Diet in kindergartens. Who checks the organization of food in kindergartens. Nutrition at home and in kindergarten

1. How and where is it cooked in kindergarten?

Food for children in the garden is prepared at the kindergarten's kitchen immediately before consumption. Therefore, mothers should not have any doubts about the freshness of dishes. Everything is kept absolutely clean and tidy. Inspectors from the Department of Education and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service regularly visit kindergartens and monitor compliance with all norms. In some kindergartens, children are served in a common dining room (a relatively new rule), in other kindergartens, lunch is served, as before, in a group.

2. What is the menu in kindergarten and who invented it?

The menu for kindergartens was developed jointly by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the Department of Education, and includes dietary dishes (casseroles, cereals, meatballs, borscht, soups, etc.). No deviations in relation to the menu that entered the kindergarten are allowed. The teacher is obliged to check which products have arrived for distribution from the kitchen, moreover, he tries before the assistant teacher puts them on plates. Firstly, the teacher is aware of the gastronomic characteristics of the children in his group, and the baby, who, for example, is allergic to citrus fruits, will replace the orange with an apple. Secondly, the educator himself must be convinced of the quality and taste of the cooked lunch.

3. How do we eat?

Lunch is the main meal in kindergarten. It is at lunchtime that the baby eats maximum amount vegetables, meat and fish. The first courses are borscht, meat, fish and vegetarian soups. For the second, they usually give meat dishes(cutlets, meatballs, goulash, stew). It is advisable to use vegetables more often as a side dish. For the third - Fresh Juice, compote, jelly. For breakfast and dinner, kids get milk porridge with vegetables and fruits, vegetable dishes, cottage cheese dishes. Children are given fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts), be sure - fish. There are no problems with fruits at any time of the year. In addition to three meals a day in kindergarten, every day at 11.00, kids receive apples, bananas, kiwi, juice.

4.Features of nutrition of the child during the period of adaptation

The transition of a child to education in a children's team is always accompanied by certain psychological difficulties, often in children at this time appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, and overall resistance to diseases decreases. Proper organization food at this time has great importance and helps the child to quickly adapt to the team. Before the child enters the kindergarten, bring the diet and composition of the diet as close as possible to the conditions of the kindergarten. To accustom him to those dishes that are often given in a preschool institution, especially if he has never received them before. In the early days, you can not change the stereotype of the child's behavior, including eating habits. At first, if the child did not eat on his own, the educators will definitely feed and supplement him. If the child refuses to eat, in no case should you force-feed him. This reinforces the negative attitude towards children's team. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, additional fortification of the diet of children should be carried out using a wide range of available fortified foods and drinks, and, if necessary (at the conclusion of a doctor), also multivitamin preparations (vitamin-mineral complexes).

5. Will the baby eat in kindergarten?

Whether the baby will eat in kindergarten depends on both the kindergarten staff and the parents. Why does the child refuse to eat? There may be several reasons: the child may be psychologically uncomfortable, unusual meals, or the child may simply not know how to eat on his own. Parents who send their kids to kindergarten need to think about this first. One of the main reasons for refusing to eat may be the banal inability to use a fork or spoon. Teach your child to eat independently. Coming to kindergarten, the child should be able to use a spoon, drink from a cup. Educators noted that beginners eat slowly and leave the table last, they are distracted by many things. At home, you need to try to teach the child to eat with his parents at the common table. In kindergarten, feeding takes no more than 30 minutes. Especially many problems with nutrition in the first days of attending kindergarten occur in toddlers. With questions about the nutrition of the baby, it would be good to contact the nurse or the head of the kindergarten of your choice. They will tell you about the specifics of this institution.

6. The first day in the garden.

The first few days of a baby's stay in kindergarten are the most difficult. A new unfamiliar team, and most importantly, the absence of a mother. This greatly affects psychological state baby. Hence the decrease in appetite, and in children who are especially attached to their mother and home environment, it may disappear altogether. Some kids even refuse to eat at home. Experts advise during this period to cook more nutritious dishes fortified with vitamins and minerals at home for the crumbs. Be sure to include fruits, juices, sour-milk drinks in the baby's diet during this period. To meet the body's need for vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to give him vitamin preparations. Also, experts recommend feeding the crumbs at home with breakfast in the first days, but be sure to warn the teacher that he has already eaten. Always be interested in how the child ate during the day. Pay attention to the menu in kindergarten. It is advisable to warn the teacher about the habits of your baby. For newcomers in kindergarten, a sparing regime is established. If your baby, for example, does not know how to eat on his own, then feeding him is the responsibility of the educator or assistant educator.




1. How and where do they cook in kindergarten?

Food for children in the garden is prepared at the kindergarten's kitchen immediately before consumption. Therefore, mothers should not have any doubts about the freshness of dishes. Everything is kept absolutely clean and tidy. Inspectors from the Department of Education and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service regularly visit kindergartens and monitor compliance with all norms. In some kindergartens, children are served in a common dining room (a relatively new rule), in other kindergartens, lunch is served, as before, in a group.

2. What is the menu in kindergarten and who came up with it?

The menu for kindergartens was developed jointly by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the Department of Education, and includes dietary dishes (casseroles, cereals, meatballs, borscht, soups, etc.). No deviations in relation to the menu that entered the kindergarten are allowed. The teacher is obliged to check which products have arrived for distribution from the kitchen, moreover, he tries before the assistant teacher puts them on plates. Firstly, the teacher is aware of the gastronomic characteristics of the children in his group, and the baby, who, for example, is allergic to citrus fruits, will replace the orange with an apple. Secondly, the educator himself must be convinced of the quality and taste of the cooked lunch.

