Cold sweat on forehead causes in women. Causes of cold sweat. How to deal with it: hygiene and nutrition

Clinicians identify the following possible reasons cold sweat:

It should be noted that the causes of sweating may differ, depending on the person's age, history and medical history. Cold sweat in infants may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • acute respiratory ailments;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • hyperfunction thyroid gland;
  • ailments of a vegetative nature;
  • unstable blood pressure.

Cold sweat in a child is almost always observed during development infectious process. However, in some cases this symptom may also be present in healthy child, which may be due to psychosomatics or severe fear.

In any case, if cold sweat is observed frequently, especially at night, and this is accompanied by weakness, you should urgently seek medical advice. medical care rather than self-medicate. Otherwise, serious complications may develop.


The overall clinical picture can be supplemented specific symptoms, the nature of which will depend on the underlying factor. It should be noted that if it is a sign pathological process, then most often the symptom is observed at night.

Cold sweat at night can be supplemented by such signs:

  • cold sweat covers the back, chest, neck and armpits, so a person wakes up all wet (hence the expression "wake up in a cold sweat");
  • weakness;
  • (vertigo);

If cold sticky sweat is caused by an infectious process or administration, the clinical picture may be supplemented by such characteristic signs:

  • nausea, often with bouts of vomiting;
  • severe weakness, as a result of this drowsiness;
  • disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • almost complete;
  • there is a sharp, unpleasant smell of sweat;

At cardiovascular pathologies this symptom can be supplemented by such signs clinical picture:

  • a person abruptly throws into sweat, often this is accompanied by weakness;
  • or ;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • chills, fever.

It should be understood that the above-described clinical pictures can be a manifestation of almost any pathological process, therefore, it is impossible to arbitrarily take any drugs or ignore this symptom. You should urgently seek medical help for an accurate diagnosis and prescribing the correct course of therapy.


If there is such a symptom, you should contact, first of all, to (children to). After the initial examination, if necessary, the doctor will redirect the patient to a specialized medical specialist.

Initially, a detailed physical examination of the patient is carried out, with anamnesis clarification. For an accurate diagnosis, the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods can be used:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical studies;
  • general examination of urine;
  • x-ray examination of internal organs;
  • allergen test.

The diagnostic program depends on the current clinical picture, the patient's life history, age and medical history. Based on the results of the study, the doctor can determine the underlying factor and prescribe the correct treatment.


Why throws in a cold sweat, only a doctor can say after an accurate diagnosis. AT this case it is impossible to single out a single therapy program. Depending on the underlying factor, drug therapy may include taking the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedatives.

Generally basic therapy signs individually, depending on the pathological process that provoked the development of this symptom.

As for prevention, in this case there are no uniform recommendations, since this is not individual disease, but a symptom. In general, the rules should be followed healthy lifestyle life and seek timely medical attention.

The appearance of sudden attacks of cold sweat may indicate the presence of serious illnesses, which may include dangerous infectious infections. But infectious diseases are not the only reason why a person is constantly thrown into heat and sweat. In infants and adolescents, these same symptoms may be caused by separate group age reasons. Medical assistance in the treatment of attacks of cold sweat should be directed as to the elimination unpleasant symptoms as well as the reasons that caused them.

Causes of chilly sweat

Everyone knows that due to sweating, the body cools down during emotional stress or stress, with an increase in temperature or after heavy physical exertion. But sometimes cold perspiration signals serious problems oh health. It is very important to identify the true cause of sweat in order to eliminate this problem in a timely manner. Doctors associate the regular appearance of cold perspiration with the following diseases and states:

  1. Bacterial and viral infections(tuberculosis, mononucleosis, influenza and others). Trembling and cold sweat are often accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, dizziness and nausea.
  2. Migraine- the disease is characterized by a strong headache, weakness and nausea. During an attack, adrenaline is released into the blood, provoking increased sweating.
  3. Diabetes- a sudden release of insulin is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood, which is accompanied by hyperhidrosis ( increased sweating).
  4. Stroke or heart attack and sudden pressure drop.
  5. withdrawal syndrome. Cold sweats, dizziness and nausea appear in addicted men and women when they stop using alcohol or drugs. You may sweat so much that you have to change bedding and underwear at night.
  6. Medicines. Fever medications, antidepressants, and insulin cause excessive sweating.
  7. stressful situations. The so-called “stress hormones” enter the blood plasma, so sticky sweat instantly appears on the body.
  8. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Dizziness, weakness, chilling sweat and nausea can signal vascular problems.
  9. Cervical osteochondrosis. Complaints of weakness in the legs, dizziness, increased excretion sticky cold sweat.

