What diseases cause a constant feeling of hunger. How to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger

Hunger is the feeling of the body's natural physiological need for food intake. The feeling of hunger is regulated by the so-called food center, which is a set of structures of the central nervous system responsible for regulating the choice and intake of food. The food center consists of two main areas responsible for the formation of hunger and appetite: the "centre of satiety", located in the ventromedial hypothalamus, and the "hunger center", located in the lateral section. Due to the effect on the hypothalamic part of the food center of metabolic products, hormones, and other biologically active substances, there is an alternation of hunger and satiety.

The formation of feelings of hunger and satiety are more complex processes than is commonly believed, since they are on the periphery of the physiology and mental state of a person. Scientists have found that the formation of a feeling of hunger is provoked not only by physiological factors. The psycho-emotional state of a person also influences the formation of a feeling of hunger. In turn, the feeling of fullness is formed not only by the feeling of a full stomach, but also by the feeling of pleasure from eating. The food center receives information about the saturation of the body in two ways: by nerve impulses emanating from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as by the level of substances contained in the blood. The food center monitors the state of the body by the level of glucose, amino acids, and fat breakdown products.

A constant feeling of hunger can be a symptom of such a digestive disorder as pathological hyperrexia - a constant feeling of hunger that does not correspond to the physiological need of the body for food. Hyperrexia is typical for patients suffering from the following diseases:

  • peptic ulcers of the stomach;
  • chronic gastritis with gastric hypersecretion;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Constant feeling of hunger: causes, ways to eliminate the constant feeling of hunger

The main reasons for the constant feeling of hunger are:

  • Increased mental activity;
  • Excess energy consumption as a result of intense physical exertion;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Thirst;
  • The state of stress and depression;
  • Hormonal disruptions, menstrual irregularities, the menstrual cycle itself;
  • Syndrome of psychological dependence on food.

One of the likely causes of a constant feeling of hunger is malnutrition, in which the body feels a deficiency of vital elements: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, microelements.

The constant feeling of hunger, the causes of which lie in the regular increased mental activity, can be easily corrected by increasing the level of glucose in the blood. In this case, the constant feeling of hunger is provoked by the need of the brain, and not by the physiological need of the whole organism. Other products used to saturate the body with such a feeling of hunger will be ineffective. Not having received a sufficient level of glucose, the body will soon “require” a new portion of food to replenish the missing elements. The best sources of glucose for the brain in this case will be starchy carbohydrates: rice, bread, other grain products, nuts, beans, potatoes, corn.

The constant feeling of hunger, the causes of which are psychological factors, is difficult to satisfy with regular meals. When identifying the dependence of a constant feeling of hunger on the psychological state, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the causes that provoke the hungry reflex.

During intense physical exertion, triglycerides (fats), glycogen and glucose become the main sources of energy for the body, to replenish which the body needs low-calorie foods high in proteins and carbohydrates: boiled chicken, baked fish.

Elementary thirst can provoke a feeling of hunger, to satisfy which a glass of non-carbonated water that does not contain sugar will help.

The constant feeling of hunger is also affected by the level of hormones produced by various body systems. These include:

  • hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (thyroliberin, neurotensin, corticoliberin);
  • sex hormones (estrogens, androgens);
  • thyroid hormones (thyroxine, calcitonin, triiodothyronine);
  • pancreatic hormones (insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, glucogan).

Fluctuations in the hormonal background during the menstrual cycle in women explain the constant feeling of hunger, the dissatisfaction of which is characterized by the manifestation of irritability, depression, and feelings of dissatisfaction.

Constant feeling of hunger and nausea

Often, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea are symptoms of various diseases, one of which is hypoglycemia - a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development of hypoglycemic syndrome. Depending on the severity of hypoglycemia, various methods of treatment are used.

In some cases, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea can be the first signs of pregnancy that a woman feels even before the very fact of pregnancy is established. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger and nausea, you need to undergo a full examination to identify the relationship of symptoms, as well as making an accurate diagnosis.

Constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy

The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy is common to many women. During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through certain changes. The formation of a feeling of hunger during pregnancy is influenced by hormonal levels, stressful conditions. Often, a constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy can be a signal of a lack of some vital elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins.

Hunger attacks during pregnancy are not considered abnormal. During this period, it is important for a woman to follow a balanced diet enriched with vitamins, iron, and other micro and macro elements. It should also be remembered that uncontrolled satisfaction of hunger can lead to significant weight gain, which, in turn, can adversely affect the state of the body.