3. How do we eat?

Lunch is the main meal in kindergarten. It is at lunchtime that the baby eats the maximum amount of vegetables, meat and fish. The first courses are borscht, meat, fish and vegetarian soups. The second is usually given meat dishes (cutlets, meatballs, goulash, stew). It is advisable to use vegetables more often as a side dish. On the third - fresh juice, compote, jelly. For breakfast and dinner, kids get milk porridge with vegetables and fruits, vegetable dishes, and cottage cheese dishes. Children are given fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts), be sure - fish. There are no problems with fruits at any time of the year. In addition to three meals a day in kindergarten, every day at 11.00, kids receive apples, bananas, kiwi, juice.

4. Features of the child's nutrition during the period of adaptation

The transition of a child to education in a children's team is always accompanied by certain psychological difficulties, often in children at this time appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, and overall resistance to diseases decreases. Proper nutrition at this time is of great importance and helps the child quickly adapt to the team. Before the child enters the kindergarten, bring the diet and composition of the diet as close as possible to the conditions of the kindergarten. To accustom him to those dishes that are often given in a preschool institution, especially if he has never received them before. In the early days, you can not change the stereotype of the child's behavior, including eating habits. At first, if the child did not eat on his own, the educators will definitely feed and supplement him. If the child refuses to eat, in no case should you force-feed him. This reinforces the negative attitude towards the children's team. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, an additional fortification of the diet of children should be carried out, using a wide range of fortified foods and drinks available, and, if necessary (at the doctor's conclusion), also multivitamin preparations (vitamin-mineral complexes).

5. Will the baby eat in kindergarten?

Whether the baby will eat in kindergarten depends on both the kindergarten staff and the parents. Why does the child refuse to eat? There may be several reasons: the child may be psychologically uncomfortable, unusual meals, or the child may simply not know how to eat on his own. Parents who send their kids to kindergarten need to think about this first. One of the main reasons for refusing to eat may be the banal inability to use a fork or spoon. Teach your child to eat independently. Coming to kindergarten, the child should be able to use a spoon, drink from a cup. Educators noted that beginners eat slowly and leave the table last, they are distracted by many things. At home, you need to try to teach the child to eat with his parents at the common table. In kindergarten, feeding takes no more than 30 minutes. Especially many problems with nutrition in the first days of attending kindergarten occur in toddlers. With questions about the nutrition of the baby, it would be good to contact the nurse or the head of the kindergarten of your choice. They will tell you about the specifics of this institution.

6. First day in the garden.

The first few days of a baby's stay in kindergarten are the most difficult. A new unfamiliar team, and most importantly, the absence of a mother. This greatly affects the psychological state of the baby. Hence the decrease in appetite, and in children who are especially attached to their mother and home environment, it may disappear altogether. Some kids even refuse to eat at home. Experts advise during this period to cook more nutritious dishes fortified with vitamins and minerals at home for the crumbs. Be sure to include fruits, juices, sour-milk drinks in the baby's diet during this period. To fill the body's need for vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to give it vitamin preparations. Also, experts recommend feeding the crumbs at home with breakfast in the first days, but be sure to warn the teacher that he has already eaten. Always be interested in how the child ate during the day. Pay attention to the menu in kindergarten. It is advisable to warn the teacher about the habits of your baby. For newcomers in kindergarten, a sparing regime is established. If your baby, for example, does not know how to eat on his own, then feeding him is the responsibility of the educator or assistant educator.

When we talk about nutrition, we rarely use the word culture. More A.P. Chekhov said that anyone who does not attach due importance to nutrition cannot be considered an intellectual and is worthy of any condemnation in "decent society."

Therefore, one who can organize his diet in accordance with the needs of his body, contributes to the preservation and strengthening of his own health.

Today, the situation with the organization of proper nutrition in kindergarten is greatly complicated with the appearance on the grocery market of low-quality products, with various synthetic additives.

And the frequent use of synthetic additives leads to food allergies, can cause bronchial asthma, various dermatitis and intestinal disorders.

Child nutrition has always been a subject tireless attention scientists, educators and psychologists.

When compiling the menu, take into account:

There is a list of foods that a baby can be given every day (milk, butter, vegetables and fruits, bread, sugar, meat), and some foods are different. For example, cottage cheese is supposed to be given at intervals of two days, an egg - every other day

Meals should be organized in an appropriate setting. The impulse of the baby to eat by force, the use of entertainment and persuasion creates a negative reflex in the baby to eat any kind of food. Each child in the kindergarten has his own place at the table, and the teachers make every effort to make the child feel comfortable while eating. Each group is provided with chairs according to age. The requirements for dishes are: ease of use, stability, compliance with the volume of the dish.

How to help your child get used to food in kindergarten?

If home and kindergarten diets do not match, the necessary changes should be made gradually. Children usually become attached to the prevailing stereotypes. A sharp change in diet is the main reason why a baby refuses to eat. The feeling of hunger is regulated by the onset of a certain time, and after it expires, the baby's appetite disappears. To prevent this from happening, it is better to "level" the regime in advance (the optimal period is two to three months before entering kindergarten), moving the time by ten to fifteen minutes each time. The most difficult to adapt to food in the garden for those children who in the family did not have any routine and diet at all. In such circumstances, it remains only to create an appropriate diet at home as soon as the baby enters kindergarten. The same diet should be maintained until the child enters school.

