Bronchitis treatment with folk methods. Treatment of bronchitis in children at home. Treatment of bronchitis with lemon, honey and glycerin - the best remedy for bronchitis

Many people are interested in how to treat bronchitis at home, which is understandable. After all, this is a very common disease that often occurs along with the flu, SARS, or will occur when they are complicated. As a result of this, the patient, in addition to high fever and a runny nose, feels a constant and severe cough, during which it is impossible to clear his throat. If the patient comes to the rescue in time and treats acute bronchitis at home, then the patient's well-being can be significantly improved by eliminating unpleasant and often painful symptoms diseases. If this is not done, constantly violating the observance of bed rest, then acute form inflammation will quickly become chronic, which will significantly increase the duration of recovery and worsen the patient's well-being.

To speed up recovery during bronchitis, it is important to adhere to certain rules:
  • immediately after the onset of the disease, it is recommended to carry out bed rest for 2-3 days, which after this time can be slightly weakened, replacing it with a half-bed rest, which must be observed for a couple more days;
  • it will be possible to facilitate the patient's breathing during the treatment of bronchitis in adults using air humidifiers or by constantly wetting the battery with water;
  • you can clean the air in the room and destroy harmful bacteria in it by observing frequent wet cleaning;
  • as soon as the body temperature is restored and does not exceed the permissible norm, the patient will be able to take a walk on the street to breathe fresh air, while choosing places for walking away from highways.

It must be remembered that the treatment of bronchitis at home should be carried out while maintaining a diet, which will fill the body with vitamins. You also need to stop smoking at least for a while.

In order to cure bronchitis at home in a short time, you need to drink a lot, which will provide the patient with a quick recovery. In addition to helping to detoxify the body, drinking plenty of fluids also helps loosen phlegm better. You can drink anything during the course of inflammation, but decoctions made from medicinal medicinal preparations - chamomile, mint, linden, raspberry and rose hips have the greatest benefit. Also, honey cocktails based on carbonated water and milk, made from Borjomi or Narzan, provide great health benefits. At the same time, those who are interested in how to properly treat bronchitis should remember that it is undesirable to drink coffee during it, since caffeine contributes to dehydration.

Quiz: How bad are you for bronchitis?

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This test will allow you to determine how much you are prone to bronchitis

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  • You lead the right lifestyle, and bronchitis does not threaten you

    You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, healthy lifestyle life, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload.

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the probability of getting sick with bronchitis is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination with specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and keep contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural ones, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  1. With an answer
  2. Checked out

    Task 1 of 17

    1 .

    Is your lifestyle associated with severe physical activity?

  1. Task 2 of 17

    2 .

    How often do you have a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  2. Task 3 of 17

    3 .

    Do you play sports?

  3. Task 4 of 17

    4 .

    Do you snore?

  4. Task 5 of 17

    5 .

    Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  5. Task 6 of 17

    6 .

    Are you taking care of your immunity?

  6. Task 7 of 17

    7 .

    Have you had relatives or family members with serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

  7. Task 8 of 17

    8 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment(gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  8. Task 9 of 17

    9 .

    Do you have heart disease?

  9. Task 10 of 17

    10 .

    How often are you in a damp or dusty environment with mold?

  10. Task 11 of 17

    11 .

    Do you often suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections?

  11. Task 12 of 17

    12 .

    Do you have allergic diseases?

  12. Task 13 of 17

    13 .

    What lifestyle do you lead?

  13. Task 14 of 17

    14 .

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

  14. Task 15 of 17

    15 .

    Do you smoke?

  15. Task 16 of 17

    16 .

    Do you have air purifiers in your home?

  16. Task 17 of 17

    17 .

    Do you often use household chemicals(cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?

In a severe course of the disease, the patient needs mandatory hospitalization, where he is given intensive therapeutic measures aimed at facilitating breathing, restoring the respiratory organs, as well as the rapid discharge of sputum when coughing. If sick easy degree of pathology, then it is quite possible to get rid of bronchitis at home, strictly following the advice and treatment prescribed by the doctor. This can be done using certain therapeutic formulations prescribed by the doctor. It is also worth using alternative methods of treating bronchitis, which quite often help to cure bronchial inflammation forever.

During the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis in adults, the appointment of antibiotics will be inappropriate, since a strong immune system can successfully defeat the pathology on its own.

If there are no changes in the blood flow, and the patient also has no sputum with pus, apply antimicrobial medicines prohibited for the treatment of bronchitis.

After all, such drugs will not be able to cause an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, but they can worsen the course of the disease and the general condition of the victim.

The patient may have the following symptoms:
  • increased temperature, holding for a long time;
  • sputum with pus that leaves the bronchi along with a cough;
  • worsening of the condition that occurs 5 days after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

In this case, it is necessary to visit a specialist again, who will conduct an additional medical examination. To do this, he will give the patient direction to some important analyzes and an x-ray, and then prescribe him a course of antibiotics that can cure a bacterial infection that has joined the inflammation of the bronchi.

Statement medical preparations only the attending physician is required to do so. Before determining bronchitis and identifying this diagnosis, the doctor will diagnostic examination patient, send him for x-ray chest and interpret the test results. As these manipulations are completed, the doctor is allowed to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the most effective drugs for the treatment of bronchitis.

It must always be remembered that antibiotics should not be used during the course of the disease, especially if the disease attacked a person against the background of the flu or SARS in the body. Antibiotics are prescribed to the victim only if the patient's condition worsens greatly, and the course of a bacterial infection, which causes considerable harm to human health, joins the bronchitis.

When carrying out methods traditional medicine the following medications:
  1. antiviral compounds. If the disease attacked the human body as a result of damage to the body by viruses, it is necessary to drink for its treatment. antiviral drugs, for example, Interferon or its analogues.
  2. Expectorants. To relieve a dry cough, patients drink an infusion of licorice, linden, or coltsfoot. When sputum appears, the above herbs should be replaced with expectorants - marshmallow, anise drops, thyme, ivy leaves, as well as any kind of breast collection. They contribute to enhanced excretion of sputum and improve the breathing of the victim. In addition, taking such funds speeds up recovery.
  3. Inhalations. Inhalations are capable of successfully overcoming inflammation of the bronchi at home in adults, but they are only allowed to be carried out at normal temperature in the victim.

There are a large number of recipes for such a procedure that are considered effective and effective for bronchitis - solutions based on salt and soda, coniferous buds, pine oil, mint and herbal preparations.

Equally beneficial in the treatment is oil based on rosemary and garlic, which facilitate coughing.

It is possible to cope with the disease faster with the help of inhalations based on sea ​​salt. To make them, you need to take 1 kg of salt, then heat it in a saucepan, and then add the leaves of coltsfoot, strawberries or thyme. During the procedure, you need to throw a towel over your head, and then inhale vapors of sea salt or any other therapeutic composition under it. You can also pour or pour everything into a teapot and inhale the warm steam through its spout. Usually 4-5 such treatment procedures are enough to significantly improve the state of health. Indeed, as the first inhalation is completed, the bronchi expand, sputum is better removed, and coughing is facilitated.

Hot wraps with simultaneous inhalation, carried out using a decoction of potatoes, turn out to be just as effective. If you drop a couple of drops of fir oil into it, this will help better conclusion sputum from the body.

  1. Carrying out massage and special breathing exercises. Massage, as well as inhalations, is done only if the victim has no temperature. It is also allowed to carry out self-massage at home, using any devices for this - hand-held massagers and vibration devices that run on batteries or from the mains.

At the end of the acute stage of the disease, it is allowed to carry out gymnastics, which is considered the best means of strengthening respiratory system.

  1. Sorbents. To relieve the symptoms of intoxication during the development of infectious and viral pathologies in the body, you need to take pharmaceutical products for treatment - sorbents, namely Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Filtrum, Polysorb. It is best to take them once a day at night. In this case, the drug will be completely absorbed into the blood and begin its therapeutic effect. The duration of taking sorbents should be determined by the doctor.

You should always remember that self-treatment is dangerous to health - only a qualified doctor can prescribe treatment to a patient, which consists in taking drugs that will help normalize a person's condition and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Bronchitis is a disease that can be successfully treated folk remedies at home. There are a large number of various recipes that help to carry out an effective and "complete" treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults.

The most famous and easy of them are the following recipes:
  1. Collection based medicinal herbs. Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis involve the use of herbs such as calendula, sage, calamus and chamomile as a treatment. These herbs are endowed with powerful anti-inflammatory effects, so they can be safely used as a treatment if the victim is not allergic to them. To do medicinal infusion, you need to take a spoonful of grass, then pour it with water (one glass). Infuse the liquid with the lid closed for an hour. Doctors advise drinking a healing infusion 3 times a day.
  2. Honey and radish. This is an old but effective method of combating inflammation of the bronchi. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from the radish, and then mix it with honey in the same proportion. After that, this mass is used to treat chronic bronchitis. If the patient is not allergic to honey, this recipe will well alleviate the course of a dry cough, and will also allow in a short time.
  3. Dill, butter and garlic cloves. As an excellent folk expectorant is a sandwich on which butter will be smeared, as well as garlic and dill sprigs. To prepare it, you need to chop 5 cloves of garlic, and also take 100 g butter. It is recommended to eat such a sandwich 3 times a day up to complete cure illness. Among other methods of treating the disease, this one is considered the easiest and most affordable. It is important to note that this method of treatment can be prescribed by the attending physician, as it helps to quickly get rid of inflammation, exerting only positive effect.

Even with alternative treatment of bronchitis, it is important to observe the dosage of products and medicinal plants, since otherwise it will cause a deterioration in the patient's condition and cause complications of the pathology.

