Phosphate diet for children 7 years old. How to get rid of phosphates in the urine: a therapeutic diet. The list of products desirable for eating with phosphaturia

The appearance of phosphates in the urine is not always an indication for a change in diet. Only wrong exchange phosphorus and calcium, which led to the formation of phosphate salts that do not dissolve, forming stones, requires a diet.

Until a certain point, the patient may not know about the formation of stones in the urine (phosphaturia). Phosphate stones appear when increased concentration calcium in an alkaline environment. The stones reach a certain size and begin their movement through the ureters, causing a frequent desire to urinate, sharp pains when walking, running and other movements. This happens due to damage to nearby tissues by the sharp edges of phosphate stones. Violation of the lining of the ureters, bladder, kidneys leads to inflammatory processes within these organs.

Phosphates in the urine are detected during a complete examination of the urinary system. Urine tests are given, and if urolithiasis (the formation of kidney stones) is suspected, ultrasound is prescribed. Usually, phosphate stones have a soft structure and are easily crushed with subsequent excretion from the body. This is facilitated by a properly selected diet.

Phosphate stones can be reborn into oxalate stones, which are already more complex pathology requiring surgical treatment. Oxalate stones are very hard and have sharp edges, although they are smaller than phosphate deposits. Their occurrence is facilitated by excessive passion for a strict diet that reduces the concentration of phosphates. Therefore, the diet for phosphaturia should be followed under the guidance of the attending physician and with the control of urine tests. Only such measures can lead to the normalization of the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and the prevention of sediment in the form of insoluble magnesium and calcium phosphates.

Can cause phosphate buildup in the urinary system abrupt change nutrition in the direction of foods rich in phosphorus, or an improperly composed diet. Phosphorus necessary for the body microelement responsible for growth, development and functioning musculoskeletal system. Therefore, nutrition should contain this element, especially in children. The diet is based on a balance between phosphorus-containing foods and protein in order to keep urine acidity normal.

On acid- alkaline environment in urine, a combination of two factors influences: the process of metabolism of animal products, in particular meat, which creates an acidic reaction. In turn, elements of dairy and plant compounds create a slightly alkaline environment. As a result, the observance of these two processes reduces the risk of violation of the ionic and acidic composition of the urine inside the renal pelvis. Probability of attack urolithiasis reduces to zero.

Those who adhere to vegetarianism or otherwise violate the balance of trace elements in the urine are at risk. This category may need a urine phosphate diet to normalize acid-base balance. After all, meat contains 20% protein. To get the daily norm for a person weighing 70 kilograms, you need to consume from 100 to 120 grams of meat products per day.

If the situation is not too advanced, then the normalization of nutrition may be a sufficient measure to change the composition of the urine. Medications may not be needed. The diet is able to prevent the formation of sediment from insoluble salts and restore normal level ph in urine. When the disease is advanced and already causes discomfort and pain, for the treatment of phosphaturia diet is not the only measure. Appointed drug therapy, physiotherapy, vitamin complexes, herbal infusions and physiotherapy exercises.

In the presence of phosphate stones in the urinary system, completely exclude or limit, depending on clinical picture diseases, the use of dairy products, certain vegetables and fruits, which contain easily digestible calcium. The diet is based on products that contribute to the acidification of urine; phosphates do not appear in an acidic environment.

When phosphates are found in the urine, the diet completely excludes the following items: canned food, pickles, marinades, smoked meats. Should stop using fatty foods, such as fatty meats and fish, lard and more. Eliminate dairy and dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. The use of table salt is possible, but in very limited quantities. You also need to give up most sweets: chocolate, caramel, marmalade and other sweets. You can not eat confectionery and fresh bakery products. These include: cakes, pastries, cookies and fresh muffins. It is completely necessary to exclude alcohol, as well as coffee and cocoa.

You need to eat more often during the diet than usual. The daily ration, which is 2500 calories per day, should be divided into 5-6 meals. Wherein daily rate protein is limited to 70 grams, carbohydrates should be ingested in the amount of 400 grams, and fat - 80 grams. During the diet, you need to drink a lot - the norm of fluid is 2.5 liters per day.

The allowed products in the presence of phosphaturia include the following groups. First of all, it is a protein that is contained in lean fish and meat (preferably poultry, beef), cereals from cereals and legumes. Not a large number of vegetables among which cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, peas, pumpkin are allowed. Fruits should be eaten with sour taste. For example, apples, lingonberries, cranberries, currants, some varieties of plums and grapes, as well as figs.