Nutrition at home and in kindergarten

You can prepare your baby for a diet in kindergarten at home. Usually, the diet in kindergartens is built according to the following schedule: breakfast starts at 8.30, at 12.00 - lunch in a nursery and at 12.15 - for groups of children aged four to seven years, at 15.15 - afternoon snack. Dinner time falls at 19.00, so dinner must be organized at home. Before bedtime, another light dinner is recommended: it can be prepared on the basis of easily digestible dairy products. However, the feeding schedules in different kindergartens may not match, so it is better to coordinate the home feeding schedule with the schedule of the particular kindergarten where the baby will go.

If home and kindergarten diets do not match, the necessary changes should be made gradually. Children usually become attached to the prevailing stereotypes. A sharp change in diet is the main reason why a baby refuses to eat. The feeling of hunger is regulated by the onset of a certain time, and after it expires, the baby's appetite disappears. To prevent this from happening, it is better to "level" the regime in advance (the optimal period is two to three months before entering kindergarten), moving the time by ten to fifteen minutes each time.

How to adapt to kindergarten nutrition

The most difficult to adapt to food in the garden for those children who in the family did not have any routine and diet at all. In such circumstances, it remains only to create an appropriate diet at home as soon as the baby enters kindergarten. The same diet should be maintained until the child enters school. Make sure your baby doesn't overeat!

In kindergarten, the amount of food is calculated based on the established norms for the age of the child. A preschooler is entitled to a volume of 1000 to 1700 grams per day. The volume of each dish is also provided. From April 1, the Institute of Nutrition introduced a new menu, which indicates the optimal amount of recommended dishes for dinner, taking into account daily ration.

It happens that parents, suspecting that their child is hungry, feed him more densely than it should be for the stomach of a baby of his age. In this situation, the child will be less likely to want to eat, more often he will refuse lunch and dinner, therefore, in a kindergarten where the norm of food volumes is observed, the child may be hungry. The baby should eat as much food as he needs. "Creating" the child the next portion, you need to take into account his age. Then there will be no significant differences in nutrition in kindergarten and at home.

Feeding in the intervals between lunch and dinner should be gradually eliminated. In addition, it is forbidden to eat brought from home in kindergarten. The diet of the baby can be made based on the approximate menu of the kindergarten. Every day the child should receive vegetables, fruits, juices, meat, bread. No need to focus on certain foods more than others. If a child has their own preferences for certain dishes, adapting to a new cuisine may be more difficult for him.

When the baby reaches one and a half years, his diet should be as varied as the diet of an adult, with the exception of some conventions. The child’s menu should include both first courses (borscht, puree soup), and second courses, casseroles, jelly, and so on. If it is prepared at home, the baby will naturally react to them in kindergarten.

Rules for cooking in kindergarten

There are also some rules for preparing children's menu dishes: they should not be too fatty, they should be cooked mainly in vegetable and butter. Mayonnaises, sauces, spices with spices should be limited. Children become accustomed to seasonings and lose their appetite for the natural taste of food. If the family is accustomed to consuming a lot of seasonings and sauces, the baby should organize a separate meal.

According to the "Model regulation on a preschool educational institution", adopted by the Government Russian Federation September 12, 2008 N 666, “the main tasks of a preschool educational institution are:

  • protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health children;
  • providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development children;
  • upbringing taking into account age categories children of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;
  • implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children;
  • interaction with families of children to ensure the full development of children;
  • providing advisory and methodological assistance parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

Dishes in kindergarten

Kindergartens usually concentrate on preparing meals for general menu for ages one and a half to seven years. The dependence of dishes on the season is manifested only in the fact that in summer and autumn children are given more vegetables and fruits, and in winter and spring - more juices and fruits. When compiling the menu, take into account:

  • a set of products during the day;
  • the volume of children's portions;
  • time required for preparation;
  • the possibility of interchangeability of products;
  • loss rates for various types of product processing;
  • chemical composition of products.

When compiling a daily diet, firstly think about the presence of an appropriate amount of protein in the dishes. Sources of protein are meat, fish, milk, eggs, legumes, cereals, bread. The main part of the fats in the daily diet is given to fats of animal origin (butter, sour cream). Vegetable fats (sunflower, corn, olive oil) occupy from 15 to 20% in the child's daily menu.

There are refined sources of carbohydrates - sugar, honey, confectionery, which are of little benefit to the baby. Satisfaction of the daily need for carbohydrates should occur at the expense of cereals, izmakaroni dishes, bread products and vegetables with fruits. In vegetables and fruits, in addition to the content of minerals and vitamins, there are also alimentary fiber, pectins, fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Many fruits, thanks to aromatic substances and oils, contribute to the excretion gastric juice and increased appetite. Onions and garlic are also essential in a baby's diet. There is a list of foods that a baby can be given every day (milk, butter, vegetables and fruits, bread, sugar, meat), and some foods are different. For example, cottage cheese is supposed to be given at intervals of two days, an egg - every other day, and fish - only once a week (the norm is 250 grams: it can be fish soup).

