Hand some pimples. In severe cases, complex treatment is required. Small pimples on hands

Acne on the hands can be localized anywhere: from the shoulder to the fingertips. The rash can take on a variety of forms. It depends on what caused such unpleasant rashes. The reasons can be both external and internal, and, moreover, it is sometimes not so easy to determine them. However, if you have acne on your hands, the first thing you should do is find out the cause so that acne treatment is much faster and more effective.

The main causes of acne on the hands

There are several main causes of acne on the hands, reliably identified by experts. Namely:

  • scabies. When the skin is damaged by a scabies mite, small watery pimples appear, which are localized, as a rule, on the fingers (and then on the hands as a whole). The most characteristic symptom of scabies is severe itching, so if you have such rashes that also itch, you most likely have contracted scabies. Unfortunately, it is very easy to get infected with it, since it is not even necessary to have close contact with an infected person, but just wipe your hands with his towel or use his other household items;
  • allergy. Pimples on the hands can be the result of an allergy to medicines, chemicals (for example, washing powder with which clothes are washed), cosmetics, etc.);
  • infectious diseases (chickenpox, rubella, measles). The peculiarity of such a disease is high fever and rashes on other parts of the body;
  • neurodermatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of small watery pimples in the area of ​​​​the elbow bends. Such pimples tend to merge and itch a lot, but you can’t comb them - there is a risk of infection. If such symptoms appear, immediately go to an appointment with a specialist, since the treatment of neurodermatitis is individual.
  • metabolic disorders caused by any malfunction of the body or a violation of the proper functioning of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • fungal diseases. The appearance of acne on the hands can be caused by fungi that have entered the skin through small wounds or cracks in the skin. In such cases, a scattering of pimples appears around the affected area;
  • genetic diseases. With some types of hereditary diseases, small subcutaneous acne may appear on the skin of the hands. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they usually appear suddenly, spread throughout the body and do not disappear for a long time;
  • contamination of the skin, non-compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene leads to infection of minor lesions and, subsequently, to the multiplication of bacteria;
  • changes and fluctuations in hormonal levels (occurring in adolescence, during pregnancy or the postpartum period in women). In this case, acne is the result of increased work by the work of the sebaceous glands. One of the signs of the appearance of hormonal acne on the hands is a rash on the shoulders (from the outside) of small white acne. Most often, such pimples are hardly noticeable (especially if they are not squeezed out), do not itch and do not cause pain. However, their appearance can cause psychological discomfort due to the inability to wear revealing clothing;
  • stress and other psychological factors;
  • exposure to direct sunlight. Sometimes a sunburn can look like a scattering of small red pimples.

When such a problem occurs, people often still try to do without the help of specialists, self-medicating. Treatment of acne on the hands, many begin with the use of topical antibacterial drugs. However, very often the use of antibiotics does not give the expected effect. In addition, modern people are used to being treated with antibiotics often and for any reason, which causes the body to get used to the components of the drugs, thereby minimizing their positive effect.

Therefore, when trying to get rid of acne on the hands, you should still consult a doctor, identify the cause that caused the rash, and direct all efforts to eradicate this cause.

So, for allergic acne, antihistamines are prescribed, for fungal infections and scabies - special therapeutic ointments and medicines, for infectious diseases - symptomatic therapy, antiseptic and antipruritic agents.

Normalization of the hormonal background will help to get rid of hormonal acne as soon as possible.

With neurodermatitis, a complex treatment is prescribed, including baths with medicinal herbs (calendula, celandine and others) - this helps to relieve inflammation and itching on the affected areas of the skin.

Naturally, there are universal tips that will help you get rid of acne on your hands faster:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, take care of the skin of the hands no less carefully than the skin of the face. Hand skin requires the same cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition. Use sunscreen while in the sun;
  • try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics - this will allow the skin of the hands to breathe and reduce a possible allergic reaction to synthetics;
  • if possible, avoid using other people's personal hygiene items, but if this happens, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • strengthen immunity, drink multivitamins. Vitamins A and C have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • disinfect any, even minor damage to the skin of the hands, whether it be abrasions, scratches or injections;
  • pay attention to the diet. If possible, exclude fried, spicy, salty foods from it, and also reduce the consumption of sweets.

