Memo nutrition and health. Reminder for the patient. "12 rules of healthy eating" Nutrition should be as varied as possible

Why do children need healthy food? Your child is the best! He deserves to be healthy, cheerful and successful. If you want your children to grow up strong, active and bring "fives" - pay more attention to what they eat. After all, food the only source of nutrients and energy, ensuring continuous growth and development young body. The foundations of health are laid in school years. Proper nutrition of the child during this period is the key to his good physical and mental health for life. Self-confidence, academic success, concentration and memory ability are directly dependent on the diet.

“He must jump and jump, grab everyone, kick with his legs ...”.
In terms of energy consumption, a school day can be compared to many hours of sports competition. The rhythm of a schoolboy's life is very dynamic: he crams poetry, extracts a root from a number, writes a dictation, and the next moment he is already running cross-country skiing. And so the whole week. It is very important that a healthy diet every day fully restore the strength and energy of the child. The student has a huge need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially protein, iron, calcium, iodine.


1. Bread, cereals and pasta
2. Vegetables, fruits, berries
3. Meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts
4. Dairy products, cheeses
5. Fats, oils, sweets.
AT daily menu child and adolescent should include foods from all 5 major groups. Only then will the growing organism of the schoolchild receive a full set of necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.
Make a balanced menu for every day. Include foods rich in essential nutrients daily. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet should be 1:1:4
Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, cheeses), cereals.
Meat and dairy products.
Sunflower, corn, nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, cedar, etc.), sunflower seeds.
Fresh fruits (fruits) and berries, dairy products.
Fruits, berries and vegetables, legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.) and products based on them (bread, cereal flakes, pasta, etc.)
The student's menu should be varied. If you want your child to eat with appetite, do not get carried away with "soups for the week"
For breakfast, the child should receive at least 25% of daily allowance calories (with four meals a day).
Breakfast should consist of:
- appetizers: sandwiches with cheese and butter, salads
- hot dish: cottage cheese, egg or porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley, barley, rice)
- hot drink: tea (possible with milk), coffee drink, hot fortified jelly, milk, cocoa with milk or rosehip drink.
The lack of breakfast affects the child's academic performance and his ability to learn.
At lunch, the child should receive at least 35% of the daily calorie intake.
Lunch should consist of:
-snacks: fresh salads, boiled vegetables, greenery;
- hot first course: soup
-second course: meat or fish with a side dish (cereal, vegetable or combined).
- drink: juice, jelly, fresh or dried fruit compote.
For an afternoon snack, the child should receive 15% of the daily calorie intake
The afternoon snack should consist of:
drink (milk, fermented milk products, kissels, juices) with bakery or flour
confectionery (crackers, dryers, low-fat cookies) or from fruits
For dinner, the child should receive up to 25% of the daily calorie intake
Dinner should consist of:
hot dish (vegetable, mixed cereal - vegetable, fish dishes)
and drinks (tea, juice, jelly)
Dear parents!
We hope that our recommendations will help you organize proper nutrition for your children. Balanced Diet food rich in all essential substances, will certainly provide a boost of energy and good health. With proper nutrition, you will very soon notice that the child has become more likely to please you. good mood, a healthy complexion and success in school.



(reminder for teenagers)

Proper nutrition in adolescence(from 10 to 18 years old) plays an important role in the formation of a maturing organism. During this period, there are significant changes in the body's response to various environmental factors, puberty occurs, in the period from 10 to 13 years accelerated growth body, from 13 to 16 years - active formation of endocrine glands, a number of brain regions are formed. According to statistics, about 30% of chronic diseases in adolescents studying in general educational institutions are associated with malnutrition.

The most important principle rational nutrition adolescents - compliance with the calorie content of the diet to the energy costs of the body.

Food is the "building material" necessary for the growth and development of the body. The consumption of heat and energy in a teenager is relatively higher than in an adult. So, an adult needs an average of 40-42 kcal per day, a teenager - 50-52 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. Adolescents should receive at least 2900 - 3100 kcal per day, while the daily caloric intake is distributed according to meals as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35 - 40%, afternoon snack - 10 - 20%, dinner - 20 - 25% . It is useful to give a teenager vinaigrette, radish, radish with sour cream or vegetable oil, tomatoes, fresh cucumber, green onions with sour cream or herring. Vegetables stimulate appetite, promote the release of digestive juices and improve digestion.

  • Insufficient calorie content of the diet leads to rapid depletion and disruption of the functions of all organs and systems.

The diet of adolescents should be balanced in terms of the content of the main nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

The diet of a teenager should be varied and include animal products and plant origin. Squirrels– main component every living cell - go to build tissues and organs of the body: muscles, nerves, blood, brain, heart, etc.During the period active growth required increased amount calcium, necessary for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so it is necessary to include dairy products in the diet of adolescents - cottage cheese, milk, kefirs and yogurts. In addition, the most important building material is animal protein contained in meat.The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be expressed as 1:1:4. a teenager should receive 4 times more carbohydrates than proteins and fats. They are especially important for the formation of the body's defenses - the so-called immune bodies. Under the influence of digestive juices in the gastrointestinal tract, proteins are broken down into simpler substances - amino acids. In cells and tissues from amino acids, new proteins necessary for a given organism are formed. The daily protein requirement for a teenager is 1g. for 1kg. normal weight body. Fats and carbohydrates are the main sources of energy. Their number in the diet of a teenager is reflected in his body weight. Dairy fats are most valuable for adolescents: butter, cream, sour cream. They are well absorbed and are a source of vitamins A and D. B daily ration it is also necessary to include 10 - 20 g of vegetable oil containing important for a fast-growing organism fatty acid. In order to prevent acne, it is recommended to limit the consumption of food with high content fats.Carbohydrates found mainly in plant products - in sugar, bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries. With proper nutrition during the day, a teenager should receive about 500g of carbohydrates.

  • An unbalanced diet can lead to obesity and developmental delays, diabetes and hypertension.

significant portion minerals, coming from food, is used for bone growth and the formation of teeth. Milk, dairy products (especially cottage cheese, cheese) and vegetables are the richest in calcium and phosphorus. It is useful to cook syrniki, dumplings, porridge with milk, milk soups for teenagers, and it is imperative to give vegetable side dishes to meat and fish dishes. This will allow you to regulate the correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus. With a combination of products of plant and animal origin (for example, milk with cereals), calcium absorption is significantly increased. Phosphorus salts enter the body from animal and vegetable products (liver, brains, cheese, fish, beans, nuts, cereals, etc.). They have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system especially during intense mental work.

