What to do if you have autumn depression. Autumn depression: seasonal blues or dangerous disorder. In the world of dreams

Seasonal depression is four times more common in women than in men.

What is autumn depression? This is a state of depression, depression, the signs of which occur every year at about the same time - in the fall. By the spring, all her symptoms weaken, and in the summer they disappear completely.

Seasonal depression is four times more common in women than in men. Unlike ordinary depression, accompanied by insomnia, its autumn variety is characterized by increased drowsiness, the need for long sleep, increased appetite and, as a result, weight gain.

Autumn depression characterized by the following symptoms:

Loss of good mood, spleen;
- pessimism, negative outlook on life, melancholy;
- loss of interest in life, in favorite activities;
- fast fatiguability;
- constant fatigue without visible reasons, even after a night's sleep;
- sleep problems: insomnia or, conversely, constant drowsiness;
- unwillingness to do something;
- inability to make decisions, even the simplest ones;
- unwillingness to communicate with people;
- Decreased self-esteem.

What causes autumn depression? The main reason is purely physiological: the day is getting shorter and the night is getting longer. This causes the body to produce more melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced mainly at night.

He is responsible for The biological clock: increased production is necessary for the resting phase, and a small amount of melatonin during the day provides active state person. That is, the lack of light is one of the main causes of depression. It's just that the body ceases to clearly feel the line between night and day, and melatonin plunges it into a state of almost constant drowsiness.

Of course, there are other reasons as well. In autumn, the amount of vitamins obtained through food decreases. In addition, we begin to worry and worry more - the season of rest and holidays is over, a new working / academic year begins. Meanwhile, the calendar year is coming to an end, and, willy-nilly, we begin to sum up its results, which do not always meet our expectations.

Should depression be treated? Necessarily! Better yet, prevent.

Light therapy is often used to treat autumn depression. This is a method of treatment in which a person is provided daily with enough Sveta. Light therapy does not side effects, and improvements come in two weeks.

To prevent depression at the first sign of it, follow the recommendations below, which are quite simple to implement:

Take regular walks in nature daytime;
- Eat more fruits and vegetables, you can also drink a multivitamin complex;
- Eat foods containing the "hormone of happiness" serotonin - cheese, plums, figs, bananas, dark chocolate;
- surround yourself bright colors: colored cushions for the sofa, orange lampshade, bright red cup;
- buy yourself bright autumn clothes;
- replace tea and coffee with juices, such as orange or grapefruit;
- start the morning with a hot shower and a cup of cocoa with milk;
- use a shower gel with a citrus scent, especially in the morning;
- increase your social activity: plan meetings with friends, trips to the theater or discos;
- suit yourself fasting days: without TV, without watching the news, without social networks and gadgets.

And remember that depression is a lady who demands attention. If you ignore it, it will demand more and more attention.

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The onset of September, as a rule, will mark the change of warm and carefree days to gray working days. Typical autumn weather, which leads to fatigue and deterioration in performance. The change of season entails a change in biorhythms, which in itself. Unstable psycho emotional condition supplemented by regular showers, strong winds and slush, which only inspire melancholy. Similar state spirit is familiar to many and it is called "autumn". Consider the genesis of the problem and effective ways to eliminate it.

Autumn depression - what is it and why does it appear?

Autumn depression is a frequent seasonal mental disorder, which is characterized by a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Depression needs to be identified early dates, since the disorder can become the foundation for malaise and a “broken” state for several weeks, and sometimes months. Psychological dissatisfaction, as a rule, occurs in mid-October and can last until January.

Please note: autumn depression has significant differences from real depression and is primarily seasonal. This emotional state is not serious illness, but only manifests itself in a depressed mood and a number of other characteristic signs.

Causes of depression include:

  1. change of biorhythms - during the change of seasons, seasonal restructuring is observed, which affects changes in sleep and rest patterns, as well as the number of hours spent on sleep. The body can react to the ongoing changes extremely painfully;
  2. lack of sun good mood and an elevated state of mind directly depends on the hormone serotonin, which is produced under the influence of sunlight. In the absence of light, this hormone is converted to melatonin, which provokes a drowsiness, deterioration in performance and general malaise;
  3. beriberi - the body needs regular replenishment with vitamins and minerals, which are in short supply in autumn. Unlike fat, useful material cannot be stored "in reserve" and the body constantly requires new portions. In order to avoid bouts of the blues, it is recommended to focus on seasonal fruits and vegetables in the diet, which are represented by an impressive variety during the golden season;
  4. weather - a person tends to react to factors environment one of which is the weather. Cold snap, frequent rains and clouds inspire sad thoughts, even if there are no objective prerequisites for education.