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Hello, my dear readers! In my article today, we will try to understand such an aspect of everyday human life as the feeling of hunger after eating. The reasons for this feeling are mostly purely individual, but still we will try to find any patterns and try to find out whether it is possible to defeat this unpleasant sensation that causes discomfort for a person in his daily life.

A similar situation associated with a feeling of hunger is quite common in our lives. For all its insignificance, this feeling makes you think - is everything in order in the body? And here it is important to understand the reason, and in the future to deal with it.

Origin mechanism

First, let's try to understand what the process of digestion is. If we try to derive a certain algorithm, then we get the following:

  1. In human blood there are a number of substances that serve as certain indicators responsible for the quantitative filling of the body with nutrients. If the amount of these trace elements decreases to a certain level, the human brain receives a command to activate a kind of center responsible for the state of satiety of the human body.
  2. The brain sends a command to the body about the lack of essential trace elements, which we perceive as a feeling of hunger.
  3. After we have eaten, the brain receives a response command to replenish the body with microelements and the feeling of hunger disappears.

If any of the above points is violated, a pathology begins to develop in the human body, leading to a feeling of hunger that does not go away.

The reasons

No matter how trite it may sound, but one of the main reasons is the progress of all mankind as a whole. If earlier, in order for a person to eat, he had to get his own food, then the current availability leads to the fact that we often start eating without any serious need.

Other reasons include:

  1. Decrease in the content of glucose in human blood, due to increased physical or psychological stress. It can also be one of the aspects characterizing the presence of diabetes in humans.
  2. Sudden change in your diet. At this point, it should be noted various kinds of diets or a change of residence, which entailed a change in diet.
  3. Long stay on any diets. The body is in a constant state of stress and switches to an economy mode, which provides for the deposition of energy in reserve, which further leads to the fact that when returning to a normal diet, a person gains weight.
  4. A variety of stressful situations that arise in a person's life.
  5. Gender specifics. Here the problem falls on women's shoulders: pregnancy, breastfeeding, premenstrual syndrome, menopause - all this may well provoke this unpleasant condition for a person.
  6. Problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. An example is widespread gastritis. With gastritis, the feeling of hunger is born due to a violation of acidity in the human body.

Having determined for yourself the reason why you have a feeling of hunger, you can begin to fight it. The only thing is, try not to self-medicate, but contact qualified medical specialists who will give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment that is best suited for your case.


There are a number of typical diagnostic methods for determining the cause of hunger. These include:

  1. Consultation with a gynecologist.
  2. Consultation with a psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist. If you are constantly in a state of stress, you experience anxiety.
  3. Visit to a nutritionist. This doctor will help you choose the right diet that will not harm the body.
  4. Diagnosis of the state of intestinal microflora. According to the results of this study, it is recommended to consult with a gastroenterologist.
  5. Examinations of the endocrine system of the body, in order to monitor ongoing metabolic processes, determine the level of sugar in the blood.


After you have determined the reason why you do not have a feeling of hunger after eating, you should follow a number of basic rules that will help you overcome this problem:

  • Preventive treatment of helminthic invasions.
  • Reconsider your daily diet, as far as possible, replacing sweet and flour products with vegetables.
  • Make up for yourself, and stick to it as rigidly as possible. In this case, the body will gradually get used to eating at a certain time and will not disturb you with a reminder of hunger.
  • Try to normalize your psychological state, avoid stressful situations, be more calm about various minor everyday problems.

Folk remedies

  • Drinking enough water throughout the day.
  • Tincture of mint and parsley (in the proportions of 1 teaspoon of dry mint and parsley per 250 ml of boiling water) has long been considered an excellent folk remedy.
  • One tablespoon of flaxseed oil, taken before meals, perfectly suppresses this unpleasant feeling.
  • Cup .

And most importantly, try to convince yourself that food should not take the leading place for you in the list of life priorities. Eat healthy food, lead an active lifestyle, pay less attention to conflict situations - and you will notice how this problem will disappear from your life.

The feeling of hunger after eating, the causes of which we examined in our article, is not an insurmountable problem. Show patience and character and the results will not be slow to affect.

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And on this I say goodbye to you! Subscribe to my blog updates, comment on articles, share information with your friends on social networks. All the best!

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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The constant feeling of hunger even after eating is a wake-up call. And what exactly - we read today on the weight loss portal "We lose weight without problems." And if you are familiar with the constant feeling of hunger, then for sure you can find answers to some questions for yourself.

