Headache is unbearable. Why can't you endure a headache? Tension headache

A headache can bring a lot of negative emotions and disappointments into your life. If attacks occur frequently or almost every day, a violation of the normal rhythm of life is possible. Therefore, with pain, more than two or three times a week, contact a specialist. Such measures are necessary for establishing a diagnosis and prescribing a course of treatment.

Self-medication and acceptance medicines in large quantities, without a doctor's prescription is harmful to your health. Headaches can be treated with medication and folk remedies and phytotherapy. Preventive measures need to be applied for a long period of time. In migraine attacks with aura, it is recommended to completely eliminate possible irritants.

Reasons why pain cannot be tolerated

A medical examination may be needed to determine the cause. Special attention given to the brain and vascular system. Be sure to listen to the doctor's recommendations and follow them all. By getting rid of pain, you can improve the quality of your life, increase your ability to work, and you will be able to enjoy everything that happens around you.

Pain in any manifestations is inconvenient and limits your possibilities. The peculiarity of headaches is that they can last for a very long time - one attack for several days. You can stop the attack by taking painkillers. Long-term use of which may be unsafe. Therefore, they must be used in emergency cases and no more than three days in a row. If the attack lasts more than three days, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Headache accompanies all colds, but after recovery they pass. In other cases, seizures may indicate complex disease, which requires special treatment.

Very often, the examination must take place in a hospital. This is needed to create complete picture the course of the disease. Against the background of frequent headaches, depression develops. This condition can adversely affect psycho-emotional state person. He ceases to perceive the world and enjoy life. Depression can progress and lead to complex illnesses.

May occur due to overwork and stress. In this state, exhaustion of the body can occur and the consequences can be very serious. That's why headache cannot be tolerated in any of its manifestations. Amenable to treatment. professional and quality care you can get in a medical institution.

Seizures may occur due to your susceptibility to a sudden change weather conditions, differences atmospheric pressure and climate change. In this case, it is possible to take painkillers, but the amount should be limited. It will help you stop the attack and go through a period of adaptation to new conditions.

If the pain does not subside within a few days, look for arterial pressure, general state. Depending on the state of your health, the restructuring of the body can take from several days to weeks. In older people, it can last quite a long time.

It is recommended to select, for the relief of an attack, on the advice of a doctor. if you have chronic diseases or congenital pathologies medications should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. If you do not accept drug treatment massage can be used cold and hot shower, compresses. Regular exercise can help relieve headaches.

Reasons why a headache should not be tolerated:

  • the development of complex diseases is possible;
  • the general state of health worsens;
  • develops depression that can change the quality of life.

Very often there are headaches due to a head injury, a concussion of the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo an examination after a car accident or a fall. The consequences of an injury may begin to appear after some time, and the sooner the cause is found, the more effective the treatment will be.

Treatment for post-traumatic headaches may include surgical intervention. Such a need arises when hematomas form inside the skull. Treatment will be long and difficult. In such a situation, headaches can be quite severe and last almost constantly. If you do not consult a doctor, the consequences will be very difficult to predict. Almost any disease can be treated, but only if diagnosed on initial stage development.

What to drink with a headache?

Used in the treatment of headache attacks various means and is very efficient A complex approach. It usually includes:

Medications can be used to relieve an attack and treat the cause of its occurrence. They need to be selected in each case and individually.

Usually use:

  • "Acetylsalicylic acid";
  • "Amidoprine";
  • "Paracetamol".

It is necessary to take into account the cause of the attack. In the presence of an inflammatory process, colds give preference to drugs containing paracetamol or aspirin. They will help you take pain and will treat their cause. It is obligatory to consult a doctor on the duration of administration, dosage and in case of diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Chemicals can accumulate in the body, so the duration of administration should not exceed the recommended time.

It is recommended to give preference to preparations that are based on natural ingredients. These include "No-shpa", but it is not suitable for everyone. When it is taken, the expected effect may not occur and the pain will not recede.

"Analgin" is developed on a synthetic basis. It can be used to stop an attack. You need to take the medicine after eating, maximum amount three tablets a day.

"Citramon" belongs to the group of combined drugs. It is able to relieve pain and affect inflammatory process. Usually take one tablet, according to the doctor's prescription, the dose can be increased.