Symptoms - how to recognize the autumn blues:

  • signs of insomnia;
  • increased irascibility;
  • lack of enjoyment of food;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • the emergence of sharp fears and concerns;
  • baseless guilt;
  • acute touchiness and tearfulness;
  • desire to spend time alone, protection from society;
  • regular sleepiness;
  • frequent desire to drink.

Risk group: who is most prone to autumn blues?

Women are most susceptible to autumn depression, since the amount of melatonin in the fair sex is twice as high. For women hallmark it may not be a lack of appetite, but rather a passionate desire for food, especially high-calorie and harmful. Especially brightly such attacks can be observed in the evening.

In addition, an unstable state threatens lonely people who often remain alone with themselves. Absence social life aggravated mental disorder, as a result of which it can be delayed.

To cope with the autumn depression more often than others have to people whose work activities are related to the service sector. In connection with work activities this category of citizens often experiences an overabundance in communication, “due to” which gives rise to emotional burnout.

Prone to depression and people who have recently returned from vacation. After rest and unlimited freedom, malaise and depression can develop against the background of work regulations and tight deadlines.

How to get rid of autumn depression:


If you are interested in the question: how to deal with autumn depression, then one of the recommended methods of confrontation is aromatherapy. Oils have a beneficial effect on the body, normalizing the emotional background, preventing Bad mood.

Autumn blues - how to get rid of:
  • lemon - causes a surge of energy and encourages creative activity;
  • grapefruit - eliminates signs of insecurity, helps relieve tension;
  • bergamot - inspires self-confidence, allows you to create a feeling that life is a success;
  • ylang-ylang - uplifts the state of mind;
  • geranium - promotes calm and inner harmony.

Tip: In combination with aromatherapy, color therapy should also be used. The influence of the surrounding gamut of colors on a person is a proven fact. Therefore, when your mood worsens, try to surround yourself with yellow, white, blue and coral shades.

Full sleep

One of the reasons for autumn malaise is the lack of sleep due to the change of biorhythms, so do not deny yourself good sleep and rest. At the same time, since a number of hormones and substances are released precisely at night and have no analogues. People who work at night or are forced to stay in the office regularly are more likely to fall under the influence of the "golden blues".

An additional factor of discomfort is cold and negative weather that "wear out" the body. Therefore, you need more time to recover.

Physical activity

Sports have a very positive effect on human body and causes the production of the hormone of happiness. Therefore, in the autumn, visits are of particular relevance. gyms. At the same time, it is recommended to rely on a sense of proportion and avoid reboots, exhausting workouts.

Autumn depression - how to deal with:
  1. light fitness;
  2. morning exercises;
  3. swimming;
  4. morning running.

Diet correction

In the cold season, our body needs warmth in all its manifestations. In autumn, on a subconscious level, we strive to spend time in a cozy atmosphere under the covers with a cup of hot tea. Psychologists recommend to give preference hot food and to focus on warm drinks, which can be very useful - herbal teas and fees.

It is also necessary to adjust the usual diet, giving preference to vitamin dishes (vegetables, fruits, legumes, foods containing protein). The body needs to be nourished with minerals and microcomponents, which provides proper nutrition. To cheer up, it is recommended to use bananas and kiwi, adding mint to tea, you will feel a surge of strength.

Avoid stress

During the seasonal restructuring in a new biological way, any disorder can be truly destructive. Therefore, in the fall it is especially important to protect yourself from any irritants and conflict situations.

Try to add small pleasant notes to your everyday schedule:
  • meeting friends in a cozy cafe,
  • tasty coffee,
  • cinema visit,
  • unplanned shopping,
  • doing what you love.
In order to protect yourself from bouts of despondency, it is recommended to use psychological tricks:
  1. preparation for the holidays - probably some people from your environment are preparing to celebrate a birthday or other significant event in the fall. Keep yourself busy looking for a gift, organizing a party. This will not only give you pleasure, but also strengthen friendly ties;
  2. expand your horizons - autumn is great for visiting exhibitions, galleries, museums. The alternative is leisure in the country or visiting an ice rink;
  3. get up and go to bed earlier - in this way, you will find more light, which will be favorably reflected in the emotional state;
  4. emphasis on light food- problems with overweight, which often appear in the fall, will only aggravate psychological instability;
  5. self-development - attending yoga courses, learning languages, creating a hobby. Leave no time for gloomy thoughts and frustrations;
  6. update your wardrobe - bright colors have a positive effect on mood, besides, new purchases are an additional reason for joy;
  7. more fluid - depression may occur against the background of insufficient plentiful drink, therefore please do .