What are the reasons?

Almost any woman experiences this feeling from time to time, even it is not always constant: it seems to have eaten recently, and again the hand reaches for the refrigerator, the stomach seems to lead there. Why is this possible?

The simplest reason is an improperly formed diet or non-compliance with food rules. Therefore, the first thing to do is to check if your diet is balanced..

Sometimes the feeling of hunger, which does not go away for a long time, may not indicate that you eat little, but that your body has a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins.

In any case, this is discomfort, because of it it is not possible to focus on solving more important issues. And if you also strive to become slimmer, then this is a serious obstacle on the way to harmony. Let's think about what caused it so much, what to do with it.

Step 1: What food was for breakfast?

Doctors and diet experts often say that breakfast is the main meal of the day. The constant feeling of hunger even after eating can be just because of a poor breakfast.

Not everyone has time to eat breakfast in the morning. Get out of bed on an alarm clock, quickly get ready - and run to work. At the same time, the ability to work would be 30% higher if you got up early and were able to eat.

On a note: if you ate a hearty breakfast, then the feeling of hunger will not overcome the whole day as much as before. Yes, and lunch, evening meals will not be so voluminous.

If a person has a stomach ache, it means that, most likely, he rarely eats breakfast in the morning. At the same time, those who do this are less likely to suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and diabetes.

What may include: porridge, eggs, something from dairy, fruit.

Step 2: Are You Eating Right?

The constant feeling of hunger can have quite understandable reasons: you do not follow the basic food rules. Your body lacks the substances it needs to function.

Best thing to do: Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy foods.

At the same time, a woman should not exhaust herself: 3 full meals and a couple of snacks are required, and if you have chosen a diet for yourself that drastically restricts nutrition, this is very bad.

A constant feeling of hunger also hits those who do not eat three or four hours before a night's rest.

It is also important to drink as much water as possible. By the way, about water.

Step 3: What do you drink more often?

Experts say: an adult needs to drink at least one and a half - two liters per day. And that is water. No tea, no coffee, no packaged juices, much less sodas.

Thanks to water, toxins and toxic substances are removed from the body.

But when there is a shortage of water intake, it is comparable to a constant feeling of hunger.

At the same time, the site notes: we do not forbid you to drink tea, we only say that there should be enough in the daily diet. Now let's talk about tea.

Step 4: What kind of tea do you drink?

The constant feeling of hunger even after eating can have completely unexpected reasons. But this is only at first glance. For example, if you drink tea without added sugar, and even with mint, it will help to satisfy the constant feeling of hunger.

Experts advise drinking green tea. Why? Green tea:

  • tones,
  • refreshes,
  • neutralizes hunger,
  • promotes slimness
  • provides prevention of heart disease,
  • increases the body's resistance to stress.

Step 5: Do you have leafy vegetables in your diet?

Often the constant feeling of hunger even after eating has the following reasons: there are not enough leafy vegetables in your diet. Such food is rich in fiber and saturated with water. It gives the impression that your stomach remains full for a long time.

At the same time, leafy vegetables are a food rich in vitamin B. This, in turn, helps to cope with stress and depression, as well as overweight.

In addition, such food contains a lot of vitamin K, which helps you regulate insulin levels, control the metabolic process.

Step 6: You Picked Your Diet Wrong

A constant feeling of hunger accompanies those people who have chosen for themselves the method of losing weight with the help of a diet. And this is a stressful state for your body. He receives less normal and important substances for the functioning of the body, while lipids begin to accumulate. As a result: you want to eat more, more often, there is a constant feeling of hunger.

If a woman has chosen the wrong diet for herself, then this is how her body will respond. For example, a low-carbohydrate diet often leads to this result: your body begins to starve, it does not receive enough energy, and a constant feeling of hunger requires you to compensate for this deficiency.

For those who, for a number of reasons, still cannot refuse, doctors advise adding more fresh food to food: fruits, vegetables, and also cereals.

But remember: the most important way to be healthy, and not just lose weight, is to eat right plus be physically active.

Step 7: what about health?

Sometimes a constant feeling of hunger, pestering you even after eating, can serve as a kind of signal. It is sent by the body to tell you that you have health problems.

The problems of this group are diverse: improper hormonal levels, stressful conditions, mental disorders, problems at the genetic level, and so on. It is better to consult a doctor so that he correctly diagnoses. You don't have to self-diagnose. And let's talk about psychological factors in more detail right now.