  • The lack of calcium and phosphorus salts in the diet leads to wrong development bones, damage to teeth and disruption of the central nervous system.

Food should also contain salts of iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, etc. So, iron is part of blood hemoglobin, sulfur is part of amino acids (cystine), iodine is part of the thyroid hormone. Most of the minerals in the body are found in the bones. Table salt adds flavor to food and is also used by the body to produce of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice and plays an important role in the digestion of food. Food must contain very important organic substances - vitamins. They contribute to the chemical transformations of basic foodstuffs, contribute to the normal growth and development of the body. Vitamin BUT found in milk fat, butter, egg yolk, milk, fish oil, liver, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, apricots, persimmons, lettuce, spinach, rose hips, yellow corn. Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) increases the digestibility of food, participates in metabolism and hematopoiesis, affects the growth of a teenager. Vitamin B2 is found in milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese), eggs, yeast. Vitamin C found mainly in fresh vegetables, berries and fruits (onions, black currants, rosehips, lemons, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage). A varied diet satisfies the body's daily need for vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D found in egg yolk, caviar, milk, butter and especially fish oil.

  • Deficiency of micronutrients - vitamins, microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to the development of immunodeficiency states.

Organization balanced nutrition provides for compliance with the regime of the day - a clear schedule of meals.

For normal growth and development, adolescents need a proper diet, which provides for strict adherence to the time of eating, rational distribution of it by weight, calorie content and volume, i.e. nutrition of adolescents should be fractional, regular and uniform. Eating at the same hours supports a good appetite, contributes to the timely release of gastric juice. A teenager should eat at least 4 times a day, i.e. every 3 - 4 hours.

  • Long breaks between meals adversely affect digestive function body, can cause fatigue, decreased performance, headache, form functional abnormalities and diseases.

Sample menu for teenagers

Ideally, the ratio of meals should be as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon snack - 15% and dinner - 20-25% of the total daily food intake.

For breakfast worth eating hot meat dishes and snacks. For example, a vegetable or fruit salad, a sandwich with butter and cheese. You can drink hot cocoa tea, jelly, rosehip infusion or compote. Especially in the morning, coffee is contraindicated for teenagers. Ideally, this is porridge with milk, stew or fish, or casserole, or vegetable stews.

At lunch it is simply vital to sip the first, soup, chicken broth and so on. Definitely a hot second. Meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals. It is also useful to eat fresh fruits for lunch. Do not abuse cereals, this dish is enough once a day. But it is desirable to use different cereals in cereals. Be sure to include buckwheat, oatmeal and millet in the diet.

In teenage nutrition, it is not necessary to haveafternoon tea. Firstly, it will replace unwanted snacks, and secondly, it will bring a lot of benefits to a growing body. So, as it should consist of dairy and bakery products.

Dinner should be light so as not to overload the stomach at night. It can be a casserole, a light porridge, an omelet. And just before going to bed it is very good to drink a glass of non-cold milk and preferably with honey.

Product groups

There are six groups of products that are simply vital for the full growth and development of a teenager.

1. Complex carbohydrates. These are the main suppliers of energy, which is so necessary when rapid growth. They are found in cereals and cereals.

2. Foods containing protein. These are animal meat, poultry and fish. Protein is the main building material for soft tissues and internal organs. And, by the way, meat, especially red meat, contains iron, a lack of which can cause anemia in a teenager.

3. Vegetable fiber. It is nothing but vegetables, root vegetables and fruits. Fiber is necessary for the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins thanks to the natural antioxidants contained in these products.

4. Vegetable fats. These are vegetable oils and various nuts. Eating these foods can be a great way to help a teenager avoid the common problems of hair loss and brittle nails at this age.

5. Milk and dairy products. These are irreplaceable suppliers of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus in the nutrition of adolescents.

6. Pure drinking water. For normal operation The body needs to drink the amount of water per day at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

And if the rising generation adheres to these simple recommendations nutrition, health and normal development will be ensured.

By the way, if at this age a person does not get used to healthy food and does not begin to eat right, then with age it will be quite difficult to change your habits and eating habits. And the problems associated with malnutrition can manifest themselves not only in being overweight, but various diseases can also occur.


14-16 years is a time of active growth, which is accompanied by increased appetite. The task of parents is to explain to the teenager the harm of irregular dry food, to find an alternative to chips and buns, for example, dried fruits and nuts.

Meals should be four times a day:

  1. Breakfast - 25%;
  2. Lunch - 35-40%,
  3. Afternoon snack - 15%,
  4. Dinner - 20-25% of the daily requirement for nutrients Oh.
  • Breakfast should include an appetizer, a hot meal and a drink. Snacks can be vegetables or fruits, cheese or cottage cheese,egg , salads. As a hot porridge, vegetable stew, meat, fish. Drink in the form of hot tea, compote, jelly, milk.

Breakfast options for teenagers:

  1. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins or chocolate sauce.
  2. Oatmeal, milk porridge with dried fruits or berries.
  3. Millet milk porridge withpumpkin , banana, apple or raisins.
  4. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, with meat, green pot or vegetables.
  5. Cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream or jam and yogurt.
  6. Buckwheat milk porridge with vegetables.
  • The child often receives lunch at school. It should consist of soup, a second course (side dish with meat or fish), a third course can be a drink with cookies, yogurt, etc.
  • For an afternoon snack, a child can be given fruit, cottage cheese, vegetable salad.
  • For dinner you can cook:
  1. Meat cutlets with vegetables;
  2. Curd casserole with apples;
  3. Omelet with pasta;
  4. Porridge with dried fruits;
  5. Vareniki with jam or berries and fruits;
  6. Fish soufflé with stewed carrots.

Before going to bed, as an option, you can offer a glass of kefir, milk.

The calorie content of food is calculated as follows: approximately 1.8 kcal should be consumed per 1 kg of body weight. This means that a teenager should eat about 3000 per day, and withincreased physical activity - 3500 kcal. Boys during this period have a particularly high need for energy, and it is not uncommon that others are struck by their increased appetite.

Quality composition of food

The qualitative composition of food is as follows: the ratioproteins , fat andcarbohydrates – 1:1:4.


