Antibiotic for bacterial throat infection. Fresh data on absorbable antibiotic throat lozenges. What antibiotics for sore throat can pregnant women

Sore throats are the most common complaint of patients visiting an otolaryngologist, pediatrician or general practitioner.

Often, doctors, without understanding thoroughly the problem, prescribe an antibiotic for a sore throat. Before treatment, the patient must be carefully examined, an anamnesis of the disease taken, tests taken and diagnostic measures taken in full.

The cause of sore throat is the presence of an inflammatory process that affects the tissues of the larynx, pharynx and surrounding organs. It should not be overlooked that inflammation can form not only when the mucosa is damaged by bacteria that are subject to the action of an antibiotic.

An infection can develop due to the penetration of fungi or a virus into the body. Pain in the throat area may occur due to injury (“voice breakdown”, inhalation of hot steam or other substance that causes burns). A foreign body can also cause pain.

The most common causes and their treatment

The most common causes of sore throat are pharyngitis (acute or chronic), tonsillitis, and streptococcal infections.


Pharyngitis occurs in 90% of cases when a viral infection enters the human body. The symptomatology of this disease is an increase in body temperature, the appearance of pain in the back of the throat, perspiration, dry cough, sneezing and runny nose. The antibiotic in this case can only do much harm. Treatment is symptomatic, recovery occurs as soon as immunity is formed to the virus.


Angina develops when an infection, virus or fungus enters the body. Treatment is recommended only after determining the causative agent of the disease. An antibiotic is prescribed for tonsillitis only when bacteria are the cause of its appearance. The acute or chronic stage of the disease develops when viral particles and staphylococci multiply in the throat on the mucous membrane. An increase in their activity contributes to inflammation of the pharyngeal ring and palatine tonsils.

Among the characteristic symptoms of acute or chronic tonsillitis, the following symptoms can be noted:

  1. Increase in body temperature;
  2. The appearance of discomfort and pain in the throat;
  3. The occurrence of swelling and redness of the mucosa;
  4. The formation of purulent follicles or plaque in the region of the tonsils.

With tonsillitis, it is recommended to take an antibiotic, which contains substances such as penicillin, cephalosporin, or macrolides. Which antibiotic is needed for each individual case is decided by the doctor, guided by the results of the culture (microbiological test).

Review of antimicrobials effective in angina

  • Penicillin series:
  • Cephalosporin series:
  • Macrolide series:

With angina, not only antibiotic therapy is prescribed. For more effective suppression of the pathogen, it is recommended to carry out concomitant therapy, which involves gargling with medicinal solutions, the use of compresses and inhalations.

Angina is a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, so contact with patients can lead to infection of the baby. The infection enters the body when sneezing, coughing, using shared utensils or through dirty hands. Not all parents know what a dangerous disease this is. Untreated angina can cause serious disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems.

Angina is a disease, the treatment of which involves taking antibacterial drugs.

What is angina and how does it manifest itself in children?

Angina is an infectious disease accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. The causative agents of tonsillitis are streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, spirochetes, adenoviruses, which are activated against the background of several provoking factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • cold drink;
  • inflammation in neighboring organs, for example, with sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media.

When is antibiotic therapy indicated for a child?

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Many parents delay the use of antibiotics to the last, citing the fact that they negatively affect the intestinal microflora, thereby lowering the child's immunity. However, local therapy of the throat with various tablets, syrups and sprays is not able to overcome the causative agent of angina - streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus.

Purulent tonsillitis caused by these bacteria is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • elevated body temperature to 38-39 degrees for more than 3-6 days;
  • plaque or pus on the tonsils;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Preferred drug forms

The most convenient form of throat medication is a suspension (we recommend reading:). It is easy to drink with purulent sore throat, since swallowing tablets often causes discomfort to the baby. Children under 5 years of age are contraindicated in any other form of antibiotics, with the exception of a powdered tablet, which is taken only in certain cases agreed with the doctor.