  1. Juice therapy. Folk recipes for bronchitis involve treating the disease with fruits and vegetables. Those who do not know how to cure bronchitis at home should know that juice therapy is the most powerful option for a complete recovery of the body, with which you can quickly help with bronchitis in adults.

The most useful are vegetable juices such as beet and carrot.

Such drinks are able to cleanse the body of harmful elements, as well as cleanse the bronchial cavity. It is better to prepare juices at home so that they are more natural and healthy. To do this, grate the vegetables, and then squeeze out all the juice from them. They should be drunk without sugar and other additives. It is allowed to store the remedy in the refrigerator.

  1. positive attitude the patient on a psychological level. Traditional medicine claims that the positive of the victim is of considerable importance - especially for people with chronic diseases. In this case, the brain receives a strong impetus to optimize all the forces of a person for healing.

The above folk remedies for bronchitis successfully fight the disease, especially if such treatment is combined with traditional medicine.

Alternative treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

How to treat bronchitis in an adult at home? Bronchitis, the treatment of which has proven itself well with folk remedies, is considered a quick option for getting rid of inflammation of the bronchial cavity.

It is important to coordinate the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies with the attending physician, since otherwise the state of health can be greatly aggravated.

The most proven methods of treating pathology include:
  1. Honey with radish. This recipe is old and widely known today. To carry it out, you need to make a hole in the radish with a sharp knife, where to put a little honey. After a couple of hours, the vegetable will give juice, after which this mixture can be drunk several times a day. However, one should not forget about the traditional treatment of the disease, since the radish can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but is not able to completely protect the patient from bronchitis.
  2. Aloe juice. It is known that aloe is a useful flower, with which it is possible without side effects. To do this, the patient will need to combine the juice of the plant with any animal fat, and then add a piece of butter to the mass. Optionally, for taste, it is allowed to pour cocoa into the mixture. Eat a lot to cure bronchitis with folk remedies, one spoonful, which can be quickly dissolved in a glass of milk. drink this health drink follows a couple of times a day.
  3. Milk mixed with lard. Another useful folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, which is allowed to be taken not only during the course of the disease, but also at a time when the pathology has already receded. Fat helps to perfectly restore the strength of the patient, as well as normalize his general condition. Drinking milk is recommended 4-5 times a day, as there is no harm from such a drink.
  4. Onions mixed with honey. We mix 0.5 kilograms of onion with 400 grams of sugar, after which we add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mass. Fill the products with water (1 liter) and boil for 3 hours. Folk remedies for treating bronchitis based on onions should be filtered, poured into a container, and then placed in a cold place. Before taking the liquid, you need to warm it up a little so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. Drinking such a decoction is one sip 6 times a day.

How to treat the disease in an acute form? You can also use the most common way to treat inflammation of the bronchi - milk with soda and honey. We treat bronchitis with this composition for 2-3 weeks, without missing a single day.

It is not difficult to get rid of bronchitis in adults with folk remedies - the main thing is to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

You can also cure acute bronchitis at home in other ways. These include the use of folk recipes based on plants and heating. Using a certain method of treatment, you need to consult a doctor about it.

Warming up. How to quickly overcome bronchitis? Warming up is important method treatment of inflammation of the bronchi. After all, heat allows you to restore the damaged mucous membrane, as well as normalize the general state of health.

The scheme will be like this:
  1. Boil some potatoes, then mash them with a potato masher, add a spoonful of oil and a couple of drops of iodine.
  2. After that, mix the mixture thoroughly, put it in a bag or a rag, and then apply it to the chest or back.
  3. Then we wrap ourselves in a blanket or wrap ourselves in a scarf to enhance the effect of the treatment.

Such warming should be done at night, since during sleep a person certainly will not fall under a draft.

In order not to burn the skin, this folk remedy for bronchitis is applied to the skin lubricated with any animal fat.

After rubbing, you should put on a warm jacket, and also drink warm milk to enhance the thermal effect. If desired, during warming up, mustard plasters are applied to the calves.

After cured bronchitis, you can warm up the chest for a few more days to avoid relapses.

Treatment with herbs.

To quickly overcome bronchitis and its unpleasant symptoms, you should prepare an infusion based on one of the herbs, such as:
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;

We take one spoonful of any herb and fill it with a glass of water. Let it brew for a short time until the water acquires a brighter hue.

You need to drink such an infusion throughout the day in small doses. Leave the liquid the next day should not be, as he will lose all healing properties.

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  • Congratulations! You are completely healthy!

    Now everything is in order with your health. Do not forget to follow and take care of your body just as well, and you will not be afraid of any diseases.

  • There is reason to think.

    The symptoms that bother you are quite extensive, and are observed when in large numbers diseases, but it is safe to say that something is wrong with your health. We recommend that you consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination in order to avoid complications. We also recommend that you read the article on detection and treatment of bronchitis.

  • You are sick with bronchitis!

    In your case, there are vivid symptoms bronchitis! However, there is a possibility that it could be another disease. You need to urgently contact a qualified specialist, only a doctor can deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. We also recommend that you read the article on detection and treatment of acute bronchitis.

(bronchitis; from lat. bronchus - bronchus and itis - the Greek ending of the noun, denoting an inflammatory condition) - a disease of the bronchi with a primary lesion of the mucous membranes. Bronchitis often occurs with simultaneous damage to the upper respiratory tract - the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, being only part of the systemic respiratory tract disease as a whole.

To get rid of bronchitis, mix and then beat 2 tbsp. condensed milk, 2 tbsp. cognac and 1 egg. Add 3/4 cup of hot boiled water (60-700) to the mixture, stirring constantly. Drink this mixture, then take a bath with 0.5 cups drinking soda. Do all this at night.

When we are in again took him home, an old woman friend advised us to do the following: give father milk to drink with goat fat (loy) and honey.

I began to boil milk, poured it into a 300 g mug and added 1 tbsp there. loya, and when the milk cooled down a little, she added one more or one and a half tablespoons of honey. With the help of this folk way I cured my father of chronic bronchitis in just 10 days. I gave him hot milk to drink in the morning and evening.

Lidia Vasilievna Kashperska, Letichev

I used this recipe four years ago when I got bronchitis with a terrible cough. Here it is: melt 0.5 kg of aloe (agave), 0.5 kg of pig strife (grid) into lard, melt 0.5 kg of butter, heat 0.5 kg of honey to make it liquid. Pass aloe through a meat grinder and add a tablespoon of cocoa, mix everything and take 1 tbsp warmed up. 15 minutes before meals. I took 2 servings and felt immediate relief.

Anatoly Dmitrievich Yanchuk, Zaporozhye

I want to write about how I treated my daughter. When she was 14 years old, she spent most of the winter in the hospital. Her bronchi became inflamed, her temperature was constantly up to 400. I saw that treatment in the hospital did not bring recovery, and I decided for myself that she would not go to the hospital anymore. I left my daughter at home on receipt. On the advice of friends, she put a compress of grated horseradish on gauze on her entire back at night, kept it for 20 minutes. The back became very red, and I smeared it with honey, covered it with cellophane and wrapped it up like a small child. The next morning, my daughter's temperature dropped to 360, and there were no wheezing in the bronchi. After that, we forgot about the disease.

M.N. Mironyuk, Moldova, Tiraspol

I know what and how to treat, but sometimes there is not enough time - you forget about yourself when there is a lot of work. I draw attention to myself when trouble happens, I get sick. For example, I once caught a cold at work - severe bronchitis, pneumonia ... And what did I do? I took ordinary red clay. I dug it where it is deeper. Filled with water and always kept ready. I put it on gauze with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, on top - also gauze and lay down on it. On the chest at the same time put the application, like a mustard plaster. That is how it was cured.

She also drank herbal tea. 25 g of wild rosemary, 15 g of nettle was poured with a liter of boiling water. She insisted for half an hour and drank the whole tincture during the day, having previously filtered it.

I also grow wheat. During my illness, I ate it with hot milk and honey...

G. N. Galtseva, p. Petropavlovka

I experienced all this for myself in 1948, when I was not even nineteen years old. I then cured purulent bronchitis.

After inflammation right lung from hypothermia with cold water, pus formed in the lung cavity. The temperature rose to 390, sometimes even higher. All this went on for three long months, until the question of pumping out the pus arose. But I flatly refused to withdraw. Then my doctor Berezovskaya Faina Ivanovna suggested this method.

Did a compress. He mixed half a liter of vodka with the same amount of boiled water, moistened a flannel cloth with this composition, applied it to his chest and back, covering it with oiled parchment paper on top. All this was carefully wrapped in a woolen scarf. I did this every day until the pus was completely absorbed.

All this time of treatment with compresses, he ate like this. Mom daily made eggnog from two eggs, and another half a liter of goat's milk. Thin was like a "bicycle". And a year later he went to serve in the Navy.

A.V. Zinkov, Zaporozhye

1. The kidneys are collected when they have grown by 3-5 cm. Weigh and rinse with cold water. Then finely chop, for 1 kg of kidneys we take 3-4 liters of water (from a clean well). Boil in an enamel pan for 10-15 minutes (you can reduce the proportion). Strain, let stand again and strain again.

For 1 kg of this decoction, add 1 kg of honey and 10 g of alcohol extract of propolis. Mix well and heat up to 40-450, cool, pour into a well-sealed bottle. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. If there is no honey, you can make sugar syrup. The syrup is boiled for 10-15 minutes, and the jam is ready.

2. Bronchial and cough remedy. Cut the radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven on low heat for two hours. Then strain, discard the pieces, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.

3. Finely chop 10 onions and 1 head of garlic. Boil in milk until soft. Add a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of mint juice. Take a tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

4. Take 2 tbsp. fresh butter, 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. flour, 2 tsp honey, mix well. Take a teaspoon several times a day.

