chronic disease and be present on a person's skin all the time.

Formations are practically not amenable to treatment and increase in number over the years. If you do not adhere to drug therapy, the following complications of the disease occur:

  • lichen;
  • herpes;
  • stomatitis;
  • purulent eruptions.

There are times when rashes go away on their own without treatment. This is how an allergic reaction to drugs for an infection develops. Through rashes on the skin, it will not be possible to transmit the disease, even when in contact with them.

How to recognize HIV by rashes

Exanthema is a sign of HIV infection in men and women. But such a symptom indicates the development of various diseases in which the body itches. You can suspect the presence of a diagnosis as follows:

  1. Examine the skin. With HIV infection, the rash in people is red or purple. On dark skin, acne looks more noticeable, as they are dark.
  2. Determine the location of the rash. More often with HIV, small rashes appear on the torso, arms, chest, and neck.
  3. Take a look at yourself. Other symptoms of HIV infection: fever, weakness, aching bones, loss of appetite, ulcers, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, swollen lymph nodes.

A distinctive symptom of HIV disease is the instant spread of the rash throughout the body. In a week, you can completely cover yourself with red spots. Skin rashes spread over large areas, rarely there are few of them. Symptoms indicate the development of a cold. And in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage, you need to take tests and consult a doctor.


People diagnosed with HIV are interested in the question: can or not, rashes go away with time. They persist forever, but the doctor prescribes treatment to prevent new formations. In some people, rashes are replaced by white spots on the skin, indicating an infectious disease.

For recovery, the doctor prescribes antiviral agents that prevent the development of HIV infection. Antibiotic-based ointments are used to prevent new spots. Streptomycin ointment can be called the best remedy. Patients ask this question: can the rash be cured? In most cases, this fails.

Traditional medicine for the fight against HIV disease has also proven itself. Use it for a comprehensive recovery. You can prepare a remedy and rub it on the skin where the rash appeared.

  1. Grind the leaves of St. John's wort to a state of powder.
  2. Mix Art. a spoonful of a plant with 0.5 liters of vegetable oil.
  3. Place the product in a container and close tightly.
  4. Leave for at least 2 weeks.
  5. Use.

Do not self-diagnose. If you have spread rashes on your skin, it’s too early to put a “sentence” - HIV, because there are many other diseases whose symptom is rashes on the body. It is recommended to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. It is necessary to adhere to complex treatment to prevent relapse.

HIV is a serious disease that can manifest itself in many different ways. So, for example, with the disease we are discussing, a rash of a different nature may appear on the skin, accompanied by characteristic spots. What this can mean, and how dangerous these rashes are - read on.

Types of rashes

Rashes with HIV infection can be of a completely different nature, but, as a rule, three types of these lesions are distinguished:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Neoplastic.
  3. Variations of dermatoses of an ambiguous nature.
Photo of a rash with hiv infection

In most cases, a vivid manifestation of the above lesions appear at 2 to 8 weeks. The patient will also see such an unpleasant phenomenon as a rash. It must be understood that with a disease such as AIDS, any secondary diseases can be severe.

Infectious skin problems

Not many people know what exanthema is. This is any skin rash that has a viral infection as its source, especially characteristic of AIDS. It affects the mucous membrane and has an endogenous and exogenous character in its structure. The symptoms that accompany this type of rash are as follows:

  • lymphadenopathy - a human condition in which the lymph nodes increase;
  • fever;
  • increased sweating.

Dermatological formations

  • rubrophytia;
  • inguinal epidermophytosis;
  • lichen.

All together, this is a lesion of a mycotic nature, which spreads quite quickly throughout the body and is difficult to treat.

In the photo, a rash in a patient with AIDS

It is worth noting that in people with HIV infections, skin problems are difficult to treat, as well as other diseases. Due to the already existing lesion, other diseases take root quite well. This is facilitated by a weakened immune system. But back to the above formations. As for rubrophytosis, it has quite different symptoms for HIV infection, depending on the specific organism, but, in general, the symptoms can be expressed as follows:

  1. exudative erythema.
  2. Injuries of the palms and feet.
  3. Seborrheic dermatitis.