At an older age, when the child is able to swallow the medicine himself, he can be given both tablets and capsules, and a suspension. There is no difference between their effectiveness, the effectiveness of the drug is determined only by the pricing policy. Injections, as a form of antibiotic treatment for children, are much less common. In modern pharmacology, preparations in the form of a suspension are no longer inferior to injections either in speed or in effectiveness.

Categories of antibiotics used for angina

With tonsillitis, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics of various drug groups, which include:

  • preparations of the penicillin series;
  • macrolide preparations;
  • cephalosporin drugs.

Preparations of the penicillin series are able to kill bacteria by destroying the walls of their cells. They are a good antidote for streptococcus, which is why doctors recommend them in the first place.

Penicillin antibiotics do not help cure a sore throat only if the child has an allergy or the causative agent of the disease is insensitive to it. To date, these antibacterial drugs are presented in pharmacies in a wide range, since they are highly effective and have few side effects. The best penicillins in the treatment of children from tonsillitis:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin (we recommend reading:);
  • Ampiox.

Macrolide preparations are prescribed in the case when penicillins did not bring the desired result. The advantage of macrolides is the speed of their action. The child may feel better already on the second day after starting antibiotics, and the visible symptoms of sore throat disappear on the third day. The best representatives of the macrolide group are:

  • Azithromycin (we recommend reading:);
  • Erythromycin;
  • Sumamed.

Cephalosparin drugs are considered the most powerful in the treatment of tonsillitis. Doctors resort to them only in the most extreme cases, when the child is allergic to macrolides and penicillins. The most versatile among them:

  • Ceftriaxone (we recommend reading:);
  • Cefalexin (we recommend reading:).

List of effective drugs

The treatment regimen for angina has long been formed by pediatricians. Despite the huge number of new drugs, doctors still trust proven traditional remedies. Their side effects have been minimized, and the effectiveness has been tested on more than one generation. They are the best in the fight against the acute form of tonsillitis.


Sumamed is the well-known name for a broad-spectrum antibiotic that comes in the form of tablets, suspensions, syrups and capsules. The tablet version is indicated for adults and older children. Sumamed is quickly absorbed into the blood, so the course of treatment is three to five days. The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the child and is calculated in the ratio of body weight to the number of milligrams 1:10.


This antibiotic is traditional in the treatment of angina in children. On the shelves of pharmacies, the antibacterial agent Amoxiclav can be found in 3 main forms: syrup (up to 12 years), tablets (after 12 years) or powder. It is necessary to take the drug 2 or 3 times a day in accordance with the doctor's prescription. The daily dose is also calculated by the pediatrician, taking into account the body weight of the child.


Azithromycin is highly resistant to the gastric environment, so its intake does not depend on food intake. The course of treatment with this antibiotic averages 3-5 days. The drug is sold in the form of capsules and tablets, so if necessary, young children are prescribed Sumamed with a similar active ingredient. The medicine is recommended to be taken once a day.


The antibacterial agent Bicillin actively destroys the cell walls of pathogenic bacteria. This antibiotic is used only for injections with a protracted course of a sore throat in a child. It is produced in vials of powder, which is diluted with saline and used for injection. Bicillin is able to destroy all bacteria in the oral cavity 48 hours after the first injection.


Bioparox is a topical drug designed to relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity. The antibiotic comes in the form of a spray. Doctors recommend several injections into the mouth 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy with this drug should not exceed 7 days.


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic of the penicillin series, which is most often prescribed for prolonged sore throat. For a child under ten years old, doctors recommend a suspension that should be consumed 3 times a day. Older children are prescribed capsules or tablets. The dosage of the drug is calculated in accordance with the body weight of the baby.


Ampiox is used in the treatment of tonsillitis in children of any age category. It is available in both capsules and injection vials. Injections with this antibacterial drug are carried out both intravenously and intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy with Ampiox is 7-14 days.