Food products prohibited in kindergarten

Annex 5 to sanitary rules SanPiN lists the following food products, which are not allowed to be used in the nutrition of children in preschool organizations, in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and mass noncommunicable diseases(poisoning):

  • offal, except liver, tongue, heart;
  • ungutted bird;
  • meat of wild animals;
  • frozen meat and offal, with a shelf life of more than 6 months;
  • frozen poultry meat;
  • mechanically deboned poultry meat and collagen-containing raw materials from poultry meat;
  • meat of the third and fourth category;
  • meat with mass fraction bones, adipose and connective tissue over 20%;
  • brawn, products from meat trimmings, diaphragms; head pulp rolls, blood and liver sausages;
  • cooking fats, lard or lamb, margarine and other hydrogenated fats;
  • eggs and meat of waterfowl;
  • eggs with contaminated shells, with a notch, "tek", "boy", as well as eggs from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis;
  • canned food with a violation of the tightness of cans, bombed, "crackers", cans with rust, deformed, without labels;
  • cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products contaminated with various impurities or infected with barn pests;
  • any food products of home (not industrial) production, as well as those brought from home and not having documents confirming their quality and safety (including when organizing festive events, celebrating birthdays, etc.);
  • cream confectionery (pastries and cakes) and creams;
  • cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk, flask cottage cheese, flask sour cream without heat treatment;
  • curdled milk "samokvas";
  • mushrooms and products (culinary products) prepared from them;
  • kvass, carbonated drinks;
  • milk and dairy products from farms that are unfavorable for the incidence of farm animals, as well as those that have not undergone primary processing and pasteurization;
  • raw smoked, semi-smoked, smoked gastronomic meat products and sausages;
  • dishes made from meat, poultry, fish, not passed heat treatment, except for salted fish (herring, salmon, trout);
  • broths prepared on the basis of bones;
  • fried in fat (deep-fried) food products and products, chips;
  • vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot peppers (red, black, white) and other hot (burning) seasonings and food products containing them;
  • hot sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces, pickled vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, apples) and other products preserved with vinegar;
  • natural coffee;
  • nuclei apricot kernel, peanut;
  • dairy products, cheese curds and ice cream using vegetable fats;
  • koumiss and other fermented milk products containing ethanol (more than 0.5%).
  • caramel, including candy;
  • first and second courses from / based on dry food concentrates fast food;
  • products containing synthetic flavors and dyes;
  • butter with a fat content below 72%;
  • products, including confectionery containing alcohol;
  • canned foods using vinegar.

For violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of nutrition of the population, Article 6.6. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses provides for liability in the form of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 rubles; for officials - from 2000 to 3000 rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days; on the legal entities- from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Rules for cooking in kindergarten

  • processing of raw and cooked products is carried out on different tables using appropriate marked cutting boards and knives;
  • There are 2 meat grinders on the catering unit for separate preparation of raw and finished products.

Children's nutrition follows the principles of gentle nutrition, which involves the use of certain methods of cooking, such as boiling, steaming, stewing, baking, and fried foods are excluded, as well as foods with irritating properties. From the moment of preparation to the holiday, the first and second courses can be on a hot stove for no more than 2 hours.

Food processing in kindergarten

  • Vegetables are sorted, washed and cleaned. Peeled vegetables are washed again in a flowing drinking water at least 5 minutes in small batches, using colanders, nets.
  • Vegetables must not be pre-soaked.
  • Peeled potatoes, root crops and other vegetables, in order to avoid their darkening and drying, can be stored in cold water no more than 2 hours.
  • Vegetables harvested last year (cabbage, onion, root crops, etc.) in the period after March 1, it is allowed to use only after heat treatment.
  • Vegetables intended for the preparation of vinaigrettes and salads are boiled in a peel, cooled; clean and cut boiled vegetables in a cold shop or in a hot shop on a table for boiled products. Cooking vegetables on the eve of the cooking day is not allowed. Vegetables boiled for salads are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours.

  • Salads are prepared and dressed immediately before distribution. Salads are dressed just before serving. Used as salad dressing vegetable oil. The use of sour cream and mayonnaise for dressing salads is not allowed.
  • Fruits, including citrus fruits, are thoroughly washed in the conditions of the primary vegetable processing shop (vegetable shop), and then a second time in a cold shop in washing baths.
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk and other fermented milk products are portioned into cups directly from bags or bottles before they are distributed.

Preparation and control of the menu in kindergarten.

Nutrition standards in kindergartens were developed at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. All state preschool institutions adhere to these norms. The amount of food for each age group, as well as the quality of the products included in children's menu SES are controlled in kindergartens. In addition, a special commission periodically checks the quality of meals served to children.

Now many kindergartens have dietitians who can make their own menus. However, there can be no deviations from the norms of nutrition in kindergarten. Calorie content, time between feedings and many other nuances - everything is taken into account according to the norms.

Nutrition in kindergarten for a child with allergies

Any mother of a child who suffers from food allergies would be happy not to send her to kindergarten so as not to risk her health. But the child needs to go to the kindergarten, and not all mothers have the opportunity to stay at home with the child. What should parents do with a child with allergies? First of all, it is necessary to examine the child, to test for allergens. The second step is to report the problem to the teacher.

The menu in the kindergarten is compiled taking into account the requirements of SanPin and the seasonal availability of products. The menu in kindergarten for the day and for the week is compiled by the head of the preschool educational institution together with the head of the catering department. Children should receive a balanced and varied diet.

In preschool educational institutions(hereinafter - DOW) children are offered a full and varied diet. sample menu in kindergarten, it takes into account the age of the pupils, the time of year and the state of health of the children. The menu in the preschool educational institution has some features:

  • dishes are repeated no more than once every 20 days;
  • daily ration babies under the age of three years is 1540 kcal, children over three years old - 1900;
  • the diet includes a nutritious breakfast, fruit juices and fruits, a second breakfast, a hearty lunch and an afternoon snack;
  • for breakfast, pupils should receive a quarter of the daily ration, about 15% is taken by second breakfast and afternoon tea, and 45% of the ration children receive at lunch.

Menu in kindergarten for the day

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed standards baby food in DOW. The diet is compiled for each age group of children. The quality of the products is monitored by the SES, the head of the kindergarten and the catering unit. In Russian kindergartens, the menu form in the kindergarten for each day is filled in by a specialist in diet food, which is responsible for the diet of babies.

