Symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency. Enzyme deficiency: types, possible causes, symptoms and treatment

For the most part, the organ of the digestive system with endocrine functions secretes pancreatic juice, which consists of enzymes. As a result of certain reasons, enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas develops. What are the factors of the origin of pathology in the body? What is required to restore the normal synthesis of organic substances?

Groups of enzymes and their actions

The small digestive organ is located just below and behind the stomach. The pancreas is located closer to the spine at a certain level - in the region of the upper lumbar vertebrae. Its transverse position resembles a horizontal letter "S". It can secrete up to 4 liters of pancreatic juice per day. The process begins immediately after a person takes food. The secretory function continues for several hours.

Pancreatic juice is 98% water. The remaining small part is accounted for by enzymes (enzymes). These organic substances are of a protein nature. They speed up hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. At the same time, they themselves should not be spent and destroyed. But there are reasons that lead to the opposite result - a lack of enzymes or their inactivity. For example, medical scientists have proven that enzymes work normally with a high concentration of hydrogen ions and hundreds of other conditions.

Characterizes the unique properties of enzymes and their selectivity. Each of the highly active compounds is focused on its own group of substances:

  • lipase breaks down fats;
  • trypsin (chymotrypsin) - proteins;
  • amylase - carbohydrates.

Enzymes act on complex chemicals with a huge molecular weight in order to decompose them into simple components: proteins - to amino acids, carbohydrates - to monosaccharides.

Causes and symptoms of dysfunction

Digestive juice through the ducts through the duodenum enters the intestine. With a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, food components are not absorbed, they remain undigested. The disease can be genetic, transmitted from parents to offspring. It is also acquired during life, in its primary form - as a result of changes associated with the digestive organ (age, atrophy, mechanical damage - stones in the pancreatic ducts, tumors, scars).

Enzymatic disorders acquire a secondary character with an indirect effect on the organ (atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, systematic malnutrition). Diagnostic techniques allow you to determine the relative or absolute deficiency of enzymes in the body.

Often the symptoms of enzymatic deficiency appear as complications of acute and then chronic pancreatitis.

The patient establishes a pathological disorder according to the following symptoms:

  • progressive weight loss;
  • persistent bloating;
  • anemic state;
  • debilitating diarrhea (loose stools).

A gastroenterologist using laboratory methods for studying the external secretion of the pancreas (probe testing, coprogram, determining the level of enzymes in the feces), instrumental methods (ultrasound, MRI, CT, radiography) determines the degree of enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas.

Attention! The loss of more than 15 g of fat per day gives rise to the appointment of replacement therapy with synthetic enzymes.

Fat molecules not broken down by enzymes end up in the feces. Fecal masses:

  • increased in volume;
  • not formed, liquid;
  • have a fetid odor;
  • oily grey.

Symptomatic treatment aims to eliminate the manifestations of enzymatic imbalance. This requires a 100% increase in secretory fluid in volume. Experts note that in patients with diabetes, the results of improvement during treatment are often false. Good analyzes with unrestored organ function.

Therapy is to help the body in the process of digestion and absorption of food.

Congenital and acquired causes of enzyme deficiency

A disease in which the pancreas from the first days of a child's life is unable to produce digestive juice is called hypoplasia. It shows up right away. Occurs due to underdevelopment of the organ. The baby is tormented by the main and obvious sign - profuse constant diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs due to the lack of enzymes in the intestines.

Often, an incapacitated pancreas does not produce hormones either, that is, it does not fulfill the second part of its obligations to the body. In the absence or insufficient amount of insulin, diabetes mellitus develops.

Patients deprived of fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients are prone to weakened immunity. The protective functions of the body cannot cope with infections (colds, SARS, skin diseases). Therapy for an underdeveloped pancreas is carried out with enzymatic preparations. Other necessary substances (insulin, vitamins) are also administered.

Another disease in which digestive juice does not reach its intended purpose is due to the fact that it cannot leave the small sacs in which it is produced. Cystic pathology can be congenital or acquired. During life this happens because the juice becomes very thick. It cannot pass through the narrow bile ducts and sticks them together.

The absence of enzymes that do not enter the intestine disrupts the digestion process. There are disorders in the final section of the digestive tract. The danger lies in the fact that the stuck ducts are not restored surgically. There are too many of them and they are very small. And again, the only salvation for the patient is the artificial introduction of pancreatic preparations into the body.