It is very important to determine the causes of excessive sweating as soon as possible in order to understand whether there is a need for a medical consultation.

Causes of cold sweat at night in men

Increased sweating during sleep in men can occur for the following reasons:

  • Low blood pressure, disorders of the heart or blood vessels, blood loss.
  • Excessive drinking. Alcohol often causes copious excretion sweat in men during sleep, especially in the state hangover syndrome. But even if a man consumes alcoholic beverages in moderation, ethyl alcohol has Negative influence on the processes of thermoregulation of the body, causing chills, or, conversely, increased sweat production.
  • Headache. If a man suffers from a regular migraine, his blood is constantly released a large number of adrenaline, which causes increased sweat production. Causes of headaches can be in various diseases - ranging from the common cold to severe systemic diseases.
  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This is a pathology that is accompanied by increased sweating in men for no particular reason. In other words, sweat is intensively produced by itself, regardless of the presence of any diseases. This phenomenon is often observed after strong emotional overload, stress, conflicts at work or in personal life. In the future, sweating itself can cause feelings in a person - constantly wet and cold palms interfere normal life and work.
  • Hormonal disruptions. A similar problem often occurs in men in adolescence, or with violations of sexual function.

Causes of cold sweat during sleep in women

The female body has its own characteristics. The causes of excessive sweating during sleep in women are most often physiological in nature, for example:

  • Certain periods menstrual cycle . Sweating during sleep increases before the onset of menstruation, 2-3 days before menstruation. This is explained by the fact that during this period in women the amount of estrogen in the blood rises sharply, fatigue and weakness appear, the body at night begins to react in its own way to the slightest load that the woman endured during the day.
  • Pregnancy. During childbearing, women often sweat in their sleep, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, there are tremendous changes in the body of women. This phenomenon is completely normal and should not cause concern. If the sweating is too plentiful and interferes with sleep, you can consult a doctor.
  • Pre-menopausal age. On the eve of menopause female body hormonal changes occur, due to which “hot flashes” occur - unexpected and causeless sweating, often during sleep. In that life span women usually experience strong excitement, are prone to stress, which enhances the release of sweat.

Increased sweating in women during sleep can also occur with some diseases:

  • disruption of the endocrine system - for example, hyperthyroidism;
  • colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • systemic diseases connective tissue- rheumatism, arthritis and others;
  • long-term use of certain medications - antipyretics, phenothiazines, drugs that lower blood pressure;
  • body intoxication.

Night cold sweat in women can also occur in the presence of diseases such as granulomatosis, pneumonia, and even cancer. Sometimes sweating is explained simple reasons– too warm clothes or high temperature in the bedroom. Some this problem occurs after drinking hot or spicy food. If sweat begins to stand out during sleep for no particular reason, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When to consult a doctor

A doctor's examination is necessary in the following cases:

  • breaks into sweat every night;
  • often disturbed by unreasonable anxiety, especially women, and in this condition there is increased sweating;
  • the presence of the above diseases is assumed;
  • breaks into a cold sweat after prolonged exposure to the sun or indoors with elevated temperature air.

Features of treatment

Modern medicine provides enough methods to combat sweating. These include the use of special medicines, antiperspirants, surgical methods and even Botox injections. It all depends on the degree of the disease and the cause of sweating.

The most difficult thing is to correctly diagnose the cause. However, as in the case of physiological and psychological reasons, in practice this is not always possible. If the cause is the medications the person is taking, then avoiding them or replacing them with other medications will eliminate the sweating. The solution to get rid of excessive sweating psychological problem for example, overcoming a phobia can eliminate cold sweats at night due to nightmares, etc.