Before serving food, the nurse should fortify the third and first courses with vitamin C for children under one year old - 30 mg of the vitamin, 1-6 years old - 40 mg, and children over 6 years old - 50 years old.

Every day, children 2-5 years old should receive following products(in grams):

  • Porridge or vegetables - 180-200,
  • Coffee, tea, cocoa - 150,
  • Soups, broths - 150-200,
  • Meat or fish dishes - 60-70,
  • Compotes, kissels - 150,
  • Combined side dishes - 100-150,
  • Fruits, juices - 50-100,
  • Vegetable or fruit salads - 40-50,
  • Rye bread (for the whole day) - 50,
  • Wheat bread (for the whole day) - 110.


In the magazines "Handbook of the head preschool"and" Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution "published important materials for the leaders of the preschool educational institution:

Every day, children in the garden eat four times: lunch, afternoon tea and two breakfasts are provided for them. In some cases, three meals a day are acceptable if the diet is compiled by a full-time nutritionist and does not provide for a deviation from the norm in terms of calories. The children's table includes fish and meat dishes, eggs, cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, pastries, juices and hot drinks. Pupils can always ask for the addition of non-portioned dishes if the portion was not large enough for them.

The diet can be designed for a child with food allergies. To do this, parents should provide the results of allergen tests to the preschool educational institution, and then notify the educator or staff nutritionist so that kindergarten staff know which foods the child should not eat. When compiling a diet for pupils, a nutritionist will try to exclude allergens.

To prepare your child for kindergarten meals, parents should:

  1. Ask the teacher about the approximate menu in kindergarten with recipes in order to gradually accustom the baby to such food.
  2. Refuse products that are fundamentally different in taste and composition from food in preschool.
  3. Do not give your child exotic foods, smoked, salty, fatty and spicy dishes, which are not in approximate menu. It is important for mom to know that in kindergarten meals are prepared with a minimum of fat, butter and vegetable oils are often used for cooking.
  4. Worth diversifying home menu simple meals, completely eliminating carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers and chips.
  5. It is important to follow the principle of 5 meals a day at home, so it will be easier for the child to get used to the schedule of meals in preschool.
  6. Do not give your child double portions of food, thinking that he is malnourished in kindergarten. Portions should be age appropriate, otherwise obesity or problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be provoked.
  7. If the family does not adhere to the diet, gradually wean the child from snacking between meals.

Menu in kindergarten for a week

Preschool meals in kindergartens, the menu of which is compiled by a medical worker, are subject to mandatory approval by Rospotrebnadzor employees. The menu prescribes not only the size, but also the consistency of portions (pupils of nursery groups are given food in pureed form). It is important that the dishes are combined with each other. So, if children get borscht for lunch, vegetable soup or pickle, for the second they should have vegetables, vegetable salad or a side dish of pasta or croup. If cereal soup is served hot, vegetable stews and salads are recommended as a side dish. To boost their appetite, children are given fresh or salted vegetables before lunch.

Menu in kindergarten for a week nursery group

The nursery group of the kindergarten is children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. Babies need complete balanced diet calorie content from 1200 to 1500 kcal per day. The menu of the nursery group in kindergarten is compiled for 10 days by a medical worker, certified by an employee of Rospotrebnadzor and confirmed by the head of the preschool educational institution. The diet depends on the season and can be summer-autumn and winter-spring.

According to SanPin standards:

  • who are in the garden for more than 8 hours should be four to five times a day.
  • Between breakfast and lunch there should be an intermediate meal, which includes fresh fruits and drink.
  • If a fresh vegetables are not available, they are replaced by juices or quick-frozen fruits and vegetables.
  • An afternoon snack can be light and compact if dinner is not provided.

A sample menu in a kindergarten for a nursery group for a week is compiled taking into account the availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits. Several times a week, eggs, cottage cheese and fish should be on the children's table, in daily menu make oil, meat, cereals and fresh vegetables. Under a strict ban for children, mushrooms, vinegar, horseradish, flask milk, semi-finished products, smoked meats, waterfowl meat, mayonnaise, canned food.

Weekly menu for kindergarten students

The most a big problem kindergarten students, especially those who go to kindergarten or nursery very early, is to learn how to do without the help of their parents: to dress themselves, wash their hands and, most importantly, eat on their own. According to educators and doctors, this is the most difficult task for a child. In the kindergarten, they will not particularly persuade, constantly feed from a spoon, sing songs and dance around the crumbs: there are a lot of kids, and you have to keep track of everyone, and this can be a difficult test for a child. All children are offered the same food - you need to be able to chew it, you need to be able to drink from a cup and use a napkin. This is also often difficult for a "home" child.

Kindergarten menu

Nutrition for kindergartens is being developed medical workers, based on age physiology, so that the food covers the child's need for nutrients Ah, vitamins and minerals. Usually this menu is common for all pupils, from one and a half to 6-7 years old, only the portion sizes differ depending on age. Taking into account seasonal changes, fresh fruits and vegetables are used as much as possible in the diet of children in summer and autumn, and in the winter-spring season, fortified foods: juices, decoctions of herbs and winter fruits - apples, pears of winter varieties, persimmons.

All meals are divided by calorie content into certain physiological volumes: with 4 meals a day, breakfast accounts for 15–20% of calories, for lunch - up to 40%, for an afternoon snack - up to 15–20%, for dinner (in some kindergartens) - up to 20–30%.

Usually for breakfast, children are given porridge from various kinds cereals in milk, puddings, omelettes, juices or compotes. At lunch are obligatory various first dishes, salads, main courses and drinks. An afternoon snack is a fruit dessert or pastry with kefir, milk or another drink. Some extended stay gardens also allow for dinner, usually a vegetable, dairy or cereal dish.