The average protein requirement per 1 kg per day is 2–1.5 g, moreover, 50% of it should be animal protein (beef and poultry meat, fish, dairy products). It has a paramount role, because it is a structural material for growth and immune system needed for muscle strength. With a lack of protein in the body, the brain suffers,decreased memory andmental capacity , the child gets tired faster, the immune system can not cope with infections.

Dairy products are rich in calcium in addition to high levels of protein, and meat is the main source ofgland fish is rich in phosphorus and minerals.

On a note! Protein content in 100 g of product:

  • Meat - 25 g,
  • Hard cheese - 25 g,
  • Fish - 20 g,
  • Milk - 3 g,
  • Eggs - 12 g,
  • Nuts - 28 g,
  • Bread - 8 g,
  • Beans and peas - 5 g.


The daily requirement for fats is about 100 g. For a teenager, the role of fats is in the synthesis of sexual and other steroid hormones. More useful arevegetable oils , butter and sour cream. Vegetable fats are useful due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and animals - thanks to fat-solublevitamins like A andD . 70% of incoming fats should be of vegetable origin and only 30% of animal origin.

On a note! Sources of vegetable fats:

  • Vegetable oils (99.9% fat),
  • Nuts (50-60%),
  • Oatmeal (7%) and buckwheat (3%) cereals.

Sources of animal fats:

  • Lard (90% fat),
  • Butter (75%),
  • Sour cream (about 30%),
  • Cheeses (15–30%).


The daily requirement for carbohydrates is 10–15 g per 1 kg of body weight (depending on physical activity, ambient temperature, etc.). The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy needs organism. Sources of healthy carbohydrates for a child are cereals, vegetables, bread, legumes, greens, fruits, berries, and not buns, cakes and sweets. Vegetables are also the main source of vitamins and minerals, and the dietary fiber they contain The body's need for water in children and adolescents is higher than in adults, and is 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight (in adults - 30-40 ml). Good to drink mineral water, teas, .

Norms of consumption of vitamins, macro- and microelements for a teenager

A teenager must receive with food the necessary amount of macro- and microelements, vitamins. In summer, it is enough to eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits (berries), and in the winter-spring period, you can drink a course of vitamin preparations. It is believed that by eating six fruits of different colors a day, we fill the need for all essential vitamins and minerals!

Calcium (1.2 g / day) and magnesium (300 mg / day) are needed to build bones and teeth, magnesium also relieves the excitability of the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, and has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.

Phosphorus (1.8 g / day) is necessary for metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and brain, muscles, liver and kidneys.

Iron (15–18 mg/day) is necessary for hematopoiesis and oxygenation of the body.

Sodium (4 g/day), chlorine and potassium (4 g/day) normalize water-salt exchange, acid-base balance Potassium removes excess water and sodium from the body.

Iodine (130 mcg / day) is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Fluorine (2–3 mg/day) is involved in building bones and teeth.

Vitamins are needed for normal flow metabolic processes and life of the organism as a whole. They participate in various biochemical processes, ensure the physical and mental performance of a teenager, and strengthen the immune system.

Daily norms of vitamins for teenagers:

  • A - 1.5 mg;
  • B1 - 1.8 mg;
  • B2 - 2.5 mg;
  • B6 - 2.0 mg;
  • B12 - 3.0 mcg;
  • PP - 19 mg;
  • C - 75 mg;
  • E - 15 mg;
  • D - 2.5 mg.

Memo to parents about the need for a healthy diet for schoolchildren

P complete and correct organized meals is a necessary condition for a long and full life, the absence of many diseases. As parents, we are responsible for how our children are fed.


1. The child should eat a variety of food products. Daily diet the child must be supported by 15 titles different products food. During the week, the diet should include at least 30 different food items.

2. Every day in the diet of the child must be present following products: meat, butter, milk, bread, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. A number of products: fish, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products, cheese - do not have to be included in the diet every day, but must be present 2-3 times during the week.

3. The child should eat at least 4 times a day.

7. breakfast (at home, before going to school)

10. hot breakfast at school

14. lunch at school or at home

19. dinner (at home)

4. Should be consumediodized salt .

5. In the off-season (autumn - winter, winter - spring), the child should receivevitamin - mineral complexes recommended for children of the appropriate age.

6. To enrich the diet of a student with vitamin C, we recommend daily intakerosehip decoction.

7. Eating should take place in a calm environment.

8. If the child has a deficiency or excess of body weight, a doctor's consultation is necessary to adjust the diet.

9. The diet of a student involved in sports should be adjusted taking into account the amount of physical activity.

What will help strengthen the immune system?


... Most schoolchildren in the cold season have a shortage of three or more vitamins. Deficiency of vitamins of group B is observed in half of the children, ascorbic acid - in every third child, D - in every fifth. Only 5% of parents regularly give their children vitamin preparations. However, senior students and lower grades need different vitamins. With the help of the immune system, our body fights viruses and microbes. It is important to keep your defensive forces in full combat readiness! Sports, hardening, and proper nutrition play a big role in strengthening the body !!! Here is a hit parade of the most useful products for immunity:

1. Fresh vegetables and fruits.

2. Vegetable oils, fatty fish.

3. Meat.

4. Dairy and sour-milk products.

5. Tea.


They are rich in vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin C, which protects us from viruses and infections, is abundant in citrus fruits, berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs. Sweet peppers, carrots, tomatoes, rose hips are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin E can be found in nuts and seeds, beets, spinach and lettuce. Very useful are onions (contains quercetin), tomatoes (contain lycopene), walnuts(contain ellagic acid)


Deficiency of protein food adversely affects the state of immunity, so during the cold season it is unwise to completely abandon meat. But the meat should be lean, with a minimum fat content. It is in these varieties that a lot of zinc is contained, which protects a person from various infections, producing white blood cells in the body that fight harmful microbes and viruses. Zinc with food can also be obtained from seafood, pumpkin seeds and mushrooms.


enriched with live lactobacteria and bifidobacteria. They are also called probiotics. In addition to kefir and yogurt, natural antiseptics such as onions, garlic, artichokes and bananas can be attributed to the number of probiotics.


These foods contain unique omega-3 fatty acids that protect against many diseases.


One cup of black or green tea a day is an excellent cold prevention. There are even more antioxidants in tea than in vegetables and fruits.