Flat papules with numerous reproduction patterns.

Onychia, paronychia

As a separate fact, I would like to take out multi-colored lichen, which manifests itself at the initial stage in the form of spots, gradually transforming into a rash, which is similar in appearance to papules. As for the size, these are spots with a diameter of about 5 cm.

General symptoms

As we noted earlier, each organism reacts to the disease in different ways, due to the level of strength of its immunity, but for the most part, you can observe: high temperature, diarrhea, inflammation of the tonsils, pain in the muscles, inflammation in the lymph nodes , a pronounced rash and a rash itself. This is what the disease will look like. Also, on the body, the patient can see the occurrence of such a formation as a rash. Often it is confused with syphilitic roseola, or rashes with measles. We must pay tribute, there is a very large similarity.

As we noted earlier, the focus of the lesion is the body, mainly the neck, face, back.

The duration of this disease is from 3 days to 3 weeks.

Herpes and other skin lesions

A separate species would like to endure herpes, or in other words, skin lesions. It is erroneously believed that this disease is rare in HIV-infected people, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. As a rule, herpes occurs near the mouth or on the genitals, and may even be accompanied by some kind of exacerbation, in which non-healing ulcers develop at the site of the rash. It is worth noting that this type of herpes is called simple, but its treatment is very difficult, since it is complicated by constant relapses, possible remissions, and severe pain.

Herpes zoster is also isolated, which may be the only visible manifestation of HIV infection. Interestingly, herpes zoster is typical for people with fairly strong immunity. The source of this disease is stable lymphadenopathy. There are also frequent relapses.

Skin lesions can also include pyoderma, accompanied by the appearance of follicles resembling acne or teenage acne.


Kaposi's sarcoma has an infected disease in its structure and is divided into two categories: visceral disease and dermal. The symptoms of this disease are:

  1. The defeat of people belonging to the category of young.
  2. The healing process is very difficult.
  3. Atypical distribution.
  4. Pronounced formation in the form of spots or rash.
  5. It progresses rapidly and affects the internal organs.

Features of acne with AIDS

Pimples or acne are not some unique disease, but the patient may not even suspect that he has AIDS, while the formations on the face and body clearly signal this. As a rule, black dots or blackheads are the first signal to see a doctor. Especially if their hatchability and treatment constitute some inexplicable difficulty. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this type of education spreads quite quickly and affects healthy parts of the body, of course, it will look far from unpleasant. And, finally, we must not forget that people with AIDS endure everything much more difficult and painful.


In the photo, the manifestation of a rash with HIV in men

We have noted many existing diseases regarding skin formations and diseases such as rashes, but the treatment itself must also be taken into account. Undoubtedly, it is very difficult and takes a lot of time and effort, but treatment must be done, as there is a chance to get rid of the above-mentioned diseases.

In addition to traditional and cosmetic preparations, there are a huge number of methods of treatment. First of all, you need to go to the clinic and get tested. Further, doctors will do everything to strengthen and maintain your immunity, since the main problem is precisely in it. For example, antiretroviral drugs have the ability to maintain immunity in the state in which it is needed. Directly for treatment in this case is used:

  • antiviral drugs that slow down the development of HIV infection;
  • medicines, the purpose of which is to stop opportunistic diseases.

It is worth noting that thanks to the above means, life expectancy increases many times over and at the same time, which is very important, well-being rises significantly due to the maintenance of immunity in perfect order. Of course, the process of treatment is not the most pleasant activity, but it will help you in your difficult condition with AIDS. The most important aspect, perhaps, is how quickly you find the problem and go to a specialist. That is why it is important to consult a doctor at the first suspicion. Speed ​​matters in this case.

According to the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (Joint United Nations Program in HIV/AIDS), there are 34.2 million HIV-positive people in the world. We are currently recording an increase in the number of infections worldwide. 4.5 million new diagnoses are added each year. However, thousands of infections still go undiagnosed because people cannot or do not want to know about their disease.

