Quotes of famous psychologists. Quotes from psychologists

On this page you will find quotes from great psychologists, you will definitely need this information for general development.

Psychological growth leads to awareness of the present without escaping into the past or the future. Experience the present in any this moment is the only possible real experience, the condition for satisfaction and fullness of life, and consists in accepting this experience of the present with an open heart. Frederick Perls

There is no worse lie than the misunderstood truth. William James

When you have to make a choice and you don't, that is also a choice. William James

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore. William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life by changing his attitude towards it. William James

Life is vain only for those who pursue vanity. K. Jung

By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. Dale Carnegie

If a person can live spontaneously, not by force, not automatically, then he realizes himself as an active creative person and understands that life has only one meaning - life itself. E. Fromm

Anyone who has watched the baby, having been satiated, pulls away from the chest and falls asleep with rosy cheeks and a happy smile cannot avoid the thought that this picture continues to exist for the rest of his life as a prototype of the expression of sexual pleasure. Sigmund Freud

For a person, everything is important, except for him. own life and the art of living. He exists for anything but himself. Eric Fromm

Because of the isolated way of life that we lead, few of us are well acquainted with human nature. Alfred Adler

The presence of anxiety indicates vitality. Rollo May

Humanistic ethics under the good understands the affirmation of life, the disclosure and development of human potentials, under virtue - the responsibility for one's existence. E. Fromm

After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a sense of the fullness of life, the achievement will inevitably come for granted and there will be anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more! Abraham Maslow

How seductive is the popular talk of self-fulfillment and self-realization of man! As if a person is meant only to satisfy his own needs or himself. Viktor Frankl

What matters is not our fears or our anxiety, but how we deal with them. Viktor Frankl

Life either has meaning, in which case meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then it also does not depend on the events taking place. Viktor Frankl

Man has become a commodity and regards his life as a capital to be invested profitably. If he succeeded in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure. Its value is determined by demand, and not by its human virtues: kindness, intelligence, artistic abilities. Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, an aimless occupation, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of being in the kingdom of shadows. Erich Fromm

The task of man is to expand the space of his destiny, to strengthen that which promotes life, as opposed to that which leads to death. When I talk about life and death, I don't mean the biological state, but the ways of a person's being, his interaction with the world. Erich Fromm

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality. Erich Fromm

The main danger in life is excessive caution. Alfred Adler

Do not imagine that your case is extraordinarily difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness early in their careers.
Dale Carnegie

If a child experiencing irritation could not change the situation and could not cry out tears of futility, could not go from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes further, to the last defense mechanism against the manifestation of aggression.
Gordon Neufeld

The question of the mission of psychotherapy is, first of all, the question of its understanding of itself and its purpose.
Viktor Kagan

Man's greatest friend and greatest enemy is his imagination.
Arturo Graf

Here are collected not only aphorisms from little-known psychologists, but also quotes from great psychologists.

A person "by nature" is not inclined to earn money, more and more money, he just wants to live, live as he is used to, and earn as much as is necessary for such a life.
Maximilian Carl Julius Weber (Max Weber)

A strong temperament is possessed by a person who is able not only to feel strongly, but also to maintain balance under the most severe trials and capable, despite the storm in his chest, to obey the subtlest indications of the mind, like a compass needle on a ship agitated by a storm.
Carl von Clausewitz

Remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise. Don't forget that no one ever hits a dead dog.
Dale Carnegie

After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a sense of the fullness of life, the achievement will inevitably come for granted and there will be anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more!
Abraham Maslow

It is very easy to destroy or suppress the potential of a person so that a full-fledged person seems to us something like a miracle, such an implausible case that plunges us into awe. But at the same time, it is encouraging that self-actualizing people nevertheless exist, and therefore, it is possible to cope with all the trials and emerge victorious.
Abraham Maslow

Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment a person has a choice: either retreat or advance towards the goal. Either a movement towards even greater fear, fears, protection, or the choice of a goal and the growth of spiritual forces. To choose development instead of fear ten times a day means to advance ten times towards self-realization.
Abraham Maslow

He who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as a nail.
Abraham Maslow

An attempt to escape from anxiety is doomed to failure. Moreover, one who wants to get rid of anxiety loses the invaluable opportunity to fulfill himself, is not able to learn to be a man.
Rollo May

Ever since the pigs have learned about Freud, they explain every disgusting thing as a complex.
Don Aminado

Anything that irritates others can lead to self-understanding.
Carl Gustav Jung

... a neurotic can be characterized as a person who has not given up in the struggle for his own personality.
Eric Fromm

Man is the only animal for which his own existence is a problem: he must solve it, and it is impossible to get away from it. He cannot return to the pre-human state of harmony with nature and must develop his mind until he becomes the master of nature and himself.
Eric Fromm

In what cases it is necessary to address to the psychologist, and in what already to the psychiatrist?

It was a selection containing quotes from psychologists.

