Cool games for the new year in the office. New competition "Who is cooler". Non-monetary incentive method is really important

What should corporate events look like? Of course, cheerful, bright, memorable and obviously not boring for all those present. After all, this is not just a general gathering of employees, where everyone talks about work. Not all people are so sociable that they can arrange a festive mood from scratch, communicate with anyone and on any topic. Therefore, the organizers must know how to entertain guests at a corporate party, and be able to do it. Otherwise, the evening will turn out to be useless, and hardly anyone will speak positively about it the next day.

How to entertain guests at a corporate party?

Games and competitions are the most impressive events of the evening that delight guests, bring them closer and give the celebration a special warmth and fun, so they must be included in the script for a corporate party. Boss and subordinate become friends, employees of "warring" departments can compete in various categories of skills, and humble employees get the opportunity to finally open up to the society around them.

To organize competitions or games, you definitely need an incendiary host, because it is he who must liberate all those gathered. It is also important to choose the right entertainment and musical accompaniment.

Contests and games without leaving the feast

Drinking, eating and chatting - it seems that this is already a good set of activities for the holiday. And games during the feast will help keep the good mood going throughout the party.


You can play with any number of participants - at least 100 people. Each volunteer should be told about some pleasant, funny event associated with the company. It is desirable that the "storage period" of the memory does not exceed one season or year. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is out of the game. The employee with the best memory who lasts the longest wins a prize.

What if…

The participants are at the table. Each of them is given the opportunity to cope with difficult situations. The winner is determined by the volume of applause.

For example, if only leaders decide to participate in the game, the situations can be as follows:

  • What if you left all the wages of your subordinates in the casino?
  • What if all subordinates conspired and decided to quit?

If this is not superiors, but subordinates, then:

  • What if the elevator in which you moved with the CEO of the company got stuck?
  • What if your pet had breakfast with important documents that the director is impatiently waiting for?

funny auction

This auction can be attributed to the most gambling contests for a feast. It is usually held between dances and dances. The presenter calls everyone to attention, selects the participants and shows them the lots packed in such a way that it is impossible to guess the contents. To entertain the observers, the toastmaster jokingly describes the purpose of the lot being played.

In the auction, participants offer real money, while the initial cost of the lots is very low. The game is played according to the rules of a regular auction.

Funny and valuable lots are best alternated in order to increase public interest.

Successfully purchased items are usually unwrapped in front of everyone right before delivery.

Description examples:

  • Any feast without her, dear, is not joyful. (Salt);
  • Something sticky, on a stick ... (Lollipop in a huge box);
  • It is small but stretches well when needed. (Balloon in an oblong package);
  • Long, green and cool ... (A bottle of champagne);
  • An attribute without which a person will not be civilized. (Toile paper);
  • The simulator for the most prominent part of the body. (Lemon).

Entertainment off the table

Some like to take an active part in games, others like to watch the actions of the former. To satisfy all those present, there are entertaining stories organized off the table.

All of us have…

The toastmaster gathers those participating in a circle and says: “Do you all have legs?” After this phrase, each participant must take the neighbor on the right by the left leg, and in rhyme with the question, everyone answers the leader in chorus: “Each of us has legs.” In this case, the players go clockwise in a round dance.

Then the facilitator's next question: "Do you all have necks?" And the players repeat the actions, but now with the necks of their comrades. During the game, almost all parts of the body are listed, while the players, grabbing the announced part and shouting in chorus “Everyone has ...”, march in a circle.

The intimacy of the named parts of the body depends on how relaxed the audience and the players themselves are, well, on the imagination of the host. For example, shoulders (left or right), knee, back, ears, elbows, nose, waist, etc. are listed.

Competition of outlandish sculptures

Team competition. You can group teams by recruiting employees by department or separately male and female (3-4 people each). Each group must build a certain figure from balloons and adhesive tape. For example, ladies should stick together a sexy man or an ideal manager, and gentlemen - a gorgeous woman or a dream secretary. The team whose work, in the opinion of the audience, will be the best, will receive a prize.

Balloons may already be inflated so as not to drag out the competition. Also, their number should be enough to create a "masterpiece" without restrictions. It is interesting when balls of different shapes and sizes are used.

Mobile entertainment

Show dexterity, speed, desire to win and have fun from the heart - this is the main task of outdoor games. All it takes is a mix of fun ideas and sports.

