Gut probiotics for adults. The best probiotics. My Findings on Probiotics

If someone somewhere told you that probiotics should be taken by everyone and always - check if this person is not a seller of probiotics :) I have seen a lot of opinions on this matter and observe the following pattern: stakeholders tend to recommend and praise probiotics to absolutely everyone : both sick and healthy, considering them almost a panacea. Independent experts, whose well-being does not depend on the sale of dietary supplements, on the contrary, declare that probiotics are not indicated for everyone and can not always help. And some doctors do not use probiotics in their practice at all, considering them to be absolutely useless and in vain advertised means.

In search of information, I turned to the book Life of the Gut by Robin Chatkan, a gastroenterologist who practices a holistic approach to health. Dr. Chatkan has extensive experience in the use of probiotics for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic intestinal inflammation, urinary tract infections, acne and rosacea, and more.

Frequently asked Questions

Who is probiotics indicated for?

The list below lists the disorders for which probiotics are effective. scientifically proven. Even lower are those for which there is not yet enough clinical data, but the available information suggests that they may be just as effective.

Conditions where probiotics have been shown to be effective

  • Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Clostridium difficile infection
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • infectious diarrhea
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • leaky gut syndrome
  • Infectious sinusitis
  • Traveler's diarrhea
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fungal infections

Conditions where probiotics are likely to be effective

  • allergies
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity

How to choose probiotics?

When choosing a probiotic, you need to understand whether a particular product contains enough live bacteria and whether it is suitable for treating your specific disorder (and not your neighbor or acquaintance, because these people could have completely different problems from yours).

If someone in your circle has already taken a product and received positive results, this is a good sign, but it is not yet a 100% guarantee that these probiotics will work on you in a similar way.

While there are no one size fits all probiotics, here are a few general tips:

  • The probiotics featured on iHerb can contain anywhere from one to 200 billion colony-forming units. The required dosage is selected by a specialist, usually a doctor of naturopathy or functional medicine, who practices a holistic approach.
  • If you don't have such a doctor nearby, or your doctor isn't knowledgeable about probiotics, I recommend that you choose a trustworthy guide in book form for yourself - many eminent doctors now produce such guides. For example, it could be Robin Chatkan's book Life of the Intestine. These experts recommend that you choose foods containing at least 50 billion CFU*. The composition of the dietary supplement should include acidophilic lactobacilli, as well as other bacterial strains, such as bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

* Note from Marina

I think the 50 billion CFU recommendation is pretty general, as I like to say it's "hospital average temperature". Probiotics from Healthy Origins containing 30 billion CFU have worked well for me and many of my relatives, and in another book by Alejandro Junger I met a recommendation to choose probiotics of at least 15 billion CFU. So if you are already taking a probiotic containing less than 50 billion CFU, it's okay, it's much more important in my opinion to learn how to properly take probiotics.

  • Make sure the probiotic contains different strains of bacteria that are tested for interaction with each other, as they all have different functions and no single bacterial strain can replace the rest and contain their full potential.
  • Check the shelf life of the product, note whether refrigeration is required and how stable the product is at room temperature.
  • The manufacturer must ensure that the product has passed all clinical trials, is certified and contains the number of live bacteria indicated on the label. Look for information either on the package itself or in the instructions for use inside.
  • Some companies claim to conduct tests and research on their products, but these studies may be "sponsored" by the product manufacturers themselves and may not be reliable. Try to focus on test data from independent companies such as ConsumerLab, for example.

Most Common Probiotic Strains

Many advanced users of dietary supplements when choosing probiotics pay attention to the names of probiotic strains in the Supplement Facts plate. But do you know what these little bacteria with complex names do inside your body? Each of these tiny workers has their own specialization, so iHerb has various formulations for dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, immunity, urinary tract infections, etc.

lactobacillus acidophilus- ferment sugar, convert it into lactic acid and release amylase, which helps with the absorption of carbohydrates. It is one of the most popular probiotics and is used in many dairy products. Bacilli are particularly resistant to the aggressive environment of the stomach, effectively attach to the walls of the intestine, preventing the spread of alternative types of bacteria. Especially useful for restoring the natural microflora in bacterial vaginosis.

Lactobacillus casei- live in the mouth and intestines, as well as in fermented vegetables, milk and meat. There is evidence that they inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori. In addition, they have shown to be effective in combination with other strains when it is required to relieve the symptoms of certain gastroenterological disorders (antibiotic-associated and infectious diarrhea). Lactobacillus casei can supplement and promote the spread of Lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as assist in the fermentation of beans and peas, reducing the concentration of gas-producing, poorly digestible carbohydrates.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus- very "hardy" bacteria, resistant to the effects of gastric juice and bile. They live in the mouth and intestines, as well as in the vagina and urinary tract, where they prevent the spread of pathogens. Lactobacillus rhamnosus has been successfully used to treat diarrhea caused by rotavirus and some forms of atopic dermatitis. Despite their probiotic effect, in immunocompromised people, these microbes are indicative of an infection.

Lactobacillus salivarius suppress pathogenic bacteria and help reduce gas formation in people with irritable bowel syndrome. They can be helpful in pancreatitis as they also suppress harmful gastrointestinal bacteria that threaten the pancreas.

Streptococcus thermophilus are found in fermented dairy products like yogurt and aid in the absorption of lactose in the intestines.

Bifidobacterium bifidum- an integral part of the microflora of the large intestine and, like Lactobacillus acidophilus, one of the most popular probiotics. They promote the breakdown and absorption of simple sugars. Bifidobacteria have been shown to boost immunity and relieve cold symptoms while shortening the duration of the illness. They are also present in the vagina and help treat candidiasis and other forms of yeast overgrowth.

Bifidobacterium longum very important for the baby. These microorganisms thrive in the colon when the oxygen concentration is low. They prevent the reproduction of pathogens by releasing lactic acid, in addition, they increase lactose tolerance, prevent diarrhea and are useful for allergies. Bifidobacterium longum can prevent the development of cancer by changing the acid-base balance of the colon, and also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and strokes by binding free radicals. Bifidobacterium longum is often added to foods.

Bifidobacterium lactis(B. animals) help with abdominal discomfort, bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome, the nature of which is associated with constipation. They have been shown in clinical trials to protect the intestinal cells of celiac patients from the damaging effects of gluten. Bifidobacterium lactis is widely used in dairy products.

Which probiotics to order on iHerb

When I was choosing probiotics on iHerb for the first time, I didn't have all this information yet. But I was lucky - the first product I came across turned out to be of high quality and effective. In addition, it is very economical in price. It meets all quality criteria, is tested by an independent laboratory, and is stable at room temperature.

Probiotics from Healthy Origins

Here it is, my favorite probiotic - Healthy Origins, Probiotics, 30 Billion Microorganisms.

This product contains 8 probiotic strains - 5 lactobacilli and 3 bifidobacteria, 30 billion colony forming units.

If you need more strains, or more CFUs, then check out the following products:

  1. Renew Life, Ultimate Flora, Critical Care - 10 Probiotic Strains, 50 Billion CFU
  2. Garden of Life, Doctor-Developed Probiotics, Once Daily Women's - 16 Probiotic Strains, 50 Billion CFU
  3. Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - contains probiotic yeast that survives by passing through stomach acid and delivers its beneficial properties to the gastrointestinal tract. These microorganisms help maintain and maintain normal intestinal microflora. And also normalize the intestinal microflora after possible violations as a result of taking medications or during travel. MOS (mannanoligosaccharides) is an oligosaccharide from baker's yeast cell walls that prevents bacteria from adhering to epithelial cells and reduces their reproduction.