“We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.” Sigmund Freud

“Joy comes into our lives when we have things to do; there is someone to love; and there is hope." Viktor Frankl

“Having a specific goal, a person feels able to overcome any problems, since his future success lives in him.” Alfred Adler

“We are what we ourselves have inspired about ourselves and what others have inspired us about us.” Erich Fromm

“You can truly understand only what you try to change.” Kurt Lewin

“Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not admit even to himself.” Sigmund Freud

"The art of being wise consists in knowing what to ignore." W. James

"By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives." Dale Carnegie

“If a person can live not by force, not automatically, but spontaneously, then he realizes himself as an active creative person and understands that life has only one meaning - life itself.” E. Fromm

"The presence of anxiety indicates vitality." Rollo May

“After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a feeling of fullness of life, the achievement will inevitably come for granted and there will be anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more!” Abraham Maslow

"It's not our fears or our anxieties that matter, but how we deal with them." Viktor Frankl

“Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.” Carl Gustav Jung

"If I love another person, I feel oneness with him, but with him as he is, and not with the way I would like him to be, as a means to achieve my goals." Erich Fromm

“People sometimes say about a person, “He has not yet found himself.” But they don't find themselves, they create them" Thomas Szasz

“The world is just perfect, so there is no need to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, in the end, and take care of yourself at your leisure! Nicholas Linde

“At the basis of all our actions are two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction”, “Every normal person is actually only partly normal” Sigmund Freud

"The task of making man happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world." Sigmund Freud

"Encounter with oneself belongs to the most unpleasant." Carl Gustav Jung

"Everything that irritates in others can lead to an understanding of oneself." Carl Gustav Jung

“When you have to make a choice and you don’t, that is also a choice.” William James

“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, happiness will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.” Viktor Frankl

“Suffering has as its goal to save a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.” Viktor Frankl

I think other people's thoughts very easily become their own, if they are perceived and processed. Conclusion: read the great ones and your thinking will rise!

Loneliness is due not the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

Carl Gustav Jung

The problem of "unlovedness" quite often turns into a problem of one's own dislike.

Irvin Yalom

If I love another person, I feel one with him, but with him as he is, and not with him as I would like him to be, as a means to my ends.

Erich Fromm

Psychotherapists are the people who are the best at learning to deal with their madness.

Carl Whitaker

Where there is Intimacy, there are no Games.

Eric Bern

People sometimes say about a person "He has not yet found himself." But they do not find themselves, but create them.

Thomas Zas

Numerous problems arise when we try to meet the expectations of others instead of defining our own.

Carl Rogers

By trying to be ourselves, we alienate many people, by trying to yield to the desires of others, we alienate ourselves.

Clarissa Estes

Much of what is real within us is not conscious, and what is conscious is unreal.

Sigmund Freud

The world is just perfect, so there is no need to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, in the end, and take care of yourself at your leisure!

Nicholas Linde

Wish someone lucky to meet you and you will be lucky to meet someone.

Eric Bern

At the heart of all our actions are two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

Sigmund Freud

Every normal person is actually only partly normal.

Sigmund Freud

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain, and as a substitute they bring pleasure. For this, we must accept without complaint when, in conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

Sigmund Freud

He who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as a nail.

Abraham Maslow

I object very seriously to the pursuit of perfection that some doctors and psychologists adhere to when working with people. I have never met a perfect human being and do not expect to ever meet one. Perhaps it is the imperfection that you are trying to take away from a person that just gives him the charm that makes it possible to single out this individual and remember him.

Milton Erickson

No influence on a person can be more intrusive and predetermining than that which he is not aware of.

Otto Kernberg

These terrible crows - depression, despair and a feeling of uselessness - will always be somewhere nearby, right outside our window. No matter how consciously we want to get rid of them, they will come to us.

come back again and again, and their hoarse croaks will interrupt our sleepy denial. Think of them as a constant reminder of the task before us. Even hearing their croaking, the sound of their wings, we still retain the freedom of choice.

James Hollis

A person who feels loneliness experiences a unique experience of wandering and at the same time realizes his own inner essence with which he can enter into a dialogue. Through this dialogue, the individuation process begins.

James Hollis

We enter the world alone and leave it alone.

Sigmund Freud

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

Sigmund Freud

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of (preferably unanticipated) satisfaction. long time pent-up needs.

Sigmund Freud

To be truly intimate with another, we must truly listen to the other: drop the stereotypes and expectations associated with the other and allow ourselves to be molded by the other's response.

Irvin Yalom

Relationships fail when a person is partly with another, and partly with someone else imaginary.

Irvin Yalom

We are fully responsible for our lives, not only for our actions, but also for our inability to act.

Irvin Yalom

Love is, rather, a form of existence: not so much attraction as self-giving, an attitude not so much towards one person, but towards the world as a whole.

Irvin Yalom

We are all lonely ships in the dark sea. We see the lights of other ships - we cannot reach them, but their presence and similar position to ours give us consolation.