Dancing on the ice

Perhaps this is the most popular of all paired outdoor games and party competitions. Each pair of participants is given a sheet of newspaper in expanded form, on which they need to dance. If one of the couple steps on the floor for a newspaper, and the toastmaster notices this, the participants are eliminated. Gradually, the size of the "island" decreases, it becomes more and more difficult to make any movements. This continues until the last remaining pair, which receives a prize.

Clothespin detectors

Several couples are invited (no matter ZhM, MM or LJ), everyone closes their eyes with a bandage. Then, several ordinary clothespins are attached to the clothes of one of the pair. At the command of the toastmaster, the second partner begins to search for and remove all clothespins from the first. The couple who coped with the task most quickly wins the competition and receives a small prize.

spicy games

Blushing and giggling in embarrassment is fun. You can verify this during games with a slight erotic overtones.

Erotic train

The host invites part of the company to stand outside the door for a while. From there, one “carriage” will be called (in the order “female-male”). Each new visitor sees such a sight: in the middle of the room there is a column of people representing a train. The host says: “This is an erotic train. The squad is leaving." After these words, the column starts, imitating the movement of the train (as best they can), and makes a small circle in the room. The presenter at the right moment announces: “Station (such and such)”, and the train immediately stops. Here the first "car" turns to the second, smacks him, the second - to the third, and so on in order until the very end of the composition.

The newcomer is invited to cling to the end. And the presenter announces: "The train is moving." Cheerful train rushes. Again the words of the leader: “Stop ...” and as it was already: the first smacks the second, the second the third. But now, when it comes to passing the smack to the last one, the penultimate one, for no reason at all, builds an absurd grimace and, as if dumbfounded, rushes at the last one with screams and screams. And he, naturally, in unexpected disappointment, begins to sharpen his tooth on the new one, who is called after that.

The match cycle

A company of participants becomes a circle, while ladies and gentlemen alternate. One of the participants is given a match with a cut off head. He must take it with his lips and transfer it to the lips of another person. Actions continue until the match has completed one circle. As soon as the full circle is completed, the leader cuts the match a little more. The game continues until the match becomes very small.

Providing fun and pleasant pastime for everyone is the main goal of corporate parties. Perhaps some of these competitions and games for corporate parties may not be suitable for individual cases, but there is always the opportunity to improvise, right? Have fun parties!



He decided not to break away from the team and broke away with the team.

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

Competition Place the boxes

2-3 inverted stools are placed on the floor, the participants stand 2 m from it. Each of them has four matchboxes in their hands. They should go to the stool with their eyes closed and put the boxes on the legs of the stool. The winner is the one who does it faster and without errors.

Essay competition

The host distributes to everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After that, writing begins. The facilitator asks the first question: “Who?”. The players write the answer to it in their sheets (the options may be different, to whom it comes into their heads). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The facilitator asks a second question, for example: "Where?". The players again write an answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above way, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as desired, until the host runs out of imagination for questions.

Corporativus: Company corporate party

The meaning of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After the end of the questions, the sheets are collected by the presenter, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out.

It turns out very funny stories, and with the most unexpected heroes (from all kinds of animals to close friends) and plot twists. the main thing for the facilitator is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.

Broken phone contest

Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say in the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - the third, etc. until the word returns to the first. If from a harmless "chandelier" you get a "behemoth" - consider that the game was a success.

Contest Tailor

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given ... a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model". (The dress should be only made of paper. Tears, knots are allowed, but paper clips, pins and other foreign objects are prohibited). For some time (minutes 10-15-30) pairs are removed, after which the model returns in a new "outfit". After evaluating the appearance of the dress, the jury invites the couples to dance. How slowly and gracefully such a fragile work of a tailor falls apart! This must be seen!

Football game with buttons

Two teams and two gates. The gate is formed from two buttons lying on the floor. Play with three buttons. You can only beat with the middle button lying between the other two. They shoot at the gate one by one.

Competition Button record

Stand with your toes at the edge of the carpet and try to put the button as far away from you as possible. It is allowed to do this in the position of the body tilted forward. The one who cannot resist and falls on the carpet with his stomach is no longer involved in the game.

Contest Whose finger is stronger?

Players sit at the table opposite each other, put their right hands so that the little finger touches the table, the thumb looks up. On a signal, they move their hands, and each tries to press the thumb of the other to the hand.

Contest Pinched the heart

Participate in pairs. The girls are blindfolded, and at this time, from 5 to 10 clothespins are attached to the guys in different places on their clothes. The girls on the team begin to feel their partner and find clothespins, whoever collects all the clothespins faster than the rest wins.