5. Mogul-mogul, taken on an empty stomach, helps well. egg yolks grind until white with granulated sugar.

6. Grate black radish, squeeze juice, mix with honey, drink 2 tbsp. before meals and at bedtime.

7. Mix fresh carrot juice with milk in equal proportions. Take warm 5-6 times a day.

8. Boil a glass of milk and a tablespoon of sage, strain and boil again. Drink hot before bed.

Nina Nikolaevna Bortnikova, Kharkov

G.I. Rosolova, Voznesensk

I offer proven recipes for the treatment of bronchitis

1. During the flowering of celandine, squeeze out 100 g of juice and pour it into a bottle of vodka. Insist 10 days. After that, you can use 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. If the disease is too advanced, then use the fourth time before bedtime (22.00). Drink within two weeks.

2. This recipe treats diseased bronchi in children and adults, and also treats ulcers and gastritis of the stomach, low and high acidity.

During the flowering of the plantain, pick it up and squeeze out 200 g of juice. Melt 1 kg of honey and mix it with juice. Drink for children and adults 50 g 3 times a day. Give it a try and you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll heal. After a two-week intake, an appetite will appear in those who ate poorly, and those who did not gain weight will begin to recover before our eyes.

3. From, diseases of the bronchi. Squeeze out 200 g of celandine juice, add one and a half kilograms of melted honey. Mix everything in a two liter jar. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Those who suffer from asthma and bronchial diseases can take dry celandine and plantain. Brew 1 tbsp. celandine herbs with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Then take 1 tbsp for 1 glass of infusion. honey and drink 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

15 tablespoons chopped herbs celandine pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Drink half a glass with 0.5 tbsp. honey 40 minutes before meals.

Tatyana Vasnovskaya, p. Rivne

Folk remedies for the treatment of chronic bronchitis

About 10-12 years ago I fell ill with chronic bronchitis with a lot of sputum discharge. I tried many remedies, medicines, studied according to Strelnikova, went to Buteyko breathing courses, tried various folk remedies: urine, mummy, propolis, aloe and many herbs. Something helped, but not for long. During exacerbations, she was treated in the hospital with antibiotics. Then "expelled" after that for 1-1.5 months. And so 3-4 times a year. drank great amount tablets. Antibiotics planted vision, worsened and hearing.

Cured with fir oil (sold in pharmacies). Dilute 1:1 with pure medical alcohol 960 (vodka and moonshine are not suitable), take a piece of gauze according to the size of your chest, moisten in the mixture (1 tbsp is enough for one time) and apply on the chest. Cellophane on top, larger than gauze; cotton wool or some woolen thing. Wrap yourself in a blanket and hold for 10-15 minutes. After 3-4 minutes, you will feel the warmth, which will increase every minute.

This "hellish" mixture, as I call it, warms up the deep layers of the chest. Be careful - you can get burned. Don't overdo it. After you remove the compress, the gauze will still be damp and damp. You can also apply it, for example, to a sore knee or to the soles of the feet. Lubricate the place of the compress with ointment.

Ointment recipe: 100-200 g internal pork fat melt in a water bath, add 1-2 tbsp. turpentine. Mix well.

Rub a small amount of fat into the chest. From above, put on a pure wool thing and go to bed. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Tamara Alexandrovna Donskaya, Kharkov

None of the medicinal plants is as wide as the agave (or aloe). The agave is used for various diseases, wounds, runny nose, the leaf is applied to the calluses.

And it is especially useful for chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

You need: 1 part aloe leaves, 2 parts lard (or cow), 2 parts honey. For taste, you can add cocoa or vanilla. All this mixture is kept at a high temperature in the oven for 5 hours. Give this medicine to patients in 1 tsp. in milk 3 times a day. After taking this medicine, patients feel better, cough decreases, appetite improves. Breathe better.

So interesting treatment plant almost everyone stands on the windowsill and caresses the eye with funny horned leaves.

Balm "Gold Star" helps with diseases of the joints, rheumatism, migraine, osteochondrosis. For headaches, as well as colds, flu, rub the balm into the temples and the back of the head. And to get rid of hoarseness and bronchitis, do steam inhalation. In a pot with boiling water (4-5 glasses of water), throw a little balm (with a match head) and inhale for 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day. "Golden Star" relieves pain, relieves tension.

I'M WITH. Fedosh, Terebovlya

From bronchitis and pneumonia saves agave balm. 250 g of agave, 0.5 l of Cahors, 350 g of unsweetened honey. Do not water the agave until cut for two weeks. Before use, wipe the dust (do not wash), chop finely, put in glass jar. Pour "Cahors" and honey. Mix well. Insist 9 days in a cool place. Then strain, squeeze. Take the first two days, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day, and then 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Apply to strengthen the lungs.

Miraculous composition.Thoroughly mix the gruel of three lemons together with the peel, 20 walnut kernels ground into powder, 300 ml of aloe juice, 500 g of honey and 200 ml of Cahors wine. Store the prepared mixture in a dark and cool place. Take as a resolving, sedative for diseases of the lungs and bronchi, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cheban Natalia, Moldova, district Stefan Voda

Bronchitis with asthmatic syndrome. For treatment, lime honey is needed - 1-3 tsp. in a day. The most important thing in treatment is the Vitafon device, it comes with instructions for use. Improvement occurs immediately after the first application. During the day, you can apply 2 or 3 times painlessly. Believe! The result is wonderful.

Zinaida Popinachenko, Pavlograd

I advise those who suffer from acute bronchitis with sputum to find where wild acacia grows with small leaves and long (20 cm) pods. It is necessary to put 2 large pods in 3 liters of boiling water, boil, insist and drink hot, with or without sugar, like tea. In this way, I cured my mother, who, due to a cough, did not sleep at night. Helps instantly.

Lyudmila Petrovna, Moldova, Leovo

I offer a prescription for chronic bronchitis, even obstructive. In my youth, my mother was seriously ill for a very long time with bronchitis. At the state farm where she lived at that time, no one hoped that she would survive. No matter how they treated her: she had her own cow, and her mother ate aloe with honey, soap, fat and cognac. And other means were used, but nothing helped.

And once an old grandmother gave her such a recipe.

During Finnish war her son returned home to die. At that time, no one could accurately establish the diagnosis, either bronchitis or chronic pneumonia, not that consumption. And somehow she was taking him from Kirovograd to the state farm, and an old grandfather met her and asked her to take him to the cart where her son was lying. She said that she would take him, but it would not be very convenient for him, since her son could not sit, she told him, of course, about her grief. Grandfather looked attentively, shook his head and said:

When you get home, try this remedy. Take purified turpentine from the pharmacy and start giving it to your son. The first day - 1 drop per glass of fresh milk, on the second day - 1 drop 3 times a day, on the third day - 2 drops 3 times a day - and so bring up to 25 drops, and then in reverse order to one drop. It is advisable to start treatment on the waning moon so that the disease goes away.

This young guy, who was dying, it took 2 courses with a break of a month.

My mother started drinking purified turpentine, and she needed only 1 course, however, required condition: do not smoke, do not drink, do not overcool.

Yes, and his mother drank it on fresh goat's milk, and after that she lived up to 80 years.

My mother has been gone for 8 years, and my son has bronchitis, he is already 25 years old, he, however, had problems with his lungs in childhood, but he was also treated by all methods. In childhood, there was a false croup 3 times in 1, 3 and 6 years. The last attack was very difficult, they went to the intensive care unit, they injected hormones. Then we constantly went in for sports, the doctor said that my son needs a pool, like water for a fish, so that the bronchi develop. Still need to inflate balloons.

After the son began to study in the pool, and after the pool to undergo quartzing, we forgot about bronchitis.

But in the army, the son fell ill again, caught a cold. Bronchitis returned, for 5 years we have been treating with everything possible, but nothing helped - no injections, no aloe, no herbs. And then I remembered about turpentine. I was afraid to give it to my son, a very unpleasant remedy. But he was already so tired of this cough that he agreed. In Kirovograd, I could not get it, in the veterinary pharmacy only unrefined is sold. They brought us from Russia, where it is sold in pharmacies.

This is a terpene oil, a product of the processing of pine oleoresin - resin. He completed the first course, and for a whole year his bronchitis did not bother him. But now he's back again, and we've started drinking again.

But the point here is that young people are not careful, my son smokes, I can’t persuade him to quit, then he takes a dip and with a wet head goes out into the street. And all this aggravates both the disease and the treatment, but it is still against what was, this is heaven and earth. Only you need to drink half an hour before meals, turpentine should be tightly closed, I drip on 30 g of milk, drink it, and then drink it with a glass, because the glass cannot drink right away. And I also give Bronhofit 0.5 cups after turpentine, only about 15 minutes later, and you need to drink Diazolin and ascorbic acid at the same time.

Since turpentine is a processing natural antibiotic, then an antiallergic agent is mandatory, and ascorbic acid is vitamin C, which is excreted when any antibiotic is used.

And at the same time, enhanced fortified nutrition, if not contraindicated: juices of grapes, carrots, black currants, rosehip drink, viburnum, cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, apples, lemon, honey.

And with God's help, the disease can be overcome.

G.M. Ivanenko, Kirovograd

For colds and bronchitis. Take 0.5 kg fresh berries raspberries, pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, add 200 g of honey and leave for 20 days in a dark place. Take with a strong cough, 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach and at bedtime, without drinking anything. Good for clearing the bronchi. Also, with bronchitis in children and adults, a 200-gram lemon boiled for 10 minutes in water helps well. When the lemon has cooled, cut it into 2 parts and squeeze each part into a 150-200-gram glass. Take 1 tbsp. glycerin and add to lemon juice. Then fill the glass to the top with bee honey. Mix everything well and take with a strong cough 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach and at bedtime (many readers advise - 1 tsp 4 times a day before meals). The sputum is well removed, the bronchi are cleared.

