Why does a dog tremble and shake. The dog is trembling and shaking - causes and what to do? The dachshund is trembling

By observing the behavior of our pets, we often learn a lot of new and curious things. However, sometimes what you see may not please. Take, for example, a situation where a dog is trembling. Why and why does this happen, and is this sign a symptom of some formidable disease?

Trembling, or tremor in a scientific way, is a physiological reaction of the muscles, expressed in their contraction under the action of hormones. It can be associated with almost all processes that somehow occur in the body of an animal or a person: food or sexual desire, severe fatigue, defensive or protective (in cold) reaction, illness. Simply put, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse.

Physiological (natural) causes

First, let's deal with those cases when trembling is a completely normal process. Please note that in all these cases the animal does not refuse food!

Firstly, this is an absolutely natural behavior of males who see an attractive individual of the opposite sex. Of course, the gentleman will not fight in a shaking (although small and emotional breeds can), but trembling in such cases manifests itself very often.

Secondly, the dog shakes and tightens its tail from the cold, which is especially often manifested in the case of small smooth-haired dogs. Actually, it is no coincidence that they are dressed in overalls before a walk. Some dogs have a habit of shaking when they are very excited. For example, in anticipation of delicious food or being wildly delighted when meeting a beloved owner after a long separation. Sometimes this happens even in a dream, when the pet dreams of something pleasant from a dog's point of view.

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Have you ever noticed some timidity in your pet? In this case, there is nothing surprising when he, huddled in a corner and shaking, survives a thunderstorm. Sometimes dogs are frightened even by a sharp sound from a car with a broken muffler.

But why does the dog tremble, as if chilling, if these "conditions" are not met? In this case, there really is reason to suspect something bad.

Important! Many dogs tremble just to get their owner's attention! This is a kind of analogue of devoted eye-gazing and tail-wagging. In particular, this behavior is typical for Rottweilers and other dogs that have their tail docked.

Pathological causes of trembling

This reaction can manifest itself in case of serious violations of electrolyte metabolism, when the ratio of potassium, magnesium and similar elements is disturbed in the body (especially dangerous after childbirth). Confirm or refute this theory can only be in a veterinary clinic. For this, a biochemical blood test is done, which must be taken from the dog on an empty stomach.

This is how hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) manifests itself. This is a very dangerous disease, but only veterinarians can detect it. What to do to make such a diagnosis? As in the previous case, you need to conduct a complete biochemical blood test.

Trembling can be a formidable sign. Simply put, with low blood sugar, which is one of the symptoms of diabetes, which dogs can also get sick. If your dog is old, insulinoma may also be the cause. Without going into details, it is a malignant or benign tumor of the pancreas. Be sure to contact a competent veterinarian, as the condition is deadly!

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Defensive reaction

Is your dog lethargic and shivering on a hot and sunny day? Urgently put her in the shade and give her a cool drink, as this is probably a heat stroke. Of course, we recommend that you show it to the doctors, as overheating can be very dangerous. If a bulldog or other dog with a flat muzzle is observed to tremble under such conditions, which is also breathing frequently, urgently take him to the clinic, as these breeds generally have many problems with heat transfer. Any overheating is highly undesirable for them!

Poisoning, infectious diseases

It is always worth keeping an eye on your pet on a walk, as even well-mannered and trained dogs often grab any object that seems edible to them. Trembling can be a very specific symptom in many poisonings. By the way, if a pregnant dog trembles, then this can also indicate poisoning,. This is a severe toxic lesion of the body, manifested in the later stages.

Attention! Chills and cramps should not be confused. If your dog has sudden and convulsive contractions of the muscles of the limbs during or after a walk, this is an occasion to urgently deliver him to the clinic! The fact is that it is these symptoms that indicate strychnine poisoning.

If the dog is trembling and whining, it is still more serious, as this indicates a strong pain reaction. This often happens in the acute stage of many infectious diseases. In particular, puppies with distemper and young dogs behave this way. Alas, we will not be original here either: urgently take your pet to the veterinarians.

Many novice dog breeders often wonder why the dog is shaking?

To understand the cause of this condition, first of all, analyze the situation without panic. The reason can be quite banal - hypothermia (for example, drafts in the room where the dog is located; the animal has been wet for a long time). In this case, warm your pet as soon as possible - cover it with a warm blanket or blanket, if possible, increase the temperature in the room. Fear (for example, many dogs are afraid of the explosion of firecrackers) or nervous shock should also be excluded from the possible causes of trembling in a dog. Some dog breeds (Chihuahua) have a predisposition to hypoglycemia, which can also cause shivering for no other apparent reason. In other cases, trembling should alert the owner.

The dog is trembling - what to do?