Bug game

The players become in a semicircle, and the driver is one step ahead, with his back to them. He presses his right palm to the right side of his face, limiting his view, and his left to his right side, palm outward. One of the players lightly strikes the palm of the leader with his palm, and all the players stretch their right hand forward with their thumbs raised up.

After the strike, the driver turns to the players and tries to guess who touched his palm. If he guesses, then the identified person becomes the driver. If not, then he drives again.

The entertainment program for the New Year at the corporate party will create a festive atmosphere. Interesting competitions between departments and funny contests will give your colleagues a great mood and a positive charge. Active and table games will unite the team and make the New Year's corporate event bright and memorable.

    All guests participate in the competition. To carry it out, you need a jar, lowered into a bag or pasted over. The host in turn approaches each guest with a jar and offers to make a contribution. Each person should throw at least a few kopecks into the bank in order to live without debt in the new year. Then each guest in turn names the amount that has collected in the bank.

    The winner is the one whose answer is completely correct or closest to the correct amount. The winner takes the jar of money for himself.

    Game "Understand me"

    Anyone can play. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. The team calls a player from the group of rivals and speaks in his ear an object that needs to be depicted (the word must be monosyllabic). The participant must, with the help of gestures and ingenuity, show his team the hidden word. Talking and pointing at surrounding objects during pantomime is prohibited. If the team guessed correctly, it is awarded 1 point. The other team then does the same to the opposing team. The game continues until one of the teams scores 5 points. She is declared the winner.

    Game-auction "Intuition"

    All guests participate in the game. Small souvenirs and prizes will be needed for its holding. All lots are wrapped in such a way that players cannot guess what is inside. The host gives a hint that characterizes the lot. After that, bidding begins. It is proposed to start trading with a small denomination. The participant who offers the highest price takes the lot.

    Examples of lots and hints:

    • Not a single feast is complete without it (Sol)
    • He is an essential attribute of every business person (Notepad)
    • This lot is for those who want to leave their mark (Crayon Set)
    • Volatile fuel (Champagne)
    • Good Mood Guarantee (Chocolate)
  • Any number of male-female pairs participate in the competition. For its implementation, you will need newspapers (by the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The task of the participants is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You can’t stand, the couple must definitely dance. Participants who have stepped outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last remaining pair wins.

    3-5 men participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need large-sized carrots (according to the number of participants) and the same number of boxes and strings.

    A rope is tied to the belt of each contestant, to which a carrot is attached. It must not touch the floor. The task of the participants is with the help of a carrot, without hands, to push their boxes to the designated place, without leaving their path. Touching the box with your feet is prohibited. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

    Any number of male-female pairs participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need balloons (by the number of pairs) and the same average length of ropes.

    Each man ties a ball to his partner's leg with a rope. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The purpose of the competition is to save the balloon so that it does not burst during the dance. The music and rhythm of the dances should change periodically. The couple whose balloon burst is eliminated from the competition. The last remaining pair wins.

    New wave game

    The game involves 3 people. For its implementation, you will need the texts of popular songs, printed in large print (so that it is convenient for a person to read). Only the performers should know the name of the song. The task of each participant is to sing their song with only vowels, without musical accompaniment. The winner is the performer whose song the guests guess.

    Song options:

    • A million scarlet roses (Pugacheva)
    • The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
    • Three white horses
    • Madonna (Serov)
  • Game "Mission Impossible"

    Anyone present at the party can play. To conduct the game, you must prepare tasks in advance (based on a certain number of guests) and put them in a hat or bag.

    Players take turns pulling a task at random and fulfilling the mission assigned to them.

    Task examples:

    • Sing a song or recite a verse
    • Kiss the person in front of you
    • dance belly dance
    • Jump around the hall on a chair
    • Portray a famous singer or singer
    • crow loudly three times
    • Dance the lambada.
  • There are two men in the competition. To carry it out, you will need 2 binoculars, 2 paper caps with an elastic band and 2 inflatable or foam swords. Participants put on caps (knight's helmets) and put binoculars to their eyes so as to look into the lenses for distance. The binoculars cannot be removed from the eyes.

What do many compatriots expect from the upcoming winter holidays? New Year's corporate party, contests, congratulations, which will begin at work and end at home, in the family circle. Warming up is important for the upcoming celebration, so for all those who will celebrate the New Year holidays with colleagues, we offer the best corporate competitions for the New Year.