Nesterenko Nina Sergeevna, Zaporozhye

Recipe for bronchitis (acute). 2 tbsp crushed tangerine peels (can be dry) are poured for an hour with a glass of boiling water. Strained infusion is taken orally in 2 tbsp. every 2-3 hours.

Elena Radchenko, Melitopol

I have in my home archive a recipe by which I was cured of chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component. This recipe is for all the people who live on the brink of poverty. very simple and easy to prepare. It treats bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, all chronic forms of these diseases, as well as stomach and duodenal ulcers. Applicable for initial stage cataracts and in the early stages of cancerous tumors.

Preparation of medicine: take 350 g of prickly agave, 0.5 l of honey (May), but I did not take May and 750 g of red grape wine, if there is no homemade, then take Cahors.

Pass the agave through a meat grinder, add honey and wine to it. Put the bottle in a dark place for 10 days and mix everything well. Then take two weeks for a dessert spoon. The rest of the time is a tablespoon, so that the entire treatment is 1.5 months. Children under 15 years old - two weeks on a teaspoon 3 times a day, and then on a dessert spoon for 1.5 months, drink before meals 2 hours before. After 3 months, the treatment can be repeated. I was cured with this recipe, so I advise everyone to try it.

Valentina Belaya, Dnepropetrovsk

The recipe with which a neighbor cured me of bronchitis. Take 10 walnuts, take out the kernels, which you put in a two-liter thermos. Then you need to boil homemade milk and fill it with nuts in a thermos. Insist 4-5 hours. When the infusion has cooled down a bit, take out the nuts and drink half a glass as often as possible. It is also good to give it to small children. In addition, this infusion is very tasty.

Zuenko Julia Grigorievna, Zaporozhye

Bronchitis (often a stubborn disease) is successfully treated with swine "health". That is, fat from the intestines, which look like a grid. This greasy mesh is placed in a dish and placed in a warm, but not very hot oven or on a not very hot fire, so that the fat flows from the mesh. The melted fat is drained and placed in a cold place. Take 1 dl. in a glass of hot milk and drink hot in sips. And for external rubbing into the chest, this fat should be mixed with turpentine and rubbed dry into the chest.

If children have bronchitis and cough, then you need to cut the radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Strain, discard the radish pieces, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Dose - 2 tsp 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.

Sheshenya Lyubov Petrovna, Kakhovka

Recipe. 300 g honey, 1 cup finely chopped aloe leaves, 200 g olive oil, 150 g birch buds, 50 g lime blossom. Before using aloe, do not water the plant itself for 3 days before cutting, rinse the leaves and put in a dark and cold place. Melt honey (preferably in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 450, otherwise honey loses its properties). Add chopped aloe leaves. Boil the mixture well in a water bath. Boil birch buds and lime blossom separately in two glasses of water (should boil for 1-2 minutes). Pour the strained and cooled broth into the cooled honey. Stir and pour two bottles, add equal parts of olive oil to each (0.5 bottles of broth, 0.5 olive oil). Store the finished medicine in a cool place.

Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Shake before use.

For chronic bronchitis, the following recipe will help. Put 4 large leaves of aloe in a 0.5 l bottle of red wine. Insist 4 days. Take 1 dec. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

If my advice helps someone, I will be very happy.

Valentina Fedorovna Tomko, Pivdenne

chronic bronchitis with purulent discharge. Plantain leaves - 100 g; officinalis burkun (whole plant) - 100 g; poplar buds - 100 g. Mix everything well. 1 tbsp Mixture pour half a liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Infuse for half an hour. Drink until complete recovery, 1 glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

N.N. Voloshko, p. Tarashchanka

Marsh ledum.The plant has an expectorant and dilating effect. It is used as an infusion for acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis and bronchopneumonia. Patients with bronchial asthma are advised to keep a bunch of wild rosemary in the bedroom. The plant is poisonous, so if there is a slight dizziness and an allergy, then it must be removed and treatment discontinued.

We prepare wild rosemary tincture in this way. Fill the bottle 2/3 with crushed young shoots and fill it to the top with vodka. We insist 7 days and store at room temperature. We apply externally for rubbing, sciatica and arthritis.

Ledum ointment: 20 g of dried young shoots of wild rosemary and 200 g of the base (butter, internal pork or goose fat) put in a pot, alternating layers. Fill the bowl to the top, close the lid and cover the cracks with dough. Put in the oven on low heat for 2-3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator. Lubricate sore joints and spine several times a day.

Zinaida Petrovna Grushko, Odessa

How to get rid of bronchitis. Mix and then beat 2 tbsp. condensed milk, 2 tbsp. cognac and 1 egg. Add 3/4 cup of hot boiled water (60-700) to the mixture, stirring constantly. Drink this mixture, then take a bath with 0.5 cups of baking soda. Do all this at night.

Nadezhda Stepanovna Ogar, p. M. Belozerka

For bronchitis and cough in children. Sprinkle chopped radish with sugar and bake in a saucepan. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.

Nadezhda Mikhailovna Yurchenko, Chernihiv

Three years ago I had a cold in my bronchi. I could not sleep lying down, I slept sitting at the table, because. gasped.

And so I met one grandmother and she told me how to be treated. We take a plastic bottle 10 cm high, not wide, so that the bow is more placed in height, and not in width. We make a hole at the bottom, where the bottom is, a hole with a diameter of a match head for the passage of air, and we get an inhaler of our own production. We cut a medium-sized onion as for frying, fall asleep in a bottle and insert the neck into the mouth, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose for 15 minutes every morning, for 5 minutes it will be very unpleasant. It all depends on the bulb, but the bitterer, the better result. And so 15-20 days. I used 1.5-2 kg of onions for the whole treatment, but now there is no cough.

grandfather Nikolai, Khartsyzsk

As a child, I got bronchitis. In the neighboring village there lived an old doctor, to whom my mother turned for advice. When he examined me, he ordered to prepare the following solution: take 0.5 liters of vodka, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 kg of homemade butter, mix everything well and put on fire, but do not boil. Use 1 tbsp. in a glass of hot milk 3 times a day. After that, it was necessary to bask in the sun undressed. I no longer have bronchitis.

Anna Afanasievna Soichenko, M. Viska

Bronchitis. For a glass of milk, take 1 tbsp. sage. Boil well and strain. It is necessary to drink very hot before going to bed for a quarter cup. Milk can be replaced with water.

L.S. Kutsenko, Krivoy Rog

For bronchitis, finely chop a large onion, sprinkle well with sugar and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Drink this juice 1 tbsp. every 2 hours. Give children a dessert spoon. After two days, sputum will begin to move away. And by the end of the week you will forget about bronchitis.

For constipation, eat on an empty stomach 200-300 g of boiled beets with sunflower oil and drink water during the day in which plums or oats were boiled. Helps a lot.

Lydia Dolgopolova, Severodonetsk

For bronchitis, grate black radish and squeeze the juice through gauze. It is good to mix 1 liter of this juice with 400 g of liquid honey and drink. Dose: 2 tbsp. before meals and at bedtime in the evening.

Finely chop the radish, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain, pour the liquid into a bottle. Dose: 2 tsp 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before going to bed.

Alexander Derevshchikov, Marganets

With bronchitis, I advise you to use cleansing from mucus (enemas), exclude dairy dishes, starchy, cold and very hot. To this add 3 lemons + 150 g of horseradish roots. Grind, store in the refrigerator, take on the tip of a teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach, do not drink, but swallow with saliva. ok to do it before oil inhalation: Take an incomplete tablespoon of sunflower oil into your mouth and (without swallowing!) Pass it through your teeth for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out into the sink and rinse immediately, because. there are a lot of microbes, it will be milky white.

Raisa Trofimova, Zhovti Vody

Bronchitis. When my son has a strong cough, I make compresses from lard at night ( goat fat). Spread blue paper (you can cover from a notebook) with lard over something warm (above the stove) and sprinkle with a little alcohol. Put warm on the chest and back, cover with oilcloth and wrap something warm around the child.

In addition, when coughing, I give my son dry cough medicine (sold in pharmacies).

Olga Lopushanska, Ternopil

If very severe bronchitis with wheezing, you need to drink 1/2 cup of morning urine between 5-6 o'clock in the morning and at night, if there is goat fat, rub your chest and wrap yourself up. You can drink propolis.

For cough: brew the dry color of black elderberry as tea, put in a glass of boiling water and 1 tsp. honey. Drinking without dosage is tasty and healthy.

Vera Savelyeva, p. Dmitrovka

The most common complaint of patients with colds is coughing. And in 80% of cases, doctors diagnose - a complication of frequent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (tracheitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis). This disease has been fully studied by physicians and can be successfully treated with medication and with the help of folk remedies.

When a person’s bronchi are subjected to an inflammatory process for a long time, the well-established mechanism of self-purification of organs from sputum “breaks”, failures occur in the formation and removal of sputum. The body is poisoned this is expressed in vivid symptoms, which can be divided into two levels.

General intoxication

Chronic bronchitis in adults gradually weakens the body, poisoning the internal organs with intoxication products.

All internal organs suffer. This is expressed in adults with the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • apathy;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased sweating;
  • feverish state;
  • high temperature (from +38⁰ С);
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nausea, sometimes very strong.

Lung damage

In the inflammatory process of chronic bronchitis in adults the entire bronchial tree is involved. The following signs are observed:

  • labored breathing;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sore throat, especially when trying to swallow;
  • cough, initially dry, as the disease progresses, it becomes wet with profuse expectoration of viscous sputum.

Easy to do at home. But, before arming yourself with numerous folk remedies, you need to understand them, study the composition, the strength of the effect of folk remedies on the body of an adult and get the approval of a physician.