"Tempalgin" is produced on a synthetic basis and refers to combined preparations. He is able to anesthetize and stop the attack. It is used not only for headaches.

A very effective remedy for relieving a headache attack is Solpadein. Its main component is paracetamol, caffeine and codeine are also added. You can take one tablet up to four times a day.

"Pentalgin" consists of analgin, codeine, caffeine, amidopyrine, phenobarbital. He is able to shoot pain attack and affect the inflammatory process.

Be sure to visit your doctor before taking medications. Here are some of the most popular drugs. Before buying any, carefully read the instructions for use, dosage, contraindications and composition.

To relieve pain, you can take medicinal herbs. They make teas, tinctures and decoctions. good qualities has mint, chamomile, linden, rosemary, lemon balm, St. John's wort.

Before choosing a method and method of treatment, be sure to pay attention to your blood pressure. Many herbal preparations and medicines have the ability to increase or decrease its performance. Therefore, it is very important to choose the remedy you need so as not to get the opposite effect.

For example, wild rose is able to lower blood pressure and, with its constant use, stabilizes performance. A decoction of it can be drunk instead of ordinary tea. It is recommended to brew rose hips for people with high blood pressure and take the tincture on alcohol based- with reduced On this simple example you can understand how important it is to get expert advice and not self-medicate.

AT preventive purposes Be sure to drink about two liters of water a day. This will help to improve the general condition and cleanse the body. At a small amount fluid intake may increase blood pressure.

Summing up, we remind you once again that it is not safe to take drugs in large quantities.

There are times when you need to relieve a pain attack and the choice of funds is not very large. It is permissible to take an anesthetic drug, but more than the permitted dosage in the instructions. Pay special attention to taking medications by children and pregnant women.

Well, now let's answer main question: Can I tolerate a headache? Pain cannot be tolerated in any of its manifestations. Headache can change your life better side. Therefore, consult a doctor and establish the cause of the seizures. medical examination will be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

Headache is treatable, primarily after addressing the underlying cause. The course can last several months, it depends on individual characteristics sick. Very often, seizures occur due to previous injuries.

In such cases, it is imperative to use preventive measures, lead a mobile lifestyle, and engage in physical education. The load should correspond to your age and physical capabilities. Any pain needs to be treated in order to live a fulfilling life.

Many are interested in why you can not endure a headache. After all this disease very common in humans. Some do not attach importance to it, someone begins to actively look for the cause of pain in the head. It all depends on how carefully a person treats his body. It is far from always necessary to panic if But is present, and it should not be left unattended. At a minimum, you can either try to alleviate the pain in some way. Or start an examination of the body in order to find out the causes of the headache. So why is this disease really dangerous? When should you sound the alarm? What is the prevention of this phenomenon?

Headache is...

Why can't you endure a headache? The thing is that this phenomenon is very common in the world. Perhaps there is not a single person on Earth who has never encountered him. Both children and adults have a headache of one kind or another.

But what is it? As you might guess, we are talking about the discomfort experienced in the head area. Pain sensations are Negative influence on the human brain and behavior.

Headache is different - mild, severe, aching, pinpoint, and so on. In any case, you should not ignore this ailment. Why can't you endure a headache? There are several reasons.


The first scenario is that a person experiences discomfort with a headache. It doesn't matter how old he is. Both children and adults react equally negatively to any stimulus.

Often a headache, which is accompanied by discomfort (if it is moderate or severe), leads to disruption of the body and the person as a whole. Simply put, it interferes with life and thinking. Therefore, this phenomenon should not be ignored, especially if you have intellectual work. The only way to restore working capacity is to get rid of the pain in the head area.

Serious illnesses

What other scenarios are there? Why can't you endure a headache in one case or another? It is clear that any disease is a violation of human life. But, for example, the pain of a bruise should be endured. You can slightly alleviate it, but you should not raise a panic. With the head, everything is completely different.

Why can't you endure a headache? The thing is that very often this phenomenon indicates the presence of serious diseases in the body. Much depends on the circumstances under which the disease arose. Like after a fall. In this case, pain in the head area indicates a concussion. This is a reason to see a doctor.