Synthesized enzymes

Taking enzymes is fundamentally different. During acute pancreatitis, the patient is prescribed strict fasting for several days, sometimes up to 2 weeks. At this time, the patient is given nutrient solutions intravenously. It is necessary to remove inflammation and swelling from the pancreas. Apply agents that suppress the secretory function of the organ (Mexidol, Pantripin, Sandostatin).

In chronic pancreatitis, enzymatic preparations are used that can compensate for the lack of biochemical catalysts (accelerators):

  • Mezim forte,
  • Creon,
  • Pancreatin,
  • Festal,
  • Enzistal.

Medicines are used against the background of the complete exclusion of alcohol and strict adherence to a diet with a moderately high content of protein in food. Protein reserves are needed as a building material for destroyed pancreatic tissues as well.

Synthesized combined preparations contain mainly natural enzymes of mammals

The correct dosage of drugs is selected by the doctor on an individual basis, based on the results of the examination, the symptoms of the patient. An important detail is that the enzymes in capsules or tablets are coated. It completely protects drugs from destruction in the stomach. The coating must not be damaged, the capsule or tablet must not be chewed. The agent reaches the environment in the intestine, while maintaining its activity.

Features of taking drugs are also in the fact that they are used during meals or, in some cases, immediately after it. Washed down with a large amount of liquid, but not alkaline (plain water or diluted fruit juices). Contraindications may be individual intolerance to the drug, an allergic reaction to its component. Patients with gastritis note gastric discomfort during treatment.

Prevention of diseases is the cessation of smoking, all its forms (passive, active, during pregnancy), strong alcohol. Pathology develops due to the death of a significant part of the cells that produce pancreatic juice. Timely diagnosis helps in the early stages of the development of an acquired imbalance to fully or partially restore the enzymatic function of the pancreas, and for people with congenital diseases to qualitatively improve the state of health in the body.

Enzyme deficiency in children is a food intolerance to certain foods, which is caused by a lack of enzymes in the children's stomach. The disease can manifest itself in infants or older babies.

An enzyme is a protein that promotes the breakdown of food and is an important element for organizing the digestion process, the absence of which causes a number of negative symptoms in a child.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Enzyme deficiency in a child can develop for several reasons. First of all, it is a hereditary pathology that is inherent in one or both parents. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which leads to a decrease in the activity of enzymes and disrupt the digestive process. Poor care, poor quality food and unfavorable environmental conditions for the child.

Congenital enzyme deficiency in children is characterized by a lack of lactase. As a result, the child's body is not able to digest products containing this element, primarily dairy products. Lactose entering the stomach is not digested and remains here, provoking the appearance of a number of negative symptoms. In this case, there is a difficulty in feeding the child with breast milk and classic milk formulas. Lactase deficiency is a global problem and occurs in every third person.

Another type of enzyme deficiency is transient, characterized by lactase deficiency (there is protein, but it is contained in very small quantities). This condition makes it difficult to digest food, but in most cases, subject to competent and timely treatment, it disappears after 2-4 months.

Celiac disease is a type of enzyme deficiency, which is characterized by the absence of an enzyme that breaks down gluten (porridges are rich in this element). It manifests itself at the age of over 6 months, when complementary foods are introduced to the child.

Phenylketonuria is a congenital disease characterized by a deficiency of phenylalanine (an amino acid that is part of proteins). The lack of a substance leads to an increased content of toxic substances that adversely affect the health of the child.

Symptoms of enzyme deficiency in children

The clinical picture of enzyme deficiency is clearly manifested by the digestive system. The main symptoms of the pathology are: in a child a few hours after feeding, frequent nausea, which causes anxiety and whims in the baby. Very often there is bloating, very liquid feces and general weakness. Due to poor digestion, the child drastically loses weight, his appetite decreases, or he completely refuses food.

A severe form of enzyme deficiency leads to a delay in physical development. This is due to the fact that the required amount of vitamins and minerals is not absorbed by the body. In the absence of proper treatment, a number of other pathologies develop.

In children after a year, the symptoms are not so acute. After taking dairy products, the child develops discomfort in the abdomen, he is tormented by flatulence, colic, and nausea. They develop diarrhea, while the feces are frothy and have a sharp sour smell. Children become lethargic, complain of weakness and completely refuse dairy products, which can lead to calcium deficiency.