Klacid is a modern antibiotic that is produced in various dosage forms, from tablets to powder. Children are recommended to take the drug 2 times a day. The duration of treatment with Klacid takes at least 10 days. With severe tonsillitis, pediatricians recommend trying Klacid in injections.

Flemoklav Solutab

This antibiotic is sold in two forms - tablets and suspensions. This drug should be taken strictly one hour before a meal or 3 hours after it. With a mild course of the disease, the duration of treatment is no more than 10 days. The daily dose of the drug is usually divided into 3 doses.


This antibacterial agent has an effective bactericidal effect. The drug is recommended to be given simultaneously with meals. Tablets intended for children over 12 years of age are taken once a day. Suspension is indicated for babies older than three months of age. Its daily dose is also divided into 2 doses.


Suprax is an expensive antibacterial medicine that is easily tolerated by the child's body. The antibiotic is presented in three main forms - granules, syrup and capsules. It is aimed at the treatment of inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. The daily dose of the drug is calculated taking into account the weight of the child and is divided into two main doses.

Features of the treatment of angina in children of different ages

An important factor to consider when choosing antibiotics is age. The most difficult disease occurs in infants up to a year. This is due to the fact that there are many restrictions regarding the choice of medicines for young children. At the same time, everyone knows that only timely and effective therapy is the key to a quick recovery of the baby without accompanying complications.

Features of the treatment of babies under 2 years

Any infectious disease is dangerous for babies in the first and second years of life due to the risk of intoxication syndrome. In addition, purulent tonsillitis can provoke very serious complications with untimely or ineffective treatment. Bacteria spread very quickly to neighboring organs, which leads to sinusitis, otitis and other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and ear.

Antibiotics for angina in children under 2 years of age are prescribed in the form of a suspension or intramuscular injection, since a child at this age cannot swallow a pill on his own.

Most often, pediatricians resort to the use of drugs of the penicillin or macrolide group, which include:

  • Sumamed - an antibiotic used in the acute form of throat diseases, otitis media or sinusitis;
  • Augmentin is a medicine that eliminates infectious inflammation in acute or chronic form in the ENT organs;
  • Azithromycin is a drug aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic that accelerates the synthesis of pathogenic cells, as a result of which their death occurs;
  • Amoxiclav is a remedy that prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity (for more details, see the article:).

Treatment of children 3-4 years old

Along with antibacterial therapy, sprays and aerosols for local irrigation of the throat are also shown to children 3-4 years old. From this age, the child can be treated with drugs such as Lugol, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Angal S.

Antibiotic therapy includes:

  • Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Bicillin, which belong to the penicillin group;
  • Pancef is an antibiotic of the cephalosporin group;
  • Erythromycin, Zitrolid, Sumamed, Hemomycin - means of the macrolide group.

Antibiotics for a child 5 years and older

From the age of 5, a child can use antibiotics in any form, be it a suspension, capsules or tablets. The medicines recommended by pediatricians remain the same, only their dosage changes. Parents themselves can choose the form of release of the antibiotic, based on their financial capabilities. Injections are done only in extreme cases, when there is a threat to the life of the child.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy should be carried out, taking into account several basic rules:

  • Treatment must not be interrupted. When prescribing antibiotics, the doctor specifies the duration of the course of therapy. At the first improvements, parents, as a rule, arbitrarily suspend their use. An untreated sore throat is fraught with its dire consequences, so the benefit of interrupting antibiotics is zero, but the harm is colossal.
  • The doctor may prescribe another antibiotic after three days in the absence of visible improvements in the baby's well-being.
  • All parents complain about the impact that antibiotics have on the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Pediatricians therefore usually advise giving children prebiotics (Lactiale, Subalin, Biovestin, Linex), which should not be neglected.