You can also find probiotics for yourself and your family members on the following page:

What is the correct way to take probiotics?

Probiotics are living microorganisms. It is not enough just to drink the capsule with water for them to start working. You also need to create a favorable environment for them so that they can successfully attach and settle in your intestines for a long time. What should you do to get the most benefit from probiotics?

Feed the "good" bacteria and let the "bad" ones starve to death!

The good news is that the beneficial and harmful bacteria that inhabit our body love different foods. The bad news is that most people don't eat enough healthy foods, but overuse foods that make the bad bacteria happy. So it turns out - we seem to be drinking an expensive and high-quality probiotic product, but we don’t see any benefit. In most cases, beneficial bacteria die of starvation, not finding suitable food in your intestines. And pathogens at this time feast and overeat.

Choose your carbs carefully

Simple carbohydrates ("bad") found in pastries made from wheat flour, bakery products and all kinds of sweets. They are rapidly digested in the small intestine and absorbed as glucose. The result is a spike in insulin. These carbohydrates are associated with weight gain, diabetes, and inflammation, as well as causing changes in the composition of the microbiome and promoting the spread of yeast spores.

Sugar This is the favorite food of bad bacteria. The constant consumption of sugar leads to the accelerated growth of yeast cells and some pathogens. Sugar often begins to rule your habits by increasing the population of gut microbes that feed on it. This causes sugar cravings - you need more and more sugar. But in terms of nutritional value, sugar is an absolutely useless product that contains nothing but empty calories.

Alcohol- I hope that it is unnecessary for you, my readers, to talk about the dangers of alcohol. But just in case, let me remind you: the restoration of microflora and the intake of alcohol are incompatible things.

If you want to get the most out of probiotics, you will have to give up sugar and pastries, no matter how sad it may sound to you. At least for the first time. Whether you reduce your sugar intake gradually or stop it abruptly, the result is the same: there will come a time when the number of microbes that feed on sugar in the intestines will be reduced enough that cravings for sweets will weaken - and you will no longer want it so much.

If we don't provide our new microscopic lodgers with proper nutrition and continue to eat anything, they won't live long and won't be able to breed to support their population.

Complex carbohydrates ("good") are generally high in fiber and found in fruits, vegetables, some grains, beans, and brown rice. Due to their high fiber content, these products do not cause an increase in insulin production, and from the point of view of the microflora, they should be the most important components of our diet, ensuring that our bacteria are properly and adequately nourished.

Consider examples of "good" carbohydrates that are beneficial to the intestinal microflora.

Resistant (hard to digest) starches are specific complex carbohydrates that are not absorbed in the small intestine, but move on in an almost unchanged form until they reach the large intestine, where they are fermented by bacteria and converted into short chain fatty acids (SCFA). SCFAs are critical for maintaining colon health: they are the main source of energy for its cells, they have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, and resistant starches have also been shown to promote the absorption of various minerals in the colon.

potato flour

Foods rich in resistant starches

  • Beans
  • Cashew nuts
  • Barley
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Pearl barley
  • Brown rice
  • Unripe (green) banana
  • Oatmeal

Resistant starches act in the digestive tract more like dietary fiber (fiber) than regular starch. They promote the growth of beneficial microbes in the colon by acting as prebiotics (food components of intestinal bacteria).

If the above foods do not in any way cause your appetite, you can enrich your diet with resistant starches from potato flour. Potato flour is dried and ground potatoes. 80% of this flour consists of starch, and 97.6% of this starch is resistant. It is an ideal choice for thickening sauces, soups and gravies, and for gluten-free pastries. If you can’t get your child to eat brown rice or barley, be sure to try potato flour in your recipes!

Potato Flour at iHerb- Bob's Red Mill, Finely ground potato flour.


Inulin is another type of complex carbohydrate, fructans. Like resistant starches, inulin also has prebiotic properties. By adding inulin-containing foods like leeks to soups or stews, ripened bananas to green smoothies, and onions and garlic to all kinds of stews, you increase your inulin content in your diet. And instead of harmful coffee, you can drink a drink from chicory root, which is also rich in inulin.

Eat more plant foods

Dietary plant fibers, a fiber that is not digested in the intestinal tract, are all the main raw materials for bacterial fermentation, the production of microbial nutrients and healthy SCFAs. The variety and quantity of plant foods affects the number and variety of beneficial bacteria in your body, so eat plenty of plant foods every day.

Lack of sufficient amounts of indigestible dietary fiber (the main breeding ground for intestinal bacteria) in the diet is the main reason why, after switching to a low-carbohydrate diet, patients with dysbacteriosis do not feel much improvement even when taking probiotics.

The hard parts of plants (stems, shoot bases) are especially rich in non-digestible fiber, so eat vegetables whole.

If we don't get enough fiber in our food, we starve the gut bacteria we try to cultivate. According to researcher Jeff Leach, founder of the Human Food Project, when we don't get enough fiber to feed our gut bacteria, they start to gnaw at us - eating away at our gut lining. Conversely, well-fed gut bacteria produce beneficial nutrients such as SCFAs, which have a positive effect on intestinal cells.

How long should probiotics be taken?

It all depends on the disease, on the degree of damage to your microbiome, on your diet, on the effectiveness of the probiotics taken, on the general state of your health.

Most patients with dysbacteriosis experience improvement in about in ninety days, although it happens that the period is reduced to several weeks or extended to several months.

As a general rule, the longer you have been taking antibiotics, the longer you have to take probiotics before you see a positive effect. Some patients with the effects of years of antibiotic courses may need to whole year to feel noticeable improvements. Since the bacteria in probiotics do not necessarily settle in the intestines and form their colonies there, but can transit and be excreted from the body, it may be necessary to take probiotics indefinitely until improvements appear.

Side effects when taking probiotics

It is no news to anyone that antibiotics destroy the natural microflora of the intestine. You should try your best to avoid taking antibiotics. Nowadays it is difficult - doctors prescribe antibiotics right and left. Therefore, you may find it useful.

If in your case the doctor has assured you that a course of antibiotics is fully justified (for example, when an infection threatens your life), then there is nothing left but to follow the advice of a specialist. In doing so, your microbiome will be severely damaged.

A five-day course of some broad-spectrum antibiotics can reduce the population of intestinal bacteria by a third, and without any hope of further recovery.

However, you can soften the blow if you take measures to support the intestines and microflora during and after antibiotic therapy. The tips below will help you minimize losses and ensure a quick recovery of microflora.