Similarly, pain in the head can indicate other serious diseases. So it's definitely not worth it to endure and ignore it. There are several more reasons to think about the studied reaction of the body.


Why you can not endure a headache and how does it occur? Understanding all this is not as easy as it seems. In general, any deviation and malaise of the body should be taken into account. Often even a small change in the state can indicate certain pathologies.

It's no secret that people who often suffer from malaise become nervous. Accordingly, their organisms are more at risk of the appearance of certain ailments. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that many diseases arise from stress and nerves.

Even a minor headache can cause negative emotions. They influence a person, his behavior. The patient will behave aggressively. And to calm down, most likely, it will turn out only when the cause of concern recedes.

For pregnant

Why can't you endure a headache during pregnancy? Everyone understands that given period is extremely important for a woman. And any negative impact on the body is not in the best way affects the fetus. In addition, with a normal pregnancy, a woman should not have any problems - this is a sign that she is healthy. So, with the baby, too, everything will be in perfect order.

Only with the appearance of the slightest ailment should you immediately consult a doctor. Especially when it comes to headaches. It has already been said that this phenomenon does not just happen. Most often, pain in the head is a direct indicator of more serious illness. In pregnant women, circulatory disorders are most common. And so in the head arise pain. All this negatively affects the fetus. It is not necessary to ignore the disease, you will have to normalize blood circulation so as not to harm the unborn baby.

Can be endured

The topic "Why you can not tolerate a headache and its prevention" continues. From the foregoing, we can conclude: if you want to stay in a fully operational state, you will have to pay attention to the problem under consideration. Doctors say that a headache is a manifestation of a serious illness. And in order not to miss them, it is necessary to consult a doctor when studying the phenomenon.

True, you should not always panic. The body of each person is individual. And there are many factors that cause pain in the head. Sometimes you can be patient. That's what some people say. Much depends on how the discomfort manifests itself. For example, a minor headache that does not seriously affect the general condition of the body is not dangerous. Most likely due to overwork or lack of sleep. But sharp, pulsating or aching pain should not be ignored.

Thus, we can conclude: it is far from always necessary to raise a panic. If the pain in the head area arose mild and without any prerequisites, you can endure a little. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Maybe after comprehensive examination it will be possible to identify serious illness!

Reasons why you shouldn't panic

Why can't you tolerate a headache and its symptoms? This is already clear - it is possible that the patient has some kind of serious disease, for example, the brain. And the pain in the head indicates this. It should also be noted that not in all cases you need to panic and consult a doctor. Under what circumstances can you endure a headache or try to get rid of it folk methods? If a:

  • the pain is not severe;
  • there were no bruises;
  • recently there was a stressful situation;
  • the person did not get enough sleep;
  • the pain was preceded by a strong tension (physical or mental);
  • headache occurs only under certain circumstances (for example, when abrupt change weather conditions);
  • the disease is not accompanied by others negative reactions from the body;
  • the phenomenon is not systematic.

In all of the above cases, you do not need to panic much and run to the doctor. Maybe a person is simply sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. Or a banal lack of sleep caused malaise. In any case, you should try to relieve the pain yourself. How to do it? What ways can help?

Ease the pain

Now I understand why you can not endure a headache. Treatment for this disease can vary. The first step is to understand why this phenomenon occurs. And already from the received data to build on the selection of therapy. There are a few tips that will definitely help reduce pain. Can:

  1. Take a few painkillers. For example, "No-shpy" or aspirin. The proposed move will not cure the headache, but discomfort will decrease. If the discomfort is not strong, taking painkillers will help restore the body's performance to 100%.
  2. Sleep. Highly good advice which is given by many. Often, overwork and lack of sleep (including chronic) are causative agents of headache. That's why good dream help to either alleviate suffering, or even help get rid of discomfort.
  3. Rest is another option that will help relieve pain that occurs in the head area. It is not necessary to sleep or doze - it is enough to do something that will not burden the brain. It has already been said that it is overvoltage that can cause a problem. So, if you relax, you can not go to the doctor and improve the condition of the body.
  4. A change of scenery is another way to help reduce headaches. It's about about cases when an unfavorable atmosphere causes a similar reaction of the body. Then it is enough to leave the place of irritation - and the disease will pass.
  5. A cool towel placed on the forehead is good for headaches. Be careful, you can get sick!