If cold sweat is a symptom of any disease, a doctor will help you here. Sweating at night is a problem that a dermatologist can address. It is necessary to examine the skin, pass necessary tests. After that, the doctor will prescribe treatment, prescribe drugs and external agents that will help overcome sweating at night.

If cold sweat is observed in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet, then physiotherapy is used. Electrophoresis procedures are carried out in a clinic or at home, but periodic medical supervision is mandatory. When the diagnosed disease is cured, cold sweat will stop bothering you. The treatment of some diseases is sometimes overwhelming for modern medicine task. It can only eliminate their manifestations, which means that cold sweat will return again.

In addition, in cases where the cause of the manifestation of sweating has not been determined, it is impossible to overcome it. Therefore, sometimes it is required to deal not only with the cause, but also with the effect, that is, hyperhidrosis. For this purpose, there are a lot of various means, ranging from cosmetic (creams, baths, etc.) or folk recipes and ending with special preparations, operations, chemical and other effects on sweat glands. Note that not all means are equally effective and, moreover, safe. Before using most of them, you should consult a qualified doctor. In such cases, special deodorants are useful, essential oils and special baths.

Medical treatment

To fix this negative phenomenon, you should first identify the cause that causes it. Depending on the diagnosis, complex treatment will be prescribed.

  • If the cause is an infection, the doctor will prescribe drugs that have a detrimental effect on the detected pathogen.
  • If the main disease is migraine, the doctor will prescribe medications: Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Acitminophen.
  • At increased anxiety, stressful condition, the patient will need, among other things, the help of a psychotherapist.
  • Women in menopause are prescribed hormonal treatment.
  • When treating, in fact, sweating, drugs can be prescribed that reduce active work sweat glands. According to indications, sedatives are used.
  • Patients are prescribed physiotherapy, including iontophoresis. This procedure is to use galvanic current, which acts on the sweat glands, reducing sweating.
  • In some cases, patients are prescribed the injection of certain drugs, such as botulinum toxin. With the help of the procedure, the nerve connections that are responsible for the work of the sweat glands are blocked.

Folk recipes for sweating

You can supplement the main therapy with proven folk remedies from sweating. Sometimes, if the phenomenon is not very pronounced, it is not associated with internal diseases, they can be very effective independent treatments. Here are some recipes:

  • Prepare an infusion of medicinal plants string, sage or chamomile: pour 4-5 tbsp. l. one of the herbs, or a mixture of them. Pour in 2 liters. boiling water. Wrap up, wait for complete cooling. Pour the filtered infusion into the bath while bathing.
  • If cold sweat is associated with menopause, prepare this remedy: pour 1 tbsp into a mug. l. dry sage herb, pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a thick napkin or towel, wait until it cools completely. Drink a third of a glass between meals.
  • Pour into a bowl 2 tbsp. l. blueberry leaves. Add 1 tbsp. l. sage herbs, clover leaves, marsh cudweed. Mix everything well. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. mixture, wrap. When cool, strain. it home remedy drink before meals, half a glass.

Remember that cold sweat can be the first sign of an incipient disease. Of course, its causes may not always be harmless. That is why this phenomenon should not be ignored, especially when it occurs too often.

Cold sweat prevention measures

Sweating is not a sentence, it is treated and very successfully. However, this is very annoying and delicate issue which can be prevented. Several preventive methods will allow you to forget about this phenomenon forever:

  • Because the heavy sweating can provoke a disturbed metabolism, doctors do not recommend eating fatty and meat foods at night;
  • It is best to take a walk in the air before going to bed to enrich the body with oxygen and calm down;
  • AT winter time years, it is desirable to ventilate the room more often, especially before going to bed;
  • To the choice hygiene products protection against sweating should be taken seriously. If you suffer from allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic deodorants and antiperspirants;
  • Many medications can cause cold perspiration, so be sure to check with your doctor before taking medication.
  • Help to relax various techniques meditation. It is advisable to limit mental and physical stress at least for a while.

If a child throws a sweat, you need to contact a pediatrician for comprehensive survey and establishing true reason this state. The pediatrician will recommend to normalize child mode, optimize the diet and properly distribute the amount of physical activity. Icy sweat can be the first warning sign of serious health problems. It cannot be ignored, as this can lead to very disastrous consequences. The causes of sweating can be both harmless and very dangerous, so the issue must be taken seriously. If you notice that cold perspiration appears several nights in a row, this is an occasion to consult a specialist.