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Phosphaturia is a malfunction of the body during calcium-phosphorus metabolism, leading to the formation of a precipitate in the form of insoluble phosphates (magnesium phosphate and calcium). Over time, amorphous phosphates become larger and form sand in the urinary canal, and sometimes stones.

Phosphates in the urine: causes of the formation of salt stones

The causes of this disease are elevated level calcium in the composition of urine, the acidity of which exceeds pH 7 and an imbalance between phosphorus and calcium. Often there are cases when the root cause of the disease was the use of foods rich in phosphorus in unlimited quantities or a failure in metabolic processes. Phosphates in the urine can also be diagnosed during pregnancy.

Phosphate stones can form without clinical manifestations until they reach a certain size and begin to move through the urinary system. Any department of this system can be affected by this kind of deposits. Their localization is diagnosed in the ureter, kidneys and bladder.

Phosphate urolithiasis brings a lot of discomfort to the patient: obstruction of the upper urinary tract, exacerbation of chronic diseases, unbearable pains appear during any movement (running, walking), frequent urination.

Stones with sharp edges are the most dangerous, because. when moving, they cause injuries to all adjacent tissues and contribute to the formation of inflammation processes.

Treatment Methods

To prescribe the treatment of phosphaturia, it is initially carried out full examination patient, including ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system.

The location and size of the calculus are decisive factors for prescribing one of the treatment options. Cases without complications usually respond well to such therapeutic methods:

Diet for phosphate kidney stones

A diet with phosphates in the urine is an opportunity to correct and eliminate the consequences of an imbalance in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Violation of the main acid-base balance in the direction high content alkali, eliminated by diet therapy. It helps to compensate for the valency of the acid residue when adjusting the diet.

Dietary table No. 14 corresponds to the provision normal operation organism in violation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and as a result, the formation of insoluble stones in the urinary canals.

By following the recommendations of Diet 14, which lists all the requirements for the list of allowed ingredients, the number of daily meals, the volume of servings and food processing methods, you can restore normal urine pH and prevent further formation amorphous phosphates in urine.

If diet No. 14 is followed, the use of many milk-containing products is excluded. Products that form an "acidified" environment are recommended. They are easy to identify, because they have a characteristic sour taste.

Nutrition should be compiled as a fractional diet, the portion size is reduced, the number of doses is increased up to 6 times. The numerical characteristics of the diet of diet No. 14 must be compiled from the account of 2800 kcal per day, of which:

  • proteins 70 g;
  • carbohydrates 410 g;
  • salt 9 g;
  • fats 90 g.

The menu does not belong to a mono-diet, so it is possible to eat a balanced diet, which will help improve emotional condition patient during treatment. All dishes should be fresh, without seasonings and with a minimum amount of salt.

Drinking regime

Fluid intake is increased to 2-3 liters per day - and this is one of the most important aspects of the diet.

The drinking regimen has a strong effect on the regulation of urine pH. Exceeding the norm entails shifts to the alkaline side, but we need to achieve “oxidation”. You can use a decoction of rose hips and birch sap. Herbal preparations No. 11 and No. 12 are also recommended.

Mineral water in diseases of the urinary tract helps to increase acidity. It is recommended to drink 1 hour before and after a meal: Narzan or Arzni.

Collection number 11

  1. We mix 1 tbsp. fringed grass, lingonberry leaves and heather.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. crushed madder root petiole.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp into enameled dishes. collection and pour boiling water 300 ml.
  4. Simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  5. Ready broth to drink 3 tbsp. half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Collection №12

  1. 1 tbsp crushed madder root petiole.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. crushed petiole madder root, pirnik and salvia leaves.
  3. Mix with 4 tbsp. flax seed.
  4. 3 tbsp collection pour one liter of boiling water.
  5. Simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  6. Take in a warm form, 250 ml, an hour before meals, 2 times a day.

Approved Products

Due to the fact that the list of products allowed for consumption is rather limited, it is impossible to adhere to diet therapy for a long time. Equally important is the monitoring of the patient's condition by a urologist, with periodic testing.

Allowed several times a week to diversify your diet egg whites vegetables and milk-containing products indicated in the table.