Step 8: are you calm?

Now any woman can say: yes, quite, why do you ask? In response, I also want to know: why then eat so much? Constant snacking, especially junk food, may indicate that there are many voids in life that are filled in this way.

For example, you eat while you work at the computer. Or you already have a nightly ritual for the night: watch TV, eat. It turns out that you already have some kind of addiction, and if you get out of it, then it’s like knocking you down. Then - no peace, because the body will feel a deficit.

Let's use psychological tricks that will help to reconsider the attitude to food and deceive the body a little. Here is the first trick - replace large plates with small ones. So you will not allow yourself such huge portions, but the body will think that you have received enough: the plate is empty.

Plus, make a promise to yourself: I only eat in the kitchen. Believe me, then snacking will be much less.

Another trick: eat slowly, chew your food properly. Then your stomach will send signals to the brain that saturation has occurred.

Step 9: Are you constantly mentally stressed?

What it means: your mental activity is so intense that the brain needs to be recharged. In this case, the problem is not that the stomach is empty: these may well be symptoms that the body has an urgent need to replenish the energy deficit.

What to drown out the constant feeling of hunger in this case: nuts, legumes, bread, whole grains, rice, corn, and potatoes.

Step 10: Do you move a lot or a little?

Those who move little and, in principle, are not friends with sports, need to understand that all this will indirectly affect. At the same time, usually the free time that should be spent on sports, you will spend on snacks, and most often harmful ones. When a person eats large portions all the time, the walls of the stomach stretch, and over time, in order to get enough, he will need to eat more and more. And then the constant feeling of hunger is quite natural.

Step 11: Assess how much sleep you get?

American experts have found that those who sleep from 7 to 8 hours are not as prone to obesity as people who sleep no more than 6 hours. At the same time, lack of sleep leads to the fact that leptin is produced in small doses. And this substance is just responsible for your appetite. In order to make up for the lack of leptin, you develop a constant feeling of hunger, signaling itself even after eating.


Sometimes it is pregnancy that can be the reason why a woman has a constant feeling of hunger.

During pregnancy, your body is rebuilt, because now its main task is to bear a child. The hormonal background can change significantly, and this is why such symptoms occur during pregnancy.

At the same time, pregnancy is not always accompanied by such a passion for food. It is quite possible that you do not have the necessary vitamins, calcium, iron, trace elements, etc. in your body. You should not think about how great it is to eat for two. It is necessary to check with the doctor how to adjust the diet, what substances to add so that such a painful condition does not arise.

So, as you can see, there are many reasons. Did you find your story somewhere? In any case, consult a doctor - he will tell you exactly what to do.

What to do with a desire that does not obey the mind? Follow his lead or try to figure out where the "legs grow" from? It's a shame when a constant feeling of hunger controls us, and not vice versa.

Limiting yourself in food is not easy, as well as forbidding breathing. Finding out the source of the problem will help not to fight the bad habit of “seizing everything”, but will eliminate the very need for this.

Causes of constant hunger

Our desires are a reflection of reality. Sometimes they seem to us spontaneous and random, but they are not. If you try, you can find a logical explanation for everything.

Pathologies of the psyche

Brain damage leads to disturbances in the functions of the centers of satiety and hunger. At the same time, neurons do not receive signals that a person is full and continue to stimulate appetite. This happens extremely rarely, but may be the reason that explains the condition in question.


People, as a rule, act according to a scenario familiar to many: small troubles stick with a chocolate bar, serious problems with a hearty dinner. Tasty encourages a person, replaces him, at least for a while, with the "hormone of happiness."

The subconscious manages to consolidate such a habit, and as a result, any failure or stress has to be "brutally" seized in order to get rid of the state when hunger torments and the stomach hurts from spasms. Although it is much more useful to take a walk, meet friends, play sports, watch a movie or read a book.


Doctors call dietary restrictions the best provocateurs of increased appetite. The ban is perceived by the brain as stress, so it turns on the automatic program of self-preservation of the biological species so that the individual does not die from exhaustion, and increases appetite.


It often causes boredom and the resulting desire to eat something, and in fact, slows down energy metabolism in cells and the absorption of glucose.

Antibacterial therapy

Some medications, such as antibiotics, disrupt the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, reduce the activity of the "power stations of the cell", that is, mitochondria.

Hormonal imbalance

Appetite is associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Unbalance is aggravated by the action of hormonal drugs.