This publication is devoted to such a phenomenon as cold sweat. The reasons for its occurrence may be different. In general, sweating is one of the physiological functions human body. This feature allows the body to cool during elevated temperatures, during physical exertion, stress and emotional stress. However, sometimes cold sweat is a symptom of an illness that requires medical attention.

About what cases in question? Some of them are listed below:

    Cold sweat in a dream regularly appears.

    It is likely that the cause of its occurrence is an anxious state experienced by a person.

    There is a pathology such as sickle cell arrhythmia or other diseases that adversely affect the immune system.

    Cold sweat was caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or rooms with high temperatures. In this case, you may even need emergency medical attention.

What might the occurrence of similar symptoms? If you not only have cold sweat, but its appearance is accompanied by nervous trembling, and your health leaves much to be desired, then there is a possibility viral infection. It can be either the flu or mononucleosis or other similar diseases. Tuberculosis and AIDS also cause similar signs.

On the other hand, cold sweat can be caused anxiety or severe stress. This phenomenon sometimes accompanies pain of increased intensity, provoked, for example, by migraine. Sweating occurs because such attacks provoke the release of adrenaline. As a result, subcutaneous blood vessels constrict, and skin become cold and damp.

But not only adrenaline is a hormone that causes cold sweat. The process of sweating is also affected by the lack of another hormone - estrogen. The closer a woman's menopause is, the more often she can wake up at night wet with sweat. In such cases, cold sweat is a sign of climacteric hot flashes.

With regard to hormones, certain conclusions should also be drawn, since, in addition to the aforementioned adrenaline and estrogen, there is also insulin. A person with diabetes is deficient in insulin. Decreased blood sugar may be accompanied by increased sweating.

In certain cases, cold sweat signals that a person needs urgent qualified medical care, because this symptom often accompanies cardiovascular disorders. At the same time, attention should be paid to the presence of pain in chest area. Taken together, these manifestations may indicate heart attack.

decline blood pressure It can also cause cold sweats. For example, if it is provoked by a large blood loss and shock. This is possible due to breaks. blood vessels resulting in internal hemorrhage.

Cold sweat is a symptom certain diseases and therefore not subject to direct treatment. Therapeutic effect is carried out not on the consequence, but on the cause of the occurrence of the state in question. In cases of the above symptoms, it is advisable to perform the following simple recommendations.

- Mandatory pass medical examination. If the cause is determined infectious origin the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications, course of treatment.

- It is necessary to try to reduce the level of anxiety if cold sweat is its consequence. At the same time, a medical consultation is also recommended, preferably a specialist in psychological profile.

- Migraine requires drastic measures. Application of common medicines may not bring the desired relief, and the specialist will prescribe more effective medicines.

Etiology of cold sweat

Sweating is necessary in the course of normal life of any individual. This function of the body helps not to overheat during increased physical work or during the hot summer season. But when it gets cold in situations that absolutely do not imply the presence of chilling perspiration, a person should think about problems in the endocrine system.

Cool moisture can appear with mental overstrain. For example, while taking an important exam, the sweat on the student's forehead will clear sign excitement and stress. Sometimes a person may experience excessive sweating while sleeping. This may be associated with experiences and disturbing dreams.

When should you worry about the appearance of cold perspiration? Even the night manifestation of moisture can be different. If during sleep a person wakes up due to trembling in the whole body, frozen, while a chilling wave is felt that envelops the whole body, and the blanket does not save, we can talk about the occurrence of infections of a viral or other etiology.

Cold sweat may be a harbinger or symptom of some serious violations in the body:

  • withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself mainly at night;
  • the presence of bacterial or viral infections;
  • migraine that occurs due to the high release of adrenaline;
  • idiopathic hyperhidrosis;
  • violations by nervous system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

Cold moisture is also a symptom not associated with pathologies or diseases, for example:

  1. When using drugs that are responsible for normalizing the temperature, you can experience the strongest perspiration, especially if a person tries to bring it down.
  2. Adrenaline in stressful situations causes active release of moisture.
  3. At vegetative dystonia the manifestation of chilling cold throughout the body is the norm.
  4. Sweating accompanies many diets, if they are associated with depletion of the body.