Immediate action to provide assistance is also required by the condition of the dog, when it not only trembles, but also breathes frequently. Such symptoms can be harbingers of various kinds of cardiac diseases. As a primary first aid, it can be recommended to give a few drops of a heart drug on the tongue (for example, Corvaldin). And see a doctor immediately!

Immediate assistance will also be required if the dog is lethargic and trembling. Such a condition in a dog can be observed with a viral infection (flu, adenovirus, etc.) or with poisoning, especially if diarrhea is added to these symptoms.

Sometimes the reason that the dog is constantly trembling may be the so-called. pain syndrome. Carefully examine your pet for wounds - the dog may have fought or been bitten by another dog. Alas, old dogs can often tremble due to joint pain.

In any case, seek help or advice from a veterinarian.

The dog is a devoted friend, it waits for the owner to appear and hears his steps from afar. Dog owners always know that they are welcomed at home and welcomed with joy. But sometimes a true friend brings not only joy and fun, but also a lot of anxiety and worries. If the owner noticed that the dog was trembling, unhappy, behaving unusually, the question arises - what happened to him, did he get sick.

The main causes of trembling, chills

  • The dog is cold, the simplest reason that is easy to fix. it is enough to feed the animal with warm food, cover it with a blanket or put on overalls. The smallest dog breeds are often cold.
  • If the temperature rises, the animal may be cowardly. Dry skin, loss of appetite may indicate a viral illness or infection.
  • Poisoning, infection can be when the animal eats spoiled food.
  • Allergy, chills are manifested by contact with some product, after vaccination;
  • Heatstroke, can occur in extreme heat, scorching sun;
  • strychnine poisoning, now many dogs get poisoned on a walk after tasting poisoned food.
  • Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar drops and may indicate diabetes mellitus.
  • Eclampsia or poisoning can occur in a pregnant dog.
  • Electrolyte disorders can occur after childbirth, after illness, in older dogs.
  • Tumors, mainly manifested in older dogs.
  • With fear and strong excitement, trembling also appears.
  • At the sight of an individual of the opposite sex, the male also trembles.

It is necessary to find out the cause of the dog's chills in order to know how to proceed. When should you take your dog to the vet? If the cause of the chills in the animal is not clear and there are additional symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Symptoms of illness in dogs accompanied by chills

You need to see a doctor immediately if the following symptoms are present:

  • Loss of appetite can be associated with many diseases, often with digestive problems.
  • A high temperature indicates some kind of inflammation, or overheating.
  • Lethargy, weakness can be associated with malnutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, be the result of any disease of the animal;
  • The dog whines and howls. Together with other symptoms, this is a warning sign that indicates acute pain in a dog.
  • Convulsions, a very dangerous symptom, characteristic of severe poisoning.
  • Difficulty breathing occurs with inflammation of the respiratory tract, heart disease, in the presence of helminthic invasions.
  • The dog cannot swallow, in this case it is necessary to check the animal for the presence of worms.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea occurs with poisoning, infection, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
  • An enlarged belly, abdominal pain in a dog is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic.
  • Pale gums may indicate the presence of anemia.
  • Cough, hoarseness can occur with diseases of the heart and respiratory tract.
  • Skin itching, occurs with various skin diseases and insect bites;
  • Weight loss occurs against the background of a decrease in appetite, as a result of any disease.
  • Shortness of breath, drowsiness, fatigue are characteristic of heart disease, most often in older dogs.

One symptom may indicate several different diseases, in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take tests and undergo an examination.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

In case of hypothermia, the dog needs warmth, you can cover it, dress it. If the animal is overheated, you need to give it a drink, bathe in a pond or bath.

A healthy dog ​​has a body temperature 38.8-39 degrees. If she has a chill, you can measure her body temperature, for this you need to lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly and insert it into the anus for three minutes. Fever, chills, and other symptoms are reasons to seek medical advice.

For any disease in a dog, an examination by a competent, qualified veterinarian is necessary. He will prescribe the necessary tests, examine the pet. Explain what medications your dog needs. If you start the disease and do not seek help, you can lose a devoted friend. The advice of well-wishers can both help and harm the dog. It can be impossible to determine the disease without tests and proper examination. Dogs suffer from many diseases, just like humans. The older the dog, the higher the likelihood of disease.

To raise your pet healthy, you need to provide him with a balanced diet, care. At the first signs of any disease, do not delay the treatment of your dog. Timely assistance that is not provided can lead to a complication of illness or death of a beloved pet.

The owner, carefully watching his four-legged pet, can easily notice if the dog is trembling and lethargic. This may be due to normal physiological causes such as cold or stress, or more serious underlying medical conditions. In the first case, the symptoms disappear after their source is eliminated, but the second case requires more careful monitoring of the pet, and in some cases even a visit to the veterinarian.