One of the visible manifestations of HIV is a rash and spots on the body, which clearly signal the presence of an infection.

Despite extensive research and the constant acquisition of new knowledge about this infection, the awareness of experts and the general public is still insufficient. Even long-term programs of prevention, education and promotion are not able to stop the increase in the number of infected people.

The number of patients is increasing, and not only at the global level, but also at the regional level. The actual number of people infected, however, can only be guessed at...

In the context of the study of the progression and course of infection, attention is also paid to research on the development of medicine in this direction. Despite the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy, which leads to a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality, it has not yet been possible to eliminate the infection.

With effective treatment, it is possible to significantly extend a person's life, the duration of which is comparable to the life expectancy of HIV-negative individuals.

The care of HIV-positive people, in addition to treatment, includes a wide range of activities related to the diagnosis and treatment of comorbidities, requiring interdisciplinary collaboration between medical and social institutions.

It is necessary to constantly expand and deepen knowledge about this infection, which should contribute to the improvement of diagnosis and treatment.

Skin manifestations in HIV

Along with other signs, skin diseases in HIV are also quite common. In addition to such a phenomenon as urticaria, other skin lesions may occur. What kind of rash, pimples on the body are typical for AIDS / HIV, where is the rash with HIV infection localized, and what does the skin look like with HIV? Let's see what kind of rash can occur with HIV.

Staphylococcal folliculitis

Occasionally occurs in HIV-negative populations.

Etiology: Staphylococcus aureus.

Manifestations: small pustules, especially at the point of growth of hairs on the body. Predominant lesions where pimples and skin rashes appear include the head, torso, and sweat gland sites.

Diagnosis: clinical features, smear cultivation.

Differential diagnosis: it is necessary to exclude such diseases as pityrosporal and eosinophilic folliculitis, urticaria.

Treatment: topical application of Bacitracin, Clindamycin.

Bacterial angiomatosis

The disease occurs rarely, mainly in people with moderate and severe immunodeficiency. The disease has a chronic course.

Etiology: Bartonella henselae, Bartonella quintana.

Manifestations: red to brown spots or papules occur in various locations, sometimes flesh-colored nodules or bruises. Itching is often present. Common symptoms include fever, chills, and weight loss.

Diagnosis: clinical picture (appearance of characteristic lesions), biopsy.

Differential diagnosis: it is necessary to exclude, in particular, Kaposi's sarcoma.

Treatment: Erythromycin (or other macrolides), therapy continues for two weeks to a month. In alternative treatment, drugs such as Cotrimoxazole, Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin may be useful.

oral herpes simplex

It occurs more often in HIV-positive members of the population. Usually, the disease begins with moderate immunodeficiency.

Etiology: herpes simplex virus type 1.

Manifestations: the herpes simplex virus is manifested by the formation of vesicles, mainly around the mouth, can be extensive, continues in a slow course, can be very itchy. Often there is a secondary infection (bacteria, fungi).

Diagnosis: the clinical picture is typical.

Differential diagnosis: it is necessary to exclude vesicular skin diseases, a disease such as enanthema. Urticaria should also be ruled out.

Treatment: treatment with Acyclovir is used for 2-3 weeks. An alternative is Valaciclovir.


It is a relatively common disease, often the first manifestation of HIV infection.

Etiology: Varicella-Zoster virus.

The rash is usually localized, usually in two or more dermatomes.

Manifestations: Similar to symptoms in HIV-negative individuals. In immunodeficient people there are frequent relapses, secondary infection. The disease may be accompanied by erythema and central necrosis. A complication, as a rule, is encephalitis, meningitis, polyneuritis.

Diagnosis: characteristic clinical picture. In case of doubt, additional studies (isolation of virus from vesicles, serological tests) can be added.

Treatment: Aciclovir is the drug of first choice. Symptomatic treatment (analgesics, neuroleptics) is also necessary.