Attention! Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults traditional medicine at home justifies itself only as an additional therapy. Home treatment should not completely replace the therapy prescribed by a doctor!

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Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis in adults - healing secrets of ancestors

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies is one of the most effective therapeutic ways to combat the disease. Subject to a competent approach to. Which home method to choose?

How to treat chronic bronchitis with folk remedies - the power of medicinal plants

For chronic bronchitis herbs become effective with antiviral, antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic and immunostimulating properties. Such plants include licorice, echinacea, coltsfoot, chamomile, nettle and plantain.

Important! Herbal medicine is allowed to be used only for the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults! Children cannot be treated.

Be aware that not all healing herbs are combined with medicinal medicines, be sure to consult your doctor before self-treatment.

The most effective are the following recipes for the treatment of bronchitis in adults:

At the beginning of the disease (cough dry):

  1. Thyme (10 g) brew a glass of boiling water. After an hour and a half, the medicine can be drunk up to 5 times daily, 30-50 ml each.
  2. Dried flowers and nasturtium leaves (20 g) pour water (200 ml) and bring the mass to a boil. Boil the mass on a small fire for half an hour. Strain the finished medicine, take 3-4 times daily, 50 ml each.
  3. Steam dry plantain leaves (15 g) with a liter of boiling water, insist in the dark for 2 hours. Take the finished product three times a day, 150 ml.

With the progression of bronchitis and a wet type of cough:

Advice. Herbal medicine in adults should be started with small doses and dilutions. Monitor your condition during treatment! When allergic manifestations you will have to forget about herbal medicine.

Folk methods for the treatment of chronic bronchitis - animals come to the rescue

For many years, animal fat and lard have been used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults.

This therapy is the safest in terms of possible allergies. and is recommended for use by everyone who wants to say goodbye to a painful cough.

At home, pork or badger natural fat is more often used:

  1. Melt fat (50 ml), add a teaspoon of butter and cocoa powder to it. Mix thoroughly and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of admission is about a week.
  2. Heat fat (3 tablespoons), add dark chocolate (150 g) and butter (80 g). Take the mass in a warm form, 5 ml three times a day.
  3. Dissolve cold fat (15 ml) in a glass of warm milk and drink in small sips on an empty stomach every morning for a month.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults - butter therapy

Butter is an important ingredient in many effective folk remedies for treating chronic bronchitis at home in adults.

The oil softens excruciating cough syndrome and. The best "oil" recipes that are feasible at home:

Chocolate. Steam melt butter (100 g), a bar of natural chocolate, cocoa powder and pork / badger fat (4 tbsp each). As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, it is removed from the fire. The fragrant mixture is spread on bread and eaten.

Advice. Healing sandwiches will bring more benefit, if they are washed down with hot milk with an added pinch of soda.

Propolis. Mix oil and natural honey (150 g each). Add melted propolis (2-3 g) to the mass. Warm up the mass for a couple and take 20 ml daily.

Therapy with compresses

Such procedures warm up the body well, which contributes to better liquefaction and removal of sputum from the bronchi.

This folk therapy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, helping to speed up the process of cleansing the bronchi.

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults, the following recipes are effective:

  1. Oil. Mix vegetable oil with dry mustard and melted honey (50 g each). Mix the mass and apply on the back in the area of ​​the bronchi. Fix the compress with polyethylene and cover with a warm scarf on top. It can be left overnight.
  2. Honey. A mixture of honey (3 parts), aloe juice (2 parts) and pure alcohol(1 part) warm up to + 38-40⁰ C and apply on the back. On top, strengthen the compress with waxed paper and wrap it with a warm cloth. The procedure time is 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Alcoholic. We make a mass of alcohol (1 tablespoon), lamb or goose fat (2 tablespoons) and mustard powder (1 teaspoon). Add chopped garlic cloves to the mixture (3-4 pieces). We rub the back with a healing mass, cover it with cellophane on top and wrap it with a scarf. The compress time is 40-60 minutes, you can do it no more than once a week.

Attention! Compresses in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults should not be carried out at a temperature and febrile conditions. It is better to use such therapy at the beginning of the development of the disease with a dry cough.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies - the most effective massages

When carrying out massage activities, sputum is more likely to be removed from the bronchi and improvement occurs.

In the treatment of adults from chronic bronchitis, the following types of home massage are effective:

  1. vibrating. Actions are based on rhythmic tapping on the back with a fist. At the same time, liquefaction and sputum output are improved. It is easier for the patient to cough.
  2. drainage. This type of massage helps the rapid discharge of mucus accumulated in the bronchi. To do this, the patient lying on his stomach warms up his back, vigorously rubbing it. Then, with fingertips, pat on the intercostal zones in the direction from bottom to top. Then the back area is massaged more intensively, with the hand folded in the form of a boat. At the end of the procedure, the diaphragm is slightly compressed on the sides.
  3. Honey. This massage is effective for advanced stages bronchitis. Natural honey is used. It is melted and applied to the heated skin of the back. First, the back is massaged until the sweet mass thickens. Then the technique of sticking / unsticking the palms from the body is performed.

Advice. To obtain best result from massage treatments in the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home, spend them after taking expectorant drugs. During the procedure, position the patient so that the head is slightly lower than the body.

Chronic bronchitis - folk treatment with inhalations

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home in adults importance is given to inhalation of the patient. Especially with difficulty breathing and paroxysmal painful cough. For inhalation, the following recipes are effective:

  • dry thyme herb (20 g) diluted with water (150-200 ml) and steamed;
  • press the garlic (5-6 cloves), dilute the garlic mass in a glass of boiling water, add soda (5 g);
  • place crushed sea salt in a bowl and inhale its healing vapors through the nose, covering the head with a cloth.

Advice. It is better to carry out inhalations in the evening, before going to bed. Steam should be inhaled for 10-15 minutes. You can use a nebulizer or breathe the old fashioned way, over a container with a healing hot mass.

Traditional medicine - treatment of chronic bronchitis with propolis

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults with using propolis is considered a very effective method folk therapy. Even a small piece of a unique substance brings relief (it is enough to chew it thoroughly). Propolis can be used in other ways:

  1. Mix butter (80 g) and vaseline (350 g). Heat the mass and introduce propolis (15 g). The resulting ointment is intensively rubbed into upper area sternum.
  2. Crushed propolis (20 g) diluted with warm water (1.5 cups). Leave the mixture to infuse for 10-12 hours. The finished medicine is taken orally in the amount of 25-30 drops twice a day.
  3. Plane propolis (5-7 g) and dilute the substance with hot milk (150 ml). Healing cocktail drink 2-3 glasses daily.

Attention! Propolis is a substance that can cause severe allergies. Before using it to treat adults at home, test yourself for susceptibility.

To do this, eat a small piece of propolis and after half an hour, watch the reaction. In case of nausea, redness of the skin, shortness of breath, this remedy for the treatment of chronic bronchitis is not suitable.

How to permanently cure chronic bronchitis with folk remedies - useful tips

Do you want to achieve the greatest effect in the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home? For this use combination therapy . Develop an individual, your own course of treatment with the inclusion of compresses, inhalations, herbal medicine and massage.

For competent treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults, home therapy should turn on and receive vitamin complexes to strengthen the body weakened by intoxication. Put into practice the following useful advice to enhance the effect of therapy:

Instead of coffee healing juices ! To restore the body, forget about coffee and strong tea. They will be replaced by healing and tasty drinks:

  • infusion of viburnum or raspberry with the addition of lemon;
  • lingonberry juice, which helps to remove phlegm;
  • honey mixed with carrot juice in any proportions;
  • a decoction of raisins, it will help alleviate cough and restore the functioning of the bronchi;
  • beetroot drink, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and traces of intoxication;
  • ginger tea (grate the ginger root and brew with a glass of boiling water), drink after 15-20 minutes of infusion.

Protect the body from hypothermia, especially during seasonal epidemics. During this dangerous time, wear a mask and avoid crowds. The course of chronic bronchitis in an adult is aggravated by bad habits - smoking, alcohol. If you want to become healthy - give them up! Instead, devote more time to sports and daily walks in the fresh air.

Bronchitis can be treated at home with folk remedies. There are many different methods used in the treatment of this disease.

Plantain is often used for bronchitis, as it has very good expectorant properties. To prepare the tincture, you need to cut the plantain leaves (4 tablespoons), pour them into 0.5 stack. boiling water, and then insist for 4 hours. Next, the broth should be filtered and gradually drink this dose throughout the day.

They also have a good expectorant effect. various plants, including cumin and eucalyptus, as well as pine buds, thyme, fennel, St. John's wort. These herbs are made medicinal tinctures, and besides this fees for inhalations.

Decoctions of yarrow, coltsfoot, as well as marshmallow root and violet flowers have a qualitative effect on the bronchi.

To improve the state of the immune system, take licorice root syrup, echinacea tincture and natural mumiyo.

Contribute to a quick recovery, and at the same time strengthening the state of the body, tinctures from juniper, birch, parsley, lingonberry leaves, and horsetail.

Folk recipes for bronchitis

Some folk recipes for bronchitis:

  • The use of warm whey;
  • If a night cough is observed, the patient's chest should be rubbed with goose fat, and after the procedure, put on a warm woolen sweater and drink milk (1 stack) with the addition of raspberries or honey;
  • Put mustard plasters on the chest (higher, close to the throat), as well as the calf muscles. Keep them until the moment when they start to burn;
  • You can replace mustard plasters (or alternate with them) with a mixture of turpentine with castor oil(in proportion 1k20);
  • Another way is to rub horseradish and moisten a piece of cloth with it, then squeeze it out and apply it to the above places;
  • Inhalations using sea salt - for this, pour 1 kg of the ingredient into a container and heat it up. Next, add chopped herbs to the salt heated in water (forest mallow flowers, thyme grass, coltsfoot, strawberry leaves, elderberry color (black elder)). But it is not necessary to add all of the above herbs, only a few will be enough.