Buckwheat, rice, barley porridge, millet, oatmeal, barley


Beans, peas

Protein products

Lean meat, egg (protein) 1 pc. in a day


Fresh green peas, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, mushrooms

Berries and fruits

Apples, sea buckthorn, pomegranates, dogwood, gooseberries, cranberries, strawberries, strawberries, black and red currants, lemons, grapes


Not strong tea and coffee, mineral water without gas, juice, compotes and fruit drinks from sour fruits and berries, rosehip broth, birch sap


Fish, shellfish and caviar (fried)


Honey, halva

Prohibited Products

The use of dairy products should be completely excluded or reduced as much as possible - no more than 150 ml of milk-containing products. In this way, calcium is self-regulated in the body of a patient with phosphaturia, because it is in the problem that salt stones are formed due to insufficient excretion of calcium and phosphorus from the body.

Extractive foods such as smoked sausages, spicy dishes, pickled vegetables are completely prohibited.


Protein products

Fatty meat and fish


any alcoholic drinks, cocoa, strong tea and coffee. alkaline waters

Sweets and confectionery

Chocolate, sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes, brownies

Bakery products

Fresh bread, buns


Cooking fats, lard

Long shelf life products

Preservation, canned food, pickled vegetables


Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt


Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, onions, carrots, Brussels sprouts, sorrel, spinach, horseradish

The first dishes in the diet have special meaning. The basis for them should be low-fat meat, fish or mushroom broths. You can diversify the diet by preparing gravy for cereals on the same broths.

A decoction of rose hips is an active assistant in the normalization of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Its "acidifying" effect for the body is invaluable, so the drink can be safely included in the daily drinking diet. Doctors recommend drinking a decoction after meals. In addition, patients with phosphate salts in the urine are prescribed to use various fruit drinks, compotes and jelly from berries and fruits with high acidity (cranberries, lingonberries, etc.). Morning should start with a glass of purified water on an empty stomach.

If the patient first encountered the disease phosphaturia, after the end of treatment, twice a year he needs to take preventive measures in the form of a course of mineral waters or herbal preparations.

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to abandon sweets containing trans fats, dyes and flavors. An alternative would be a moderate amount of sugar, homemade jam, and honey.

Features of the diet for phosphaturia in children

Phosphaturia is rarely diagnosed in children. Amorphous crystals in the urine of a child do not subsequently form salt stones. Vegetable and milk soups, sweet berries and fruits, including juices from them, are excluded from the children's diet. Allowed per day 1 tbsp. sour cream.

Due to the fact that during the diet you will have to give up products with high content calcium, which can adversely affect the metabolic processes in the child's body, so twice a week in the diet should be supplemented with sweet fruits. It will also be useful to supplement the treatment with decoctions from medicinal fees.

The construction of the child's diet is carried out according to the principle maximum content protein: fish, meat products, cereals and permitted vegetables.

Diet menu table number 14

Menu 1

Calorie content - 2750 kcal

Breakfast: fish cakes, buckwheat co butter, grapefruit juice.

Lunch: apple, rosehip decoction.

Dinner: soup with meatballs, baked cabbage pie, berry jelly.

Afternoon snack: cranberries with honey, tea.

Dinner:meat cutlets, rice with butter, cranberry juice.

Second dinner: apple-carrot juice.

Menu 2

Calorie - 2610 kcal

Breakfast: lasagna with fish or meat and sour cream, berry juice.

Lunch: fruit jelly, biscuit cookies.

Dinner: borscht with beef, pea zrazy with mushrooms, jelly.

Afternoon snack: apples, tea with lemon.

Dinner: baked chicken fillet with rice, rosehip broth.

Second dinner: compote, rice biscuits.

Menu 3

Calorie content - 2780 kcal.

Breakfast: sandwich with ham and butter, rosehip broth.

Lunch: dry biscuits, tea.

Dinner: vermicelli soup with chicken fillet, rice casserole, compote.

Afternoon snack: fresh or frozen berries with sugar, tea with lemon.

Dinner: chop with buckwheat porridge, squash caviar, berry juice.

Second dinner: compote, rice biscuits.

Diet therapy is the main condition for successful complex treatment phosphaturia.

Phosphaturia is a disease in which an increased amount of alkali salts- phosphates (formation of phosphate stones in urinary tract.) Phosphaturia occurs due to alkaline reaction urine.

The diet for phosphaturia is aimed at converting the alkaline reaction of urine into an acidic reaction.

For this from the diet exclude or limit foods that promote alkalization of urine (vegetables, fruits, herbs).

From fruits and greens allow only peas, pumpkin, cranberries, sour apples, red currants, cranberries, asparagus.