Necessarily strict observance in the nutrition of the amount of protein, as the main building material for the growth and development of the baby, none vegetarian diets are not allowed in kindergarten. Children must be given animal proteins - fish, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. From vegetable proteins legumes, cereals, bread are used. The diet of children does not include animal fats and margarine - the source of fats are vegetable and butter. In addition, babies are given cream and sour cream. They also limit the amount of sugar, replacing it with carbohydrates from cereals, pasta and bakery products. The kindergarten menu contains a list of products that are prohibited by the SES, in addition, it also regularly checks the catering unit and employees of the children's institution.

There are products that appear on the child's table in kindergarten every day: these are milk, butter, sugar, vegetables, bread, fruits, meat. Eggs are usually given every other day, cottage cheese 2-3 times a week, and fish 1-2 times a week.
All dishes are prepared immediately before consumption, they are not stored or reheated. The kindergarten menu does not allow repetitions of the same dishes on the same day, for example, pasta in the morning and evening. The menu is prepared a week in advance, while kindergarten staff try to avoid repeating dishes during the week if possible. In addition, to stimulate digestion in children in without fail at lunch they give salads of vegetables or fruits of a sour taste, for example, cabbage with an apple or carrots with an apple.

Problems with appetite

The baby's appetite in kindergarten will depend more on the efforts of the parents, although the kindergarten staff also play a role in this. There are several reasons why a child may refuse to eat in kindergarten.

Any global change- this is stress for the body, especially if it is a baby of the first years of life. A completely different company of adults and children appears, the circle of communication changes dramatically, contact occurs immune system with unfamiliar substances: exchange of microflora between children, new environment - other furniture, toys, laundry detergents, etc. The attitude towards the child is also changing: he is no longer the center of the universe. This leads to disruption in the work of higher departments. nervous system and results in behavioral problems, moodiness, anxiety, sleep and appetite disturbances, even at home. Many children are conservatives. It is very difficult for them to change their usual rituals: changing their favorite plate and spoon can beat off their appetite for a long time. In addition, the kids are given a clearly regulated place at the table, not allowing liberties, and next to them they also put other children who distract attention.

The biggest mistake of parents and many caregivers is trying to feed the child at any cost. Usually persuasion is used: "Eat everything - and I'll give you candy" or threats: "Until you eat the whole dinner, we won't let you out of the table." However, in this way, only the completely opposite result can be achieved - to increase stress and deprive the child of appetite for a long time. The wrong option would be the transformation of the process of eating into game show or a competition for "the cleanest plate" or "who will eat everything the fastest." Eating not for the sake of food will not be beneficial - in this way, a loser complex can be formed in a not very quick phlegmatic child. Then appetite will disappear for a long time.

But there are solutions to the problem of lack of appetite, the main thing is to be patient. The kid will get used to the new team a little and will begin to reach out for other children, imitate them, including in food. Ask the caregivers to place the child with those babies who are already eating well.

It is also important to create a food ritual: the baby is offered constant sequence actions - washing hands, sitting at the table. A common mistake of parents is to encourage selectivity in food and its cultivation in a child. In addition, the baby is often spoiled with various delicacies since childhood, he eats when he wants, where he wants and only what he wants. Once a child is accustomed to such a regimen, it will be very difficult to teach him to eat ordinary kindergarten food and form a daily routine. When entering the kindergarten, of course, there is a protest against the "tasteless" food. The baby is being forced to eat something that is not what he is used to.

And the hardest thing is when they try to teach a child to eat in the garden. normal products, and in the evening, moms and dads again offer him their favorite treats in the form of “compensation”. Parents should categorically say “no” to such products and be patient, starting to methodically accustom the baby to healthy food, otherwise he will not fully eat in the garden.

One more important reason poor appetite is the inability to eat independently. Sometimes children by the time they enter kindergarten do not know how to use a spoon and fork at all. And when they are around more skilled peers who eat well, they have problems. A big mistake of parents is to ask the teachers not to disregard their crumbs - they fed them, helped them eat from a spoon, showed them how to do it. This sharply distinguishes the baby from all the children, he begins to think that he is doing everything wrong: everyone can eat with a spoon, but he cannot. In addition, the educator begins to focus the attention of the child himself and the children around him on the problem, and this may result in complete failure from food.

Learning to eat on your own

Doctors and psychologists note that children who, by the time they enter the kindergarten, know how to take care of themselves in an elementary way: dress, wash their hands or wash, eat on their own, adapt more easily. If the baby does not manage appliances well, in kindergarten he usually sits at the table the longest, eats worse and may not eat the whole portion in order to keep up with other children. In addition, newbies are often distracted by what is happening around them while eating, which also affects their appetite.

Before entering the kindergarten, of course, you need to teach the baby to eat on his own, use cutlery and be able to behave at a common table. At least from 1.5–2 years old, the child should eat with everyone at the common table, use a fork, spoon, drink from a cup. It forms communication skills with peers on weekends well, invite kids to common dinners. Make sure that the baby learns to eat within half an hour - this is the time allotted in kindergartens for eating.

We comply with the regime

The most correct decision is to gradually and purposefully start preparing the baby for kindergarten in advance, preferably several months in advance. You need to know the schedule of meals in the garden and follow it at home, without deviating from it and not spending more than half an hour at the table.