How to get rid of acne on urki (video)

Using the tips described above, you can not only get rid of acne on your hands, but also prevent the possibility of their reappearance.

We all want to look perfect. However, sometimes our skin gives us unpleasant surprises. At the same time, they can appear not only on the face, but also on the back, and on the hands. Read on to find out how to make your skin beautiful.

how to get rid of?

The causes of rashes can be very diverse, and if you want the result to come as quickly as possible, you should visit a dermatologist. If you do not want to visit a specialist, you can try to make independent attempts to remove acne on your arms above the elbow.

Almost always among the root causes of the appearance of unsightly red spots is a poor bowel condition. In other words, it is most likely contaminated with waste products and toxins. If this is true, then you should not hope for too fast a result. To go above the elbow, you need to change your diet. Try to give up meat, preferring fish (2 times a week). Eat more raw vegetables and fruits. You will have to give up sweets altogether. And, of course, drink 1-1.5 liters of fluid daily.

Another likely reason why you get acne on your arms above the elbow may be poor personal hygiene. A daily shower may not be enough. People with this problem should thoroughly clean their hands above the elbow once every two days. A washcloth should be purchased artificial, since bacteria actively multiply in a natural one, and wash it after each use.

While taking a shower, you can make a double effect, using In your gel, add 2-3 drops of the product, mix well and cleanse the skin with this mass.

It is useful to use scrubs once a week. You can use salt or soda. And you can prepare a cleansing and moisturizing scrub, consisting of 1 tsp. honey, 2 crushed tablets 2 drops of olive oil, ½ tsp. warm water.

After showering, lubricate above the elbow with a very light moisturizer to prevent the formation of thin skin crusts that will prevent the release of sebum.

Among folk recipes, there are many more that will help even out skin tone. If you have already adjusted your diet, refer to such remedies as calendula tincture, chloramphenicol solution. When using these remedies to cure red pimples on the hands, one should not forget about regular moisturizing, as they dry the skin quite strongly.

What other reasons exist? It may well be, for example, that your body lacks vitamin D. You can more than get it by taking reasonable amounts of sunbathing. But what to do in the cold season? The only way out is to take vitamins. And here it would be better to seek the advice of a doctor, since an incorrectly calculated dosage can give very unpleasant side effects.

If a month after all your efforts there is no positive effect, you still have to visit a dermatologist. Perhaps the reason is much deeper than you think.

The human body always tries to warn about the development of serious disorders in it by the appearance of visible signs indicating pathological changes in health. One of these first signs of ailments are acne, dotting the fingers of the upper extremities, palms and back surfaces of the hands. Such pathological changes on the wrist should not be ignored, especially if the rash on the hands itches, crusts, bleeds or becomes infected with the appearance of purulent blisters.

Very often, a rash on the hand in the form of small pimples that itches is a signal of the development of a dermatological ailment or a disease of internal organs, which cannot be ignored in any case. An untimely visit to a doctor or a complete lack of medical care can lead to complex variants of the course of the underlying disease, complications of the pathological condition, and its transition to a chronic form.

A rash on the hands in the form of pimples itches: causes

Red pimples and itchy blisters on the hands can occur for a variety of reasons. In most clinical cases, they are a dermatological problem, less often - a manifestation of diseases of the internal organs. So, why do hands itch and pimples appear on the skin of the hands? Today, doctors identify the following causes of this pathological condition:

Pimples on the hands with redness and itching in adults and children are a common occurrence in medical practice. Often, such pathological manifestations are accompanied by similar itchy rashes on the surface of the skin of the legs. In young patients, among the most common factors of the disease, childhood infections, in particular, measles, rubella, and chickenpox, should be distinguished. And in people with a low level of socialization - scabies, when the smallest bubbles and blisters affect the interdigital areas of the skin, and then spread throughout the body.

Improper hygiene measures

Lack of hygiene, as the cause of the development of vultures on the skin of the hands, is a problem mainly of childhood. After all, it is small patients who shy away from periodic washing of hands with soap, which provokes the development of an infection with its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin and the formation of purulent inflammatory pimples.

Vitamin deficiency

It is extremely rare that if a person has small pimples on his hands and itches, he thinks that the cause of the rash was a deficiency of vitamins. Despite this, a similar problem occurs in medical practice, since vitamins are actively involved in most metabolic processes, and therefore control the state of epidermal cells. Such small pimples on the hands are very itchy, densely cover the surface of the hands, and can also appear on the forearm.