-Restrict foods containing a lot of calcium salts (primarily dairy products). Cottage cheese and cheese, as the most calcium-rich dairy products, are excluded. But periodically these products are included in the diet, since a long-term exclusion of calcium compounds from food is harmful.

-Exclude substances that excite the nervous system (alcohol, spices, spicy snacks).

Diet for phosphaturia chemical composition:

Proteins - 90-100g.

Fats - 100g.

Carbohydrates - 380-400g.

Salt - 10-12g.

Free liquid - 1.5-2.5 liters.

Caloric content - 2800-3000 kcal.

Culinary processing of products for a diet with phosphaturia:

Food processing is normal, food temperature is normal.

Diet for phosphaturia diet:

Food is taken 4 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals - drinking is recommended.

Exclude the following foods and dishes from the diet for phosphaturia:

1. Dairy, fruit, vegetable soups.

2. Smoked products.

3. Milk, dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese.

4. All vegetables except pumpkin, green peas, asparagus, mushrooms.

5. Vegetable salads, canned vegetables, vinaigrettes.

6. Fruits and berries, except for sour apples, red currants, lingonberries, cranberries.

7. Sweet products on milk.

8. Fruit, berry, vegetable juices.

9. Mustard, pepper, horseradish.

10. Salty and smoked fish and caviar.

11. Alcoholic drinks, bread kvass, black coffee.

First meal: soups on weak meat, fish, mushroom broths with noodles, various cereals, legumes.

Second courses:

- meat dishes: different kinds meat and poultry in a variety of preparations, except for smoked.

-fish dishes: various types of fish in any preparation, except for salted and smoked, canned fish - in a small amount.

- cereal dishes: various cereals in any preparation, pasta. Milk is not used for making cereals.

-egg dishes: 1 egg per day, various preparations, also used as an additive in dishes. Yolks - limited.

-vegetable dishes: pumpkin, green pea, asparagus, mushrooms - contain little calcium (excluding potatoes and other vegetables).

-dairy: a small amount of sour cream as an additive to dishes.

-sauces: mild sauces on fish, meat, mushroom broths.

-spices: very limited quantities.

Snacks: various snacks from meat, fish, seafood, soaked herring, caviar are allowed.

Third meals:

-fruits and berries: sour apples, lingonberries, red currants, cranberries. Kissels, compotes, jelly from these fruits.

-sweets: sugar, honey, meringues, snowballs, confectionery, popsicles.

-beverages: weak tea and coffee without milk, fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, rosehip broth.

Bakery products: various types of bread, pastry products - with restriction of milk and eggs.

Fats: creamy, vegetable, ghee cow butter for cooking people and in its natural form. Limited - cooking and meat fats.

Diet menu for phosphaturia for 1 day:

Breakfast: soaked herring, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea.

Dinner: noodle soup on chicken broth, boiled rice, fried chicken, cranberry jelly.

afternoon tea: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: fried meatballs on vegetable oil, green peas, tea.

For the night: rosehip decoction.

The diet for phosphaturia is primarily aimed at eliminating the consequences of impaired phosphorus and phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the human body. These disorders are manifested as a shift in the acid-base balance in the body in favor of an alkaline environment. Therefore, therapeutic diet therapy for phosphaturia should primarily compensate for the lack acid environment(acid valencies) due to the correction of the diet.

Diet therapy for phosphaturia

It should be noted that in order to ensure the full functioning of the body in violation of phosphorus metabolism in the case of phosphaturia, as well as in the formation of stones in urinary tract dietary table No. 14 is shown. This diet is included in the system of therapy with specially designed diets and includes requirements for the set of products used, the frequency of meals, the recommended volume of fluid intake and methods heat treatment dishes.

It must be said that daily diet dietary table No. 14 has the following numerical characteristics:

  1. Energy value - from 2800 to 3000 kcal.
  2. Nutritional value: carbohydrates - 450 g, fats - 100 g, proteins - 90 g.
  3. The volume of liquid consumed is 2.5 liters.
  4. The amount of table salt - 10 g.

In addition, all dishes should be freshly prepared and varied. Since Diet 14 is not a mono-diet, tasty and balanced food significantly improves the psycho-emotional and physical state patients with phosphaturia.

Goals and objectives of diet number 14

It must be said that, since with phosphaturia there is a shift in the reaction of urine to the alkaline side, the content of phosphoric acid salts in the urine increases. Phosphorus-calcium stones are formed, and the diet for phosphaturia aims to prevent and prevent these pathological processes. Therefore, the main tasks of diet therapy for phosphates in the urine are:

  • a shift in the reaction of urine to the acid side;
  • increase in the intensity of excretion of phosphorus-calcium salts;
  • preventing the formation of new stones.