Antibiotics for angina are prescribed according to a certain medical scheme, so the intervention of parents in the course of antibiotic therapy can aggravate the situation and lead to irreversible consequences. If the attending physician has prescribed a ten-day antibiotic therapy for the child, this means that the baby must take the medicine for the entire specified period. Parents are often very afraid of antibiotics, so they tend to shorten the course of treatment.

Antibiotics love the regime, so you need to take them strictly by the hour. If the instructions indicate that the drug should be taken once a day, then it must be taken every day at the same time.

Throat diseases are rightfully on the list of the most common. Many adults and children regularly suffer from them. Treatment of diseases affecting the nasopharynx is different. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for sore throats. But, of course, taking these drugs is shown only in particularly difficult cases.

When are antibiotics prescribed for a sore throat?

Uncontrolled intake of potent drugs is not welcomed by specialists for many reasons. First, antibiotics are intended for the treatment of diseases of bacterial origin. Therefore, with viral diseases, they simply will not be effective. Secondly, the drugs hit the body hard. And taking them when there is no need for it means deliberately harming your own health.

Antibiotic sore throat pills

The choice of a powerful antibacterial drug for the most part depends on which harmful microorganism caused the disease. But an important selection criterion is the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Among the most famous antibiotics that are prescribed when the throat hurts, the following can be distinguished:

What topical antibiotics help with sore throat?

In some cases, benefit can only be obtained from the use of sprays with antibiotics:

  1. Bioparox- a strong aerosol that has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Gramicidin The good thing is that it's not addictive.
  3. Hexoral It is used in diseases of the nasopharynx and is actively used in dentistry.

Everyone has had a sore throat at least once in their life. For some, this condition proceeded easily and recovery came quickly. And others, experiencing excruciating pain, sought help from a doctor and used drugs for treatment.

We will talk about two serious diseases that cause severe sore throat and require the use of drugs for treatment. Our topic today: sore throat medicines, pills, antibiotics.

Causes of inflammatory diseases of the throat

Of the most common causes of the development of acute and chronic diseases of the pharyngeal mucosa, two main ones are distinguished:

Bacteria, viruses, pathogens that cause inflammation.

Poor ecology, polluted air, smoking, too hot or cold food, throat injuries.

The most common diseases that cause sore throat are acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

Acute pharyngitis

This disease appears from the effects of viruses on the upper respiratory tract. As a result of the action of viruses, an inflammatory process occurs. It is characterized by sore throat, general malaise, slight fever.

A sick person feels a moderate pain in the throat, there is perspiration, tingling, dryness of the throat. These symptoms are slightly relieved by eating and drinking. Sometimes an excess amount of mucus forms on the back of the throat, which provokes a cough. In the presence of a bacterial infection, the mucus acquires a greenish tint with splashes of blood. On visual inspection, when the throat hurts, it is almost red.

Drugs for the treatment of the disease

In the treatment of acute pharyngitis, antiseptic (disinfecting), anti-inflammatory drugs are used. They are used as rinses, irrigation. There are also drugs that alleviate the condition - tablets, lozenges, lozenges that dissolve in the mouth.

Herbal preparations are used: Romazulan, decoctions, tinctures of calendula, sage herbs, decoctions of oak bark, etc.

Synthetic preparations: furacilin solution, dioxidine. Medicines have proven themselves well: miramistin, chlorhexidine. Or the combination drug strepsils.
Medicines are used from 4 to 10 times a day. It depends on the severity of the disease and the intensity of pain.

With severe sore throat, anesthetic drugs can be used: tantum verde, strepfen.

With a concomitant bacterial infection, antibacterial agents are used for treatment: bioparox, framycetin. These drugs have a local effect, do not penetrate into the blood. Therefore, they can be used by pregnant, lactating women.

With the phenomena of intoxication, tablets, powders, medicines are used. For example: coldrex, maxgripp, phenylephrine. To increase the body's resistance to infection, vitamin complexes or simply vitamin C are used.

