Blueberries health benefits and harms. Blueberry juice. Benefits of blueberry leaves

Blueberries are a variety of perennial undersized shrubs belonging to the Heather family. Common blueberries are also called myrtle blueberries.

Blueberries grow in the form of a small shrub, from 10 to 50 cm high, and in a rather cold climate of the tundra and the north, the height of a blueberry bush may not exceed a few centimeters.

Blueberry berries are eaten, they are also used for medicinal purposes, like blueberry leaves. Blueberry berries are juicy and very tasty, they have a rich black color with a brilliant bluish-blue bloom. The pulp of blueberry berries is dark red, it is soft and very juicy, it contains a huge number of small seeds.

In natural conditions of nature, the ripening period of blueberries varies from mid to late summer. Blueberries are also grown by gardeners, they are also sometimes used to decorate alpine slides.

Interestingly, based on the multifaceted studies of American scientists, we can confidently say that in the compiled list of popular drinks that are good for human health, it is fresh blueberry juice that takes a very honorable fourth place.

Composition of blueberry juice

A significant amount (about 30%) of sugars was found in blueberry juice, it is enriched with organic acids (oxalic, succinic, malic, citric, quinic, lactic), vegetable acids in berries were found to be about 7%. Blueberries contain 12% tannins, a significant amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins and pigments. The pigments in blueberries are responsible for their dark blue color and are related to the anthocyanin dye. In addition to anthocyanins, the juice contains protoanthocyanidins (acting as antioxidants), tannins, and flavonoids.

A significant advantage of blueberries is certainly its low calorie content - 38 kcal per 100 grams of berries. Despite their low calorie content, blueberry juice and berries are distinguished by a rich composition of vitamins, as well as other valuable substances, vitamin C, potassium, and iron. The composition of blueberry juice is enriched with fiber.

By freezing blueberry berries in the refrigerator, after defrosting, you will get the same useful and beloved by many product, which is not inferior in its properties to fresh berries. Dried blueberries retain all the valuable properties of a fresh product.

Making blueberry juice

Berry pickers know that blueberries are very fragile, so they are processed immediately after the picking process. For long-term storage, blueberry juice can be prepared at home. It is enough to wash the berries with running water, twist with a meat grinder or chop in a blender and put in an enameled container. It is recommended to take 100-120 ml of water per kilogram of berries. Next, you need to heat the berry to 70 ° C, at this temperature, blueberries should be kept for no more than 20 minutes. Then squeeze the juice from the softened berries. Next, the squeezed juice should be allowed to stand for about 2-3 hours, after which the liquid should be carefully drained, leaving a residue, then strain using cheesecloth. The resulting juice must be heated to 95 ° C, poured hot into sterilized jars, cover with lids. The last step in the preparation of blueberry juice is the sterilization of jars at a temperature of 85-90 ° C, then they are corked. The last step is to cool the jars to normal room temperature.

Benefits of blueberry juice

Juice made from blueberry berries has long been used by traditional medicine in the treatment of various health disorders. Thus, the juice from these berries serves as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, fixing agent. Blueberry juice is used for diseases of the stomach (for dysentery, gastritis, colitis, vomiting).

The fact that blueberry juice is enriched with tannins allows it to be an important assistant in the treatment of the problem of low stomach acidity, and these valuable substances also have a good effect on the activity of the entire human digestive system.

Blueberry juice for eye health

Ophthalmologists, studying the effect of blueberries on vision, have determined that regular consumption of all blueberry products has a very positive effect on the health of the retina. It is the healing composition of blueberries that contributes to the speedy adaptation of the organ of vision to twilight, and insufficient visibility.

It is interesting to know that today fresh blueberry juice is considered an indispensable component of the diet of astronauts, moreover, it is indicated for pilots, on whose vision human lives often depend.

Medicinal properties of blueberry juice

The medicinal properties of blueberry juice include its use in the treatment of urinary incontinence and getting rid of sand in the kidneys. Blueberry juice has a diuretic property. With the help of juice from blueberries, problems with the upper respiratory tract, sore throat and stomatitis are treated.