All of them contain mucopolysaccharides - substances that are part of intercellular substance. They are very important for strengthening joints, bones, cardiovascular systems s, as well as for
normal functioning immune system.

Rational nutrition of schoolchildren

Rational (healthy) nutrition of children is a necessary condition for ensuring their health; resistance to infections and other adverse factors; learning ability at all ages.

Allocate the basic principles of rational nutrition:

1. Correspondence of the calorie content of the diet with daily energy costs.

2. Conformity chemical composition, caloric content and volume of the diet to age needs and characteristics of the body.

3. A balanced ratio of nutrients in the diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

4. A variety of food products used (a wide range, including vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs).

5. Compliance with the diet.

6. Proper culinary and technological processing of products in order to preserve the biological and nutritional value.

The body of the child, even at rest, consumes energy. With muscular and mental work, the metabolism increases. Energy expenditure fluctuates depending on the age of the children and their activity.

This energy can only be replenished with food. To bring food maximum benefit, it must contain all vital substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water.

The source of protein are foods such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, beans, soybeans, peas.

The source of easily digestible animal fat in the diet of schoolchildren is butter (requirement - 30-40 g / day), contained fat soluble vitamins A and D. The diet of schoolchildren must also include vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.) in the amount of 15-20 g per day (3-4 teaspoons).

Plant foods are the richest in carbohydrates: bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.

The child's body also needs a systematic supply mineral salts. Among them are salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, which are needed daily in relatively large quantities; and iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, iodine, fluorine, which are needed in very small amounts. Berries, fruits, vegetables are sources of many important substances for the body: vitamins, especially vitamin C, mineral salts.

Need child's body in water is higher than in an adult, since cell growth is possible only in the presence of water. Therefore, the diet should be designed so that the child receives one liquid meal.

The organization of food rations during the stay of students at school is one of the important factors prevent diseases and maintain the health of children and adolescents. For students of educational institutions, the organization of two hot meals a day is provided. Two meals a day involves the organization of breakfast and lunch, and when organizing educational process 2nd shift - lunch and afternoon snack. The duration of the intervals between meals should not exceed 3.5-4 hours.

Breakfast before leaving for school should consist of two courses. The first dish can be cereal, vegetable or flour. It is very useful to give a child cottage cheese or an egg. The second dish is tea with milk, milk, coffee, bread with butter and cheese.

At school, the student must receive a hot breakfast. If for some reason hot meals are not organized, the child should be given a sandwich with him.

Prolonged fasting for 6-7 hours leads to faster fatigue and can cause the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

At home or at school, the child should receive a full three-course meal. The first course is not the main part of the lunch, so 300 grams of soup is enough for schoolchildren 7-11 years old. The main part of the dinner is the main course. It should be meat, fish with a cereal or vegetable side dish. The third dish is sweet (compote, jelly, etc.).

For an afternoon snack, children need: fruits, kefir, milk, tea with a bun, cheesecake, gingerbread.

Children need to have dinner no later than 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. Dinner should not be very plentiful, as sleeping with a full stomach will be restless. Dinner should consist of two courses: the first is cottage cheese. Fish, eggs, vegetables, cereals and flour dishes; the second - milk, kefir, curdled milk, jelly, etc.

Thus, the wider the range of foods included in the diet, the higher the likelihood that the child's body will receive all the substances he needs.

Proper, healthy nutrition is one of the main components wellness child, his success in school. Every day a child needs nutrients, vitamins, minerals. School loads require full dedication of forces, enormous expenditures of energy that need to be properly replenished.

Very often, parents experience difficulties in compiling a children's diet. Many do not know how much a child needs to consume certain foods in order to provide the body with everything it needs. Some are afraid to overfeed, others are worried that the child does not eat enough.

Let's look at the needs of the average child.

Of course, children different ages need different amount food and energy. Proper nutrition of a junior schoolchild (up to 10 years old) involves receiving about 2400 kcal per day, a high school student (14-17 years old) - about kcal, depending on gender. Young athletes can increase the calorie content of the diet by 200-300 kcal.

healthy eating implies a balance in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

A lot of healthy fats in oils, sour cream, fish, milk. It is necessary to consume 80-90 g of fat per day.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, so they need to be consumed more than proteins and fats - 300-400 g. They are found in flour products, cereals, potatoes, dried fruits and fruits, honey.

Children need vitamins and minerals for growth and development. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, so they can be consumed almost without restrictions.

Schoolchildren's diet

It is optimal if the child has three main meals at home and a snack at school. Main meals must include hot dishes. Every day you need to eat cereals, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, several times a week - fish, nuts. Do not forget about water - you should drink at least a liter and a half a day.


The student's breakfast should provide him with energy for almost the entire school day. A full breakfast should consist of cereals, fruits, dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk). Fruits are a source of vitamins and fiber, cereals provide the necessary supply of carbohydrates (energy), and dairy products are rich in calcium, which children simply need for growth. From this set of products, you can cook different dishes every day.

font-size:14.0pt;font-family:" times new roman>You can make milk porridge by adding pieces of fruit, berries; cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, cottage cheese with fruits; muesli with milk. Ideal drinks for breakfast are tea or cocoa.

Snack at school

The school has a canteen. But if you are not sure about the quality of the food in the school cafeteria or that the child will spend money on proper nutrition, then it is better to give him something to eat with you. The best option- a sandwich, preferably whole grain or rye bread with low-fat ham or cheese, lettuce. You can give a hard boiled egg. From fruits - banana, apple. For dessert, put cookies or dried fruits, juice in a small bag.


A student's lunch should consist of several dishes: a liquid hot dish (soup or borscht), meat, poultry or fish, side dish, vegetable salad. The first dish for a child should be cooked on the second broth. Meat or fish is better to boil, stew, fry in a small amount of oil. Porridge, durum wheat pasta, boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables are suitable as a side dish. After dinner, you can offer your child compote or jelly.


The child's dinner is the last meal, it should not be too late and dense. For dinner, you can cook vegetable dishes - various casseroles, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers. You can feed the child with porridge or dairy dishes, if you did not eat them for breakfast, egg dishes. Before going to bed, offer to drink a glass of kefir or milk.

Sample student menu for the day:
Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea with cheese.

Snack at school: sandwich with boiled meat, banana, juice.