How to use medications, which pills to choose for treatment, should be decided by the attending physician based on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.
On your own at home, you can use inhalations with aromatic oils of eucalyptus, fir, tea tree, grapefruit, etc., use auxiliary folk remedies - infusions, decoctions of medicinal plants for oral administration and gargling.


This acute infectious disease is caused by harmful microbes - streptococci, staphylococci. In this case, an inflammatory process of the palatine tonsils occurs, signs of general intoxication of the body appear.

At the beginning of the disease, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. A person feels general weakness, loss of strength, a significant deterioration in well-being. Angina is often accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, joints, and a headache occurs.
At the same time, there is a strong pain in the throat, dryness of the nasopharynx, rawness. The pain may radiate to the ear, neck area. The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged.

Treatment depends on the type of angina, the severity of its course, the general condition of the patient. Bed rest is required, especially in the early days. With severe sore throat, severe intoxication of the body, treatment in the hospital of an infectious diseases hospital is often necessary.

The basis of treatment is local and general antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics of the penicillin series are used: amoxicillin, augmentin, amoxiclav. Antibiotic treatment is 5 to 7 days. For higher efficiency, treatment begins with injections, and then follows the transition to oral administration of tablets, mixtures and other drugs.

In the future, for the treatment used: strepsils, neo-angin H, stopangin. Effective preparations in the form of tablets: sebidin, pharyngosept, septolete. They are used only against the general background of antibiotic therapy. Along with the use of antibacterial drugs, antihistamines must be used.

In stationary conditions, in severe forms of the disease, drugs from the cephalosporin group are used: cefurabol, fortum. They are used in the form of intravenous and intramuscular injections.

When the throat hurts, all the pills used for treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the pain, prescribe timely treatment with drugs that are right for you. After all, many of them have many side effects, and this must also be taken into account. Be healthy!

Sore throat - a very unpleasant sensation, especially strong, which interferes with swallowing and provokes a constant cough. In an attempt to get rid of this symptom, many people take antibiotics for a sore throat on their own, without even consulting a doctor. Sometimes they help, but more often the uncontrolled use of such drugs only aggravates the situation and leads to unwanted side effects.

Why does my throat hurt

A sore throat can be due to a thousand reasons, most of which are non-infectious. Therefore, swallowing an antibiotic for a sore throat without a doctor's prescription is completely pointless and even harmful. In cases where you can do without it, it is better to use other drugs. Thus, immunity is strengthened, and the risk of adaptation of microorganisms to the drugs used is reduced.

The evolutionary development of bacteria lasts several million years. And they are still alive only because they are able to quickly adapt to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Therefore, if the treatment of the throat with antibiotics is performed incorrectly or not completed, it is highly likely that some of the microbes will survive, but you can no longer take them with these drugs. And then it will be much more difficult to cope with a new wave of the disease.

A sore throat is a sign of severe irritation or inflammation, which can be triggered by external or internal factors. Some of the most common causes of a sore throat are:

Accordingly, before taking antibiotics for sore throats in adults, it is necessary to exclude all possible non-infectious causes for which these drugs are useless.

It is easiest to identify the presence of an acute inflammatory process and determine pathogens in a sore throat with the help of a general blood test and bacterial culture of mucus. If these data are not enough to make a diagnosis, the doctor may ask for an additional examination: X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, etc. And only after the final diagnosis is made, a decision is made to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of the throat.

When is an antibiotic needed?

Antibiotics from the throat are necessary if, according to the results of the tests, the bacterial nature of such diseases is revealed: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, or paratonsillar abscess. In the acute form, they have very similar symptoms, upon detection of which it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate:

If three or more of the symptoms listed above are present at the same time, broad-spectrum antibiotics for the throat are usually prescribed immediately to prevent the possible development of complications. When the results of the examination come, the drug can be replaced with a more effective one or its dosage can be adjusted.