Celiac disease is manifested by excessive dryness of the skin, the development of stomatitis, the child does not gain weight well, but the stomach is very enlarged due to severe bloating. The baby is often tormented by diarrhea, feces are frothy and have an extremely unpleasant odor. Sometimes the child suffers from severe nausea and vomiting.

Phenylketonuria is manifested by a delay in mental and physical development. Such children are prone to the appearance of various mental disorders.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you have the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a pediatrician. First of all, it is worth describing in as much detail as possible what symptoms disturb the child. A reliable method for diagnosing enzyme deficiency in children is the analysis of feces. This will differentiate pathology from intestinal infection and other pathologies. A biopsy is required to diagnose coeliac disease.

Treatment of enzyme deficiency in children

For the treatment of enzyme deficiency in infants, it is not necessary to deprive him of mother's milk. The doctor recommends that the woman follow a special diet (the essence of which is the rejection of dairy products) and take drugs that contain the lactase enzyme.

If the child is breastfed, then it is important to choose the right mixture. Preference should be given to lactose-free products, but the transition to a new diet should be gradual, monitoring the reaction of the child and the body.

It is possible to treat enzyme deficiency in children older than a year by following a special diet. First of all, it is necessary to strictly exclude from the diet all products containing milk. The child is prescribed the intake of enzyme preparations that will make up for the deficiency of lactase in the body.

To get rid of celiac disease, the child must follow a gluten-free diet. It is important to exclude wheat and rye flour, barley, millet, semolina and oatmeal from the diet. To compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, you should enrich the diet with meat, fruits and vegetables.

With phenylketonuria, it is recommended to follow the strictest diet, the essence of which is the exclusion from the diet of foods high in protein. First of all, meat and fish products, dairy products, nuts, bakery products and some cereals are excluded. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits. To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the child is prescribed special complexes.

Enzyme deficiency is a condition in which the amount of enzymes (enzymes) produced by the gastrointestinal tract does not correspond to the real needs of the body. Deficiency of biologically active substances leads to indigestion - excessive gas formation, nausea and vomiting. The lack of enzymes is not an independent disease, but a key manifestation of a serious comorbidity. Lack of medical or surgical treatment will cause severe complications. The first signs of disruption of the digestive system should be a signal to visit a hospital.

Endocrine enzyme deficiency occurs after damage to the islets of Langerhans

The main causes of pathology

Rarely diagnosed diseases include enzymatic deficiency, characterized by the complete absence of enzymes. But most often, the pancreas reduces the production of one or more enzymes. Gastroenterologists distinguish the following causes of the pathological process:

  • the use of a large amount of food, for the breakdown of which there is simply not enough produced enzymes;
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • accompanied by a violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • enteritis, gastritis - inflammatory processes in the small intestine and (or) stomach;
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, in which bile does not activate pancreatic enzymes;
  • , characterized by insufficient production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes;
  • Crohn's disease, amyloidosis, systemic autoimmune diseases in which cells of the intestinal mucosa die;
  • consequences of surgical interventions - excision of a part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nutritional errors or starvation, leading to a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.

The causes of pancreatic insufficiency can be its congenital anomalies. Symptoms of enzyme deficiency and indigestion occur in children almost immediately after birth. This pathology is not treatable, but it is quite possible to correct the condition. A child and adult with congenital enzyme deficiency is shown lifelong replacement therapy and a strict diet.

If the pathological process provoked any disease, then the prognosis for a complete recovery is favorable. It is necessary to comply with medical recommendations and review the diet. But sometimes the damage is irreversible, for example, with lesions of the intestinal walls. In these cases, the patient will also have to monitor their diet and take drugs with enzymes.

Enzyme deficiency is caused by damage to pancreatic cells.

Types of disease

At the stage of diagnosis, the type of enzymatic deficiency and the stage of its course are established. Each form of pathology is characterized by its own special symptoms and causes. Further treatment will depend on the type of disease.

Warning: “If the enzymatic deficiency is at the initial stage, then the therapy does not take much time. Sometimes it is enough for the patient to adjust his diet so that the functional activity of the digestive organ is fully restored.


Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency develops as a result of a decrease in the mass of the exocrine parenchyma or the outflow of digestive secretions into the duodenal cavity. Experienced diagnosticians can establish this type of pathology only by its specific symptoms:

  • indigestion after eating fatty or spicy foods;
  • feeling of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • loose stools with a significant content of fat not absorbed by the body;
  • painful cramps in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sides.

Malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract lead to chronic intoxication of the body. Due to insufficient absorption of vitamins and microelements, a person's skin becomes dry and gray, shortness of breath appears, and heart rate increases.


Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency occurs after irreversible disorders in its tissues. The causes of the pathological process are the lack of treatment of the duodenum, gallbladder, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Exocrine insufficiency is found in people whose diet is unbalanced and monotonous. The abuse of strong alcoholic beverages also provokes a decrease in the functional activity of the gland and the development of an inflammatory process. What are the characteristics of this species:

  • insufficient absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • nausea, bouts of vomiting;
  • increased gas formation;
  • irregular bowel movements;
  • loose stool.

Prolonged indigestion leads to a decrease in motor activity, neurological disorders, lethargy, apathy, and drowsiness.


This type of insufficiency most often develops under the influence of external factors. The cause of the pathology is the course treatment with pharmacological drugs that damage the cells of the pancreas. Tissue damage can occur after penetration of pathogenic infectious agents into the digestive organ. Symptoms of pancreatic enzyme deficiency:

  • seething and rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • pain in the umbilical region.

The main symptom of the pathology is frequent bowel movements, in which loose stools with a specific fetid odor are released.


The disease develops against the background of damage to the islets of Langerhans. These areas of the pancreas are responsible for the production of insulin, glucagon, lipocaine. With insufficient production of biologically active substances, not only digestive disorders occur, but also endocrine pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus. What are the symptoms of enzyme deficiency?

  • chronic diarrhea;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • lack of appetite, low body weight;
  • bloating, belching;
  • drowsiness, emotional instability.

This type of enzyme deficiency is dangerous for the development of dehydration due to fluid loss during vomiting and diarrhea.

Diet - the basis of the treatment of enzyme deficiency


Therapy for enzymatic deficiency consists in long-term or lifelong administration of drugs that help break down and assimilate food. These include:

  • Enzistal;
  • Panzinorm forte;
  • forte.

An important part of therapy is a balanced sparing diet. Foods with a high fat content are completely excluded from the daily diet. The patient should avoid whole milk, potatoes, white cabbage, beans and peas.

Pancreatic insufficiency is an endocrine disease caused by a failure in the production of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The pancreas (PZH) is the main organ that stimulates digestion, and without its proper functioning, the entire body suffers.

The essence of the problem

The pancreas performs 2 main functions:

  1. exocrine.
  2. Endocrine.

The first is the production by the gland of substances involved in the process of digestion of food (pancreatic juice and more than 20 types of enzymes). This part of the pancreas consists of acini (gland cells) that synthesize enzymes (trypsin, lipase, chymotrypsin, amylase, etc.) that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food in the duodenum.

Lipase ensures the breakdown of fats into fatty acids in the bile environment of the intestine.

The endocrine part of the gland is the islets of Langerhans, which are located between the acini and consist of insulinocytes that produce insulin, glucagon, somostatin and various polypeptides involved in glucose metabolism and regulating blood sugar levels. The islets are made up of A, B, and D cells. Glucagon is produced in type A cells (25% of all cells); Insulin production is occupied by B cells (60% of all cells), and D cells (15%) synthesize other polypeptides.

Pancreatic insufficiency is caused by the destruction of normal tissues and cells in the organ and their gradual replacement with connective tissue (fibrosis), which further leads to a decrease in the functional activity of the gland in the production of necessary enzymes and hormones. Thus, pathology can lead to malfunctions of all body systems.

Types of pancreatic insufficiency and their signs

Diseases of the pancreas are classified into 4 main types:

  1. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to a decrease in the activity of special secretory substances that break down food into substances freely absorbed by the body, or a violation of the secretory outflow of pancreatic juice into the intestine due to narrowing of the flow channels due to tumors or fibrosis. If enzyme activity is disturbed, the secret becomes thick and viscous and does not break down food well. With the narrowing of the flow channels, an insufficient amount of fermenting substances enters the intestine, which do not cope with their task in full. Its main symptoms: intolerance to spicy and fatty foods, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, bloating and colic; secondary: shortness of breath, tachycardia, pain throughout the body, convulsions. Fats that enter the intestines are not processed and are excreted undissolved along with feces (pancreatic steatorrhea). Deficiency of fatty acids leads to fragility of bones, decreased blood clotting, convulsions, impaired night vision, impotence. A decrease in protein fermentation causes shortness of breath, tachycardia, anemia, general weakness, and fatigue.
  2. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is a consequence of a decrease in the production of pancreatic (pancreatic) juice, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Manifested by indigestion, nausea and heaviness in the stomach, excess gases in the intestines and a violation of its activity; is the cause of diabetes. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency can be relative or absolute. The first is reversible, the integrity of the organ in this case is not broken, the malaise is caused by the immaturity of the pancreas or a violation of secretion, it is more common in children. Absolute insufficiency is accompanied by atrophy of the acini and fibrosis of the tissues of the pancreas, a decrease in the production of enzymes. It is a consequence of such diseases as chronic or acute form of pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.
  3. The lack of enzymes in the gastric juice involved in the digestive process is a pancreatic enzymatic insufficiency. Symptoms indicating a lack of enzymes for digestion of food: flatulence, nausea and vomiting, fetid diarrhea, dehydration, general weakness, etc. The most significant and characteristic sign of enzyme deficiency is a change in stool: an increase in the frequency of bowel movements, feces with excess fat, which are bad flushed off the toilet, becoming gray and putrid stench.
  4. With endocrine insufficiency of the pancreas, the production of the hormones insulin, glucagon, and lipocaine decreases. This form of insufficiency is dangerous because it causes a malfunction of all human organs and has irreversible consequences. The symptoms are similar to those of a lack of pancreatic enzymes. Insulin is responsible for the supply of glucose from the blood to the cells of the body and lowers the sugar content, while glucagon increases it. The norm of glucose in the blood is 3.5-5.5 mmol / l. Changes in the norm leads to the development of diseases - hyperglycemia (increased glucose levels) and hypoglycemia (respectively, a decrease). Violation of the production of insulin leads to an increased content of glucose in the blood and the development of a disease such as diabetes mellitus. The main signs indicating a lack of insulin hormones: high blood sugar after eating, thirst, frequent urination; in women - itching in the genitals. With a decrease in the production of glucogan, the following set of symptoms is characteristic: weakness, dizziness, tremor of the limbs, changes in the psyche (anxiety, depression, unreasonable anxiety), convulsions, loss of consciousness. If an endocrinologist prescribes treatment for insulin deficiency, then the help of a psychotherapist is also necessary for glucogen deficiency.

Causes of pancreatic insufficiency

Factors contributing to the failure of the pancreas can be the following:

  • degenerative changes in the gland;
  • beriberi (lack of vitamins B, C, E, PP, nicotinic acid), provoking liver disease and the development of cholelithiasis;
  • decreased protein content and anemia;
  • errors in food - a lot of fatty, spicy foods in the diet, alcohol abuse;
  • infectious diseases of the stomach, pancreas, 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  • helminthiasis;
  • long-term use of drugs;
  • improper fasting;
  • metabolic disease;
  • disorders of the small intestine and duodenum, degenerative changes in the intestinal microflora;
  • congenital malformations of the pancreas.

In this case, the necrosis of pancreatic tissues occurs and their replacement with scar growths and, as a result, they lose their functional abilities.

Diagnosis of pathological changes in the pancreas

First of all, the attending physician conducts a survey of the patient, finds out the symptoms that distinguish pancreatic enzyme deficiency. To diagnose the disease, laboratory blood tests are performed (for the content of hemoglobin and biochemical substances, for sugar levels), studies of the presence of enzymes in the urine, fecal analysis and coprogram for fat content (normally no more than 7%), elastase-1 and the state of assimilation and processing of food by the body.

Abdominal ultrasound, CT and MRI are prescribed to detect degenerative changes in organs. An important diagnostic method is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (examination of the pancreatic ducts and bile ducts for their patency and the presence of keloid formations). To clarify the diagnosis, the method of direct study of the secret obtained from the pancreas by aspiration of the pancreas is used, which makes it possible to determine the content and volume of pancreatic juice.

Endocrine insufficiency is investigated by testing glucose tolerance - they analyze blood collected on an empty stomach and blood collected 2 hours after a meal or 75 g of glucose. This analysis shows the body's ability to produce insulin and process glucose.

The following indicators indicate a violation of glucose metabolism: blood glucose level of at least 6.7 mmol / l; 2 hours after taking 75 g of glucose - 7.8-11.1 mmol / l. Normally, the content of glucose in the blood should not exceed 6.4 mmol / l. If the level of glucose in blood taken on an empty stomach is 7.8 mmol/l or more than this value, then diabetes occurs.