Lunch: borscht, chicken cutlets, rice stewed with vegetables, fresh cabbage salad with cucumber, compote.

Dinner: scrambled eggs with vegetables, sweet curd, tea.

When compiling a menu for a schoolchild, take into account the tastes of your child, but do not allow to completely abandon useful products. Make sure your child's table is varied. Look for new ways to prepare foods your child doesn't like. Do not force your child to eat more than he wants. Remember that every child is different.

Love Bovan

Healthy food for a student

The preparation of a full-fledged diet for a schoolchild requires a deep approach, taking into account the specifics of the child's body. Development school programs requires high mental activity from children. A small person who joins knowledge not only fulfills hard labour, but at the same time it grows, develops, and for all this he must receive good nutrition. Intense mental activity, unusual for first-graders, is associated with significant energy costs.

A modern student, according to nutritionists, should eat at least four times a day, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner there must certainly be a hot dish. For a growing organism, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products are required - sources of calcium and protein. Calcium and phosphorus deficiency will also help replenish fish dishes. As a side dish, it is better to use not potatoes or pasta, but stewed or boiled vegetables (cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, legumes, garlic and cabbage). During the day, students should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid, but not soda, but fruit or vegetable juices.

Parents have high hopes for a proper breakfast - after all, they personally control this process and can be absolutely sure that at least once a day the child has eaten properly. However, not everyone knows which breakfast is the most valuable for a student.

In addition to sweet tea, jam and confectionery, the morning breakfast of schoolchildren must include bakery products, cereals (oatmeal has proven itself best), pasta, fresh vegetables, apples are preferred from fruits, rich in fiber and pectin. These are complex forms of carbohydrates, the supply of which is necessary for the child. It is better to distribute the remaining carbohydrates to intermediate meals during the school day: fruit drinks, tea, coffee, buns, cookies, sweets will ensure a constant supply of fresh portions of glucose into the blood and will stimulate the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The second most important component of food, necessary to meet the energy needs of schoolchildren, is fat. They account for 20 to 30% of the total daily energy consumption.

AT diet the student must be present in the required quantities of fiber - a mixture of indigestible substances that are found in the stems, leaves and fruits of plants. It is necessary for normal digestion.

Proteins are the main material that is used to build the tissues and organs of the child. Proteins differ from fats and carbohydrates in that they contain nitrogen, so proteins cannot be replaced by any other substances.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old should receive 70-80 g of protein per day, or 2.5-3 g per 1 kg of weight, and students 12-17 years old - 90-100 g, or 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight .

Children and adolescents - young athletes with increased physical exercise(including participants in hiking trips) need to increase the daily intake of protein to 116-120 g at the age of 10-13 years. and up to 132-140 g at the age of 14-17 years.

In baby food, the qualitative features of proteins are taken into account. Thus, the share of animal proteins in the diet of school-age children is 65-60%, in adults - 50%. The needs of the child's body most corresponds to milk protein, as well as all other components of milk. In this regard, milk should be considered as a mandatory, non-replaceable baby food product. For school children daily rate milk - 500 ml. It should be borne in mind that 100 g of milk corresponds to 12 g of powdered milk or 25 g of condensed milk.

Essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan and histidine - are considered as growth factors. Their best suppliers are meat, fish and eggs.




healthy eating
Healthy eating is an integral part healthy lifestyle life. Proper nutrition is necessary to strengthen the immune system, prevent obesity, diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, and premature aging.

Healthy nutrition is important in all periods of a person's life. The main human diseases, dependent on nutrition, are formed and develop in the middle years of active life - in 30-50 years. It is at this age that nutritional disorders typical for Russians are most often observed - overeating, excessive consumption of fats and sweets, insufficient intake vegetables and fruits, which entails insufficient intake of vitamins and other essential nutrients. Nutrition of an adult working person is very important for maintaining health and longevity.

We encourage you to think about your diet. Pay attention to your diet today, and all the investments made will return to you in the form of money and time saved on visiting doctors.

Remember two basic laws of healthy eating.

  • Firstly, the energy value of your menu should meet the needs of the body. Neither fasting nor overeating will do you any good.

  • Secondly, your food should contain all the substances necessary for a full life: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, that is, nutrition should be varied and properly balanced.
Do not forget that dairy products, fish and fresh vegetables and fruits are useful not only for children, but also for adults. And too much sweet, fatty, salty, or smoked foods can cause serious violations metabolism.

It is also important to remember that over the years, the human body produces less and less enzyme intestinal juice lactase, which breaks down milk sugar, therefore, with age, the number of people intolerant to whole drinking milk increases. Their intake of milk causes discomfort in the abdomen, gas formation, nausea, diarrhea. Pay attention to the reaction of your body, you may have to replace whole milk with lactic acid products, which fully provide the body with those important nutritional factors that milk carries.

Important! Milk and dairy products contain calcium, which is essential for adult bone health. Women should pay special attention to dairy products. A diet rich in calcium is one of the main methods of preventing osteoporosis - bone thinning, which women suffer 4 times more often than men.

Important! You should not completely deny yourself the use of pickles, marinades, smoked meat and sausages. However, remember that these foods are snacks and cannot form the basis of your diet. Let these dishes be present in small quantities on the festive table.

The connection between nutrition and human disease is obvious.

The most sensitive to deviation from a balanced diet:



Pregnant women,

breastfeeding mothers,

Elderly people,


In the science of nutrition, it is believed that a healthy person does not need any diets. He must adhere to the principles of rational nutrition, taking into account gender, age, nature of work and other factors.

How to objectively assess how much body weight corresponds to

normal values?

Status classification

BMI (body mass index)

health risk


Less than 18.5





Excess body weight




30,0-34,9 35,0-39,9

High. Very tall

Severe obesity

Over 40

Extremely high

Negative effects of fasting on body systems:

Digestive system: decreased stomach acid production, diarrhea.

Cardiovascular system: decrease in heart size, decrease in cardiac output and heart rate, decrease blood pressure. At prolonged fasting- development of heart failure.

The respiratory system: a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs with the development of respiratory failure.

Reproductive system: reduction in the size of the ovaries in women and testicles in men, loss sexual attraction, termination menstrual cycles development of infertility.

Nervous system: apathy and irritability.

Hematopoietic system: anemia.

Metabolism: decrease in body temperature, accumulation of fluid in the skin (mainly due to the disappearance of subcutaneous fat).