  1. Take probiotics during and after antibiotic therapy. Probiotics reduce side effects (antibiotic-associated diarrhea and the development of Clostridium (C. diff)), as well as restore the intestinal microflora. Probiotics are started in parallel with antibiotics, but at different times of the day (if you take an antibiotic twice a day - at 8 am and 8 pm, take the probiotic at 2 pm). After finishing the course of antibiotics, take probiotics for at least another month. Probiotics containing a variety of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are most beneficial, as are those containing the beneficial yeast Saccharomyces boulardii (500 mg daily) - they are especially important in preventing the spread of C. diff, and they are not as sensitive to antibiotics.
  2. Eat prebiotic foods to support the microbiome. Food rich in fiber and resistant starches is especially important during a course of antibiotics. It not only provides intestinal bacteria with nutrients, but also positively affects the diversity of bacterial species.
  3. Avoid foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates, is the most important measure to restore the microbiome. Sweets, sugary drinks, and foods rich in starch promote the explosive growth of fungal cells, exacerbating the imbalance of microflora. If you are prone to yeast infections, follow a strict anti-fungal diet, avoid sweets while taking antibiotics and for another month after treatment is over.
  4. Eat more antifungal foods(onion, garlic, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil). Antibiotics are the main cause of yeast overgrowth, which can lead to vaginal infections and other unpleasant consequences.
  5. Drink ginger tea. Ginger has a calming effect on the digestive system and reduces gas and bloating. For best results, peel a three-centimeter fresh ginger root, finely chop and pour two cups of boiling water over it. Insist 20-30 minutes. Strain before use.
  6. Use bentonite. Bentonite helps to fix stools in antibiotic-associated diarrhea, in addition, it has antibacterial (against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus) and antifungal (Candida albicans) properties. Take one tablespoon of bentonite once or twice a day until diarrhea symptoms subside. Be sure to space your intake of bentonite clay, antibiotics, and probiotics as they can cancel each other out. In case of constipation, stop taking bentonite.
  7. Take care of your liver. Like most drugs, antibiotics are broken down in the liver, so it is important to keep the liver healthy during therapy. This will help us green vegetables - collards, spinach, broccoli, beets and artichokes, which contribute to the production of bile. It is critically important not to drink alcohol, as it puts additional stress on the liver.

I will share with you my bitter experience, maybe my story will save someone a precious part of the microbiome. From a young age, I often got sick - I was registered with a pediatrician with pyelonephritis, then with cystitis, then the inflammation passed to the female organs. At different times, I was prescribed a lot of antibiotics, among which ciprofloxacin is the most dangerous enemy for the microbiome. I had many inflammatory diseases that were chronic.

Despite constant treatment, I could not fully recover from anything. The end point was an ectopic pregnancy, after which the last course of antibiotics wrecked intestinal health to zero. Then I swore off taking more antibiotics and turned my attention to holistic medicine. As I found out, instead of killing courses of dangerous ciprofloxacin for cystitis, I could take and cure the infection without damage to my microflora.

I have found that there is an alternative approach to most diseases that doctors are accustomed to "heal" with antibiotics. My advice to all women is to weigh the pros and cons well before starting a course of antibiotics.


  • Taking probiotics “just like that” and “for prevention” is useless.
  • In order for probiotics to bring maximum benefit, they must be well fed with resistant starches, inulin, and plant fiber. Without food, they will not be able to gain a foothold in the intestines and form a colony.
  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that improve the intestinal flora. The term "probiotic" should only be used after controlled human clinical trials have been conducted and the drug has had a positive effect on human health.
    In the scientific community, to designate a strain, its type, species, alphabetic / alphanumeric code are called. For example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Trade names of drugs may be different.

    General information about the intestinal microflora

    More than 500 strains of microbial bodies live in the intestinal tract. The number of microorganisms is significantly greater than the total number of cells in our body, and in the large intestine exceeds 40 billion. Some microbes are tightly linked to the inner surface of the intestine and form a biological film lining its mucous membrane. The remaining microbial bodies are populated in the lumen.
    The bacterial flora of the digestive tract is a vital component for the functioning of the human body. It implements the following local and system tasks:

    • nourishes the body, providing it with energy;
    • controls peristalsis - the promotion of intestinal contents to the outlet;
    • maintains the ionic constancy of the internal environment;
    • neutralizes and removes toxic compounds;
    • destroys substances that cause hereditary changes - mutations;
    • activates the action of medicines;
    • forms molecules for signaling to other cells - signaling molecules;
    • stimulates the immune system locally and systemically;
    • provides protection of cells from harmful effects;
    • inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbial bodies, intercepts and removes viruses;
    • participates in the metabolic processes of proteins, in the regulation of bile acids, substances with high biological activity;
    • takes part in the production of B vitamins, pantothenic acid.

    The qualitative composition of the bacterial flora is different for each person and depends on the strains that initially formed the flora of the child after birth, nutritional culture, and is partially associated with hereditary predisposition. The main types of microbial bodies in the human colon (90%) are Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. The remaining 10% is shared by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Fusobacteria, Verrucomicrobia.

    Treatment with antibiotics, hormones, anticancer drugs, almost all chronic intestinal diseases undermine its healthy flora, changing the qualitative and / or quantitative composition. Developing dysbacteriosis disrupts metabolic and immune processes in the body and in some cases leads to severe pathological conditions. In foreign literature, dysbacteriosis is referred to as "bacterial overgrowth syndrome". This definition is now spreading in domestic gastroenterology.

    Dysbacteriosis develops with allergic diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus, radiation therapy, operations, stress, long trips associated with changing time zones, and reduced immunity. And its presence is the cause that worsens the course of the underlying disease.

    Correction and prevention of intestinal microbiocenosis disorders

    Factors that have a negative impact on the intestinal flora are widespread. Therefore, the issue of restoring intestinal microbiocenosis and preventing disorders is acute. For this, a set of therapeutic and preventive measures is recommended:

    • cure of the disease that led to the development of violations of the biotope (ecosystem) of the intestine;
    • dieting;
    • cleansing the digestive tract from pathogenic flora;
    • restoration of microbiocenosis.

    Probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed to rehabilitate the healthy composition of the intestinal ecosystem.
    Probiotics (eubiotics) are living microbial bodies used for medicinal purposes to correct the microbiota. This is a monoculture, which includes one strain in its composition: Lactobacterin - acidophilic lactobacilli, Bifidumbacterin - bifidumbacterium bifidum.

    Symbiotic is a multicomponent probiotic agent, which includes several strains of living microorganisms: Bifikol, Polibakterin, Lineks.
    Prebiotics are a nutrient substrate that activates the growth of bacteria. It stimulates metabolic processes, supports the vital activity of the ecosystem. These are non-microbial drugs that are not broken down by enzymes in the stomach and intestinal tract.

    Prebiotics are found in the following foods: baked goods, Jerusalem artichoke, peas, soybeans, beans, seaweed, banana, garlic, onions, dairy products, whey, bran, corn flakes, chicory and others. Inulin, galactooligosaccharides (carbohydrates), fructooligosaccharides, lactulose, Hilak forte, lactitol have the properties of prebiotics.
    Hilak forte is a sterile concentrate of metabolic products of healthy intestinal microflora. Contains lactose, lactic acid, amino acids, milk buffer salts, volatile fatty acids. The drug helps to restore the intestinal microflora, creating an unfavorable environment for the development of pathogenic microbes, improves the recovery of damaged epithelial cells, and restores the water and electrolyte balance in the intestinal lumen.

    Synbiotics are a combination of probiotics and prebiotics that serve as a source of nutrition for microorganisms: Bifidobak, Biovestin-lacto.
    There are four generations of probiotics (see Table 1).
    Table 1

    Generation number Characteristics of the drug Trade name of the probiotic
    I Monocomponent preparations contain one strain. Colibacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin
    II They contain non-specific bacteria for the intestinal tract, they are excreted from the body after a while. Sporobacterin, Baktisubtil, Biosporin
    III Symbiotics contain several bacteria of the same species or different species with a mutually reinforcing effect. Acipol, Atsilakt, Bifiform, Linex
    IV Sorbated bifidobacteria, which effectively colonize the intestinal mucosa, showing a more pronounced protective effect. Probifor, Bifidumbacterin forte

    The colon ecosystem (biotope) is diverse and complex. There is an opinion, which is followed by many doctors, that it is impossible to use probiotics for a long time. However, this does not detract from the value of drugs, since they have other pronounced beneficial effects.