This is achieved through the consumption of a certain set of products. So, dietary table No. 14 provides for the inclusion in the diet of products that change the pH of urine to the acid side. Such foods include those that have a sour taste, as well as a number of others. First of all, it is meat of any kind and products from it, seafood (various shellfish), fish and caviar from it, sour berries, fruits and vegetables. Without restrictions, the use of cereals cooked different ways, bakery products, vegetable and butter oils.

From legumes, diet No. 14 allows you to eat green peas, in addition, mushrooms and dishes from them are allowed.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the first courses that should be prepared using broths. various kinds- from fish, meat or mushrooms. You can also use broths to make cooking sauces and dressings.

From berries, fruits and vegetables in the diet of diet No. 14, neutral or sour tastes are allowed:

  • lemons, pomegranates, sour apples, dogwood, sea buckthorn, cherry plum;
  • cranberries, gooseberries, cranberries;
  • pumpkin.

Of the desserts, sugar, jam, honey, halva, Turkish delight, high-quality pastries are recommended. Store-bought sweets with trans fats, colors, flavors, and sweeteners should be avoided.

Rosehip decoction has a good acidifying property, so it must be regularly included in the diet of those suffering from disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The best option- drink brewed rose hips between meals. In addition to the rosehip decoction, patients with phosphaturia are shown fruit drinks, kissels and jelly from sour berries and fruits - blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries, etc.

Particular attention in the menu of dietary table No. 14 is given to the use of a sufficient amount of liquid, which should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning and between meals. As for the number of meals, medical science recommends breaking the daily ration into 4 times.

Prohibitions of therapeutic nutrition for phosphaturia

Since the main goal of diet therapy for phosphaturia is to shift the pH of the urine to the acid side and the general "acidification" of the body, the following should be excluded from the menu of patients:

  • spices, spices, marinades, pickles, canned food, smoked meats, etc.;
  • dairy products and milk;
  • fruits, berries and vegetables other than those listed above.

It must be said that milk and dairy products are excluded from the diet of patients in order to regulate the calcium content in the body, since in this disease, phosphorus-calcium salts are not sufficiently excreted in the urine, which leads to the formation of stones from them.

As noted above, a number of extractive products (smoked meats, pickles, spicy dishes, etc.) are banned. The same applies to tonic drinks - strong tea, coffee. The use of alcohol and nicotine is not recommended.

These restrictions contribute to "acidification" internal environment organism, which, in turn, leads to an improvement in the patient's well-being and alleviation of the symptoms of the disease.

Some aspects of table number 14

It should be noted that in case of violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the process of diet therapy, the use of dishes from products that are subjected to any known types of culinary processing is indicated.

So for good nutrition those suffering from phosphaturia can be included in the daily menu recommended diet table No. 14 foods that have been fried, stewed, boiled or baked. Vegetables, fruits and berries can be consumed fresh, not thermally processed. In addition, the degree of grinding of food does not play a decisive role in this diet.

Phosphaturia is a disturbed material exchange of calcium and phosphorus in human body. This leads to the fact that a precipitate is found in the urine in the form of calcium and magnesium phosphates.

Insoluble phosphate salts, after some time, increase their quantitative content, resulting in the formation of sand, as well as large stones in the urinary tract. Therefore, a timely detected problem can be eliminated if the patient is on a diet with phosphates.

Most common cause, which provokes phosphaturia, is an increased level in the urine of calcium, which has an alkaline environment exceeding seven. This can also occur in children when there is a violation in the ratio between phosphorus and calcium.

The diet for phosphaturia in children should limit the intake of calcium salts, increase acid valencies, and increase the amount of fluid consumed. With phosphates in the urine, its color becomes quite cloudy, which resembles appearance diluted milk. Phosphaturia can be the result of diseases such as peptic ulcer stomach, chronic gastritis With hyperacidity gastric juice, diabetes. In this case, phosphaturia is defined as secondary. If this disease acts as an independent, then it is primary.

A diet with phosphates in the urine is prescribed during the examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis of the patient, after the tests and ultrasound of the urinary organs. After it is determined whether there are stones and how much phosphate is in the urine, the diet is prescribed according to a certain scheme.