Tell friends.

It has been noticed that with the advent of autumn days, people more often notice various ailments: they are mercilessly attacked by viruses, sharply remind themselves chronic ailments, fails the cardiovascular system. Also, with the onset of bad weather, many lose their courage, complain of oppressive melancholy, loss of strength. A person is not only sad about those who have flown sunny days rushing vacation, but also forced to change to a new rhythm of work in conditions of shortage sunlight. For most people, the autumn blues is temporary, and the mood is restored in a matter of days.

However, some go deep into their minor mood and note that depression manifests itself in many other ways. unpleasant symptoms. Autumn depression does not accept neglect to their “surprises”: an unresolved problem will worsen over time and cause significant damage to health.

What does seasonal depression give itself away, and how to get rid of pathological melancholy without swallowing handfuls of medicines, will be discussed in this post.

The reasons

Although, in the understanding of most contemporaries, depression in the fall is directly related to the decrease daylight hours, the predominance of cloudy and rainy weather, scientists have a different point of view about the causes of this endogenous disorder. Autumn depression can be triggered by a variety of negative external factors, however, the soil for the disease is "nurtured" by the person himself. Seasonal depression can be the result various factors, the main "culprits" of which are:

  • unfavorable heredity - a tendency at the genetic level to mood swings and focusing attention on one's bad feelings;
  • arising from stressful conditions deficiency of neurotransmitters that regulate the emotional sphere;
  • some somatic pathologies, disregulating functions of the central nervous system, thyroid gland or provoking metabolic disorders.

Often depression is a direct consequence of the problem of "growing up": raising a child in conditions of excessive criticism and exactingness from parents, which led to the formation of an inferiority complex.

Depression often occurs as a result of excessive physical or mental stress, being in extreme situations for the body after serious injury(for example: acquired disability);

Depression is usually fixed in people with a "special" structure of mental organization: suspicious, impressionable, overly responsible, overly pedantic. It is for this reason that autumn depression in women is recorded more often than in men.


Autumn depression has its classic signs: instability of emotional status, impaired cognitive functions and changes in habitual behavior. Moreover, for this seasonal disorder, various combinations of symptoms of different intensity are possible. Among the main, most common symptoms of autumn depression:

  • dreary mood, oppressive, regardless of the time of day and ongoing activities;
  • apathetic state, lack of desire to perform any actions, even those that were previously within the scope of interests;
  • lack of need for social contacts, or, conversely, the desire to draw attention to their problems;
  • a significant decline in working capacity, a decrease in the quality of work performed;
  • inability to focus on one type of activity, fussiness and incompleteness of actions, which further leads to irritation;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself and others, excessive demands, criticality;
  • bad night sleep with frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, rising early, combined with daytime sleepiness;
  • change eating behavior and taste preferences
  • irrational anxiety, the appearance of various fears, the anticipation of an imminent catastrophe;
  • "mental gum chewing": a condition in which a person continuously analyzes his life and tries to find new evidence of his worthlessness, which often results in suicidal attempts.


Unambiguous universal council about how to get rid of this endogenous disorder: taking medication, relying on or the possibilities of psychotherapy, it is impossible to give. In each case, the choice of treatment regimen depends on many factors:

  • stages of the disorder;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • degree of risk of suicidal actions;
  • peculiarities hereditary history(availability depressive disorders close relatives);
  • general human health, concomitant diseases and individual tolerability of medicines;
  • personal interpretation of feelings, preferences and financial situation of the patient.

Means and methods of self-help

“Any depression should be met with a smile.

Depression will think you're an idiot and run away."

Robert DeNiro

Most doctors are convinced that the primary measure for getting rid of the blues is precisely an independent thorough analysis of a person’s habitual lifestyle, elimination negative phenomena in the environment, making useful adjustments to the daily routine. How to deal with melancholy on your own? If you have overcome the autumn depression, follow the recommendations of experts and follow simple but effective steps.

Step 1. Reviewing your diet

For those who occasionally suffer from seasonal depression, it is not recommended to autumn period torture your body with now fashionable weight loss diets. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and protein foods in combination with emotional stress, which inevitably arises in response to the restriction of the amount of food, is an ideal soil for the predominance of a minor mood.