Hormonal disorders

Most often, it is women who, due to hormonal disorders, feel cold sticky sweat on themselves. It may occur during sleep or during daytime hours, while there is a cooling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms and legs. In women, the hormone estrogen plays an important role in sweating. Especially when it comes to the period associated with menopause. Then, at the appointment with a gynecologist or therapist, you can often hear complaints of the following nature: “I sweat during sleep, my hands and feet get cold, my head hurts.” These signs may indicate hormonal disorders and, as a consequence, disorders of the endocrine system. The hormone insulin can also cause perspiration. With its lack, chilling perspiration may well appear at night.

The beautiful half of humanity is more susceptible to increased moisture release due to hormonal changes organism. If the manifestation is associated with pregnancy or the period of menstruation, you should not worry, this normal reaction organism. AT rare cases you may experience weakness and headache.

Gynecologists advise simply surviving this life stage through:

  • use of special underarm pads;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • the use of special talc or products that protect against active sweating;
  • the use of special medicines.

Hyperhidrosis is a common cause of chilling perspiration.

The most common types of this disease are:

  1. Axillary hyperhidrosis. With this type of pathology, which is more likely a disadvantage that interferes with normal life than a disease. It manifests itself mainly with strong excitement. At the same time, clothes sometimes become damp almost all over the body up to the hips.
  2. Palmar. As the name implies, perspiration appears on the surface of the palms. At the same time, this causes great discomfort to a person. Shaking hands becomes an unthinkable and shameful action.
  3. Foot hyperhidrosis. Interesting fact: sometimes the feet can be so wet that others can hear squelching in boots and shoes. Remedies for sweating may not help with this pathology.
  4. Hyperhidrosis is common when the whole body sweats. In this case, we are talking about a disease, since a chilling stream throughout the body can mean infection and the development of serious diseases. You need to see a doctor.

All of the above types of hyperhidrosis are treated different ways. Doctors often use conservative methods therapy and only severe cases surgical intervention.

When to see a specialist

When a person repeatedly feels the manifestation of chilling perspiration, he begins to think about visiting a doctor. Unfortunately, not many people know which specialist deals with such symptoms. In fact, everything is simple. To begin with, it is worth visiting a therapist, since only according to the results general analyzes it will be possible to determine the pathology, why it arises and understand which narrow specialist should be contacted. Any doctor can turn out to be such: a dermatologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, oncologist, phthisiatrician.

If a person experiences the following symptoms, you should seek help from specialists:

  • every night is accompanied by increased sweating;
  • a person wakes up from severe trembling and chilling cold, while the whole body is wet;
  • often there is increased anxiety, which is accompanied by increased sweating;
  • throws into a cold sweat after visiting an unventilated, warm room or walking under the scorching sun;
  • in exciting situations, the forehead becomes wet, the temples hurt a lot, a feeling of squeezing.

In order to avoid unpleasant appearance sweat in exciting life situations, it is necessary to put into practice the following recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room.
  2. Clothes are best worn quality material which has excellent ventilation.
  3. Proper nutrition, which involves the rejection of carbohydrate, spicy and fatty foods.
  4. Rejection bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and, accordingly, sweating.
  5. Elementary rules of personal hygiene. If a person sweats frequently, it is necessary to shower daily and use deodorants.

Cold sweat causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort in Everyday life, therefore it is important to respond in time to its manifestation and consult a therapist.

Causes of perspiration at night

Excretion of fluid through the sweat glands is a function of the body, due to which thermoregulation occurs. AT normal condition a person excretes up to 500 ml of sweat per day. In the heat - much more. The problem arises when, in addition to increased sweating, a person develops weakness, trembling, nausea, cough, and the sweat itself acquires an unpleasant ammonia, acetic or mouse smell. Body temperature may rise rapidly or fall suddenly. Hyperhidrosis during sleep is also alarm signal. This symptom may indicate the presence of a dangerous pathology.