    The place of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the intestine

    Microflora bacteria protect against infection by intercepting viruses directly in the intestinal tract, as well as activating the immune system. Rivalry between microorganisms is manifested in competition for substrates for growth and for attachment sites, stimulation of intestinal motility, and the production of antibiotic-like substances.
    Probiotics reduce the incidence of infectious complications in the following patients:

    • who are on a long or repeated course of antibiotic treatment;
    • treated in intensive care units and intensive care units;
    • undergoing rehabilitation courses after undergoing major surgical interventions.

    When prescribing probiotics Lactobacillus casei and L. rhamnosus in the intensive care unit, the incidence of pneumonia associated with artificial lung ventilation was halved, and the risk of colonization of the upper respiratory tract with Pseudomonas aeruginosa was reduced by a factor of three.
    Probiotics L. reuteri, L. casei, LGG, B. lactis are prescribed for infectious loose stools to reduce the frequency and duration of the course. Especially effective drugs for rotavirus diarrhea.

    Diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile, the causative agent of pseudomembranous colitis, or antibiotic therapy, develops less frequently with the administration of Saccharomyces boulardii and L. plantarum 299v probiotics. Taking the prebiotic Hilak forte helped to normalize the intestinal microflora in patients treated with antibiotics.
    The incidence of diarrhea is reduced by 50% when Clostridium butyricum or B. lactis is given in combination with Streptococcus thermophilus in children receiving antibiotics.

    The destruction of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum, is more effective with the simultaneous intake of probiotics L. gasseri and L. acidophilus. The appointment of L. Johnsoni as a monthly course reduces the contamination with Helicobacter pylori infection in schoolchildren.
    The frequency of purulent complications after surgery is reduced from 31 to 4% when taking L. plantarum 299v, and a probiotic is also prescribed after liver transplantation.

    Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

    Irritable bowel syndrome occurs with the following pathological disorders: coordination disorder in the “brain-gut” pair, an increased threshold for perceiving pain in the digestive tube, and colon motility disorders.

    The main role in the development of the disease is played by a violation of the coordinated work between the intestinal flora, the mucous surface and local immunity. The structure of the ecosystem in people with irritable bowel syndrome changes greatly. The number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is significantly reduced, the volume of accompanying flora increases. This gives grounds for the introduction of probiotic agents in the plan of complex therapy of the disease.

    In 2005, a large-scale study with a fairly high level of evidence (category II) was conducted in France to evaluate the effect of the probiotic product Activia enriched with Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010 (trade name ActiRegularis) on patients suffering from constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. The disease in the study participants proceeded in mild to moderate form. The number of patients feeling better after 21 days was much higher in the Activia group, 65% versus 48% in the placebo (dummy) group.
    In case of irritable bowel syndrome, the following probiotics are effective in complex therapy:

    • L. sporogenes, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum;
    • S. thermophilus;
    • B. infantis, B. breve, B. animalis, B. longum.

    These probiotics are recommended by the Russian Gastroenterological Association, as their therapeutic effect is confirmed by evidence-based studies. Drugs must be used at the dose recommended by the manufacturer. The therapeutic effect will appear at least a month later.

    Prescription of probiotics in inflammatory diseases of the colon

    Pathological changes in the immune system are the basis of diseases of the colon associated with inflammation. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Inflammation of the colon undeniably disrupts its ecosystem, causing dysbacteriosis. Observations have been recorded that in active forms of such pathologies, the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, Faecalibacterium subspecies, which have a protective anti-inflammatory effect, decreases. With remission (weakening of the symptoms of the disease), the intestinal microflora is restored.

    Ulcerative colitis

    Probiotics have been successfully used in therapy. Drugs reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in the colon, prevent the development of the disease.

    According to the World Gastroenterological Organization, there is objective evidence of the effective use of the VSL#3 probiotic for preventive measures of the primary attack of pouchitis - inflammation of the junction of the intestine after surgery for ulcerative colitis. The drug helps to prevent the recurrence of the disease in the treatment of antibiotics.
    The probiotic E. coli Nessle has an activity equivalent to mesasalazine, so it can be used to maintain remission of ulcerative colitis.

    Crohn's disease

    Clinical trials with a high level of evidence have not been conducted. Probiotic agents have a positive effect on the condition of the intestine in this pathology, but there is no evidence of their effective effect on maintaining remission.

    Probiotics against the background of antibiotic therapy

    Antibacterial drugs have shown high efficacy in the treatment of various diseases, but their use is associated with a number of adverse disorders and complications:

    • loosening of the stool associated with medication;
    • negative impact on the biological flora of the intestine;
    • the possible development of diseases caused by pathogens that “sleep” in the body and are activated when the immune system is weakened;
    • formation of resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibacterial drugs.

    A high-quality evidence study confirmed that the use of probiotics during antibiotic therapy reduces the incidence of adverse effects from 38.5 to 24.5%. It has also been found that taking probiotics is a preventive measure for the development of excessive colonization of the intestinal tract with candida.
    Correction of disorders is carried out with probiotics Lactobacilli spp., Bifidobacteria spp., Enterococcus faecium. Their use helps to increase local and general immunity, reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

    Taking probiotics as an option to prevent colorectal cancer

    A large clinical study showed that the administration of lactulose for one and a half years reduces the frequency of recurrence of adenomatous intestinal polyposis from 35.9 to 14.7%.
    Studies of animals with malignant neoplasms of the colon have shown that stimulation of the growth of bifidobacteria suppresses tumor development. Lactic acid bacteria change the qualitative and quantitative composition of the colon biotope, affect its metabolic activity, bind carcinogens. A probiotic composed of C. butyricum and Bacillus mesentericus, S. Faecalis reduces the formation of carcinogenic DNA components. The probiotic L. casei had a protective effect on carcinogenic damage to the colon in animals.
    Research into the efficacy of probiotics in the prevention of colon cancer is ongoing.

    Probiotics are a promising means of preventing the development of pathologies of the digestive tract and treating diseases. Medicines improve the quality of life not only for patients, but also for healthy people. Clinical studies are ongoing. Perhaps the list of indications for prescribing probiotics in gastroenterological practice will expand.
    Table 2 lists proven probiotics. The trade names of drugs and their price are indicated.

    Strain name Trade name of the drug Price Release form Manufacturer
    Lactobacillus casei and L. rhamnosus Bio Feemail 1300 rub. 30 tablets Israel
    Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 Rela Life drops 1074 rub. Drops, 5 ml Sweden
    LGG, B. breve Prema for children DUO 733 rub. Drops, 10 ml Switzerland
    B. lactis RioFlora Immuno 585 rub. Capsules, 40 pieces Netherlands
    Saccharomyces boulardii Enterol 496 rub. Capsules 250 mg, 30 pieces France
    L. plantarum Fluvir 600 rub. Powder sachet, 10 pieces Switzerland
    Hilak Forte 547 rub. Oral solution, sachet 2 ml, 30 pieces Germany

    Probiotics can be found in many products: from kefir and dietary supplements, to sweet bars and fruit juices. These products are presented on the market as "healthy" and are, accordingly, more expensive. The excitement around these products is growing, and manufacturers are turning out more and more products enriched with beneficial microorganisms. How to choose them, and which ones are really useful?