Trembling in a dog can be caused by the fact that the animal is cold. Frequent shaking (tremor) is especially characteristic of small decorative dogs: Chihuahua, Italian Greyhounds, Yorkshire Terriers and Spitz. The reasons for this are simple - it's a natural reaction to the cold. The body of these dogs is too small, and in order to keep warm, it is necessary to accelerate the flow of blood, and shivering helps to avoid excessive hypothermia.

In this situation, it is necessary to take care of warm clothes for the pet, which they put on before going outside. In late autumn, winter, early spring, while walking, it is best to use insulated overalls, a sweater, a horseshoe, and the like. If it is cold in the house, you need to turn on the heater, and insulate the dog’s bed with a blanket or thin mattress. A dog that gets wet in the rain should be dried with a hairdryer and covered with a blanket. On a trip or a long walk, a frozen animal can be picked up and pressed to itself.

Dogs shaking with fear or stressed out are also not uncommon. The reasons for the failure of the pet's psycho-emotional state may lie in fear of a larger relative or excitement associated with the punishment for misconduct, natural phenomena (thunder, lightning). Such fears are especially characteristic of small dogs and puppies. If the puppy has his tail between his legs and is shaking with a slight trembling, most likely he is scared of something or someone, or is afraid of punishment. Positive emotions can also cause tremors of excitement in anticipation of a game or treat.

In such cases, it is important to calm the dog with stroking and calm speech. If possible, you should try to protect the pet from unnecessary experiences or use mild sedatives.

Hormonal and nutritional problems

The causes of pet tremors can lie in hormonal disruptions in the animal's body: during estrus in bitches and rut, males become more excitable. The problem is resolved with the end of this period, and if desired, it can be eliminated by castration.

It is common for animals that have had dietary changes or are taking medications to have an allergic reaction to new foods and medications, which can also cause shivering. Such a reaction is also caused by poisoning, which, in addition to trembling, is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, apathy, and lethargy.

Foods or drugs that cause such phenomena should be excluded from the diet, and if necessary, antihistamines should be given and the animal should be taken to the veterinarian.

When to visit the veterinarian

Why is the dog shaking, not eating anything, tucking its tail, lethargic and lethargic? Most likely, the reason lies in a viral disease. It can be: parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, panleukopenia (plague), infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis and the like. These are very dangerous situations when it is necessary to examine the animal by a veterinarian and prescribe timely treatment.

Often shaking limbs and trembling throughout the body are associated with the pain experienced by the animal. In older dogs, hind legs tremble with rheumatic pains. Perhaps the animal was injured or bitten while walking. In such cases, the dog usually whines, lies down on the ground and does not want to move. A thorough examination in a veterinary clinic or at home is necessary.

In small dogs, a fairly common cause of trembling and lethargy is hypoglycemia (lack of blood sugar). Most often, trembling of the pelvic limbs is noted. You need to go to a veterinary clinic for testing. A disease detected in time is treated with glucose injections.

Trembling in dogs can be caused by the presence of some internal diseases:

  1. Pneumonia. The dog is shaking violently, there is a wet cough, high fever.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Trembling, shortness of breath, dry cough, lethargy, fatigue.
  3. Nervous diseases. Agitation, trembling, bowel disorder, loss of appetite.
  4. Impaired thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Lethargy, apathy and trembling are some of the symptoms of a lack of essential hormones.
  5. Hypokalemia. Muscle weakness, cramps and pain are noted.

All these diseases require a thorough examination of the animal by a veterinarian, blood donation for biochemical analysis and the appointment of the necessary treatment. Depending on the identified problems, specific therapy is carried out, treatment of viral infections, kidney failure, spine, removal of tumors and hernias, and the like. Physical activity is contraindicated for a sick pet and a balanced diet is recommended.

Caring dog owners should not only be alert to changes in their pet's behavior and mood (learn about age-related changes in the dog's body), but they should also pay attention to some physical signals that may be a symptom that something is wrong with their pet. that's not it. And, today we invite you to talk about one of these signals of the canine body. Have you noticed that your dog is… trembling. Oh, do you know why this happens? We offer to learn about the causes of trembling in dogs in our publication. We will also tell in it about how to help a pet ...

Why do dogs tremble

Such a physical condition as trembling, in most cases, is considered a pathology and not a normal phenomenon, which may indicate that trouble has happened to your pet. It is not worth ignoring such a state, but trying to get to the bottom of the cause of the trembling, and finding out why your dog is shaking - it will even be useful. By the way, there are some breeds of dogs, first of all, these are Yorkshire terriers, Pomeranians and Chihuahuas, for which trembling in the body is a normal phenomenon. And, the owners of dogs of such breeds should be aware of this, and not disturb the veterinarian in vain, since for their pets such a condition is not considered a deviation from the norm.

