How to prepare an infusion of Adam. Maclura tincture for oral administration. With chronic fatigue, poor metabolism and pressure

Resting in the Caucasus, I quite often met very unusual fruits that have the shape of a ball and wrinkled skin, which have an elusive resemblance to apples. Much later, I was able to find out that this is an Adam's apple, the use of the plant has always been of interest to healers and healers. Healers have used its medicinal properties since time immemorial.

The beautiful name "Adam's apple" - folk, according to legend, grew in the Garden of Eden. And there is such an affectionate name - "God's gift." And the names don't end there. Scientific - Maclure, named after the American scientist Williams Maclure. The researcher has been studying this medicinal plant for a long time. In the East, the fruit is called "Chinese orange" for its similarity to an orange, or false orange. It was believed that the fruit is able to cure many diseases.

Adam's apple belongs to the mulberry family, more than a dozen plant species are found in natural conditions, but the original homeland is Texas, America. Local residents of the state widely use the unique plant as a living fence, protecting their houses from uninvited visitors with their sharp thorns.

In our country, only one species is found in the Crimea - orange maclura. Trees endure light winters, so in the south of Russia, plants are used for household needs and the landscape. Wood is highly valued for its delicate golden hue and strength. It is much denser, stronger than oak; in ancient times, bows were made from it for fighting and hunting.

Medicinal properties

Adam's apple has inedible, poisonous fruits that are valued for their medicinal properties. The fruits look rather unusual, have a rather large size, very similar to an orange, but their color is pale green. The fruits are not used for food, they are inedible. Medicinal properties have fruits collected in October. The Adam's apple contains a sticky, white liquid called milk.

Milk contains special alcohols, with strong bactericidal properties, there are substances containing sugar, pectin. The leaves of the Adam tree contain citric acid. But its most important uniqueness is the presence of flavonoids, which are considered antioxidants created by nature itself. They have strong anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic properties. This is one of the best natural immunomodulators.

There are a lot of other useful substances in the Adam's apple that help strengthen blood vessels, capillaries, resorption and reduce tumors, and reduce excess weight. Helps with pain in the joints, restoring their mobility, eliminates swelling and inflammation.

Traditional healers most often use the Adam's apple externally, in the form of ointments and tinctures.


Adam's apple tincture has found application as a rubbing to get rid of gout, salt deposits, polyarthritis, sciatica, growths of bones on the legs. It successfully resists most of the known pathogens, ulcers, abscesses, boils, rashes, burns quickly disappear.

The recipe for Adam's apple tincture is prepared from ripe fruits, cut into pieces, they fill the container completely, pour it with an alcohol solution of 70%. Cover tightly with a lid to keep air out. After two months, the tincture will be ready, but to get the maximum effect, it is better to withstand up to 6 months. It is used for rubbing sore spots, which are then insulated with woolen fabrics (do not use cellophane on top).

Adam's apple tincture for joints is used as a compress, cotton cloth is moistened, applied to a sore joint, insulated without cellophane, lasts 2-3 hours. The preparation of Adam's apple tincture can also be made according to this recipe:

Finely chop the Adam's apple, fill the jar halfway, add the crushed leaves and golden mustache, pour vodka on top, leave to infuse for three weeks. Rub sore spots: joints, back. The tool helps to get rid of joint pain.

Rubbing for joints

In folk medicine, this is a popular Adam's apple recipe, very affordable, easy to prepare.

The fruit of the Adam's apple is washed, rubbed on a medium grater. The resulting grated mass is transferred to a glass jar, filled with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. The container is tightly closed, placed in the dark for 14 days for infusion. Every day, the jar is taken out and slightly shaken. At the end of the exposure, the tincture can be used for treatment.

It is worth noting that the recipe for making an Adam's apple for rubbing is simple, and the methods of treatment are muscle pain and almost any joint disease.

What does the Adam's apple heal? Recipe

In addition to tincture, folk healers prepare extracts, which are strong medicinal drugs that can dissolve benign tumors - fibroids, fibromyomas, and mastopathy. Extracts strengthen the immune system, kill microbes, relieve poisoning, have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and restore disturbed water-salt metabolism.