    We will tell you in detail about what probiotics and eubiotics are, why our body needs them and how to choose and take them correctly to get the desired effect.

    Probitics and eubiotics - what are they?

    Probiotics and eubiotics are living microorganisms that are studied in the science of microbiology. They are useful for our body, as they restore the intestinal microflora and maintain its healthy balance. They can be obtained from foods enriched with bacteria and dietary supplements (BAA).

    What is the difference between probiotics and eubiotics?

    In fact, this is a common misconception, as probiotics and eubiotics are no different. These are synonymous concepts, although it was previously believed that only those strains of bacteria that live in the large intestine belong to "eubiotics".

    History of the discovery of probiotics

    The founder of probiotics is called the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov, who in 1888 developed a diet based on milk enriched with lactic acid bacteria (BLA) - the "Bulgarian stick". The product, very similar to modern medicinal yoghurts, was called Mechnikov's curdled milk.

    The first probiotic (bifidobacterium Bacillus bifidus communis) was identified by the French pediatrician Henri Tissier in a breastfed infant. He defined how it worked and suggested that it be used to treat diarrhea in children.

    The term "probiotic" appeared in 1965 in a scientific publication of the journal SCIENCE: they designated microbial factors that are opposite in action to antibiotics - they stimulate the growth of microorganisms, rather than destroy them. Later, these studies were confirmed, and it was proved that probiotics have a positive effect on patients and speed up the healing process.

    The role of probiotics in the human body

    “How useful are probiotics, do they help and are they needed at all?”– This is a common question asked by people who are not familiar with the beneficial properties and benefits of probiotics. Let's look into this in more detail.

    Properties and benefits of probiotics for the human body:

    • they block the spread of pathogenic flora: viruses, harmful bacteria, fungi and yeast;
    • normalize intestinal microflora;
    • help in the treatment of dysbacteriosis and prevent its recurrence;
    • reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, splitting bile acids;
    • break down food components, contributing to the full absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body
    • improve digestive processes and eliminate the consequences of malfunctions in the intestines (flatulence, colic, bloating, etc.);
    • accelerate the passage of the food bolus through the large intestine;
    • activate the immune system;
    • contribute to the rapid elimination of symptoms of intoxication of the body;
    • reduce the severity of side effects while taking antibiotics;
    • restore the normal balance of microflora after antibiotic therapy;
    • help to get rid of the harmful bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes many diseases of the stomach;
    • reduce the negative effects caused by intestinal infection.

    To increase the effectiveness of the impact of probiotics on the body, you need to take them together with prebiotics, which are food for bacteria and contribute to their growth and spread.

    How Probiotics Work

    The mechanism of action of probiotics on the human body is not limited to one colonization of the intestines with beneficial microorganisms - this is only one of the stages. They affect the body at once at 3 levels:

    1. in the cavity
    2. at the level of the epithelium
    3. at the level of the intestinal immune system

    The principle of action of beneficial microorganisms is based on their ability to synthesize bactericidal substances, reduce intracavitary pH and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the intestinal mucosa.

    Some of the varieties of bacteria have an antitoxic effect, which makes them even more important for our body.

    Antagonistic activity

    One of the features of probiotics is their high antagonistic activity against pathogenic microorganisms.

    What does the definition of "antagonistic activity of probiotics" mean? - It is their ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. It is characterized by their high reproduction rate, wide range of enzymes and production of antibiotic substances.

    Example: lactic acid bacteria are used in bread baking, as they inhibit the activity of the spore bacillus, the causative agent of potato bread disease.

    Classification of bacteria

    Basically, probiotic bacteria are divided into 2 large groups:

    1. lactobacilli;
    2. bifidobacteria.

    But the human body is inhabited by many other types of beneficial bacteria:


    Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium

    Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium

    Streptococcus, lactobacilli

    Streptococcus, Neisseria

    Helicobacter pylori

    Small intestine

    bifidobacteria, enterococci


    Bacteroids, enterococci, clostridia

    urinary tract

    Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium


    lactic acid bacteria

    Each genus of bacteria contains a significant number of species, and species, in turn, have different strains. It is advisable to understand this classification in order to better understand which types of bacteria will be useful for specific organs of your body.

    Many of these species are part of pharmacological (medicinal) preparations and determine their therapeutic activity and scope. For example, drugs intended for patients with lactose intolerance are based on the Bulgaricus strain of the species Lactobacillus delbrueckii.

    Before buying complexes, study what probiotics are, compare their characteristics and effectiveness.

    Where are probiotics found and can they be obtained from natural foods?

    Probiotics include all foods in which fermentation processes occur:

    • fermented milk products that have undergone a natural fermentation process;
    • sauerkraut (not pickled);
    • barrel cucumbers (not pickled);
    • brine obtained from salted cucumbers;
    • soy-based fermented miso soup;
    • soft mature cheeses without fatty additives in the composition (as a rule, they are white).

    Probiotics also include plant-based foods such as onions, garlic, legumes, bananas, cereals, and corn flakes.

    But relying only on natural sources of beneficial microorganisms, even weighing all the pros and cons, is ineffective, since they will have to be eaten very, very much. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement good nutrition with special medications. The best choice is eco-preparations that have a natural composition for our body.

    What probiotics are there? Classification and generation of drugs

    Probiotic preparations are divided into types depending on which bacteria and in what combination they contain. Some types contain only lactobacilli, and some - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli together.

    The table shows the types of drugs with the names of known products:

    Modern probiotics are also divided into generations:


    Features of drugs


    1st generation

    Monopreparations - consist of one strain of bacteria.

    Colibacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin

    2nd generation

    Drugs that are products of microbial metabolism (for example, lactic acid).


    3rd generation

    Self-eliminating antagonists are bacteria that are not specific inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. They are prescribed for intestinal infections.

    Enterol, Sporobacterin

    4th generation

    Multicomponent products containing more than one type of bacteria.

    Bifikol, Lineks, Atsilakt and others

    5th generation

    This is a new generation of probiotics that meet all modern requirements. They include an extensive list of components: probiotic microorganisms, glucose, lactulose, vitamins, plant extracts and extracts, etc.

    Probiotics of the third and fourth generations are inferior in effectiveness to probiotics of the last fifth generation. They have a diverse composition, and they have the most complex effect on the body, not limited to one normalization of the intestinal microflora.

    List of known probiotic preparations

    On the pharmaceutical market with beneficial bacteria, there are many modern products with probiotics: with different composition and price.

    List of names and properties of complexes with eubiotics relevant for 2017:

    • Bifidumbacterin dry is a monopreparation that is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. With its help, the microflora in infants is corrected. It is available in capsules, tablets and powder for solution.
    • Lactobacterin is a monopreparation containing acidophilic lactobacilli. This is a cheap Russian product, in demand in Russia.
    • Colibacterin is a Russian-made product containing live bacteria and a gelatin-sucrose protective mixture.
    • Biosporin - contains aerobic saprophytes, is available in the form of tablets and lyophysilate.
    • Eubicor is a dietary supplement, which includes yeast culture, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and dietary fiber.
    • Linex is a composite drug that is available in the form of powder and capsules. Country of origin - Slovakia.
    • Bifiform - a complex with bifidobacteria, enterococci and vitamins. Available in the form of chewable tablets.
    • Bifidumbacterin Forte - is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, dysbacteriosis, gastritis. Contains bifidobacteria adsorbed on activated carbon.
    • The complex of multi-strain preparations Vision Bio In is an effective remedy for healing the whole organism. Contains beneficial microorganisms in various combinations, vitamins and trace elements.