Phytoncides of blueberry juice are effectively used in the treatment of diseases provoked by pathogens of staphylococcus aureus, dysentery bacillus, typhoid fever, diphtheria.

The popularity of blueberry juice as a method of prevention and treatment is due to its anti-inflammatory, antianemic, antiallergic, vasoconstrictive, antidiabetic, astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, diuretic and biliary properties.

Juice made from blueberries helps to improve the functioning of the visual organ, it is known for its pronounced antiseptic effect. Known benefits of juice in acute enterocolitis, gastritis (with low acidity of gastric juice), dysentery, hepatitis and other stomach problems. Bilberry juice is used for medicinal purposes for heartburn, urethritis, rheumatic pains, cystitis.

Practical uses of blueberry juice

In practice, blueberry juice is used not only independently, but also in conjunction with strawberry juice. In this combination, juices are drunk in the treatment of urolithiasis, diabetes and anemia. With the above health problems, blueberry juice should be drunk 100 ml no more than three times a day before meals, it is useful to combine blueberry juice and honey.

If a health problem is associated with cystitis, rheumatic pains, urethritis, and also as an anthelmintic or antibacterial drug, it is recommended to drink blueberry juice (but not more than half a glass at a time).

Blueberry juice is used to rinse the throat (and, if necessary, the mouth). It is necessary to rinse at least several times a day, taking 1/3 cup. Rinsing with blueberry juice is done for stomatitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For the purpose of rinsing, an infusion of blueberries is also used.

Blueberry juice is also used externally. They treat skin diseases (scaly, eczema).

Contraindications to taking blueberry juice

Usually, there are no contraindications for taking blueberry juice, but its too active consumption in food can adversely affect the well-being of people suffering from biliary dyskinesia. Also, blueberries and all products prepared from it are not recommended for oxalaturia. And of course, each human body is individual, therefore, personal intolerance by one or another person of the substances that make up the blueberry juice should also be taken into account.

The first thing that many people know is that blueberries improve eyesight because they contain vitamins, anthocyanosides (the main active ingredients are found in purple fruits, thanks to which blueberries are so useful), bioflavonoids and other useful substances that:

  • improve blood supply to the eyes,
  • prevent damage by free radicals,
  • enhance visual acuity
  • prevent the formation of cataracts
  • have a positive effect on glaucoma,
  • protect and relieve eye fatigue.

In addition to a positive effect on the eyes, the beneficial effect on the body of these substances is not limited.

Blueberries also:

  • has a strong antioxidant effect;
  • does not allow platelets to stick together and form blood clots;
  • supports the formation of connective tissues;
  • increases elasticity and reduces fragility of capillaries;
  • activates the metabolism in tissues;
  • enhances the flexibility of cell membranes;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • acts as a tonic and prevents aging of the body.

Its effect on the body is very mild and gentle. Almost every pharmacy has blueberry preparations - this is Blueberry Forte and vitamin - Vitrum with blueberries and others.

Benefits of blueberry juice

Blueberry juice, like grandma's blueberry jam from childhood, which many people remember for its amazing taste, also has most of the beneficial qualities of blueberries.

Health Magazine has compiled a list of the healthiest drinks with a lot of antioxidants (antioxidants). The fourth place in it was taken by the lowest-calorie drink - blueberry juice.

In baby food, this juice is simply indispensable - slightly sweetened with honey, children willingly drink it up to 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. For a child from 2 to 6 years old, a quarter of a glass is enough, for a schoolchild and an adult, half a glass per dose, but not more than 300 ml per day.

In summer, when the threat of "dirty hands" disease - dysentery is especially strong, blueberry juice can be drunk for prevention. In addition, blueberries are a strong antihelminthic, and are more preferable than chemical preparations, as they do not harm health with side effects.

Children prone to anemia (decreased hemoglobin concentration) are recommended to take juice and berries alternately.