The treatment menu is aimed at lowering the calcium concentration in the urine. This is achieved by increasing diuresis and limiting calcium excretion in the urine. The diet with phosphate in the urine of a child is No. 14. During the period medical nutrition the use of almost most dairy products is limited, as well as selectively fruits and vegetables. The use of such products that increase the acidity of urine is encouraged, because phosphate salts are not formed in such an environment.

- you need to eat cereals from different cereals;

- the introduction of all types of legumes and grains into the diet is allowed;

- foods containing protein - fish and lean meat;

- you can eat the following vegetables, but in a limited number: pumpkin, green peas, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and others;

- welcome in the diet sour fruit and berries: strawberries, figs, grapes, apples, lingonberries, plums, cranberries, currants, etc. . ;

It is strongly recommended to consume an increased amount of fluid, if there are no contraindications to this. Among the drinks that are allowed to drink: coffee or tea brewed not strong, juices, medicinal table mineral water.

Due to the fact that the range of products used is limited and very scarce for normal nutrition Therefore, such a diet should not be long-term, and should also be strictly under the supervision of a urologist. Urinalysis must be done periodically to view the dynamics.

Also, with phosphaturia, some products are completely prohibited, including:

- any drinks with the presence of alcohol, even with a small strength;

- you can not eat marmalade, chocolate, caramel, sweets and everything that belongs to this type of sweets;

- canned foods, marinades, smoked meats and pickles;

- fresh rolls, bread, cakes, cookies;

- the amount of table salt intake must be reduced;

- products with a predominance of fat are excluded: cooking oil, lard, meat and fish of fatty varieties;

- you can not use dairy products, including fermented baked milk, cheese, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt;

As with any diet, you need to eat fractionally, in small portions, but often. The approximate number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 2500 kcal.

Compliance with the established diet may also be accompanied by the use of decoctions and infusions prepared from medicinal plants, fees and herbal teas, which are recommended for phosphaturia.

What it is

Phosphates are called salts of phosphoric acid, they are called amorphous because they do not have a clear shape.

If the baby's urine contains a small amount of them, then everything is in order with your child. As a rule, deviations occur in children no older than 5 years.

An increased content of phosphates in the urine of a baby may be evidence of malnutrition of the baby or mother if the child drinks breast milk.

But it can become a harbinger of serious deviations: improper metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, kidney problems.


Large amounts of phosphate can be produced in the urine colds. If the re-analysis did not find them, then everything is in order with the health of the child.

Keep your baby on a phosphate-free diet for a while before the retest. Try to exclude from the diet or minimize the consumption of dairy and sour-milk products. It is also better to wait a little with eggs, nuts, carrots, beans, peas, herbs and spices. All of these foods contain quite a lot of phosphorus.

Confectionery and pastries are also banned, including products containing cocoa. Carbonated drinks, chips, and the frequent inclusion of buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal in the diet provoke an increase in phosphates.

If phosphates in the urine of a child are detected during a second examination, we can say that the baby has phosphaturia. This is a pathology and it is required to identify the causes, disturbing phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

What leads to pathology

Phosphates in the urine of a child, this means that:

  • child's diet is oversaturated with foods with great content phosphorus;
  • before the test, the crumbs had diarrhea and vomiting;
  • the baby has rickets;
  • there is an infection in the genitourinary system;
  • phosphate diabetes develops (phosphates are not absorbed by the renal tubules).

Where to begin

The attending physician will conduct all necessary research to identify the cause of the disease and draw up the correct treatment regimen. A balanced diet will help to bring down the rebellious salts and phosphates in the urine of a child.

AT daily ration oxidizing products should be included. These include:

  • all fruits;
  • sour berries;
  • from vegetables, preference should be given to white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, potatoes, beets;
  • lean meats and fish.

Butter is allowed in the diet, vegetable fats and pasta. Need to adjust drinking regimen baby. He should drink up to 2 liters plain water per day Alkaline should be excluded mineral water. Minimize or eliminate salt intake.

Are there any symptoms

Phosphaturia does not have a clear severe symptoms. To determine at home that there is a violation of phosphorus metabolism will help visual inspection child's urine.

At healthy baby urine transparent light yellow color. If the urine becomes cloudy and there is a sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the pot, then medical attention is needed.

You should also be wary of too frequent urination The child has.

Possible Complications

If phosphates are found in the baby's urine, follow the doctor's instructions in good faith. Phosphaturia is dangerous, the appearance in the urinary system of porous stones of a soft consistency. They lend themselves well to crushing and are excreted from the body without causing discomfort to the child.