Treatment of pancreatic diseases

To normalize the activity and eliminate violations of the pancreas, treatment is prescribed depending on the type of insufficiency: If signs of the disease are detected that indicate enzyme deficiency, polyenzymatic drugs are prescribed to replace the missing enzymatic substances.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency caused by a deficiency of intrasecretory pancreatitis is treated with drugs containing enzymes (Mezim-forte, Pancreatin, Creon, Panzinorm-forte); the use of vitamin complexes containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K is recommended. The most effective drug is Mezim-forte, which contains protease, amylase and lipase, it can be used by young patients.

Treatment also includes following a diet to control blood sugar levels and taking medications that are prescribed specifically for each patient. Meals should be fractional and frequent (5-6 times a day), you should eat more vegetables and cereals rich in carbohydrates (wheat and oat bran), and protein foods.

With a decrease in enzyme activity, to increase the digestive capacity, drugs are prescribed that stabilize the alkaline environment in the gastrointestinal tract (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole, etc.). Mandatory therapy is aimed at curing the causes of the disease: diseases of the stomach, pancreas and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Treatment of endocrine insufficiency depends on the disease resulting from a lack of one or another type of hormone. The most common disease is diabetes mellitus, provoked by insufficient production of insulin, which leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. The basis of the treatment of diabetes is based on 3 principles: replenishment of insulin; restoration of violations of the metabolic process and hormonal levels; prevention of possible complications.

Of great importance is the diet, increased physical activity of the patient, the use of drugs that reduce sugar levels, insulin therapy (for insulin-dependent patients). The diet should contain up to 60% slow digesting carbohydrates (black bread, wheat bran with pectin), 24% light fats and 16% protein foods. The diet provides for a complete rejection of foods containing sucrose and fructose, easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, flour and baked goods, sweet fruits, carbonated drinks), restriction of salty and spicy foods, and certain types of legumes.

Due to the increase in physical activity, glucose is burned without the participation of insulin. For the elderly and patients suffering from other diseases, daily walking for 1-2 hours or a brisk pace of at least 40 minutes is recommended.

The appointment and dosage of drugs that lower blood sugar levels are made by the attending endocrinologist based on the tests obtained. As a rule, Glucophage, Siofor, Metamorphin, Glutazone, Aktos, Pioglar, etc. are prescribed.

Insulin-substituting agents are prescribed for advanced stages of diabetes, when the pancreas practically stops producing insulin. There are 2 types of derivative substances and preparations of insulin:

  1. Means produced from the components of human insulin (DNA recombinant technology or semi-synthetic);
  2. Means produced from insulin components of animal origin (mainly from pigs).

The most effective are insulin preparations made from human hormones.

The prognosis for pancreatic insufficiency leaves much to be desired. It all depends on the degree of damage to the parenchyma. Given the fact that the pathology develops against the background of the death of a significant part of the organ, medication will be required here throughout the rest of life. It is possible to prevent the development of this condition by timely diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases, refraining from drinking alcohol, smoking.

All the external beauty of a person directly depends on the internal state of the body. If there are failures in it, then this affects the skin, nails and hair. Most of the problems are related to malnutrition.

If digestion begins to falter in its activity, then you should think about taking additional enzymes. Enzymes for digestion have a different focus, so you need to know exactly which element is missing.

If the body does not have enough digestive enzymes, then the food will not be able to be completely digested. As a result, you can get poor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, various diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas occur. The first symptoms that show that there is a lack of enzymes in the body are belching, heartburn, gas and flatulence.

If you do not listen to them, then you can get more severe problems with the body. Headaches will begin to disturb, the stool will be irregular, and the body will become susceptible to any infections. Also, with their lack, the action of the endocrine system is disrupted.

If digestive enzymes are constantly lacking in the body, this will lead to severe obesity. This is perhaps the most common consequence. It has been scientifically proven that excess weight comes from eating processed foods. Any heat treatment destroys the elements required for digestion, which are so necessary for the breakdown of certain substances. As a result, all received fats begin to be deposited.

Causes of Enzyme Deficiency

With proper nutrition, our body contains a large number of enzymes. Their action is necessary to perform a variety of reactions. They play a major role in the body: they break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates and saturate it with the required energy.