Collect the October fruits of the Adam's apple, cut them into small pieces, place them loosely in a glass container, pour over with vodka. Clean in the dark for a year to insist, occasionally stir. Before starting treatment that involves the use of tinctures inside, refrain from drinking alcohol, antibiotics and other tinctures.

Take it like this:

  • 1 week - 3 drops in half a glass of water, drink 20 minutes before meals, not on an empty stomach, once a day.
  • Week 2 - the same amount of tincture, but take 2 times a day.
  • Week 3 - similar, but taking 3 drops in half a glass of water, 3 times.
  • And then for the fourth to the seventh week, similarly, at week 4, 4 drops of tincture with the same amount of water 3 times.
  • At the fifth week - 5 drops 3 times a day, similarly until the seventh week. Then, from the seventh week, the dosage is gradually reduced.
  • At week 8 - 6 drops, a gradual decrease occurs. We must return to the original dosage, 3 drops per day. The entire treatment will take 14 weeks.


Adam's apple ointment has enhanced healing properties. Compared to the tincture, the ointment acts more effectively, quickly and deeply penetrates the tissues.

To prepare the ointment:

Turn the fruits through a meat grinder, put the mixture for languishing in a water bath. For 200 gr. fruits add 50 gr. lard, whipping with a mixer. The mass should turn into an ointment in density, it must be stored in the refrigerator. The ointment is applied to the sore spot with a thin layer 3 times a day. Application - as an antitumor agent, with inflamed lymph nodes, intervertebral hernias, it must be applied carefully, without massaging the tumors.

The ointment helps to get rid of heel spurs, eliminates pain in intervertebral hernias, softens salt deposits. The ointment is successfully used in the treatment of arthritis and many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heals external hemorrhoids, has an effect on postoperative scars, which heal much faster.

In the home first aid kit, an ointment from the fruits of the Adam tree should find its place, this is a multi-purpose and necessary remedy. Ointment has no contraindications in reality, unlike tincture. Alcohol tincture has small contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus (a large amount of sucrose).

Adam's apple treatment is more effective if both tincture and ointment are used at the same time. The combination of external and internal use greatly enhances the therapeutic effect, health is restored faster. Do not forget that traditional medical treatment and consultation with a doctor should be required.

In autumn, you can often find the fruits of the Adam's apple (maclura) at the vegetable market, which in their appearance resemble green oranges. Many people know that this fruit is not intended to be eaten; healing folk remedies are prepared from it in the form of ointments, extracts and tinctures.

The use of alcohol tincture of Adam's apple deserves special attention. Because this remedy is very effective in combating ailments of the skin, joints, and even with. Do you want to get rid of mastopathy, sciatica and forget about vertebral hernia? Are you looking for recipes for joint pain? Then, further information is for you.

What you will learn from the article:

  • what treats maclura tincture on alcohol
  • how to prepare remedy
  • medicinal use
  • contraindications for use

Adam's apple tincture treatment

The list of diseases that tincture will help get rid of is not small. Treatment of joints Adam's apple reviews - only positive. It is also effective to take a remedy for problems with the spine and to get rid of various inflammations in the subcutaneous layers.

  • mastopathy and fibromastopathy;
  • polyarthritis and heavy salt deposits;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • hypertension;
  • gout.

In folk medicine, Adam's apple treatment of skin diseases is quite effective. The tool helps to win:

  • various dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers;
  • long non-healing wounds.

Healing agents from maclura have anti-sclerotic and anti-carcinogenic properties. Thanks to them, the fetus is used to treat cancer. However, it can be used in combination with non-poisonous medicinal plants.

Adam's apple tincture recipes

On the Internet, there are many recipes for making a healing remedy from maclura. The principles of preparation are almost the same, which means that you can choose which one to use for medicinal purposes.