It is necessary to bring the baby's daily routine and nutrition almost completely to that which will be in kindergarten. Usually, the meal schedule in children's institutions is as follows: breakfast - 8.30-9.00, lunch - 12.00-12.30, afternoon tea - 15.30-16.00, and the children have dinner at home, if this is not a long-term kindergarten. In the latter case, dinner usually takes place at 19.00. However, in your garden, everything may be somewhat different from these time frames, so do not be too lazy to clarify the mode in advance. In addition to the set meals for the child at home, a light second dinner is acceptable - usually fermented milk products. And some children have breakfast at home if the parents leave for work later than usual.

If your daily routine differs sharply from that which exists in the kindergarten, you need to rebuild smoothly and gradually, in a few months, shift the regime towards the kindergarten one. If you change the regimen abruptly, this can turn into a lot of stress for the baby, as well as a violation of appetite and even sleep. As mentioned earlier, children are conservative and difficult to adapt to new conditions.

How to adapt to the mode chosen by the kindergarten? It's not difficult: start gradually, once every few days, shift the time of meals by 7-15 minutes, approaching the required schedule.

The minimum interval for restructuring the regime, so that it does not negatively affect the crumbs, is a period of 2-3 months. The strongest test will be in kindergarten for those children who did not adhere to any regimen at home: they will have to get used to the routine and learn to do a lot anew.

Menu - like in kindergarten

Make the baby’s diet as close as possible to the kindergarten one, include only healthy foods. Take an interest in the kindergarten menu layout for the week and try to make a similar meal plan. The child's diet should include daily bread, meat and vegetable dishes, fruits, juices, compotes. Be sure to teach your baby to eat cereals, dairy products, vegetable and meat dishes and do not offer him fried, smoked, overly salty and pickled foods. The main processing methods are steaming and regular cooking, baking, stewing using vegetable and butter. Add a minimum of spices, salt and sugar to your food. Avoid sauces like mayonnaise and ketchup. The main children's dishes are low-fat soups, compotes, kissels, casseroles, puddings, cereals and omelettes. The diet must include fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. It is best with the birth of a baby with the whole family to switch to a more rational and proper nutrition not to cook for the child separately.

If the baby categorically refuses to eat any product, try including this product in his diet. favorite dish. For example, if the baby does not like boiled onions or zucchini, put their small pieces very finely chopped or even rubbed into vegetable stew. Offer your child an unloved product small quantities for the baby to get used to it. But if the baby still categorically protests, it’s better not to insist so as not to work out backlash in the form of vomiting or other similar manifestations.

In addition, you need to know the optimal amount of food for the child, do not overfeed the baby. For kindergartens, portion sizes are regulated based on age physiology, and are divided into periods - up to 3 years, the volumes are less, from 3 to 6-7 years - more. On average, these volumes are calculated based on the total daily amount of food.

Mothers often try to feed the baby more densely, worrying that the baby will not eat enough. In the diet of crumbs, high-calorie snacks are allowed, due to which the main meals change their volumes. In kindergarten, it will be more difficult for such kids: they are used to their own rhythm of nutrition and may refuse to eat at the allotted time. To avoid such problems, observe portion sizes and reduce snacks between main meals to a minimum, then it will be easier for the child to adapt to eating out.

Difficult to study

The first two weeks in kindergarten are the most difficult time for the baby. During this period, a team appears in the life of the child, teachers replace the mother, the usual rhythm of life changes. This may even have a negative impact on excellent appetite. And in vulnerable children, appetite may disappear for a short time. Some children, even at home after kindergarten, may eat less than usual for the first time - do not be upset, do not force the child to eat and do not scold him. Your task is to help the baby go through the adaptation process and maintain a good appetite.

Doctors advise during adaptation to kindergarten to cook more high-calorie food for the child at home, rich in vitamins and minerals, drink more. The diet should include more vegetable salads and fresh fruits, juices, fermented milk drinks enriched beneficial microflora. It is recommended to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for the child: this will help the baby adapt more easily and have a positive effect on immunity.

Always find out what the children were fed during the day, and do not repeat dishes for dinner.

In the early days, it may be better if the child will have breakfast at home - in this case, it will be necessary to warn the educators that the child has been fed: he will just sit at breakfast with the kids, getting used to the team.

Talk to the teacher, tell him about the habits and characteristics of the child. At first, a sparing regimen will be developed for the beginner, the educator or nanny will pay Special attention baby at the table. They will help him if necessary, note how and how much he ate. Be sure to ask them not to force the baby to eat: this will only cause backlash. Ask the teacher how the child ate during the day, and when going home with the baby from the garden, be sure to discuss in detail with him everything that happened at the table in the kindergarten - what was fed, whether he liked it or not, find words of support and approval, for mistakes do not scold, and for any success in eating - praise.

If the child is sick

It is optimal, of course, that in this case a specialized kindergarten with certain nutritional characteristics is chosen for the baby. But in conditions of an acute shortage of places in children's institutions, there is not always a choice.
In this case, it is necessary that medical card the child had marks about all his illnesses or developmental features. If your baby is allergic, ask your doctor to clearly list specific allergens on the chart, such as fish, eggs, or sugar. Then a separate table will be allocated for him next to babies with similar problems, and some dishes will be replaced with acceptable ones for this illness or allergy. Ask caregivers to strictly monitor the child's nutrition, excluding potentially dangerous products, and teach your baby to remind in kindergarten that he has special meals.

Of course, entering a kindergarten is a rather serious test for both the crumbs and their parents. And when the baby's appetite also suffers, it greatly upsets the parents. They worry that the baby is malnourished, that he might lose weight. In fact, a temporary decrease in appetite is not dangerous state, it is due to the features child's body, and at right approach very soon the baby will begin to gobble up everything that is given in the kindergarten, for both cheeks.