Immune system: decreased resistance to infections, impaired wound healing.

Mental status: decline intellectual activity, depressive states.

Alimentary obesity.

Obesity (especially in the distribution of adipose tissue in the abdomen) is a risk factor for the development of many diseases.

In a person suffering overweight body, often develop cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the joints, spine and, as a result, life expectancy decreases.

In addition, obese patients also have a mass social problems. And they start from childhood. Children often get offensive nicknames, are embarrassed to go to physical education classes, go to the beach. Adults sometimes experience problems in career growth, when arranging a personal life.

Diet interventions.

With food, in addition to energy, the human body should receive dozens, and possibly hundreds of food and biologically active compounds. Moreover, most of them should be in a certain ratio with each other. Protein metabolism is closely related to the overall metabolism in the body. The lack of fats and carbohydrates in the diet with high-quality protein nutrition will lead to protein degradation. Therefore, a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (1:1:4) must be maintained in the daily diet.

Literate, balanced composition daily diet provides high physical and mental performance, increased immunity and adaptive capabilities of a person.

  • Squirrels are the main building material of the body - hormones, enzymes and antibodies are synthesized from them.
The protein content in the daily diet should be calculated according to the rule: 1 g per 1 kg of normal body weight. At the same time, proteins of animal and vegetable origin should be present in food in equal proportions - approximately 30-40 g of one and the same number of others. Protein calorie content is 4 kcal/g.

Animal squirrels. High-protein animal products - meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese - contain about 20% of pure protein. The daily norm of such products in the diet should be 200 g. Red meat - beef, lamb, pork - is not recommended to be consumed more than twice a week, since frequent consumption of red meat, especially fatty, is a risk factor for bowel cancer. It is better to replace it with chicken, turkey, and even better - fish. Fish contains fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on metabolism and blood cholesterol levels.

The ideally balanced of them in terms of their biological value and digestibility is egg white containing most of the essential and non-essential amino acids.

vegetable proteins. The main sources of protein of plant origin are processed grains, cereals, legumes, etc. vegetable protein a lot in cereals and pasta, as well as in rice and potatoes. The most complete amino acid composition, which approaches meat protein, contains soy protein. However, soybeans themselves contain coarse fiber and an antivitamin factor that interferes with protein absorption.

  • Carbohydrates. Physiological significance carbohydrates is mainly determined by their high energy properties. They are used by the body in the process of muscular and nervous activity, being the main suppliers of energy. Their calorie content is 4 kcal / g.
Complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are present in starchy foods - bread, cereals, pasta - as well as vegetables and fruits. A healthy person needs to consume complex carbohydrates 350 g per day. They are absorbed by the body more slowly than simple carbohydrates therefore less likely to be deposited as fat.

simple carbohydrates(sugar, glucose, as well as all sweets and drinks based on them). Simple carbohydrates are very quickly absorbed from the intestines. They are necessary for high and rapid energy expenditure, when there is an urgent need to increase blood glucose levels, but, creating high concentrations in the blood, they can quickly turn their excess into fat and be deposited in fatty tissue. Simple carbohydrates no more than 50 g per day is required.

  • Fats needed by the body not only because of its high energy value but also because they contain many useful compounds, such as: fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), sterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids.
Lack of fat intake in the body can lead to disorders of the central nervous system, weakening of immunobiological processes, degenerative changes internal organs.

The optimal content of fats in food is similar to proteins - 1 g per 1 kg of normal body weight (but not more).

The majority should be vegetable fats (sunflower, corn, olive, soybean. Vegetable oil is valuable in that it does not contain cholesterol at all (any). Cholesterol appears in vegetable oil during the frying process, and the more intense and longer the frying takes place, the more cholesterol is formed and the higher the content of "bad cholesterol" in it.

The consumption of animal fats should be limited.

  • Cholesterol(lipoproteins) is needed by the body in small amounts for proper metabolism. Distinguish high-density cholesterol or "good cholesterol", which is necessary for the life of the body and is not deposited in the vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and " bad cholesterol”, low density, which forms plaques in the vessels.
HCS - total cholesterol blood should normally not exceed 5.2 mmol / l (200 mg / dl).

To reduce blood cholesterol, you should reduce the use of offal (brains, kidneys, tongue, liver (no more than 2 times a month)), animal fats, eggs, fried foods.

Reduce the amount of cholesterol dietary fiber, lecithin, methionine, phytosterol, some vitamins. For example, egg yolk contains very a large number of cholesterol, but the yolk also contains a lot of lecithin, so eggs are less harmful to the body in terms of cholesterol than they might, judging by the indicator.

When compiling the menu, you should combine foods rich in cholesterol with foods containing a lot of fiber that absorbs it (vegetable salads and side dishes).

The level of "good cholesterol" in the blood is increased by systematic physical activity of moderate intensity of an aerobic nature, especially such as running at a moderate pace for long distances. After such a workout, the level of “good cholesterol” in the blood remains elevated for 15 to 20 hours. On the contrary, too intense physical activity suppresses the synthesis of “good cholesterol” and disrupts the entire fat metabolism.

  • Alimentary fiber : a more varied diet should be eaten, with a predominance of dishes from whole or chopped grains (cereals), vegetables and fruits (all fresh and frozen vegetables, all fresh fruits), unpolished grains, lentils, dried beans, rice;

  • Limit your salt intake.

  • The food must contain enough vitamins and mineral salts. The most valuable products, according to the content of vitamins and mineral salts, are vegetables, fruits, berries, garden greens, buckwheat and oatmeal, beans, peas, soybeans, eggs, liver, meat, fish.
In the winter-autumn period, it is recommended (especially for athletes) to take vitamin and mineral complexes (komlivit, glutamevit, selmevit, alphabet, etc.)

Mechanisms to support healthy eating.

Nutrition in a different way is “embedded” in family traditions. In families where there is a "cult of delicious food", the risk overweight above.

Important is the diet, the frequency of use of substances that stimulate appetite: salt, spices, mustard, alcohol.

There is no need to limit a person who wants to reduce weight in volumes, it is only advisable to exclude 2-3 food products. Reducing weight by 3-4 kilograms is often a matter of pride for a person and inspires him to continue the process of losing weight. Excessive dieting can become iconic and even painful. Behind the inspirational passion for diets are often hidden psychological problems deficiency of the main life meanings and values. It makes sense for people around who are faced with such a person not to support these hobbies.