  1. Adam's apple how to make a tincture for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, muscle pain and joints:

  • maclura fruits are well washed and ground on a grater;
  • transfer the resulting mass to a glass jar;
  • the contents of the jar are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • the jar is corked and sent to a dark place for 14 days;
  • periodically shake the composition, and after the expiration of the infusion is filtered;
  • the prepared product is used as a compress, which is left for 30 minutes.
  • wash about half a kilogram of fruits and finely chop;
  • put the raw materials in a jar and pour half a liter of high-quality vodka;
  • close the jar with a tight lid and put in a dark place;
  • the remedy should be infused for at least a month and up to six months;
  • at the end of the period, it is necessary to strain the tincture;
  • the prepared drug is taken orally according to the extension scheme (more on this below).
  1. Adam's apple how to make tincture for joints for external use:

  • for external use in arthritis, arthrosis, gout and salt deposition, recipe number 2 is used;
  • use the tincture before bedtime as a lapping;
  • to do this, moisten the cloth with tincture, moisten the skin with it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore spot and rub the remnants of the product;
  • then the diseased joint is wrapped with a woolen cloth for the night.

How to take Adam's apple tincture inside

There are nuances that must be observed during the treatment of maclura tincture:

  1. Use the product only diluted with boiled water. 10 drops per tablespoon of water.
  2. It is necessary to start treatment with taking 2 drops before meals, twice a day.
  3. Further, the dosage of the drug per day is gradually increased by 2 drops.
  4. Treatment continues until reaching 30 drops of tincture per dose.
  5. From the next day, the dosage is gradually reduced by 2 drops in the reverse order.
  6. At the end of the cycle, a week break in treatment is performed.
  7. It is recommended to take the medicine for six months.

In cases of a severely neglected disease, you can start taking 3 drops of tincture and add 3 drops daily. In this case, the maximum number of drops of the agent is reached by the number 40, and then in the reverse order.

The recipe for the treatment of joints with an Adam's apple, people's reviews are advised to perform in a complex way - take the remedy inside and put compresses. This should be treated with caution and consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can oversaturate the body with maclura substances, and as a result, get severe poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of Adam's apple

The plant is toxic!

To perform the treatment of joints and other ailments with tincture of Adam's apple externally does not present any particular danger. But the use inside is not recommended:

  • in the presence of ;
  • while taking drugs from a number of antibiotics;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • with individual intolerance.

Also, do not drink alcohol during the treatment period. According to some reports, long-term use of plant-based drugs has a bad effect on the condition of the liver. Before starting treatment, get advice from a specialist.

In the piggy bank of alternative medicine there are many different medicines for the treatment of a large number of diseases.

They are often prepared from medicinal plants. These are ointments, tinctures, infusions, decoctions, rubbing and compresses. One of the most unusual plants that are widely used in traditional medicine is the Adam's apple. The plant has several names.

It is called maclura (in honor of the American naturalist Maclura), the gift of the god tree, false orange, Indian or inedible orange. With the help of compounds from the plant, you can cure a lot of pathologies, in particular articular ones. The plant is definitely medicinal.

However, before you start preparing and using drugs for the treatment of a particular ailment, you should find out what the Adam's apple treats, what indications and contraindications it has, and also consult your doctor about the advisability of using the formulations.

Reviews of people who used the fruits for the treatment of ailments, in particular radiculitis, rheumatism, are mostly positive. This is proof of the effectiveness of the appropriate use of drugs.


Maklura is a dioecious tree belonging to the Mulberry family and reaching a height of twenty meters. The plant is equipped with a deciduous, branched, spreading crown, a straight stem covered with brown cracking bark, curved branches, thorny shoots (there are also thornless species), oblong, green leaves, small inconspicuous flowers. Fruit ripening occurs in the middle of the autumn period.

The plant is native to South America. Tropics, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Crimea, the Black Sea coast - the habitat of the inedible orange. It is possible to be treated with an Adam's apple only after a preliminary consultation with the attending physician. The plant is poisonous, and improper manufacture and use of the product is fraught with disastrous consequences.

Composition of the Adam's apple

The plant, or rather its fruits, are rich in a mass of useful substances and medicinal properties. Alternative medicine has a huge number of recipes from maclura. Not many people know that the Adam's apple treats both articular pathologies, and cancer, and skin ailments. The effectiveness of the funds, first of all, is due to the composition of the plant. False orange is rich in sterols, organic acids, alcohols, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, pectins, sugar, kaempferol, minerals, citric acid.