Tobacco smoking

The decision to say goodbye to a cigarette is often accompanied by a feeling of hunger. So, instead of one health problem, another appears. Manufacturers add appetite-suppressing compounds to tobacco products to make people eat less and smoke more. Hunger is released if portions of substances that curb appetite do not enter the body. As a result, a person eats everything and a lot.

Minimum servings

A diet plan that consists of frequent meals, but in small amounts, often leads to a feeling of incessant hunger. The thing is that the feeling of satiety does not occur, since the walls of the stomach do not stretch. Receptors are not excited by a small snack and do not perceive it as a full meal. That is why you cannot escape from a brutal appetite, even if you arrange 10 or more snacks for yourself. On such pseudo-diets, kilograms are not dropped, but, on the contrary, they are gained.

Substance deficiency

If the body does not receive enough mineral salts, amino acids or vitamins, then the stomach does not just signal, but “screams” about the growing feeling of hunger. So in an original way, our body reports the need to replenish the necessary substances. This can only be done through nutrition, which means we want to eat again.


It is known that with an increased concentration of grape sugar in the blood, hunger is quenched. But not all cells perceive and assimilate glucose as an energy source. This happens when the plasma membranes have lost the ability to perceive the effects of insulin or due to an acute shortage of the hormone.

Constant feeling of hunger in pregnant women

The factor that provokes the need for food in women in position is the restructuring of the hormonal background. With changes in the body, new desires come, for example, to eat previously unloved or incompatible foods. All this is the norm for expectant mothers. But the belief that you need to eat for two is wrong. This habit cannot lead to anything but health problems.

Pregnant women often suffer from depressive states, which also eat chocolate. The strongest hunger overcomes them in the early stages.

A competent gynecologist will explain the cause of the condition and its consequences. Practical advice will help the expectant mother get rid of hunger, so as not to overeat and exclude:

  • Varicose veins.
  • Diabetes.
  • Kidney diseases.

Here are a number of rules, the implementation of which is able to pacify hunger during pregnancy:

  1. An acute desire to eat will pass if you drink a glass of water, but only an hour after eating.
  2. Acidic foods increase appetite, so it is advisable to limit their intake.
  3. Fiber from vegetables satisfies hunger.
  4. For long-term saturation, protein is needed, which is best steamed.
  5. With nuts, cottage cheese and fish, the body receives the necessary calcium.
  6. Eat should not be on the go, but at the table and slowly. Do not be distracted by extraneous stimuli, such as books, newspapers, magazines, telephone conversations.
  7. Pleasant activities will save you from idleness and the desire to once again look into the refrigerator.

Constant feeling of hunger in a child

The doctor will deal with the causes of the phenomenon. Provocateurs are:

  • Diseases.
  • Increased mental stress.
  • stressful situations.
  • New or incorrect diet.

In the absence of damage to the nervous system and internal organs that can cause a constant feeling of hunger after eating, parents are advised to follow the following rules:

  1. Provide 4-5 meals a day.
  2. Give your child clean water to drink.
  3. Replace cakes and muffins with fiber.
  4. Play more with children, while hiding sweets and buns away.
  5. Make sure that the portions of the baby are not the same as in adults.
  6. Prohibit eating at the computer or TV.
  7. Avoid eating foods that stimulate your appetite.
  8. To solve the problem, involve children's nutritionists and psychologists who will determine what reason makes a small person constantly eat.
  9. Teach kids how to eat properly.

By adjusting the diet and diet, you can help the child grow and develop harmoniously, while getting rid of constant hunger, and with it obesity or other serious health problems.

What to do if you are constantly hungry

Excessive appetite is a reason for examination to identify diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

With dysbacteriosis, along with the leveling of the bacterial background, the desire to eat also disappears. Someone will only need a consultation with a psychologist, because eating disorders are based on neurotic causes.

Radical methods of fighting hunger in the form of prohibitions are fraught with depression, as well as a guilt complex for an indefatigable appetite. Favorite business, feasible physical activity and new pleasures will help to distract.

Often, a constant feeling of hunger becomes an insurmountable obstacle in the difficult struggle with being overweight. To ensure a comfortable process of losing weight, you just need to get rid of it. To this end, it is important to understand why a constant feeling of hunger arises. This feeling is considered organic. It is the result of the excitation of the food center, localized in the brain. The place of its projection is the region of the stomach. In this case, there is a characteristic sucking under the spoon. During the period of exacerbation of this feeling, a person is simply not able to think about anything other than food. However, it is important to understand that a constant feeling of hunger is far from always an indicator of weak will. It often happens that the problem develops under the influence of external stimuli.