Molluscum contagiosum

A common disease.

Etiology: Virus from the genus Poxviridae.

Manifestations: various parts of the body, face, torso, limbs can be strewn, there are small hemispherical lesions of flesh color, with a concave central part. Sometimes occurs as a secondary infection.

Diagnosis: the clinical picture is usually characteristic. Sometimes microscopic examination of skin formations is required, with the detection of mollusk bodies and the determination of whether there is indeed a manifestation of HIV on the skin.

Differential diagnosis: it is necessary to distinguish Milia's warts in the periorbital region, in more severe cases - skin manifestations of cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis.

Treatment: local removal (most often, freezing).

genital warts

It is a common skin manifestation in HIV-positive people.

Etiology: HPV.

Manifestations: wart formations, most common in the anorectal region. Initially, they are small and painless, later they are enlarged, nodular, sometimes hyperkeratotic. In case of violation of the surface, it comes to the release of liquid and maceration.

Diagnosis: in most cases, there is a clear clinical picture, in case of uncertainty, it is necessary to supplement the histological examination of the lesions.

Differential diagnosis: differences from condyloma (syphilitic condyloma), squamous cell carcinoma.

Treatment: warts are removed, usually by scraping, cryotherapy. In severe cases, deep surgical excision is performed.


These are superficial dermatomycosis caused by dermatophytes.

With this type of lichen, one or more areas of the skin are affected.

Etiology: The causative agents of the disease are, in particular, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes a Epidermophyton floccosum.

Manifestations: ringworm is characterized by the possibility of spreading to the genitals. Ringworm of the extremities can spread to the trunk. Onychomycosis is the most common manifestation of this disease in HIV-infected people.

Diagnosis: In addition to the clinical picture, diagnosis also includes cultures from scarified skin or nails.

Differential diagnosis: In the case of some types of pathogens, urticaria is excluded.

Treatment: Usually, antifungal agents are applied locally: Bifonazole, Clotrimazole, Econazole, Isoconazole and others. In severe forms, therapy can be supplemented by oral administration of Imidazole (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole).

candida intertigo

Compared with mucous forms, it is a less common disease.

Etiology: Candida albicans.

Manifestations: erythematous lesions on moist areas of the skin (axillary, groin, under the breast), there is itching, often scales. A frequent occurrence is represented by anal itching.

Treatment: for therapeutic purposes, the use of local and general antifungal agents has been successful.

Skin manifestations of systemic mycoses

In the case of the spread of cryptococci and histoplasm, skin problems similar to those of Molluscum contagiosum may occur. With disseminated cryptococcosis, papules appear on the body and face, like urticaria, but pale, of different sizes. Sometimes erosion is observed on the oral mucosa.

Disseminated histoplasmosis is characterized by pink to red papules, like urticaria, which may ooze. They occur on the trunk and limbs.

Seborrheic dermatitis

It is the most common disease diagnosed in HIV-infected people, especially before the development of the AIDS stage.

Etiology: not known, involvement of Pityrosporum ovale is considered.

Manifestations: affected areas of the skin appear on the trunk, on the face and in the hair. Localization is clearly defined, in the scalp - it is flaky. Affected areas on the body, as a rule, tend to merge.

Diagnosis: the disease is determined mainly on the basis of a typical clinical picture. Examination of scabs often confirms the fungal origin of the infection.

Treatment: Ketoconazole is used (the minimum duration of the therapeutic course is 2 weeks), topical steroids containing salicylic acid (1-3%). The disease often recurs.

In all manifest forms of HIV infection, skin and mucosal lesions are common clinical manifestations (they can regress, reappear, be replaced by one another, give combinations, and eventually become common with a severe course). A reliable clinical sign in the recognition of AIDS is Kaposi's sarcoma (in 1/3 of patients).