If phosphate stones are not removed in time, their presence can lead to renal colic, various kidney infections and even the appearance of tumors.

For the purpose of prevention

To prevent the appearance of phosphates in the urine of the baby, accustom the child to active image life, often walk with him in the fresh air.

The baby should drink enough liquid. There are seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Nutrition should be balanced and complete with enough protein.

Traditional medicine

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are recipes that can heal a child, but their use must be discussed with the attending physician.

Useful with an increased content of phosphates in the urine will be decoctions of berries and leaves of lingonberries, rowan berries. good effect give a decoction of oat straw or mint leaves.

Infusion of rowan berries is a good diuretic, it is used in the presence of kidney stones. Making an infusion is easy. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of berries with a glass of boiling water and let it brew - the drug is ready. The medicine is rich in multivitamins.

A decoction of oat straw has a good cleansing effect on the kidneys. Pour a tablespoon of dry oatmeal into a saucepan, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then boil and keep covered for 10 minutes.

Useful for kidney stones and peppermint. You can make tea from it. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry and chopped mint with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. The broth is made as follows: 15 g of dry chopped grass is poured into 1 glass of water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for another 30 minutes.

The norm of phosphates in the urine in children

Phosphates or other types of salts (urates, oxalates) in the urine of a child may appear due to any changes in the metabolic process. In small numbers, they occur in many children under the age of five years. Their presence can even be seen visually: the urine becomes slightly cloudy or has a small sediment. There may not be other symptoms indicating a disease or some kind of disturbance in the body.

To confirm the presence of salts, you should pass general analysis urine. Phosphate content is indicated by pluses from one to four. Permissible norm phosphates in the urine is considered to be a small amount (one or two pluses). If there are more of them, this is already a signal of violations in the body: illness or malnutrition.

Changes in the composition of urine may be temporary. Often this alkalinization of urine is a consequence of recent transferred by a child illness. Therefore, the doctor prescribes a second analysis, as a result of which phosphates may no longer be detected. If these substances are found again, then the doctor can diagnose phosphaturia - a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body. If this pathology is not treated, then it can provoke the formation of sand and kidney stones.

What do phosphates in the urine of a child say?

The most common reason for a change in the pH level (acid-base balance) of urine towards alkaline (in which phosphates are detected) is the child’s malnutrition, namely: an overabundance in the diet of foods rich in calcium and phosphorus (fish, seafood, milk and sour-milk products, eggs , oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, mineral alkaline water), overeating or excessive caloric content of foods that do not correspond to the age of the child, an excess of canned foods on the menu.

If, after the examination, the doctor establishes that the cause of the appearance of phosphates was nutrition, he will advise the observance of a special diet.

Sometimes a change in the normal level of phosphate provokes vomiting and diarrhea on the eve of the test. If these phenomena were caused by any minor reasons, then the level of phosphates is normalized after the child's body is restored. If nausea and vomiting are the result of a disease, then it must also be treated.

An increase in the amount of phosphates in the urine above the norm can also be detected in infants. This may speak of malnutrition breastfeeding mother or incorrect complementary foods.

Amorphous phosphates in large quantities in the urine of a child

As already mentioned, the presence of salts in the urine is evidenced by its turbidity. Sometimes you can see small flakes. That is, phosphates or other salts are present in urine in an amorphous state, in other words, they do not have a clear structure.

If they are detected in large numbers, as well as during repeated tests, then this may mean that the child has kidney problems: incorrect work, congenital pathology or an infectious disease.

In addition, the deviation of the acid-base balance of urine towards the alkaline (phosphaturia) may be a manifestation infectious diseases genitourinary system such as cystitis.

Occasionally it happens that in this way rickets makes itself felt in the initial stage before the onset of characteristic symptoms.

An excess of phosphate in a child's urine can also be a symptom of diabetes.

To diagnose these diseases, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and research.

Children, especially young children who are under the age of five, are more prone to the appearance of amorphous phosphates in the urine. This is due to the fact that they metabolic processes not yet fully established, the body grows and develops, so sometimes there are deviations from the norm and imbalance.


The main treatment for phosphaturia is diet, possibly additional prescription vitamin supplements. The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor.

AT daily menu limit the amount of foods containing calcium and phosphorus. Namely: dairy and sour-milk products, fatty fish and meat, eggs, pastries and confectionery, canned foods, marmalade, chocolate, cheeses, fried and spicy dishes, peas, nuts, beans. At the same time, foods with calcium and phosphorus cannot be completely excluded from the diet, because these elements have a very importance for a growing organism. They need to be given, but in small quantities, so that there is no overabundance.