"We wish everyone!"

On pieces of paper, write the names of employees and put them in one box, and in another box, leaflets with wishes. Then, notes are pulled out at random from each box in pairs and with a laugh they inform all those gathered about what fate awaits them in the coming year.

"Intonate it!"

At first, a simple phrase is pronounced, and the task of each participant is to pronounce it with a certain intonation (surprised, interrogative, cheerful, gloomy, indifferent, etc.). Each next participant must come up with something of their own in articulation, and the one who could not come up with anything new is eliminated from the competition. The winner in the competition is the participant in whose arsenal there were the most different emotional colors of pronunciation.

"Spread your seat"

When coming up with funny contests for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues, you can pay attention to the following option. Each contestant is blindfolded and given a place in a queue. This is followed by a signal, according to which the participants need to stand in this queue in accordance with their numbers. Complicating the task is that they have to do it silently.

"Pop the ball"

In this competition, the more participants, the more fun. A balloon must be tied to the left leg of each participant. Then the music turns on, and the participants begin to dance, while trying to step on the opponent's ball. The dancer who keeps his balloon the longest wins. It will be even funnier if the participants are blindfolded for the duration of the competition.

"Dialogue of the Deaf"

People especially like cool New Year's contests for corporate parties, and this one can be attributed to their number. The leader calls the chief and the subordinate. The first is put on headphones with loud music playing. The subordinate will ask the boss a wide variety of questions regarding their work, and the boss, who cannot hear them because of the playing music, must guess from the lips, facial expressions and facial expressions of the subordinate what he was asking about, and answer the questions that, as he believes , were assigned to him. Naturally, the answers will be out of place, and such a dialogue will be accompanied by peals of laughter from the audience. Then, in order not to offend anyone, the boss and subordinate are swapped, and the dialogue continues.

"Sew on a button"

People came up with various funny contests at corporate parties for the New Year, for example, this one. It is necessary to assemble two teams of 4 people, and line up all team members one after the other. On the chairs standing near each participant, you need to lay out a large fake button cut out of cardboard. At 5-6 meters there are large coils with twine wound on them. The first team member needs to unwind the twine, thread it into the knitting needle and pass the tool to the participant behind him, whose task is to sew on the button. The next team members do the same. Work begins after the leader's signal, and the team that completes the task first wins.

"Where am I?"

For this fun, you can choose a few people who are placed with their backs to the rest of the audience. A piece of paper is attached to the back of each player, on which the name of some organization or institution is written, and if a sufficiently friendly company has gathered, then places such as a toilet, a maternity hospital, etc. can be used.

The public will see the names of these objects and answer the leading questions of the participants, who, not knowing what is written on their backs, will ask again and again, at the same time trying to understand what they are talking about. Such contests for a New Year's corporate party with jokes will certainly be accompanied by ridiculous answers and bursts of laughter, which will amuse everyone present at the party a lot.


Among the party participants, you need to select two stronger men for a boxing match and put real boxing gloves on their hands. The boundaries of the ring will be marked by spectators holding hands. The presenter, with his comments, should strive to inflame the atmosphere before the future fight, and its participants are preparing and warming up at this time. Then the judge explains to them the rules of the fight, after which the "boxers" appear in the ring. Then they are unexpectedly handed candy, from which they must, without taking off their gloves, remove the wrapper. The one who does it first wins.

"Dance Vinaigrette"

Interesting competitions for a corporate party for the New Year are often associated with musical numbers. This competition involves several couples who, to modern music, will have to dance ancient and very diverse dances, such as tango, mistress, gypsy, lezginka, as well as modern dance. Employees look at these "demonstration performances" and choose the best pair.

"Decorate the tree"

The participants of the competition are given Christmas decorations and taken to the center of the hall, where they are blindfolded. Next, they must blindly try to hang their toy on the Christmas tree. At the same time, you can’t change the direction of movement, and if the participant went the wrong way, then he still has to hang the toy to the object that he rested on. As a result, disoriented participants will scatter throughout the room in search of a Christmas tree. Such fun competitions for the New Year for a corporate party can have two winners - the one who first manages to hang his toy on the Christmas tree will receive the main award, and a separate prize can be awarded to the one who found the most unusual place for his toy.

Video with competitions for the New Year's corporate party:

“Next year I will definitely…”

Each contestant writes on a piece of paper three things that he plans to do in the coming year. After that, all the folded pieces of paper are collected in a bag and mixed. After that, in turn, each participant blindly pulls a piece of paper out of the bag and reads it aloud, as if announcing their plans.