Kaposi's sarcoma

The characteristic clinical signs of Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS are distinguished: young age; bright color and juiciness; localization (head, face, neck, torso, oral cavity, genitals); rapid dissemination; damage to the lymph nodes and internal organs. Visceral type of Kaposi's sarcoma. Initially, the internal organs are affected (especially the digestive organs), and the skin and mucous membranes are secondary. External manifestations are few and localized in the oral cavity on the hard palate and in the genital area. Juicy, cherry-colored nodules are formed with petechiae and telangiectasias on the surface. Later, external manifestations become disseminated. Dermal type. The skin and mucous membranes are primarily affected. Rashes are located on the head, neck, upper body and other areas of the skin, as well as on visible mucous membranes. The primary localization of the rashes are the shins and feet. In the future, the rash spreads throughout the skin with the formation of massive conglomerates and the involvement of internal organs in the pathological process. Thus, at a certain stage, the difference between the visceral and dermal types of Kaposi's sarcoma is erased. As a rule, the defeat of the lymph nodes accompanies both types, and often acts as the debut of the disease.

Fungal diseases (rubrophytosis, candidiasis, athlete's groin, versicolor versicolor)

Characteristics: rapid generalization, including the scalp, face, hands and feet; persistent course and resistance to therapy; frequent relapses.


It can manifest as erythema multiforme exudative, seborrheic dermatitis, palmoplantar keratoderma. Numerous flat papules appear. Onychia and paronychia are formed. Microscopy reveals a large number of mycelial filaments.


Appears at any stage of HIV infection. Isolated spots are formed, prone to dissemination, infiltration and lichenification and reaching sizes up to 20-30 mm in diameter.


Occurs in young people (usually men). The mucous membranes of the mouth and genital organs, the perianal region are affected. Extensive painful foci are formed, prone to erosion and ulceration. Candidiasis of the oral mucosa extends to the area of ​​​​the pharynx and esophagus. Difficulty in swallowing, burning behind the sternum, pain during meals are noted. The red border of the lips, corners of the mouth, perioral region, inguinal folds and nails are affected. The possibility of generalization of the process is not excluded.

Viral diseases of the skin and mucous membranes

Lichen simplex

On the edematous hyperemic background of the skin and mucous membranes, numerous painful vesicles appear (up to dissemination) with localization in the oral cavity, on the genitals in the perianal region. Characterized by recurrence, a tendency to erosion and ulceration. In smears-imprints from the surface of erosions, Tzank cells are found. Frequent relapses cause long-term healing of painful erosions. Difficulty eating. Rashes can spread to the pharynx, esophagus, bronchi. Often, the perioral region is affected (may be the primary localization), where extensive foci are formed, covered with massive crusts. There is a tendency of rashes with localization on the genitals and perianal region to ulceration. Ulcers have rounded annular edges, are not prone to healing, and are sharply painful. The possibility of unusual localization is not ruled out - armpits, hands (especially fingers), shins and other areas. There is evidence of damage to the spinal cord. In disseminated forms, rashes are represented not only by vesicles, but also by papules covered with crusts. Often, herpetic proctitis develops, in which edema and hyperemia of the rectal mucosa appear with a transition to the skin of the perianal region. Sometimes a few bubbles form against this background. There is extreme pain.

molluscum contagiosum

Rashes are localized in adults on the face (usual localization is the anogenital region). Characterized by rapid generalization with spread to the skin of the scalp and neck. The rash rapidly increases in size, merges and massive formations are formed, after the removal of which relapses are inevitable. Shingles. It develops at various stages of the development of HIV infection. It is often the earliest and only sign (especially among Africans). Diffuse lesions appear with possible generalization. In addition to the main focus, child ones (several dozen) can occur. Rashes are located along the cranial nerves and in the region of the sacrum. Accompanied by severe soreness and leave behind extensive scars. Frequent recurrences of herpes zoster indicate the transition of the disease to the last phase - the AIDS phase.