There are many ways to prepare medicines from inedible fruit. However, before you start using the drugs, it is important to find out what the Adam's apple treats and what are the contraindications to the use of drugs.

Adam's apple: medicinal properties and rules regarding the use of drugs

Maclura is a storehouse of useful and valuable medicinal substances. The fruits of the tree are endowed with a mass of healing properties.

Today, the following medicinal properties of Adam's apple are known:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • neuroprotective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiallergic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • soothing.

Adam's apple has unique medicinal properties.

The use of drugs from the plant contributes to:

  • restoration of the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • stopping the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • prevention of tumor development;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate the elimination of toxic substances;
  • prevention of salt deposits;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • elimination of puffiness.

Rules for the use of ointments, tinctures and oils from inedible orange. The plant is very medicinal and useful. The main thing is to know how to properly prepare and use maclura medicines. Due to the mass of medicinal properties, the Adam's apple is widely used in informal medicine.

Plant preparations are effective in combating:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • cancer;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of the spleen and liver;
  • cystic inflammation;
  • ailments of the skin, in particular pendinsky ulcer, dermatitis, wounds, eczema, cancer of the dermis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Means are also recommended for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, hematomas, poisoning, chronic fatigue, hypertension, salt deposits, fibroids. In such a remedy as the Adam's apple, the healing properties are valued by people, and therefore it is used to treat a variety of pathologies. However, do not forget that the plant is poisonous and the inappropriate use of drugs can cause unpredictable consequences.

Before you start being treated with ointments, tinctures or oils from maclura, you should read a few recommendations:

  1. Collection of fruits for the manufacture of medicines must be carried out no earlier than September.
  2. It is necessary to collect raw materials strictly with gloves.
  3. When harvesting fruits, beware of pricks with thorns.
  4. During treatment, you can not take antibacterial drugs and drink alcohol.
  5. If overdose symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, malaise, epigastric pain, pre-syncope and fainting, you should refrain from further use of the drug and without fail seek the help of a qualified specialist.
  6. Before you start using this or that drug, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Who should not use medicines from the Adam's apple

The use of funds from the plant during the period of gestation and breastfeeding is not recommended. You should not be treated with maclura for people with individual intolerance, as well as treat small children. It is forbidden to use drugs for people with diabetes.

Adam's Apple tincture on vodka: how to cook and popular recipes

Alternative medicine has a large number of prescriptions for preparations from false orange. Tincture "Adam's Apple" on vodka is a very effective remedy that will help in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and salt deposits.

It is not difficult to prepare a tincture, especially since there are many ways to make a medicine:

  1. Adam's apple (tincture for joints): the first way. It is necessary to take a small fruit, grind it with a meat grinder, and then place the mass in a glass bottle. Next, the raw material is poured with vodka - 500 ml. The container must be closed and set aside in a warm, darkened room for half a month.
  2. The second way. The method is similar to the first and the ingredients are taken in the same proportions. Only this tincture "Adam's apple" on vodka should be shaken every day. Duration of infusion - two weeks.
  3. The third way. This medicine has a longer preparation time, but at the same time, its shelf life is also extended. It is necessary to take the fruits of an inedible orange - about ten pieces, then rinse and cut into small pieces. Next, the raw material is put into a glass bottle and filled with high-quality vodka (it should be twice as large in volume as the fruit). Then the hermetically sealed container should be set aside in a warm dark place for two months.

How to apply

The tincture has a wide range of uses. It is especially effective in the fight against back pain and joint ailments. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, tincture of Adam's apple on vodka should be used as follows.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the preparation, and then rub it into the painful area on the back. After the appearance of redness and pleasant warmth over the body, it is necessary to lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

The tool helps to eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling and swelling. After the course of treatment, the general condition and well-being will noticeably improve. For the treatment of such ailments as salt deposition, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis, the remedy is recommended to be used as follows.