Irvin Yalom

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off indefinitely.

Irvin Yalom

Life means nothing until there is a thinking person who could interpret its phenomena.

Carl Gustav Jung

Encounter with oneself is one of the most unpleasant.

Carl Gustav Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemicals: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Carl Gustav Jung

Anything that irritates others can lead to self-understanding.

Carl Gustav Jung

Your vision will become clear only when you can see into your own soul.

Carl Gustav Jung

We are often confronted with despair that comes from the inability to make a choice or unwillingness to be ourselves; but the deepest despair comes when a person chooses "to be not himself, to be different."

Carl Rogers

A person can go beyond his own limits only by relying on his own true nature, and not on ambition and artificial goals.

Frederick Perls

Psychological growth leads to awareness of the present without escaping into the past or the future. The experience of the present at any given moment is the only possible real experience, the condition for the satisfaction and fullness of life, and consists in accepting this experience of the present with an open heart.

Frederick Perls

There is no worse lie than the misunderstood truth.

William James

When you have to make a choice and you don't, that is also a choice.

William James

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore.

William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life by changing his attitude towards it.

William James

there is a definition that says that meanings and values ​​are nothing but reactive formations and defense mechanisms. As for me, I wouldn't want to live for my reaction formations, much less die for my defense mechanisms.

Victor Frankl

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, It will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

Viktor Frankl

The desire to find the meaning of life is the main motivating force in a person ... I am not afraid to say that there is no more effective help in the world for survival even in the most terrible conditions than knowing that your life has meaning.

Viktor Frankl

Suffering aims to save a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.

Viktor Frankl

Let that one of you who is devoid of neurotic manifestations be the first to throw a stone at me, whether he be a theologian or a psychiatrist.

Viktor Frankl

Not the last of the lessons that I managed to learn from Auschwitz and Dachau was that the greatest chances to survive even in such an extreme situation were, I would say, those who were sent to the future, to the work that awaited them, to the meaning which they wanted to implement.

Viktor Frankl

How seductive is the popular talk of self-fulfillment and self-realization of man! As if a person is meant only to satisfy his own needs or himself.

Viktor Frankl

What matters is not our fears or our anxiety, but how we deal with them.

Viktor Frankl

Life either has meaning, in which case meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then it also does not depend on the events taking place.

Viktor Frankl

Man has become a commodity and regards his life as a capital to be invested profitably. If he succeeded in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure. Its value is determined by demand, and not by its human virtues: kindness, intelligence, artistic abilities.

Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, an aimless occupation, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of being in the kingdom of shadows.

Erich Fromm

The task of man is to expand the space of his destiny, to strengthen that which promotes life, as opposed to that which leads to death. When I talk about life and death, I don't mean the biological state, but the ways of a person's being, his interaction with the world.

Erich Fromm

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.

Erich Fromm

The main danger in life is excessive caution.

Alfred Adler

Harry Sullivan, psychoanalyst:

Love exists when another person's satisfaction and security become as important as one's own satisfaction and security.

John Gottman, psychotherapist:

The greatest obstacle to love is self-importance, which causes people to end marital relationships because they "deserve" the perfect partner.

Henry Dix, psychoanalyst:

The opposite of love is not hate at all. Both coexist as long as a living connection is maintained. The opposite of love is indifference.

Otto Kernberg, psychoanalyst:

In love relationships, there is a desire to complete oneself - starting with delight and satisfaction from the fact that the other accepts and even enjoys in us what we ourselves did not accept, and ending with overcoming the limitations of our own sex in a "bisexual" unity with a partner.

Heinz Kohut, psychoanalyst:

The greater the confidence with which a person is able to accept himself, the more certain his self-image, the more confidently and effectively he will express and offer his love without experiencing excessive fear of being rejected and humiliated.

Karl Menninger, psychoanalyst:

A huge number of people suffer from unrequited love for themselves.

Esther Perel, psychotherapist:

Love has a price, but should not require self-renunciation. It is difficult to find attractive someone who has completely renounced personal independence. It is probably possible to love such a person, but it is definitely difficult to lust. Not enough resistance and tension. Loving each other without losing yourself is the biggest difficulty in emotional intimacy.

Adam Phillips, psychoanalyst:

One way to love people is to recognize that they have desires that exclude us, that it is possible to love and desire more than one person at the same time. Everyone knows this is true, but we don't want those who love us to think that of themselves.

Viktor Frankl, existential psychologist:

Love inevitably enriches the one who loves. And if so, there can be no such thing as "unrequited, unhappy love." Love is the "experience" of another person in all its originality and uniqueness.

Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst:

If an individual loves only one person and is indifferent to others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or an overgrown narcissism.

Carl Jung, psychiatrist:

Where love reigns, there is no will to power; where the desire for power is paramount, love is absent. One is not a shadow of the other.

The selection presents statements collected by psychotherapist Konstantin Yagnyuk in the book “Under the sign of PSI. Aphorisms of famous psychologists.

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