If autumn depression nevertheless captured emotions, you should use natural antidepressants: products that stimulate the synthesis of serotonin. Must be included in daily diet suppliers of the amino acid tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced in the body: bananas, dates, nuts, sea ​​fish, dairy products, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate. Depression requires replenishing the lack of vitamin D. This will help: beef liver, fatty varieties fish, seaweed, cheeses, chicken yolks, butter.

Although caffeine energizes for a short time, it is advisable to give preference to vitamin drinks: freshly squeezed grapefruit, orange, carrot, beetroot juice. Herbalists claim that autumn depression can be overcome by the healing abilities of infusions of St. John's wort, linden, hawthorn, thyme, rosehip. When depression overcomes in the off-season, it is recommended to take adaptogens: an infusion of lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that depression is not cured by alcohol, alcohol will only aggravate the severity of the disorder. We are guided by Remarque's saying: "It is better to pour out your sadness in front of the paintings of Delacroix, Rembrandt and Van Gogh than in front of a glass of vodka or surrounded by impotent pity and anger."

Step 2. Eliminate a bad mood with physical activity

How to deal with blues without medication? An effective way, conceived by nature itself: to move actively and a lot, preferably on fresh air. Depression will loosen its grip on jogging in a forested area, long walks in the park, football tournaments, hiking in the mountains, swimming in a natural reservoir. "Wash away" longing under the force contrast soul, and a Russian bath can expel a deeply penetrated ailment.

Try to perceive the time of bad weather as an ideal opportunity to devote time to self-improvement and look at your health. Your body will surely appreciate and thank you good mood for the hours devoted to the study of yoga complexes, wushu, fitness, shaping, aerobics. The secret to exercise success is simple: active movements blood flow in the brain is accelerated, metabolism improves, pleasure hormones - endorphins are synthesized, depression disappears.

Step 3. Use the resources of sunlight

Although in autumn the weather rarely spoils us with sunny, fine days, it is necessary to use the hours of daylight as fruitfully as possible. To do this, you should try to think over the regime in such a way as to get up with the first rays of the sun. Depression requires compliance with the rule: as soon as the clouds have cleared, we dress comfortably and go for a country walk.

In order to avoid internal discomfort caused by a reduction in the length of the day, care should be taken to sufficiently intense artificial lighting. A weekly visit to the solarium will help maintain a summer bronze tan and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Step 4. Adjust the sleep-wake mode

Almost always, depression is accompanied by insomnia, which, in turn, causes even more nervous tension and reduces performance. To break this vicious vicious circle, takes measures for a good night's rest:

  • going to bed at a certain time;
  • we have dinner no later than 2 hours before lights out;
  • we do not strain the "gyrus" before going to bed with scientific research;
  • we refuse to watch horror films and emotional TV programs in the evening;
  • we equip our sleeping place good quality mattress bed linen and comfortable pillow
  • well ventilate the room and observe temperature regime not higher than 20 degrees;
  • takes in evening time warm bath with pine extract;
  • drink a glass of sedative herbal collection.

Step 5. Discover the secrets of art

Creativity is capable of restoring a good mood. Depression will recede when visiting art exhibitions, classical theatrical performances, concerts, watching comedies or when trying yourself in painting, beadwork, vocal art. Remember, after playful summer colors and the color triumph of golden autumn, when gray and gloomy days come, a person develops an “aesthetic” hunger - a shortage of catchy saturated colors. Add bright details to your interior, give up the conservative black range of clothes, allow yourself a bold extravagant make-up.

Simple rules on how to deal with despondency: communicate with positive, cheerful optimists, hone your sense of humor, try to smile when faced with any trouble, compliment your reflection in the mirror.

Medical and psychotherapeutic treatment

AT difficult situations, when depression significantly complicates the usual rhythm of life, the desire to not only fulfill one's professional duties, but also to indulge in fun disappears, the conviction arises that life is aimless and unpromising, the only sure way out is to apply for medical care. The doctor will choose the appropriate program pharmacological treatment using a huge arsenal modern medicine. Usually, endogenous depression treated with serotonergic antidepressants such as fluoxetine.

A course of psychotherapy will not be superfluous, which will help to identify real reasons bad mood, reconsider the interpretation of the current situation, get rid of existing complexes, discover new facets of your personality and gain motivation for further actions.

Hello dear friends!

I often come across information on the networks about what autumn depression is and how to deal with it.