Now you understand why you can not endure a headache, and how to treat it. If the patient's condition does not improve after all the above actions, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Similarly, it is recommended to do when the pain is aching, severe and appears regularly.

Usually, the course of treatment prescribed by a doctor helps to cope with the disease. Or rather, getting rid of the disease that was the causative agent of headache. This is the only way to fully recover and stop asking the question: "Why can't you endure a headache and how can you get rid of it?"

According to research results, more than 70% of the population in developed countries complain of episodic or persistent headaches. However, these statistics do not really reflect the real situation, since medical care resort, as a rule, patients with intense headache, preferring to independently cope with attacks of mild and moderate. Thus, it turns out that every person at least once in his life suffered from a headache. The most common types of headaches are tension headache and migraine.

](http://www.berlin-chemie.ru/preparats/mig/0.html?utm source=medportal&utm medium=article&utm term=headpain&utm content=mig&utm_campaign=july)

Painful tension

Tension-type headache (THT) is most often the lot of young people (20-40 years old) and develops against the background of acute or chronic stressful situation. In this regard, the intensity of TTH may decrease with positive emotions and increase in response to negative experiences.

Many patients with HDN experience muscle tension in the face and head. In these cases, the causes of attacks of HDN may be long-term persistence awkward position body (for example, when working for many hours at the computer or while driving a car). HDN is usually bilateral; squeezing or compressive character. Patients at the same time note that the head seems to be "stretched with a hoop."

When the whole wide world is not nice

A migraine attack can be triggered by emotional and physical stress, lack or excess of sleep at night, alcohol consumption or cold weather, being in stuffy room or at height, different smells (eg, perfume), noise, flickering or bright lights, taking oral contraceptives. More than a third of women have a migraine attack associated with the menstrual cycle. Also among migraine stimuli- dietary factors: starvation or irregular eating, certain foods (chocolate, cheese, nuts, red wine, citrus fruits, etc.). Half of the patients have a hereditary nature of migraine. Migraine headache patients feel, as a rule, in the forehead, temple, around the eye. It is often unilateral, pulsating, intense, lasts up to 72 hours, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, intolerance to sounds and light.

One MIG and a million moments without a headache

TTH and migraine are partly preventable, and a number of such activities can be carried out independently: balance the daily routine, try to avoid emotional and physical overload, learn rational behavior in stressful situations, ventilate the premises more often, walk on fresh air, revise diet, reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

](http://www.berlin-chemie.ru/preparats/mig/5.html?utm source=medportal&utm medium=article&utm term=headpain&utm content=mig&utm_campaign=july)Regarding drug therapy, then if HDN is episodic, and migraine attacks are mild or medium degree severity, then the patient needs a remedy that would act quickly and effectively relieve pain. Ibuprofen has most favorable combination efficacy and safety profiles, optimal tolerability and, at the same time, a high analgesic potential. However, these characteristics, related only to ibuprofen, are often not enough - with a headache, the patient expects speedy relief.

The drug meets this criterion MOMENT(Berlin-Chemie /Menarini), one tablet of which contains optimal dose ibuprofen- 400 mg. The drug tablet dissolves almost instantly, and the analgesic effect is realized after 10 minutes and lasts for 5 hours. Thus, the action of the drug MIG develops and manifests itself faster than other tableted ibuprofen preparations.

It should be borne in mind that a headache is not at all as harmless as it might seem, it must be eliminated on your own. early stage occurrence. Otherwise, further development an attack can lead to the transition of pain to chronic form which in turn may require complex, lengthy and expensive treatment.

Warning symptoms that should see a doctor

  • If you have unusual headaches that you have never had before.
  • If the headache persists for more than 72 hours even after taking pain medication or prevents you from doing your usual activities.
  • If the headache appears in the form of a sudden "explosion" inside the head.
  • If, in addition to a headache, there are visual impairments, speech disorders, coordination of movements, weakness of the limbs or thinking disorders.
  • If, in addition to a headache, the body temperature rises or the neck becomes inactive.
  • If headaches are aggravated by the slightest physical exertion.
  • If, in addition to a headache, vomiting is noted, but there is no feeling of nausea.
  • If the headache becomes more frequent and pronounced.