Frequently asked Questions
- Is a separate diet the right diet?

No. The combination of different products in the diet significantly improves the taste of products and improves the absorption of individual components. So, for example, buckwheat porridge with milk increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and the addition of meat to vegetable dishes enhances the absorption of iron contained in plant products, and, conversely, vegetable products make it difficult to absorb iron found in meat. The diet in countries with a high life expectancy (Japan, France) is distinguished by a wide variety of dishes in which a large number of ingredients are mixed.

- Is it possible to attribute vegetarianism to its various options to proper nutrition?

Of course, the recommendations of modern dietology and vegetarianism may coincide with some diseases. At the same time, elevating intelligent ideas to the status of a cult can negative effect. The danger of vegetarianism lies in the occurrence of alimentary diseases, especially in the risk group (protein deficiency - essential amino acids, minerals, such as iron, and B vitamins).

Prepared by Orlova A.V., methodologist of OMO GUZ RVFD.

Memo for schoolchildren "Healthy eating"

Healthy eating pyramid

The preparation of a full-fledged diet for a schoolchild requires a deep approach, taking into account the specifics of the child's body. The development of school programs requires high mental activity from children. A small person, joining knowledge, not only performs hard work, but at the same time grows, develops, and for all this he must receive good nutrition. Intense mental activity, unusual for first-graders, is associated with significant energy costs.

A modern student, according to nutritionists, should eat at least four times a day, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner there must certainly be a hot dish. For a growing organism, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products are required - sources of calcium and protein. Calcium and phosphorus deficiency will also help replenish fish dishes. As a side dish, it is better to use not potatoes or pasta, but stewed or boiled vegetables (cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, legumes, garlic and cabbage). During the day, students should drink at least one to one and a half liters of liquid, but not soda, but fruit or vegetable juices.

Parents have high hopes for a proper breakfast - after all, they personally control this process and can be absolutely sure that at least once a day the child has eaten properly. However, not everyone knows which breakfast is the most valuable for a student.

In addition to sweet tea, jam and confectionery, the morning breakfast of schoolchildren must include bakery products, cereals (oatmeal has proven itself best), pasta, fresh vegetables, apples rich in fiber and pectin are preferred from fruits. These are complex forms of carbohydrates, the supply of which is necessary for the child. It is better to distribute the remaining carbohydrates to intermediate meals during the school day: fruit drinks, tea, coffee, buns, cookies, sweets will ensure a constant supply of fresh portions of glucose into the blood and will stimulate the mental activity of schoolchildren.

The second most important component of food, necessary to meet the energy needs of schoolchildren, is fat. They account for 20 to 30% of the total daily energy consumption.

In the diet of a schoolchild, fiber should be present in the required quantities - a mixture of indigestible substances that are found in the stems, leaves and fruits of plants. It is essential for normal digestion.

Squirrels- this is the main material that is used to build the tissues and organs of the child. Proteins differ from fats and carbohydrates in that they contain nitrogen, so proteins cannot be replaced by any other substances.

Schoolchildren 7-11 years old should receive 70-80 g of protein per day, or 2.5-3 g per 1 kg of weight, and students 12-17 years old - 90-100 g, or 2-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight .

Children and adolescents - young athletes who have increased physical activity (including participants in hiking trips) need to increase the daily intake of protein to 116-120 g at the age of 10-13 years. and up to 132-140 g at the age of 14-17 years.

In baby food, the qualitative features of proteins are taken into account. Thus, the share of animal proteins in the diet of school-age children is 65-60%, in adults - 50%. The needs of the child's body are best met by milk protein, as well as all other components of milk. In this regard, milk should be considered as a mandatory, non-replaceable baby food product. For school-age children, the daily norm of milk is 500 ml. It should be borne in mind that 100 g of milk corresponds to 12 g of powdered milk or 25 g of condensed milk.

Essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan and histidine are considered as growth factors. Their best suppliers are meat, fish and eggs.

P looking for - the only source from which the child receives the necessary plastic material and energy. Normal activity brain and body depends mainly on the quality of food consumed. It is useful for parents to know that the "difficult" nature of the child is often the result of poor nutrition, that proper nutrition improves mental abilities, develops memory in children and thus facilitates the learning process for him.

Ensuring a balanced diet for a student - one of the leading conditions for their proper harmonious development. school period, covering the age from 7 to 17 years, is characterized by intensive growth processes, an increase bone skeleton and muscles, a complex restructuring of metabolism, the activity of the endocrine system, the brain. These processes are associated with the final maturation and formation of man.

To the features of this age period also includes significant mental stress students due to the increase in the flow of information, the complication of school programs, the combination of classes with additional loads (optional classes, circles, homework).
To ensure all these complex life processes, a schoolchild needs good nutrition, which will cover the increased needs of his body for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and energy. These indicators vary significantly depending on age, gender, type of activity, living conditions. At school age, children should receive biologically complete foods rich in proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.
It is especially important for a growing child's body to include a sufficient amount of protein.
Proteins of animal origin should be at least 50-60% of the total amount of protein, depending on the load and living conditions of the child. With a protein deficiency in children, there are often violations of the function of the cerebral cortex, the ability to work decreases, overwork easily occurs, and academic performance worsens.
In the nutrition of school-age children, a large place should be occupied by protein rich foods : egg, meat, fish, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat. Dairy and sour-milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk), eggs, meat and fish products are needed daily in the school menu. When choosing products, one cannot ignore the fact that children need easily digestible food, because the digestive capacity of their digestive juices is weak. Dairy products are the main sources of minerals, vitamins, proteins. Preference should be given to fermented milk products that have a beneficial effect on digestion. Especially if the child suffers from dysbacteriosis and he has intolerance to whole milk. Lactic acid and other bactericidal substances contained in fermented milk products inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes. For example, the use of the Bifidok drink in hot weather leads to a decrease in the incidence of dysbacteriosis.
Bread is better to use rye or with bran, as it contains 30% more iron, twice as much potassium and a second more magnesium than white bread.