A little composition should be rubbed into a painful place, and then insulated with a scarf or scarf. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. Relief and improvement of well-being occurs, as a rule, after three procedures. The optimal duration of the therapeutic course is fifteen procedures.

It is necessary to treat the affected area three times a day. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, experts recommend using Adam's apple tincture on vodka both externally and internally. The complex use of the drug will help to quickly get rid of uncomfortable and painful sensations.

It is necessary to use the medicine as follows:

  • during the first week - 3 drops during the morning meal;
  • during the second - 3 drops, but already twice a day;
  • during the 3rd - three drops three times a day;
  • during the fourth - four drops four times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is a month. After six months, treatment, if necessary, can be repeated.

The appropriate use of Adam's apple tincture for the joints, in addition to helping to eliminate joint pain and discomfort, as well as stiffness, swelling and swelling, will contribute to:

  • improve the condition of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • normalization of the functioning of the CCC;
  • increase the protective properties of the body;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • activation of cell regeneration;

Ointment: how to prepare and use

Adam's apple joint tincture is far from the only remedy that can be made from Indian orange. From the fruits, you can make a healing ointment that is effective in the fight against joint ailments and intervertebral hernia, as well as skin inflammations, abscesses and long-term non-healing wounds.

The ointment is easy to prepare. You need to take maclura fruits, wash them, and then cut them into cubes. In a glass bottle, you need to put melted pork fat, after which chopped fruits.

The components are laid out in layers of one and a half centimeters until the container is completely filled. The final layer, without fail, is fat. Then the container is sealed with a test and placed for a day in a water bath. The next day, the product is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. For the treatment of joint ailments and hernias, it is necessary to heat the spoon, then take the ointment with it and apply it to natural tissue.

Next, the product is applied to the affected area and insulated with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is five hours. This ointment is also effective in the treatment of mastopathy. It is necessary to lubricate the cabbage leaf with the product, then attach it to the chest and warm it with woolen material. The procedure is preferably carried out before going to bed.

Preparation of ointment according to a different recipe

Making an ointment in the second way involves the use of a special base - an ointment (zinc or glycerin is suitable). The required amount of pharmacy base (depending on the disease) must be mixed with maclura tincture. With the prepared remedy, you need to lubricate the affected areas three times a day. The tool is effective in the treatment of abscesses, long non-healing wounds, skin pathologies.

Oil Recipe

The oil is effective in the fight against lichen, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. To make the product, you should take ripe fruits in the amount of two pieces. They need to be cut into thin strips and placed in a glass container. Next, the raw material is poured with any vegetable oil - one glass. The container must be closed and left in a dark place for at least a week.

Maklura is a unique plant endowed with a mass of miraculous properties. Proper use of the compounds will help in curing a lot of ailments, as well as in strengthening the immune system and improving the general condition and well-being. The main thing is to prepare and use the drugs correctly and only after consulting your doctor.

In the modern world, people are increasingly turning to traditional medicine for help, some because they are confident in the effectiveness of remedies that have been tested for centuries, others because they do not trust modern medicines. One of these methods is the treatment with the fruits of the Adam's apple.


Adam's apple in biology is called orange or apple-bearing maclura (in Latin Maclura pomifera) and belongs to the Mulberry family, like mulberry. Its other names are "inedible orange", "Chinese or Indian orange", "god tree", "false orange", "dye mulberry".
The fruits of the tree resemble an orange about 15 cm in diameter, only shriveled, and do not deteriorate until 6 months, but they cannot be eaten. They ripen in September-October. Maclura comes from South America, most often it can be found in the state of Texas, it was brought to us in the 19th century.

Because of its unpretentiousness, it can grow anywhere, therefore it is grown to create shade in Kazakhstan, the Crimea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, among the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

Benefits of Adam's apple

Maclura fruits contain flavonoid compounds that help a person resist malignant tumors, protect against harmful substances, affect blood clotting, tone up, strengthen blood vessels, and improve metabolism.