    Of all the products listed, it is impossible to single out the “best” or “most effective”, since each drug affects the body in different ways and will be relevant in the treatment of a particular disease.

    Indications for the use of probiotics

    Before you buy a probiotic preparation, decide what you need it for and whether you need to drink it at all. This will allow you to choose the right type of complexes.

    First, let's define why they drink probiotics:

    1. for prevention;
    2. for the treatment of specific diseases.

    In the treatment of specific diseases, the use of probiotics has a more practical narrow purpose, and they should be selected only on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Medical indications for taking drugs with probiotics are the following symptoms and diseases:

    • colon cancer;
    • diarrhea (acute infectious, caused by antibiotics or radiation therapy);
    • elimination of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
    • influenza, acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases;
    • inflammatory bowel disease;
    • liver disease;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • constipation, including during pregnancy;
    • systemic infections;
    • fungal infections of the intestines and genitals.

    How to take and store probiotics

    Probiotics should be taken 3-4 times a day before meals (20-60 minutes) in courses for at least 2-3 weeks. Duration of administration may vary depending on the type of disease. For example, the scheme of taking in the treatment of intestinal infection is changing: 4-6 times per knock until the stool normalizes. And in some cases, it can be one tablet or capsule 1 time per day.

    If the drug is in powder, it must be poured out of the bag and diluted in warm water. The capsule and tablets should simply be swallowed with liquid. If you have high stomach acidity, you should drink alkaline mineral water before taking a probiotic.

    For children, gummies or lozenges are the best option. This greatly facilitates the task for parents, since children eat such “pills” themselves and with pleasure.

    Can probiotics be taken continuously?

    There is no need for this. They can be taken frequently, in courses, but not for many years, so you simply wean the immune system to fight infections on its own. But at the same time, even long-term use of probiotics will not bring any harm.

    Storage conditions for specific drugs are indicated in the instructions for use. Remember that probiotics are not just pills, but living organisms that, even when dried, must be stored under proper conditions. Some are stored in the refrigerator, while others are stored normally at room temperature.

    How to choose the right quality probiotics

    Manufacturers strive to populate almost every product with beneficial microorganisms: muesli, chocolate, juices, dairy products, bars, etc. Not all of them are effective and bring positive results, which is why many people are unclear: are probiotics a myth or reality? Some people think they are completely useless. In order not to fall under the influence of this opinion, choose probiotics correctly.

    For this you need:

    1. study labels and instructions that indicate the expiration date, duration and rules of administration (when, how much and how to drink: before or after meals), composition and other information - the more of them, the better;
    2. make sure that the product contains the strains of bacteria that are needed to solve your problem. If such information is not provided, contact the manufacturer by phone or mail;
    3. favor trusted firms with testimonials/examples of results from customers, product reviews, clinical studies and quality certifications.

    Vision - the best proven probiotics

    Vision has developed a unique innovation in the world of probiotics - the revolutionary Bio-In program. It includes a number of nutritional supplements (multiprobiotics), the action of which is aimed at the complete restoration of the balance of microflora and the long-term preservation of the achieved result.

    Bio In preparations contain several strains of beneficial microorganisms in the composition (2 in 1 or 3 in 1), fructooligosaccharides, vitamins and extracts of medicinal plants. Due to the combination of varieties of bacteria, the drugs affect the body in a complex way, healing it at all levels.

    Benefits of Vision probiotics: why they are considered the most effective and high-quality

    1. They are multi-component - they contain several carefully selected strains of beneficial bacteria at once, which show 100% survival;
    2. thanks to the revolutionary technology of the fifth generation - CRYO, probiotics do not die even under the most severe conditions and retain their activity both when the package is opened and when it enters the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach;
    3. unlike standard probiotics, each Bio-In program adapts to the individual characteristics of each organism;
    4. they do not guarantee an instant effect, as they are designed for long-term use (up to 120 days) and supply 1.5 trillion colony-forming units (CFU) to the human body;
    5. completely safe for our body, have no contraindications, side effects and do not interfere with the action of drugs;
    6. they were developed using the most up-to-date scientific innovations;
    7. are included in the TOP international ratings of probiotic products;
    8. passed control and medical testing, comply with international quality standards GMP and ISO22000;
    9. certified by the Ministry of Health of all countries where they go on sale;
    10. have positive reviews from doctors from all over the world.

    How are Vision probiotics made?

    Probiotic formulas are developed by Biofarma SPA (Italy) for the Vision DEM4 laboratory. To obtain Bio-In probiotics, 4 genera and 14 species of bacteria are used, as well as vitamins and plant extracts that enhance the effect of the drug. All probiotics and enzymes are absolutely safe, natural and natural for our body.

    In the production process of the complexes, cryoprotection technology is used, which increases the viability of bacteria throughout the entire shelf life.

    Bio-In Programs

    Bio-in comes in three forms: a powerful full program for 70 days and 2 short programs for 28 and 14 days. Each of them has its own effect and is selected individually.

    • The 70-day program is aimed at restoring the microbiome, improving metabolism and overall health of the whole organism at the cellular level.
    • The 28-day program is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora and eliminating intestinal disorders caused by antibiotic therapy, stress, or viral infection.
    • To get a 100% effect from taking the complexes, you must first prepare the body for colonization by bacteria. To do this, you need to take prebiotics and cobiotics - herbal preparations, the components of which are fermented by the intestinal microflora and stimulate its development and vital activity.

      You can choose a treatment program on your own or contact our consultant who will tell you which drugs are best to drink in your particular case and select an individual and effective treatment program.

      Purchase of the Bio-In program in Moscow

      Our online store is the official distributor of Vision. Here you can buy any product of the Bio-In series with delivery in Moscow and all cities of Russia.

      We provide our clients with professional advice and develop an individual health program. Call the indicated numbers for the order and consultation.

    Probiotics for the intestines are a large group of medicines that are subdivided into probiotics proper, prebiotics and symbiotics. All of them have similar effects, but differ in the mechanism of action. The drugs in question are used to correct the balance of the microflora of the large and small intestines.

    Indications for use

    The use of probiotics is indicated in all situations where the patient has a disturbed ratio of beneficial and harmful intestinal bacteria. This happens in the following cases:

    • Antibiotic therapy and associated diarrhea. Antimicrobial agents are not selective. Along with pathogenic microbes, they also destroy the cultures necessary for the body.
    • Intestinal infections and poisoning. Inflammation develops when the number of pathogenic bacteria exceeds the amount of beneficial ones.
    • Operations. Interventions in the digestive tract always cause disorders. This is due to both the manipulation itself and the subsequent course of antibiotics.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological processes in the intestine lead to an imbalance in the internal flora. These include gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatobiliary failures.
    • Wrong nutrition. The consumption of substances containing antimicrobial components, as well as the rejection of dairy products, can lead to the appearance of dyspeptic disorders due to a critical decrease in the strain of bacteria involved in the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is worth noting that the weakening of the immune defense, although it is an indication for prescribing probiotics to the patient, does not lead to dysbacteriosis. In this situation, a change in the composition of the microflora is the primary pathology that disrupts the functioning of the intestinal structures responsible for the formation of the immune response. Simply put, the death of the desired microbes leads to the development of a deficiency in infectious protection, and not vice versa.