Recipes for bronchitis with aloe

For the treatment of bronchitis, you can use recipes with aloe.

Take 0.5 l of wine and pour aloe leaves (in the amount of 4 pieces) into it. Infuse the resulting mixture for 4 days, and then take this tincture 1 dessert bed. 3 times/day

Cut in small pieces fresh leaves aloe (fill 1 stack), take 1 stack. olive. oil, 1300 g of lime honey, 50 g of lime blossom, and 150 g of birch buds. Melt the honey and pour aloe into it, and then steam this mixture. Birch buds together with lime blossom, brew in 2 stacks. water, and then boil for 2 minutes. Next, the broth must be filtered and poured into the already chilled honey with aloe, mix this mixture, and pour into 2 bottles, while adding olives to them. oil (equally). Reception for 1 tbsp. 3 rubles / day. The bottle must be shaken before using the medicine. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.

In proportions of 1 to 1, mix aloe juice, melted honey and butter. Drink before meals for 2 tsp. 4 rubles / day for 5 days, then take a break in use for 5 days.

Recipe for bronchitis with aloe and honey

Since aloe promotes the growth and renewal of body cells and has wound healing properties, it is often used as a medicine. In combination with honey, its effect becomes even stronger. There are several recipes for bronchitis with aloe and honey.

From a dry cough with bronchitis, the following tincture is suitable - you need to mix aloe and honey in equal amounts, and then take the resulting mixture three times a day, 1 tbsp. This tincture should be kept in the refrigerator, placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Another recipe is to add some Cahors wine to honey and aloe. In this case, you need to take 300 g of aloe juice, 500 g of honey, as well as 500 ml of wine and mix all the components together. The resulting mixture should be kept in the refrigerator in a jar (made of glass) with a tight-fitting lid. You need to drink tincture before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. This medicine is often used for bronchitis, as it helps to strengthen general condition organism.

Recipe for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa

To prepare a cure for bronchitis with aloe, honey and cocoa, you need to take 250 g of butter, bee honey and aloe (about 5 large leaves), as well as 1 tbsp. cocoa and 200 g of pork lard. Aloe must be passed through a meat grinder, and butter and lard should be held in a water bath to melt. Next, honey, aloe and cocoa are added to the resulting mass, after which they are mixed. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid.

With bronchitis, it should be consumed three times a day, 1 tbsp. until full recovery.

Bronchitis cake recipe

With a strong, painful cough during bronchitis, they are very effective. honey cakes. There are several good recipes for their preparation.

Recipe #1: you need 20 g of honey, flour, as well as sunflower oil, and a small piece of cloth or bandage. All of these components are mixed to the state of the cake.

Recipe #2: you need to take honey, dry mustard, as well as flour and sunflower oil(1 tablespoon each), mix the indicated ingredients and roll out the resulting mass to form a cake. It must be applied to the back (between the shoulder blades) or to the chest, and at the same time remember that you can not put it on the heart.

Cough Recipes for Bronchitis

In diseases of the respiratory organs, you can use a decoction of elecampane with the addition of honey. For this, 2 tablespoons are taken. chopped dry elecampane roots, which are poured with 0.5 liters of water. After that, they need to be boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes, and after turning off, leave for about 1-2 hours. Then the broth is filtered and added to it boiled water so that the total volume is 0.5 liters. Dissolve honey in the broth (to taste) and drink warm 0.5 cups. three times a day.

When coughing during bronchitis, turnips help well. You need to take 2 tbsp. lies. chopped turnip root, and then pour 1 stack. boiled water and keep on fire for 15 minutes. You need to insist the broth for 30 minutes-1 hour, and then add boiled water to it so that the amount reaches 200 ml. You need to use tincture in a quarter cup four times a day. Also, a decoction of turnips can be drunk 1 time / day at night, 1 stack.

Recipes for cough and bronchitis with ginger

A fairly popular home remedy is also ginger root. The recipe for cough and bronchitis with ginger is as follows.

You need to grate the ginger root and squeeze out the juice obtained from it. After that, mix 1 tsp. of this juice and the same amount of honey and lemon juice, and then infuse the mixture for 30 minutes. Then the tincture is poured into 0.5 stack. boiling water and cover with a lid. You need to use 1 tsp. every 30 min.

A very good alternative to pharmacy syrup is jam made from ginger - it is very effective in relieving coughs. For its preparation, the following components are needed: 0.5 stack. sugar, 1 tbsp. ginger juice, 1 pinch of nutmeg and saffron, as well as 1 stack. plain water.

Dilute sugar in water, add ginger juice to it, and boil until the mixture thickens. After that, you need to add saffron to it and nutmeg- the jam is ready.

Recipes from propolis for bronchitis

With bronchitis, propolis tincture made with alcohol is considered very effective. To prepare this medicine, you need to crush propolis into small pieces, then pour honey. alcohol and vodka, then shake the container and leave to infuse for 15 days in a cool place away from the sun. Take this tincture after a meal in the amount of 10 drops. It is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis.

You can also use a propolis cake in the treatment of cough, but it should be borne in mind that it cannot be used for elevated temperature or inflammation. Before going to bed, warm propolis rolled into a thin layer is placed on the chest. In order to soften this material, it must be held for a short time in hot water- after that it can be rolled out without problems.

Onion Recipes for Bronchitis

There are also several recipes for bronchitis using onions.

The first one is made in this way. Take 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 onion (it needs to be ground). Then they are mixed together and boiled. The resulting mixture should be consumed every 2 hours in the amount of 1 tbsp. The entire course lasts 1 week.

Bronchitis is also effectively treated with a mixture of marshmallow root, onion and plain water. First you need to boil 200 ml of water, and then pour 1 tbsp into it. Althea root. This mixture should stand for about 15 minutes, and then 1 grated onion is added to it. After that, the mixture is insisted for another 20 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and taken three times a day, 1 tbsp.

Another good recipe- a mixture of coltsfoot, onions, as well as plain water. This tincture is prepared in the same way as the previous one, the reception is also three times a day, 1 tbsp. If necessary, you can still drink an additional portion before bedtime.

Radish for bronchitis

Radish with honey works well against cough and bronchitis. It is necessary to take a large radish, remove the top from it and then cut a recess inside into which you need to pour 2 lodges. liquid honey. Next, the radish is placed vertically in some container, covered with a piece of thick paper and left for about 3-4 hours. The resulting mixture of radish juice with honey should be taken: for children, 1 tsp. 3-4 rubles / day half an hour before meals; adults - 1 tbsp.

Pine buds for bronchitis

Very effective against bronchitis and pine buds. There are several recipes for the preparation of medicinal tincture.

You need 10 g of kidneys and 1 stack. plain water - the broth should be boiled for 30 minutes under a closed lid. After that, insist for 2 hours and then strain. You need to take the medicine four times a day in the amount of 1-2 tbsp.

According to the same recipe, a decoction is made and taken from pine buds made with milk.

Very effective for bronchitis is jam made from pine buds - this medicine can help if there is prolonged bronchitis or chronic cough, or the disease has passed into the chronic stage.

It is made in the following way. First you need to sort out fresh pine buds, removing all debris (remnants of branches and needles), and then rinse under cold water. After that, they are poured with water so that it covers the kidneys, and boiled for 20 minutes. As a result, we get a decoction that has a green color, which must be left to infuse for 1 day. Next, the tincture is drained and sugar is added to it (about 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of broth is needed). This mixture must be kept on fire for about 1.5 hours. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to carefully remove the foam. The final product has a dark amber color.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis at home

Obstructive bronchitis can be treated at home, but you need a doctor to control this process. Along with procedures that help remove inflammation, methods should be used to help restore bronchial patency. In both cases, drugs are used in the form of suspensions, syrups, and inhalations. The patient must comply with bed rest, take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs, and eat a balanced diet.

Treatment of the obstructive form of bronchitis with folk remedies is in many ways similar to the treatment of simple bronchitis, therefore it is not able to eliminate the main cause of this disease - bronchial obstruction. But in combination with drug therapy, alternative recipes can enhance the effect and speed up recovery. There are several methods of folk treatment:

  • 4 large leaves of aloe insist in 0.5 liters of wine, filter and drink 3 times / day. 1 dessert spoon;
  • Mix 400 g of sugar, 500 g of chopped onion and 50 g of honey in 1 liter of water, and then boil over low heat and leave to cook for another 3 hours. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. You should use 1 tbsp. mixtures 4-6 times/day;
  • Mix 25 g of coltsfoot leaves and licorice root, 40 g of marshmallow root, and 15 g of fennel fruit. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture and pour it with 20 ml of boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes, and then use a quarter cup 3-5 rubles / day.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis at home

Treatment of chronic bronchitis at home with folk remedies:

  • 1 tbsp lime blossom pour 1 stack. boiling water, wrap and let it brew for 1 hour, then strain. You need to drink 2-3 times / day. 1 stack;
  • 1 tbsp thyme pour 1 stack. boiling water, wrap and insist 1 hour, and then filter. You need to consume 0.5 cups before meals 3 times / day;
  • 30 g of licorice root pour boiling water (0.5 l), boil and hold on low heat for 10 minutes. Next, the broth must be cooled and filtered. Drink it 1 tbsp. 4 times / day;
  • Boil water (1.5 l) and add 400 g of bran (any) to it. Cool the broth and strain. You can drink it instead of tea;
  • Crush 2 bananas to a state of gruel, then pour 1 stack of them. boiled water with sugar. Before taking the mixture must be heated.