The child should eat small portions five to six times a day. Parents should ensure that during the diet the child drinks enough plain water (at least one liter per day). It is advisable to minimize the child's salt intake at this time, or completely abandon it for a while.

In the diet of a child on a diet, there should be low-fat varieties of fish and meat. If you cook a bird, then you should remove the skin from it. You can cook soup on low-fat broth or vegetable broth with the addition of cereals. Potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets are allowed. You can fill dishes with vegetable or butter. The child should be given fruits and berries rich in fruit acids: strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, currants, blueberries, apples, grapes, plums. As well as compotes and juices from these fruits and berries.

How additional remedy in the fight against an excess of phosphates, it is possible to use folk remedies: teas and decoctions based on medicinal plants. For example, mint, cranberries, rowan berries and so on. However, before giving the child such funds, it is worth coordinating this with the attending physician.

As a rule, after proper dieting, tests show a normal level of phosphate in the urine of a child. To avoid repeated deviations, you should balance the baby's menu by filling it with different useful products. Make sure that the child gets enough vitamins and minerals for his age, drinks required amount liquids.

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With phosphaturia, there is a failure of the material metabolism of calcium, as well as phosphorus in the body. As a result, urine comes out with a sediment, which consists of calcium and magnesium phosphates.

Insoluble phosphate salts after certain time increase in quantitative content, so further the formation of sand occurs, as well as the appearance of large stones in the urinary tract. Therefore, a timely detected pathology can be eliminated if patients follow a diet with phosphates. The most common cause of phosphaturia is an increased level of calcium in the urine, which has an alkaline environment that exceeds the norm and is Ph 7. Children may suffer from phosphaturia if the ratio between calcium and phosphorus is disturbed.

A diet for phosphaturia in children is prescribed to limit the intake of calcium salts. In this case, it is necessary to consume an amount of liquid that exceeds the usual norm for a person. The presence of phosphates in the urine makes it quite cloudy, in its shade it can resemble milk, which is diluted with water. Phosphaturia can be real or false. True phosphaturia acts as an independent diagnosis, while false phosphaturia is a consequence of the presence in a person of such diseases as diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice.

A diet with phosphates in the urine is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient, when it is established accurate diagnosis. To do this, you need to conduct a series of tests, as well as visit the procedure. ultrasound. Then, after set possible presence stones, as well as the amount in which phosphates are contained in the urine, the diet is prescribed individually according to a certain scheme.

A therapeutic menu is drawn up in such a way as to ensure a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the urine. This result is achieved by increasing diuresis, as well as limiting the amount of excreted calcium from the urine. Diet with phosphate in the urine of a child refers to table number 14. When a patient is treated through a diet, a large number of dairy products, as well as some fruits and berries, are excluded from his diet. On the contrary, it is necessary to increase the frequency of eating foods that increase the acid content in the urine, since acid environment does not allow phosphate salts form.

With phosphaturia, it is allowed to use foods that are described in detailed list:

- the child should eat a variety of cereals;

All legumes and grains are also allowed without restriction on their variety;

- it is imperative to eat fish and meat, but which should not be fatty;

- you can eat vegetables, only in limited quantities, including green peas, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, potatoes;

The presence in the diet of such acidic fruits and berries as grapes, lingonberries, apples, cranberries, currants, plums, strawberries is allowed;

- it is very important that during the diet the patient consumes a large amount of liquid, however, if there are no contraindications to this. Drinks you can drink are: weak coffee, tea, medicinal mineral water, a variety of juices.

Since the therapeutic diet does not include all the variety of products that is necessary for the full development small organism, such a diet should not be too long. Obligatory supervision is required from the urologist, who will regularly prescribe a urine test to track how the recovery process is going.

There is also a list of prohibited products for phosphaturia:

- any alcohol, regardless of its strength;

- the slightest use of chocolate, caramel, marmalade, sweets and other sweets is prohibited;

- products from cans, any pickles, spices and smoked meats;

- fresh bread and pastries;

salt in minimal quantities;

Whole milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese are excluded;

All products that contain a lot of fat (fat, oily fish and meat) ;

Diet involves dividing food into small portions and eating them throughout the day five to six times. Nutrition should be fractional, then the diet will make sense and have an effect.

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