The reasons night sweats:

  • viral disease (flu);
  • infectious disease (cold, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
  • disturbing dream;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke);
  • withdrawal symptoms (more often in men than in women);
  • taking medications before bedtime (antipyretic, antidepressants);
  • anemia;
  • allergic diseases;
  • intoxication due to poisoning;
  • rheumatism;
  • hormonal changes;
  • pressure drops (high with a stroke, low blood pressure with blood loss or dehydration due to diarrhea);
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

During sleep, perspiration may appear on the chest, back, forehead, neck, legs. The person suddenly wakes up covered in profuse sweat. From this, he may experience chills, trembling hands, legs. Cold sweat usually breaks out at night different parts body on the background normal temperature. But sometimes it is observed after a fever with infectious disease, cold or flu.

At night, profuse sweating occurs with migraines, usually occurring with severe headaches and weakness. During sleep, there is a powerful release of adrenaline, which is the cause of excessive sweating. Why does a person develop hyperhidrosis during withdrawal at night? People who are addicted to drugs and alcohol often experience nausea, weakness, tremors, and dizziness when they stop taking them. Their body takes a long time to wean from bad habits. Rebuilding and restoration normal functions leads to increased sweating. Sweat is also released during nervous breakdown or stress.

Osteochondrosis cervical can cause cold clammy sweat at night. At diabetes due to the release of insulin, blood sugar drops, and the body is covered with a cold sweat.

Factors of increased sweating in men:

  • low pressure;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • idiopathic hyperhidrosis due to stress or trouble at work;
  • hormonal disruptions in violation of sexual function.

Causes of excessive sweating in women:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • pregnancy:
  • climax.

Older women can recognize the onset of menopause by wet sheets that they find early in the morning. The reason for this phenomenon is the lack of estrogen. It is this hormone that provokes increased sweating and chills at night. During pregnancy due to hormonal changes cold sweats may also appear at night, but this symptom disappears with the birth of the child.

Causes of nighttime cold sweat in a child:

  • heart disease;
  • beginning rickets;
  • low blood sugar;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • infection;
  • nervous breakdown.

Factors excessive sweating at the chest:

  • lack of vitamin D;
  • physical strain when sucking the breast;
  • problems with phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • teething.

Important! According to Dr. Komarovsky, children often sweat in their sleep when the body overheats. If the room is too hot, and the child is warmly dressed, sweating increases. The cause of nocturnal hyperhidrosis may be increased activity baby before bed. In addition, it provokes a cold or a lack of vitamin D.

The reasons for excessive sweating during sleep are different. Some of them are not dangerous, others require immediate medical attention. isolated cases profuse sweating can be corrected by changing the diet or temperature regime. If the patient is tormented severe pain and other symptoms, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

If a person wakes up at night in a cold sweat and has a broken condition, and small shiver, this indicates a lack of oxygen in the body. The cause of this phenomenon may be a poorly ventilated room. In hot weather, sweat increases if you sleep with the windows closed and there is no air conditioning in the room. Increased sweating can cause poor nutrition, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Ethanol disrupts the process of thermoregulation and leads to night sweats.

With such causes of hyperhidrosis, you can cope on your own. To do this, you need to regularly ventilate the room before going to bed, do not hide too warmly, do not abuse alcohol. Sleepwear should be light, made of natural material. The air temperature in the bedroom is about 18-20 degrees.

Cases when you should seek medical help:

  • breaks into a cold sweat every night;
  • if, in addition to profuse sweat, the following signs are observed: vomiting, pallor of the face, pain in the retrosternal region or in the heart zone, severe headache, fainting, coughing fits with blood;
  • a person is constantly in an anxious state;
  • overheating - prolonged exposure to the sun or in the sauna.

Increased sweating occurs at night when a person's blood glucose levels drop. In this case, he urgently needs therapy. Arterial pressure, which suddenly decreases against the background of intoxication of the body or allergies, should also be treated.

Darkening in the eyes severe dizziness, loss of consciousness against the background of increased sweating may occur with an increase intracranial pressure when a person has a stroke. In this case, it is necessary urgent hospitalization sick. Pneumonia and tuberculosis provoke bouts of night sweats. Diseases are treated in a hospital with antibiotics. In diseases of the thyroid gland, there is also daytime sweating.