Treatment of allergic bronchitis at home

Allergic bronchitis at home is treated with folk remedies. The main emphasis is on eliminating the main symptom - cough.

To remove phlegm from the bronchi, a licorice root tincture is made with calendula flowers (2 tbsp) and dill seeds (1 tbsp). This mixture must be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes, after which it must be insisted for some time. You need to use the tincture 3 times / day. before meals, 0.5 stack. for 2 weeks.

In the same way, a decoction is prepared and consumed from a mixture of herbs such as coltsfoot leaves, licorice root, and plantain.

Treatment of bronchitis in children at home

If the child has the first signs of bronchitis, he needs to breathe steam. The effectiveness of inhalations will add honey, soda or medicinal herbs added to boiled water.

There are also folk methods that help treat bronchitis in children at home:

  • Boil water and add 1 tbsp. soda;
  • 1 st. lies. herbal collection, which includes peppermint, sage, and raspberry leaves, you need to pour 1 stack. boiling water, then hold on fire for 5-10 minutes. To make inhalations, add to the tincture right amount water;
  • The above procedure can be performed with a tincture of raspberry and lime blossom, as well as coltsfoot;
  • An effective remedy for bronchitis is a tincture of medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • Boil water and dilute honey in it in a ratio of 1d5;
  • In acute bronchitis, inhalations using essential oils (coniferous and eucalyptus) help very well, since the needles remove the secret liquefied by eucalyptus from the lungs. A few drops of the product must be added to hot water.

Treatment of bronchitis at home in adults

Treatment of bronchitis in adults at home is carried out in the following way.

If there is a high temperature, you need to adhere to bed rest. But when it subsides, you should start walking in the fresh air (but, of course, not in severe frost).

The room in which the patient is located must be ventilated and constantly maintain the desired level of humidity in it - you can use a humidifier, or simply leave a wet cloth on the radiator (when it dries, it needs to be moistened again).

Any annoying factors(such as pungent smell, dust or cigarette smoke). You should also do a wet cleaning every day.

To reduce the level of intoxication, as well as reduce the viscosity of sputum (and thereby make easier process its discharge), you need to drink a lot and plentifully. Suitable for a variety of drinks - herbal teas(mint, linden, thyme) juices, fruit drinks, as well as mineral water (alkaline warm).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol) effectively reduce fever and reduce intoxication, and in addition reduce bronchospasms and bronchial edema, and also contribute to better sputum discharge. The safest drug in this group, which is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis, is now fenspiride (Erespal).

Treatment of bronchitis with herbs at home

Bronchitis can be treated at home with herbs.

If an acute form of the disease is observed, you can drink a decoction from the mother-stepmother. This plant is a very effective expectorant medicine and, moreover, has antipyretic effect. It is necessary to brew 1 tbsp. herbs in 1 stack. boiling water, then hold on fire for 15 minutes. Next, cover with a lid, leave for about 45 minutes, and then strain. Add water so that the amount of tincture is 1 stack. The medicine is not recommended to be stored for more than 2 days, after this period it should be made fresh. Drink warm tincture, before meals for 30 minutes-1 hour, 2-3 times / day. 1/3 stack.

Elecampane root also has expectorant properties. You need to take 1 tsp. dry chopped root, pour it 1 stack. boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is allowed to brew, after which it is filtered. You need to drink tincture 3-4 rubles / day. ¼ stack. 1 hour before meals.

Knotweed grass has a good anti-inflammatory effect. For tincture, 1 tablespoon is taken. dry chopped herbs, which are kept in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then infused for about 1-2 hours and filtered. The medicine should be taken 3-4 rubles / day, 1 tbsp.

Effective treatment of bronchitis at home

Treating bronchitis at home can be beneficial. Among the most effective methods of treatment are inhalations, because their use allows you to act directly on the bronchi - the medicine goes directly to the inflamed areas.

If you are going to use folk recipes treatment, inhalation should be carried out, bending over the pan and covering with a towel. At the same time, the steam is inhaled through the mouth and nose, in turn. A kettle can also be used - for this, a simple plastic funnel is put on its spout.

Restriction for steam inhalation only one thing - they can not be performed if the patient has a high temperature.

Bronchitis can be cured effectively and quickly at home, but for this it is imperative to start treatment on time.

Almost every person at least once in his life suffered bronchitis - an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membranes of the walls of the bronchi. Most often, it occurs as a result of patients who neglect the need for specific therapy and adherence to regimen restrictions during illness.

Focusing on the popular belief that colds in any case, with or without treatment, will last a week, they neglect medical advice. Without reducing the intensity of the working rhythm, taking pills and drops of symptomatic action advertised by the media on the run, they simply wait for the ailment to pass on its own.

For a sick person’s body weakened by an acute respiratory process, such loads are excessive, they reduce its resistance, increase vulnerability to risk factors, and it becomes an easy target for aggressive external and internal agents. As a result, patients who neglect the treatment of acute respiratory infections, more often than disciplined patients, face its complications, including bronchitis.

During prolonged due to lack of treatment of acute respiratory infections, the inflammatory process from the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, trachea quickly spreads to the epithelial cover of the bronchi. Except colds, conditions predisposing to the development of inflammation in the bronchial epithelium are created by a number of negative factors:

  1. Chronic, often recurrent processes in the nasopharynx.
  2. Violations of the patency of the nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe.
  3. Deformations of the chest, displacing or squeezing the branches of the bronchial tree and lungs.
  4. Various origins of deficiencies in immune forces.
  5. Hypothermia, acute and prolonged.
  6. Abuse of food, household and medicines With high content ethyl alcohol.
  7. Irritating effects of tobacco smoke.

People whose lives are exposed to such factors suffer from bronchitis more often than others and are most prone to developing asthmatic complications and pneumonia. Any colds that a person adhering to a healthy lifestyle pass without a trace, they may continue in the form of acute banal, purulent, or this disease. More often than others, in such patients, the course of bronchitis becomes chronic.

How the disease occurs and develops

Most clinical cases the role of the main trigger factor in the development of bronchitis belongs to microorganisms:

  • influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial and adenoviruses, parainfluenza, pertussis and measles forms;
  • bacteria, such as staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal.

The first sign that an infection has joined the course of acute respiratory infections and it is complicated by inflammation of the bronchi is a sudden deterioration in the well-being of a person close to recovery.

It is manifested by the return of a sharp weakness, a state of weakness, general malaise. Appears feature development of rhinitis or laryngitis into bronchitis - a feeling of soreness in the chest. Then the clinical picture is supplemented:

The recurrence of hyperthermic syndrome, the increasing intensity of coughing attacks, a clear decrease in working capacity force the patient to go to a medical facility.

As a result, the course of etiopathogenetic drugs prescribed by the doctor and the concomitant treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies will exceed the average duration of therapy for acute respiratory infections by at least two to three times.

Folk recipes for relieving acute manifestations of bronchitis

If the treatment of acute bronchitis does not begin immediately, that is, immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, there is a risk of its chronicity, and young children and the elderly are most susceptible to this. Success in the treatment of the acute stage is achieved by observing several mandatory rules:

  1. By using large quantities liquids.
  2. Compliance with gentle, when the temperature rises - bed rest.
  3. Frequent ventilation of the patient's room.
  4. Constant humidification of the air in it.

As a plentiful drink in acute manifestations of bronchitis, healthy drinks are preferable - highly vitaminized berry fruit drinks, decoctions and infusions. medicinal plants, broths from medicinal rhizomes and fruits.

First of all, the patient should sweat, for this purpose he should drink as much as possible of the potions prepared according to the well-known "grandmother's" recipes per day:

  • fruit drinks - lingonberry, cranberry, raspberry and blackcurrant;
  • infusions of linden flowers, violets, chamomile, red clover or black elderberry, sage leaves, plantain, elecampane or mint;
  • decoctions from dried fruits of forest or garden raspberries;
  • herbal teas with dried fruits, such as horsetail with rose hips;
  • broths from ginger root, cores of fresh apples and quince.

These folk remedies, in addition to diaphoretic, tend to have antimicrobial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antitussive and detoxifying effects on the body of a person suffering from bronchitis. No concomitant toxic properties ensures the absolute safety of their use by young children and pregnant women.

Adding to herbal infusions and decoctions of juice or lemon zest or small portions of honey brought to a boil beforehand significantly increases the effectiveness of prepared medicinal drinks.

How to calm a cough in the acute stage of bronchitis

The best remedy for painful attacks of dry cough, characteristic of the acute period of the course of bronchitis, is considered hot fatty milk. Possessing an enveloping effect, whole, restored or melted, it relieves irritation, soothes the throat. To enhance the antitussive effect, add a spoonful of honey, butter and a pinch of baking soda to a warm drink.

They will help soften the mucous epithelium of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, relieve spasm and thereby quickly eliminate cough. The resulting drink is recommended to replace morning tea and coffee, as well as take it during the afternoon during afternoon snacks. In the same way, you can prepare a medicinal product for a patient with acute bronchitis. milk drink with cocoa.

It is easy to get rid of painful nighttime bouts of dry cough by drinking a glass of hot milk with sage, propolis, onion or garlic. To do this, in 200 ml of fat milk brought to a boil in a sealed container, add the following of your choice:

  • a tablespoon of finely chopped sage leaves;
  • finely chopped small onion;
  • a few drops of tincture or propolis solution;
  • a couple of minced garlic cloves.

The resulting drink must be slightly insisted, strained and brought to a boil again. Take a cough-relieving hot drink for bronchitis should be taken immediately before going to bed at night or before daytime rest in bed.

The antitussive effect of hot milk can be enhanced by adding to it. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar into a hot frying pan and melt until a golden liquid caramel mass is obtained. It can be added directly to a cup of milk or poured into molds to set.