At the same time, you will definitely get a lot of funny options, for example, the boss will definitely “give birth to a child” or “buy lace underwear for himself”, and the secretary will definitely “go to the bathhouse with the men” next year. The more the participants' imagination plays out, the more successful and fun this contest will turn out to be.

"Don't shoot!"

When the fun is in full swing, and New Year's competitions for office workers are replaced one after another, then you can try the next entertainment. Put a variety of items of clothing in a box. Then the music begins to play, and at the signal of the presenter, the participants pass this box to each other. When the music suddenly stops, the one with this moment there is a box, randomly pulls out one of the objects from it, which he must put on himself and not take off for half an hour after that. And the competition continues. The process of this competition and the view of the audience after it is best to shoot on camera - it will turn out to be a very funny video.

"Song assortment"

The public, warmed up by alcohol, especially loves musical cheerful New Year's competitions for corporate parties. In this case, everyone will have to sing, regardless of the ability to sing. All participants of the corporate party need to be divided into several teams and come up with a theme for the singing competition. Teams must remember songs suitable for this topic and perform at least a few lines from them. The team with the longest performance wins.

"Flying walk"

New Year's corporate contests rarely do without inventory, the role of which in this entertainment can be played by simple glass or plastic bottles. You need to select several participants in this competition, arrange bottles in a row on the floor in front of their eyes, and then blindfold each one. Next, the participants must blindly go the distance without hitting a single bottle. It is not easy for a person who has temporarily lost his sight to do this, and he will dodge and sweat in every possible way in order to complete the task. But the whole trick is that immediately after the volunteers are blindfolded, all the bottles are quietly removed. It will be funny for everyone present to watch how the participants in the game, stepping very carefully and dodging in every possible way, overcome a completely clean space. Of course, the bottles must be removed very carefully so that none of the contestants suspects a dirty trick.

"Trial cartoon"

Many people can participate in this competition, the best is from 5 to 20. You will also need paper, pencils and erasers. Each participant will have to draw a cartoon on one of those present at the party. Next, the portraits are passed around in a circle, and on the reverse side, the next player writes his guesses as to who is depicted in the portrait. Then the results of all the "artists" are compared - the more similar assumptions, the more successful and recognizable the cartoon turned out to be.

"Noah's Ark"

Another interesting New Year's competition for a corporate party, in which the presenter writes the names of different animals on pieces of paper, and, as in the legend, they must be paired. Of course, we must not forget about the symbol of the year. After this preparation, the contestants draw out a piece of paper for themselves with the name of the animal, but they have yet to find their mate. And you can do this only silently, using only facial expressions and gestures. The first person to correctly identify their pair wins. To make the competition last longer and turn out to be more intriguing, it is better to guess less recognizable representatives of the fauna.

Cool video with a New Year's competition for a corporate party:

"Mountain slalom"

For this competition, you will need two pairs of short children's plastic skis with sticks, cans of drinks and two blindfolds. Each "run" will require a pair of participants. They are blindfolded, after which they must overcome the "descent", skirting obstacles - pyramids of empty cans. Spectators encourage the participants and tell them the best direction of the route. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line faster, and 5 penalty seconds are assigned for each obstacle knocked down.

"Draw the symbol of the year"

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party can reveal the unknown talents of employees. This competition will require paper, felt-tip pens or pencils, and since this is a truly creative competition that requires the application of skill, it is desirable that it be accompanied by a valuable prize. The participants of the competition are faced with the task of drawing the symbol of the year according to the Eastern calendar better than others. The prize will go to the participant whose creation will be most favorably received by the public.

If there are good artists among the members of the team, then the result can be impressive, then it will be happy to hang it in one of the company's premises until the next New Year's corporate party.

"My Santa Claus is the best"

To implement this fun, you will need garlands, beads, scarves and funny hats, mittens, socks and handbags. From among the fair sex, 2-3 applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden are selected, and each of them, in turn, chooses Santa Claus among the men. To turn her man into Santa Claus, each Snow Maiden uses items that have been laid out on the table in advance. The competition may be limited to choosing the most successful Santa Claus, but it may also be continued. Each Snow Maiden can witty advertise her Frost, who himself must play along with her - sing, read a poem, dance. Such competitions for the New Year's party for employees are a great chance to cheer up and rally everyone, even beginners.