Vegetables necessary source vitamins and microelements. In the diet up to 50% should be raw vegetables and fruits. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that vegetables and fruits must be included every time and must be consumed before meals, but not after. Eating fruits and vegetables after meals helps long delay food masses, enhances the fermentation process, which can subsequently lead to chronic diseases digestive organs.
Much attention is required to ensure the student full breakfast. In the morning, the child's body consumes energy intensively, so breakfast should contain enough nutrients and calories to cover the upcoming energy costs. It must necessarily contain a hot dish, cottage cheese, egg, meat, cereals. Lunch should include maximum amount vegetables, including raw. Dinner mainly consists of dairy, cereals, vegetable, cottage cheese and egg dishes; meat or fish dishes are not recommended before going to bed, as protein-rich food has an exciting effect on the child's nervous system and is slowly digested. At the same time, children sleep restlessly and do not rest well during the night.
For the normal functioning of the brain, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium are necessary. Phosphorus and phosphorus compounds contribute to the formation of brain cells, sulfur is needed to saturate them with oxygen. Brain vitamin - vitamin E, as well as: vitamins B1, B2, B6.
In this regard, it will be useful for you to know which foods contain the above trace elements, vitamins. These are: potatoes, parsley, mint, horseradish, beef, brains, carrots, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, cherries, currants, dried fruits, egg yolk, gooseberries, grapes, liver, dairy products, mushrooms, olive oil, oranges, peas, raspberries , strawberries, soybeans, turnip greens, wheat germ, wholemeal bread.

Principles of a balanced diet

  • if you limit carbohydrates, proteins and fats will go into the “furnace”, when they break down, harmful substances, poisoning of the body occurs;

  • there is little protein in food - immunity suffers (endless colds!), the skin becomes dry and flabby, the hair is dull, and the nails are brittle; lose weight due to the loss of muscle protein;

  • you can’t do without fats at all - they are necessary for the functioning of the liver, the absorption of many vitamins, and the burning of fat reserves; but fat should be in food no more than 25% of daily calories; in fatty meat, milk, fried foods and pastries contain bad fats, in seafood and vegetable oils- useful;

  • the cooking process should take place in such a way as to preserve maximum nutrients in the products, so it is better to steam, boil or stew food; it is better to refuse fried food.
R fish and seafood are healthy foods.
Fish protein is well absorbed, our cells are built from it. Fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines) contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that burn excess fat. There are many vitamins and minerals in any fish.
Vegetables are life extension.
AT vegetables contain fiber and pectin, which play an important role in the normalization of digestion processes. And our health and longevity depends on how our digestive tract works. The protein content in vegetables is low, with the exception of legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), which contain up to 20% protein, approaching animal protein in its amino acid composition.
Vegetables are a source of vitamins C, A, group B. Vegetables also contain a large amount of minerals, organic acids, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins and other substances. Most vegetables contain potassium salts, trace elements (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc.), so necessary for the body to sustain life.
Everyone knows that fruits are healthy.
AT they contain carbohydrates that we can use without harm to health, replacing them with sweets. Stone fruits (apricots, peaches, cherries) contain a lot of glucose and sucrose, pome fruits (pears, apples) contain fructose. All fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, the value of which is due to their good digestibility. Peaches, bananas and apricots contain a large amount of potassium, which is so necessary for our heart to work. A source of iron combined with ascorbic acid(iron in this combination is better absorbed) are apples, pears, plums. Dietary fiber is represented in fruits by pectins, which normalize the intestinal microflora, suppressing putrefactive processes, remove toxic substances.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
The WHO recommendations are based on the traffic light principle.
Green light - food without limits- this is wholemeal bread, whole grains and at least 400 g per day of vegetables and fruits.
Yellow light - meat, fish, dairy products- only fat-free and in smaller quantities than "green" products.
Red light - these are foods to beware of: sugar, butter, confectionery. The less often you use such products, the better.

Complete and properly organized nutrition - a necessary condition for a long and fulfilling life, the absence of many diseases.

As parents, we are responsible for how our children are fed.


  1. The child should eat a variety of foods. The daily diet of a child should contain about 15 different food items. During the week, the diet should include at least 30 items of different foods.

  2. Every day, the following foods should be present in the child's diet: meat, butter, milk, bread, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. A number of products: fish, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products, cheese - do not have to be included in the diet every day, but must be present 2-3 times during the week.

  3. The child should eat at least 4 times a day.
    Students in the first shift at 7:30-8:30 should receive breakfast (at home, before leaving for school), at 11:00-12:00 - a hot breakfast at school, at 14:30-15:30 - after the end of classes - lunch at school (mandatory for students of extended day groups) or at home, and at 19:00-19:30 - dinner (at home).
    Students in the second shift at 8:00-8:30 should receive breakfast (at home), at 12:30-13:00 - lunch (at home, before leaving for school), at 16:00-16:30 - hot meals at school (afternoon snack), at 19:30-20:00-dinner (at home).

  4. You should use iodized salt.

  5. In the off-season (autumn - winter, winter - spring), the child should receive vitamin and mineral complexes recommended for children of the appropriate age.

  6. To enrich the diet of a schoolchild with vitamin C, we recommend that you take rosehip broth daily.

  7. Eating should take place in a relaxed atmosphere.

  8. If the child is underweight or overweight (this information can be obtained from medical worker school), a doctor's consultation is necessary, since in this case the child's diet should be adjusted taking into account the degree of deviation of physical development from the norm.

  9. The diet of a student involved in sports should be adjusted taking into account the amount of physical activity.
It is recommended to eat food consisting of 15-20% of proteins, 20-30% of fats, 50-55% of carbohydrates contained in vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts.

Food is poorly digested (cannot be taken):

  • When there is no feeling of hunger.

  • At severe fatigue.

  • When sick.

  • With negative emotions, anxiety and anger, jealousy.

  • Before the start of the hard physical work.

  • With overheating and severe chills.

  • When you're in a hurry.

  • You can't drink any food.

  • You can not eat sweets after eating, as there is a blockage of digestion and the fermentation process begins.

  • In nutrition, everything should be in moderation;

  • Food should be varied;

  • Food should be warm;

  • Chew food thoroughly;

  • There are vegetables and fruits;

  • There are 3-4 times a day;

  • Do not eat before bed;

  • Do not eat smoked, fried and spicy;

  • Do not eat dry food;

  • Eating less sweets

  • Do not snack on chips, crackers, etc.
Healthy eating is
restriction of fats and salt, an increase in the diet of fruits, cereals, wholemeal flour products, legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meat.

As well as…
Four meals a day.
biological completeness.


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