To be honest, I was always surprised, I don’t know such a state. Rather, a bad mood arises at the end of winter, when you are already tired of the cold and long nights and looking forward to spring.

And why in the fall, I do not understand. Moreover, over the summer we have accumulated beneficial vitamins, physically and morally recovered, rested on vacation at sea. It would seem that with the onset of autumn we have no reason for a sharp weakening.

But autumn blues and depression in women and sometimes in men for some reason appears. Let's figure it out.

Autumn depression symptoms

As soon as the daylight hours shorten, and leaves begin to fall from the trees, some people begin to feel tired, they are running out of strength and don’t feel like working at all, but they want to constantly sleep even during the day, they become whiny, they don’t go outside, but prefer to be sad at home , in general, the mood is not good at all.

These are the signs of the so-called autumn (or seasonal) depression.

They can last from autumn until the beginning of summer. And if such a state arose once, then it can be repeated year after year.

Recently, in the journal Vitamin Health, I read the advice of psychologist Olga Tenn and understood why this happens.

Cause of autumn depression

I knowingly wrote in the title "reason" in singular, because she is actually alone - the sun has become less! In this connection, people began to spend less time on the street, they do not have enough sunlight, and therefore the mood deteriorates.

But cloudy weather really has nothing to do with it.

Do you know that our ancestors didn't have any autumn/seasonal depression? There was a concept of "seasonal work": in the spring they sowed, in the summer they looked after the harvest, in the fall they gathered fruits, and in the winter they rested and arranged the most fun holidays.

The vitality for the winter rose and there could be no question of any depression.

In general, depression is a serious psychological illness that needs to be treated by doctors with medicines. This term has nothing to do with seasonal ill health.

In fact, there is no autumn depression! Its people come up with themselves to justify their inaction and bad mood.

It is very convenient to blame someone and blame everything on bad weather and rains.

But after all, we create the mood for ourselves, we ourselves color our life in bright or gray colors. What we want to see in our life depends on the color of the paint we choose.

And you need to urgently change your outlook on life!

Thus we moved on to practical advice how to get rid of autumn depression.

How to deal with autumn depression

Of course, you can eat a chocolate bar or a banana, but it’s better to take note following tips psychologists.

Tip 1. Analyze what is happening to you. Maybe it's not about bad weather, but in some problems between spouses, with children, at work, with material difficulties.

Tip 2. Since autumn depression is associated with a reduction in daylight hours, it should be treated with light.

Just be more in the light - on the street.

Tip 3. Bring more color into your life. Brighten up your wardrobe with bright colors. Autumn makeup should contain shades of rich colors and do not neglect it, even if you do not want to paint.

Tip 4. Don't forget about physical activity. Go in for sports, yoga, you can just at home. It would be nice to go for walks in any weather. After all, when you move, the hormone of joy is produced.

Tip 5. Create a good mood for yourself. Smile more often, give people compliments, be positive.

Go to the bathhouse or massage, get a new haircut and change your image.

Turn all the reasons for discouragement into advantages. For example, if it is raining outside, then this is a great opportunity to stay at home, read a book, watch a movie, knit.

Autumn depression is a common psychological condition a person, when, with the advent of autumn, his mood begins to deteriorate, his appetite decreases, and other symptoms characteristic of depression are also observed.

Fighting Autumn Depression Isn't So Much easy occupation as it might seem at first glance. The blues can visit anyone. Unfortunately, none of us are immune from this. It is better to overcome this state not alone, but in a circle of close people. But before you start getting rid of depression, it is necessary to find out real reasons. We will also consider the main ways to deal with autumn depression and, most importantly, how to get out of autumn depression.

Main reasons

In society, there is an opinion that depression in the fall occurs due to the fact that the duration of daylight hours begins to gradually decrease. As a result, for many people, for some reason, it begins to seem that the world is becoming callous, gray and wet. Agree, there are not many reasons for joy in such a situation.

FROM medical point of view, the causes of the autumn depression lie in a completely different way. In the human brain, a special substance called serotonin begins to be lacking. Please note that such a depressed state of a person can occur not only with a lack of this substance. Very often, autumn depression in women occurs with an excessive amount of serotonin in the brain.

It is quite easy to prove this assumption. To do this, you need to look at how autumn depression in men and women began to recede when they began to take special medications- serotonergic antidepressants. These are special drugs that increase the level active substance serotonin in the human brain.

There are also other factors that affect the appearance of autumn depression:

  • constant stressful situations;
  • overwork;
  • lack of sleep.