Margarita Litovkina

Headache is a problem that every person faces from time to time. In fact, according to statistics, about 80 percent of the adult population of our planet suffers from this disease, and every third patient sometimes even loses his ability to work because of it.

What is the problem with such a general disaster?

Perhaps the point is in the very scientific and technological progress that today has put us all behind computers. As a result, we strain our vision and our brain from morning to evening. And when we come home, we sit down in front of the TV in order to continue to tire our already tormented body. hypodynamia, oxygen starvation of the brain, coupled with such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol, slowly but inevitably do their terrible job.

I just don't want to live!

Doctors warn - a headache can not be tolerated!

Someone's head begins to split in the late afternoon, after a heavy labor day. Some people wake up in the morning with excruciating pain. But usually people see only one way out of this situation - to drink a miraculous pill, which should return us to normal health and the desire to live on. Because during an attack of a headache, such a desire is sharply dulled.

A significant number of such painful conditions The body's response to stress. It is believed that such pain may be psychogenic in nature. Their intensity does not depend on physical activity or change in body position. But constant pain go hand in hand with depression, irritation, increased tearfulness, anxiety states, nightmares. The patient cannot even clearly explain where and how it hurts - it just splits, presses, compresses and interferes with existence!

Psychogenic pain or pain of tension appears in a person in enough young age, it can torment for days - no painkillers bring complete relief. But the abuse of analgesics and sleeping pills mixed with coffee and energy drinks “to tone up” destroy the body rapidly.

In general, few people think that an ordinary painkiller pill is the same medicine, and only a doctor can prescribe it. We drink the same drugs for pain in the abdomen, legs, toothache and headache. And day after day we poison our body - analgesics destroy the liver, disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lower immunity and body resistance various infections. We begin to get sick with ARVI more often, we endure them harder and harder. It all started with a simple headache!

Sounds scary, doesn't it?

However, suffering day after day, a person very rarely agrees that a headache in itself is a reason to see a doctor. In fact, just think - an ordinary migraine, with whom it does not happen!

Why does she hurt?

Many sufferers who are stubbornly self-medicating are periodically surprised: why a week ago this pill immediately helped with a headache, and today I’m already drinking the third one in a row - but it still doesn’t get easier for me?

In fact, headaches can be caused different reasons. In some cases, analgesics will help, in others - antispasmodics. Headache is not a disease, but just a symptom of one of the diseases: acute infectious disease, osteochondrosis, increased intracranial pressure, vascular diseases and even brain tumors. It is useless to treat a particular problem until the main diagnosis is made and the cause of the pain is not clear.

To do this qualitatively, based on the patient's complaints, the history of his disease and special studies maybe a neurologist. In most cases, he will complex treatment acting immediately on all causes of malaise. Sometimes it helps to get rid of the problem forever. regular massage cervical-collar zone and acquisition orthopedic pillow. In other cases, the headache is only the tip of the iceberg, called in medicine chronic ischemia brain.

Diseases of the vessels of the brain

The man complains that he has had a headache all day. But then I took a walk in the fresh air in the evening - and let go a little. Everything is corny simple - his brain categorically did not have enough oxygen. Day after day, under the influence unhealthy image life, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and bad habits aggravated by various concomitant injuries and diseases - the same hypertension, for example, develops cerebrovascular accident.

In addition to a headache throbbing in the temples, beating with a hammer on the back of the head, squeezing the skull with a steel hoop, a person begins to complain about fatigue, weakness, impaired vision and hearing, impaired memory and ability to concentrate. This set is joined by dizziness - up to loss of consciousness, and constant noise in the ears. FROM similar symptoms you should contact a neurologist immediately, without waiting for the disease to enter a critical phase. And she can. Diseases of the vessels of the brain are fraught with all sorts of consequences, from stroke to senile dementia- it can only hit at 50 and 40 years old.

And what to do with it?

In addition to special treatment that a doctor can prescribe depending on the severity of the underlying disease, there is a system of prevention.

To strengthen the vessels of the brain, it is necessary to normalize your lifestyle. That means sleeping well, eating well, exercising, and getting more outdoors. It is necessary to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake and consumption to a minimum fatty foods. And if possible, avoid unnecessary stressful situations.