Psychological problems

As you know, the state and functionality of the internal organs, as well as the skin, largely depend on the nervous system. Therefore, stress and nervous overexcitation negatively affect the entire body, in particular, they can cause the development of pimples on the fingers.

allergic reactions

Among the most frequent factors provoking allergies are: household chemicals, food, cosmetics and medicines. With the allergic nature of the disease, an adult or child develops an itchy rash on the fingers, as well as the back of the hands, which disappears almost immediately after the elimination of the main culprit of the pathological reaction.


Among the most common skin diseases with the appearance of acne on the palms that itch, special attention should be paid to eczema - a chronic disease of epidermal tissues with a recurrent course. At first, itching on the hands and small pimples are rare and can go away on their own. Over time, this phenomenon takes on a more serious pace, the rash on the palms and the back of the hands begins to get wet, crusts appear on the rashes, which often bleed. This disease is predominantly hereditary and difficult to treat.

infectious diseases

Small pimples on the arms itch from the shoulder to the hands? This may be the result of infection of the skin of the hands. In particular, pimples on the palms and the back surface of the distal upper extremities occur when infected with a fungus, staphylococcus bacteria, and the like. In such cases, the rash on the hands is red bumps with purulent or serous exudate, which can increase in size and spread to the surrounding tissues.

Diseases of the internal organs

If the pimples on the hands itch, this may be a manifestation of the pathology of the internal organs. For example, such rashes occur with hormonal disorders, more often in pregnant women and adolescents. At the same time, hormones in excess or deficiency provoke blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which contributes to the appearance of bubbles on its surface.

Preventive measures

The formation of small pimples on the hands can be prevented if you adhere to elementary hygiene standards and do not succumb to your body's constant exposure to various kinds of allergens. Doctors note that this problem will almost never affect a person who follows the following recommendations:

  • control over the cleanliness of hands, their periodic washing with soap, treatment of minor injuries with antiseptic solutions;
  • observance of the normal regime of the day, providing the body with a good sleep and daytime rest;
  • eating food enriched with vitamins and minerals, and in the winter season - an additional intake of vitamin complexes to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis;
  • strengthening the state of the immune system;
  • high-quality hand skin care with the use of moisturizing creams, nourishing masks and the like;
  • giving up bad habits that always complicate the course of the underlying disease and increase its relapses;
  • avoidance of stressful situations and nervous strain;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.

It is important to remember that only thanks to a careful attitude to your health can you prevent the development of an itchy rash on your hands. You should be attentive to the state of health and when the first signs of its deterioration appear (in this case, acne on the hands), immediately contact specialists to find out the true causes of pathological changes and determine the only correct methods for their correction.

Medication treatment for a small rash on the hands

What to do if a rash appears on the hands? How to treat such pathological manifestations? When acne on the hands itch, you can not postpone their treatment in a long box. In the event of a problem, it is necessary to immediately contact specialists who will help determine the true causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. It is important to understand that self-medication can lead to a complication of the condition, chronicity of the disease and infection of the emerging tubercles with the development of a purulent process.

How to treat acne and blisters on the hands? This question can only be answered by a doctor after a detailed clinical examination of the lesions, and the necessary studies to clarify the diagnosis.

  • Infectious skin diseases are treated by prescribing medicines to the patient that act on the causative agents of the disease. With mycoses, local application of antifungal ointments is shown, for example, Clotrimazole 2-3 times a day for a week. You can also use Exoderil, Terbinafine according to the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.
  • Bacterial dermatosis is an indication for taking antibiotics. With streptococcal pyoderma, it is advisable to take broad-spectrum macrolides or ceftriaxones. Azithromycin may be prescribed at a dose of 0.5 g daily for 3 days, as well as Erythromycin tablets, 1 tab. 2 times for 7-10 days.
  • topical application to the affected areas of the skin of sodium benzyl benzoate or anti-scabies sprays at bedtime after taking a shower is indicated. It is also necessary to frequently change bed linen, clothing and boil it, which will completely destroy all ticks.
  • Allergic ailments require the use of antihistamines. Patients are prescribed drugs such as: Claritin, Diazolin, Suprastin 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, depending on the complexity of the pathological process. Eczema should be treated with hormonal drugs, among which the most commonly used are: Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone ointments 2 times a day for a week.
  • With hypovitaminosis, patients need to take multivitamin complexes, and with nervous exhaustion or stress - sedatives, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

Folk methods

Recipes of traditional medicine are recommended to be used only in relation to dry pimples and purulent rashes of small sizes. In order to eliminate the manifestations of an allergic reaction, you can use a proven remedy - chamomile infusion or calendula decoction.