It becomes necessary to use an antibiotic even in the case when, after several days of home treatment with folk remedies, the situation has not improved: the temperature persists, the throat hurts, redness does not go away. Most likely, the patient’s immunity is weakened, and his body cannot cope on its own with a throat disease. But in any case, the doctor must prescribe the medicine.

The best drugs

The concept of "antibiotic for the throat" does not exist. Antibiotics are universal drugs that can destroy pathogenic (unfortunately, not only) microorganisms in any organs of the human body. This is important to know in order to understand why there is so much controversy and controversy around antibiotics.

It is impossible to unambiguously name the best preparations for the throat with an antibiotic, since in each case the medicine must be selected individually, taking into account the age of the patient, his general condition, the type and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Below is a list of antibiotics that have worked well for inflammation of the larynx and sore throats:

  • penicillin series: Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Biillin, etc.;
  • cephalosporins: "Cefazolin", "Certriaxone" and others;
  • macrolides: "Azithromycin", "Clarithromycin" and others;
  • fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.

These are systemic drugs that come in the form of tablets and/or injections and affect the entire body. Most of the contraindications apply to them, and the dosage must be accurately calculated.

But there are also antibiotic preparations designed for resorption or irrigation of the throat. A local antibiotic can even be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drug remains on the sore throat, and it hardly enters the bloodstream. It is also impossible to abuse such drugs, since an overdose and the manifestation of associated side effects are possible.

Doctors consider the most popular and effective local drugs: Bioparox, Strepsils, Strepfen, Grammicidin, Faringosept. They are available in the form of sprays and/or lozenges. It is advisable to rinse your throat well before using such remedies (with warm, clean water!), And after that, do not eat or drink for at least half an hour. When used correctly, they can even cure a sore throat at an early stage.

Remember also that antibiotics do not relieve a sore throat by themselves - they only eliminate its cause. To solve the problem faster, anti-inflammatory drugs or throat sprays with lidocaine or other anesthetics are usually also prescribed.

Well removes the pain in the throat, its treatment with an oily solution of chlorophyllipt - it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, while moisturizing and softening the mucous membranes.

Steam inhalation and frequent rinsing with soda solution or herbal decoctions will significantly speed up recovery.

Rules for taking antibiotics

When treating with antibiotics, everything is important - from the correct diagnosis and choice of the drug to scrupulous adherence to the rules for its administration. Only in this case, you can be sure that pathogens will be completely destroyed.

Only with such a reasonable approach, antibacterial drugs will be as effective as possible, and the risk of side effects will be minimized. After completion of treatment, it is advisable to retake tests to ensure the final recovery.

Side effects and contraindications

There are no absolute contraindications to modern antibiotics. The range of their choice is so wide that, if necessary, you can pick up drugs even for pregnant and lactating women, although 20 years ago, during pregnancy, their use was strictly prohibited. Of course, there are some risks to the fetus, especially in the first trimester, but they have decreased significantly.

Doctors have such a thing as individual intolerance to a drug or a whole group of drugs. This can be a problem when choosing antibiotics, but a competent doctor can handle it. That is why it is so important that only a specialist prescribes such drugs.

With great care, antibiotics are prescribed to people suffering from severe forms of kidney or liver failure. The breakdown products of the drug are irritating to these organs and may cause deterioration. But in the case of a disease that poses a threat to life, the antibiotic is still used simultaneously with liver and kidney supportive therapy.

With the correct use of the drug and compliance with all medical recommendations, side effects from modern antibiotics are minimal. Most often observed:

  • allergic reactions;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • jumps in blood pressure.

You can alleviate the condition by drinking plenty of water and observing bed rest in the acute stage of the disease. Herbal teas: chamomile, linden, from currant leaves and rose hips contribute to the rapid neutralization and elimination of toxins and decay products of drugs.

In general, folk remedies, when used correctly, will be a good help in treating the throat. But even their use during antibiotic therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

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