Fighting methods

If people are haunted by a constant feeling of hunger after eating, often the only way out seems to be a diet. And if it is low-carb, then the opposite effect is observed. This is due to a decrease in the level of serotonin - an element that is directly involved in appetite control. To solve the problem, it is recommended to enrich the diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals.

Why do we always want to eat

Some people, without even realizing it, provoke a constant feeling of hunger on their own. The only thing left for them to get rid of the obsessive desire is to eat their fill. They perceive hunger as a signal that it is time to eat. However, often this feeling is evidence that some kind of failure has occurred in the functioning of the body. Consider the reasons for the constant feeling of hunger in more detail.

Alcohol abuse

Consider the fact that alcohol can increase appetite many times over. No one denies that drinking a little dry red wine at dinner is even useful, but if you notice that after drinking it you especially want to eat, give it up.

jamming problems

An important factor that provokes systematic overeating is stress. People suffering from it are often sure that sweets, dumplings or meatballs can alleviate emotional distress. It is important to realize that this is self-deception. Such behavior will not lead to the disappearance of problems, but to the appearance of another one - excess weight. The cause of an increase in appetite can be not only stress, but also a quiet life. Often there is such a situation when a woman who is happily married takes the path of constant weight gain. It is recommended to pay special attention to your diet to ladies in position. The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy is due to altered hormonal levels. In such a situation, it is important to distinguish between meals in order to provide mother and child with nutrients and simple gluttony.

Watching TV for a long time

As a rule, when an interesting movie begins, the hands themselves reach for the refrigerator. And most often the choice stops far from cabbage salad. Favorite treats while watching an interesting program or film are ice cream, chips, crackers.

Lack of sleep

In the course of numerous experiments, it has been proven that lack of sleep entails a constant feeling of hunger. It comes soon after eating and becomes more and more obsessive. And if you rest less than seven hours in a row at night, you will undoubtedly want something tasty all the time. This is explained simply: regular lack of sleep causes a decrease in the production of leptin, a hormone produced in adipose tissue and responsible for controlling appetite. The lack of this element leads to cravings for foods rich in starch, as well as for sweets.

Refusal of the first meal

Not eating breakfast is bad. No wonder this morning meal is considered the main one. It is responsible for activating metabolism and saturating the body with much-needed energy. People who feel hungry and lethargic all day probably don't eat breakfast. Take into account the fact that if you skip this meal, it is very difficult to refuse a hearty dinner. The latter will not bring any health benefits and will negatively affect the figure.

Haste to nothing

Why do people who eat fast feel constantly hungry? Because they just swallow their food, and in order to really get enough, you need to enjoy every dish and chew all the pieces thoroughly. The signal about the filling of the stomach reaches the brain only a few minutes after eating. Food that is poorly chewed takes a long time to digest and puts a strain on the digestive system. There are problems with the intestines, a constant feeling of hunger develops, and nausea often makes itself felt.

Permanent overloads

If you literally burn out at work, it is not surprising that hunger does not go away even after eating. The fact is that with increased physical and mental stress, the body needs hearty food. With this in mind, for dinner you cook meat with potatoes or pasta. However, this eating habit cannot be called correct. The best side dish is vegetable salad. You will be surprised, but hunger will cease to haunt you after such an easy dinner at first glance.

Passion for "diet" sugary drinks

Indeed, cola marked "light" does not contain calories, but it can increase appetite. If you really want this harmful drink, it is better to buy its usual variety.

Alternative causes of constant feeling of hunger

Pay attention to what you eat. Often, fatty fried meat that seems so satisfying only exacerbates the problem. To achieve the long-awaited saturation, portions increase more and more. Ultimately, surgery is used to reduce the volume of the stomach.

As some nutritionists note, not only the food consumed, but also what it is cooked on, plays an important role. Often, unquenchable hunger provokes sunflower oil. Try switching to olive or start steaming only.

If you eat only boiled potatoes, beets, carrots and other vegetables for several days, you can return the feeling of fullness. In addition, avoiding salt, seasonings, sauces will help get rid of hunger even after eating.

It is possible that the existing problem is a consequence of malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, the desire to have a snack even after a hearty dinner is observed in those who suffer from an ulcer or gastritis. In this case, it is necessary to address the root cause. By restoring health, you will return the feeling of fullness after eating.

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