It is a common cause of various lesions of various organs, tissues and systems, combined with manifestations of other infections. First of all, the adrenal glands and lungs are affected, then the gastrointestinal tract, the central nervous system and the eyes. The skin and mucous membranes are rarely affected. Petechial, purpurous, vesicular and bullous rashes appear. Their localization, number and prevalence are different. Skin lesions in cytomegalovirus are a poor diagnostic sign, especially when the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and central nervous system are simultaneously affected. Vulgar warts. Characteristic is the tendency to increase and spread throughout the skin, densely covering the face, hands, feet, which leads to a painful condition for the patient.

Genital warts

They are a frequent complication and lead to a more painful condition of patients. Localized on the genitals and in the perianal region, as well as in the cheeks, face, scalp. The rapid increase in number and size causes severe complications. After removal surgically or with a laser, relapses are observed.

"Hairy leukoplakia"

The disease is observed only in HIV-infected people. The pathological process is one-sided and is localized on the lateral surfaces of the tongue. There is a painful, rounded, no more than 30 mm, whitish-gray plaque with fuzzy boundaries. The surface is uneven, wrinkled due to filiform growths of the epithelium of the mucosa and outwardly looks like it is covered with hairs (the term "hairy"). It can progress and spread to the entire surface of the tongue and buccal mucosa.

Pustular diseases

As satellites of HIV infection are numerous and varied. Staphylo- and streptococcal pyoderma are observed. More common are folliculitis - they become similar to juvenile acne (acneiform folliculitis) and various forms of impetigo.

Acneiform folliculitis

In the early stages of development, they are similar to juvenile acne and are localized on the face, in the back and upper chest. Later spread to the trunk, shoulders, thighs, perineum and other areas of the skin. Eruption may be preceded by diffuse erythema. Attachment of itching often leads to excoriations and eczematization (especially on the thighs and perineum).

Impetiginous rashes

The rashes are localized in the area of ​​the beard and neck and are represented by conflicts, which dry out and turn into densely located bright yellow crusts. Clinical markers of HIV infection are chronic forms of pustular diseases (vegetative diffuse and especially shacriform pyoderma).

Vegetative pyoderma

Reminds wide warts. Rashes are localized in large folds of the skin, stubborn and resistant to therapy (antibiotics give a temporary effect, and then in the early stages).

shancriform pyoderma

On the genitals, on the lower lip, buttocks, a rounded, with clear boundaries, erosive and ulcerative defect with a diameter of up to 10-15 mm with telangiectasias and petechiae on the surface appears. On palpation, a dense elastic infiltrate is determined at the base, which goes far beyond its limits. The primary element is conflict, which opens with the formation of erosion (can be transformed into an ulcer). Often accompanied by a false positive Wasserman reaction.

Spotty rashes

Changes in the skin and mucous membranes associated with vascular disorders in most cases have the form of telangiectasias, erythematous and hemorrhagic spots. Combined with other skin and general pathological conditions. Numerous telangiectasias densely located on the chest are characteristic, which often form a crescent-shaped lesion located from one shoulder to the other. Localization is also noted on the auricles, palms, fingers, shins and other areas of the skin. Sometimes telangiectasias are accompanied by erythematous spots. Petechial and purpuric rashes usually develop against the background of a general severe condition due to thrombocytopenia or damage to the vascular walls. Leukoplastic vasculitis, hyperadhesive pseudothrombophlebic syndrome, marbled skin, etc. are described. Seborrheic dermatitis with extensive foci, clear boundaries and unusual localization (shoulders, buttocks, thighs) is common. Acquired ichthyosis. Papular rashes (from single to hundreds). Basal cell epitheliomas (possibility of metastases). Diffuse and focal hair loss.


It resembles acquired ichthyosis in appearance, and dry skin is more pronounced in the face and lower legs.

Reiter's disease

It is observed mainly in manifest AIDS. Occurs rarely. It is characterized by a severe course and the simultaneous presence of three symptoms (arthritis, urethritis or cervicitis, conjunctivitis). In addition, there are circinary balanitis, ulceration of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and genitals, keratoderma of the palms and soles, enteropathy, pronounced destruction of the joints.
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