Plant enzymes cannot carry out their action in full force if a person:

  • insufficiently processed food;
  • overeating regularly;
  • eats quickly;
  • has inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has diseases that disrupt metabolism;
  • does not chew food well;
  • consumes foods that contain a large amount of proteins, fats or carbohydrates;
  • takes drugs that adversely affect the intestinal microflora.

Also, a decrease in the number of enzymes occurs during pregnancy.

Plant enzymes can be destroyed under the influence of congenital or acquired factors. The second factor manifests itself during dysbacteriosis, under the influence of harmful microbes.

If a person begins to need enzymes, then certain symptoms appear that indicate that a certain disorder has appeared in the body. These include irregular stools, postprandial belching, bloating, and mild pain in various parts of the bowel. Symptoms can appear not only inside the body, but also on its surface. As a result of their manifestation, the skin begins to peel off, various rashes appear.

If enzymes are sorely lacking, then very serious poisoning can occur, which is especially dangerous for children.

natural enzymes

Today, digestive enzymes of plant origin are very often used to replenish missing elements in the human body.

They are usually subdivided depending on the principle of activity:

  • hydrolases, are a catalyst for hydrolysis in chemical bonds;
  • ligases are responsible for the good conversion of these bonds;
  • transferases are necessary to move the substrate from one molecule to another;
  • isomerase, are a catalyst for geometric and structural changes in molecules.

You can achieve better digestion with the help of special preparations that contain the required digestive enzymes. Such drugs have no contraindications.

They can be taken by anyone, unless he is allergic to individual components. Medications can be taken once or for a long time, as a wellness course. The drugs act gently and the effect comes very quickly.

Preparations containing natural digestive enzymes are usually divided into four types:

  • means in which pancreatin is located;
  • medicines made from pancreatin, hemicellulase, natural bile;
  • mixed substances, in which, in addition to pancreatin, vitamin complexes are contained;
  • preparations based on herbal ingredients.

Action of digestive enzymes

The action of enzymes is always the same. Their reception can be prescribed for both children and adults. Such drugs are primarily aimed at relieving pain and existing discomfort in the intestines. They are available in tablets and capsules, with different doses, but the action occurs according to the same mechanism.

If you are concerned about the digestive system, then it is better to opt for medicines in capsules. This form will be less irritating to the intestinal mucosa.

Digestive enzymes can be used in combination with various medications. Their impact will help to quickly improve digestion, renew the microflora and cope with the excretion of bile acids.

For food to be processed well, enzymes are required. They are formed independently in the stomach, pancreas, and also in the intestinal tract. Each of the enzymes has a specific focus. There are moments that reduce their action, as a result of which the digestive process is disturbed.

These enzymes are very active, because they need to break down a lot of organic substances.

They are usually divided into three groups:

  • lipase.
    It is produced in the pancreas and is a component of gastric juice. These enzymes are aimed at the active absorption of fats in the body;
  • protease.
    It is aimed at the good susceptibility of proteins. Perfectly normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This group includes drugs containing chymosins and pepsins of the stomach, chymotrypsins, trypsins, erepsins of intestinal juice, carboxypeptidases of the pancreas;
  • amylase.
    It is designed for good absorption of carbohydrates. This substance breaks them down so actively that they immediately penetrate into the bloodstream. This group includes pancreatic lactase, salivary amylase and maltase.

For these groups, there is a table that describes all the detailed actions of these substances.

Not only the body and special preparations can renew the required amount of enzymes. There are certain foods that are rich in them. These include pineapples, bananas, mangoes, and sprouted grains. To replenish the required amount of enzymes in children, it is better to use this particular method. After all, they not only facilitate eating, but are also able to get rid of inflammatory processes.

We improve digestion

To achieve good digestion, you need to understand the cause of the problems. If external digestion is disturbed, then it is better to take drugs that are absorbed with food. For example, a person constantly overeats, in which case he needs to take 1-2 tablets with or immediately after a meal. For children, in this case, it is better to review the diet and not let them overeat.

Violation of the production of enzymes occurs with poor chewing of food. Therefore, their use by the body is required without fail. Such drugs are also needed for people who have trouble swallowing food.

If there are any chronic diseases associated with digestion, then an examination is required. Any treatment will necessarily include digestive enzymes. Their use is a prerequisite for a faster recovery.

If children should have a varied menu, then older people should stick to consistent foods. Such a rule will help any digestion to effectively cope with its task.

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