    How to take

    Preparations for intestinal microflora do not cause overdose. However, in order to achieve the best effect, they should be used in accordance with the general rules of therapy with such agents. Ignoring the following requirements reduces the effectiveness of probiotics and makes their use useless.

    Medicines intended to restore the bacterial balance are used in courses of 15 days to a month for chronic processes, 4–5 days for acute ones. In the first case, the drug is taken 3 times over a period of 24 hours, in the second 5-6 times. The tablet should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

    If the patient suffers from gastritis with high acidity, shortly before using bacterial agents, it is recommended to drink a glass of alkaline water (Borjomi, Essentuki 17) or take Ranitidine (Famotidine).

    Against the background of taking antibiotics, the effectiveness of probiotic components decreases. Antibacterial substances non-selectively affect the entire microflora, including bacteria that are part of powders or microcapsules. To minimize this effect, it is necessary to take a break of at least 2 hours between taking medications.

    List of probiotics

    The term given in the title refers to substances that contain live bacteria: lacto-, bifidus-, yeast fungi, non-pathogenic varieties of Escherichia coli. Representatives of this flora are involved in the digestion of products, so their deficiency leads to incomplete absorption of food. The list of probiotics includes:

    A good multicomponent medicine, consisting of lactobacilli, enterococci, bifidobacteria.

    Among the pharmacological effects include the ability to suppress unnecessary microbes and seed the mucous membrane with useful cultures, stimulate the immune system, and synthesize vitamins B, C, K.

    Admission is carried out in accordance with the general rules. Contraindicated with alcohol and hot drinks. It is produced in the form of capsules, which provides its protection from the aggressive effects of gastric juice. The cost of a package of 32 pieces is approximately equal to 500 rubles. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


    The action is similar to the above tool.

    Pharmacological effects do not differ. Consists of kefir fungus and lacto-flora. Distributed through the pharmacy network in encapsulated form. Packaging costs 300-350 rubles (the price is relevant for the central regions of the Russian Federation). There are no contraindications, no prescription is required.

    The name reflects the essence of the drug.

    This is a monopreparation based on bifidobacteria (bifidobacterium), which are sorbed on a specially prepared carrier - activated carbon. The cost of the medicine is 101 rubles for 10 sachets. The composition regulates the intestinal microflora, improves the regenerative abilities of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the formation of vitamins. In addition to the above, the lyophilizate, due to the qualities of the carrier, has an antitoxic effect. The remedy is taken by mixing with cool water or pouring into food.


    A cheap drug containing E. coli.


    Packing can be bought for 200-250 rubles. It is produced in the form of a lyophilisate, from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration. It has antibacterial, antidiarrheal, regulatory action. Freely distributed through online and offline pharmacies.

    These drugs are more often prescribed for people with intestinal disorders. However, this is not all representatives of the probiotic group. A complete list of drugs with prices includes dozens of items and is present in pharmacy price lists.

    List of prebiotics

    Substances that are not digested in the intestinal lumen and serve as a nutrient substrate for microorganisms. These include: polysaccharides, polyhydric alcohols, trisaccharides, some amino acids, unsaturated fatty components. While the scientific world is arguing whether prebiotics bring any benefit to the intestines, these agents are actively used in clinical practice.


    Substance based on lactulose and lignin.

    When it enters the digestive tract, it is not absorbed, it is excreted within a day with feces. During its stay in the gastrointestinal tract, lactulose undergoes hydrolysis, as a result of which lactic acid is synthesized, which suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Against this background, the growth of beneficial intestinal flora is enhanced. The drug is available in tablets. Its cost is 300-390 rubles in the capital's pharmacies.

    The active ingredient is fiber and dead yeast cells, the number of which in 1 gram of the drug reaches 3 billion.

    Produced in the form of grains, packaged in bags. Each weighs 60 grams. The price of a package varies from 100 to 150 rubles, so the substance is classified as cheap. The tool has many beneficial effects: it stimulates the growth of its own lactobacilli, adsorbs and removes toxins, enhances peristalsis, normalizes digestion.

    Produced in the form of a syrup based on lactulose.

    Depending on the volume of the tube, the amount that will need to be spent on its purchase varies significantly. A container of 200 ml costs 300 rubles. For a bottle containing 1000 ml, they ask for 850–900 rubles. The pharmacological properties of Duphalac syrup do not differ from those given in the first paragraph of this list (for the prebiotic Laktofiltrum). The peculiarity of pharmacokinetics is that when using single doses of less than 60-70 ml, the drug is completely metabolized in the intestine.

    Predominantly children's medicine based on vitamins and dexpanthenol, inexpensive and effective.

    Available in liquid form, it has a fruity taste and complex action. In addition to intestinal disorders, the medication is used for loss of strength, general exhaustion, malnutrition, weakened immunity, increased physical and mental stress. Prices vary from 200 to 300 rubles per pack.

    Substances that can selectively stimulate the growth of lactobacilli while suppressing harmful strains are present in many everyday foods. They are found in carrots, potatoes, milk, soybeans, corn, and garlic. In order to prevent digestive disorders, it is better to use natural medicines. Industrial tablets for the intestines are used exclusively for diseases.

    List of synbiotics

    Preparations of this category simultaneously include components that are part of the group of probiotics and prebiotics, combine their pharmacological properties, and allow a much more effective effect on the bacterial composition of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In terms of cost, such funds are more expensive than those described above, due to the cost of their production and maximum efficiency. Several representatives of the subsection of synbiotics should be considered in more detail.

    A strain of Escherichia coli in combination with a nutrient substrate (soy, propolis, vegetables). Sold in bottles of 100 and 250 ml. The price of a small capacity in network pharmacies starts from 200 rubles. The product is taken by mixing with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The indications are common to all preparations containing live bacterial cultures and substrates to stimulate their growth.


    Dietary supplement available in 0.4 gram capsules. Each of them contains bifidumbacterin, fatty acids and vitamins. The drug normalizes intestinal microbiocenosis, compensates for the lack of substances necessary for the body, has anti-lipidemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects. The cost of a container for 50 capsules is 500 rubles.

    Powder for oral administration, containing several types of lacto- and bifidobacteria. The prebiotic part is oligofructose. Helps to strengthen the immune system, restore normal microflora, saturate the body with vitamins. The price of a package ranges from 350 to 400 rubles.


    A modern remedy, which includes 7 types of bacteria necessary for the body, as well as a nutrient substrate for them. Available in capsules or packets. The former are intended for adult patients, the latter for children. Dosage forms are not interchangeable, since the children's version of the drug includes microorganisms that are specific to the intestines of the child. For packing Lactiale in pharmacies, you will need to pay about 300 rubles.


    It is a choleretic drug, but can also be used as a nutrient medium for intestinal microorganisms. It has a plant origin, acts as an antispasmodic, regulatory medicine. Contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis, severe hepatic pathology. The cost is 400 rubles.