The antibacterial effect of blueberries has been scientifically proven - it is indispensable in the diet for gastrointestinal diseases, especially for gastritis with low acidity and with simultaneous inflammation of the large and small intestines (enterocolitis), inflammatory processes in the bladder - cystitis, urethritis, as well as bedwetting in children.

Allergy is the scourge of modernity. Allergy symptoms can be reduced to zero, as shown by laboratory studies of the Bulgarian Institute of Health; at the end of the course of taking blueberry juice, berries and dry fiber, strawberry juice or strawberries are allowed in moderation.

Dr. P. Stoyanov found that neomyrtillin glycoside (vegetable insulin), contained in blueberry leaves, reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. A decoction of blueberry leaves reduces high blood pressure. Fresh berries and compotes are recommended for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy (non-inflammatory damage to the retina).

Strengthening blood vessels, blueberry juice is a supplier of many microelements to the body, and in particular iron, which contributes to blood clotting.

As a diuretic and choleretic agent, blueberries are used for hepatitis, but for biliary dyskinesia (disturbance of their motility), juice should be used carefully - an excessive amount of it causes an influx of bile.

It is also proposed to combine juices - blueberry in equal quantities with mulberry juice - freshly squeezed, at one time half a glass for an adult, for a child - a quarter of a glass.

Making blueberry juice

It is quite easy to make blueberry juice even at home. For squeezing juice, you can use both manual and mechanical methods. If you need to prepare a lot of juice, then it is advisable to use special presses. We will not describe this method, there are operating instructions for this.

Manual juice extraction

Juice is squeezed manually when there are few berries, juice is needed for medicinal purposes or there are no necessary devices.

In these cases, we need a nylon fabric or a piece of clean linen. The fabric or linen should be rinsed in cold water and squeezed out.

A few crushed blueberries are placed in the middle of the fabric, wrapped and wrung out, just like hand-washed linen. The juice is collected in a suitable enameled container. It's easier to do it together. The canvas is washed in water before the second use, and if the break is more than a day, then the fabric is boiled.

It is not possible to extract all the juice with this method, but this method is better suited for obtaining high quality juice, because it will contain more nutrients and sugars.

The squeezed juice contains a lot of pulp, so it needs to be clarified by filtering or settling.

The first way to make juice


  • juice - 920 ml;
  • sugar - 80 g.

Fruit, vegetable and berry juices are recognized by modern nutritionists as an indispensable source of minerals and vitamins. In the ranking of the usefulness of juices, compiled by American researchers, blueberry juice was in fourth place. Fresh from berries of the heather family has a huge potential for useful properties.

The healing effect of blueberry juice on the body was well known already in the Middle Ages. So, in the XI century, doctors recommended it as a means of relieving painful sensations during menstruation. In the 16th century, the juice from it was used as a medicine to remove stones from the liver and kidneys. Also, blueberry juice and blueberries were considered products that help get rid of "heartache", which is now known under the more prosaic name "depression".

In the 18th century, there were already a huge number of medical treatises in which blueberry juice was extolled as a general tonic that helps to increase the tone of the body.

Calorie content and chemical composition

It is noteworthy that thick and sweet blueberry juice has a very low energy value. It is only 38 kcal per 100 g of drink. in the composition of the juice are absent, the amount is 1 g, and - 8 g.

Blueberry juice is highly biologically active due to its excellent vitamin composition and content and.

Vitamin A, which is part of blueberry juice, is involved in the synthesis of proteins and the regulation of metabolism. In addition, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for good skin condition.

With angina

Gargle with freshly squeezed blueberry juice three to four times a day. This will help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.

With stomatitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa

Rinse your gums with freshly squeezed juice five times a day. Use each time should be one-third of a glass of fresh.

With urolithiasis

For rheumatism

For dry eczema, burns

Blueberry juice with pulp is used similarly to ointment, applied in a thick layer to the affected area and covered with a gauze bandage.