Causes of Trembling in Dogs

If your dog is not a decorative and room breed, but, say, a Labrador (he is one of them) or a shepherd dog, then you should not ignore the fact that it shakes periodically. It is better to try to find out what caused this condition and eliminate this cause. Well, the reason could be…

Cold and hypothermia of the body

If the air temperature is low outside, and you are carried away talking on the phone and do not follow the time of the walk (find out), then dogs, especially small and medium-sized ones, can simply freeze on the street without warm clothes. When they feel cold, their body instinctively begins to shake and shiver, thus trying to speed up the flow of blood through the body in order to avoid hypothermia. If you notice behind your dog that it is literally shaking from the cold, you should not continue walking further. A pet can get sick from hypothermia and you will have to treat it.

For the future, if it’s cold outside and you are planning a long walk, take care of and in which she will feel comfortable and will not shiver from the cold. Another alternative solution to the need for walks in the cold season is to teach the dog to walk on the tray at home. How to do this, and about the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution, you can read.

If the temperature in the room where your pet lives is not high, you can place a heater in order to slightly warm the air in the room. However, we do not recommend leaving an electrical appliance unattended alone with a dog.

You can also insulate the place where your pet sleeps and rests by putting a warm bedding or blanket there.

If you are on the street, and there is no way to get home, and your dog is shaking from the cold, you can warm it up by hugging it to you, or just take it in your arms ...

Excitement and fear

Who said that the feeling of fear is not characteristic of dogs? This is not true. Dogs, like humans, can experience fear, anxiety, fright, and other related emotions. And, being in such a situation, many of them begin to literally tremble with fear. So, if you raised your voice to your pet and noticed that he was trembling - stop, you are crossing the line, and you risk losing the friendship of your four-legged friend and breaking his psyche. Such a dog will not be able to be faithful and devoted to you, since loyalty and devotion should not be based on a feeling of fear.

If you notice that the dog begins to tremble when meeting with another, larger one, try to nullify their communication and take the pet in your arms. He was simply frightened ...

By the way, the more temperamental your pet, the brighter it will react to fear factors. Therefore, if you know that your pet is cowardly (maybe it's just a self-preservation instinct), try to avoid visiting too crowded places with him, participating in fights, traveling by car (you want to know?), Visiting exhibitions (described here,) and explosion of firecrackers...

If the dog is really worried and you are worried about his nervous system, you can give him a soothing tea, however, before that, we would recommend that you consult your veterinarian about this.

Positive emotions

Not only fear, but also positive emotions can cause trembling in a dog's body. At the sight of her master, whom she has not seen for a long time, she can simply go crazy with happiness, tremble with nervous excitement, dance,. In principle, this is not a bad reason for trembling, but if you are worried that such manifestations undermine the pet’s nervous system, you should immediately reinforce the dog with the “stand” or “down” command ...


During periods of sexual activity, dogs of both sexes may tremble intermittently. However, most often, in order for your dog to experience the excitement of such great power, he needs to see the lady of his heart. If you do not plan to practice, and there are no random matings in your plans, in order to protect your pet from such hormonal shocks, it is better to castrate it, and sterilize the bitch.

Pain syndrome

Many dogs, experiencing pain and painful sensations, can tremble, both with the whole body, and trembling can be observed at the site of pain localization. If you notice that your friend has begun to tremble, carefully inspect him for injuries, bites from other animals, and injuries. If you find them, the pet will need to provide first veterinary care, and then be sure to show the specialist.

If trembling in the body is observed in an aged dog, rheumatic pains can be its cause - you cannot remove them, but you can ask the veterinarian to prescribe an anesthetic for the pet - in your power.

Often, with pain in the abdomen and severe intoxication of the body in dogs, pain shock and tremors are observed throughout the body. In this case, the pet should be given a painkiller, but if vomiting and lethargy do not stop, and the trembling increases, it is worth taking it to the veterinarian.

Low blood sugar

With hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, especially for representatives of small and decorative breeds, they experience trembling throughout the body, bouts of lethargy and loss of strength. It is very important to make sure that trembling in the body is not associated with a decrease in blood sugar, otherwise the dog needs emergency help, without which he may become a victim of seizures, and he may die.


One of the symptoms of an allergic reaction is trembling in the body. At the same time, if you fed the dog before, or changed its diet, the trembling began after taking the medicine - most likely, you are dealing with an allergy. It is very important to establish the allergen and identify the cause of this condition, since very often the allergen tends to accumulate in the body to a critical level, and this becomes a serious test for the health of the animal. As a first aid for allergies, and to reduce the severity of the attack, the dog can be given antihistamines. Learn about things that can cause an allergic reaction.

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