    The use of synbiotics is preferred in almost all situations. Means of combined action allow to achieve the fastest, most complex and pronounced clinical effect.

    It is necessary to distinguish between synbiotics and symbiotics for the intestines. The former are a combination of live bacteria and nutrient compositions, the latter are a combination of several types of microflora representatives.

    Funds for children

    • Be easy to take (many people cannot swallow a tablet or capsule).
    • Do not have an unpleasant taste (the child often refuses to drink the remedy if it is bitter).
    • Be attractive and not cause negative associations (beautiful bright packaging).

    To the greatest extent, these requirements are met by liquid dosage forms that the baby can drink without difficulty. These include Lactusan, Hilak forte, Pikovit. In addition to the above, the drug is chosen in accordance with the existing diagnosis. For viral infections, preference is given to lactobacilli (Biobacton), for bacterial infections, symbiotics (Linex). With fungal infections, the doctor recommends taking bifidumbacterin.

    It must be understood that most childhood intestinal infections do not require hospitalization. Treatment is carried out at home. In this case, it is impossible to establish the type of pathogenic microorganism. Therapy is prescribed empirically, which requires the use of drugs with the widest possible spectrum of effects. Optimal for outpatient correction of the child's condition is the use of synbiotics (Bioflor).

    Treatment of dysbiosis in formula-fed newborns can be carried out by feeding mixtures containing a prebiotic or probiotic. These formulations include Nutrilak premium, Nutrilon, NAN. They fully provide for the needs of the child. Additional introduction of microflora with the help of drugs is not required.

    Everything about dysbacteriosis is told in the video by Dr. Komarovsky.

    Means for pregnant women

    The selection of drugs for pregnant women should be treated with the utmost care. Therefore, it is preferable to use funds that restore the biocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract, as part of food. The list of products containing the necessary substances is given in the following table:

    If necessary, industrial medicines can also be prescribed. The choice of the drug is carried out according to general criteria. Prebiotics are preferred, as formulations containing live bacterial cultures can cause bloating. This is also true for food products.

    natural remedies

    Probiotics contained in fermented milk products, as well as in kombucha, olives, dark chocolate, and bran can be considered natural. Similar cultures are also found in industrial products. The main difference is that chemical preparations also include a number of additional excipients. Prebiotics of natural origin include products containing inulin, a unique substance that is not synthesized artificially.

    Fans of folk herbalism can use plants such as tall elecampane, large burdock, and medicinal dandelion as a prebiotic. They also contain a lot of inulin. It is best to consume the roots of these representatives of the fauna, since it is there that contains the greatest amount of the required substance.

    Uncontrolled reception

    The drugs in question rarely lead to the development of complications, even if they are taken incorrectly or uncontrollably. For example, the frequency of occurrence of side effects for the drug "Linex" does not exceed 1:10000. The list of possible undesirable effects includes: flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, allergies that occur as a response of the body to traces of milk proteins.

    Probiotics are a class of substances of microbial origin, microorganisms themselves, products and dietary supplements with live beneficial microbes in their composition. Probiotics are lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, yeasts.

    Probiotics are divided into two types - dry, liquid. Dry - dried and placed in powder, tablet, capsule microorganisms, liquid - not dried, so it is convenient to use them - drip into the ears, apply to the entire surface of the skin, mucous membranes, apply to the hair.

    Properties and types of probiotics

    Probiotics are a good inexpensive way to support health. They have the following properties for the body:

    • do not allow harmful bacteria to grow, destroy their colonies in the intestines;
    • destroy poisons secreted by harmful bacteria;
    • protect the layer of mucus that protects the intestinal walls from infectious lesions;
    • stimulate the immune system;
    • produce vitamin B, which is necessary for proper metabolism.

    Probiotics for the intestines are divided into types: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, eubiotics. They are chosen depending on the required impact.

    Inexpensive Gut Probiotics

    The main point on the basis of which one or another probiotic is chosen is their positive effect. The most effective inexpensive probiotics for the intestines are combined (Bifiliz), based on 1 type of bacteria (Bifidumbacterin), with opposite bacteria (Bactisubtil), associated (Linex), metabolite (Hilak-forte).

    For a comprehensive recovery of the intestines, it is recommended to take probiotics and prebiotics, their price is usually not very huge. The cost of the drug depends on the country of manufacture, the degree of popularity of the product, the quality of the raw materials, and the methods of preparation. One of the available prebiotics is Duphalac, a German-made drug.

    Domestic inexpensive probiotics for the intestines - Bactistatin, Colibacterin, Lactobacterin, Enterol. These are the most well-known, high-quality remedies, Enterol is rightfully considered one of the leaders - the remedy is prescribed for a very wide list of problems, ranging from diarrhea to side effects from taking antibiotics.

    Linex is no less effective, it is prescribed to many patients, it is loved by doctors - its action is based on a change in the acidic side of the pH of the intestine. The drug is made in Slovenia.

    Probiotics for the intestines with lactobacilli Bifiform and Bifidumbacterin are one of the most popular products on the market. Bifidumbacterin is a first-generation drug, a probiotic in powder, it is either a mixture for preparing solutions, or capsules and tablets with a dry substance. Bifiform belongs to the third generation of drugs, it is combined, it combines lactulose and several strains of bacteria of the same species, the drug is produced in Denmark.

    Among foreign drugs there are no less affordable means. For example, probiotics for the intestines from Germany - the well-known Hilak-forte. It contains a sterile concentrate from a set of metabolic products of healthy intestinal microflora.


    List of probiotics for the intestines by price

    It's easy to get confused by all the drugs, pills, powders, capsules that are flooding the probiotic market right now. Sometimes it is necessary to navigate by price, action, availability of the drug. We offer you a list of probiotics for the stomach, intestines from Russia, Germany, from other manufacturers with prices - all products for adults. can be viewed here.

    Preparations of the 1st generation, monocomponent (contain 1 strain of bacteria)

    Lactobacterin dry - 90-120 rubles, Bifidumbacterin dry - 70-90 rubles, Narine capsules - 150 rubles.

    2nd generation drugs, antagonists (contain yeast-like fungi, bacteria)

    Enterol - 30 pcs / 420 rubles, Biosporin - 200 rubles, Baktisubtil - 20 pcs / 420-500 rubles, Sporobactin - 250-300 rubles, Eubicor - 60 sachets / 300 rubles.

    Preparations of the 3rd generation, multicomponent (contain several strains of bacteria, additives)

    Linex - 16 pcs / 250 rubles, Bifiliz - 400-560 rubles, Acipol - 250-280 rubles, Atsilakt - 10 bottles of 5 doses in one / 330 rubles.

    Preparations of the 4th generation (contain bacteria immobilized on the sorbent)

    Bifidumbacterin forte - 30 capsules / 330 rubles, Probifor - 30 pcs. / 1400 rubles, Florin forte - 30 pcs. / 450-550 rubles.

    Among all the listed funds, you can choose a probiotic in tablets, powders, based on the price, purpose, composition, but it is better to consult with your doctor. Separately, it should be said about the combined preparation for the stomach and intestines, Maxilak.

    This is a dietary supplement containing three cultures of bifidobacteria, four cultures of lactobacilli, one lactococcus, one streptococcus. All of them treat not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also have a beneficial effect on the respiratory, immune systems of organs.

    Producer - Poland. The price of the drug is 300-360 rubles for 10 capsules.

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