Recipe 1 . To prepare an infusion of chamomile, you will need a tablespoon of crushed parts of the plant, which should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition must be left to cool completely, previously covered with a lid. The cold infusion must be filtered to remove parts of chamomile and used in a slightly warmed form as lotions several times a day until the allergic rash disappears completely.

Recipe 2 . A decoction of calendula is prepared by keeping fresh or dry parts of the plant soaked in warm water in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. The resulting broth must be filtered and diluted with drinking water in a ratio of 1: 2. After that, the finished product is recommended to be taken half a cup three times a day. A concentrated decoction can lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Recipe 3 . Good results can be achieved by taking baths with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula, celandine. To do this, a small amount of them must be poured into water with a temperature of approximately 38-40 0 C and, dipping the hands into it. Keep for 30 minutes. It also perfectly improves the condition of the skin by lubricating it with sunflower or olive oil.

Recipe 4 . With purulent pimples on the skin of the hands, before visiting a doctor, you can use celandine or aloe juice. The juice of the plant can be obtained by crushing or grinding the leaves (stems) of a medicinal culture in a blender, and then squeezing the liquid out of them. The resulting juice should be used only fresh, immediately after squeezing. It is recommended to apply it on acne (celandine juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:6 before application, otherwise there is a risk of burns).

Recipe 5 . Ichthyol cream and Vishnevsky ointment have a good therapeutic effect in case of purulent lesions of the skin of the hands with the development of pimples. They stimulate the maturation of abscesses and the release of exudate to the outside. These funds are recommended to be applied to the affected areas twice a day until a therapeutic effect is obtained.

Acne on the hands does not appear as often as on the face or on the back, but still some people face such a problem. Rashes can be different - it can be either one subcutaneous pimple, or a whole scattering of small inflammatory elements. There are also many places where acne can appear: on the hands, on the wrists, on the fingers, and even between them. Let's see why they can appear in such atypical places, and how you can get rid of this problem.

Allergic reaction

Our hands come into daily contact with a variety of irritants: dishwashing liquid, washing powder, cosmetics - all of which can be a potential allergen. If the rashes are caused by direct contact with the allergen, they will appear only on the hands, and if it is an intolerance to any food product, then pimples will appear on other parts of the body. The solution to the problem in this case is to exclude contact with the allergen and take antihistamines. You can also use antipruritic ointments, for example:

  • Triderm;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Elidel;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Mesoderm etc.

Infectious diseases

Acne on the hands can be a symptom of the onset of an infectious disease, such as chickenpox or measles. However, in this case, not exactly acne appears on the hands - the rashes, rather, look like blisters or small bubbles. It is easy to calculate an infectious disease - it is accompanied by high fever, general malaise, rashes soon appear not only on the hands, but on the whole body. In this case, you need to call a doctor at home.

Internal causes

Sometimes the cause of acne on the hands can be any internal disease. The case may be in diseases of the thyroid gland, in metabolic disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal failure. To find out the exact cause, you will need a doctor's consultation and a complete examination of the body. Only after that it will be possible to determine exactly how to treat rashes on the hands. So, if acne appeared due to hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy, the treatment will be different than when the cause lies in the presence of gastritis.

Dermatological diseases

Sometimes pimples look like rashes on the hands, which appear due to the development of a fungal infection. To prevent their occurrence, treat each wound that appears with antimicrobial agents - the fungus most easily penetrates through all sorts of cracks and scratches on the skin. If there is a suspicion of an already existing fungus, contact a dermatologist - treatment in this case should be selected according to an individual scheme.

Scabies can also be mistaken for acne. Most often, such rashes appear between the fingers. This disease also serves as an occasion for immediate medical attention. Without taking any measures, you endanger not only your own health, but also the health of others, because scabies is a contagious disease.