Important! Hyperhidrosis should be treated. If a person is thrown into a cold sweat every night, you need to find out the reason for this condition. It is necessary to consult a therapist or dermatologist. Excessive sweating is a symptom of some disease.

Features of treatment

Excessive sweating may result from various diseases, including cancer. Pathology is treated after a thorough examination and diagnosis. Diseases that cause cold sweat at night are cured with the help of medicines, physiotherapy procedures. In addition to therapy, you must adhere to a diet and use antiperspirants.

To affect the activity of the sweat glands, the patient may be prescribed treatment with a formaldehyde solution or antiperspirants with aluminum chloride. Hyperhidrosis is treated with botulinum toxin injections. With the help of injections that remove wrinkles, you can achieve dry skin for a period of six months. Struggling with excessive sweating and with the help of iontophoresis.

If no means help to cope with excessive sweating, they resort to sympathectomy. The operation has a number undesirable consequences and is justified only if you need to remove the sweating of the hands. Removal of sweat glands is undesirable, it can lead to various complications- for example, tissue necrosis.

The simplest, safest, most affordable and effective tool to combat sweating is to wipe the areas with hydrogen peroxide and a solution ammonia. It is necessary to dry the skin on the forehead, palms, feet, under the arms twice a day: in the morning, after taking a shower, and before going to bed. The first thing a person discovers after a couple of days is the absence bad smell. Sweat will not decrease immediately, with regular use - after a few months. But the condition of the skin long-term use will not suffer, but will improve. She will be dry.

Treatment with folk methods and prevention

What to do with excessive sweating if there are no medicines at hand? You can fight sweat folk methods. If a person sweats a lot at night under the armpits, chest, back, you need to wipe the parts of the body with chamomile tincture with the addition of soda.

Recipe with chamomile for sweating

Would need:

  • chamomile - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • soda - 1 tsp

Boil chamomile, let it brew for half an hour. Add soda. Wipe areas of excessive sweating several times a day.

This publication is devoted to such a phenomenon as cold sweat. The reasons for its occurrence may be different. In general, sweating is one of the physiological functions of the human body. This feature allows the body to cool down during elevated temperatures, during physical exertion, stress and emotional stress. However, sometimes cold sweat is a symptom of an illness that requires medical attention.

What are the cases? Some of them are listed below:

    Cold sweat in a dream regularly appears.

    It is likely that the cause of its occurrence is an anxious state experienced by a person.

    There is a pathology such as sickle cell arrhythmia or other diseases that adversely affect the immune system.

    Cold sweat was caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or rooms with high temperatures. In this case, you may even need emergency medical attention.

What might these symptoms indicate? If you don't just have cold sweats, but it's accompanied by nervous tremors, and you don't feel well, then there's a possibility of a viral infection. It can be either the flu or mononucleosis or other similar diseases. Tuberculosis and AIDS also cause similar symptoms.

On the other hand, cold sweats can be caused by anxiety or extreme stress. This phenomenon sometimes accompanies pain of increased intensity, provoked, for example, by migraine. Sweating occurs because such attacks provoke the release of adrenaline. As a result, the subcutaneous blood vessels and the skin become cold and wet.

But not only adrenaline is a hormone that causes cold sweat. The process of sweating is also affected by the lack of another hormone - estrogen. The closer a woman's menopause is, the more often she may be wet with sweat. In such cases, cold sweat is a sign of climacteric hot flashes.

With regard to hormones, certain conclusions should also be drawn, since, in addition to the aforementioned adrenaline and estrogen, there is also insulin. A person with diabetes is deficient in insulin. Decreased blood sugar may be accompanied by increased sweating.

In certain cases, cold sweat signals that a person needs urgent qualified medical care, because this symptom often accompanies cardiovascular disorders. In this case, attention should be paid to the presence of pain in the chest area. Taken together, these symptoms may indicate a heart attack.

Low blood pressure can also cause cold sweats. For example, if it is provoked by a large blood loss and shock. This is possible due to rupture of blood vessels, resulting in internal hemorrhage.