After the introduction of five meals a day in kindergartens, the first large-scale inspections took place in mid-February. Who controls compliance with the standards and quality of products, as well as what threatens violators of the standards, read the material on the site.

Catering in kindergartens must comply with all the requirements of SanPiN. This document provides for compliance with sanitary standards, rules for the purchase and storage of products, as well as the diet itself.

The pupils' menu necessarily includes meat, milk, dairy products, fish, fruits, eggs, potatoes, cereals and legumes, vegetables, herbs, as well as juices, cocoa and compotes.

Children are forbidden to give products that have not undergone heat treatment, except for salted herring, trout and salmon. Also in their diet should not be canned food, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, meat of wild animals, dairy products with vegetable fats, cream confectionery, carbonated drinks, fried and spicy.

In addition, the portion size should be appropriate for the age of the child. For example, for babies from 1 to 3 years old, 390 milliliters are provided. fermented milk products per day, and for children from 3 to 7 - already 450 milliliters.

In addition, it is important temperature regime and shelf life of food. These values ​​must be observed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. And to guarantee safety, some products are used in accordance with a special formula: expiration date minus 30 percent. For example, dietary eggs of the first grade with a shelf life of 7 days are used for a maximum of the fourth and fifth days, and then only in baking.

"Any violations cannot be frivolous. We are obliged to guarantee the safety of children to parents. When gloves are not worn, the boards are poorly washed, sometimes there is dust over the hood - this is all very serious. Compliance with cooking technology, energy value, right exit(the number of products in ready-made meals - ed.), the catering itself is all important, "said the chairman of the commission for quality control and catering in educational organizations Expert advisory council of the parent community Natalya Anpetkova.

Who checks the organization of meals in kindergartens

  • on the part of the educational institution: director, responsible person for nutrition, members of the marriage commission;
  • members of the parent committee;
  • Expert advisory council of the parent community;
  • financial control service of the Department of Education;
  • Association of Enterprises social nutrition in education and health care;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Moscow Inspectorate for the Quality of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food. (MosGIK)

Specialists of the Expert Advisory Council, Financial Control and the Association of Social Catering Enterprises go for checks daily, and without warning.

According to Lyudmila Myasnikova, chairman of the Expert Advisory Council, parental commissions, which include doctors, merchandisers and cooks, have the same right. If they clearly control the organization of food in the kindergarten, then there are usually much fewer violations.

"Where parental commissions really work seriously, and not formally, there are more. Because the supplier understands that if there is a return of products, then you need to be more careful and bring quality products", Myasnikova noted.

Checking the quality of products from suppliers

Only groceries are brought to kindergartens, and meals are already prepared on site. Combines are engaged in the supply of raw materials school meals which are carefully checked.

Samples of products are sent to laboratories, if violations or inconsistencies are found, then the services of such manufacturers are refused. There is also a base of suppliers of low-quality products, and before buying a new product, it is checked.

What are the most common disorders

  • Failure to comply with sanitary norms and rules;
  • Occurs as non-serious violations when preparing food without gloves, in jewelry, use unsuitable utensils, and essential - there is no hygiene.
  • Broken cooking technology;
  • This is if the food is cooked ahead of schedule - more than two hours before serving.
  • Lack of food in dishes or theft.
  • If food is found in places not intended for storage, then this is already considered theft, and the food does not have to be in personal belongings and bags.

“We are conducting an investigation based on the signs of theft. If the theft is insignificant even for the first time, then we are fined, and if it is a large amount again, then the employee is threatened with dismissal,” explained Sergey Uglov, director of the Association of Social Catering Enterprises in the field of education and healthcare.

After the dismissal, the data of a negligent employee is blacklisted, and he will no longer be able to get a job in a general education institution.

Since the beginning of the year, one administrative and one criminal case has been initiated due to thefts. As a rule, they are brought to criminal responsibility if the amount of theft exceeds a thousand rubles, on average they steal for 105 rubles.

“Now there are fewer thefts. If earlier in every third food unit we found food in an unintended place for storage, now in every sixth. We hope that people have begun to understand that it is impossible to steal from children,” Sergey Uglov emphasized.

According to the chairman of the commission for quality control and catering in educational organizations of the Expert Advisory Council of the parent community Natalya Anpetkova, cooks, directors, production managers and other responsible persons are taught the rules of storage and cooking, and compliance with sanitary standards.

"Scheduled inspections are carried out at each service. But if there are requests, then we go to the place in urgent order. Our task is not only to help eliminate violations, but also to tell you how to avoid them. On average, each school is inspected at least three times in nine months,” she said. - If we compare the data of inspections at the end of January and after the introduction of five meals a day in February, then the difference is big. The percentage of theft has dropped significantly.

You can find out what your child is fed in kindergarten or school on the official website of the educational organization.

A sample kindergarten menu looks like this:

Breakfast. Porridge with milk, a sandwich with butter or cheese, cocoa or tea.

Lunch. Apple, banana or pear.

Dinner. Dairy or meat soup, salad and the second with a side dish. It can be pasta, mashed potatoes, liver, beef meatballs.

afternoon tea. Pudding, ryazhenka, cheesecakes.

Dinner. Cutlets, schnitzel, vegetables, such as beets and jelly.

Since the beginning of the year, kindergarten students have been returned. It includes two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Wherein new system food does not incur additional costs either for parents or for the city budget.

According to experts, now the child's body receives a balanced set of nutrients and trace elements that are properly absorbed. Previously, with four meals a day, the child after daytime sleep received a dense afternoon snack, which he physically could not eat. Now children are given a light snack, for which the body is ready, and after a lesson and a walk, they also have a full dinner.

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