By resorption of lozenges obtained from burnt sugar, it is recommended for a patient with acute bronchitis to stop coughing attacks during the day.

Use of inhalation

The inhalation method is recognized as a reliable and fast way to cure the dry, hacking cough characteristic of the acute stage of bronchitis. Use as active substances during the procedures of safe folk antitussives increases its effectiveness in the treatment of bronchitis in both adults and children.

The easiest and most common way to inhale at home is to cover yourself with a towel over a pot of hot boiled potatoes. Humid hot air, removing irritation in the respiratory tract, easily stops coughing attacks with bronchitis. A similar effect is achieved when carrying out soda inhalations.

To do this, in a wide stable bowl, bring to a boil. a small amount of water. After removing the pan from the stove and adding a couple of tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate to it, you can proceed with the procedure. Covered with a towel, you need to breathe hot steam for a while. You can enhance the effectiveness of soda steam inhalations by adding to boiled water:

  • garlic or onion juice;
  • a few drops of a solution or tincture of propolis;
  • a couple of drops of essential oil of cedar or mint, anise or lavender.

Antimicrobial and antispasmodic action of propolis, phytoncides and essential oils and antitussive properties of hot soda steam can provide a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

It must be remembered: inhalation procedures are carried out daily twice a day for a 2-3-week course. At the end of the procedure, you should beware of drafts and cooling.

Traditional medicine recipes for wet cough

One of the most effective folk remedies for bronchitis and the cough that accompanies it, applicable to both adults and children, is inhalation with green pine cones, coniferous needles and taking decoctions of dried buds. In the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, a wide range of their useful properties is used:

  1. Antimicrobial.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Stimulating effect on the activity of the secretory epithelium of the bronchi.
  4. Irritant effect on the motility of the ciliated epithelium.

Truly healing potions provide a strong liquefaction and at the same time quick evacuation sputum. By facilitating the process of difficult expectoration, they relieve the patient with bronchitis from very annoying attacks.

Expectorants are easy to make at home. According to the grateful reviews of recovered patients, the most effective were decoctions prepared in two proven ways, which allow preserving the maximum amount of healing substances in natural raw materials:

  • boiling for a minute in two glasses of water a tablespoon of dried pine buds;
  • boiling in a glass of high-fat milk for three minutes a teaspoon of pounded medicinal raw materials.

The decoctions obtained in this way are defended for no longer than 15-30 minutes. After straining, they are completely ready for use. To enhance the healing effect and improve the taste, honey can be added to them.

A water-based cough decoction made from pine buds is consumed by drinking 3-4 sips three times a day. Milk broth should be taken hot, making 2-3 sips 4-5 times a day.

Treatment of chronic cough with folk recipes

When acute manifestations bronchitis fade into the background, the disease enters the stage of resolution. The patient gets rid of fever, shortness of breath, he ceases to torment persistent cough. Daily excruciating attacks persist unproductive cough and episodes of the so-called morning toilet of the bronchi - the release of the airways from the mucus accumulated during the night. At this stage, significant relief can be achieved with the help of horse mint herb infusion.

This herbaceous plant, whose Latin name is Marrobii herba, has long been used in folk recipes, including in the treatment of bronchitis, as an expectorant and antitussive. Its ability to influence the bronchial secretion, especially the increased viscosity, which makes it difficult to expel sputum, was considered important. For the treatment of attacks of chronic unproductive cough with bronchitis, horse mint grass, or shandra, is used in the form of infusions.

To make tea, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for no more than five minutes a couple of teaspoons of dried chopped herbs. A patient with bronchitis should drink at least two cups of infusion per day. The drink is taken hot with honey. Before adding to a cup with a heated broth, honey should be heated and brought to a boil. Regular use of this remedy for several days can completely save the patient from bouts of unproductive cough.

Local use of healing folk remedies

Application local procedures helps to effectively treat bronchitis in children and adults at home with simple folk remedies. Providing a local warming and irritating effect, compresses and wraps:

  • stimulate local blood circulation;
  • contribute to liquefaction of sputum;
  • facilitate its departure;
  • accelerate the process of evacuation of sputum from the lumen of the bronchi.

Local procedures bring significant relief to patients with negative manifestations bronchitis. Coughing fits pass, the airways are completely cleared of viscous sputum. The patient is finally able to freely take a full breath.

The simplest way, which does not require much time to carry out the procedure, is.

Easy to use for bronchitis and cabbage compress with honey. The technique is very simple: you need to apply a thin layer of a spoonful of honey on a fresh, pre-washed cabbage leaf. For bronchitis with a strong cough, it is applied at night with the honey-treated side to the skin of the chest or to the sternum or behind, between the shoulder blades. Using elastic cling film and soft fabric, it is fixed, and the chest is insulated.

Extremely easy to use is the method of oil wraps for the treatment of bronchitis. A cotton or linen napkin soaked in heated unrefined vegetable oil is placed on the chest or interscapular region at night, fixed with a film, and insulated.

The use of cakes as compresses

Very popular in the treatment of bronchitis recipe. To prepare it, you need to mix and knead into a thick dough:

  • a couple of tablespoons of any kind of flour;
  • a spoonful of melted honey;
  • the same amount of unrefined vegetable oil.

The resulting mass should be so plastic that it can be freely distributed over a gauze napkin. A compress in the treatment of bronchitis is fixed on the chest or back for a couple of hours or at night.

The use of honey in traditional medicine recipes is limited to people who are allergic to its ingredients.

Allergic patients can use modified folk recipes in the treatment of bronchitis, in which a portion of honey is replaced by:

  • a spoonful of dry mustard;
  • a couple of tablespoons of chopped horseradish;
  • 3-4 drops of turpentine;
  • a spoonful of table salt;
  • a couple of spoons of cognac, alcohol or vodka.

Compress cakes must be warmed up before use. During the procedure and for some time after it, cooling should be avoided. The average duration of treatment for bronchitis is a week, if necessary and in the absence of side effects it can be extended.

Use of vegetables

Healing properties natural products actively used in traditional medicine recipes. They, unlike drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, do not have toxicity, negative side effect, hypoallergenic. Drugs prepared from them are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical preparations.

A good example is syrups and potions made from. They are highly effective, especially in the treatment of dry cough, pleasant to the taste, which is especially important in the treatment of bronchitis in young children. To prepare a medicinal potion, it is necessary to mix the pulp of a finely grated, previously peeled root crop with 3-4 tablespoons of honey. A few minutes later, after straining, the antitussive syrup is ready.

During the 10-day course of treatment recommended for bronchitis, adult patients should use it 5-6 times, children - 3-4 times during the day. It effectively relieves irritation of the mucous epithelium of the bronchi, relieves sensations of itching and soreness in the throat, restores the lost vitality weakened patients.

Healing properties vegetable crops used in the appointment of juice therapy for complex treatment bronchitis. Vegetable juices have a general strengthening effect on the patient, fortify him, enrich the body with microelements. They, unlike fruit and berry drinks, are not rich in sugars. Cabbage juice, in addition, has a pronounced expectorant effect.

The use of natural minerals in the treatment of bronchitis

The method of halotherapy in the treatment of patients with bronchitis uses the principles of a healing effect on the state of the upper respiratory tract of the microclimate of natural salt caves. The environment created in them by the evaporation of a natural mineral is different:

  • complete absence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • absolute hypoallergenicity;
  • lack of high humidity.

To create healing conditions for inflamed bronchial tracts in a living room, special heating devices made from Himalayan crystalline salt are used.

Salt lamps create a favorable microclimate in the room of a patient with bronchitis, they are able to positively influence the air:

  1. Ionize.
  2. Decontaminate.
  3. Neutralize electromagnetic waves emanating from numerous electronic household appliances.

The room in which the salt heater is turned on is filled with freshness. The air is ionized, purified from pathogenic microorganisms, inflammatory processes in the bronchi are cured much faster, the risk of their recurrence is sharply reduced.

The reaction of patients to the first procedures may be unexpected, since sometimes weakness and dizziness are noted after it.

But already after the third session, they begin to feel better, there is a feeling of cheerfulness and easier breathing. In parallel, there is a restoration of adaptive capabilities nervous system patients due to the normalization of the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition. They note an improvement in the quality and duration of sleep, facilitating the process of falling asleep.

The use of hardening procedures

Chronicization of the course of bronchitis is accompanied by a decrease in the resistance of the body of a sick person to hypothermia. The hardening process uses healing effect natural and climatic factors in order to:

  • changes in the reaction of the body of a patient with bronchitis to the impact low temperatures from habitual to productive, in which the response to cold is not narrowing, but expansion of peripheral blood vessels;
  • activation of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Optimal results of hardening are achieved by patients who combine extreme cold loads with regular physical exercises in the fresh air - running and push-ups, breathing exercises.

Before allowing patients with bronchitis to harden with cold, an in-depth medical examination is carried out, which should confirm the absence of contraindications:

  • heart diseases - manifestations of coronary artery disease in the form of angina pectoris and arrhythmia;
  • pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • pronounced disorders of peripheral innervation.

The acute stage of bronchitis or exacerbation of its chronic form are absolute contraindications both for starting a cycle of procedures and for continuing it. The general rule for all patients is the observance of the regimen of procedures: they must be performed daily immediately after waking up and before bedtime.

For each patient with starting hardening, an individual approach should be developed.

A gradual method can be chosen, in which a person is only doused with cold water in a bath or after a warming shower, or intensive, when the patient is completely immersed in a bath filled with cold water for a minute. Patients with bronchitis who do not tolerate cold water procedures should limit themselves to rubbing with dry terry towels.

Chizhova Oksana Andreevna

Therapist, Pulmonologist.

Engaged in the treatment of patients with a therapeutic profile, including respiratory diseases such as Chronical bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, interstitial diseases lungs.

Experience 11 years.

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