Did you like our selection? Tell us in the comments if you organized such contests at your corporate party, and which ones you liked the most?

Corporate parties are the most anticipated days for the whole team. But in order to have a fun holiday, it also needs to be planned, like a quarterly report.

The main task is to rally employees together to participate in fun contests and comic tournaments.

How to start fun corporate contests

It is better to start with simple tasks. The closer to the evening, the more liberated your "branded" company will become and everyone will participate with laughter and pleasure. And what to hide, alcoholic cocktails and an endless stream of toasts will do their job.

"Remember everything"

If the team is large and not everyone knows exactly, then the competition will facilitate this task and relieve stress. Teams should be 15-20 people. Everyone takes turns saying their name and movement. For example, Marina + clap. The neighbor repeats the combination and adds his own. The last participants get to remember everyone.

"Catch the ball!"

The conditions are simple: two teams must stop the ball from falling to the floor for a while. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch it with your hands. Teams line up in 2 lines. It turns out that pairs are formed from members of opposite teams. Everyone has a ball in their hands. After the whistle, the balls are thrown into the air. Whoever has the ball dropped first gets a point for that team. The next pair instantly tosses the balls again. You can limit the time, for example, 1-3 minutes. The team with the highest points loses.


There are 2 chairs on the stage. Draw a line between them and scatter things of different sizes and volumes. At the whistle of the host, both participants begin to quickly collect items and put them on a chair. A prerequisite is that you can bring and put 1 item at a time.

Cool competitions for a corporate blindfold

Such entertaining competitions are very exciting for both the viewer and the participant. Therefore, there will be an abundance of those wishing to take part. And what else is needed at a corporate party, if not a cheerful sociable spirit?

"Who is there?"

Tip: The contest is great for moderately intoxicated participants.

10 people are taken to the stage and blindfolded with dark ribbons. After the host touches each and assigns a serial number to the players. Then the participants change places. They mark 30 seconds so that everyone finds their place in ascending or descending order. It is even more interesting when letters are used instead of numbers, and then players are asked to add words. You can use your voice and say your number / letter.

"Find me"

More than 6 people participate. The main player must remember what the others look like (timing - 3 seconds per person). After that, they blindfold him, and you should guess by touch who is who.

The highlight of the competition: the guessed ones quickly change some of the things, change their hairstyles, wear awkward costumes or jewelry. It all depends on the imagination and props: a hot dog costume or a grandmother's scarf. The task is not to let yourself be recognized and puzzled by what it recognizes.


Stretch several ribbons to form a labyrinth with obstacles. The tape must not be touched. The player remembers the location of the threads and is blindfolded with a dark handkerchief. Blindly and from memory, you need to overcome the corridor. Once the contestant is ready for the challenge, the tapes are removed but not told to the player. It's a lot of fun to watch what's going on.

Funny contests for a corporate party for drinking and eating for speed

"Eat me!"

Sweets are tightly wrapped in wrappers. Additionally, you can attach ribbons, pieces of paper, napkins with a bow. Opposite-sex couples are each given 3 candies to open and eat. No hands, of course.


Attention: relevant for doctors, veterinarians and anyone who wears rubber gloves at work.

Champagne is poured into disposable gloves. Make holes in the fingers. The challenge is to quickly "milk" and drink the drink first.

Cool corporate contests for brave employees

There are drink lovers at any holiday, not only at corporate parties. In addition, it promises fun to continue for a long time and unforgettable. But there are also enough shy guests. Therefore, the following competitions are good after a strong toast, so that a touch of emancipation touches everyone.

"Alcohol trash"

Two teams drink an alcoholic drink at speed. On a low stool is a full bottle and a glass / glass. The distance from it to the team should be 10-15 meters. Everyone in turn runs up to the bottle, pours a full glass and drinks. Do a few circles until the drink runs out.

A must to do! Choose a drink of moderate or small strength so that guests do not get drunk on the second round.

"In my pants..."

You need to stock up on a bunch of ridiculous phrases, clippings from the titles of articles in order to make the contest fun. They make panties out of paper and throw fragments of phrases into them. An envelope is passed around. We take out a piece with the beginning “In my pants ...” and continue with the words from a happy piece of paper.

"The most flattering compliment"

Choose one person. He leaves the room for a couple of minutes. During this time, it is accepted from each compliment to his address. Entered reads or listens to the list and must find addressees. The more piquant the complement, the more interesting the game.

Please note: it is good to choose liberated and courageous girls for the role of a guesser.

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