Blueberry juice for eye health

Studies conducted by ophthalmologists have confirmed that blueberry juice, like any products from this berry, has a positive effect on vision. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the retina due to the compounds and glycosides present in its composition. As a result, the so-called "twilight vision" is exacerbated - in other words, a person begins to see better in low light conditions.

However, contrary to popular belief, blueberry juice in its natural form should not be instilled into the eyes in any case. This is fraught with at least inflammatory processes. Instead, you should use special drops with blueberry extract, which are sold in pharmacies.

Blueberry juice against diabetes and obesity

The role of blueberry juice in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity should be noted separately.

The thing is that neomyrtillin glycoside is present in blueberry juice. It has an effect on blood sugar levels and is known as the so-called "vegetable insulin". It is noteworthy that in the leaves its concentration is slightly higher than in the blueberries themselves, and therefore, a mixture of fresh juices from berries and leaves of the plant is used to lower blood sugar levels. According to nutritionists, this drink helps to lower blood levels by more than a third. At the same time, given the fact that neomyrtillin also stimulates metabolism, doctors are convinced that blueberry juice can also be used to treat obesity.

Note that in the United States, blueberries are very popular, allowing you to lose up to eight kilograms in eighteen days. It provides for the use of blueberry fresh four times a day, in combination with dairy products, cereals and fresh fruits.

Blueberry juice for kids

Blueberry juice is considered one of the safest components of baby food. Due to its taste, most kids like it, so parents do not have to puzzle over how to get their capricious child to drink a healthy drink.

Of course, blueberry juice should not be given to babies. Nutritionists are convinced that it should be introduced into the diet at the age of two.

Blueberry juice is especially useful for enuresis. It is also recommended for babies with weakened immune systems and low hemoglobin.

As for the dosage, for children aged two to six years, blueberry fresh is given half a glass twice a day. At an older age, the dosage can be increased to one and a half glasses per day.


The uniqueness of blueberry juice is that this drink has practically no contraindications. It does not cause allergic reactions, and manifestations of individual intolerance are very rare.

The use of blueberry fresh is allowed even for pregnant and lactating women.

The only possible contraindication for drinking blueberry juice is biliary dyskinesia. Due to its choleretic effect, the drink can provoke the movement of stones, which can negatively affect well-being. Also, with caution, the use of blueberry juice should be approached with oxalaturia.

How to make blueberry juice

Blueberries are a berry that is characterized by increased fragility. Therefore, its processing should be dealt with immediately after collection or purchase, so that the juice is not only tasty, but also healthy.

The easiest way to prepare blueberry fresh - for this, it is enough to chop the previously sorted and thoroughly washed berries in a blender. Those who want to enjoy a healing drink not only during the season can prepare it for future use.

To do this, pour blueberries crushed in a blender with water at the rate of 100 ml / 1 kg. Stir and heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil. When the mixture is hot, let it steep for two to three hours.

After that, squeeze the juice using cheesecloth and a colander. Pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it brew, then strain, bottle and seal tightly.

For longer storage, jars of blueberry juice can be sterilized. If you need the drink to be stored for about a year, heat the fresh mixture with water from the previous recipe to 80 ° C and keep it on fire for about half an hour. Then cool the juice, pour into pre-sterilized jars and sterilize in boiling water for a quarter of an hour. After that, the jars should be rolled up with lids, turned over and wrapped. Store blanks in a dark, cool place.

Everyone knows about a low shrub that grows sweet and sour, juicy, black berries. It is actively used for medicinal purposes by folk healers. In the people it is called blueberry, blueberry. Healers say that this berry relieves diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver, while purifying the blood and clarifying the mind. Especially useful is blueberry juice, which has long established itself as a healing drink. How to drink juice? Is it equally useful for everyone?


It contains many minerals, it contains a large amount of manganese, iron, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, chromium, potassium, therefore it belongs to a unique type of plant. The drink is rich in vitamins PP, C, B, essential oil, tannin.