Cold sweat is a symptom of certain diseases, so it is not subject to direct treatment. The therapeutic effect is not on the consequence, but on the cause of the condition in question. In cases of the above symptoms, it is advisable to follow the following simple recommendations.

Mandatory medical examination. If the cause of an infectious origin is determined, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications, a course of treatment.

It is necessary to try to reduce the level of anxiety if cold sweat is its consequence. At the same time, a medical consultation is also recommended, preferably a specialist in psychological profile.

Migraine requires drastic measures. The use of common medicines may not bring the desired relief, and the specialist will prescribe more effective medicines.

The process of sweating is a physiological pattern, reflecting the body's need to normalize internal temperature parameters, protecting the body from overheating. But not always the allocation of sweat secretion is the norm, sometimes cold sweat is found against the background of chills. A warning sign may indicate an ongoing pathological disorder affecting the scope of the functionality of the heart and vascular network.

The relationship of the symptom with cardiac pathologies

The perceptible appearance of sweat is not a specific pathology, a sign indicates an ongoing process, and vascular pathologies in this case are no exception. The appearance of symptoms with a sensation of sudden sweating is observed in the following diseases:

  • infarction of the muscular tissue of the heart;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic injury;
  • rheumatism;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Quite often, the course of these diseases is accompanied by a fall vascular pressure, while there is an increase in heartbeats and weakness covering the body. It is difficult for the patient to breathe, he feels pain discomfort in the region of the heart, there are signs of fear with an enveloping wave of cold sweat.


A low level of pulsation of the vasculature has a manifestation characteristic symptoms, the main symptom of which is sweating against the background of chills:

  • lack of air;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting state;
  • dyspnea;
  • decrease in labor activity;

The appearance of bradycardia indicates the development of cardiac insufficiency, during which there is a shortage in the blood pumped by the heart, which is necessary to nourish the tissues. In such a situation, it is difficult for the patient to perform even a minor physical activity, he begins to pierce chills and sweat. The consequences of the condition may be the transition of the process into a protracted form of the course, which is not stopped by therapeutic methods.

The condition can be observed not only in cardiac pathology, but also in violation of the body's water balance, lack of rationality in nutrition, toxic or medicinal effects, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.

myocardial infarction

The brightest form ischemic injury heart is myocardial infarction. The process represents a violation of the blood supply to a localized zone in the muscular layer of the tissues of the heart, which leads to their necrosis. The disease is common, so it is necessary to know exactly the differences in the appearance of cold sweat during the development of this acute condition.

Sweating is formed against the background of a sharp pain symptom in the retrosternal space, the intensity of which does not subside in the interval of more than a quarter of an hour. The pain binds the chest so much that the patient begins to feel fear, the synthesis of adrenaline increases, chills, trembling and sweat appear. Signs of development acute form states are:

  • decrease in vascular pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in the frequency of heartbeats;
  • a surge of weakness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea;
  • sweating.


The state when one throws into a cold sweat is a typical indicator of a sharp increase in the boundaries of vascular pressure, while activation of the functionality of the nervous sphere is observed. You can determine the state by the following parameters:

  • appearance background noise in the ears;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headache;
  • emotional irritability;
  • numbness of the fingertips;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • chills and flushes of sweat.

Against the background of the course of an already existing heart disease, the development of a hypertensive attack does not have such a pronounced picture. Therefore, only a competent specialist can diagnose the condition. When performing timely medical appointments, the condition is effectively stopped.


Pathology belongs to the group of diseases of the infectious-allergenic plan, characterized by lesions vascular system, connective tissue and articular apparatus.

A feature of the condition is a violation of the motor capabilities of the body, the appearance of pain discomfort with sweating, redness of the integument, an increase in temperature limits.

Ischemic lesion

For pathological deviation characteristic pain symptom affecting the area of ​​the heart, i.e. retrosternal area. The process is accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:

  • lack of air;
  • cold sweat;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness;
  • nausea.

Most early stage cardiovascular disease is angina pectoris. The disease is manifested by the specific nature of the pain, in the form of squeezing and compression behind the sternum, while the patient is thrown into a sweat against the background of a clear chill. Hypothermia, constipation, excessive passion for food, prolonged lack of fresh air can provoke a violation.

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