Insufficient cleansing of the skin

If small red pimples appear on the hands, the reason can be very banal - insufficiently thorough cleansing of the skin from existing impurities and keratinized particles. Such pimples, as a rule, are small in size, there are many of them, and they often itch. Such rashes very rarely appear on the wrists and hands. A favorite place is the forearms and elbows. To get rid of the problem, regularly clean the skin with scrubs, use a hard washcloth, moisturize the skin with milk, lotion or cream. If the above measures do not help, you may need a more thorough cleansing of the skin. You can visit the cosmetologist's office and do a deep peeling of the skin or normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands with the help of darsonvalization.

Vitamin deficiency

Often this problem occurs with beriberi: small pimples appear on the hands, they itch, which cause additional discomfort. You can get rid of them by enriching your diet with healthy foods: nuts, herbs, vegetables. Also, it will not be superfluous to drink a course of multivitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids have a good effect - they improve the condition of the skin, helping it stay hydrated, and prevent acne - not only on the hands, but throughout the body.

lack of rest

Small pimples on the hands can appear due to nervous overstrain, due to chronic lack of sleep, overstrain at work, constant fatigue. Keep track of your daily routine, try not to get nervous over trifles and be in the fresh air more often - this will benefit both your skin and the whole body in general. The appearance of acne on the hands also has a psychosomatic background. It is believed that rashes appear when a person subconsciously tries to isolate himself from society, when he needs to be alone with himself.

Pimples appear extremely rarely on the hands, however, if they have already arisen, you first need to try to determine what exactly caused them to appear. Try to exclude all possible allergens, pay more attention to your diet and daily routine, free the skin from the stratum corneum with the help of scrubs and other cosmetics. If acne is not the only problem, and you have a high temperature, you need to urgently seek medical help. It is also worth seeing a doctor if all of the above measures to resolve the problem on your own do not bring results. It is possible that rashes on the hands are not acne at all, but a fungal infection or other dermatological disease.

Hands are that part of the body that is always in sight, and at the same time is actively involved in all household processes. Despite this, the hands are traditionally less cared for than the face, and often hand skin disorders are only discovered at a late stage.

What to do if acne appears on the hands?

Types of acne on the hands

Small whites, especially in the forearm, may indicate a metabolic disorder. The nature of these rashes is hyperkeratotic, that is, they arise due to the accumulation of desquamated epithelial cells during their untimely separation from the skin surface. Often, such changes in the skin are accompanied by the death of still immature cells, then in addition to small white pimples on the hands, you can observe peeling and flaking of the skin like dandruff.

The nature of the appearance of white pimples is usually fungal, but is caused by opportunistic microflora, that is, it does not always require drug treatment. Often it is enough to start getting enough sleep, eat right and play sports, as problems with white pimples on the skin of the hands go away.

Subcutaneous acne on the hands may be the result of the usual clogging of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands with skin secretions and dead cells. Not always "subcutaneous pimples" come out in the form of red pimples, they can simply dissolve under the skin on their own.

If it becomes large and hard, gradually becomes painful, you should consult a doctor to exclude furunculosis. Our hands come into contact with many aggressive factors of the surrounding world, and we get used to it so much that we stop noticing not only microcracks, but sometimes even large scratches and wounds. Any damage to the skin is a gateway for infection. The wound can heal for a long time, and the bacteria will get a field for reproduction under the skin.

Boils and abscesses are dangerous by rupturing inward and getting pus into the bloodstream, which leads to sepsis and death. Because of the danger of the disease, it is often treated with surgery.

If the “subcutaneous pimple” has become an ordinary red pimple, or an open comedone has transformed into it, then the reasons are clear: insufficient hygiene. Hands, not counting the shoulders, are not included in the so-called seborrheic zones, so the cause of an inflamed pimple on the arm lies in the ingress of dirt and bacteria into the hair follicles. What to do: do not touch the body with dirty hands, take a shower at least once a day, and in hot weather - twice a day.

In rare cases, the appearance of dense "subcutaneous" on the hands, especially on the palms, may mean Darier's disease. This is a hereditary disease that has about four clinical forms, so you need to see a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

In no case should you try to squeeze out purulent acne on your hands at home. Instead of getting rid of the pimple you hate, you can spread the infection and get three times as many pimples as you had before.