Therefore, before treating autumn depression, you need to carefully adjust your daily routine. You need to give your body a rest. Then it will be much easier to fight depression and everything will pass, as they say, "in one breath."

The main symptoms of autumn depression

You can overcome autumn depression only by finding out its main symptoms that manifest themselves in your body.

To classic symptoms autumn depression can be attributed to:

  • persistent depressed mood;
  • decreased interest in favorite activities;
  • trying to avoid best friends;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lack of desire to go out.

Such symptoms can be found in almost every person from time to time. But, this does not mean at all that everyone has a sudden autumn depression.

There are more additional symptoms that confirm the presence this disease in a person:

  • drowsiness appears during the daytime;
  • there is a constant decrease in appetite;
  • concentration of attention is significantly reduced;
  • there is apathy and indifference to the world around;
  • at night, insomnia often begins to disturb.

Also very often in patients there is an increased and causeless anxiety and motor restlessness. A person cannot find a place for himself, constantly worries without good reason. He fails to bring any case to its logical conclusion.

Often people with running stage autumn depression is observed:

  • feeling of own guilt in everything that happens around;
  • a person ceases to appreciate himself.

A person has thoughts that he has not done anything useful in this life for himself or for his loved ones. Therefore, he begins to blame himself for all the "mortal sins", although, in fact, this is not so.

Before you deal with autumn depression, you need to contact a specialist. If you are observed similar symptoms within 3 months, then you urgently need to contact your doctor. If you apply too late, the treatment can take much longer.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer how long the autumn depression lasts. Each person has depression, as the disease proceeds in different ways. Someone suffers only a few weeks, and someone cannot get rid of it for many months.

How to deal with autumn depression

How to cope with autumn depression, or how to survive autumn depression - these are the questions that he asks himself great amount of people. Universal remedy unfortunately does not exist. There are also different opinions about whether it is worth fighting depression on your own or only with the help of a doctor. Everything directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. In any case, for a correct diagnosis and exclusion various diseases, it is best to consult a doctor. Treating depression on your own sometimes only harms the human body.

So, what to do with autumn depression, and how to deal with it? First of all, you need to analyze your general state. You need to understand whether depression really significantly worsens the quality of your life, makes it meaningless, or whether you all came up with it yourself.

If this is the case, then you should contact your therapist or family doctor. You can also contact a psychiatrist directly. Don't be afraid to talk about your problem. This condition cannot last forever, so the doctor will help you deal with it as quickly as possible. Your doctor will likely prescribe antidepressants such as:

  • citalopram;
  • fluvoxamine;
  • fluoxetine.

These pills will perfectly cope with your problem and help solve it as much as possible. short time. In addition, from the first days of their use, most of the symptoms will disappear as if by hand.

Special psychotherapy will also be very useful. It will enhance the effect of drugs, and also help relieve the main symptoms of autumn depression. Besides, this good chance understand yourself, your feelings or just speak out. She will only benefit.

Of course, one session of psychotherapy will not play any role. However, an experienced psychologist will be able to prescribe required amount sessions, as well as select the right tactics treatment. In addition, he will tell you how not to fall into depression again and what you will need to do in the future to avoid it. It should be noted that male depression is much more difficult to treat, so men are recommended to without fail take a session with a psychologist or psychotherapist.


How not to fall into autumn depression, and how to avoid autumn depression is eternal questions. The arrival of autumn is always accompanied by cooling and rain. Well, how can you not be sad. Even the most cheerful and optimistic person can fall into a blues.

In order to prevent this from happening, you need to know not only how to deal with autumn blues, but also several ways to prevent this condition.

In some cases, people specifically take medications, such as antidepressants. . But, in no case should you prescribe medicines for yourself. Before using them, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Even if you take them every fall.

Very often, as a preventive measure, doctors prescribe thymostabilizers. These are special substances that help reduce mood swings. These include:

  • lithium carbonate;
  • carbamazepine and others.

You can also just follow these tips:

  • Nutrition should be varied and balanced. In addition, you need to eat regularly so that the body constantly receives the necessary dose of energy and nutrients.
  • Systematic sports also contribute to the prevention of autumn depression. physical activity should be selected based on the capabilities of your body.
  • Must be abandoned bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Only a small sip of good red wine is allowed. And the systematic use of beer or strong alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of depression.
  • Regular sleep and rest is especially necessary for the body in autumn. Don't overload yourself with work. This will negatively affect your health.

Taking these tips into service, you can easily cope with the autumn depression.

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