Such simple tips yet how many of us follow them?

Well, for those who spend all day at the computer, it is worth remembering that every half an hour the eyes should be allowed to rest. An excellent prevention of overvoltage is the alternation of mental and physical work. After all, you can always find a little time for simple gymnastics. Or just a short pause, during which you can lean back in your chair, close your eyes and stop thinking about anything for a minute.

Headache is one of the most actual problems which almost every person experiences at one time or another in life. Some suffer from headaches, others swallow pills indiscriminately, and others turn to doctors for help. Which of them does the right thing and whether it is possible to endure headaches - this will be discussed.

If you have a headache
The essence of the disease is primary headaches and secondary, indicating the symptoms of a disease. Carefully examine the occurrence of headaches and analyze their cycle.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

The pain is so excruciating that it won't let you practice usual things, lasts for several days, has a distracting maneuver and pronounced action. Believe me, this is enough to already make an urgent visit to the doctor's office.
You suddenly began to notice that the pain appeared, as if from nowhere, this had never happened to you before, while vision is impaired, weakness in the limbs, thought and speech disorder, and coordination of movements.
With the appearance of pain, the temperature jumped sharply, there was a weak mobility of the cervical joints.
Something seemed to explode inside the head.
Vomiting is noted along with a headache, but there is no feeling of nausea.
Occurs with the slightest movement of the body and physical effort.
It is permanent and frequent.

Types of headaches
At the moment of the onset of a headache, it seems that there is nothing more terrible and terrible, it squeezes the head, presses and pulsates, this deprives a person of energy, tires and creates an unbearable situation. In 90% of the inhabitants of our planet it was noted, according to at least, a single headache attack, but the percentages in reality turn out to be much sadder and more real. Doctors recorded about 60% of headaches in the male population and 75% in the female population every month.

Tension headaches and contractions of the muscles of the head are the most common, in nine cases out of ten they have this origin. Occurring during stress, fatigue and overwork as a result of long cuts muscles of the head and neck. The pains appear in the middle of the day, the patient feels as if a tight bandage was put on his head and pulled tight.
With the expansion of the vessels of the muscles of the head and the skin covering the head, migraines occur, usually starting early in the morning. noted violent attack pain on one side, or in the region of the orbits, their back surface. The pain is lingering - from several hours to several days. People with migraines often notice before the onset of an attack. bright flashes and lines in the eyes. Outbreaks begin 15 minutes before the onset of a migraine. This condition may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, excessive sensitivity to bright light.
Pain in the head in women may indicate the onset menstrual cycle which is supported by patient observations. Moreover, it is noted that a headache of the migraine type is much less common in women who have undergone menopause.
The so-called cluster type of headache is most typical for men. Excruciating pain of extreme strength is localized in the region of the right or left eye. Such pains are recorded in about one in a hundred males. This type is the most heavy character. An attack of pain lasts up to two hours, occurring a couple of times a day for about a month. The pain comes on intermittently from six months to several years.
Headache is a common occurrence that accompanies colds, flu, dental abscesses, increased arterial and intracranial pressure, cerebral hemorrhage and tumors, meningitis and glaucoma. They often appear as side effect when taking certain types of drugs and medicines.

Only in 4 out of 100 cases, the headache is a sign of a serious illness. For many people, painful conditions are seen as an integral part of life and common occurrence which can be learned to pacify and regulate.

What to do if you are overtaken by a headache?

Good and healthy sleep It is considered a wonderful way to eliminate not only headaches. Try to sleep well, in most cases the pain will subside after sound sleep. But don't overdo it: prolonged sleep can lay the groundwork for it, which is why it's so important to go to bed on time and balance regularly.

If you grind your teeth at night and tense your facial muscles, which you may not be aware of, you need to get rid of such a disorder. Some people are constantly in a tense state, even during sleep, and wake up in the morning with terrible headaches. The best way To avoid this - completely relax the body. A warm herbal bath, a light soothing massage before bedtime, and a glass of milk with honey can alleviate tension.