How many calories are in a drink? No more than 50 kcal, so it is suitable for getting rid of excess weight. In America, a juice diet is actively used, which makes it possible to get rid of 8 kg in just two weeks, improve mood and well-being. You need to drink juice in the morning, at lunch, in the evening. It is great to combine it with fresh fruits, dairy products, vegetables, various cereals. You can dine on blueberries. It is allowed to eat potatoes, cheese, bread (only black). Season all dishes with olive oil only.

Beneficial features

The drink has a beneficial effect on the body. It is especially useful for the digestive system - digestion quickly normalizes. That is why it is actively used for diarrhea, constipation, has a bactericidal effect. It is used for dysentery,. Due to the fact that there is a lot of tannin in the berry, blueberry juice is used for low gastric acidity, vomiting, gastritis, colitis, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

When using blueberry juice, a decoction of berries, leaves in a diabetic, the work of the pancreas normalizes, blood sugar decreases. Over time, the patient may stop using insulin altogether. It is worth noting that berry blueberry juice is a reliable prevention of vascular and heart diseases, because it contains a lot of antioxidant substances.

Drinking a little blueberry juice before eating can protect against cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, rheumatoid pain. This drink is one of the best antibacterial, antihelminthic drugs.

In modern medicine, juice is loved because it has a beneficial effect on vision. The vitamin composition improves vision at night, adapts the eyes to poor visibility.

Interesting! Blueberry juice must be on the menu of pilots and astronauts.

In addition to the fact that the drink can be consumed inside, it is used as an external drug for scaly, eczema.

Attention! Despite all the benefits of the drink, you need to be extremely careful with it, it can worsen your overall well-being. It is forbidden to drink a lot of juice with biliary dyskinesia.

Recent studies have proven that blueberry juice perfectly rejuvenates the brain and prevents development. Those who constantly have to endure mental stress should systematically consume blueberry juice. After studying the leaves and berries of the shrub, scientists came to the conclusion that the drink restores body functions and helps prevent old age.

Application for children

The drink must be introduced into the diet of the child. Moreover, you do not have to force him to drink, he is very tasty, helps to grow faster. It is very useful for weak children suffering from enuresis. Children under 6 years of age can drink no more than half a glass at a time.

Babies are recommended to give blueberry juice as a prophylactic against stomatitis. They can lubricate the gums. It is very rare for an allergic reaction to juice. In addition, the dried fiber of berries is used in complex therapy for allergic diseases.

Blueberry preparations

Please note that the berry is useful in any form. You can use fresh, dried, frozen, canned berries. From it, prepare yourself a delicious infusion, decoction, jam, compote, homemade wine.

It is best to preserve fresh blueberries, be sure to rinse them first, sort them out, and dry them. After you need to take a jar, fill it with blueberries and add sugar. Be sure to consider the proportions: a 3-liter jar of blueberries will go to a glass of sugar. Then the jar is placed in a saucepan, water is added, everything is sterilized. After the berries are completely in the drink, roll up a hot jar. Turn over and wait until it cools down. This method of preservation will make it possible to preserve all the useful substances in blueberries.

How to make blueberry juice?

You need to take the berries, squeeze the juice. After everything is filtered, boiled, you can put sugar. Hot juice is poured into sterilized jars. It is worth noting that a 0.5-liter jar is sterilized for 7 minutes, and a liter jar for about 10 minutes. Consider proportions: a kilogram of blueberries is covered with sugar (100 grams).

Juice with pulp

It is necessary to take a berry (800 grams) + a glass of sugar syrup. It is recommended to knead the berries with a wooden spatula, you can pass them through a meat grinder. The whole mass is heated, rubbed through a sieve. Blueberry puree should be mixed with sugar syrup, warmed up and poured into jars. After harvesting, the jars are pasteurized, but they are not brought to a boil. What do you need for syrup? Sugar (kilogram) + water (600 ml).

So, blueberry juice deserves to be added to the menu. This is a healing drink that fights various diseases, helps protect against many ailments. It is only important to always remember the measure in order to avoid various side effects. Do not forget to give blueberry juice to children, it is especially useful for them. It is best to prepare the drink yourself, so you save its healing effect!

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