Fatty acids, which are rich in Adam's apple seeds, serve as a source of energy. The leaves of this tree contain citric acid, which helps heal wounds.
Official medicine has not yet studied the beneficial properties of this tree, but in folk medicine it is used to treat:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • burns;
  • depriving;
  • eczema;
  • warts;
  • fungus;
  • boils;
  • cancer;
  • sclerosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • prostatitis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • calluses;
  • heel spurs;
  • colds.

Furniture is made of wood, planted as decoration or hedge.

Healing recipes

In folk medicine, treatment is carried out with the help of tinctures, ointments and oils with Adam's apple.

Recipe for tincture for joints external

The high efficiency of maclura in the treatment of joint problems was noted, for which a tincture is made. You will need:

  • adam's apple;
  • cutting board;
  • vodka;
  • jar with lid.

Important! Be sure to wear gloves when handling maclura.

Finely chop the maclura, put it in a jar and pour vodka or moonshine. Insist 2 weeks. With a small amount of tincture, rub the joints red before going to bed and go to bed. You can additionally tie them with something woolen.

When choosing a container, pay attention to its compliance with the volume of the prepared tincture, since the tincture will have better properties if it does not come into contact with air during infusion, so fill the jar to the top.

For this purpose, an ointment is also made, which can be made using:

  • adam's apple;
  • internal lard.

You will also need a grater or meat grinder, a cutting board, a knife, gloves, a jar with a lid for infusion and dishes for rendering fat. Cut the lard into cubes (the smaller, the easier it will be to melt), put in a clean bowl and put in a water bath.

Pour the melted fat into a separate bowl, cool it. The resulting lard should not be hot, but do not bring it to solidification. Maclura grate or grind in a meat grinder. Spread the Adam's apple and fat in the jar in equal layers so that the bottom and top layers are lard.

Did you know? In Tanzania (Africa), bacon must be in the dowry of every bride.

Transfer the covered jar to a dark warm place and leave for 10 days. Keep the finished product in the cold. For treatment, 1 tablespoon of the ointment is placed in a warm place to soften, then applied to a piece of bandage or gauze folded in several layers (cotton fabric can be used), applied to the sore joint before going to bed and wrapped, preferably with something woolen.

The next morning, the bandage is removed, the place of application is wiped clean with a napkin and put on ordinary clothes.
Candles can be made from the ointment to treat diseases of the straight cat. Put 1 teaspoon of softened ointment on cling film, roll up into a thin “sausage” and twist the edges. After solidification in the refrigerator, the suppository is ready for rectal use.

Recipe for tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol

In order to prepare alcohol tincture from maclura, you must:

  • Maclura proper;
  • alcohol with a strength of 96%;
  • gloves;
  • a jar with a lid;
  • cutting board.

The Adam's apple is well washed, chopped, put in a glass jar, poured with alcohol so that the fruits are completely covered, sent to a dark place away from heat sources (however, a refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose).
It is better to take strong alcohol, since it is very difficult to thoroughly wash the fruit because of the sticky juice, and some bacteria die only at such a strength. The most useful tincture is the one that has been infused for a year, although it is considered ready after it has stood for a month.

After cooking, it is filtered. Elixir does not lose its useful properties up to 10 years. This tincture is recommended to be taken orally to achieve the best effect in the treatment of various diseases.

The reception scheme looks like this:

The course of treatment can be taken twice a year with an interval of at least 3 months. Tincture can be used externally for the treatment of osteochondrosis, colds and other diseases.

Prescription for the treatment of heel spurs

Maclura is also used to treat heel spurs. For this you will need:

  • adam's apple;
  • olive oil (or any other vegetable oil);
  • gloves;
  • grater or meat grinder;
  • blender;
  • container for cooking with a lid.

Adam's apple is grated or ground with a meat grinder, poured with vegetable oil, whipped with a blender and allowed to brew for 10 days in a dark and warm place.

1 tablespoon of the finished product is spread on a plastic wrap, applied to the heel, bandaged loosely to keep it in place, and put on a sock. It is best to do this at night, take the film of such a size that the product does not flow out from under it. The course of treatment is 7 days.

After application, the skin in this place will darken, but after a while the natural color will return. In this form, the remedy is applicable for the treatment of corns, skin inflammations, as well as massage.