Stick to a regular diet. Eating just as much as lack of sleep easily provokes a headache. It has not been established for certain why the body behaves this way. Supposed to be active nervous system regulating tone, after being used up energy reserve in the body. It is important to trace the dependence of pain on food intake. It is helpful to pay attention to the foods you were eating before the onset of the attack. Majority alcoholic beverages, cheese, chocolate, vinegar, citrus fruits, pizza and most foods with high content monosodium glutamate can cause headaches. If your suspicion fell on a certain product, try to exclude it from the diet for the purpose of experiment and see how the body behaves in the future.

Avoid wine, including red wine. Think twice if you decide to abuse this drink. Red wine can greatly dilate blood vessels and contribute to pain due to the chemical substances. Similarly, stop abusing natural coffee. Drinking three or more cups a day, as well as going to bed late, the next morning you may be visited by a severe headache. By consuming caffeine in large quantities, you deprive the body of its natural production. The norm recommended by doctors is to drink no more than one or two cups during the day with a volume of 200 g.

Protect your eyes from bright light by wearing sunglasses. Many people complain about the appearance of pain from too bright light, prolonged exposure to the sun and while swimming on the beach, when bright flashes from the water hit the eyes and face. It is recommended to wear good sun protection and wide-brimmed hats.

Try to move more. Physical exercises recognized best remedy against the occurrence of pain, and it only seems surprising, but playing sports, running, playing ball or racket really helps to eliminate a headache. Physical activity can reduce stress by promoting the release of endorphin, a natural pain reliever. A 30-minute walk several times a day in the fresh air is enough to pacify or prevent a headache attack. Physical exercise is inappropriate if the pain is accompanied by fever.

The use of a warm heating pad is one of the important non-pharmacological means of relieving headaches. Apply a warm heating pad to your neck and shoulders for 15 minutes every day, thereby reducing the frequency of attacks associated with muscle tension and their activity. Heat prevents circulatory disorders in the muscles and causes them to relax. You can also use hot bath or shower, but here this method is less effective than a heating pad.

Learn how to properly relax your body. There are many specialists who teach relaxation techniques. This method sometimes uses special electronic equipment designed to obtain biological feedback and observation of invisible biochemical processes, which in normal conditions not subject to conscious control.

Call to the aid of your fantasy and imagination. You can successfully rid the body of headaches with the help of goal-oriented imagination exercises. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on the beach under the gentle rays of the sun, next to you the waves are splashing on the shore. Each time, rolling back, the waves take with them part of the pain and relieve tension from the muscles and joints. After relaxing, start concentrating on the headache instead. Imagine that it is a tangible substance that has a specific shape, color, size. What is she? Smooth, rough, curved or clumsy? Does it move or stay in one place in the head? Allow it to turn into a liquid, allowing it to fill your arms, legs, your organs to your fingertips, and then imaginatively brush it off of you, thereby freeing yourself. Gradually mastering this technique of self-hypnosis, you can achieve successful results.
Medicines for headaches

If a natural ways is not enough, and the headache still does not leave you, you can resort to medicines, available for sale in a pharmacy or what a doctor prescribes.

Aspirin is the most popular medication. One or two aspirin tablets and most people feel completely out of their misery. It has the ability to reduce inflammation and work well for headaches.

Moderate or severe pain is neutralized by a cup strong coffee taken together with acetaminophen. Caffeine promotes rapid absorption of the drug.

Try to accept antihistamines. Muscle-relaxing antihistamine has been shown to relieve headaches when taken one tablet every four hours without overdosing. This remedy works much more effectively and efficiently than painkillers, but you may feel a surge of drowsiness, but more intake often helps to stop the attack and reduce lethargy.

Breathing in large amounts of oxygen effective remedy against cluster headaches and migraines. The mechanisms of pain relief in oxygen therapy are not fully understood, but are known for their positive and fruitful properties on the body. The blood flow in the vessels of the brain slows down, having a beneficial effect on its cells.

Pharmaceutical prescription drugs may be needed for migraines and cluster pain. Sumatriptan and ergotamine are especially effective here.

Be careful with painkillers. Worst cure for sickness frequent use painkillers. The systematic use of drugs leads to a decrease in pain threshold, and the frequency of seizures increases in geometric progression. Consult a doctor who will competently select a program for getting rid of frequent headache attacks without regularly resorting to painkillers.

Be healthy and do not remain indifferent to headaches!

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