To get rid of the itching of a purulent pimple and improve the appearance of the skin, draw out the pus with ichthyol ointment or aloe juice: lubricate the inflamed areas 3-4 times a day, you can leave it overnight.

As a rule, pus comes out in 1-2 days, and after another two days, only a tiny reddish speck will remain from the pimple.

Watery pimples on the hands, especially in large numbers, can be a sign of an infectious disease: chickenpox, measles or rubella. If the appearance of acne on the hands is accompanied by high fever, headache, weakness, be sure to consult a doctor.

Watery rashes on the hands and other parts of the body, coupled with a temperature above 38 C, are a reason to seek emergency help. All these diseases are especially dangerous in adulthood, because they threaten with complications and a longer course of the disease itself.

But even if watery acne is found on the hands of a child, an urgent need to consult a doctor: there are such forms of chickenpox, for example, that can provoke rashes not only on the surface of the skin, but also affect the cylindrical epithelium lining the mucous membranes. In other words, in some cases, chickenpox acne can be inside the body too, and this is more dangerous.

The second disease, an alarming sign of which is watery acne, is dyshidrotic eczema. She is treated only in the clinic by a specialist, no methods of self-treatment can be applied to her.

We also suggest watching a video on the topic:

In the form of small acne - a sign of a fungal disease, bacterial infection, metabolic disorders. Sometimes a small rash can be the result of a sun or chemical burn. Subsequently, the skin in place with pimples begins to peel off as with a normal sunburn, and clean appears in its place.

There can be many reasons for itching of acne, and the doctor will understand them best. But what to do if you don’t get to the doctor urgently, and the itching prevents you from living?

  • Allergies are the most common cause of itchy hands. An allergic rash can be very diverse, but one thing distinguishes it: itching is relieved by limiting contact with the allergen and taking antihistamines. You should do just that.

  • Irritation can also cause itching and pimples on the hands. Synthetic clothing causes increased sweating and prevents the evaporation of liquid, as a result, skin irritation occurs, acne appears.
  • Overdried cosmetics skin often reacts with peeling, there is a desire to scratch.
  • Infectious infection of the skin can also have itching as a sign. Especially if the pimples are watery or small red ones.
  • Psychosomatic reaction: the skin may itch against the background of emotional experiences without any physiological basis.

If pimples itch in a child, it is urgent to consult a doctor - both infections and allergies in children can occur with complications.

Pimples on the hands and fingers often have a fungal origin, and if they itch, this is an alarm signal. The spread of the fungus can lead to nail loss and other unpleasant consequences.

Acne between the fingers is evidence of damage to the skin by candidiasis or thrush, as this disease is popularly called. Since the fungus Candida is a natural component of the human microflora, candidiasis is caused by internal factors.

Causes of acne on the hands

The causes of acne on the hands can be both external factors (bacteria, dirt), and internal ones. The range of skin reactions to any irritant is extremely large, and even generally healthy people can have acne. It is important that the phenomenon is not systemic and permanent. The most common reasons include:

  • Improper personal hygiene. The skin must be freed from sweat, excess skin secretion and dust every day, otherwise the pores become clogged and blackheads form.

  • Allergy. It may appear as a rash or as redness on the skin without the formation of a papule.
  • Irritation from wearing synthetic clothes, using deodorants, inappropriate shower cosmetics.
  • Infection. Fungal infections often appear as a small red rash, gradually merging into a single crust. Viral infections often present as watery pimples.

  • Problems with metabolism.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Excess formation of bile, the inability of the intestine to digest food - all this affects the condition of the skin.
  • Stress, lack of sleep, lack of regimen.

Hand acne treatment

For a complete treatment of acne on any part of the body, you need to contact a dermatologist. Self-treatment, prior to visiting a doctor, is mainly based on prevention and safe folk methods.

  • Take baths with salt, essential oils of pine and eucalyptus, decoction of birch buds, celandine.

  • Treatment of pimples with iodine, alcohol solution of calendula, chlorhexidine, metrogil, salicylic acid solution.
  • The use of ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment for drawing out pus. Aloe juice is also well suited for these purposes.
  • Antibacterial ointments (Zinerit, Baziron AS, etc.)

The most important thing in the treatment of acne is the right lifestyle and timely access to a doctor.

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