How to treat varicose veins

The use of Maclura for the treatment of varicose veins makes it possible to:

  1. Reduce pain.
  2. Remove excess liquid.
  3. Improve vascular patency.
  4. Prevent congestion.
  5. Ease the course of the disease.

To do this, a softened ointment based on Adam's apple (see the recipe above) is applied to the area with sore veins in the morning and evening for 10 days and bandaged with an elastic bandage.

Did you know? In the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle, it was believed that the blood in the human body is located only in the veins, and the aorta carry the air.

In addition, problem areas can be rubbed with alcohol tincture or a tincture based on finely grated maclura and apple or carrot mixed with softened butter. The treatment regimen is similar to the previous one.

Despite its name - Adam's apple - this fruit has nothing to do with the apple we are used to. In appearance, this fruit is more like a green orange. Perhaps it is because of this similarity that the Adam's apple has another name - the Chinese orange. Although the fruit is beautiful and appetizing, it is actually poisonous and can only be used externally.


Maclura fruits originally appeared in South America, but over time, the tree has taken root well in other southern countries, for example, in the Crimea and Central Asia. The fruits are large, light green in color, all in a pimple.


Both the tree and the fruit contain a lot of useful substances. If you cut a tree, you can see how sticky and thick juice will flow from it. Literally the whole tree, including fruits and leaves, is saturated with this juice. It is in it that saponins, bile acids, strenes, essential oils and triterpene alcohols are found. Adam's apple itself contains various useful pectins and sugars. The leaves contain citric acid.

How to use Adam's apple

In most cases, the fruits are used to prepare various decoctions, ointments and tinctures.

1. Ointment

As a rule, Adam's apple ointment is used to protect the skin of the body and face from the negative effects of the environment, to treat acne and other skin diseases. This ointment can be easily prepared at home. To do this, you need the fruit itself and oil. Take a saucepan (non-metal), put the first layer of finely chopped Adam's apple, pour in melted butter, put another layer of Adam's apple on top. Alternate layers until you run out of ingredients. Put everything in the oven for 4 hours. After that, strain the contents - the ointment is ready. Store in refrigerator.

Sometimes this ointment can be used in melted form. With sinusitis, it must be melted and used as nasal drops. But if such a remedy is combined with fish oil, then you get an excellent ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

2. Tincture for external use

To prepare the tincture, you also need the fruit of the Adam's apple and alcohol. Grind ripe fruits, dilute alcohol with water (1: 1) and fill them with finely chopped fruits. This tincture should be infused in a dark place for at least 30 days. Only after that it will be ready for use. You can use this medicine to treat polyarthritis and sciatica, to accelerate the healing of small cuts, abrasions and wounds.

3. Tincture for internal use

It should be said right away that the fruits of the Adam's apple are poisonous, therefore, when preparing such a tincture, you must strictly adhere to the recipe and, of course, consult a doctor. So, to prepare the tincture, you will need 1/2 kg of fruits and 0.5 liters of vodka. Finely chop the fruits, pour vodka and leave for a month, and best of all for six months. Only after this period, the tincture begins to show all its medicinal properties.

It is necessary to use such a tool according to a certain scheme. Over time, the body will get used to the poison, and doses can be increased. You need to start with three drops a day. They need to be diluted with a glass of water and drunk before meals. This scheme should be followed for a week. Then the same number of drops is applied twice a day. In the third week - three times a day. The increase continues until the dose reaches 10 drops three times a day. Then the dose should be reduced. To correctly calculate your dose, you must always consult with your doctor!

The properties of this tincture allow you to treat benign and malignant tumors.

Let's summarize. Adam's apple, the use of which is widespread in traditional medicine, has the following beneficial properties:

  • has an anticarcinogenic effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • fights various infections and viruses;
  • treats diseases of the joints, malignant and benign tumors.

For some, the Adam's apple is the hope of a cure of last resort. It has been experimentally proven that the composition of maclura juice successfully fights cancer cells and other malignant tumors. Unfortunately, medicine and technology do not yet use the Adam's apple in mass production, although an excellent medicinal herbal product could be born.

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